Gaudiya Math Chennai / A Short Note

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All Glory to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga


A short note about Sree Gaudiya Math, Madras

Sri Gaudiya Math, Madras was established in the year 1932, 23rd January as one of the 64
branches of Sri Chaitanya Math, Sree Mayapur, the Birth Place of Bhagavan Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
situated in West Bengal (parent organisation of Gaudiya Vaishnava Movement spread throughout the
In the 15th Century due to political turmoil and rigid casteism the people of the country were
oppressed and rampant conversion was going on. So to save the Sanatana Dharma the Supreme
Lord Himself made His Advent as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and by propagating the religion of
Love and fraternity brought the people into one fold without any distinction of caste, creed, colour
or nation. To Him Love is only the criterion before which no other socio-religious distinction could
prevail. He proclaimed equality of human race in the field of God-Love. Through His hurricane tour
in preaching the religion throughout the country He flooded the entire country with the current of
Bhakti or devotion to the God. People from all walks of life particularly the intelligentsia not only
subscribed to His view but also dedicated themselves to the cause of His mission. Sri Raya Ramananda,
the then Governor of South Zone of Orissa kingdom, Sri Sanatana and Sri Rupa, the ministers of king
Hussain Shah, Sri Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, the greatest Vedantic Scholar, who was the court-
pandit of king Pratap Rudra and host of others dedicated themselves to His cause. So in no time a
vast literature grew up which is the spiritual guide of people for all times. His mission was carried out
to its prestine glory by the Goswamis of Vrindavan.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has special love for South India. He made extensive tour of South
India which took about two years. Therefore the Founder Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Math, Prabhupad
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur also had special interest for the South and
established several branches in South for propagating the cult for the spiritual benefit of the people. In
due course Sri Gaudiya Math, Madras became one of the principle centres in South. It has become
now popular to the people of the South for philosophical and theological matters. Besides the
masses the men of letters are now closely associated with the Math. Owing to innumerable publications
in English, Tamil, Telugu and also through the medium of discussions and discourses, bhajans, kirtan
and occasional religious celebrations, holding of seminars and symposiums this Madras Centre has
become a great centre of religion.
It has transcended the Sampradayic bigotry. So Swamijis, heads of all Sampradayas also
occasionally come and participate at seminars and even political savants including Dr. Rajendra Prasad,
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Sir C. Rajagopalachari, almost all the Governors of South States, Ministers,
Vice chancellors, High Court Chief Justices, Judges and high officials have participated and also
closely made or make themselves associated with the Math. The National Papers, Television, All
India Radio also come forward to cover the news of the seminars, conferences and publishing valuable
As the Math generally follows the Prema Bhakti of Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavadgita, Sri
Krishna Jayanti is celebrated as the annual function of the Math with a programme of Theistic Exhibition,
discourses, bhajans and kirtans on the various aspects of Sri Krishna Leela and life of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu for about 15 days and thousands of people participate.
The Math holds regular discourses and Bhajan twice everyday and six times puja to the Temple
Deities. Dedicated celebates – the Brahmacharis and Sanyasis who all lead a practical way of
Spiritual life are the only persons residing in the Math and they lead the people and look after the affairs
of the Math. Math does not hold any fund yet its activities are smoothly carried out with the philanthropic
contributions of the devotees. The Math believes that the essence of religion is not merely confined to
just a few rites and ceremonies, but it remains at a much higher realistic idealism which might very well
be called self-dedication to the Supreme Lord.
