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;::J1zi of home living

ruving Room Add-ons. ~ ~mpIe.!lnd Welt TV units, coffee t!bIe!i . .

Classic Bedroom

Eleg<lnt bedroom $e~$,. w .. rdrobe$

Classic Sofa

~YX'\.lrIQ~~ ~r~ ~t$


Classic Dining

Dilnlrng ~et1: with ~ J~l d6iQlII!l



More' information about PAN EMIR:ATES

• N .:!vlgato,r

• Return, Rdund, IInc:li hcoongl! Policy

• S!!!'rvll.e:!.

~ Ili)orrr'l, d!wp on :11:01\119'

l Un>!!f !-q1Jdl~ >l' • !.V I:ho! b"oj,"OOIl1 shou It bl' UJI",-fIPP ltv.- ""I f'i<om rsr 'Of O~-"I r.; ~ Il!;>-C UHN ~ 1\ 9ClOG ~rQJ"9i!' H;)\'I1"9 '1 pI~lO StJ";!; e\ref)Illllrg IrnparUili ~11eo/ ~ ,j mI"!'$~ .. nd Pltf"'!. so nr"",I.'I'''' hidden ~[~'~W~11r'OY '-'11'11 ~"e«Iofp!.ln:r bt'dlld~ wtl es, t~ eH:nt: IX/ . i!l!d

r.lg 1'Itar.d~ 'own d ~ tt' door~ I~

)'Ou hodf boQi rn iI.11""'i. r~!KI'rl9 gLils~,

1 [>O~ il'lCl P_ 5 Jt'KlIY lerf;~ {l1J~ ~ SlQMt

but \'lit'" ~~y I. dJ'l

Fc~loI'n~ ICIol!~I.IJ "'Qf Y "rUf1'llfl~ ~I,J atIsolu,o?IIIlI>N'CI ~~rp~1Ilg 'um'IUf~ rna p ~re ttllp- '''''~ I~iln till<'£' 'e-t;t bH'~E'efl

bed nd >'I~I ) 0. t.ll piI:o::" rod 1 Jc..):,1

two l(!ti be I'mI!fl ~ tl@d ~ Igo,y rurnil .. ~



Guidelines ~n Choosinq Your Bedroom Set

';~OHrgll Ooi'P(!ndngdll ~ mre. ~ (an OrA 'Q' aflylhi«.l 10111 1oI'11-~ru"", plIiIfOi n ~:s. to revl,jJ.y l>:ds WI JT""cll d;my .:;olar ilI'Id I\nI~n op.!lOI1~

j[i~~tQhlrv~ t1'l@ bedlQ(lffll heme- In mlnO 'WIlen dIoI:J!.Ic1g me ,bed c!~


"'Niihi, st ndi

t you Nvil a deslQroe; 1:>..><1,'l'llng up a ~r 01 ftlgr'maM WI n rn' r rlllrrtlO!'@ "Ill tl'I@ OYl!'-ali rl\;l!rne ~ 'dln'IItIIII BIll 'IW (<ift .J"rMlp ~1 ~..,IIc) h.) QOIne ...;jlh QOfn~~I"9 fug rl~ ~~. Ir rCI.! ~h'!dy h;",l' bI;>d. rhi!'f\ )!!IU (."1n oJU lor.l! 6('1."9" li'1ell~ ""rI1ll'rl.A~""m~ et*ltIl'mi\I'I, !Ik"> bOO or

~ngromj;ll~I"[II"9thi!.l It{l"hg ·f U 1~ ~51f))QYrboeQ1(JQ111..

I'I!J 111'. ~ • nLl"T'lDto~ of p!!IlFle, ~hf:wardroix' ~ ~.1'lI!l,U'I til (un<i:llo.<"IIII~)I' lind 1*(', WIlt'! dril'J"'!'!c l-wlQ'.nog tim mel I1thm urits

• IDNSrlllM. , nd Mllfion

f)QU p";.lo;IIc:ally m~lm .. l~ f~ (lnd chpME' you nE"l?dooa boalll, you t.1 fOund up on iI !eMIt;;: cllCSJGI w h ~Cll)ldrai r~lInd.llrompi ;ennng "Of Room)'

dt~W(!n ~lloO 'low mo't' J ~ ilnd hPlp w b W<> IJIlc:lu1;ic-i1'd !p;!U!. (heck th! d"~1l"1S ~,' 1t'~LJfIr, for }'W I"lf't'od 1pll~c ~ mQ\I\';lII'l.UfICi 1 .... bfcIroam.

~'¥fil ,1II'IOd~1"i ~....,.I COllI" In

dO<. lJl;] locQ)lll!l, ~'o1IO [ if 00 or~

~ r , Con~id r colOI'> ilrod (:O,ltel Ii5.

Le,!I.h!!r bed eem I lLlr!!!!.~ i! FIO!!W barr'! room til!! u rr

wmempoql¥. ~I\ ~iidI~lOfI~ l.e<llf)efbe(l~offer,iJ ~

,;r.c1 dr m;)1 I jrJolhe ~1.00m \Vann (1'10 0 te r WfTi I))Ou

If) I!jltl:l'i!( Ul!lJi!I!oid!!!!lt~r:s!'on~ mJK~~U~~~!!db;!m. Wlho'" PilfId Dedl; mil)" bt> e~ht>rt ai!rr<,*r .. 1'f r ... pan ;II 'i IIlphQI !~Qrl?d wl'h

'lUnunl! lati'lel l~{Of"~~ ,",11'1 ,~rf ilCCEAU to 1Thl~ a

~~1 ~ IlI!'d e\ref111\()(e wek:oi\'Ilnq.

'5il'fljPll-deGYJ, 1~\l!~eIenr>eM~ or~ I)!, il.1lId mlllllMim llorl~oo.tol!lllfV.'~ chi!r,acterii't" lioh S~e. ~[tilng <If;md loOl11y CLlrwd oIt-l'!'H'ml'; 10 <I ~~1rw

(lean II~ ''0.m~J ~Iemem~ ~rtt:I ~(<;IiQrI;h;tr;l(;I"~ rr~m bed tul1'll!f1ID'1qi1hi~ ~~ ~ krIOWrI fr:N' liS y~1t)'loo ~I'I'IP",jli)' OI)FtflC'. m.~~. fonn. <!<!'lei ;uwn~rI m p<'l!dkal rLnCIH>fIli as mmp.llOO to lhilo ClramatIC and

~~"".a~ (i{uoKiilicu>al

bo;tirQOJlll fum! Ill!:! 5~~.

10 ~E


II )'ouare IMIoi1rl!li fora rrew bedlOOm w~m!iOlJ~, Il'IeTI !I~re <J;re few flel!!: ~M 1h:!Ii'l-')S 'to b;3 'Il~ 'l!I'Ite· o:;onsU!Q~tl6Ji!. ~ ~I !'!~I"J 'co ~iI;)lu!lt~ U~tI.sty-», '11'10' ~P:c Il!ioil!g wit~~ 1M (\inc tlon;flIv,"Qf mi:) b~rooMl'l W;)nirobo. fi",",~, the J~~n.J!lt.'t If!!C.tor (or tli\ol: w.arorQil;J,!,s .!hfowll'l 'b.!!' ~~liI6Idrodi tnt!' 1Ii1@~t lirnpgltl!nt fac!fIf;

I!l!!droam mrrdnJbe;~ ul'E~~ IJjlllfiol! room;W1ftg wrlill the pRi'o'loon 01 ~~ fur s.!O~~.l~ w~l~ It .. ~~ni!:iii! plao~ In 1M (!Offii!J If ~~ 15 ~ !imiHntj ~~~ If'! m!ol room. WfiI1 mlJ;. ~~ mill oo~~ 1I!1!!2i!M Urllmld 'CCOIncr~'' ~Idii hi, boJol'l1I 100fii cl1.!l.

