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Mysore Pak (Sudha’s Recipe)


o 1 cup besin
o 2 cups sugar
o 2 cups ghee
o Cardamom


Put sugar with about ½ glass of water and cardamom. Mix till you get 2 string consistency.
Meanwhile, heat the ghee to bubbling hot temperatures. To the sugar mixture, add the
besin and the hot ghee alternately. The whole mixture will form bubbles and rise up. Pour it
immediately in a greased pan. Let cool for some time and cut into pieces of desired size.

Mysore Pak (Jyothi’s Recipe)


o 1 cup besin
o 1 ½ cup ghee
o 1 ½ cup sugar
o Cardamom


Melt sugar with ½ glass water and cardamom till 1 string consistency. Add the besin and
keep stirring. Meanwhile, keep the ghee piping HOT. And then pour the hot ghee into the
mixture little at a time. Pour mixture into a greased pan, let it cool for some time and cut
into pieces of desired size.

Public Safety Warning: Look, you’re eating ghee and sugar. One’s fat. The other’s… well, sugar. Just be practical.

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