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Anxiety Busters:

2 Simple processes to
let go of anxiety FAST!

Dr. Olivier J. Becherel


Anxiety Busters:
2 Simple processes to
let go of anxiety FAST!

Dr. Olivier J. Becherel


Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
T he author of this book does not dispense medical advice or
prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical,
medical or psychological problems without the advice of a physician,
therapist, or psychologist either directly or indirectly. If you are currently
being treated by a physician, psychologist, or any other healthcare
practitioner for any condition or disease, consult with that provider prior
to changing or modifying any treatment program. The intent of the author
is only to offer educational and transformational information to help in
your quest for emotional freedom and spiritual wellbeing. In the event you
use any of the information and techniques described in this book for
yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility and liability
for your actions.

© Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success, 2009.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, or mechanical, including
photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now
known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher
and author.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Table of Contents

Anxiety, The 21st Century Plague ......................... 8

What Is Anxiety Really? ................................... 18

What Can I Do for Anxiety?............................... 22

Process #1 - Disappearing like a cloud…………………………………………..22

Process #2 – Dissociation……………………………………………………………….. 26

Afterword.................................................... 27

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Hello there,

Welcome to Anxiety Busters: 2 Simple processes to let

go of anxiety FAST!

This book is my attempt to explain, in the easiest way

possible, how we create Anxiety, through our thoughts and
mental strategies. To do this, I give some insights on how our
perception of the external world, in other words everything
that surrounds us, can affect our emotional state, feelings and
create anxiety and stress.

I also reveal in this book basic concepts of Neuro-linguistic

Programming (NLP) that are likely to give you a different
perspective on the world... and provide you with insights on
how you may deal with anxiety and stress.

Before I go further along, you may ask... But what is NLP?

Well... we’re all born with the same basic neurology, the same
circuitry. Our ability to do anything in life, whether it’s
swimming, climbing, running, cooking a meal, driving our
car, or reading this book, depends on how we control and use
our nervous system.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
NLP is an attitude, a philosophy, a model of communication,
and a trail of techniques devoted to learning how to think and
communicate more effectively with yourself and others. The
formal definition of NLP is “The study of the structure of
our subjective experience.”

Hmmm... OK??... So, what is it really?

It’s the Art & Science of communication, the key to learning.

It’s about what makes you and other people tick, it’s the route
to get the results you want in all areas of your life.

In this book, you will discover:

• The impact of anxiety and stress on our society.

• What is really anxiety.

And more importantly…

• 2 Techniques to deal with anxiety and let it go!

So without further due, let’s dive into it!


Brisbane, Australia, April 2009

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
“Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.”
- Plato

“Now is the age of anxiety.”

- W. H. Auden

“Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to

do today's job with yesterday's tools and yesterday's concepts.”
- Marshall McLuhan

“Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only

empties today of its strength.”
- Charles Spurgeon

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Anxiety, The 21st Century

T he 21 st
century, with all the technological
advances, is giving us instant access to information from
across the globe, forcing us to do things quicker, better
and faster, and putting us under tremendous pressure.
Not only do we have to do the right things, we also have
to do them in the most perfect way in order to please

With a constant emphasis on productivity,

performance, economy, and the ability to make money,
the 21st century lifestyle is taking an ever-increasing toll
on our health and wellbeing, at the physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual levels.

 No wonder, chronic conditions have flourished in
the last 100 years, and amongst them, anxiety and
stress have become two of the leading “illnesses” of the
21st century.

Let's have a quick look at what is happening
around the world...

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental
illnesses in the U.S. affecting 40 million of adults aged
18 and older.

This is a staggering ~ 18 % of the U.S. population.

Did you know that anxiety disorders cost the

U.S. more than $42 billion a year, almost one-third of
the country's $148 billion total mental health bill,
according to "The Economic Burden of Anxiety
Disorders," a study commissioned by Anxiety Disorder
Association of America and published in The Journal of
Clinical Psychiatry, Vol. 60, No. 7, July 1999.