Pi~_~_.I~w..rorobeh.animll'QlUllto[om:pm1I~ntQrilln~droDflli liI1u§t!:le mM@1ri COlll!CI~ ~D i~ly.oo oI!ilJjGy ~ lk1o(!lilTil~oIlm~ i.i~ ~f'tn(! ~iOOm 'mItdro'Ili2' is, hOI: ~ c_lIy. doli'l't!: 'OI"!!\1i r~n't ),pilc~~.lih~Fio ~ '1'IiI1g:1:i1 et'I(j IJJ)' fI!!~~~I~ ~ur ~O&1l'! illTl4 !il!!'li!1e~ l~' ror ol, b~~~l!~ be,d'ti;)offl rur!1~tu~e w~rdrooe.


Ush"ll,g corner sofas 'to maximize you r space

1'Wl1!l rr. 2Cf)'OO' r ~1n9 <'p.sceo wllI'I >!! modml mrnE!!" ~iI. CQIJ1b1rNng rom Ort Wl"h. Jty'e h a

tnw. you r n~iil'19:n r::or r <of'),

fOlk!'" Im~ [0 '00, peifm O~ (om~r 5Ofa:I im' IlI!iiI!d 10 P rll'.lldi1 (Omfort iI6 ~r ill.

I .... r~ 0, IuXIJI)' hi! ~;t~h.:J'i'C!:r! ~ i!lId't4r.t:gt' of!pKCI 5w.rtgi 'De<r ~I(' ~1i0tli:'1:l ~r;:,:~'~ "9IMi-r·

Ulpgl'ade' velln li'ro'lil'l'!ll Room wini ;II ,Chili: L'j!;iitl1l'!f :sqfa

UGI ~,)"';:~ \vy1 ~v.lIl

II« MI¥ ~ 1'1 ~ (:II IlIII' l.1:11e c;iI )OJ'

I'Qo:m, i;Iul !Ny MI!' ~d ~ IID!l; i'l!ID:I!G mod!m f'-"AiI '~)'OOIt.!IIll!'!:libesl!lafM~n ~m~nl:!Xb;l'f~fi(:on~rn.1;Ii;ItN;d;(iI;~"'to .ea JntI",,~;n11lei!l'llMl~~eId



Arrange your Iliviing roaml accordingly


VOlle IMIl9 room wl. 00 ~ place br family 01'

fflc~ 1.0 ~ lind ¥Iii SO ii ~fiAi ~ $hould be made re I;rl!'a~a c;om~le lwmoo"tllJ!.

~QRnent. ~11y ml5; Is ~ m~t rnQIl'1 YQ\! !it!! upon Qnl ring; roo IfiQIoo aMI firn jrrp4'!!~ etlunl'

fUlhLare B'I~~ ~h[]U):j.ilMfl! ~, piIi1po_~.At!WiCY<M~, sl'lOu'oii be- rlt~'i:I.1oo dl~til'l9'.!~lw In ea.:h a~~aor~ 1001I'I,10, Imi!III r.oem shr;)u'd hao,~ M J.eiIi!!l. ~ cctwtr!lMk:!n.1' dr!!ll, .... hj~ krg'!i Irnrn~ nt8y 1~l'Ite ~brnIi fumi.urr ~lOIi!p!!'I95. A. glXld rulE' Ql' thum!!! is! ~ 51:0: ~pll! aJIIIicrtab~,

~emM'i d''!flNl &¥1ng!'ODm ~rnltu,e ~hOtIld Ii\¥lle-a rOCaJ 1»11'11 11'.1"..1:11 m.l!i' be M ml~lNni!ntOi!iilB/ or l~ge~. ~ 5€'OOlf'l{l rour f«aI po:;(['It. group :!,CIJI fUmltl,lfl! ~roul'1(l If, being sure too tll;l'.!!lhE'we GC':;.:lU1 s~ Inw oomlder.lIi!!:'llI. nt)'Ou,;!Ire Ivlng na il'fta I ~~)IOu m~)' only n~,a sota. a-rln ~~ w~'reweqJ'~ ~rg~~,~ tnch,lfl'1l' ~ee tiI~ ill {!!IN more d\ ~~rsofJ

I'I'I~~)' Imporlant tor yO!Jl IK"hti boognuor~ tClfiuj~ ~a;1e 01 ~I h'J'1l"1!l fClOn\ H nIlt" )'00 ma)' ~~1()U5 prOO~~ ~ tl"Ic.s.oIa iiOl fi"'~ In pelf.r,(:1 ~11OfI11l~ room.

TOi:lWlki Isll~m ;tjyjlll: ';'QI.I ~.I'IOU1d ~'Lrflt! )'Our room 111 rrH'I11irtv.:md nc~ II'1r. r: oln:I ~ d ~rQnal fum hJrl'->"DU WI rO'l;.lfle ''ltth 16fl«[ 10 Lhl! 'IlCo1"'1~ d rneru.~_

~'It> of!' bu)ing iI d.J!, )"JU 5houf~ ~ ~ CIi'~ It In ~der 10 ~~$I ftli ~Ic(oomr IL

" ;.IOU d.!.lIl~ olfOImJ w lro k:o lh!,>n IjIO fOf tilt· ba(k ~:Qn \\fIlet _ II, >MIl an UPtoQ~ b.);c' ~ I'"t;I r~f'O!)o,',bll!! wlllOlu

'1"31.1 W~ofIl n ooml~lilb1 .vtJ Q;uoJl ~oo 1~ you ~~ICI r;po ter a ioCI5If'-bacl.: ~ «J-~ .'1eci Wlt1O:~l;lQ.I1$or p.ioIJ~. HI~ ~ v;f~ ,i'l h-..~ 11m c ., ~comrorl~MId oood~~ MlI:o:;lorl9



Lowest plr'ilce's, ,eve'fyd,sy,!,


Why-. - p-.~· .•• ay-- more,

--/ ..

when you can pay less?

~JmMouridll s!!t;~I(INh;O(~ I n )'O'.I( 1rv'1IlQ fQl;lm tJ( IIll'1"I ~ 1OOrlll)O m~~ the ~~ PT'tC1't runab"la. CQlTtrortabfe indl ~l~r!J'L $e!t[iOn..;.! '!OIr'i~ .pr~~~a ~[ofI9 IntIgN~4f'!(l m.3i:e tOl'lTJer~tlQrI$ ~ ase'!leryDrlll'! b ilIDl'lg togrethl!t" Ilill ~ll.!l~ 4;CI~loO lenal !e:!lrg.

W<ltd1lrJg N.lp~ i:Joo.ld game:!, !!!"il.'t!!ill!linlng r~l!!nd5 gf ~~yd!loCu~ ~ &)'wtl boi! n'lOIt ~rm~i,j.Qii!' -'lncJ ler~lng when iIOlIol' ~tlt i~ O:toIolte"d' In en OI'9'l1Ui!!d Wil:f One ~~r 1]' I'IlOOBIlr ~llGf!,,1 ~ I!> ~ 1OO.!tt1! :rOO1Jl!i_ h~~ ttlrr'I!' wlth c I4J hdde1!o IIIl tib:! ilJtn I~ lind tOIf1p.vLfM'IIt~ lot! Kef,!: I!ho:! TV jemol~t:'I y::rur rnfll::tleo~. f'~'- ~U\3ln~r~I.!.:I~ ~QUJ ~nd YI!I)I' r::Glnpor{J bll! .md I[ good choio!! (CoI'.!I e Mil IgIjll"';Je Of q.yn~ rg([O'E\_


Fred~~ .:r.a,.r~il,je!be ullltru',e-lQrms DI" !:h1.l1u:rury 1/;'1::b'/, ReI:~ ~ 1l'000ode iJlCUr ixldy \\VIl h lne frt!rr&1 s~rl ~,ed foD/ <!I g~ ~ iT't!~~11I ~~!kI!lli qfree~fU;:r dl<!1~,m!!lIli:' ~t ~r~tg ~.U,~ ~M 1,!!~,p.g1'iJ'!d ~@'iWr ~lni!.1 ~ ,~r~~5, 1ffi!~ Qffefii~lliIq!Jr~~~ S~'11'I9 pil~tur!!'

