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Finger print based electronic voting machine


Chapter 1

This project examines policy regarding the electronic approaches and

developments towards electronic data storage and transmission. Finger print
devices for Voting machines and other existing identity documents are
discussed and implemented in this project.

The user has to show his voter ID card whenever he goes to the polling
booth to poll his vote. This is a time consuming process as the person has to
check the voter ID card with the list he has, confirm it as an authorized card
and then allow the person to poll his vote. Thus, to avoid this kind of
problems, we have designed a finger print based voting machine where the
person no need to carry his ID which contains his entire details.

The person at the polling booth has to show his Finger. This Finger
print reader reads the details from the tag. This data is passed to the
controlling unit for the verification. The controller reads the data from the
reader and compares this data with the already existing data. If the data
matches with the already stored information, the person is allowed to poll his
vote. If not, a message is displayed on LCD and the person is not allowed to
poll his vote. The polling mechanism carries out manually using the switches.
LCD is used to display the related messages.

1.1Objective of the project

The project demands the user to submit his Finger print at the polling
booth. The project uses the Finger print technology and Embedded Systems
to design this application. The main objective of this project is to design a
system that asks the user to show his Finger print as an identity proof. The

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system reads the data from the Finger print and verifies this data with the
already stored data in its database. If the details present in the data base it
matches with the stored data, the system allows the person to enter into and
poll his vote. If the details of the Finger do not match with the stored data,
the system immediately activates the display and the security authorities
can come and take the further action.
This project is a device that collects data from the tag and codes the
data into a format that can be understood by the controlling section. This
system also collects information from the master device and implements
commands that are directed by the master.
The objective of the project is to develop a microcontroller based
security and alert system. It consists of a Finger print reader, microcontroller,
the interfacing unit to allow the communication between the microcontroller
and Finger print module, and the LCD.

1.2Background of the Project

The software application and the hardware implementation help the
microcontroller read the data from the Finger print verify the data with the
already stored data and take the next action. The system is totally designed
using Finger print module and embedded systems technology.
The Controlling unit has an application program to allow the
microcontroller interface with the Finger print module, the reader reads the
data from the tag, passes the data to the microcontroller and the controller
verifies this data with the already existing data in the controller’s memory
and then implement the commands directed by the controller section. The
performance of the design is maintained by controlling unit.

1.3Organization of the Thesis

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In view of the proposed thesis work explanation of theoretical aspects

and algorithms used in this work are presented as per the sequence
described below.
Chapter 1 describes a brief review of the objectives and goals of the work.
Chapter 2 discusses the existing technologies and the study of various
technologies in detail.
Chapter 3 describes the Block diagram, Circuit diagram of the project and its
description. The construction and description of various modules used for the
application are described in detail.
Chapter 4 description of Lpc2148
Chapter 5 description of Finger Print module
Chapter 6 description of LCD switches
Chapter 7 explains the Software tools required for the project, the Code
developed for the design.
Chapter 8 presents the results, overall conclusions of the study
Chapter 9 proposes possible improvements and directions of future research
Chapter 10 presents references.

Chapter 2
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Embedded Systems:
An embedded system can be defined as a computing device that does
a specific focused job. Appliances such as the air-conditioner, VCD player,
DVD player, printer, fax machine, mobile phone etc. are examples of
embedded systems. Each of these appliances will have a processor and
special hardware to meet the specific requirement of the application along
with the embedded software that is executed by the processor for meeting
that specific requirement.
The embedded software is also called “firm ware”. The desktop/laptop
computer is a general purpose computer. You can use it for a variety of
applications such as playing games, word processing, accounting, software
development and soon.
In contrast, the software in the embedded systems is always fixed listed
Embedded systems do a very specific task, they cannot be
programmed to do different things. Embedded systems have very limited
resources, particularly the memory. Generally, they do not have secondary
storage devices such as the CDROM or the floppy disk. Embedded systems
have to work against some deadlines. A specific job has to be completed
within a specific time. In some embedded systems, called real-time systems,
the deadlines are stringent. Missing a deadline may cause a catastrophe-loss
of life or damage to property. Embedded systems are constrained for power.
As many embedded systems operate through a battery, the power
consumption has to be very low. Some embedded systems have to operate
in extreme environmental conditions such as very high temperatures and
Following are the advantages of Embedded Systems:
1. They are designed to do a specific task and have real time
performance constraints which must be met.

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2. They allow the system hardware to be simplified so costs are reduced.

3. They are usually in the form of small computerized parts in larger
devices which serve a general purpose.
4. The program instructions for embedded systems run with limited
computer hardware resources, little memory and small or even non-
existent keyboard or screen.

Chapter 3

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Hardware Implementation of the Project

This chapter briefly explains about the Hardware Implementation of
the project. It discusses the design and working of the design with the help
of block diagram and circuit diagram and explanation of circuit diagram in
detail. It explains the features, timer programming, serial communication,
interrupts of Lpc 2148 microcontroller. It also explains the various modules
used in this project.

3.1 Project Design

The implementation of the project design can be divided in two parts.
− Hardware implementation
− Firmware implementation

Hardware implementation deals in drawing the schematic on the plane

paper according to the application, testing the schematic design over the
breadboard using the various IC’s to find if the design meets the objective,
carrying out the PCB layout of the schematic tested on breadboard, finally
preparing the board and testing the designed hardware.

The firmware part deals in programming the microcontroller so that it

can control the operation of the IC’s used in the implementation. In the
present work, we have used the Orcad design software for PCB circuit
design, the Keil µv3 software development tool to write and compile the
source code, which has been written in the C language. The Flash maic
programmer has been used to write this compile code into the
microcontroller. The firmware implementation is explained in the next
The project design and principle are explained in this chapter using the
block diagram and circuit diagram. The block diagram discusses about the

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required components of the design and working condition is explained using

circuit diagram and system wiring diagram.

3.2 Block Diagram of the Project and its Description

The block diagram of the project is as shown in the figure 3.1

Finger Supply

16 X 2

MAX 232


Crystal LPC2148
r Switches

Fig 3.1 : block diagram

Brief explanation of functioning of each block of the system is given
below the detailed is given in next chapters

3.2 Power Supply:

The input to the circuit is applied from the regulated power supply. The
a.c. input i.e., 230V from the mains supply is step down by the transformer

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to 12V and is fed to a rectifier. The output obtained from the rectifier is a
pulsating d.c voltage. So in order to get a pure d.c voltage, the output
voltage from the rectifier is fed to a filter to remove any a.c components
present even after rectification. Now, this voltage is given to a voltage
regulator to obtain a pure constant dc voltage. The block diagram of
regulated power supply is shown in the figure 3.2

Fig 3.2 components of power supply

Usually, DC voltages are required to operate various electronic
equipment and these voltages are 5V, 9V or 12V. But these voltages cannot
be obtained directly. Thus the a.c input available at the mains supply i.e.,
230V is to be brought down to the required voltage level. This is done by a
transformer. Thus, a step down transformer is employed to decrease the
voltage to a required level.
The output from the transformer is fed to the rectifier. It converts A.C.
into pulsating D.C. The rectifier may be a half wave or a full wave rectifier. In
this project, a bridge rectifier is used because of its merits like good stability
and full wave rectification.


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Capacitive filter is used in this project. It removes the ripples from the
output of rectifier and smoothens the D.C. Output received from this filter is
constant until the mains voltage and load is maintained constant. However, if
either of the two is varied, D.C. voltage received at this point changes.
Therefore a regulator is applied at the output stage.

Voltage regulator:
As the name itself implies, it regulates the input applied to it. A voltage
regulator is an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a
constant voltage level. In this project, power supply of 5V and 12V are
required. In order to obtain these voltage levels, 7805 and 7812 voltage
regulators are to be used. The first number 78 represents positive supply
and the numbers 05, 12 represent the required output voltage levels

LPC2148 arm processor is used for controlling. ARM processor is used
because of its extra features when compared to microcontroller. It controls
LCD and finger print module. It receives input commands from switches and
control finger print module when to receive the data, performs comparison ,
gives command to LCD to display messages to direct the users to use it
properly and also displays the results.

Finger Print Module :

Finger print module is an input device used for Fingerprint processing
which includes two parts: fingerprint enrollment and fingerprint matching
(the matching can be 1:1 or 1:N). When enrolling, user needs to enter the
finger two times. The system will process the two time finger images,
generate a template of the finger based on processing results and store the
template. When matching, user enters the finger through optical sensor and
system will generate a template of the finger and compare it with templates
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of the finger library. For 1:1 matching, system will compare the live finger
with specific template designated in the Module; for 1:N matching, or
searching, system will search the whole finger library for the matching
finger. In both circumstances, system will return the matching result, success
or failure.

LCD display and Switches:

Switches here function as inputs that gives command to the controller
what to do and LCD display as output that directs the users how to use the
module and also to display the final results.

The firmware programmed in LPC2148 is designed to communicate

with Finger print and operates according the commands received from the
Switches. Therefore, after Receiving the Data from Finger print and
processing and validating, It takes the data from switches and comparing
with the data base and updating the data base and display the command
and display the result with respect to the switch operations.

The switches are used to activate the controller for registration during
enrollment, for comparisons to the database while identifying the user, for
selecting the party while casting the vote, finally for display of results.
LCD screen functions as interface between the user and
microcontroller, which displays messages that facilitates the user to know
when to register and when to vote, and also whether their vote is valid are
It displays “welcome” messages initially and “enrolling” message
during enrollment, “identifying” message when controller is comparing the
data base whether the user is valid are not, if valid displays “please vote”
message, if not displays “no access” message, and finally displays the result
with party name with their respective number of votes.

