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Y1NW Update: Friday May 13, 2011

We have had a great week in Y1NW! The students worked really hard, listened well
and showed consideration for others’.

In maths the Y1NW class continued to look at measurement. On Thursday the

students used their estimation and investigation skills while filling up containers.
The students understood that different containers hold different amounts and
discovered the meaning of the word capacity.

I accompanied the students to their swim lesson on Wednesday where the

students practiced their biathlon skills (running and swimming). The students all
did an excellent job and look like budding athletes!
The class has started the final UOI of the year; Where We are in Place and Time.
The central idea is: Tourism promotes a perception of a place that may differ from
reality for a range of reasons. We have had weekly visits from Kun Warunee where
we have looked at different images of Thailand and what we feel and think the
images show. On Thursday we had 3 special visitors; Aika, Kareena and Bos (Year 10
students) who spoke to us about Fair Trade. The students in Y1NW then
participated in the colouring contest for Fair Trade craft sale that will be held
this Saturday May 14 at Jasmine Tower on soi 23. All the beautiful pictures will be
displayed there from 9-3…stop by and take a look!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please come and see me or send
me a note via e-mail at

Have a great weekend!


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