Not only that, but more than $22.84 billion of

those costs are associated with the repeated use of
health care services where people with anxiety
disorders seek relief for symptoms that mimic physical

People suffering from anxiety disorders are 3 to 5

times more likely to go to the doctor and 6 times more
likely to be hospitalised for psychiatric disorders than
those who don’t.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Just some figures for anxiety disorders in the U.S:

Specific Phobias
• 19 million, 8.7%
• More prevalent in women

Social Anxiety Disorder

• 15 million, 6.8%
• Equally common among men and women

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

• 7.7 million, 3.5%
• More prevalent in women

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

• 6.8 million, 3.1%
• More prevalent in women

Panic Disorder
• 6 million, 2.7%
• More prevalent in women

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

• 2.2 million, 1.0%
• Equally common among men and women
[Numbers and percentages refer to adults affected in the U.S. population]

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Pretty alarming don't you think!

What about Europe...

In 2000 one in six adults in Great Britain had a

neurotic disorder [such as anxiety and depression],
while one in seven had considered suicide at some
point in their lives. The most common mental disorders
were: mixed anxiety and depression [7% for men, 11%
for women], anxiety [4% for men, 5% for women] and
depression [2% for men, 3% for women].

All neurotic disorders were more common in

women than men, except for panic disorder which was
equally common in both sexes. A follow up survey in
2001 showed that half of people with neurotic disorders
had not recovered 18 months later.

Currently, it is estimated that work-related stress,

depression or anxiety affected 415,000 individuals who
had worked in the last 12 months in 2008/09, with a
corresponding estimated 11.4 million lost working days
due to these work-related conditions.

This represents an estimated average of 27.5

working days lost per affected case and makes stress,
depression or anxiety the largest contributor to the
overall estimated annual days lost from work-related ill-
health in 2008/09.

Now, let's check out what's happening in our

country, down under...
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Well, the annual cost of mental illness in Australia
has been estimated at $20 billion, which includes the
cost of lost productivity and labour force participation.

In 2003, mental disorders were identified as the

leading cause of healthy years of life lost due to

In 2007, 45% of Australians aged 16-85 years [7.3

million people] had, at some point in their lifetime,
experienced at least one of the selected mental
disorders [anxiety, mood or substance use disorders].
People with a mental illness are more likely than those
without to have physical conditions, such as back or
neck pain/problems, asthma or heart trouble, further
compounding the difficulties they face.

People with a mental illness may have more than

one disorder at any one time. Having multiple mental
disorders is associated with greater impairment, higher
risk of suicidal behaviour and greater use of health

In 2007, 59% of people with a mental illness also

had a physical condition, compared with 48% of those
without any mental disorder.

As you're reading here, and I am sure in the media

also, anxiety is not isolated in some distant country...

“It is everywhere! And everyone is affected by it

at some point in life”
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
These are alarming facts, and indicate that it’s
time to do something. It’s too late to wait for
governments, or big pharmaceutical companies to give
us a magic solution, a magic pill that could wipe out
anxiety disorders from the surface of the planet. The
truth is it will never come about…

Want to know why?

Because anxiety and stress, although being a

burden on our society, is also profitable…

But I’m glad that by reading this book, you’ve

decided to take action… Because only proactive people

“You are shaping your future by the action
you take today, not tomorrow”

Now that we’ve seen the impact of anxiety and
stress globally, let's review quickly the symptoms of
anxiety. I’m sure you know them very…

The symptoms of anxiety are many and the list

seems to increase day-by-day, debilitating in most cases
[who would argue the opposite], and they include
mental, emotional, physical, behavioural and social

Below are some examples:

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
• Mental symptoms:
▪ Confusion
▪ Hyper-reactivity
▪ Hyper-sensitivity
▪ Hyper-vigilance
▪ Poor concentration
▪ Poor judgment
▪ Poor memory
• Emotional symptoms:
▪ Agitation
▪ Anger
▪ Confusion
▪ Specific fears
[eg. health problems, spiders, memories]
▪ General fears for self and loved ones
[eg. safety, financial security, the future]
• Physical symptoms:
▪ Gastrointestinal attack
▪ Headaches
▪ Heart palpitations
▪ Joint pain
▪ Muscle aches
▪ Pain
▪ Rapid breathing
▪ Sweating
• Behavioural symptoms:
▪ Avoidance of performance
▪ Avoidance of the feared “thing”
▪ Drink excessively
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
▪ Excessive attention to control or details in
order to prevent mistakes
▪ Excessive spending
▪ Social avoidance
▪ Avoidance of responsibility in order to
decrease anxiety
▪ Take drugs

Although this list of symptoms is already pretty

long, these are only just some of the possible symptoms
of anxiety. I’m sure you can probably think of some
additional ones to add to the list. I know I can!

I think you get the picture, there is no need to go

on and on about these symptoms... They are all too
familiar to most of us.

So, just to sum up this section, anxiety, stress, and

the various forms of anxiety disorders are everywhere
and affecting everyone on the planet. This is evidenced
by the rise of scientific and medical publications on
anxiety and related diseases published in peer-reviewed
journals, the media coverage on anxiety-related
disorders, and the increase in tranquilizers, related
prescription and non-prescription drugs and recreational
drugs consumption…

So now let’s leave all these statistics aside and

without further due, let's dive into the subject and see
what anxiety and stress are really and more
importantly, how can we get rid of them... Are you with
me? OK, let's GO!
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
• Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity among Adults in Great
Britain, Office for National Statistics.

• Better or worse: a longitudinal study of the mental health

of adults living in private households in Great Britain,
Office for National Statistics.

• Self-reported work-related illness and workplace injuries in

2007/08: Results from the Labour Force Survey. Health and
Safety Executive.

• Council of Australian Governments (2006), National Action

Plan on Mental Health 2006−2011, p. 1.

• Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2008),

Australia's Health 2008, pp. 52−56.

• World Health Organization, 'International Classification of

Diseases', viewed 17 December 2008,

• Australian Bureau of Statistics (2008), 2007 National Survey

of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Summary of Results (ABS
cat. no. 4326.0), p. 21.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
“Anxiety is part of creativity, the need to get
something out, the need to be rid of something or to
get in touch with something within.”
- David Duchovny

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through

the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which
all other thoughts are drained.”
- Arthur Somers

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
What Is Anxiety Really?

L et's consider first some definitions, to make

sure that we are talking about the same “thing”.

• According to the dictionary’s definition, anxiety
is a multi-system response to a perceived threat
or danger. [Keep in mind the notion of perceived
threat or perceived danger]. I will come back to
that later...

Anxiety reflects a combination of biochemical

changes in the body, energy disturbances or
blockages, personal history, memories, belief
system, and of course the context of the social

• A second definition of anxiety is: a psychological

and physiological state characterised by
cognitive, somatic, emotional, and behavioural
components that create an unpleasant feeling
that is typically associated with uneasiness,
apprehension, fear, or worry.

• Another view is that anxiety is “a future-oriented

mood state in which one is ready or prepared to
attempt to cope with upcoming negative events”.
In other words, anxiety is usually about a future
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
event, either about a specific action [i.e. like
going to an interview, or giving a speech] or a
vague feeling [i.e. about the future in general].

Anxiety is a normal human

emotion which is triggered when
we perceive threats of harm
Note that it is possible to be anxious of a pleasant

Yep, if we fear something can/might go wrong...

So, anxiety is in most cases considered to be a

normal reaction to stress. A minimum amount of stress
is required to keep us alert and help us going forward.

Anxiety may come for a good reason, such as to

protect us from harm by warning us of threats or make
us perform at a high level. This is where an appropriate
amount of stress creates a healthy tension that helps us
in reaching our peak performance [Figure 1]. In this
case, stress is considered normal and beneficial.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Figure 1. Stress vs Performance.

