Working Paper - Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

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Working Paper

Committee: General Assembly

Topic: Human Rights
Authors: Oman, Iraq, Malaysia, Lebanon, Kenya
Signatories: Egypt, Kuwait, Bangladesh, Behrain, Ukrain, Afghanistan, India.

To end we propose;
1. Emphasize on educational reforms under the UN slogan of education “free for all”
2. Eradication of anti immigration policy based on religion
3. Rights of minorities should be safe guarded by allowing minorities to be
represented by separate committee
4. Recognizing the need of assistance from NGO’s
5. Efforts to promote right of women and girls
6. A separate tribunal should be made to maintain human rights in war struck and
disputed territories, regulated by UN
7. Promote exchange of information on human rights between countries and UN.
8. Enforcing the article 31 of UN, which was violated by USA and Russia, of Non
Proliferation treaty, this should be deregulated and not to be promoted at all.
9. Enforcement of Geneva Declaration held in Geneva Convention, which states that
illegal settlement of Israel in east Jerusalem should be retracted.
10. Achievement of MDG by no later than due date, 2015. and proper emphasis
should be given on Millennium recovery program in Africa.
11. Discrimination based on gender, color, age, region, ethnicity, specially religion
should not prohibited by establishing committees which will work in accordance to
government rules and regulation. (Blasphemous pictures)
12. Due to adverse impact on health, bisexual marriages should not be practiced.
13. Under UN declaration charter Human Rights are for all without distinction.
Human rights are natural born rights for every one, these are not privileges, based on
race or religion.
14. Promotion on ban child labor.

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