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#Angel Inventory#


Ariel's name means “Lioness of God”1, and she reflects these qualities, including bravery, courage, focus, and
elegant movements. If you notice images of lions or lionesses, this signals that Ariel is with you. Call upon her to
boost your confidence and courage.
Ariel loves all living beings, and gladly helps them all. She's a master manifestor, and she's especially supportive
of people who are healers, teachers, and service workers. She's very partial to the environmental area, and she
works closely with the nature angels [elementals] to protect and heal animals—particularly the birds, animals, and
fish who live near/in the water. One way to work with Ariel is to participate in environmental work, including
picking up trash near a lake, stream, or ocean; donating time or money to an environmental cause; or switching to
environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
Ariel is involved with Divine magic, which means instant manifestation of the highest will. Ariel helps attract any
support you need for your life's mission. Know that it's normal and “in-the-light” for miracles to occur in this
arena. Ariel's aura is a pale shade of pink, and if you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open
further to Ariel's magnificent love. Ask her for whatever you need, and she'll guide you accordingly.
Oversees the work of all nature spirits and holds the keys to the fairy kingdoms. U/Ariel = angels of Friday and of
the North Wind/North.

Azrael's aura is a beautiful shade of vanilla cream: a very pale yellow tone. He surrounds grieving and dying
persons with this loving light to bring them comfort. When Azrael is around, you may see eggshell-coloured
twinkling lights in the room. The crystal, creamy yellow calcite is calibrated to Azrael's energy, so
holding/wearing this crystal may bring additional comfort.
Azrael's name means “Whom God Helps”, and he helps those who are helpers. He's particularly interested in
helping counselors who work with the grieving or dying. Ask Azrael to guide your words and actions during
counseling sessions, and he'll help you remain patient and compassionate. He can also help you enter the
counseling profession and guide you toward schooling, internships, and a wonderful counseling practice.
Azrael is known as the “Angel of Death” since his primary role is to help people cross over to Summerland at the
time of their physical death. Far from being a morbid role, Azrael surrounds the newly crossed-over soul with
loving light to make the experience uplifting and comforting. Azrael helps deceased loved ones make contact with
their living family members and friends. You can ask Azrael to bring you a message or dream visitation from your
loved ones in Summerland.
In Tarot correspondences, Azrael is Death.

Chamuel's aura is pale green, like a springtime leaf in the morning sunlight. Wear or carry a green fluorite crystal
to feel closer to Chamuel's loving energy.
Chamuel's name means “He who sees God”. His ability to see clearly helps us find things, situations, and people.
He's renowned for helping people find the career best suited to their purpose and passions. Call upon Chamuel as
your career counselor often!
When you wish to feel more centered, calm, and peaceful, call upon Chamuel. He is the archangel of personal and
global peace. He's very kind, loving, and sweet, and he'll evoke a pleasant feeling of excitement when he works
with you. Know that Chamuel sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally.
Camael is a leader of the Powers, an angel of Tuesday, the angel of beauty (“Camael, angel of joy, descend upon
the earth and give beauty to all things”). Associated with Aries. An angel of Mars. His tarot association is