R~',mdi ~Iin~ ~~fr~'~ oiIl~!)I~effe(;l!(lflJdl!(!:' Iml,~f!~ ~riJIli!I o:tlI~ arl!i!ll. I! 'eorll'l~'lqc.>lipa!:JI t)' Is ~01 !~(.h~ o!Jd'JMl.~~~ tha cha.r c.3fIl:Ie ~~ ~ ~ lJ(:lnolhar I~ pert~urCl ycI.L\'\I'Ilt> 5Q rn~n)la~tilgeS ~MI benefflli, af'NmlMi"'OO1!Irs, It ma~n penect ~nw1C!1 ~1IWl!li'C!o!'Ie' fO'l' YOUI f1.i:I~ rQr l!fI<mIm\ln1 ~F(II"L


~'(II'jl modern to NnlE'lf,po';l"ry. tr~1 ro !:!MSlt. ihi: rlgi'1:T 1~l;ll:!lt ~l\ beW~~Koeiii'L~e'rolan~d6cof. 'INl'Ie[n;r ~~~QOIff;I ~"ull2- it as ~ f"ocA1 h'l".r>'IJI toom p.Je«o, Cl .alfdlng 1 il~al'I aaJi!int ~ 1,0 an ~ cofi!ctlon. iI!OCIfIee tililk!- CiII1 mab:>a room reel oomp:ete

- -~-:

-, ,

- '.



A~e ffi:lIn tl1!e ma.'l.Y ~1OG'lo <l ",o,'ffft, tlb!e ~ ~ t:om'l ,~~~,mefQOO'l!t O«'!.:!~j:" ~~I,odol~, ~,lIliI.'d«:'~i'i'W!!.'L ~m ~I~~'!!.!eklr tM' IMifi M _rruli! oI'lJiiJm1b i!; to Si!!!1!C1.!i cdfi!il!'..rtJi@ IMt I~ M I~ le!igltl Ilr tho!! 'iClfa and m~ U!<r'tiIIln lher~ Il room rOof' SOriieone' 10 RII"t waJlt: ar«!wJtlie-c01k:e ~b!<;:' ~rJd 'yet D(;)t, !.G mud'! mam uut !liJfI'Ieane !lI!a~ I:".!!I'II"IU~ ei! r~(n. a d~ro:p!,Kl'dI 01'1 Ihe' l;ible. ~l1lg {1fI)'OUr n.:lmJ~1itfe, ~ noeecIl~_bc!vI: ~~'IO lS'~,~:ltWnQ'IlMlheoot!ee


76 VUNI1

I.J~ YOUI TV ,;ibI~l !ClILl r",i£.~ ta~L)' a~ ~k,~.a;j;,<olnl~ of tt'iolfCll!oI¥' lp<K'1.

W cailhet.s ~ e arl~~tlc ~e- !.<!,~,~ and the)' can hlde'i!lb WII'IJ'II}Sloo!

Pjcktne~1VCi!brnel'!Q~oIil')Wf 'I I~ 5etallli!! hi Ip g-ve)'OlJ' ~Ki!! INf pol~l'100 Ioof( ·)OI.Ilo't@Cf~ 1'IOp1!l9 rQ(,

Wlhy pa,y m,o'r,., when you '(,lin P,IIY 1I'l1s,I,1


A ~i;l!~bc:!R!I ~ M! C!n~ ~ '~U1!M r~~' a'! rU!l'1~U!fl!' ~ ~e!l1 )!6LJf OOI!r!~ ~ w~itll~<I1~i!I'~""":ttJ;lIiml ~ duril~~!p. 'fer )'Q!:H,<lilldi!i~~1 ua~g~ "eedl.

nt al!>!:l, 1}[Q'I'ldes a, great Illipiay ca54!' t!:!i !((lUI ~Ivlng ;)f~A ~nlin.;! ~r d'e-wr"i!!IIQf!,~ ~"W~ ~"'j Qf t;J:l!1~~ worlliWhLle p~~ or'r~mlllli'l! wrl, ~~ !.i!PiTlpJ,

II slmlJ/~ dJt,si oidMlren Is,~ '-~ l:M!a.use !t~II'_'S(j'm~~Yl~OnhOO~, iI'ii!!'llf<1t~~~b,f~~"!~~ ..,.~I!,.Ql!~!~ Il"~ .. ~JN11'1'!!!"~ ~,f;I;!IW,

tllH!·~,dr dr,~- __ h.l'! tld •• 1 ~.OI6i'1':oJ~ f~ ill ~.19ll <:lin V'lt eMs! «1Im\l~1 MI v.a~oo~ ~l<.N;lIm'U!Nili!!m U'i~HII'I st_,!'I!.iiI 1W!f!!iI~ M.!o;_~,,\l~ ~~it.J!\d ~1i.111l!:1Ii~ ~~~h~~~9r!l'l!!!.~~~'I1IiIt~~' ~~:ot')g~~.I~{!!;~~ft!Cl:~ ~.~t4o:!~Md:fDil&llf~nlil!.e dJHeril1l)ltl!iJ~ ~~ II?' !1iOOll'lg IJ'il'Il*I-!lI.:m U' l~tl1'!1L~~~ !!'!Hl¥


II ~hG!! ~tiOrilgQ ,.:.lIMlllrt ~~ nMd'td WMI1 yeLl nll(!(i te ~~ ~I!I<' ~~~, O:~Jlr( h~~~ '[ao s'lOre ~ur ~hDes n.i!iJ11lj ,and '5iilI .. m )'lJllir 'fi:!g.\~lIt from ~'I;ti.ilgd1l1t.








WlJID!1l0WE!I: ddf .. f.!Ii:~~ '!GIld bi"~h IllnlAQ !oe:l (. ~-41

Designing your Dining Boom

Dl!lIo(ln 1'I91!1OOl D'.rtlfll!l room b!!gIm wah M ~~ 01' y.:N.Ir ~p;3Ce, ~[t' tl1e a.'l!!a ""twre ttl!! tlIli~ 'l'jjl (xo placEd. a~ 'iiJi>l1 as ta"1I' d1..!llrHind 'plac~ 5I!!1I1~ aJ!oO ~houtl be t~ n~D ~lt;Ier311on ~ ~ t~t;.:h;: I;h;il ~~ p'npactlon~~ In rooI5pa!:~ itro a'krw!. fa e;l~ 0( ITlIJ'.Ie.ffil!flt 'oNllJin thi! room,

Deride 0I11~ ~tYIi;! u$l'!OOIT1 )UU 'l'ti!l'"it to ICIWlt>. .. _ n~ ~I~)'IJU ct= s.."oukille COOlp!emffild!)' !o alfp~ng I~m~ II!l yOUr I'IDrr.e ~ I~ 1$ ill ~ ri {ootlrrull;p' il 'fOY ht:Jrne'~ DIR!\.'"illn nerlcl ~fYll!'_ TD MIp $,~tlfl YOUJ ~~ or de:Ilg.n ~{yll!

t '';:!In I;Je het.;)fJ)!tr 1{16~ ~, v;r'1Qo~~ ~

LI''JOU 'o'R!nI ~f dllong mom k11~ pe=llilMy, ~nl!~ \'I~~~,'I~o.1i'~1 lhal'l ~~ l'ao.! can ;~ ust> Ml1I~ ,\11m "'~I'II;IU'l tellt1,Jr~.a lite! rclm

C~'\Il!!IIQI'Mg~ll'Ili'I@-rrol'l ffjlltu..,atl'd a 'o1b1at1[ "100m 000 g1'i'!? 011 ~ IhiellEor mood, !nsMI~~:t1on Dr fancy br.ful. Ch3~Ie-:'~ t~tie !.,jill!» 001 even mQroo.remeni·o~ WIndoW tr.eatrne.ot ~,. oIIl~'irI!;I rntur~ ~ , wi I plO'I'ifIe f~I'Itij<Rf' Ii2I'\! ",nKl~ In your olnino fOOm



8RnN~ ....;;n rm~1l'i 0--;;: de~n dJn"OlJ $PI (I~



Soi:I«(I~.l d1nI!"IC) loom tilbltl' In~~ a ~~~ QII'~~ .xludil'\l;l ~hIl: nUi'lbe'l ad 'fEOP!<: ~~ 'Ig ~ -.e~,cti ~I tOC I.lbk; 11ir:o'~ Q'lilil.lit'l! 0100 lm~

~iiilpl!& :5t'jiolll

The il~ ~nd s.hiJpI> d I~ ~bli' Wsi?ly ~~ on ..... he~ Ih<> >,ia~ \I.i '!;Ie ~ecl IfittlE' ~ f.' thE" ~1)!lJre<S an ~iI't-i11ldtd,.,n or <l ~i'!i ~ ~ jIQ]JiIt~OOi IOOI'ld !-.ttle will fIl.iI~ tho;: rnwr 01 thoi ~e ~f ,hi! ~~ tta~ a ~Oger>lp,ii(€'Qra ~[,.,I1'IC1 rQOfl'h ClI>'iII 8f1d r1!C!ll~lJ! !.aNti Wl)f~ bHi.


