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SMS Romantis Bhs Inggris buat pacar tercinta :

This is one day I try to
not send message for you..
not call you..
not see you photo.. photo me & you..
Because I want you know..
What I feel and what I want..

I never feel like this..
I never love someone like my love to you..
This feeling make me crazy..
And I don’t want to lose this feeling..
I hope this is forever..

I think, what my feel same with you feel,

and I so..
But Im afraid..
I don’t want but I want that feeling to..
Im confuse with my feeling,
Im afraid fallin in love..

I was born to tell you “I love you”..
Waiting for you ini here..
to hear you tell “I love you to”..
Good night beby,,
Sleep tight..

I can’t wait,,
to see you again..
to see your face..
to see your smile..
to hear your voice
and say.. “I love you..”
you touching my heart and my soul..
You make me smile..
But now,,
Im crush, my tears out,,
This is like nightmare..
I can’t hold all..

Look inside my heart,,
I want you know if “I miss you”..
Understand when I say “I love you”..
Know what I feel when I beside you..
I want always hold your hand,,
with you everyday..

Where you bring my heart..??
You stole my heart & make me fallin in love with you..
But now you go far away from me..
Leave alone here..
I miss you beby..

What will you do if Im gone from this world..??
Are you try to find me..??
Are you sad..??
Or you don’t care everything about me..??
Because Im afraid,,
I can’t always beside you..

Always try..
do you know beby..
I want see you everyday..
and with me everynight.. make me not afraid again..
I miss you beby..
I wanna cry.. I can’t always like this..
Waiting you..
I want you in here with me,, but I know that’s impossible..
I will waiting that’s day..
I love you beby..
Hunny,, do you know..??
Im very afraid,,
I don’t know what must I do now..
I can’t thinking..
I want you always stay here..
But I know that’s very difficult for we..

I don’t know what do U think now..
But I want U know,
I want U always beside me..
Maybe my life not long,
I make U happy ever after..
I will beside U, till the end of time in my life..
Im always love & miss U beby..

What is flower without the sun..
What is the earth sky..
A butterfly needs its wings
An ice bear need cold weather..
What am I without you..
That is why I tell you,
because I need you..
Aku memilihmu…
Untuk menemani di kala siang tak bermentari
Saat malam tak berbintang
Agar dapat terangiku dengan senyuman
Aku memilihmu…
Saat terik sinar menyengat dan membakar
Ketika bulan sabit atau purnama
Untuk temaniku menyusuri dunia
Aku memilihmu…
Dengan hati yang tak memilih waktu
Sepenuh cinta tanpa masa
Semenjak harap masih mendengung hampa

“Setangkup Rindu“

Sejauh kau layar rindu dalam arung kata

Aku masih di sini
Menatap dinding-dinding kenangan

Kusentuh seluruh
Butir-butir air mata nestapa
Ku abadikan pada nyanyian embun
Tentang jejak-jejak rindu

Segala manikam rasa
Menggurat senja dengan air mata
Sukma menyatu di bingkai bianglala
Mestikah kau meragu setia?

Dalam diam’ku sering kutatap

Langit masih biru
Bulan jatuh di kerling matamu
“Itu Kamu Sayang”

aku sayang kamu.

walau kadang aku hanya diam tanpa mampu mengucapkannya padamu..
aku cinta kamu.
walau aku tak bisa berbuat hal yang dapat menunjukkan cintaku padamu..
aku ingin memilikimu.
walau aku tak bisa mengekang hidupmu tuk slamanya hanya agar ada di sisi ku.

aku bahagia…
jika terus memikirkan dirimu dimalam sebelum tidurku.
jika terus berdiri disampingmu dan memeluk erat lenganmu.

senyummu membuat indah duniaku.

dikala kau terus tersenyum dan memandangiku.
aku bahagia bersama mu.
karena kau adalah sgalanya buatku.

buat terus aku dalam pelukanmu.

buat terus aku tersenyum karenamu.
aku sayang kamu.
aku cinta kamu..

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