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3.3.System wiring diagram and working procedure:

Wiring diagram of the project is as shown in the figure 3.3 below

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Fig 3.3: wiring diagram

Working procedure:
Voting machine using Finger print is basically an embedded system
that makes the things easy in the polling booths during the time of elections.

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The project Finger print technology and Embedded systems to implement

the application.

The user, who wants to poll his vote, has to submit the identity proof at
the counter at the polling booth. In this project, the necessary and, upto an
extent, the sufficient material, the user no need to carry with him is the
Voter card.

Voter card is nothing but an Finger Print which stores the details of the
person like the name of the user, location of place, mobile number for
contact etc. When the user is asked to show his Finger print. The Finger print
module reads the data present.

The working of our EVM an be explained in three modes

1.Enrolling mode
2.Identification and vote casting mode
3. Results
When the power of Ballot unit is turned on, the ballot unit awaits a
“READY SIGNAL” from controller. After getting “READY SIGNAL”, ballot unit
displays its “welcome to EVM” message on LCD indicating that the machine is
ready and waits for user input. The mode of operation depends on command
given by the user from the switches.
Enrolling Mode
If enrolling mode command is given, the controller waits for input and
activates the scanner to accept the finger print, displaying “Enrolling…”on
the LCD display . The candidate’s finger print is scanned and generates a
unique characters code. During the character code generation, “GENRATING
CHARACTER CODE…” is displayed on LCD. This unique code is stored in the
EEPROM memory of the controller for the future reference. After all
enrollments the system is ready for vote cast.

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Identification and vote casting mode

Before casting the vote the candidate has to check for validity .so after
user pressing the identify button the controller displays “identifying ..“
message. During this mode the fingerprint of the candidate casting the vote
is compared with the finger prints already enrolled in the memory. If it is
matched a message “PLEASE VOTE……” will be displayed on LCD. Once the
voter presses the button corresponding to the candidate of her/his choice, a
four-bit code is generated and sent to the control unit. Once the casting is
over message is displayed to whom they voted for.”No ACCESS..” message
will be displayed if the same user tries to cast again. The machine returns to
the identifying mode and starts all over again for next voting.

The contestant name and the secured votes will be displayed on the
LCD when the controller receives results instruction through the switches.

Chapter 4
4.1.Definition of a Microcontroller
Microcontroller, as the name suggests, are small controllers. They are
like single chip computers that are often embedded into other systems to

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function as processing/controlling unit. For example, the remote control you

are using probably has microcontrollers inside that do decoding and other
controlling functions. They are also used in automobiles, washing machines,
microwave ovens, toys ... etc, where automation is needed.

The key features of microcontrollers include:

 High Integration of Functionality

 Microcontrollers sometimes are called single-chip computers because
they have on-chip memory and I/O circuitry and other circuitries that
enable them to function as small standalone computers without other
supporting circuitry.
 Field Programmability, Flexibility
 Microcontrollers often use EEPROM or EPROM as their storage device to
allow field programmability so they are flexible to use. Once the
program is tested to be correct then large quantities of
microcontrollers can be programmed to be used in embedded systems.
 Easy to Use

Assembly language is often used in microcontrollers and since they

usually follow RISC architecture, the instruction set is small. The
development package of microcontrollers often includes an assembler, a
simulator, a programmer to "burn" the chip and a demonstration board.
Some packages include a high level language compiler such as a C
compiler and more sophisticated libraries.

Most microcontrollers will also combine other devices such as:

 A Timer module to allow the microcontroller to perform tasks for

certain time periods.
 A serial I/O port to allow data to flow between the microcontroller and
other devices such as a PC or another microcontroller.

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 An ADC to allow the microcontroller to accept analogue input data for


Figure 4.1 a typical microcontroller device and its different subunits

The heart of the microcontroller is the CPU core. In the past this has
traditionally been based on an 8-bit microprocessor unit. Figure 4.1 above
Shows a typical microcontroller device and its different subunits

4.2.Microcontrollers versus Microprocessors

Microcontroller differs from a microprocessor in many ways. First and

the most important is its functionality. In order for a microprocessor to be
used, other components such as memory, or components for receiving and
sending data must be added to it. In short that means that microprocessor is
the very heart of the computer. On the other hand, microcontroller is
designed to be all of that in one. No other external components are needed
for its application because all necessary peripherals are already built into it.
Thus, we save the time and space needed to construct devices.

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4.3 LPC214x

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 microcontrollers are based on a 16-bit/32-bit

ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support,
that combine microcontroller with embedded high speed flash memory
ranging from 32 kB to 512 kB. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique
accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock
rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode
reduces code by more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty. Due to
their tiny size and low power consumption, LPC2141/42/44/46/48 are ideal
for applications where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access
control and point-of-sale. Serial communications interfaces ranging from a
USB 2.0 Full-speed device, multiple UARTs, SPI, SSP to I2C-bus and on-chip
SRAM of 8 kB up to 40 kB, make these devices very well suited for
communication gateways and protocol converters, soft modems, voice
recognition and low end imaging, providing both large buffer size and high
processing power. Various 32-bit timers, single or dual 10-bit ADC(s), 10-bit
DAC, PWM channels and 45 fast GPIO lines with up to nine edge or level
sensitive external interrupt pins make these microcontrollers suitable for
industrial control and medical systems

4.3.1Key features

 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S microcontroller in a tiny LQFP64 package.

 8 kB to 40 kB of on-chip static RAM and 32 kB to 512 kB of on-chip
flash memory.
 128-bit wide interface/accelerator enables high-speed 60 MHz

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 In-System Programming/In-Application Programming (ISP/IAP) via on-

chip boot loader software. Single flash sector or full chip erase in 400
ms and programming of 256 bytes in 1 ms.
 Embedded ICE RT and Embedded Trace interfaces offer real-time
debugging with the on-chip Real Monitor software and high-speed
tracing of instruction execution.
 USB 2.0 Full-speed compliant device controller with 2 KB of endpoint
RAM. In addition, the LPC2146/48 provides 8 kB of on-chip RAM
accessible to USB by DMA.
 One or two (LPC2141/42 vs. LPC2144/46/48) 10-bit ADCs provide a
total of 6/14 analog inputs, with conversion times as low as 2.44 μs per
 Single 10-bit DAC provides variable analog output (LPC2142/44/46/48
 Two 32-bit timers/external event counters (with four capture and four
compare channels each), PWM unit (six outputs) and watchdog.
 Low power Real-Time Clock (RTC) with independent power and 32 kHz
clock input Multiple serial interfaces including two UARTs (16C550),
two Fast I2C-bus (400 Kbit/s),SPI and SSP with buffering and variable
data length capabilities.
 Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) with configurable priorities and
vector addresses.
 Up to 45 of 5 V tolerant fast general purpose I/O pins in a tiny LQFP64
 Up to 21 external interrupt pins available.
 60 MHz maximum CPU clock available from programmable on-chip PLL
with settling time of 100 μs.
 On-chip integrated oscillator operates with an external crystal from 1
MHz to 25 MHz
 Power saving modes include Idle and Power-down.

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 Individual enable/disable of peripheral functions as well as peripheral

clock scaling for additional power optimization.
 Processor wake-up from Power-down mode via external interrupt or
 Single power supply chip with POR and BOD circuits: CPU operating
voltage range of 3.0 V to 3.6 V (3.3 V ± 10 %) with 5 V tolerant I/O

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The block diagram of LPC2148 is shown in figure 4.2 below

Fig : 4.2Block diagram

1) Pins shared with GPIO
2) LPC2144/46/48 only
3) USB DMA controller with 8KBof Ram accessible as general purpose
RAmand/or DMA available in LPC2146/48 only.
4) LPC21422/44/46/48 only

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The pin description of the controller is shown in the figure 4.3

Fig 4.2: pin diagram

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pin description is given in the following table4.2 below

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Table 4.2 pin description

4.3.2. Functional description
Architectural overview

The ARM7TDMI-S is a general purpose 32-bit microprocessor, which

offers high performance and very low power consumption. The ARM
architecture is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) principles,
and the instruction set and related decode mechanism are much simpler
than those of micro programmed Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC).
This simplicity results in a high instruction throughput and impressive real-

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time interrupt response from a small and cost-effective processor core.