Ch!Jir ~~)Ii~~ Ineli .. 0Ji".!""- ~M ~.boI!c~ ch.U~, Ul>hcj~H!fl!d, ch.!.!"" \'!IIlOd mel ~ m~1 chiJfr!!. lh!! s'P!! 01 (1m" depend5 on the det:QI ~OO !o! or [he li;'I;Im <!;1\d ho:Jw 1t1e dk!i~~ m~. ~.!(m amu'Yl ihJ!o t~~~ OpI!ir!tli~ cha~n m2.)' ~k be~t h a !il'Ft!ll!!t! rool'l). wMi.a (loJ,oxlk~ Chil~ m~ bilk ~!IlDtIn,iI~~ rwm.

IIWi a ~M .loIot.~ l te ~[jJf~ 011 w.}Od d\alr~ ttl lhedoi fOr 5}II1mefs. CNi~ ~ 01 wood !fiIolll(l ~ 000 so~d pj~, roI ndMdllal se;; IQ:!Ii glued l~t.eI 5it on 1~.011 Wi! ~nd iee r If can be l,eeI I:Ia(l or ~(a.nd mil¥!! a[lJUnd " the char 10 ",aile !.tire iN 1!!Qs. ~"'11'6 or b.xlu~ !'lOt rfIOYi!.

M'diNo'n!lll1rp: TD~t tll!!·)tblrdl'1O!~orUJl!o'ab!t!. il! on ~ .:Ire! Ii)' te ~ It; i 1hou1d f~ 11N'/I' a~ well"'b.:!I!!r«d. 'W'I101e a ~ ... :dinilll give fOIt:e ~ rlctuna ~iU~!wi It i$ oct,a, g;KefE'ljl!d ~ ret· a horni!! 'oMltI sma. d1.1dreli, ~!JlSe it ld'oi!:i not cP.'er ~i\'j'. kind arPfa!~ frCfllI

~ &!tI~ ~ueM M ~I~

Flinntm!i>t~ wtI- n II~Oklif19 '((If ·e)j)i'I~ii.m~i1fi.')' dlnln", rOOm iI"~JII!II~~ ~h~ ~ b ·~IID~I'QIt)';

Fc'Ulinilufe, pRD>ii~niHinl:

~l.le! ,ule ~ blJl<l:!'U ~I fUll'll' .... !il0lA, '10 ir I~ tt:l1 r",11t!( .or'! rhA Ofloi' ~k;I(:' of r~ room


~ ~I~ thli P~Y!N c._~ (olI'I ~ It~ tl'Nn olg.),fu'r t1~ bed, ~'rnI~l'i.ilf!orb!'i_ul'I'I_b., ml!r!d:lt1b:>uklfilhwIiHhlrlllf; to th'~uarte["Snfth!!WiI ~e .!Ibcvelheheoadboard


~. '<:Ir how(h~tm~ 1.1' ,=b!:MJdo>r 1rIJ)l'. ho:)'look mlnuscu _ neil kH~!4'n a fuJki.zl! bed, lOgo fC!l a taDI!o lamp I MafS Nt'!em tWQ !HI !;11


N~ ~t!fe<J;115 !nd'!1!!5 'KI~ ~~ line ~ i\IIi'n beds, but' lfOU ~ ..... lde ~~1(1 ftllQ lI1(~to ~~ wd",r i:1td1. Plul l.:ible ~II ~ yoGI.! 'f'i'oQfe JoIJ II~ at-i!.l, rOf a' Woil·'~ gl}§.:l ;)00 rm~ ~IJl And:(&efu~'I' (iJ!lIldeI til{! h!!ighl Lr;lsa1r, the tilp oI'.i!I ~I! taM!! should b!! lI~tl:t m- 1 han rhe- t'Op Of IiIle liIrt1$Ed bed


lIo'hy p~ olIl.!t~ ar~ rug If'Ilhe b!!dlOOlllllrtll!! bed oM1 (~~I of tbe ~1 ""l!~ a 51,oflillQ $I or tool ri,lQ tI;J 1'WIl1c:ng'tmMe~LI~bed, !i'IoJC:c(rI'lrn~jOll W~e)'Oii WiII~ 1n.lfYW0!f'!Wl'1tl>room IWlYl fgofoflbi! beD. p'~!e ~I smallruglh!-Ie JI you enter at th!! ~ of U1I! b«I. ptlll nea-I;,.e. sldi!

O"'>I:Jl' ~~!oorn ~ n ~ 11E'(1I..,bl.:€1W:)(lIJ "'he I~I 0' be-J (_\:xl..dIO:, •. ~ "oe;Ih' :db',,~ flle-;~' \101'11 IT,·rlO! aNJ

n ~rOQm ~, w til 1iQI~~ wcoo c31\oi q. n-~"i.el ~cn t eH:"!!} []OO~.'VJ~~p::~ ".:]p' i ltie'l" c:r~



If )lOtI Uk£' al"l"~ r$ ~!egafIC~ In your oo:I~fI'I d.."ICCl(. [I.l<1.tiOoi~~I~ C1lKol'llh'lIIJnever~ 001' or 5~


Ald~.OOI)lilIlIl' ~ElmMtl,.:rud'I ~~ 01:Wtfi I'l'fIOIding omtIllMD::lil.~'fild.IJr~ ~ Ih.(> bitd"dr;;tp j~ ~ ~ad tlaniil bedroom lMIrm 1'il1'.ill'<l4, Mil a$ be~, llifi)" ... OO'~,,'~ oon~~ llilie Ibu~rod¥. rOll~ 'i:I~ ~O'j~1 bI!Ie: <In.:! !kIfty~ lC !;"~M Il)ut


A !.t~lety hM:::Iboa." 01 a ~ur,p¢Uel' 1~nm.1;l'~fld appe.11 ro [~ Ded lbell. rI,I~~t~[:&""'§., bw@JiJ~ ~11Jr(jyJlrnOfl@s.:J(ll;j df(O'rJ1t1n!i), ~'W(j uul'l'.::s ~'e ~~~c;~rCII ~tor~.Q'lQQlle<l ~ t'oe\j ~ 1'rl)lJl~

moo 1lf11·UltiI! wootl welt.¥. JJ'I~l' Of Chl!rry!o Jdlj~.e 10 [he rQGrn ~ [rild1l1Jt:lt~~,j. • .., <O!! ~l{!ighbt. .. (hor ;:rMC!lIl(!!l$.lIvo!cl u!J.Q-IIIOdern rnin.lma ~I·~I~ bed~ H;e MClIffI bI:d~ Of IlJl,U:;'il~ bOO> I <I!' antlq~ Wloogl\; 1100 ~l[n., oIt~ s!::I'i.~~a""1 ~<Kllr¢m 111", lIadWor'lal r4!~ a IhE 1"001:\


lI,ooJdOU'l., lU$h rdl:i! ots. ~ tl~, ~ q1l'~~t)! ~ntI ~[~N.I!'te MICwood rLlr!~l1hirogl P\I\lI~.m:I rnil"Kh rokl P'lm~.lfIi w,[h s::I~~ and mJpei Frlt'UJII!i,. ~~ ind rlil!lfei ~6!I to me ~!!ur~ ~ lreartrnen~~' beddLi'Ig ~hO\l!d t:e rul !.WeJ} Of rIO"\ ~ {~1C!.


