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Name ______________________ Date _____________ WWI Study Guide

Study from these notes and Chapter 13 of your textbook (p.405-429)

(1) Causes of WWI Notes
(2) Events & Battles of WWI Notes
(3) Propaganda Notes
(4) Effects of WWI Notes
(5) Treaty of Versailles notes (to be given out Friday)





Gavrilo Princip

Franz Ferdinand


Triple Entente –

Triple Alliance-

Schlieffen Plan

Western Front


Eastern Front

Trench Warfare

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Zimmerman Note


Total War-


Racial discrimination-
Post-war disillusionment-

Suffrage -

Treaty of Versailles-

Explain the significance of these dates:

-1914- Start of _________, met with great ____________ and thoughts that it would end quickly
-1917- _________ leaves war, _____________ enters
-1918- End of WWI, met with great disillusionment and changes to society

Major countries that composed the Allies Major countries that composed the Central
1 _____________ Powers
2 _________________ 1 ______________
3 ______________(leaves in 1917) 2 _______________
4 _______________ 3 __________ * switches sides 1915
5 __________ joins 1914 b/c they were 4 ________________
promised _______________________ 5 Their colonies
6_____ * switches sides in 1915 b/c they
were promised
7 ________ joins in 1917 because they
wanted revenge for _____________________
8 Their colonies

(Optional – BUT be prepared to answer these questions on your quiz!)

Short Answer Questions- Be prepared to write a high school paragraph on any of these questions.
(1) Explain how the 4 M.A.I.N. long-term causes of WWI made Europeans want war.

(2) How did the murder of one man cause WWI? Use all these terms…
-Franz Ferdinand -Gavrilo Princip -Nationalism -Alliances

(3) Describe the conditions of the trenches and the impact it had on soldiers fighting the war.

(4) How did the Industrial Revolution change the technology of war and what consequence did this have on
how war was fought?

(5) How was WWI different than any war before it?

(6) How was propaganda used to gain the people’s support of a “total war” and what lasting effects did this
have on society? Consider…
a) techniques used to manipulate people
b) what it wanted men, women, and children to do to support the war
c) lasting effects

(7) Why did the Allies win the war?

(8) Discuss 3 social impacts of WWI.

(9) What problems existed with the Treaty of Versailles?

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