Pipeline techniques are employed so that all parts of the processing and
memory systems can operate continuously. Typically, while one instruction is
being executed, its successor is being decoded, and a third instruction is
being fetched from memory. The ARM7TDMI-S processor also employs a
unique architectural strategy known as Thumb, which makes it ideally suited
to high-volume applications with memory restrictions, or applications where
code density is an issue.The key idea behind Thumb is that of a super-
reduced instruction set. Essentially, the ARM7TDMI-S processor has two
instruction sets:
• The standard 32-bit ARM set.
• A 16-bit Thumb set.
The Thumb set’s 16-bit instruction length allows it to approach twice
the density of standard ARM code while retaining most of the ARM’s
performance advantage over a traditional 16-bit processor using 16-bit
registers. This is possible because Thumb code operates on the same 32-bit
register set as ARM code. Thumb code is able to provide up to 65 % of the
code size of ARM, and 160 % of the performance of an equivalent ARM
processor connected to a 16-bit memory system.The particular flash
implementation in the LPC2141/42/44/46/48 allows for full speed execution
also in ARM mode. It is recommended to program performance critical and
short code sections (such as interrupt service routines and DSP algorithms)
in ARM mode. The impact on the overall code size will be minimal but the
speed can be increased by 30% over Thumb mode.
On-chip flash program memory
The LPC2148 incorporate a 512 kB flash memory system respectively.
This memory may be used for both code and data storage. Programming of
the flash memory may be accomplished in several ways. It may be
programmed In System via the serial port. The application program may also
erase and/or program the flash while the application is running, allowing a

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great degree of flexibility for data storage field firmware upgrades, etc. Due
to the architectural solution chosen for an on-chip boot loader, flash memory
available for user’s code on LPC2141/42/44/46/48 is 32 kB, 64 kB, 128 kB,
256 kB and 500 kB respectively. The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 flash memory
provides a minimum of 100,000 erase/write cycles and 20 years of data-

On-chip static RAM

On-chip static RAM may be used for code and/or data storage. The
SRAM may be accessed as 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit. The LPC2141,
LPC2142/44 and LPC2146/48 provide 8 kB, 16 kB and 32 kB of static RAM
respectively. In case of LPC2146/48 only, an 8 kB SRAM block intended to be
utilized mainly by the USB can also be used as a general purpose RAM for
data storage and code storage and execution.
Memory map
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 memory map incorporates several distinct
regions, as shown in Figure In addition, the CPU interrupt vectors may be
remapped to allow them to reside in either flash memory (the default) or on-
chip static RAM. Memory mapping table is shown in the table 4.1

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Table 4.2: memory map table

Interrupt controller
The Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) accepts all of the interrupt
request inputs and categorizes them as Fast Interrupt Request (FIQ),
vectored Interrupt Request (IRQ), and non-vectored IRQ as defined by
programmable settings. The programmable assignment scheme means that
priorities of interrupts from the various peripherals can be dynamically
assigned and adjusted. Fast interrupt request (FIQ) has the highest priority. If
more than one request is assigned to FIQ, the VIC combines the requests to
produce the FIQ signal to the ARM processor. The fastest possible FIQ latency
is achieved when only one request is classified as FIQ, because then the FIQ
service routine does not need to branch into the interrupt service routine but

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can run from the interrupt vector location. If more than one request is
assigned to the FIQ class, the FIQ service routine will read a word from the
VIC that identifies which FIQ source(s) is (are) requesting an interrupt.
Vectored IRQs have the middle priority. Sixteen of the interrupt requests can
be assigned to this category. Any of the interrupt requests can be assigned
to any of the 16 vectored IRQ slots, among which slot 0 has the highest
priority and slot 15 has the lowest. Non-vectored IRQs have the lowest
priority. The VIC combines the requests from all the vectored and non-
vectored IRQs to produce the IRQ signal to the ARM processor. The IRQ
service routine can start by reading a register from the VIC and jumping
there. If any of the vectored IRQs are pending, the VIC provides the address
of the highest-priority requesting IRQs service routine, otherwise it provides
the address of a default routine that is shared by all the non-vectored IRQs.
The default routine can read another VIC register to see what IRQs are

Interrupt sources
Each peripheral device has one interrupt line connected to the
Vectored Interrupt Controller, but may have several internal interrupt flags.
Individual interrupt flags may also represent more than one interrupt source.

Fast general purpose parallel I/O (GPIO)

Device pins that are not connected to a specific peripheral function are
controlled by the GPIO registers. Pins may be dynamically configured as
inputs or outputs. Separate registers allow setting or clearing any number of
outputs simultaneously. The value of the output register may be read back,
as well as the current state of the port pins. LPC2141/42/44/46/48 introduce
accelerated GPIO functions over prior LPC2000 devices:
• GPIO registers are relocated to the ARM local bus for the fastest possible
I/O timing.

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• Mask registers allow treating sets of port bits as a group, leaving other bits
• All GPIO registers are byte addressable.
• Entire port value can be written in one instruction.

• Bit-level set and clear registers allow a single instruction set or clear of any
number of bits in one port.
• Direction control of individual bits.
• Separate control of output set and clear.
• All I/O default to inputs after reset.

10-bit ADC

The LPC2141/42 contain one and the LPC2144/46/48 contain two

analog to digital converters. These converters are single 10-bit successive
approximation analog to digital converters. While ADC0 has six channels,
ADC1 has eight channels. Therefore, total number of available ADC inputs for
LPC2141/42 is 6 and for LPC2144/46/48 is 14.

• Measurement range of 0 V to VREF (2.0 V ≤ VREF ≤ VDDA).
• Each converter capable of performing more than 400,000 10-bit samples
per second.
• Every analog input has a dedicated result register to reduce interrupt
• Burst conversion mode for single or multiple inputs.

10-bit DAC

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The DAC enables the LPC2141/42/44/46/48 to generate a variable

analog output. The maximum DAC output voltage is the VREF voltage.

• 10-bit DAC.
• Buffered output.
• Power-down mode available.
• Selectable speed versus power.

USB 2.0 device controller

The USB is a 4-wire serial bus that supports communication between a

host and a number (127 max) of peripherals. The host controller allocates
the USB bandwidth to attached devices through a token based protocol. The
bus supports hot plugging, unplugging, and dynamic configuration of the
devices. All transactions are initiated by the host controller. The
LPC2141/42/44/46/48 is equipped with a USB device controller that enables
12 Mbit/s data exchange with a USB host controller. It consists of a register
interface, serial interface engine, endpoint buffer memory and DMA
controller. The serial interface engine decodes the USB data stream and
writes data to the appropriate end point buffer memory. The status of a
completed USB transfer or error condition is indicated via status registers. An
interrupt is also generated if enabled. A DMA controller (available in
LPC2146/48 only) can transfer data between an endpoint buffer and the USB
• Fully compliant with USB 2.0 Full-speed specification.
• Supports 32 physical (16 logical) endpoints.
• Supports control, bulk, interrupt and isochronous endpoints.
• Scalable realization of endpoints at run time.

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• Endpoint maximum packet size selection (up to USB maximum

specification) by software at run time.
• RAM message buffer size based on endpoint realization and maximum
packet size.
• Supports SoftConnect and GoodLink LED indicator. These two functions are
sharing one pin.
• Supports bus-powered capability with low suspend current.
• Supports DMA transfer on all non-control endpoints (LPC2146/48 only).
• One duplex DMA channel serves all endpoints (LPC2146/48 only).
• Allows dynamic switching between CPU controlled and DMA modes (only in
• Double buffer implementation for bulk and isochronous endpoints.

I2C-bus serial I/O controller

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 each contain two I2C-bus controllers. The
I2C-bus is bidirectional, for inter-IC control using only two wires: a serial clock
line (SCL), and a serial data line (SDA). Each device is recognized by a unique
address and can operate as either a receiver-only device (e.g., an LCD driver
or a transmitter with the capability to both receive and send information
(such as memory)). Transmitters and/or receivers can operate in either
master or slave mode, depending on whether the chip has to initiate a data
transfer or is only addressed. The I2C-bus is a multi-master bus, it can be
controlled by more than one bus master connected to it. The I2C-bus
implemented in LPC2141/42/44/46/48 supports bit rates up to 400 kbit/s
(Fast I2C-bus).

• Compliant with standard I2C-bus interface.
• Easy to configure as master, slave, or master/slave.
• Programmable clocks allow versatile rate control.
• Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves.
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• Multi-master bus (no central master).

• Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting masters without
corruption of serial data on the bus.
• Serial clock synchronization allows devices with different bit rates to
communicate via one serial bus.
• Serial clock synchronization can be used as a handshake mechanism to
suspend and resume serial transfer.
• The I2C-bus can be used for test and diagnostic purposes.

SPI serial I/O controller

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 each contain one SPI controller. The SPI is a
full duplex serial interface, designed to handle multiple masters and slaves
connected to a given bus. Only a single master and a single slave can
communicate on the interface during a given data transfer. During a data
transfer the master always sends a byte of data to the slave, and the slave
always sends a byte of data to the master.

• Compliant with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) specification.
• Synchronous, Serial, Full Duplex, Communication.
• Combined SPI master and slave.
• Maximum data bit rate of one eighth of the input clock rate.

SSP serial I/O controller

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 each contain one SSP. The SSP controller is
capable of operation on a SPI, 4-wire SSI, or Microwire bus. It can interact
with multiple masters and slaves on the bus. However, only a single master
and a single slave can communicate on the bus during a given data transfer.
The SSP supports full duplex transfers, with data frames of 4 bits to 16 bits of
data flowing from the master to the slave and from the slave to the master.
Often only one of these data flows carries meaningful data.
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• Compatible with Motorola’s SPI, TI’s 4-wire SSI and National
Microwire buses.
• Synchronous serial communication.
• Master or slave operation.
• 8-frame FIFOs for both transmit and receive.
• Four bits to 16 bits per frame.
General purpose timers/external event counters
The Timer/Counter is designed to count cycles of the peripheral clock
(PCLK) or an externally supplied clock and optionally generate interrupts or
perform other actions at specified timer values, based on four match
registers. It also includes four capture inputs to trap the timer value when an
input signal transitions, optionally generating an interrupt. Multiple pins can
be selected to perform a single capture or match function, providing an
application with ‘or’ and ‘and’, as well as ‘broadcast’ functions among them.
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 can count external events on one of the capture
inputs if the minimum external pulse is equal or longer than a period of the
PCLK. In this configuration, unused capture lines can be selected as regular
timer capture inputs, or used as external interrupts.
• A 32-bit timer/counter with a programmable 32-bit prescaler.
• External event counter or timer operation.
• Four 32-bit capture channels per timer/counter that can take a snapshot of
the timer value when an input signal transitions. A capture event may also
optionally generate an interrupt.
• Four 32-bit match registers that allow:
– Continuous operation with optional interrupt generation on match.
– Stop timer on match with optional interrupt generation.
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Reset timer on match with optional interrupt generation.