Decorati ng Ideas with Black Bedroom Furniture

aaux IiIt,;IC be'!;l!gorn furnljUle h~ ~ 'lalli!'!Y fJl de5I-!iIn~ WIll ~tyk3 a!1l;l adds d lOt 01 v4111~ te '/0 hedroom.

Teo many ~~ of,.w.~ ooIOil roo)'O!.l frI «Ii'I'II' ~' Th./!, choose ~timill roIor5 IMI h cau~

8iaCk~fitJm!IlUf~.g~ilfI'wndutDl!md bafiaM I1ndi~tOO~: it-f'Id lJ'Rh mll;l~ bet! ~Han be no d~len;ie wh~ It o:JI'l1ll'S 1:0 matdlll'W;;l ~l (0101 rOIl wait!... (~brw!:$ ar any iIo!Xl!!lSC115l'h.ll 'Mil Il"COrpo:i1&~ boo

'o\Iha~)"!XI pi! I, h bI.;d I'o!III (r~'" d $II ng 100* Il'~ just ill manet [j{ ~ !.be clllot IMlool reilem. your r.lste aJi'ld creali1lQ a plea5lng .. r~rl!I"'~~~

PARACEl tl'l!n!ti 5l)oi1! ~1'I'i ~ 11'1 W1!I'IgI! flnish_ T~ ~{Cfl'Sl!.l O'I~"J :. - -"':'. " ..:,.' r If'l' "'_'~r ...... '!!. d'~5o!1' ..... ·"mll

('Q~ 1f'Hwm mIoo"=mlJ ~ I\d(j ~ I:l ('CIC1 ~i'OIJlid tl'flo .QOIII1 nV3/tIill!h.W!; ~br~

HOUle! cr ~t!,jj ~pIiI~I;C~d'd Joo ~dally if you U1l;! h~nd II'W/flII i:!rxJ mtlQI'I~


(.:=.~ ===~~~~====;J Set Your Q'n th@ D'etaUs

• .(s ~M ~"~t thl! Icx!~ot tho! ~lXII1llS !I.g;Inl, !.l.l1I'i~\.IIJ.B~";; liurPw-i ~..-;jt,o 1I)o>IU "'oW,o ~ r.:.r ~ fLhll!: do!;~n.

Aloil~ bo:df«Hm,,,~tj, ~ 10 ~I~ Ii ~r glvr; ~~1>etJ.:_ ~er, ~h'l' ndMdu!!! ~ee-:t. Coin Qe~ ~ ~ ~ ~'(k:(1>I: nY~ d ~ ~!l:J.w...I')'lI.f!~I!'j'I!OI",~d~ilJ""nIlI~~'"

CliillC ,"'nru'!! !~mos! oiIcl!tl, INd!l oC.....:;.oo Wiln N9rl ~l., glm M:(!!ffi!. ~Ofboi'l'fO!~.~!'!lII~~~·~~~~!l>"l',~,~ b(i;.

W1hlY IP'ay more:,

wlhen yOUI can p,ay less'?

~ !Xl~'br l1"!IlIIof~ '" c!b!;!;o!: d~n JI:!- ~r>C fM'i;!'m5<1'4! ~~" ~q!,.IoJr;oorrn..m,l!'I9~ 9:I~1!'!i.joyJ ~~~,-m1lOO;

~OI~"liiyI1~ii~rnd~~Nlm.I~~'dtli* ~"",daql~'~i',r~ r..=t.c·~~iI'blt;u-.l""ae. M'd wae IW!Id. ~ ~B rllm.:;~~:IId'!:lo (""<Iii! ~ \lt~<lI~" reo.

t1 L'f1rmDl IleJIoo ><;1..n!t1!loO'<t ~,~Io: ~r~"JlIoIII'lJI".,:L f~OO!l~!:'*'r~~;v~o:~""","~ ~I(~~I'([ ~~


,:=. ===~~~'''''''''==~J

tiIie room doe.idTt ~l1InOO f!lJ!'I'f:f, Th~~ my M ~ '!im.p~ M Ilmgin m!n1m~'1 lK'i:e~j ~5 ~r j,!J!SI ~ ~~I~ ktu!:ih ~ 1,!j~IIl~Y I~ :four ,!.p!I(~

FOf')!,OIllI I~ room t~ be Intll!;' U,w~, ~ atten!_Qfl ~o ~he, d'~15 and I~m hQYj' [II ma):! 'I~ ek>IOl!nts \!lOll!; In harmony. EJpi!d3lly.IIJQI 'l!fflptlaliiJ 011 your SGI~,!@t alldmll~ 'itstand'oYUUhe malJ!)~OQI pOnt.

E~ega'nt Uving rocmfumnure is a II a bout tl!'! @o detfl~l:s

f1I.l'!cI'fumllur.e ' M~ ~rrwlhl"g ~iIid!!!! m, it IJ:ik n'I'Igll! b!l curved ,00Flirns,antilb\;l[b. (l~ilC~1 jll~.~ YOUC:iin i'I'II!o:,up'~ll~ (o'lbr1(l; OI'lJ )'Q'1I!r SQr" -tnd 'IO'!!ll' n!TI so liJl!ey h<Mi'~, dlflij,f,~r11 look but mill~e ~i!!j'e tli~ ~iiroeflilin.tle I~ Ih~l'.li:ill5i4;l hei1»l.Q toclBom.meWik:d~I'~!]J. ~fliBJyli1i,\lj gold i!!i11icsh yfill ~ 100 ilU9ht of I~. Intl!1ciif'" tillMf'lg or ';Jold Ififil!o!J ",,;,11)1' .!!~5 mCKe o'r iln ,elegiilot I'i'Qh loot; !P. ,tiw plea!.

YI1LMOS S41~ r rran1l!d wfol> iii ~lfUm.ym !1!J.! ~n:ll

eLMSlC SOFA 51~T n

., GI"iiI~hJte Illward5l'1ia:rdwood~ Ih;l't a:r~ ci!!rroJ.:i' $talnled lite Irn<)!.~.ny 'rur )'Our cofiee ilnd IMd ti'bles.

• laY)' COUChll:Hlnd dh~", u~boliru:red !n~!I; 'e!«I:<!lI'lrliJl;)lic:. br.ocoild'e or fIofill,pt'lnl.s. DJ'l pal tllil!olil ooltol"l;. Thi!.se ratN'ik.s. 51;n -y el'egancJ! and Ill.>iuty 00 ('om~ In OIl Y1ifl@ly,of cobr~ andl ~~

·ll_~ r'Or IhmII.r p lkl.w~ In rn\ill.l!ria~ Ilk!! ~Ik. velvet, or poi'lsihool oo~1.'Of1. ~ give 'JI~ Oi!!1OlhQl'way to r~tl.mi ill!1.'I!Imlll!:r of'f!OjJt ~oom'~ colors, In omi lillii«' •

. , Col led lline- art ~OO d_l~pl.aii' It ~[I; 7oor' foorn .. GIII pillII1tlng5" K~lptm\!;5 rnilii!l'e [rnIiIII

bro~, or ~ifl ~iH5 ~ papulilr diOl~ WiliI!i'1 c'l'IooIlI~11I9 !litl wark:fOf,~ 'fOlimi thfi~, !nIH :ioOft CQ'~9t1rCJr!nl arlwo~~~h~1 Mi!i~ rGtof~rj}!MW it bvlll'llhI:~mCl,iimcd~~n<!lrt ~J! IhiI'!,151i'lYY oom'ortlI'bfe ttl rive witi'l.

