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Volume 3

A Translation of


popularly known as


Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -

Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Copyright © 2004 Madrasah In’āmiyyah

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior permission of
Madrasah In’āmiyyah, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.

Typeset on Palatino 13 and Traditional Arabic 18 by Academy for Islamic

Research, Madrasah In’āmiyyah, Camperdown, KwaZulu Natal, South

Page 2
Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three


   !" #$ % &'( )*+ ,- &. !/  0 
(;<( = >) 1 2  345 6 78" % )  9

Àlī Ibnul Ja’d (Rahimahullāh) narrates that he heard

Shu’bah saying,
“The example of a scholar of hadīth who does not know
Arabic is like a donkey that has a nosebag but there is no
fodder in it.”
(Tafsīr Qurtubī)


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Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Title Arabic Tutor - Volume Three

Author Moulānā Àbdus Sattār Khān (

 6 7)

Translated by Moulānā Ebrāhīm Muhammad

First Edition R Awwal 1428 A.H. April 2007

Published by Madrasah In’aamiyyah

P.O. Box 39
South Africa

Tel +27 031 785 1519

Fax +27 031 785 1091


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Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three


The first twenty five lessons were completed in Volume

One and Volume Two. Volume Three begins with Lesson

Preface .........................................................................................15
Guidelines for Teachers........................................................18
Indications ..............................................................................19
Lesson 26.....................................................................................20
The Types of Verbs................................................................20
Exercise No. 27 .......................................................................28
Lesson 27.....................................................................................29
The Types of Changes and Some Rules .............................29
The Rules of (2@>A B
@ C) .............................................................30
The Rules of (DEF@ GA).................................................................32

The Rules of (@A@ C) .................................................................33

Lesson 28.....................................................................................40
Hamzated Verbs ....................................................................40
Vocabulary List No. 26 .........................................................51
Exercise No. 28 .......................................................................55
Test No. 13 ..............................................................................62
Lesson 29.....................................................................................64

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The Doubled Verb .................................................................64

Vocabulary List No. 27 .........................................................72
Exercise No. 29 .......................................................................77
Test No. 14 ..............................................................................84
Lesson 30.....................................................................................86
The Semi-Vowelled Verbs....................................................86
Vocabulary List No. 28 .........................................................93
Exercise No. 30 .......................................................................96
Lesson 31...................................................................................104
The Hollow Verb .................................................................104
Vocabulary List No. 29 .......................................................118
Exercise No. 31 .....................................................................121
Lesson 32...................................................................................129
The Defective Verb ..............................................................129
The Changes in the Perfect (0HI)....................................132

The Changes in the Imperfect (J7KI).............................137

Vocabulary List No. 30 .......................................................139
Exercise No. 32 .....................................................................142
Lesson 33...................................................................................148
The Jussive Mood of the Imperfect...................................148
Vocabulary List No. 31 .......................................................156
Exercise No. 33 .....................................................................159
Lesson 34...................................................................................163
The Doubly Weak Verb and the Verb (E7C ).....................163
Vocabulary List No. 32 .......................................................170

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Exercise No. 34 .....................................................................172

Lesson 35...................................................................................178
The Remaining Triliteral Categories.................................178
Vocabulary List No. 33 .......................................................179
Exercise No. 35 .....................................................................180
Test No. 15 ............................................................................183
Lesson 36...................................................................................185
The Special Meanings of Each Verb Category ................185
The Special Meanings of (&1G  ) ..................................187
The Special Meanings of (>  ) ..................................188

The Special Meanings of ()>  ).................................189

The Special Meanings of (L >  ) .................................190

The Special Meanings of (M>  ) ...................................191

The Special Meanings of (&>N  ) .................................192

The Special Meanings of (&O1  ) .................................193

The Special Meanings of (&41  ) and (&41  )....193

The Special Meanings of (&>OP  ) ..............................193

The Special Meanings of (&1  )................................194

The Special Meanings of (&Q'1  ).................................194

The Categories of (61 ! RS T 0 7) ..............................195

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The Special Meanings of (

U V@ >E C
The Special Meanings of (&W1  ) .................................196

The Special Meanings of (&4X1  )................................197

Vocabulary List No. 34 .......................................................197
Exercise No. 36 .....................................................................199
Lesson 37...................................................................................201
Vocabulary List No. 35 .......................................................209
Exercise No. 37 .....................................................................210
Exercise No. 38 .....................................................................212
Exercise No. 39 .....................................................................214
Exercise No. 40 .....................................................................215
Lesson 38...................................................................................216
The ()Y.N &1Z).........................................................................216
Exercise No. 41 .....................................................................224
Vocabulary List No. 36 .......................................................227
Exercise No. 42 .....................................................................229
Exercise No. 43 .....................................................................232
Exercise No. 44 .....................................................................233
Lesson 39...................................................................................234
The ()A C7C E(8
L [ &V C1[ E)..................................................................234
Exercise No. 45 .....................................................................236
Vocabulary List No. 37 .......................................................237
Exercise No. 46 .....................................................................239
Exercise No. 47 .....................................................................241