• Four external outputs per timer/counter corresponding to match registers,
with the following capabilities:
– Set LOW on match.
– Set HIGH on match.
– Toggle on match.
– Do nothing on match.
Watchdog timer:
The purpose of the watchdog is to reset the microcontroller within a
reasonable amount of time if it enters an erroneous state. When enabled, the
watchdog will generate a system reset if the user program fails to ‘feed’ (or
reload) the watchdog within a predetermined amount of time.
• Internally resets chip if not periodically reloaded.
• Debug mode.
• Enabled by software but requires a hardware reset or a watchdog
reset/interrupt to be disabled.
• Incorrect/Incomplete feed sequence causes reset/interrupt if enabled.
• Flag to indicate watchdog reset.
• Programmable 32-bit timer with internal pre-scaler.
• Selectable time period from (TPCLK × 256 × 4) to (TPCLK × 232 × 4) in
multiples of TPCLK × 4.

Real-time clock
The RTC is designed to provide a set of counters to measure time when
normal or idle operating mode is selected. The RTC has been designed to use
little power, making it suitable for battery powered systems where the CPU is
not running continuously (Idle mode).
• Measures the passage of time to maintain a calendar and clock.

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• Ultra-low power design to support battery powered systems.

• Provides Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Day of Month, Month, Year, Day of
Week, and Day of Year.
• Can use either the RTC dedicated 32 kHz oscillator input or clock derived
from the external crystal/oscillator input at XTAL1. Programmable reference
clock divider allows fine adjustment of the RTC.
• Dedicated power supply pin can be connected to a battery or the main 3.3

Pulse width modulator

The PWM is based on the standard timer block and inherits all of its
features, although only the PWM function is pinned out on the
LPC2141/42/44/46/48. The timer is designed to count cycles of the peripheral
clock (PCLK) and optionally generate interrupts or perform other actions
when specified timer values occur, based on seven match registers. The
PWM function is also based on match register events. The ability to
separately control rising and falling edge locations allows the PWM to be
used for more applications.

System control

Crystal oscillator
On-chip integrated oscillator operates with external crystal in range of
1 MHz to 25 MHz. The oscillator output frequency is called fosc and the ARM
processor clock frequency is referred to as CCLK for purposes of rate

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equations, etc. fosc and CCLK are the same value unless the PLL is running
and connected.
The PLL accepts an input clock frequency in the range of 10 MHz to 25
MHz. The input frequency is multiplied up into the range of 10 MHz to 60
MHz with a Current Controlled Oscillator (CCO). The multiplier can be an
integer value from 1 to 32 (in practice, the multiplier value cannot be higher
than 6 on this family of microcontrollers due to the upper frequency limit of
the CPU). The CCO operates in the range of 156 MHz to 320 MHz, so there is
an additional divider in the loop to keep the CCO within its frequency range
while the PLL is providing the desired output frequency. The output divider
may be set to divide by 2, 4, 8, or 16 to produce the output clock. Since the
minimum output divider value is 2, it is insured that the PLL output has a 50
% duty cycle. The PLL is turned off and bypassed following a chip reset and
may be enabled by software. The program must configure and activate the
PLL, wait for the PLL to Lock, then connect to the PLL as a clock source. The
PLL settling time is 100 μs.
Reset and wake-up timer
Reset has two sources on the LPC2141/42/44/46/48: the RESET pin and
watchdog reset. The RESET pin is a Schmitt trigger input pin with an
additional glitch filter. Assertion of chip reset by any source starts the Wake-
up Timer (see Wake-up Timer description below), causing the internal chip
reset to remain asserted until the external reset is de-asserted, the oscillator
is running, a fixed number of clocks have passed, and the on-chip flash
controller has completed its initialization. When the internal reset is
removed, the processor begins executing at address 0, which is the reset
vector. At that point, all of the processor and peripheral registers have been
initialized to predetermined values. The Wake-up Timer ensures that the
oscillator and other analog functions required for chip operation are fully
functional before the processor is allowed to execute instructions. This is

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important at power on, all types of reset, and whenever any of the
aforementioned functions are turned off for any reason. Since the oscillator
and other functions are turned off during Power-down mode, any wake-up of
the processor from Power-down mode makes use of the Wake-up Timer.
The Wake-up Timer monitors the crystal oscillator as the means of
checking whether it is safe to begin code execution. When power is applied
to the chip, or some event caused the chip to exit Power-down mode, some
time is required for the oscillator to produce a signal of sufficient amplitude
to drive the clock logic. The amount of time depends on many factors,
including the rate of VDD ramp (in the case of power on), the type of crystal
and its electrical characteristics (if a quartz crystal is used), as well as any
other external circuitry (e.g. capacitors), and the characteristics of the
oscillator itself under the existing ambient conditions.
Brownout detector
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 include 2-stage monitoring of the voltage on
the VDD pins. If this voltage falls below 2.9 V, the BOD asserts an interrupt
signal to the VIC. This signal can be enabled for interrupt; if not, software can
monitor the signal by reading dedicated register. The second stage of low
voltage detection asserts reset to inactivate the LPC2141/42/44/46/48 when
the voltage on the VDD pins falls below 2.6 V. This reset prevents alteration
of the flash as operation of the various elements of the chip would otherwise
become unreliable due to low voltage. The BOD circuit maintains this reset
down below 1 V, at which point the POR circuitry maintains the overall reset.
Both the 2.9 V and 2.6 V thresholds include some hysteresis. In normal
operation, this hysteresis allows the 2.9 V detection to reliably interrupt, or a
regularly-executed event loop to sense the condition.
Code security
This feature of the LPC2141/42/44/46/48 allow an application to control
whether it can be debugged or protected from observation. If after reset on-
chip boot loader detects a valid checksum in flash and reads 0x8765 4321

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from address 0x1FC in flash, debugging will be disabled and thus the code in
flash will be protected from observation. Once debugging is disabled, it can
be enabled only by performing a full chip erase using the ISP.
External interrupt inputs
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 include up to nine edge or level sensitive
External Interrupt Inputs as selectable pin functions. When the pins are
combined, external events can be processed as four independent interrupt
signals. The External Interrupt Inputs can optionally be used to wake-up the
processor from Power-down mode. Additionally capture input pins can also
be used as external interrupts without the option to wake the device up from
Power-down mode.
Memory mapping control
The Memory Mapping Control alters the mapping of the interrupt
vectors that appear beginning at address 0x0000 0000. Vectors may be
mapped to the bottom of the on-chip flash memory, or to the on-chip static
RAM. This allows code running in different memory spaces to have control of
the interrupts
Power control
The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 supports two reduced power modes: Idle
mode and Power-down mode. In Idle mode, execution of instructions is
suspended until either a reset or interrupt occurs. Peripheral functions
continue operation during Idle mode and may generate interrupts to cause
the processor to resume execution. Idle mode eliminates power used by the
processor itself, memory systems and related controllers, and internal buses.
In Power-down mode, the oscillator is shut down and the chip receives no
internal clocks. The processor state and registers, peripheral registers, and
internal SRAM values are preserved throughout Power-down mode and the
logic levels of chip output pins remain static. The Power-down mode can be
terminated and normal operation resumed by either a reset or certain
specific interrupts that are able to function without clocks. Since all dynamic

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operation of the chip is suspended, Power-down mode reduces chip power

consumption to nearly zero.
VPB bus
The VPB divider determines the relationship between the processor
clock (CCLK) and the clock used by peripheral devices (PCLK). The VPB
divider serves two purposes. The first is to provide peripherals with the
desired PCLK via VPB bus so that they can operate at the speed chosen for
the ARM processor. In order to achieve this, the VPB bus may be slowed
down to 1⁄2 to 1⁄4 of the processor clock rate. Because the VPB bus must
work properly at power-up (and its timing cannot be altered if it does not
work since the VPB divider control registers reside on the VPB bus), the
default condition at reset is for the VPB bus to run at 1⁄4 of the processor
clock rate. The second purpose of the VPB divider is to allow power savings
when an application does not require any peripherals to run at the full
processor rate. Because the VPB divider is connected to the PLL output, the
PLL remains active (if it was running) during Idle mode.

Emulation and debugging

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 support emulation and debugging via a JTAG
serial port. A trace port allows tracing program execution. Debugging and
trace functions are multiplexed only with GPIOs on Port 1. This means that all
communication, timer and interface peripherals residing on Port 0 are
available during the development and debugging phase as they are when
the application is run in the embedded system itself.

Standard ARM EmbeddedICE logic provides on-chip debug support. The
debugging of the target system requires a host computer running the
debugger software and an EmbeddedICE protocol convertor. EmbeddedICE

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protocol convertor converts the remote debug protocol commands to the

JTAG data needed to access the ARM core.

The ARM core has a Debug Communication Channel (DCC) function

built-in. The DCC allows a program running on the target to communicate
with the host debugger or another separate host without stopping the
program flow or even entering the debug state. The DCC is accessed as a co-
processor 14 by the program running on the ARM7TDMI-S core. The DCC
allows the JTAG port to be used for sending and receiving data without
affecting the normal program flow. The DCC data and control registers are
mapped in to addresses in the EmbeddedICE logic.