When it is abnormal or excessive, it causes us

distress, harm, and interferes with our lives, often not
protecting us and decreasing our performance levels.
Stress becomes toxic when we reach the fatigue point.
Instead of continuously increasing our performance [as
we often think it would], we soon reach exhaustion,
where most of our energy stores are depleted and we
cannot replenish our stock, and from then onwards, it is
all downhill [like on a black diamond slop]…
By being continually on “emergency mode”, our
body doesn’t have the time or the resources necessary
to repair or regenerate itself. We then reach a Tipping
point where the slightest minimal arousal may
precipitate a total breakdown, energetic, physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual. And there comes
illness, injury or overload...

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
We all need a fear response in order to warn us of
threats and enable us to prepare for them. This is why,
through biological evolution, this response called the
fight-or-flight response has been in-built in humans.

The problem of anxiety and stress only appears

when they become excessive; it then falls under the
classification of an anxiety disorder. In the modern
society our mind tends to find threats, worries and
concerns everywhere we look, from deadlines at work,
to global warming, to terrorism and simple health
issues. Just by watching TV, listening to the news on the
radio, or reading the newspaper, you get your daily dose
of anxiety and stress.

This constant perception of threat can leave us

living in a heightened state of arousal or anxiety. In
some cases this state of anxiety is specific to certain
situations such as in the case of phobias or social

Our anxieties can be triggered by real or imagined

experiences. Our thoughts have a big impact on whether
we perceive anxiety or not.
Panic attacks can also occur because our minds
may misinterpret our bodily sensations such as rapid
heartbeat. Anxiety can also be triggered by normal
experiences such as exercise, tiredness and fatigue,
drugs, thoughts about changes in our life situation or
memories of things that happened to us as children.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
What Can I Do for Anxiety?

we have a pretty good idea of what anxiety

is, it is time to get some tips on how to let go of it…

Are you ready? Now?

OK, I thought you would, so without further due,

let's look first let's look at a simple process that will
help you go past you fear, anxiety, or worry and take

Ready Now? Sure?

I just want to share with you two simple

processes that you can use to let go of anxiety!

By the way, I guarantee it won't be painful... but

rather fun to experience... You may even like and play
with it in the future!

So here we go...

Process #1 - Disappearing like a cloud…

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Process #1: Disappearing like a cloud...

So, think a something you are afraid of, or anxious about or
are worrying about.
Make it something where the feelings are unpleasant and you
are not sure what to do, like being overwhelm, not being sure
what to do, and this feeling is getting in your way...
Imagine the situation, like if you were there, and really feel the
feeling... Now label this feeling, as “anxiety”, fear”, “fright “
or even “worry”, it's up to you to choose the label.
Got it?
Now imagine the feeling right in front of you, it's there, look at
What does it look like?
What colour is it?
What shape is it?
Is it like a smoky cloud?
Or a green gooey mass [remember, the one like in Ghostbusters
the movie, Yeah... you know this one...]
How big is it?
Does it smell?
Does it have a sound as it is standing in front of you?
Watch it carefully! Smell! Listen!
Now, let it go over you, under you, and around you, let it go
through you and as it does, it will become like a thin cloud.
As it goes through you and around you, it will go behind you...
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Imagine that you are seeing it disappearing behind you in the
distance faster and faster... as it goes further and further... until
it melts into the nothingness... Poof!
There is nothing left, nothing you can feel anymore as it
disintegrated in to the nothingness...
Now feel your body, solid and grounded. You didn't move, you
stood firm. You are still here, because you are not this feeling.
You can separate yourself from it...
Now pay attention how you feel, calmer, relaxed, solid like a
rock, firmly grounded...
Now, think of three possible ways you can deal with this
situation, write them down NOW, and commit to take action as
soon as possible.

So How was it… did you feel any different?

I would have thought so...

Amazing isn't it, the power of imagination. As if you

were there, weren't you?

Ok I hope you enjoyed that one.

That was our first process.

Stick with me, for the second one!

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
A common way of dealing with anxiety or any bad
feeling [in NLP] is to dissociate from it. Many of the
mental strategies to deal with fear or anxiety rely on
your ability to dissociate from your mental pictures and
look at them from an observer perspective.

But wait a minute, I see you asking me “What the heck

is dissociation?”