1 ACM gives it as meaning “Earth's great lord” or “shining Earth”.

As *the* messenger angel, Gabriel loves to help writers and journalists deliver healing messages. Like a loving
coach, she'll urge you to delegate your time and energy toward writing. Gabriel can also open doors that allow for
publication of your articles and books, if you'll ask for her assistance. Most of all, she'll help you enjoy writing.
Gabriel's name means “God is My Strength”2, and this phrase describes you as well. Regardless of your
background, you have God's strength pouring through you at all times. Gabriel can help you fearlessly tap into this
power. She'll reassure you that it's safe for you to be powerful, and protect you in all ways. Gabriel's aura is
copper, like her trumpet. When you wear the crystal stone citrine, or the precious metal copper, you readily
connect with her energy.
Gabriel works with mothers and children during all phases of conception, childbirth, adoption, and parenting. She
helps grown-up children as well. If your heart longs for some play time, call upon Gabriel to make all of the
arrangements. She'll guide you along as you nurture your inner child. If you ask her, Gabriel will also assist with
your own parenting desires and needs.
She is the angel of resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, birth, transformation, and mystery revealed, as well as
being a peacemaker. Chief of the guards who watch over Summerland. Her gifts include hope and messages from
the divine realms through the written word. She is the guardian of Goddess energy on earth and protects those in
service to the Goddess. She enjoys flowers. Horses, especially winged ones, are associated with Gabriel.
She is the protector of childbirth and pregnancy, and heralds the birth of prodigies. Her floral symbol is the lily,
the fleur-de-lis, which represents the triple aspect of the Goddess. Gabriel is thought to be the geneticist who
oversaw the breeding of Adam, and is connected to Lilith, Adam's first wife (who was born of the stars)3. She is
listed as being a Power and an angel of Monday, a fourth and eleventh hour angel of Sunday, the angel of January
(colour: white), the angelic essence of the West and the Western Wind, an angel of altitude, of dreams, of light, of
birth prophecy and conception, and of mercy. She is associated with Mars, Cancer and Pisces, and is a Moon
angel. Her tarot association is The Moon.

Haniel's aura is bluish-white, like the full moon's glow. The crystal associated with Haniel is the moonstone,
which has magical, nurturing energy associated with it. Wear or hold a moonstone whenever you wish to feel
close to Haniel. She will care for you with her nurturing mother energy and effect miracles with her love for you.
Haniel's name means “Glory of God”. Haniel can help you give glory to God by living at your highest potential.
She'll groom your hidden talents, and help you polish your skills. Then, when you apply your masterful ways to
your true passions, Divine magic occurs!
Haniel helps us honour our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of
ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about
yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.
Haniel is one of the Virtue leaders and as Hanael4 is the angel of December (colours: red and green). Hanael
carries missives to the divine ones and can be invoked as a defender against evil. There is an association with

Jeremiel's name means “Mercy of God”, and when you call upon him, Jeremiel delivers mercy to you and
everyone involved. Jeremiel guides you and others to act in loving ways. He also helps you adopt a merciful
outlook, which enables you to consistently treat yourself with respect and tender loving care.
One of Jeremiel's purposes is to help newly crossed-over souls review their lives. He also helps those who are still
living to make life reviews. Take time soon to be alone, and ask Jeremiel to help you review where you've been,
what you've learned, what patterns you're ready to release, and what you're grateful for in your life.
Jeremiel's aura is a deep eggplant purple. When you see sparkles of dark purple light, this is one way to know that
Jeremiel is with you. Jeremiel's crystal is the amethyst. When you wear an amethyst, you may feel even closer to
Jeremiel's kind and loving energy.
Angel of “true vision”, allowing those who call on him to ferret out the truth—of course, this may be at all costs.
His totem animal is the eagle. Remiel and Uriel have similar attributes. This angel is also in charge of the soul
integration process into a new human body, if one believes in reincarnation.

2 ACM gives it as meaning “governor of light” from “gabri” which means governor, and the suffix “el” which means
3 They aren't the same being.
4 ACM = “glory”.

Jophiel's name means “Beauty of God”. She sees beauty in everything and everyone, and helps you do the same.
Jophiel knows that when we spend regular time outdoors, we're cleared of lower energies, and naturally have a
more beautiful outlook on life. Call upon Jophiel to ease your schedule to allow for outdoor time: plan a nature-
based vacation, move to a more rural environment, start a butterfly garden, or just connect to nature in any way
that pleases you.
Jophiel helps us experience more grace and peace in our lives through slowing down and noticing the beauty that
already surrounds. She asks us to savour and enjoy each moment, rather than hinging our happiness on some
future goals. Call upon Jophiel anytime you feel rushed, stressed, or unhappy. She'll increase your awareness and
appreciation of life's everyday miracles.
Jophiel's aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving, and caring nature. Dark pink crystals, such as
pink rubelite, are associated with Jophiel's energy. Anytime you're involved with redecorating or spring cleaning
call upon Jophiel to help you. It's like having your own spiritual interior decorator and fengh shui consultant!