Real Monitor
Real Monitor is a configurable software module, developed by ARM
Inc., which enables real-time debug. It is a lightweight debug monitor that
runs in the background while users debug their foreground application. It
communicates with the host using the DCC, which is present in the
Embedded ICE logic. The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 contains a specific
configuration of Real Monitor software programmed into the on-chip flash

The LPC2141/42/44/46/48 each contain two UARTs. In addition to
standard transmit and receive data lines, the LPC2144/46/48 UART1 also
provide a full modem control handshake interface. Compared to previous
LPC2000 microcontrollers, UARTs in LPC2141/42/44/46/48 introduce a
fractional baud rate generator for both UARTs, enabling these
microcontrollers to achieve standard baud rates such as 115200 with any

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crystal frequency above 2 MHz In addition, auto-CTS/RTS flow-control

functions are fully implemented in hardware (UART1 in LPC2144/46/48 only).
• 16 byte Receive and Transmit FIFOs.
• Register locations conform to ‘550 industry standard.
• Receiver FIFO trigger points at 1, 4, 8, and 14 bytes
• Built-in fractional baud rate generator covering wide range of baud rates
without a need for external crystals of particular values.
• Transmission FIFO control enables implementation of software (XON/XOFF)
flow control on both UARTs.
• LPC2144/46/48 UART1 equipped with standard modem interface signals.
This module also provides full support for hardware flow control (auto-CTS/RTS).

Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 (UART0)

• 16 byte Receive and Transmit FIFOs
• Register locations conform to ‘550 industry standard.
• Receiver FIFO trigger points at 1, 4, 8, and 14 bytes.
• Built-in fractional baud rate generator with autobauding capabilities.
• Mechanism that enables software and hardware flow control

Table 4.3 gives UART Pin description in controller

Table 4.3 pin description of UART in controller

Register description

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UART0 contains registers organized as shown in Table 4.4. The Divisor

Latch Access Bit (DLAB) is contained in U0LCR[7] and enables access to the
Divisor Latches.

table 4.3: register organization of UART0

UART0 Receiver Buffer Register (U0RBR - 0xE000 C000, when DLAB

= 0, Read Only)
The U0RBR is the top byte of the UART0 Rx FIFO. The top byte of the
Rx FIFO contains the oldest character received and can be read via the bus
interface. The LSB (bit 0) represents the “oldest” received data bit. If the
character received is less than 8 bits, the unused MSBs are padded with
zeroes. The Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB) in U0LCR must be zero in order
to access the U0RBR. The U0RBR is always Read Only. Since PE, FE and BI
bits correspond to the byte sitting on the top of the RBR FIFO (i.e. the one
that will be read in the next read from the RBR), the right approach for
fetching the valid pair of received byte and its status bits is first to read the
content of the U0LSR register, and then to read a byte from the U0RBR.
UART0 Receiver Buffer Register (U0RBR - address 0xE000 C000, when
DLAB = 0, Read Only) bit description

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UART0 Transmit Holding Register (U0THR - 0xE000 C000, when DLAB

= 0, Write Only) The U0THR is the top byte of the UART0 TX FIFO. The top
byte is the newest character in the TX FIFO and can be written via the bus
interface. The LSB represents the first bit to transmit.
The Divisor Latch Access Bit (DLAB) in U0LCR must be zero in order to access
the U0THR. The U0THR is always Write Only.
UART0 Transmit Holding Register (U0THR - address 0xE000 C000,
DLAB = 0, Write Only) bit description

UART0 Divisor Latch Registers (U0DLL - 0xE000 C000 and U0DLM

-C004, when DLAB = 1)
The UART0 Divisor Latch is part of the UART0 Fractional Baud Rate
Generator and holds the value used to divide the clock supplied by the
fractional prescaler in order to produce the baud rate clock, which must be
16x the desired baud rate (Equation 1). The U0DLL and U0DLM registers
together form a 16 bit divisor where U0DLL contains the lower 8 bits of the
divisor and U0DLM contains the higher 8 bits of the divisor. A 0x0000 value is
treated like a 0x0001 value as division by zero is not allowed.The Divisor
Latch Access Bit (DLAB) in U0LCR must be one in order to access the UART0
Divisor Latches.
Baudrates available when using 20 MHz peripheral clock (PCLK = 20

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UART0 Interrupt Enable Register (U0IER - 0xE000 C004, when DLAB

= 0)
The U0IER is used to enable UART0 interrupt sources.
UART0 Interrupt Enable Register (U0IER - address 0xE000 C004,
when DLAB = 0) bit description

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UART0 Interrupt Identification Register (U0IIR - 0xE000 C008, Read

The U0IIR provides a status code that denotes the priority and source
of a pending interrupt. The interrupts are frozen during an U0IIR access. If an
interrupt occurs during an U0IIR access, the interrupt is recorded for the next
U0IIR access.

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Interrupts are handled as described in Table 105. Given the status of

U0IIR[3:0], an interrupt handler routine can determine the cause of the
interrupt and how to clear the active interrupt. The U0IIR must be read in
order to clear the interrupt prior to exiting the Interrupt Service Routine. The
UART0 RLS interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 011) is the highest priority interrupt and is
set whenever any one of four error conditions occur on the UART0 Rx input:
overrun error (OE), parity error (PE), framing error (FE) and break interrupt
(BI). The UART0 Rx error condition that set the interrupt can be observed via
U0LSR[4:1]. The interrupt is cleared upon an U0LSR read. The UART0 RDA
interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 010) shares the second level priority with the CTI
interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 110).
The RDA is activated when the UART0 Rx FIFO reaches the trigger
level defined in U0FCR[7:6] and is reset when the UART0 Rx FIFO depth falls
below the trigger level. When the RDA interrupt goes active, the CPU can
read a block of data defined by the trigger level. The CTI interrupt (U0IIR[3:1]
= 110) is a second level interrupt and is set when the UART0 Rx FIFO

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contains at least one character and no UART0 Rx FIFO activity has occurred
in 3.5 to 4.5 character times. Any UART0 Rx FIFO activity (read or write of
UART0 RSR) will clear the interrupt. This interrupt is intended to flush the
UART0 RBR after a message has been received that is not a multiple of the
trigger level size. For example, if a peripheral wished to send a 105 character
message and the trigger level was 10 characters, the CPU would receive 10
RDA interrupts resulting in the transfer of 100 characters and 1 to 5 CTI
interrupts (depending on the service routine) resulting in the transfer of the
remaining 5 characters.

The UART0 THRE interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 001) is a third level interrupt

and is activated when the UART0 THR FIFO is empty provided certain
initialization conditions have been met. These initialization conditions are
intended to give the UART0 THR FIFO a chance to fill up with data to
eliminate many THRE interrupts from occurring at system start-up. The
initialization conditions implement a one character delay minus the stop bit
whenever THRE=1 and there have not been at least two characters in the
U0THR at one time since the last THRE = 1 event. This delay is provided to
give the CPU time to write data to U0THR without a THRE interrupt to decode
and service. A THRE interrupt is set immediately if the UART0 THR FIFO has

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held two or more characters at one time and currently, the U0THR is empty.
The THRE interrupt is reset when a U0THR write occurs or a read of the U0IIR
occurs and the THRE is the highest interrupt (U0IIR[3:1] = 001).

UART0 Transmit Enable Register (U0TER - 0xE000 C030)

LPC2141/2/4/6/8’s U0TER enables implementation of software flow
control. When TXEn=1, UART0 transmitter will keep sending data as long as
they are available. As soon as TXEn becomes 0, UART0 transmission will
stop.Table describes how to use TXEn bit in order to achieve software flow
UART0 Transmit Enable Register (U0TER - address 0xE000 C030) bit

The architecture of the UART0 is shown below in the block diagram 4.3.
The VPB interface provides a communications link between the CPU or host
and the UART0. The UART0 receiver block, U0RX, monitors the serial input
line, RXD0, for valid input. The UART0 RX Shift Register (U0RSR) accepts
valid characters via RXD0. After a valid character is assembled in the U0RSR,
it is passed to the UART0 RX Buffer Register FIFO to await access by the CPU
or host via the generic host interface. The UART0 transmitter block, U0TX,
accepts data written by the CPU or host and buffers the data in the UART0
TX Holding Register FIFO (U0THR). The UART0 TX Shift Register (U0TSR)
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reads the data stored in the U0THR and assembles the data to transmit via
the serial output pin, TXD0. The UART0 Baud Rate Generator block, U0BRG,
generates the timing enables used by the UART0 TX block. The U0BRG clock
input source is the VPB clock (PCLK). The main clock is divided down per the
divisor specified in the U0DLL and U0DLM registers. This divided down clock
is a 16x oversample clock, NBAUDOUT. The interrupt interface contains
registers U0IER and U0IIR. The interrupt interface receives several one clock
wide enables from the U0TX and U0RX blocks. Status information from the
U0TX and U0RX is stored in the U0LSR. Control information for the U0TX and
U0RX is stored in the U0LCR.

Fig 4.3: Architecture of UART

R303A Series Fingerprint Identification Module

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Fig 5.1: photograph of finger print module

Fingerprint module’s processing , shown in figure 5.2 includes two
parts: fingerprint enrollment and fingerprint matching (the matching can be
1:1 or 1:N). When enrolling, user needs to enter the finger two times. The
system will process the two time finger images, generate a template of the
finger based on processing results and store the template. When matching,
user enters the finger through optical sensor and system will generate a
template of the finger and compare it with templates of the finger library. For
1:1 matching, system will compare the live finger with specific template
designated in the Module; for 1:N matching, or searching, system will search
the whole finger library for the matching finger. In both circumstances,
system will return the matching result, success or failure.

