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Practice questions –Urinary System

1. What are the 5 major functions of the Urinary System and what does each of them do?
-regulation of blood volume and composition
-regulation of blood pH—by excreting H+
-regulation of blood pressure (volume)—by secreting rennin, a hormone which increases
blood pressure
-removes waste
-contributes to metabolism by:
-synthesizing vitamin D
-secreting the hormone that stimulates RBC production

2. What is the path of blood flow to and in the nephron?

-renal artery >afferent arterioles>glomerulus>efferent arterioles>peritubular capillaries
>peritubular venules>renal neins

3.What is the Renal Plexus & what does it do?

- a sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system—it contains vasomotor nerves
which control arteriole diameter.

4.Which structure is found in the renal cortex?

-distal convoluted tubules

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