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Presented by:
Rupinder Singh
Neha Gupta
Suraj Kumar
Pulkit Gaba
Rahul Bhalla
(FE 2)
= Ê rld's largest pr ducer  ilms. In 2009, India
pr duced a t tal  2961 ilms n cellul id, that
include a staggering igure  1288 eature
= Largest audience r m all er the w rld

= Sharukh, Amir, Shilpa, Aishwarya, Amitabh

am ng m st a ured act rs abr ad

= Largest in the w rld in terms  ticket sales and

number  m ies pr duced annually
= P pularity increasing ater gl balisati n

= Part  reenue c mes r m Grade-B m ies

and d wn

= m ie tickets in India are the cheapest in the

w rld
= m re than 14 milli n Indians g t the m ies
n a daily basis and pay m re than aerage
Indian·s daily wages(US 1$ - 3$)
= The industry has cl cked reenues  ar und
Rs 89 billi n in size in 2009

= ëer the next ie years, the Indian ilm industry

is pr jected t gr w at 9% and reach the size 
Rs 137 billi n by 2014 acc rding t the FICCI-
KPmG 2010 rep rt
= Nearly 70%  TV reenues are based n ilms
and ilm-based pr grammes
= Stars help make brand gr w by pr m ti n

= The industry pr ided empl yment t m re

than 18 lakh pe ple during 2008-09
= C mbined reenues  Indian ilm and
teleisi n industry was Rs 28,305 cr re  r the
year 2008-09(net direct taxes c mprised  Rs
800 cr re), which appr ximately c nstituted
0.532 per cent  the GDP  the c untry

= Regi nal cinema has experienced a huge gr wth

recently. B x ice c llecti ns r m regi nal ilms
are estimated t be Rs 1,508 cr re
= US-internati nal ilm industry is c ntributing Rs
304 cr re t the Indian ilm industry and acc unts
 r 14,000 j bs
= T urism sect r beneits largely r m
b llyw d(G a-Dil Chahta Hai, Kashmir-Mission

= Inestment in playback singers rather than

act rs taking music less ns; presence  item
numbers in c mmercial m ies
= Pr m ti n thr ugh ilms, eg. Nescae, C ke, etc

= 100% ree FDI in media sect r

= Film stars are used as pr tag nists  r gr wing

industries  animati n and gaming
= C rp ratizati n takes b llyw d t a higher
= Vide piracy, which acc unts  r a l ss  ab ut
$960 milli n at present day, sh uld h peully
be reduced

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