The following table 5.1 gives the specifications of finger print module R303a

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Table 5.1 Specifications of fingerprint module

5.1 Serial Communication(P1)
When the FP module communicates with user device, definition of J1 is
as shown in the table 5.2:

Table 5.2: pin description of FP

5.2 Hardware connection and features
Via serial interface, the Module may communicate with MCU of 3.3V or
5V power: TD (pin 2 of P1) connects with RXD (receiving pin of MCU), RD (pin
3 of P1) connects with TXD (transferring pin of MCU). Should the upper
computer (PC) be in RS-232 mode, please add level converting circuit, like
MAX232, between the Module and PC. Serial communication protocol The

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mode is semi duplex asynchronies serial communication. And the default

baud rate is 57600bps. User may set the baud rate in 9600 ~ 115200bps
Transferring frame format is 10 bit: the low-level starting bit, 8-bit data with
the LSB first, and an ending bit. There is no check bit.
Reset time
At power on, it takes about 500ms for initialization. During this period,
the Module can’t accept commands for upper computer. Electrical parameter
(All electrical level takes GND as reference)

Power supply
The logic levels and their corresponding voltage levels are given in the
table 5.3 below

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Table 5.3: logic levels and power supply specifications

IV System Resources
To address demands of different customer, Module system provides
abundant resources at user’s use.
The system sets aside a 512-bytes memory (16 pages* 32 bytes) for
user’s notepad, where data requiring power-off protection can be stored. The
host can access the page by instructions of PS_WriteNotepad and PS_Read
Note: when write on one page of the pad, the entire 32 bytes will be
written in wholly covering the original contents.
There are an image buffer and two 512-byte-character-file buffer
within the RAM space of the module. Users can read & write any of the
buffers by instructions.
Note: Contents of the above buffers will be lost at power-off.

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Image buffer
Image Buffer serves for image storage and the image format is
256*288 pixels. When transferring through UART, to quicken speed, only the
upper 4 bits of the pixel is transferred (that is 16 grey degrees). And two
adjacent pixels of the same row will form a byte before the transferring.
When uploaded to PC, the 16-grey-degree image will be extended to 256-
grey-degree format. That’s 8-bit BMP format. When transferring through USB,
the image is 8-bit pixel, that’s 256 grey degrees.
Character file buffer
Character file buffer, CharBuffer1, CharBuffer2, can be used to store
both character file and template file.

5.3 Fingerprint Library

System sets aside a certain space within Flash for fingerprint template
storage, that’s fingerprint library. Contents of the library remain at power off.
Capacity of the library changes with the capacity of Flash, system will
recognize the latter automatically. Fingerprint template’s storage in Flash is
in sequential order. Assume the fingerprint capacity N, then the serial
number of template in library is 0, 1, 2, 3 … N. User can only access library
by template number. System Configuration Parameter To facilitate user’s
developing, Module opens part system parameters for use. And the basic
instructions are SetSysPara & ReadSysPara. Both instructions take Parameter
Number as parameter. When upper computer sends command to modify
parameter, Module first responses with original configurations, then performs
the parameter modification and writes configuration record into Flash. At the
next startup, system will run with the new configurations.

Baud rate control (Parameter Number: 4)

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

The Parameter controls the UART communication speed of the Module.

Its value is an integer N, N= [1, 12]. Corresponding baud rate is 9600*N bps
Security Level (Parameter Number: 5)
The Parameter controls the matching threshold value of fingerprint
searching and matching. Security level is divided into 5 grades, and
corresponding value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. At level 1, FAR is the highest and FRR is
the lowest; however at level 5, FAR is the lowest and FRR is the highest.
Data package length (Parameter Number: 6)
The parameter decides the max length of the transferring data
package when communicating with upper computer. Its value is 0, 1, 2, 3,
corresponding to 32 bytes, 64 bytes, 128 bytes, 256 bytes respectively.
System status register
System status register indicates the current operation status of the
Module. Its length is 1 word, and can be read via instruction ReadSysPara.
Definition of the register is as follows:

Busy:1 bit. 1: system is executing commands; 0: system is free;
Pass:1 bit. 1: find the matching finger; 0: wrong finger;
PWD:1 bit. 1: Verified device’s handshaking password.
ImgBufStat:1 bit. 1: image buffer contains valid image.
Module password
At power-on reset, system first checks whether the handshaking
password has been modified. If not, system deems upper computer has no
requirement of verifying password and will enter into normal operation
mode. That’s, when Module password remains the default, verifying process
can be jumped. The password length is 4 bytes, and its default factory value
is 0FFH, 0FFH, 0FFH, 0FFH. Should the password have be modified, refer to
instruction SetPwd, then Module (or device) handshaking password must be

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

verified before the system enter into normal operation mode. Or else, system
will refuse to execute and command. The new modified password is stored in
Flash and remains at power off.
Module address:
Each module has an identifying address. When communicating with
upper computer, each instruction/data is transferred in data package form,
which contains the address item. Module system only responds to data
package whose address item value is the same with its identifying address.
The address length is 4 bytes, and its default factory value is 0xFFFFFFFF.
User may modify the address via instruction SetAdder. The new modified
address remains at power off.
Random number generator Module integrates a hardware 32-bit
random number generator (RNG) (without seed). Via instruction
GetRandomCode, system will generate a random number and upload it.
Communication Protocol
The protocol defines the data exchanging format when ZFM-20 series
communicates with upper computer. The protocol and instruction sets apples
for both UART and USB communication mode. For PC, USB interface is
strongly recommended to improve the exchanging speed, especially in
fingerprint scanning device.
Data package format
When communicating, the transferring and receiving of
command/data/result are all wrapped in data package format.

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

The new modified password is stored in Flash and remains at power off.

Module address
Each module has an identifying address. When communicating with
upper computer, each instruction/data is transferred in data package form,
which contains the address item. Module system only responds to data
package whose address item value is the same with its identifying address.
The address length is 4 bytes, and its default factory value is 0xFFFFFFFF.
User may modify the address via instruction SetAdder. The new modified
address remains at power off. Random number generator Module integrates
a hardware 32-bit random number generator (RNG) (without seed). Via
instruction GetRandomCode, system will generate a random number and
upload it.
Module Instruction System
R303A series provide 23 instructions. Through combination of different
instructions, application program may realize muti finger authentication
functions. All commands/data are transferred in package format.

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

Switches and Pushbuttons and LCD display
6.1Switches and Pushbuttons

This is the simplest way of controlling appearance of some voltage on

microcontroller’s input pin. There is also no need for additional explanation
of how these components operate.

Fig 6.1 switch bounce patterns

This is about something commonly unnoticeable when using these

components in everyday life. It is about contact bounce, a common problem
with mechanical switches as shown in figure 6.1. If contact switching does
not happen so quickly, several consecutive bounces can be noticed prior to
maintain stable state. The reasons for this are: vibrations, slight rough spots
and dirt. Anyway, this whole process does not last long (a few micro- or
milliseconds), but long enough to be registered by the microcontroller.
Concerning the pulse counter, error occurs in almost 100% of cases.

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

Fig 6.2 Switch interfacing with microcontroller

The simplest solution is to connect simple RC circuit as shown in figure

6.2 which will suppress each quick voltage change. Since the bouncing time
is not defined, the values of elements are not strictly determined. In the
most cases, the values shown on figure are sufficient.

If complete safety is needed, radical measures should be taken. The

circuit (RS flip-flop) changes logic state on its output with the first pulse
triggered by contact bounce. Even though this is more expensive solution
(SPDT switch), the problem is definitely resolved. Besides, since the
condensator is not used, very short pulses can be also registered in this way.
In addition to these hardware solutions, a simple software solution is also
commonly applied. When a program tests the state of some input pin and
finds changes, the check should be done one more time after certain time
delay. If the change is confirmed, it means that switch (or pushbutton) has
changed its position. The advantages of such solution are: it is free of
charge, effects of disturbances are eliminated and it can be adjusted to the
worst-quality contacts.


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Finger print based electronic voting machine

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is finding wide spread use
replacing LEDs (seven segment LEDs or other multi segment LEDs) because
of the following reasons:
1. The declining prices of LCDs.
2. The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in
contrast to LEDs, which are limited to numbers and a few characters.
3. Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, thereby relieving
the CPU of the task of refreshing the LCD. In contrast, the LED must be
refreshed by the CPU to keep displaying the data.
4. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

These components are “specialized” for being used with the

microcontrollers, which means that they cannot be activated by standard IC
circuits. They are used for writing different messages on a miniature LCD.

Fig 6.3 LCD display

A model as shown in figure 6.3 here is for its low price and great
possibilities most frequently used in practice. It is based on the HD44780
microcontroller (Hitachi) and can display messages in two lines with 16
characters each. It displays all the alphabets, Greek letters, punctuation
marks, mathematical symbols etc. In addition, it is possible to display
symbols that user makes up on its own. Automatic shifting message on
display (shift left and right), appearance of the pointer, backlight etc. are
considered as useful characteristics.

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

Pins Functions
There are pins along one side of the small printed board used for
connection to the microcontroller. There are total of 14 pins marked with
numbers (16 in case the background light is built in). Their function is
described in the table 6.1 below:

Pin Logic
Function Name Description
Number State
Ground 1 Vss - 0V
Power supply 2 Vdd - +5V
Contrast 3 Vee - 0 – Vdd
D0 – D7 are interpreted as
0 commands
4 RS
1 D0 – D7 are interpreted as
Write data (from controller
Control of 0 to LCD)
5 R/W
operating 1 Read data (from LCD to
0 Access to LCD disabled
1 Normal operating
6 E
From 1 Data/commands are
to 0 transferred to LCD
7 D0 0/1 Bit 0 LSB
8 D1 0/1 Bit 1
9 D2 0/1 Bit 2
Data / 10 D3 0/1 Bit 3
commands 11 D4 0/1 Bit 4
12 D5 0/1 Bit 5
13 D6 0/1 Bit 6
14 D7 0/1 Bit 7 MSB
Table 6.1 pin description of LCD
LCD screen:

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

LCD screen consists of two lines with 16 characters each. Each

character consists of 5x7 dot matrix. Contrast on display depends on the
power supply voltage and whether messages are displayed in one or two
lines. For that reason, variable voltage 0-Vdd is applied on pin marked as
Vee. Trimmer potentiometer is usually used for that purpose the connections
are as shown in figure 6.4. Some versions of displays have built in backlight
(blue or green diodes). When used during operating, a resistor for current
limitation should be used (like with any LE diode).

