LM 339 Comparator

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LM 339 Comparator

555 Timer
741 Op Amp OPA453 Op Amp

Trigger Circuit
CRT circuit
To Consider
1.  Biasing the vacuum tube.  In previous labs we biased the CRT so that the
cathode was a ground and the deflection plates at +350 V.  Since we would
like to control the potential of our deflection plates using sensitive IC
circuits, lets "rewire" it so that the deflection plates are at 0 V and the
cathode is at -350 V. 

2. The lower the accelerating voltage, the more the beam will be deflected.
Since our deflection potentials are so small, try to make the accelerating
voltage as small as possible.

3.  Powering the IC chips.  The 555 chip we are using for the linear ramp
only ramps from 0 to 15V.  We would like to go -5 to 5V, so that the beam
will deflect in both directions.  In order to accomplish this, tie the -5V to
ground (of 555), but only if we have a "floating" power supply!

4. Once you have the circuit working with the 741 op amp, if you like you
may try the OPA453. This op amp will handle larger voltages so that you
can get a trace that fills the CRT screen. You could even make another non-
inverting amplifier for the input (vertical deflection) signal.


Input a sinusoidal signal from a signal generator into your oscilloscope.
Using a "real" oscilloscope, draw the input signal. Remember to label the
axes. Trace the input signal through your oscilloscope, drawing it after the
comparator, the 555 and the final op amp. Try changing the input signal
frequency and amplitude. How does changing the rate potentiometer change
the trace? How fast is your oscilloscope? How does the reference voltage for
the comparator affect the output trace?

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