I ~,iruP~lEfI: ~la.gllllflcIll6t CI!Io.!l ir'l, I!.lgh.tlU> ~"IO. ,__ __ ~ ~~~amd'hlqh doolil~ f~am (C~;m

Classic D'~nlnlg Rqom Interior Ideas

C:1iI~!l( dl~J19 rlXlffilo r<lril!ly 1~'We'~ Th'.!)" Jill! ~t t~nl

0::> 'Mtl'l 10uch of Frentl'l ~~M' ,cHhefT1 lhb ~tbM- .. t lJ)llCe !I) IkM ~nd be ~!, neum4. Oe;!le .il15U!l~ oI!IlmQ!i~e se 1M ~n'l' r"ttld C1 crJmpan:ou.l brlng rn'b:l~ room ...., I pop. ThI! «rIYPf~llorl'.'t bJ:o Ih roc....l,~t\[ oNtHcId~I"'f~, '(our QI,I~I~ \'II rf:mark CfI ,~ b~ill,!iYOr ~hIi!' roQIII ...... lh.Qu~ b!inIl ~~ to Ilrtpoil1t .!I'I !!I'..iIcl!i::;:;]1 poinL

Yau 5/1t;IuJd I;IyCJ acreIJ.O~E'l. TC!;roJ!!l "t('rl'-~[.!!11d opull'r1C 1f).II room ';'oor 3Cces~ ~hookJ wen. lM~h fOur traodt klnal pattrorn .lr'Id Kllf ., $10 .:IT t~ IlIil"R: fl)~


Fe.( ci.l> - 1"I!I\g room I,JII y~ )ICI.."I wanl 0 J~kio. w,ttl ~ 1'1 1h0 (1'\1 ~Idmi!l~ thetOltve ~nd be If) u.e ~_fi", hllbe ~ ~ abo

rfIa'~h 1'1 O~,a:'hOLIC~1 {~BPl.l~ !Clu'lc~·h~~ tl'lal, I/\ltlh

Jffl'I~ ron~ J'II?JIJ ~rtdIOO[OI I~TiJ.tt1!? look/or am )t<;H!'IQ Cl! OlreIiln.:l Iwlf« tal*- roc a ~'e' tQ StO«;!.ard d15~,dJIDe5,

ROli"~ Ql!;Inofll'd~" de9r !lqua.~~ ~wltI'ImWllI

R,ustic Ornamental ~de,as;.

ltu~!i!;ld~r<31! ~~ ,I~ ~]~p'le by de~gn. lilu~~1o;: h,",!!!Q,~,~ !:Ii!:(;.Qr-.llcdi i~ ~ ~MCr ~hli:~ brl!li!l~,i\Ii~L!r,c tM'~11. T~d~.crli:cnu tlllil ~.QIMiilm~s. ~ rougli).l.InlirnI3Mit'~ ~rIi~I"Iiu~ 11l1Jd!iitni" l1)em~ IllIllglil!i3I50~' dl~~ '~(;I ~ ~dl. ~hiS i~ of!f11il th,;:,~ wl.h ifU!llic-~!1fI!!!' fl!fl1l'!!.UJrL'.

I!:u~!'" hq,m~~iIIl~da' ~I' ~ a lot Qf I;luUer.l)el:;gI'<llIl~ qi:lJel:tj, ~!!Ild, ng~ OO'>r~r' thetops of tilbks., Bare OOIlt'~ ilre bI!!5~, witMl ~I ~im;pfu ilIre\3 rug pli!l[.ed 1hj;!1"e aoolheri!.

h~~1t hQ~~~'~I"l!' no~ mlQdem 1!11 ~11f1~·e~liMer_ ¥.g"l '!'iIllllfl1!J.t !ind a br'ig1Jt ~nt~r;(lfn ,"~1I1111 a !\lI~Ik: l'lti<me gr :o!,!iJlrf!lQg !'WI~ 'to\l'lilJ"ed wtl'J'I d~b..lburguFKly-i'!nd.g~ldI ",ilillp.~r_II'I$!~~.~he c:olbr.l!!;!~ II!'!I !1m~ d'ew~!lI.rnQl :Ul!:' ~Ju~11¥ UlIO:le r~rlcJ IIJrI !:I~M<:. ~h o!l<"lo 9~ g!ree!'!~, bl~ ~nd ,(';triO ~O~ !!)!, ~Oi'a .. ~n~ In ~ Fin, to~ ilI~lli~ wl4ll1! ,rre$1'!19~!'l pl~l!I..tJ, 9~-Ibt\lle !;'Iiltl~a!XI dee~ Ib'~ [I~I'I~~ IJl.e ~~..Iiir, !ron, Qr tll1 ",,~her It!~n'91~,,,,"IQ!iI g~I(I,g.:r bf~~~_i(~ .,.ml~~ ~l~!el\'l~p<l!'!.!l~!It: rO¢!'!1'\!Mi-!ocY! O"~h~rmlng!li!~~~,

s~ ~U5T1'!,;; BEIDROOM

'Wlhy pay more, when you can

pay less?


Uinique' K,jrds' Beds

Tho!! r,l(e ,t~r bed, 'traln,~ lrui:t:'e beds cr;e;~t'e a rurw Weplngl e:o;p~f'IC" {MIt t~5l1.e dl!lcIl~h r(!fI;m~ie'~ '10 II high r!eve! whl~ ilii'Gl;lltUng a «Im1ol't<tllle bt.>;CI Uill ~ ihli'<ibi~ mii.l rOn;;! la:s.ling,

'njh:I'~~_i'l ~afl go Icn!!~ ~ ..... Im iJ'I'i"lii!I~n.urC's llillirlil'l Uloaolr IiU~~ mitll:l~ (;relIlil'lg.:l1 1110n1! pi!~~M '~Ie~p' in ~il, IOOmrDfl ,01 ~h~1'I WFl MIOUnv mtll!'9.

TIiw! toddleH hay a ~Joi'I ~i'I,lit j~ ~ll'Iil:Ir 10 tl:ie; old ~ I!IIdl!. bt . i~\fe' 5pe( <II itdI\Il1lmil'nl'~ ~lKh 3~ Ibel!1Ig i~ lower to' Ihe IlGol to reducc IMI'i~ or I:1!arm ~i'Gm fb ling 'CHil Qlllbcd. 'fIile' s!de~ of (he uniqoo Iklds' beds, ilre 1i11lsed .5iigl:tlty to hi?I'p Ireduce ilihe ~t'Old@ll!5,oft>n P'!!1I!!n~«:! bythfl~!X!ilI~WhUl~hilffi 10 il!rn.1in Ifl Me:! ,a[ fIIlg;llL

Det;{I'~~1 !l!1~ bed!'QOOl wfll) 1!!e UlelPi!i ~f t"',~ I~I ~o (ir,n~ ~ !lIW p~ . CI fer tltli~ <lMkI ttl ~:pomd '!hI&! dm d:otn9l' II 'Il •• , lh1ng~ kfd'~ kill'! 'illl dill,. iTlhey cain, have, slwm'tJ.M' p~~tr\l!1i IIndl5h,ue wl'th, ~[1 af du:h r~l~th the' ~dtfrnen!: ~~ {wi ~.;:il'lllt.gln tI!mb!'!ll51 Intm. ~jlj,~ kel o'r'lhek d~:rn~.