Fig 6.4:power supply connection to LCD

LCD Basic Commands
All data transferred to LCD through outputs D0-D7 will be interpreted as
commands or as data, which depends on logic state on pin RS:
 RS = 1 - Bits D0 - D7 are addresses of characters that should be
displayed. Built in processor addresses built in “map of characters” and
displays corresponding symbols. Displaying position is determined by
DDRAM address. This address is either previously defined or the
address of previously transferred character is automatically

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 RS = 0 - Bits D0 - D7 are commands which determine display mode.

List of commands which LCD recognizes are given in the table 6.2

Command RS RW D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Clear display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.64mS
Cursor home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 1.64mS
Entry mode set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S 40uS
Display on/off control 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D U B 40uS
Cursor/Display Shift 0 0 0 0 0 1 D/C R/L X x 40uS
Function set 0 0 0 0 1 DL N F X x 40uS
Set CGRAM address 0 0 0 1 CGRAM address 40uS
Set DDRAM address 0 0 1 DDRAM address 40uS
Read “BUSY” flag (BF) 0 1 BF DDRAM address -
Write to CGRAM or DDRAM 1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 40uS
Read from CGRAM or DDRAM 1 1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 40uS

Function Value Operation

I/D 1 Increment by 1
0 Decrement by 1
S 1 Display shift on
0 Display shift off
D 1 Display on
0 Display off
U 1 Cursor on
0 Cursor off
B 1 Cursor blink on
0 Cursor blink off
R/L 1 Shift right
0 Shift left
DL 1 8-bit interface
0 4-bit interface
N 1 Display in two
0 Display in one
F 1 Character
format 5x10
0 Character
format 5x7 dots
D/C 1 Display shift

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0 Cursor shift

Table 6.2: LCD command description

LCD Connection
Depending on how many lines are used for connection to the
microcontroller, there are 8-bit and 4-bit LCD modes. The appropriate mode
is determined at the beginning of the process in a phase called
“initialization”. In the first case, the data are transferred through outputs D0-
D7 as it has been already explained. In case of 4-bit LED mode, for the sake
of saving valuable I/O pins of the microcontroller, there are only 4 higher bits
(D4-D7) used for communication, while other may be left unconnected.

Consequently, each data is sent to LCD in two steps: four higher bits
are sent first (that normally would be sent through lines D4-D7), four lower
bits are sent afterwards. With the help of initialization, LCD will correctly
connect and interpret each data received. Besides, with regards to the fact
that data are rarely read from LCD (data mainly are transferred from
microcontroller to LCD) one more I/O pin may be saved by simple connecting
R/W pin to the Ground. Even though message displaying will be normally
performed, it will not be possible to read from busy flag since it is not
possible to read from display.

LCD Initialization
Once the power supply is turned on, LCD is automatically cleared. This
process lasts for approximately 15mS. After that, display is ready to operate.
The mode of operating is set by default. This means that:
1. Display is cleared
2. Mode
DL = 1 Communication through 8-bit interface
N = 0 Messages are displayed in one line
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F = 0 Character font 5 x 8 dots

3. Display/Cursor on/off
D = 0 Display off
U = 0 Cursor off
B = 0 Cursor blink off
4. Character entry
ID = 1 Addresses on display are automatically incremented by 1
S = 0 Display shift off

Automatic reset is mainly performed without any problems. If for any

reason power supply voltage does not reach full value in the course of 10mS,
display will start perform completely unpredictably. If voltage supply unit can
not meet this condition or if it is needed to provide completely safe
operating, the process of initialization by which a new reset enabling display
to operate normally must be applied.
Algorithm according to the initialization is being performed depends on
whether connection to the microcontroller is through 4- or 8-bit interface. All
left over to be done after that is to give basic commands and of course- to
display messages. The algorithm is as shown in the figure 6.5

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Fig 6.5 algorithm for initialization of 8-bit LCD

Contrast Control:
To have a clear view of the characters on the LCD, contrast should be
adjusted. To adjust the contrast, the voltage should be varied. For this, a
preset is used which can behave like a variable voltage device. As the
voltage of this preset is varied, the contrast of the LCD can be adjusted.

Variable resistors used as potentiometers have all three terminals
connected. This arrangement is normally used to vary voltage, for example
to set the switching point of a circuit with a sensor, or control the volume
(loudness) in an amplifier circuit. If the terminals at the ends of the track are

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connected across the power supply, then the wiper terminal will provide a
voltage which can be varied from zero up to the maximum of the supply.
LCD interface with the microcontroller (4-bit mode):

Chapter 7
Firmware Implementation of the project design

The firmware programmed in LPC2148 is designed to communicate

with Finger print and operates according the commands received from the
Switches. Therefore, the main firmware programmed can be divided into
three parts:
1. Receive the Data from Finger print and processing and
2. And take the data from switches and comparing with the data
base and updating the data base.

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3. and display the command and display the result with respect to
the switch operations.

KEIL ARM Is Used For The Development Of Finger Print Based Electronic
Voting Machine
7.1.µVision3 Overview

The µVision3 IDE is a Windows-based software development platform that

combines a robust editor, project manager, and makes facility. µVision3
integrates all tools including the C compiler, macro assembler, linker/locator,
and HEX file generator. µVision3 helps expedite the development process of
your embedded applications by providing the following:

 Full-featured source code editor,

 Device database for configuring the development tool setting,

 Project manager for creating and maintaining your projects,

 Integrated make facility for assembling, compiling, and linking your

embedded applications,

 Dialogs for all development tool settings,

 True integrated source-level Debugger with high-speed CPU and

peripheral simulator,

 Advanced GDI interface for software debugging in the target hardware

and for connection to Keil ULINK,

 Flash programming utility for downloading the application program into

Flash ROM,

 Links to development tools manuals, device datasheets & user's


JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 68

Finger print based electronic voting machine

The µVision3 IDE offers numerous features and advantages that help you
quickly and successfully develop embedded applications. They are easy to
use and are guaranteed to help you achieve your design goals.

The µVision3 IDE and Debugger is the central part of the Keil
development tool chain. µVision3 offers a Build Mode and a Debug Mode.In
the µVision3 Build Mode you maintain the project files and generate the

In the µVision3 Debug Mode you verify your program either with a powerful
CPU and peripheral simulator or with the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter (or
other AGDI drivers) that connect the debugger to the target system. The
ULINK allows you also to download your application into Flash ROM of your
target system.

Features and Benefits

Feature Benefit

The µVision3 Simulator is the only Write and test application code before
debugger that completely production hardware is available.
simulates all on-chip peripherals. Investigate different hardware
configurations to optimize the hardware

Simulation capabilities may be Sophisticated systems can be accurately

expanded using the Advanced simulated by adding your own peripheral
Simulation Interface (AGSI). drivers.

The Code Coverage feature of the Safety-critical systems can be thoroughly

µVision3 Simulator provides tested and validated. Execution analysis
statistical analysis of your reports can be viewed and printed for
program's execution. certification requirements.

The µVision3 Device Database Mistakes in tool settings are practically

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 69
Finger print based electronic voting machine

automatically configures the eliminated and tool configuration time is

development tools for the target minimized.

The µVision3 IDE integrates Quickly access development tools and

additional third-party tools like third-party tools. All configuration details
VCS, CASE, and FLASH/Device are saved in the µVision3 project.

The ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter The same tool can be used for debugging
supports both Debugging and and programming. No extra configuration
Flash programming with time required.
configurable algorithm files.

Identical Target Debugger and Shortens your learning curve.

Simulator User Interface.

µVision3 incorporates project Accelerates application development.

manager, editor, and debugger in While editing, you may configure
a single environment. debugger features. While debugging, you
may make source code modifications.


The µVision3 User Interface consists of menus, toolbar buttons, keyboard

shortcuts, dialog boxes, and windows that you use as you interact with and
manage the various aspects of your embedded project.

 The menu bar provides menus for editor operations, project

maintenance, development tool option settings, program debugging,
external tool control, window selection and manipulation, and on-line

 The toolbar buttons allow you to rapidly execute µVision3 commands.

A Status Bar provides editor and debugger information. The various
JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 70
Finger print based electronic voting machine

toolbars and the status bar can be enabled or disabled from the View
Menu commands.

 Keyboard shortcuts offer quick access to µVision3 commands and may

be configured via the menu command Edit — Configuration — Shortcut

The following sections list the µVision3 commands that can be reached by
menu commands, toolbar buttons, and keyboard shortcuts. The µVision3
commands are grouped mainly based on the appearance in the menu bar:

• File Menu and File Commands

• Edit Menu and Editor Commands

• Outlining Menu
• Advanced Menu
• Selecting Text Commands
• View Menu

• Project Menu and Project Commands

• Debug Menu and Debug Commands

• Flash Menu

• Peripherals Menu

• Tools Menu

• SVCS Menu

• Window Menu

• Help Menu

7.2.Creating Applications

This chapter describes the Build Mode of µVision3 and is grouped into the
following sections:

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

 Create a Project: explains the steps required to setup a simple

application and to generate HEX output.

 Project Target and File Groups: shows how to create application

variants and organized the files that belong to a project.

 Tips and Tricks: provides information about the advanced features of

the µVision3 Project Manager.