Metatron is one of two archangels who once walked upon Earth as a human man. [Allegedly] Metatron was the
prophet and scribe Enoch, who ascended after his exemplary Earth life. He continues working as a scribe and
record keeper in Summerland. He helps people develop organizational and record-keeping skills as well. When
you call upon Metatron, he motivates you to organize your priorities.
If you feel drawn to help children (your own, or children in general), ask Metatron for an assignment that mirrors
your natural talents and interests. Metatron works closely with psychic and sensitive kids, and he loves to help
adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contacts, or other support for this mission, call
upon Metatron. He'll help you manifest your needs so your focus can be directed toward his beloved Crystal and
Indigo Children.
Metatron's aura is beautiful violet and sea foam-green stripes. The crystal aligned with Metatron's energy is
watermelon tourmaline.
Metatron is (perhaps) a ruler of the Seraphim. We have him down as a superangel. He links the human to the
divine. When invoked, Metatron appears as a pillar of fire, as dazzling as the sun. He is both the creator and the
librarian of the Akashic records. Metatron is the writer of truth and gives inspiration and knowledge to humans.
Associated with the Shekinah (Metatron is the male aspect, Shekinah the female aspect). An angel of prayer,
song, and Gaia. Tarot associations are The Hierophant and The Sun.

Michael's chief role is to escourt away the lower energies of fear. If you become worried or anxious, mentally ask
Michael to bring you peace. You can also ask that he clear your home, office, vehicle, or community of toxic
energies. After you call upon Michael, you'll likely notice a warm feeling. That's because he has a fiery warrior
spirit. You can ask Michael to stay with you continuously, as he's able to be with everyone who calls upon him
Michael's name means “He Who is Like God”, since he emanates the Creatrix's awesome qualities of love, power,
strength, and unwavering faith. When you call upon Michael, your own similar qualities are enhanced and
magnified. Ask Michael to enter your dreams and clear away any fears that are blocking you from fully enjoying
and living your spiritual gifts and qualities. Michael works especially well with us while we're sleeping, since
that's when we're more open-minded and receptive.
Michael's aura is royal blue mixed with tinges of royal purple. When he's nearby, you may see cobalt-blue
sparkles of light. The crystal stone sugalite is aligned with Archangel Michael's energy. If you wear a sugalite
pendant, you may find yourself channeling profound and loving messages from Michael when you speak.
Michael is the chief of the order of Virtues; chief of the Archangels; angel of repentance, righteousness, and
mercy; and the ruler of the fourth heaven. His mystery name is Sabbathiel, and in Islam he is known as Mika'il.
He is an avenging angel, traditionally depicted wearing armour. He has the peacocks feathers wings. Traditionally
he carries a blazing sword, but today his weapon is the written word and not military rockets. He is the chief
guardian of police officers, security guards, hunters, and armed service personnel. Tands firm as the guardian of
the Goddess on the astral planes, wherein he protects her energy from the onslaughts of the patriarchy. Michael
has a special talent for cleansing anything, from people to places. He watches over all bodies of water. His
festival, Michaelmas, takes place on September 29. On Sundays, he's hour #1 and #8. He's the angel of snow,
mercy, Gaia, and prayer. His direction is South and he's the angel of the southern wind. He's associated with Leo,
the sun, Mercury, and Saturn.

Raguel's name means “Friend of God”, and his principal role is to create harmony and order in relationships. He
has the power to resolve disputes, and is often referred to as “The Archangel of Justice and Fairness”. If you find
yourself in a dispute, ask Raguel to act as mediator. He'll come up with a creative resolution in which everyone
Like an air-traffic controller, Raguel oversees archangels and angels, ensuring harmony, cooperation, and order
among them all. In this same way, he'll help you sort all your feelings, enabling you to notice, understand, and
follow them.
Raguel has beautiful pale-blue energy, like the sky on a perfect spring morning. He's the archangel who guides
people to act in fair and just ways, and Raguel also gives us faith in humanity's essential goodness. Wearing or
holding an aquamarine crystal will align you with Raguel's kind and wise persona.