~1"!~i:J.e'l:b ,iI~'~ [iii '~n'~!1 Qr unu~!JiI!tr' s!il<!lled !:IMr~~ ~r,e lhe,y~ilm 11I1.a~ ,..11JIg difr:~fII?n~ fr~IDg Up ~.~ (QIlli))'5Qr da~lle$ ~1i3r<li!:l1!. !',Ilt QmalJ!f~lilrL'lY. MN'I:i~~ bunt.: bea~!D:Jit !:Gi\i1I~

a ~!lt ~om@ll'~dil'lil')' '~n!p.

nil'll!! M'I! C~iJsl)'ilI i(!:j of ~rlddl!t;[!i~M 1;iiI d(X(lli!.Ilntl a room I~O' bo;i'J. :!i'l1~S Ill.ere Me nDlenl;j~IiI~~ ~~!'!'i 1d~5tl)~.~ paoI,~nl~ mllD!ll!!h ~h~ e.liPlt an(lerer'l later ~ta'!le~ 01 the!!' ·liOi'I·II"'·(!~. :f':O:CiiI~ 'rat 1xYt~ 'lnooldlJ.!. p!<lnll!l'!d I~ u!~!l!r utility .. HQ~ !j';\\1~ ti1Il-1 U'II.i !.he rQQrri?'~t itln!i oJ ~~!l!fi wm ~h~~'

~iR~I~lel .

f!o;y:li" MOm~ ~~ Cf"Afl1t!I!!, I'i.a'li!l! II lot 0' (dl.lloo-U o~ ~ffi~~ 'ror ei'!Ckli4n.'il U~lr ~!ufq". Howe~r. ~';!tng lI!Iulll,pte I,ir~l.',!er.; !!I'Ii!lht f1Q'C ~rk wld~ Ihe1(I5;li'1~ ~IJ' ~~nl'l~ eJCpe.!;l ~ [0 ~ OflJ,lll'lllM llil tl!t'pinr;l '[he-lr'tNn{ls. FOfmJtle'~-\llt'!,!,ruurd ~Ii!~toh_~d~st~ma~ (I p!J~~~ cM~lSt,Qr ¥!Cltl'er t(ly.:!i~!! r.:.IIldl!-'g keeplhelrll)y$M1I,

----- ------ - ---



MOO? b¥ ~t\'t'I, kiltI.u9n.cloo@ ~~ (ro~5 00 ke@ 1Ml~' W!m.k~1 ~~lrui!W'!h or ~ equl!)!'!1!en~ .!n. Y'Qu mw :;!i!~ wi!<n! I¢'~ ~~ !hat hi3v·1!' drawer bol[(l:1M or ooseitilIDtf!J'lir5<. One ffi@ll,valiM rot ,t~ IXI.~ 10 ~ei:!p '11\t!1:r be:dOOO!fn! ~'H<)~"""IHook{.@OI~11~fj1lJ !ih~' !h!!y WOl!J1Ci hNllly ~l~ POlo m~' Ih~ir ra'tC!~~~ (!iJkir Or fawrll'e pml.

lroY ~I:l.!iW!li!fii~Oiit!!! ~~u~.rIlIOWifl up ta ~rve .. ~ ~1~1, wIlli p3;j:ief. !J~ b!lntb Qr ~hi!d(l:~ ;!I~ ("'r1!~I~ Th~~ (Ire manlter.!!DI;iI (4111 be e<!~It)o' 91 M!I1i edI.

r :ull!!,)!, ni~~ ~ooit room, ml!}!' WI~ &t '1I!IHtll)' 1.0 k~1P' n c~n fur othll~S liO S~. iih~re' ~r~01iIl!{'~ inleJllSlll~g b(ly~ ~lrtl>Qm I(l~ th~1 ~ou ~iJI,If:5lI!I"c~n 1.l1lnll: of 'Whli~.gbseMrtg 1fC)ur ~ at'ld ~9 (r@IUl-w a~ it.




Giril's Bedroom Ideals

~tlj;l tO~I;J~ reem r~ft~· .1J'od ~~ O!! ,.13 1J$!o CUi\'M Lng CuI""OO~fJie'! ~I...e t;J~'III~@IMY;i

let ~ room But dO f)iJ{ 0\I£'fd0 n te keEp the rwm from IookIIlQIQOQj;~.afld

1:'Jt6}' ilnd~t~P' ~~

~) -


A mod'gln' offic@ov liIom@offir@ soo1Jld offilr doc.or ,I!nd am@nld@s WI 8lh" rK'I!S productiM'lly; A ml!'i:l1 d'ed:. PiJIuy-gray filing ,CllblIIUi1!, and waste b8~~Ot do !Tn'!!! to ,odd 'to ffielel\q. By c,oiililast v,a~iatil!:m~ in night" col~r. i3MI 'texture oOffl!f r,E!lieHrom file mgiil(lwn:v 'ar bask Q'mOe d~lgn .. Oe$l9i'i shoi.l1ci Illl1dud:e «lmtoni!lb'li! 'il'ro.~1i: mnIlS:!In,d 'r.!JFIlli:t1Jl1'e tIilO!t':~ iKl!lptl!i!:I ~o rhl!! ILlS!:! ,md ii1~ds of the o.ffiCI!! lI~r~

., Pllin.t. tlllO!! wOills, a nelll,,,1 ,color D~ ,~lgt', p;3~{!bl~i' (If son: green.

U~ tfie' ~meo(Ol()r 'throlJlgll(i\it lihe' oJlicf1\ fOi' a c .Inningi I rh1ifl,i~.


'" fn~lallllJoor-(O-ClC'IlIngl5hciIYln9 F>Dr bg~ lmemtl:l!tilJi. \lind d~rlltlll'e plec~ ,pu~ dool"S 00 0fJI! seclian w irUd~ Ii lng ,rab n.t!l!s and € pCflpherilis moo priDt!!-fS and raJ! miKR'lilils.IiJSe nMldiilnQ bomii!1S fDr ~iow.r,ooH'o~ 'lh;Uot!'l fWi~ecmibeMter.

;., Chwse iI desk lhillt ,<ldd're'Sili'S ~ne YQ'YJ Ii~~ (u~tomile '!he height 'oJ de5M imd drn.[r~ for OJrnSgrt ~ndl 'u~e.\l chair 'Ih~'f~ bQ~h e:rgommlllc ,mdj a'I1Ir'i!iOlirte •

• , Hang ~I:loor dr:l!pc!'.!I to diif"u~e 'mnll~ht. ro~hloill title- drnk so th~,t l!he' Sil!Jl'I m~r shine-s dire.ctl)f UI1t:o' th~ eyes arid make s.ure 11:)' ~Id'l! bath o~rI;e:u! ligmlng Oind $jl(It,i'IQ on d'e~k$andl in, St'lIlln!;l O!!!'i!'li!.

These accessorles range from AED 45 to AED 889.


rrrlo~e: ALil. ~ale [promotions or d~mlllililtf!d ~tems alle~I~At SA:lE w:itl:ii 1i0 return, ffilFUlnd or e!Ilcha nge o!),llion.

li"or lhea.~~'h p:urp.GsE!'s !'I!!i reJulltd lOr e~d!~rage will be :,u~de on I!!nwr~plE!d !lt~lt~S, -

J ,=,"_r""1'1

I ~ U~e' Tl!lte~E!'!I!: o~ pilfov:ldil'!9 YQIi.l!I wVtUl ~he ,!le~t ctilstomelll ~MCe. PAN Emlt.a~~ ni:!s put Uli~ riollowlng l~tlJrn. rufli.l!nd.. 'iI [igl ~r.;h~ ~9~ ttrff!fl~ iln;QI~Q~u;litiiQn~ j~ pr~w"

On, MOeSc!iiOries

IPAJNlE)Iil'H ra~@~ hss ,a17.d~V rE~lJnd'~nd Of @:x~;h<.'l!m91!!i ~'lJbj!otto lim.@ l~!!i looingi i:I)1 lj:i'IIMi.ed

b'} U1:rldalfl1i'age~

f) 1:1il iii!; migilnai~ p<I.(k.ili9~1ilI9. Oi,md

d~ WPI.:n orig.limi~ receipt upofltillille .oherYllld or extlh1llllge

NlQM~ AUIL Solie [ptpm.('!Uo:ns; or dl'S(iolJll1!t~d ~t-ern~ ~~i! ~INAl $11\1& \l'ilild'l no [;e~l.Irn ~llid r0i2FUind OpUOIfI, For h~~~~h !)!lnpo~es.. no reliundi or iel'lCl1Iang.f!: wlilibe ma.(ie 'O:iIIIJrlill'1\I'ap~1 iloruiI; ~i nflili$";;lIId ~i1IbJi~.