 This chapter uses the ARM as target architecture and only explains
generic features of the µVision3 IDE. Architecture specific information
(like bank switching for 8051) can be found in the Getting Started
User's Guide of the related toolchain.


This chapter describes the Debug Mode of µVision3 and shows you how
to use the user interface to test a sample program. Also discussed are
simulation mode and the different options available for program debugging.

You can use µVision3 Debugger to test the applications you develop.
The µVision3 Debugger offers two operating modes that are selected in the
Options for Target — Debug dialog.

 Use Simulator configures the µVision3 Debugger as software-only

product that simulates most features of a microcontroller without
actually having target hardware. You can test and debug your
embedded application before the hardware is ready. µVision3
simulates a wide variety of peripherals including the serial port,
JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 72
Finger print based electronic voting machine

external I/O, and timers. The peripheral set is selected when you select
a CPU from the device database for your target.

 Use Advanced GDI drivers, like the ULINK Debugger to interface to your
target hardware. For µVision3 various drivers are available that
interface to:

 JTAG/OCDS Adapter: which connects to on-chip debugging

systems like the ARM Embedded ICE.?
 Monitor: that may be integrated with user hardware or is
available on many evaluation boards.
 Emulator: which connects to the CPU pins of the target
 In-System Debugger: which is part of the user application
program and provides basic test functions?
 Test Hardware: such as the Infineon Smart Card ROM Monitor
RM66P or the Philips SmartMX DBox.

 The Status Bar shows the current active debugging tool. In simulation
mode, timing statistics are provided.


The µVision3 Debugger incorporates a C script language you can use

to create Signal Functions. Signal functions let you simulate analog and
digital input to the microcontroller. Signal functions run in the background
while µVision3 simulates your target program.

The µVision3 simulator simulates the timing and logical behavior of

serial communication protocols like UART, I²C, SPI, and CAN. But µVision3
does not simulate the I/O port toggling of the physical communication pins
on the I/O port.

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To provide fast simulation speed and optimum access to

communication peripherals, the logic behavior of communication peripherals
is reflected in virtual registers that are listed with the DIR VTREG command.
This has the benefit that you can easily write debug functions that stimulate
complex peripherals.

The chapter contains several Signal function temples that you may use
to simulate:

• Digital Input

• Push Button

• Interrupt Signal

• Impulse Patterns

• Analog Input

• Square Wave Signal

• Saw Tooth Signal

• Sine Wave

• Noise Signal

• Signal Combination

• UART Communication

• CAN Communication

• I²C Communication

• SPI Communication

7.3. Flash Programming

µVision3 integrates Flash Programming Utilities in the project environment.

All configurations are saved in context with your current project.

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You may use external command-line driven utilities (usually provided by the
chip vendor) or the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter. The Flash Programming
Utilities are configured under

Project — Options — Utilities.

Flash Programming may be started from the Flash Menu or before starting
the µVision3 Debugger when you enable Project — Options — Utilities —
Update Target before Debugging.

For more information refer to the following topics:

 Configure Flash Menu: configures the Flash Menu for using an external
command-line based utility or the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter.

 ULink Configuration: explains the configuration settings for the Keil


 Pre-Download Scripts: allows to you program multiple applications or

configure the BUS system which is required for ULINK when you
program off-chip Flash devices.

 Flash Algorithms: explains you how to create own Flash Program

Algorithms for the Keil ULINK USB-JTAG Adapter.

 HEX File Flash Download: explains how to program existing HEX files.

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The screenshot of µ3vision is as shown in figure 7.1

Fig 7.1 screenshot of keil µ3vision

Flash Magic
The screenshot of FLASH MAGIC is as shown in figure 7.2

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Fig 7.2 screenshot of flashmagic

/* Voting mechain using Finger print; */

#include <lpc214x.h>

#include "serial.h"


#define sw1 0x00100000

#define sw2 0x00020000

#define sw3 0x00040000

#define sw4 0x00080000

unsigned char i=0,fp[20],j=0,str[4],s=0,rec,dummy;



JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 77

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unsignedchar store[11]={0xEF,0X01,0XFF,0XFF,0XFF,0XFF,0X01,0X00,0X06,0X06,0X01};


unsigned char b1=0,b2=0,i1=0,i2=0,id=0,id1=0,id2=0,cnt=0,eeprom_add=0,aa,n=0;

void clearfp(void);

void convert (unsigned char temp_value);

unsignedchar part_A=0,part_B=0,part_C=0,part_D=0,check=0,count=0,enroll_check=0,en_byte;

void long_delay (void );

main program
int main (void )
message(0," welcome ");

message(0,"EVM with FP");


JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 78

Finger print based electronic voting machine

/******* Enrolling your ID *********************/

if((IOPIN0&sw1)==0) //checking for sw1

message(0,"Enrolling ok");

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 79

Finger print based electronic voting machine

message(0,"Enrolling not ok");
goto again;


message(0,"gen char ok");

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 80

Finger print based electronic voting machine

message(0,"genchar not ok");
goto again;


message(0,"store ok");

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 81

Finger print based electronic voting machine

message(0,"store not ok");
goto again;

//enroll_check =0;

/*********** identifying your ID *******************/

if((IOPIN0&sw2)==0) //checking for sw2



enroll_check =1;

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 82

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/*********** final result *******************/

if((IOPIN0&sw3)==0) //checking for sw3

message(1,"A B C D");

goto again;

/********* receiving data from FP *********/


JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 83

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message(1," Successfully ");
message(0xc0," completed");
b1=0; b2=0; i1=0; i2=0; id=0;

// lcd_cmd(0xc0,0);
// message(0xc0,"Id:");
// lcd_cmd(0xC3,0);
// lcd_cmd(b1+0x30,1);
// lcd_cmd(b2+0x30,1);

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if(enroll_check ==1)
message(1," Plz poll ur vote ");
// clearfp();
goto poll;
goto again;

message(1," Failed");

goto again;

polling your vote

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 85

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if((IOPIN0&sw1)==0) //sw1
message(1,"Vote for part A");
goto again;
if((IOPIN0&sw2)==0) //sw2
message(1,"Vote for part B");
goto again;
// goto again;
if((IOPIN0&sw3)==0) //sw3
message(1,"Vote for part C");

goto again;
// goto again;

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 86

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if((IOPIN0&sw4)==0) //sw4
message(1,"Vote for part D");
goto again;
// goto again;

Clear the string clearfp

void clearfp(void)
unsigned char cl=0;
fp[cl]=' ';
;convertion program Binary to ASCii ;

JNTUA CE , pulivendula Page 87

Finger print based electronic voting machine

void convert(unsigned char temp_value)

unsigned char value,d1,d2,d3,k=0;
temp_value = temp_value;
// lcddata(d1);
// msgdisplay(".");
; long delay ;
void long_delay (void )
unsigned int g;

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Chapter 8
Results and Discussions
8.1 Results
Assemble the circuit on the PCB as shown in Fig 5.1. After assembling
the circuit on the PCB, check it for proper connections before switching on
the power supply.
 The EVM consists of a controller and switching unit , both the units are
working independently and in collaboration with each other as well.
 The CU is accepting fingerprints in enrolling mode and is responding
 In identifying and vote casting mode, the CU checks for finger print
detection routine
 In identifying and vote casting mode, CU communicates with switching
unit in order to exchange various signals.
 CU is counting the votes for individual candidate (20 in number) and total
number of votes cast can be checked at anytime.
 In result mode, the CU displays the votes of individual candidate, in
consecutive order, whenever the “Result Button” is pressed.
 The total number of votes can be checked in result mode.

In total, the complete system (including all the hardware components and
software routines) is working as per the initial specifications and
requirements of our project. Because of the creative nature of the design,
and due to lack of time, some features could not be fine-tuned and are not
working properly. So certain aspects of the system can be modified as
operational experience is gained with it. As the users work with the system,

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

they develop various new ideas for the development and enhancement of
the project

8.2 Conclusion
The implementation of Finger print based voting machine using
microcontroller is done successfully. The communication is properly done
without any interference between different modules in the design. Design is
done to meet all the specifications and requirements. Software tools like Keil
Uvision Simulator, Flash Magic to dump the source code into the
microcontroller, Orcad Lite for the schematic diagram have been used to
develop the software code before realizing the hardware.

The performance of the system is more efficient. Reading the Data and
verifying the information with the already stored data and perform the
specified task is the main job of the microcontroller. The mechanism is
controlled by the microcontroller.

Circuit is implemented in Orcad and implemented on the

microcontroller board. The performance has been verified both in software
simulator and hardware design. The total circuit is completely verified
functionally and is following the application software. It can be concluded
that the design implemented in the present work provide portability,
flexibility and the data transmission is also done with low power
 Cost effective
 Low power consumption
 It is economical
 Less manpower required

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Finger print based electronic voting machine

 Time conscious, as less time required for voting & counting

 Avoids invalid voting
 Saves transportation cost due to its compact size
 Convenient on the part of voter
This project can be used as an voting machine that can prevent rigging
during the elections in the polling booths.
• Fast track voting which could be used in small scale elections, like
resident welfare association, “panchayat” level election and other society
level elections.
• It could also be used to conduct opinion polls during annual share
holders meeting.
• It could also be used to conduct general assembly elections where
number of candidates are less than or equal to eight in the current

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 Number of candidates could be increased.
 It could be interfaced with printer to get the hard copy of the result
almost instantly from the machine itself.
 It could also be interfaced with the personal computer and result could be
stored in the central server and its backup could be taken on the other
backend servers.
 Again, once the result is on the server it could be relayed on the network
to various offices of the election conducting authority. Thus our project
could make the result available any corner of the world in a matter of

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