Raphael's name means “Whom God Heals”5, and he is known as the healing angel in charge of physical healings
for all living beings. Often, Raphael gives us Divine guidance (intuition, thoughts, ideas, dreams, and so on) about
how we can participate in keeping our bodies healthy. When you call upon Raphael for a healing, pay attention to
inner impressions, and be sure to follow through upon guidance that calls you to take action.
Raphael is Summerland's physician, and he prescribes preventative and curative medicine in the form of Divine
intervention and guidance. In the former, he swoops into the situation and surrounds it with his emerald-green
healing light and love—and the situation is instantly healed. But in the latter (which is actually more common),
Raphael will give you intuition and hunches showing how you can help with the healing.
Ask Raphael to surround anything needing healing with his emerald-green aura. The crystals that are aligned with
Raphael's healing energy are emeralds and malachite.
Raphael's main task is to heal the earth and, through the earth, all those on it. He takes care of sickness, disease,
and imbalance in all Gaia's children. Known as the angel of the sun, he rules science and knowledge. He is the
ruling prince of the second heaven, and overseer of evening winds, guardian of the tree of life. He is the angel of
love and laughter. He is a guide in the underworld, as well as the patron angel of doctors, nurses, midwives,
alternative healers, travelers, and those who have lost their sight. He is the angel of magickal tools and the
mysteries that surround them.
Raphael has an affinity with young people and creativity. Some say he is the supervisor of all GA. He has a sense
of humour and likes jokes and playful times. He looks out for those starting new spiritual paths or those who are
striving to excel on their chosen journey of enlightenment. He likes to visit unsuspecting mortals and chat with
them (the “incognito” angel). He carries a caduceus.

Archangel Raziel's name means “Secrets of God” and this archangel will help you understand esoteric and
spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. Call upon Raziel to assist your alchemical work—to turn ideas
into gold.
As the wizard and alchemist of the archangel realm, Raziel helps us understand ideas that defy normal logic. He
expands and challenges everyday thinking in ways that ultimately have healing effects. If you hunger for deep
spiritual understanding, ask Raziel to enter your dreams. You'll soul-travel with him to classrooms where he'll
help you uncover truths and secrets. Upon awakening, you may not fully remember or understand Raziel's
teachings, yet this knowledge is permanently embedded in your subconscious, where it guides you throughout
each day.
Raziel's aura holds all the colours in the rainbow, like a beautiful prism of light. Working with clear quartz
crystals magnifies clairvoyance and helps you feel closer to Raziel.
Angel of mysteries. Wrote the Book of the Angel Raziel, which contains all earthly and celestial knowledge. A
Divine snoop with compassion. When invoked, he appears as a brilliant white fire. He commands the Hyyoth, aka
the four heavenly beasts associated with the female Shekinah (they hold up the universe, and function as the
angels of fire).

Sandalphon is one of two archangels who were mortal men, who lived such remarkable spiritual lives that they

5 Strictly speaking (according to ACM) it means “shining healer”. His original name was Labbiel.

ascended into archangeldom (the other one is Metatron). Sandalphon can help your life be a masterpiece as well.
Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully
awakened. Sandalphon can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone. He'll also help you
appreciate all the miracles and victories—of every size—in your life.
One of Sandalphon's principal roles is to deliver and answer our prayers. Sandalphon says that every prayer is
heard and answered (although the answer may come in a different form than we expect). All prayers are of equal
importance in Summerland, and there are plenty of angels to help everyone on Earth. Call upon Sandalphon when
you need help in allowing yourself to receive.
Sandalphon's aura is a calming and cool shade of turquoise, like the translucent tropical ocean. Meditate upon this
colour, or hold the stone associated with his energy—turquoise—and feel your heart rate and breathing become
quieter. Sandalphon can help your words and actions to be kind and gentle, yet powerful. As the archangel
associated with music, you can feel his presence strongly when you listen to music, sing, or play a musical
Noted as an angel of prayer and brother of Metatron.

