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(All figures are given in pounds sterling unless otherwise stated.)


Bank Balance from Santa Rosa Fund, 31.12.08 6041.30

Petty Cash 24.45
Also in dollars cash account $ 199

Donations from supporters 5742.40

Fund raising 1095.52
Represented by:
Quiz Night 242.60
Acoustic Cafe, May 297.92
Acoustic Cafe, June 200.00
Nachos and News Night
(includes sale of jewellery, draw and donations) 285.00
Additional Jewellery Sales 70.00
Mobile Phones recycled for resale 15.00
Gift Aid 1152.58
Broome Farm 1875.00
Bank Interest 4.23
Change from cash point withdrawal 5.00

Total 15955.48


Donations to projects in Nicaragua 6038.17 *

Please note this indented section only is represented in $ (US dollars)

Santa Rosa School

Computer expenses and running costs 590

Volunteer and expenses in Nicaragua 238

Associacion Quincho Barrilete 100

Los Positos 1400

For Disbursement by Nuns 7000

Purchase of Jewellery 62
Total 9390

Costs of Fund Raising 208.60

Represented by: Quiz £48.60
Acoustic Cafe (June) £100.00
Nachos and News Night £ 60.00
Affiliations, NSC 1 50.00
Donations to related organisations2 200.00
2 x newsletters, printing cost 191.07
Postage 171.00
Stationery and photocopying 35.74
Public Liability Insurance 110.00
Bank Charges 55.03

Total 7059.61

Balance: £ 15955.48– 7059.61 = 8895.87

Represented by:
Current account 8871.42
Petty cash 24.45
Dollar cash account $ 69.00
This does not represent the total donations to Nicaragua for 2009; an additional £4,771.06 was
donated and spent in 2009 but the money was drawn from the Santa Rosa bank account in late
2008 and therefore appears in the annual accounts for 2008.
NSC: Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign
Welsh NSC as a donation to the La Chureca Project

Pat Mayston, Santa Rosa Fund Treasurer

Rick Blower, Auditor

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