Cumulative Assessment

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Cumulative Assessment: Minor Character Point of View

Whew! We have finally finished Alice Walker’s Meridian. For your last project (to be handed in
the last day of this unit) you will re- write a section of the story from the perspective of a minor
character. This means that you cannot write from the perspective of Meridian, Truman, or Lynn,
but any other character that has interactions with them will do.

Take this time to be creative and embellish the characters in the novel that we did not get a
chance to know as well as others.

Guidelines for the assignment.

 You can pick whatever you would like to re- write whether it be a scene or an event that
takes place, or even a chapter, just remember you final draft I should have will be 4-5
 Be sure to use first person point of view and work on fully developing this character.
o In this assignment you recount major scenes or events from people that are not the
main focus during the novel, tell us their story, what they saw!
 Some Questions to keep in mind when completing this assignment
o What were the minor character’s roles in the scenes you select? If a character was
not present you cannot write them in the scene. You can embellish on some things
but you must stick to the facts of the story.
o What was being said in the scene you chose? Include those lines, ( they will just
be heard from a different point of view this time)
o Is there anything about the character that we don’t know? You can create back

Specific Requirements

 Literary Elements- You must include and show mastery of at least 3 literary elements in
your re-write. They can be elements in plot development of any other kind we have
discussed. ( on your grade sheet you can specify which ones you will use )
 Vocabulary: You will utilize 8 out of the 15 vocabulary words that we have gone over
(correctly) It might be help to go back and see how these vocabulary words were
originally used in the test book.
 Development of one minor character: (Round character vs. Flat Character)
 Stick to the facts, do not deviate from the story… remember same story just different
character point of view.
Your rubric
 As you know I do not give grades… You earn them. So below is your rubric detailing
what it looks like if you want an A, B, or C.
For an A 100- 90
 At least 4 pages
 Minimal to no grammar errors
 Successful Mastery of 3 Literary Elements
 Successful use of at least 8 vocabulary words (underlined)
 Round Characterization of minor character
 Accurate description of events in story.
 A firsthand account of the scene from your character’s point of view

For a B 80-89
 At least 4 pages
 Occasional grammar errors ( that don’t distract from the story you create)
 All 3 literary elements present but only successful Mastery of 2
 All 8 vocab words present and at least 6 show Successful use ( underlined)
 Round Characterization of minor character
 Accurate description of events in story.
 A firsthand account of the scene from your characters’ point of view
For a C 70- 79
 At least 4 pages
 Frequent grammar errors ( that begin to distract from the story)
 All three literary elements present but only successful Mastery of 1
 All 8 vocab words present but only Successful use of at least 5 vocabulary words
 Adequate Character Development a minor character
 Accurate description of events in story.
 A firsthand account of the scene from your character’s point of view

For this assignment you choose the grade you want and you do what is under that column.
Nothing lower than a C will be tolerated, work lower than this will be done over. Notice there are
some places that you can slack off and still receive a passing grade ( like grammar errors) but
there are some elements you must succeed in even to receive a C ( a firsthand account of the
scene from you character’s point of view) If you do not meet the requirements for at least a C,
you will be asked and given the chance to do the project again ( with points taken off, of Couse)

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