Shekinah is known as “glory emanating from the divine” and stands for liberation. Many see her as “the Holy
Ghost”. In Jewish lore, Shekinah stands between the creator and the human. When Adam and Eve left Eden, she
remained. The purpose of the universe is to reunite male with female; creator with creatrix; Metatron with

Uriel's name means “The Light of God”. He's known for his ability to enlighten our minds with Divine inspiration.
Anytime you need answers or insights, call upon Uriel. He answers anyone who calls upon him. You'll know that
Uriel has answered when you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving, and helpful. If you need
facts in a hurry (such as during a test or important meeting), Uriel will supply you with the information. After you
ask him for help, the answer will pop into your mind. Trust the information that he supplies.
Uriel helps to illuminate cloudy situations by lighting your pathway. He usually only lights one step at a time,
however, so you may not be able to clearly discern the ultimate outcome of your actions. But you will know what
step to take next—all along the way—with Uriel's help.
Uriel's energy is pale yellow, like a candle's glow. Whenever you need ideas or intellectual guidance, contact
Uriel. His energy is aligned with the amber crystal.
Uriel gave the interpretations of the mysteries of magick to humans and is especially kind to those born in
September. He is the protector of psychics and all who seek to foretell the future for the good of humankind, as
well as journalists, teachers, and writers. He is in charge of natural phenomena, such as tornadoes, thunderstorms,
hurricanes, volcanoes, and earthquakes. Uriel's archetype is the god of the sun. He's a “terminator” angel, as
unswerving in duty as a forty-ton truck traveling ninety miles an hour with no brakes. U/Ariel = angel of Friday
and the North Wind/North.

Zadkiel is the ultimate spiritual professor. He's patient, kind, and has access to all knowledge. He's widely known
for his ability to help human memory function. If you need to remember or memorize any information, ask
Zadkiel to assist. Anything that you need to know, Zadkiel is glad to teach you. Just ask him questions in order to
elicit his help. Sometimes Zadkiel uses the Socratic method of teaching, which means that he'll lead you so you
can learn for yourself. Being observant of patterns in everything you see, hear, and think is the best way to benefit
from Zadkiel's teachings.
Zadkiel's name means “Righteousness of God”, and he helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and
others. Ask him to come into your dreams and act like a chimney sweep, clearing away any emotional toxins from
your heart. He'll ensure that everyone's needs are met, and that emotional healings occur in miraculous ways.
Zadkiel's aura is a deep indigo blue. When you wear the mineral lapis lazuli, you may feel a closer connection to
Zadkiel. Hold this stone above your eyebrows to awaken your ear chakras and to clearly hear the voice of the
Zadkiel is associated with Mercury and Jupiter, and is a prince of the Dominions.

Angels associated with Air
Of What Who
Air (general) Chasan, Casmaron, Cherub, Iahmel
Altitudes Barachiel, Gabriel, Gediel
Announcements Sirushi (Persian)
Birds Arael, Anpiel
Communication & protection Ambriel
Dawn Hlm hml
Doves Alphun
Dreams Gabriel
Free Will Tabris
Grace Ananchel
Hurricanes Zamiel, Zaafiel
Intellectual achievements Akriel
Inventions Liwet
Memory and tolerance Mupiel
Moderation Baglis
Noonday winds Nariel
North wind Cahiroum
Philosophers and meditation Iahhel
Positive thoughts Vohumanah
Prayers Akatriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Michael
Protection for libraries, archives, and places of learning Dina
Purity Taharial (cleanses both thoughts and surroundings)
Secrets and hidden knowledge Satarel
Sky Sahaqiel
Storms Zakkiel, Zaamael
Of those who seek the truth Haamiah
Thunder Ramiel, Uriel
Truth Armait (also harmony, goodness, and wisdom)
Twilight Aftiel
Whirlwind Rashiel, Zavael
Wind Moriel, Ruhiel, Rujiel, Ben Nez
Writing inspiration Ecanus

