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Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux

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Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux orums/en- US/winserverfiles/threadl ...

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Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux

Sunday. December 21, 20088:31 PM


I've installed NFS server in the 2k8 server, the identity maps are disables and working as anonymous. The

o "Edit NFS Configuration" from the "Share and Storage management", tell's me "Microsoft Services for NFS Sign In to is not configured to use an identity mapping solution. Without an identity mapping solution, users can only

Vote access NFS resources anonymously".

But, when i try to mount the share on the linux nfs client, i have "access denied" when i try to enter the folder.


Changed Type David Shen Monday, Oecember 22,2008 5:27 AM it seems a question




I iii

Wednesday, December 24, 20084:13 AM


David Shen



Sign In to To ensure that the shared resource on NFS server can be accessible

Vote properly, please check the following condition.

1. The NFS share should not be multipath

2. The NFS share should have anonymous access.

3. Check the NFS and NTFS permission for the share.

4. Add anonymous logon and give full permission.

5. Please also add everyone on the NFS share and give full permission to everyone.

Modify this registry key:

H KEY _LOCAL_MACHIN E\SYSTEM\Cu rrentControl Set\Services\NfsSvr \Parameters

Select SecureHandleLevel in the right pane, and set it to O.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Client for NFS\CurrentVersion \default DWORD "UseReservedPorts" (set the value to 1)

6. Reboot the server.

Once Client for NFS is installed and configured properly, you can access files on the NFS server by mounting those files to your computer using either the UNIX server/export format or the Windows \\server\share format. You can also browse shared folders by using the \\server\share format in Windows Explorer.

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Help with NFS Services in Windows 2008


Started: 12/21/2008 Last Reply: 4/1/2011 Helpful Votes: 2 Replies: 8

Views: 9,114

5/3/2011 12:36 AM

Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux orums/en- US/winserverfiles/threadl ...

To mount an NFS shared resource to a drive letter as anonymous user, please try using the command line.

mount -0 anon computername:\sharename

Hope it helps.

David Shen - MSFT

Marked As Answer by David Shen Friday, December 26,2008 2:39 PM

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David Shen

Tuesday, December 23,20087:33 AM


1 According to the research, for file access across network domains to

Sign In to function properly, each UNIX or tlnux user or group identity should map

Vote to a Windows users or group Identity.

You can map Linux identities to Windows identities by including Linux identity data in a directory service, such as Active Directory Domain Services. If your network has a User Name Mapping server, you may also make Services for NFS retrieve identity mappings from that server.

For more information, please refer to:

Services for NFS Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Server 2008

Hope it helps.

David Shen - MSFT

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Tuesday, December 23,20089:03 PM


o But i'd like to have anonymous access, as the permitions on the client, will be from the user who mounts the share, and that seams not to be possible.

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David Shen

Wednesday, December 24, 20084:13 AM



Sign In to To ensure that the shared resource on NFS server can be accessible Vote

properly, please check the following condition.

1. The NFS share should not be multipath

2. The NFS share should have anonymous access.

3. Check the NFS and NTFS permission for the share.

4. Add anonymous logon and give full permission.

5. Please also add everyone on the NFS share and give full permission to


e 2011

5/3/2011 12:36 AM

Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux

40f6 orums/en- US/winserverfiles/threadl ...


Modify this registry key:

H KEY _LOCAL_MACHIN E\SYSTEM\Cu rrentControl Set\Services\NfsSvr \Parameters

Select SecureHandleLevel in the right pane, and set it to O.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Client for NFS\CurrentVersion \default DWORD "UseReservedPorts" (set the value to 1)

6. Reboot the server.

Once Client for NFS is installed and configured properly, you can access files on the NFS server by mounting those files to your computer using either the UNIX server/export format or the Windows \\server\share format. You can also browse shared folders by using the \\server\share format in Windows Explorer.

To mount an NFS shared resource to a drive letter as anonymous user, please try using the command line.

mount -0 anon computername:\sharename

Hope it helps.

David Shen - MSFT

Marked As Answer by David Shen Friday. December 26,2008 2:39 PM

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II dawyndham

Thursday. March 05, 2009 3:43 AM


Thankyou for this solution. I have been pulling my hair out for the last hour and a half trying to figure this one out.

Sign In to Although I don't understand why the setup wizard can't change the registry key for me. Vote

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...;.,... ..