Onl FI.Ui!lli~UI~'

PAlM [)ml ral~~ tr~iS dl@ f(l~lmY[n9 PQJ]Cif~:

iI~s.cI'l-t!dumf)g~ PAN Bm'lr"*reswil~5(lI!iedilll.e,d~lli'l,ler[es!ll~Ofll reGeiJ!)'[,O!1i~til~ payroeml~'. An items pllIrc!ftased: blf 'C:~5.tQmerf{calil be Pl!l an Hefl for fI.tiI moR!~h~ 3 diil'is-and fn the l2'!lE!!'I!1: paj'fI1umt5.airel InIQOfi1Ip~[@.,t~Il' lllt.em~ ~U Ib~ r~I~~d~Q d,,~ shOW!fQQm for Xlie. (~~qlJ)e ~~IfI~:il ~ ~'lilbj(KiI; w ~!~~ ~o1nQ~~

b) • PAN EiIJllr~ates wJU colmm!iJlilic<!OO' II ~Iea1"dlam 'o-r SMS" !;1,maIL.a:nd

!I'I ~le evelllit thll~ !lt~ Of!;I;lIS· a\i'-Il!li!;!IjJe b~ ~~tl.J'~liIed'tQ "AI'\!

"1iTlIIial~~ ,al1ld d1i@willi W{lIF .;!dditroM~ c An . ~POIIl~!;I1

"ome'rs O.l'l 'Ulep;ar . . m bear

Addi~iOOl.dmr~iffll:O' th>e'part:

ilJd'd~ ~J) de dell;~I!JY ~ll'lO liu.Jlno

t i'lliIiy re~~.(i!IIi$ibml:¥t\:lr ~ny dai~: ·of dallAaiQ~~ ol'l'l)!i:: i~~m~ ha.:¥e~.11

e) 'Q:Ii'i(~IIa1~IOiil - iW't!.N :~i'fI~rat~ hOjlfii'$. G'!1'i!EellpJ~~!:iM j'Md~

;!~~: w' its 1ml_:;!1I~~Jt:~:~~~~~lan'Qn

i"lQ~ P.l"~ er d!Jl~ willi ,~b,t) bear ;:'1110 ~ ~l:

fI flllsta,llatkm- ~AINI EIfliIJwates- ~cm:l),f.S .1'10 i\etli.:! Fills,. re:f:ti~ulS:. or eKd.hilrllg-e oooe 'fill mi~~re' liIas beel'l denwemdli· .l'nsta111ed. and sig,liI'ed pI by' lhe'o1!lsto:mer.

al'ld wilill mal~ <l1'rull

I be slllb;l:ei2f ilQ !Ii 11)%, al> MIl,lm Pileoe" 24.

What We Oller .As :Value

~rfig 11'1 ~n~ flJr,lIIillJlU! Iiliudlllil!n for !h:!1 f)Jst 1? ~<lr~, ~ NiVi! mrM to ~llz~ ~tiat Wh~1 alIllir CIJI$lttil1n!!t'S Wi! i'I'~ foom PAN Emlr:at~ I~ n.o!Jl.l'~ fllmlture. bur IlI'l ",~Ut~~ <!~il! w.l~~t ~Q ~ mei:FI bylhi!tl Al,ll.Yde In 101: Mtm: d!1$~ ~n.eM melll'li~ a.el1l1l1'1g iii rol'l5EI' of "~~.II'iliIl'l~ i! I.!nltqlll!l W'al" er :Iffll'. ~rre;i!ltfl'l9 iI ~RWI'Il ~f plf!';l5111~'o m;ld buil'dllllg: IlIP' $atMntllin wbh ~ r!gin ambltl,n( matc1'w5 wl~'" ~f..j:~~n~y •. AM ~1;'II1i11!~ QUI tu~n .1i~k 115 waul ~ d~ t(lr a livIng. w~ ~en IheI!f1i, we l1!e1p ygu ~r·~lEi ;f! :olWt1!ld~ Ulu-s "lE)!~n~lv!S)o "fe-tlr.

WhanVlli PAN IEmlr"i!llJ'5.Jr~:

PJ\!'ij' IimlJrak>~~:;; alw,a!ll!i ~~IYlmg"lo IPKl'lihl;!~ thl! It'gh.@~ll~lor oonolml~ iNVJ(~ .1!l1!tI Y!il$ifa,::tr.o:i'!!!iya,ram~, Wi~h i;jul' prgdW I>!ll101lllrEdge:,. dli!tl)liveG.ue •. ~liIdI'p;;lc~5IOrlror h(J!mii !;le{or; 'we ha\l'i!l rnaalllli WI~mt! (Of' O'Uf~""1!;~ ili!; .ilI, OOril1lp;arly thOlt ,!::!I!!8.

As pa.f~ o.f 'our cu~~omer Q!fe). we 31:s.o h~Me SMS ~'1,Sl!@fiIiI dl!KltYlfid to Mliify Qur dear 005tQliI1~TS wiOI tlnl!l1r,a(OQI,lIilJ $t.1'eii!il~m·, dfl~J1!i'~~, .mci a..nfirm,attonof'dmUs.

Should Y'D'lI il1l\l'l!",1'I1!' qlJi!rym(DIt{l~rllt.Il1Ba~e Itillllillt h@~il:a!'@ ~o (Oliltae~ oorltilll ctmb!rror (!I)lrther details on our r'Uilge,of' ptOO~ IQ~iilt:[Un" 5iil1e QffedllQ~' anal <mr pllr!:llila:l,~I1IQ, rl!"tlilr>lII... lilild iI!)(l:hi!ln~ lpollc:;~

Fill fIilO~ ~r'lrQrmaUon 0111 Th~' w~wli1ile;r C~~ pleill5le cWltOiCtt: IUS cillredl¥ ,~~ eOO~ln6)OJ


De"i'ver:Y "n.'Sfa.IIG,tio.n

p'AIN 6mrt"t~s :s.d'!leduh~:. <!III de~\!e!1es

Wlttn!P1 % Irc.l!lr~~ NOw' w.l~h CJU:{ SeMiS a!'ld GPS lrac~lng flY~~~11ll, oor (ulitol'lll'!rJ;, w\llfll!'iot (lnly r~a!lve rnobl1e notFfi~tJo!!l of d~~ date a~ trt.e IPoi1rit or bl!it can .. 1sotra.c'l!Ol!!r !)_~_s OI'lUI'IEl' OFll:he


Iffl' a~II~[:ll!ti'le" 01' rl!mlh@r IIiYf<liiill'll~t'lon, IIISIH:antilCI'&o\I!PAN D'.l6l 0'1 O5nIlOOO8 iif

Corner Cafe

#l;.r"i'~r a ~n(!rJ91 s%.opping.liia,ve S(l!m~ r:~.$t ihnd 'grab iii bite' a'fild rerlre~hrn~ntsat

'Cire(liil (ome'l (~dW1: wah the wi1lo,1e famiiy. Be delh2lhted with heavenly'pastr1f>es,.jllicy burgers"md Jir>E!sh sandwiches,

Ref~!!sh witlh chmed dirL!l:i<'J; and be,erUi!'{g.i~edl 'wi~11! ho~ b@\l\@~g@5.,

Let :thekids play

wHile' 'y'QU s.h op.

IMfrII Emf:rates, has .m ,allocllted 1dd15'IP!0l)f' ,fI~eiilfi'll:ed wntn swJ1ngs.. :slid~[, 500$"'WS, glnd .a dbjl house. W11il@ ~ren~ shop, childreiTI lI,)!!I1ld~rthe i!ge of 12 can enjoy p~arytime. bee:!1lt>(l:rU!inedl in ,our cinema ~ooru;'lI O~ ftMile '''unl In getting the~r face painted,

1ih~ PAN ~lI'nirat~s p~a)l' area U~ .i3J W(I.r~y"(r~~ ei)Viirrol1ii'11'1!eINt, ca~ully cle!i~gned ~'lJr child ten's ,elf1joyme,l'iit..ana is ~IIJPet'l!'isedi byh~e!ildl,y :altt>end~nJt!)"

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At PAN Emirates, nothlnq standls ln the' w,a'y between you and the fumiture of your dreams!

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., .. _ . Mol'll' .....•. ,. Veer .,


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CCI)' . __ ._, Mont • "'~ ... _. Yeo: _,_,~ ..

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/"V-lSit us one time & you will ne;;;-" shop anYWhere else ...



AI. "3D

EXIT No .. 0_

Stmday to Wf~d1nesday m o;OOam to 1 0:00pm

Thursday 'to SaWrdlay

1 O!.OOam to 12:00anl

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