Angels associated with Fire

Of what Who
Burning bush Zagzagel
Comets Zikiel/Ziquiel, Akhibel

Of what Who
Constellations Kakabel/Kochbiel, Rahtiel
Creativity and vivid imagination Samandriel
Disk of the sun Chur (ancient Persian), Galgaliel
Fire Nathaniel/Nathanel, Arel, Atuniel, Jehoel, Ardarel,
Gabriel, Seraph
Flame El Auria (which is equated with Ouriel [Uriel])
Good cause Nemamiah (warrior angel)
Inspiration in art and beauty Hael
Light Isaaz, Gabriel, Jesus, Mihr (Parsi religion), Parvagigar
Light of day Shamshiel
Lights (general) Raphael as regent of sun, Uriel, Shamshiel
Love, passion, romance, and soul mates Anael
North star Abathur, Muzania, Arhum Hii, and four angels in
Mandean lore
Song Uriel, Radueriel, Israfel, Shemiel, Metatron
Success and good fortune Barakiel
Star of love Anael
Stars Kakabel, Kohabiel
Sun's rays Schachlil

Angels associated with Water

Of what Who
Aquatic animals Manakel
Beauty Camael
Birth prophecy and conception Gabriel
Childbirth and breast milk Ardousius
Compassion Rachmiel, Raphael
The deep Tamiel, Rampel, Rahab
Fish Gagiel, Arariel, Azareel
Gratitude Shemael
Hail Bardiel/Baradiel/Barchiel, Nuriel, Yurkami
Healing body, mind, and spirit Shekinah
Intuitive powers Sachiel
Liberation and independence Colopatiron (unlocks prison gates)
Longevity Mumiah, Scheiah, Rehail
Love Raphael, Rahmiel, Theliel, Donquel, Anael, Liwet,
Mercy Michael, Gabriel, Rhamiel, Rachmiel, Zadkiel
Overcome jealousy Balthial
Peace and balance Gavreel

Of what Who
Platonic love and friendship Mihr
Positive and loving thought Hahaiah
Protection for travel over water Elemiah
Rain Matarel, Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel (say them in chant
sequence); also Zalbesael/Zelebsel, Dara (Persian)
River Jordan Silmai, Nibdai
Rivers Trsiel, Dara (Persian), Michael
Running streams Nahaliel, Michael
Science and medicine Mumiah, Raphael
Sea Rahab, Michael
Showers Zaa'fiel, Michael
Snow Shalgiel, Michael
Water insects Shakziel
Waters Phul, Michael
Wiccanings and baptisms Raphael, Barpharanges
Wild fowl Trgiaob

Angels associated with Earth

Of what Who
Abundance Barbelo (female—goodness, faith, and integrity, as well
as success and abundance)
Agriculture Risnuch
Alchemy and mineralogy Och
Commerce Anauel (success, commerce, prosperity; protection for
those who own or want to start their own business)
Creeping things Trgiaob
Deserts Unnamed
Domesticated animals Hariel (in charge of protecting dogs, cats, other pets,
and farm animals)
Dust Suphlatus
Earthquakes Sui'el, Rashiel
Farmers Sofiel
Fertility Samandiriel, Yushamin
Food Manna
Forests Zuphlas
Fruit and fruit trees Teiaiel or Isiahiel, Adad (Assyro-Babylonian)
Fruition Anahita (female—protector of those who care for
nature and keep the earth fruitful)
Gardens Cathetel (increases the growth and yield of vegetables
and fruits and assists in keeping them healthy)
Herbs Unnamed

Of what Who
The hills Unnamed
Mountains Mehabiah
Nourishment Isda
Plants Sachluph
Protection of small children and young animals Afriel
Tame beasts Behemiel, Thegri/Thuriel, Mtniel, Jehiel, Hayyal
Trees Maktiel, Zuphlas
Vegetables Sealiah, Sofiel
Wild beasts Mtniel, Jehiel, Hayyel (will also help in stopping the
extinction of wild animals)
Wild birds Trgiaob
Wilderness Orifiel (protects the wilderness and those who care for
Gaia Michael, Jehoel, Metatron, Sar ha-Olam, Mammon

RavenWolf, Silver. Angels: Companions in Magick. Llewellyn Publications Woodbury MN: First
Revised Edition 2006.
Virtue, Doreen. Archangel Oracle Cards. Hayhouse Inc US: 2004.

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