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Made by:
Alba María Ibáñez Chacón
Paula Garrido Montaño
* Consists of more than 790 islands.

To the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean.

The Scottish territory covers 78,772 km2.

Its population is estimated at 5,116,900


The capital is Edinburgh.

* The flag of Scotland consists of a blade or white St. Andrew's cross on a
blue background emblem also joined the UK flag.
* Scotland's national holiday is the Day of “Saint
Andrew", on 30 November. One of their dances
tradiocionales is the ceilidh.
* The climate of Scotland
is temperate and oceanic,
and tends to be very variable.
The winters are much milder
although summers are
more temperate and humid.
* The Ben Nevis,
the more s highest peak,at
an altitude of 1,344 meters.

The most s long rivers of

Scotland are the
River Tay, the Spey,
the Clyde and the Tweed.

Often harbor lakes, Loch Ness,

which is located a the Great Glen.
* Music occupies an important place in Scottish culture.
The most notable traditional Scottish instrument is the
bagpipes. The garment is the traditional Scottish kilt,
called "kilt. " Each receives a Scottish kilt at an early age,
and use it on special occasions like weddings, baptisms,
communions ...
* In Scotland today two Germanic
languages ​are spoken: the Scottish
and English in Scotland.

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