Sri Gaudiya Math –– a Historical and Descriptive Sketch:
From Lord Sri Krishna, Causes of all causes, the preceptorial line flows eternally in the following
order of spiritual succession, –– Sree Madhavendra Puri being the first seed of the tree of Prema
Bhakti. Then comes Sree Iswara Puri and after him Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Absolute Himself,
manifesting the Leela of being Receipient of the transcendental knowledge in the line of Brahmâ. From
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu the same preceptorial order is continued through Sree Sanatana Goswami,
Sree Rupa Goswami, Sree Raghunath Das Goswami, Sree Jiva Goswami, Sree Krishnadas Kaviraj
Goswami, Thakur Narottam, Sree Viswanath Chakravorty Thakur, Sree Baladeva Vidyabhushan,
Vaishnava Sarvabhauma Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj, Sree Bhakti Vinode Thakur, Srila Gaura
Kishore Das Babaji Maharaj and His Divine Grace Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati
Goswami Thakur. This is the Bhagavata Parampara or the Divine Preceptorial Order.
Later on there came a time when the doctrine of Divine Love was misrepresented and wrongly
practised in diverse ways and from out of such apostasies new doctrines sprang forth under the name
of the Religion of Love which came to be misidentified with the principles of the elevationist and
salvationist schools. Sree Visvanath Chakravorty and Sri Baladeva Vidyabhushan who appeared at
a subsequent period, re-asserted the true standard of the Doctrine against enemies and pseudo-
followers. Then followed a period of stagnation, the dark age of the Religion. In this way the current
of the genuine preceptorial teaching remained withdrawn from the view of the people and its principles
and practices were utterly forgotten. The magnitude of the evil brought about its own remedy. At the
moment of the greatest depression Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode by the Will of the Supreme Lord made
his appearance in the Divine Preceptorial Order in succession to Srila Jagannath Das Babaji Maharaj,
the then universally recognised spiritual leader of the devotees of Vrajamandal, Gaudamandal and
Kshetramandal, for making the genuine teaching of Supreme Lord Sree Krishna Chaitanya once more
available to the people. Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode was a most prolific writer and his more important
published works on the subject of pure devotion in different languages run upto the neighbourhood of
a century. He edited religious periodicals, rediscovered and edited the standard works of the Gaudiya
school, identified the birth-site of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the other sacred places in Navadwip
revived Sri Visva Vaishnava Raj Sabha founded by Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana, re-instated in its pure
form the congregational chant of the Holy Name and commenced an active preaching propaganda
from the pulpit.
In furtherance of his purposes Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode attacked the evil at its source by
undertaking the suppression of the worst transgressions against public order and decency that were
practised with impunity by the pseudo-Vaishnavas in Vrajamandal in the name of religion. Srila
Gaurakishore Das Babaji who attended the discourses of Srila Thakur Bhakti Vinode as well as Srila
Jagannath Das Babaji had been living in Vrajamandal for a long period before they ultimately settled
down in Gauda Mandal, in order by their conduct to bear testimony to the truth of the doctrine of the
identity of Sri Gaudamandal with Sree Vrajamandal. The revolution in religious thought that was
brought about by these occurrences which ushered in the new Movement is now known all over the
world. To Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur all mental speculation, historical secularism, allegorical
interpretation, the points of view of elevationism and salvationism alike appeared as mere rubbish by
close scrutiny in the light of the pure Bhagavat Dharma. His precepts and examples, though they have
since met with many setbacks in slights and insults, have always maintained intact their fundamental
features of uncompromising relinquishment of asatsanga and a preservation of the absolute purity of
Divine service in the shape of pleasing the senses of Krishna. This consummation has been due in no
small measure to theTranscendental Personality of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur,
the Founder-Acharya of Sri Gaudiya Maths and the present Gaudiya Vaishnava Movement throughout
the world.
