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Department of Computer System Engineering, UCET-IUB

SE / Spring 2011
Instructor: Engr. Qaiser Ijaz
Assignment 02
Maximum Marks: 80
Issue Date: 25 April 2011
Due Date: Mid Exam


1. All students are requested to please consult course outline for assignment guidelines.

2. Please be precise.

3. Make assumptions where necessary.


Consider the “Case Study – B” for analysis and provide the required

Required Specifications:

1. Problem Statement [5]

2. System Diagram [5]

3. Top Down Functional Decomposition in Tree Structure [10]

4. Permanent Storage Structures [10]

5. Permanent Storage Structures [10]

Note: Submit diagram using ERWIN, ASCENT and / or MS ACCESS.

6. User Interface [10]

7. Data Flow Model Based Fundamental System [10]

Note: Hand written is also acceptable, tool can also be used.

8. Detained DFDs to maximum possible level using ASCENT [20]

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