-o- .".



Wednesday. November 11, 2009 1:46 AM


o I have been fighting to get this working so that I can use it to stream backups of my VMs onto a Sign In to Windows 2008 Server.


I can get the NFS setup all working OK, and have tested it from a linux box, and am able to read/write files.

However when I mount the share over NFS in ESXi, and then use a free utility called "ghettovcb" to copy backup images of my VMs to this share, the Windows 2008 server BSODs and then reboots. I have made this happen reliably on two different Windows 2008 Physical (ie not virtual machines) boxes. One lot of hardware was an intel whitebox chasis, the other was an IBM x346 server.

Both times I am using Server 2008 STD x64, one was Service Pack 1, the other was Service Pack 2.

This seems like a fairly critical issue since I've duplicated it in 2 completely unrelated environments on different hardware - has anyone else seen this or is aware of it ?

BSOD details:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.0.6001. Locale ID: 3081

5/3/2011 12:36 AM

Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux

50f6 orums/en- US/winserverfiles/threadl ...

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: 1000007e

BCP1: FFFFFFFFCOOOOOOS BCP2: FFFFFA6004E8179D BCP3: FFFFFA60019CD998 BCP4: FFFFFA60019CD370 OS Version: 6_0_6001 Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 272_2

I should add that I currently have this ghettovcb backup system working successfully to a Windows Server 2003 box with no problems at all.


Edited by SubMegabyte Wednesday, November 11,20091:48 AM (extra info)

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D proffesional system killer

Thursday, April 29, 2010 7:30 AM


Sign In to Hi there,

Vote Set the value to the default level of Ox6 or Ox4 and you will not got the BSOD.

Disalbing the security for sure is not good workaround. it is better if you follow the advice of David Shen

Services for NFS Step-by-Step Guide for Windows Server 2008

and more info SecureHandleLevel HKLM\System\CurrentControISet\Services\NfsSvr\Parameters\ (REG_DWORD)

Default is 6. SecureHandlelnfo controls the strength of the security on handles given out by NFS Server. You can assign any of the following valid values:

OxO - Disable all security checks on the NFS handles,

Oxl - Sign the handles given to clients for stronger security.

Ox2 - Use IP Address of the client, in addition to other data, to sign the handle.

Ox4 - Validate that the parent path of the NTFS field embedded in the handle is actually exported at the time when the handle is exported.

Ox6 - Use IP Address of the client in addition to other data, to sign the handle and also validate that the parent path of the NTFS field embedded in the handle is actually exported at the time when the handle is exported.

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~ EisaM


Tuesday, December 28,20108:09 PM



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To ensure that the shared resource on NFS server can be accessible properly, please check the following condition.

1. The NFS share should not be multipath

2. The NFS share should have anonymous access.

3. Check the NFS and NTFS permission for the share.

4. Add anonymous logon and give full permission.

5. Please also add everyone on the NFS share and give full permission to everyone.

Modify this registry key:

5/3/2011 12:36 AM

Installed NFS Server on 2k8, can't mount from Linux orums/en- US/winserverfiles/threadl ...

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControISet\Services\NfsSvr \Parameters

Select SecureHandleLevel in the right pane, and set it to O.

H KEY _LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Client for NFS\CurrentVersion\default DWORD "UseReservedPorts" (set the value to 1)

6. Reboot the server.

Once Client for NFS is installed and configured properly, you can access files on the NFS server by mounting those files to your computer using either the UNIX server:/export format or the Windows \\server\share format. You can also browse shared folders by using the \\server\share format in Windows Explorer.

To mount an NFS shared resource to a drive letter as anonymous user, please try using the command line.

mount -0 anon computername:\sharename

Hope it helps.

David Shen • MSFT

Thanks for the hint of the registry edit, it did the trick, after long effort

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Friday. April 01, 2011 8:41 PM


[ have installed and set up the NFS services on a 2008R2 server. [am getting the access denied on any attempt to write. This is from a Linux client and on the local host. [ have verified the steps listed by David Shen but continue to have this issue.

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Vote [ need nothing but anonymous access. No mappings to be used.

Stephen Price

Microsoft. All rights reserved. Terms of Use I Trademarks I Privacy Statement I Contact Us

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5/3/2011 12:36 AM

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