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Situated in the far west corner of Europe and with a long

coastline, Portugal has always felt an urge to venture across the seas and we
were the first Europeans to arrive in India, Brazil and Japan.

Cabo São Vincente - Sagres

These times are recorded in the Manueline style of some of Portugal’s most distinctive
monuments. Pay a visit to themonasteries of Batalha or Tomar or take a look at the famous
window at the Convento de Cristo to see images of Portugal’s relationship with the sea
engraved in stone.


That relationship still continues today and the Parque das Nações, the site of the last World
Exposition of the 20th century, is dedicated to that very theme. There are some fine examples
of contemporary Portuguese architecture to be found here, most notably the buildings designed
by Álvaro Siza Vieira and Souto Moura.
Another distinctive feature of our architecture is the famous decorative tile known as the azulejo,
which can be seen covering walls all over the country.

If you travel on the underground in Lisbon, take a good look around you to see how some of our
finest contemporary artists have used the tile to decorate the stations.


But the sea has also left its mark on our national psyche. We sometimes allow ourselves to be
overcome by a sense of melancholy that we can’t explain. This is the nostalgic sadness that we
call saudade and is a distinctive feature of the Portuguese. We sing about it in a Fado, just as
we sing about joy when we’re feeling happy.

Listen out for the music of Mariza or Madredeus. They sing about the Portuguese soul better
than anybody and their music is distinctly Portuguese.

So why not come and get to know us better? You’ll be surprised!


Come to find out.

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