Summoned to take charge of the tiny villa where alone the sage Bhakti Vinode Thakur hailed the
spirit of the Lord Chaitaya, Paramahamsa Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur quietly
went there and remained for a long period absorbed in the devotional activities. He completed chanting
100 crores of Harinama at that time. A circle of his followers not more than half a dozen in number
headed by Bhagavataratna Acharyatrika Kunjabehari Vidyabhushan, later stages known as Srila Bhakti
Vilas Tirtha Maharaj, the life and soul of the Gaudiya organisation, drew the master’s attention to the
vital necessity of his removing to Kolkata so that hundreds of other seekers of truth might profit by his
The various branch Maths were established approximately in the following order of time. The
Teaching of Mahaprabhu was carried beyond the shores of India by Two Sanyasi preachers
Tridandiswami Srimad Bhakti Pradeep Tirtha Maharaj and Srimad Bhakti Hriday Bon Maharaj
particularly for a long span of 30 years who met Viceroys, Queens, King George V, Hitler and such
other dignitaries, and he is the first Indian Monk who spoke in British Parliament and he also delivered
lectures in renowned Universities throughout the world and received six doctorates also. (In later days
Swami A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Maharaj preached in western countries and spread Sri Chaitanya’s
message and he established a vast Vaishnava Kingdom). Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
started publishing magazines in Bengali, Oriya, Hindi, English etc. He set out on the circumambulation
of the Gaudamandal with a large company of devotees and installed 108 Foot-Prints shrines of
Mahaprabhu at those places that have been sanctified by the Dust of His Divine Feet.
Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur (6.2.1874 to 1.1.1937):
The most revered Swamiji came to fulfill the Mission of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and he
took up the threads where Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu left. It is he who has given to the modern world
an authentic account and commentary on the life and teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in
the light of the Upanishads and Vedanta. He established more than sixty-four Maths throughout India
and abroad where Brahmachairs and Sanyasis in hundreds are trained in monastic life of purity and
asceticism to carry his message from door to door.
The Swamiji was pre-eminently a philosopher. His ideas were rational and always logical, that
was why he never failed to attract the intelligentsia. He asked the people not to have a blind faith.
Faith, if not solidly based on a philosophical conception, is likely to be shaken. He was uncompromising
and orthodox in bringing out the Truth in its intrinsic purity. He was a fighter for the establishment of
truth and the dignity of Vaishnava character, an upholder and protector of Gaudiya Vaishnava Faith.
His untiring efforts and many sided activities for the spread and dissemination of Vaishnavism were
unprecedented in the annals of Vaishnavism.
He is democrat of the democrats. He says: ‘‘GOD IS WORSHIPPED NOT ONLY BY
OTHERWISE BY THE ACCIDENT OF YOUR BIRTH’’. He started a countrywide movement
to carry the message of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His sole aim in life in all this was to see that
the Divine Incarnation, Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is recognised and worshipped, His teachings
are followed and His songs are sung in every part of India. (Now we see his wishes are fulfilled by
successive disciples in western countries also).
Gaudiya Math – Its Message and Activities :
It may be asked – what does the Gaudiya Math do? Is the Gaudiya Math merely one other
association like the thousands of sects that are to be found in this world? Or, is the Gaudiya Math one
of the many mischievous organisations that carry on their activities in the world? What work does the
Gaudiya Math do for the benefit of the world? Is the Gaudiya Math affectionate like a mother, a
protector like a father or a helper like a brother? What good does the Gaudiya Math do to the world,
what well-being of society does it desire, what very valuable service does it render to mankind that
the world, the civilized world, or the whole of mankind, should listen to its message? –– Many such
questions may arise in our minds.
The Gaudiya Math is not an association like the thousands of sects. The Gaudiya Math is not
desirous of the welfare or non-welfare of the world like other benefit-or-mischief-making societies.
The Gaudiya Math does not do work that is beneficial or harmful in terms of worldly enjoyments.
The Gaudiya Math is neither affectionate nor cruel like a worldly mother, neither protector nor destroyer
like a worldly father, neither helper nor enemy like a worldly brother. What then is this Gaudiya Math
that the world should listen to its words?
The majority of the people of the world, although they profess to be positivists, fail to see,
although it must be quite patent, the greatest of all the phenomena. They at any rate forget it in practice
even when they appear to know. The greatest of the positivists like Charvaka, although he could not
but have observed this greatest of all the phenomena, failed to take notice of it; that great phenomenon
is generally known by the name of Death. If the memory of this great event is retained in our minds we
would assuredly be solicitous of the Amrita (deathlessness). The Shruti says we are all children of the
Amrita – heirs of the Amrita.