Well, don’t worry it’s not painful… Let me define it in

simple terms.

So let just define the NLP jargon of association and


• Association is when you are inside your body,

seeing through your own eyes, and feeling the
feelings that go with the experience. This is
usually what happens when you are fearful or
anxiety or having panic attacks… you feel inside
yourself all these creepy feelings and thus
experience the symptoms of anxiety and fear!

• Dissociation is when you see your body, you're

outside of if, outside of the experience, and you
are the observer of the experience. And
therefore not direct feelings of the experience.

Want to see the difference?

So here is here second process.

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Process #2 – Dissociation…

Process #2: Dissociation…

Think of a pleasant memory Now!
When you think back to it, check what sort of pictures you have
in your mind...
Are you associated, seeing out through your own eyes?
Or are you dissociated, seeing yourself in the situation?
Whichever one it is... It's OK, but Now I just want you to
change it and try the other way.
Now change it back to what it was.
Ok, done...
So, which way do you prefer?

Usually association is good for enjoying pleasant

memories and pleasant experiences, while dissociation
is good for keeping a distance from feelings and
learning from the experience.

I hope you enjoy playing with your mind... I have

plenty more processes for you to let go of anxiety in the
various books I wrote, so if you’re curious or are looking
for other ways to let go of anxiety, feel to visit and get your own copy
of one of my books.
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success

I trust you learned a how we create anxiety, and

stress ourselves... but more importantly, NOW you have two
practical and directly actionable tools to help you deal with
anxiety more efficiently.

This book is not meant to be an absolute compendium of
every technique available but rather a practical guide for you
with tools you can use in your daily life to deal with anxiety
and stress.

Of course there are many more techniques from NLP or other

modalities you can use to get rid of anxiety, and stress... And
I encourage you to test them out, and keep the ones that give
you the best results... Time Line Therapy™ created by Dr.
Tad James have exquisite techniques to let go of anxiety,
phobias, negative emotions and limiting decisions in the blink
of an eye.

Just to give you a glimpse of the power of the Time Line

Therapy™ techniques, I revealed one of these, the Fast

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Anxiety Relief in
 Farewell to Anxiety – 7 Quick &
Simple Steps to rid yourself of anxiety!
 Also to go with
Farewell to Anxiety – The Action Book Make sure you
check them out.

A more traditional and widely used technique, is meditation.

I did not talked about meditation in this book because I
devoted an entire book on this topic.

 Farewell to Anxiety –
Meditation, The Ultimate Guide to Quieting The
Mind... is the ultimate guide on meditation.

The Farewell to Anxiety series is available from our online

store, just click on the link below to get your own copy and
discover the Magic of Time Line Therapy™.

Ok, so now I think it's time for me close, and let you apply
these techniques by yourself and enjoy the rewards... I have no
doubt that you'll see, hear and feel the difference and
experience profound shifts in your reality.
To your Success & Freedom,
Brisbane, April 2009

Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success
Dr. Olivier Becherel, Ph. D
Trainer & Master Practitioner of NLP,
Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnosis
Cell & Molecular Biologist, Researcher
Head of Research & Development at
Mastermind Success

Olivier was born, grew up and studied in France where obtained a

Ph. D in Molecular Genetics & Cellular Biology from Louis Pasteur
University, France. Several years ago, Olivier and Marcia moved to
Australia. Currently, Olivier is a Senior Research Officer at the
Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Brisbane. Olivier's work
on neurodegeneration led him to study extensively human
behaviour, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and several
accelerated human change technologies, including the psychology
of excellence and success mindset.
Olivier is a Trainer & Certified Master Practitioner of NLP, Time
Line Therapy™ and Hypnosis, and has a profound curiosity &
inspiration for the Human Mind with its unlimited potential.
Integrating his scientific knowledge and biomedical expertise, NLP,
leadership, success mindset, and human behaviour, Olivier aims at
unleashing the power within individuals to help them achieve
excellence, success, and live a vibrant, joyful, balanced and
meaningful life.
Copyright ©2009 - Olivier J. Becherel & Mastermind Success

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