In this world there are found two kinds of endeavour for obtaining this Amrita. Like unto the
sons of kings of the epochs recorded in history some try to ascend the throne of their father by treason
against the father; on the other hand loyal sons in seeking to be heirs of a kind-hearted and affectionate
father look upon constant service as being both the means and the end.
The Gaudiya Math understands the last-named as being the appropriate and eternal method.
Why is it appropriate? Because – ‘‘Sri Krishna, the tidings of Whom whosoever listens to or sings is
sanctified; the Benefactor of all holy persons, appearing in the hearts of all who listen to the accounts
of Himself destroys the evil propensities of their hearts to the very root’’ (Srimad Bhagavatam). This
seed of sin or sinful desire or ignorance, Avidya is the cause of the worldly sojourn of the Jiva.
Just as the best physician, even if the patient evinces a desire for unwholesome food, does not
allow it; in like manner he who is himself aware of Nishreyah, the highest good never advises an
ignorant person to do karma, work for his own interest.
Most people of the world forgetful of their own Home under the spell of the enchantress are
running headlong in the opposite direction – in this performance again their intoxication, eagerness,
concentration and firm determination are so intense that they have indeed very little opportunity to
think about Home. But the voice of the Gaudiya Math, the flying, red-tinted banner of Gaudiya Math
arresting the ear and the eye of all persons is ever proclaiming ‘‘SAY KRISHNA, COME ALONG;
The Gaudiya Math says, ‘‘All men of the world without exception are our kin–all birds and
beasts, grass and shrubs are our kindred; whatsoever existing belongs to our Supreme Lord; we shall
conduct our kindred from out of the spells of the enchantress towards Home. We shall not be showing
for the time being sweet sympathy for them by enabling those who have fallen into the snares of the
enchantress to get more deeply entangled. Even if under spell of the enchantress they fill heaven and
earth with their loud protestations against our endeavours we will still prclaim the message of the
Amrita to them. ‘‘Ye that are born as men in the land of Bharata, attaining the significance of
human life do good unto others’’.
The Gaudiya Math embracing all without exception the inhabitants of the unverse, in sadness
calling upon all to turn their face towards God to be preachers of this Bhakti denoted by Kirtana, says
– ‘‘Ye the righteous, bidding good-bye to everything from a distance , offer the devotion of
your hearts to the Feet of Chaitanya-Chandra’’.
The life led by the inmates of the Gaudiya Math is a matter of Supreme interest to everyone of us.
It is not possible to convey the adequate idea of it by description. It is necessary to live under the roof
of the Gaudiya Math with a perfectly open mind to realise the spirit of its atmosphere of pure service.
The Gaudiya Math is not the place for those who are disposed to be merely critical. They will
not find anything that is flattering to their passion of destructive criticism. Those who are sincerely
desirous of learning to live a life of service and are prepared to put forth their serious
endeavour in all real humility for this purpose are sure to be benefited.
The Gaudiya Math is a truly scientific, catholic, practical seminary for ensuring the
highest spiritual benefit of all persons without distinction of caste, creed, colour, sex or age.
Madras Gaudiya Math:
The Founder Acharya Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur established
the Madras Gaudiya Math in 1927 itself in a rented house at North Gopalapuram (that house is still
remaining as it is), not far from its present location. The Founder Acharya laid the foundation stone of
the present Temple on 23rd January 1932 on a plot of land at Royapettah gifted by two illustrious
devotees, Hon’ble Justice Sir Sadashiva Iyyer and Sri T. S. Ramachandran, ICS. The entire cost of
construction of the Temple was borne by Maharaja Sri Vikrama Deo Varma Bahadur, D.Lit.,
Harijanashraya of Jeypore. The Foundation stone for the Krishna Kirtana Hall in front of the Temple
was laid by the then Governor of Madras Sir George Frederic Stanley and a Railway Contractor, Sri
T. Ponnirula Pillai at his own cost built the hall.

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