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Lesson 40...................................................................................243
The Verbs of Praise and Dispraise ....................................243
Words Indicating Surprise .................................................246
Exercise No. 48 .....................................................................248
Vocabulary List No. 38 .......................................................249
Exercise No. 49 .....................................................................252
Exercise No. 50 .....................................................................254
Exercise No. 51 .....................................................................254
Test No. 16 ............................................................................258
Lesson 41...................................................................................261
The Visible and Concealed Pronoun ................................264
The ()A CE.'A [ V '@ NL) ......................................................................266
The Pronoun of State...........................................................267
The Distinguishing Pronoun .............................................268
Exercise No. 52 .....................................................................270
Exercise No. 53 .....................................................................271
Vocabulary List No. 39 .......................................................273
Exercise No. 54 .....................................................................274
Lesson 42...................................................................................276
Relative Pronouns ...............................................................276
Exercise No. 55 .....................................................................282
Vocabulary List No. 40 .......................................................286
Exercise No. 56 .....................................................................288
Exercise No. 57 .....................................................................290
Exercise No. 58 .....................................................................291

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 59 .....................................................................294

Test No. 17 ............................................................................295
Lesson 43...................................................................................298
The Declension of Nouns ...................................................298
The Object .............................................................................299
(\]I &'>I)..........................................................................299
(6A A^
@ _EA &'>I SZ 6L E &'>I) .......................................................300
(9L @ à S 6A @1A &'>I)...............................................................301
(6L C C &'>I) .............................................................................301

(` bA A cCX%[OC @ 8L [E)...........................................................................303

(&V Cd[E) .....................................................................................304
(RL @ A8
@ OeE).....................................................................................306
(fCCX8 L [E) ..................................................................................308
(gA X@h A [ 0A >[ XCA 4 E A
L '@ YL X@8C [E) .......................................................310
Vocabulary List No. 41 .......................................................311
Exercise No. 60 .....................................................................313
The examples of (6 &'>) ..................................................314
The examples of (61 &'>).................................................314

The examples of (6 &'>)................................................315

The examples of (&) .........................................................316

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The examples of (
` bA A cCX%[OC
@ IV ) ..............................................317
The examples of (Ri)..........................................................318

The examples of (fX).......................................................319

The examples of (g
A X@h
A [ 0A >[ XCA E ) ..........................................321
Exercise No. 61 .....................................................................322
Exercise No. 62 .....................................................................327
Exercise No. 63 .....................................................................327
Exercise No. 64 .....................................................................330

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The following method of transliteration of the Arabic letters

has been used in this book:


j t

k th

l j

m h

n kh


o dh

7 r

p z

q s

r sh

s s

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

t d

u t

v z

C á

A í

L ú

w gh

9 f

x q

y k

& l

D m


S ū

z h

 ī, y

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Some Arabic phrases used in this book are as follows:

 (Sallallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam)

May Allâh send blessings and salutations upon
him - used for Nabî 
 (Àlaihis salām)
Salutations upon him – used for all prophets
 (Radiallāhu ‘anhu)
May Allâh be pleased with him – used for the
 (Jalla Jalāluhū)
The Sublime – used for Allâh 
 (Àzza wa jall)
Allāh is full of glory and sublimity
 6 7) (Rahimahullāh)
May Allâh have mercy on him – used for
deceased saints and scholars

Note: Please note that the exercise numbers from 55

onwards do not correspond to the original in the Urdu text
as the original has an error in the numbering. Exercise 54
has been numbered as 54 in Lessons 41 and 42 as well. This
has been corrected in the English translation. (Translator)

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three


6|S !8} 6'P7S z!* 0 D4 S 34YS {I 7

 ! D' ~ 6*ZS


All praises are due to Allāh  that the third volume of the
book, “       ” has been published.

Two volumes of the above-mentioned book were published

with amendments two years ago. Due to my lengthy illness
and other obstacles, there was an unexpected delay in the
publication of the third volume.

It is only through the grace of Allāh  that the first two

volumes were astoundingly accepted by the readers. Every
person who saw the book, read it or taught it, became fond
of it. I have received and continue receiving countless
letters of praise for the first two volumes from all parts of
India and letters requesting the third and fourth volumes.
May Allāh  reward the people who desire this book and
appreciate its value and grant blessings in their knowledge
and practice because it was due to their forceful,
reproaching, advising and sincere requests that created

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

strength in my sick heart to be able to do some work. I

cannot say that a very good task has been achieved, yet
whatever has been achieved is worth valuing. I could not
even achieve a fraction of what is required in this era for
any book to be accepted and made part of a syllabus. In
spite of this deficiency, the inclination of scholarly
reviewers and students of Arabic is extraordinary.

The department of education of the province of Sindh has

included this book in the syllabus of the high schools. It is
also being used in some of the seminaries of Bombay,
Hyderabad, U.P., Delhi, Punjab and North West Frontier

The scholars know that the changes that occur in nouns and
verbs in Arabic Morphology is a difficult subject. According
to the old method of teaching, each rule is memorized like
verses of the Qur’ān. This task is so unpleasant, difficult
and a waste of time that every student cannot endure it.
Accordingly, in the modern method of teaching, a large
portion of it is disregarded. However, the student of Arabic
is deprived of essential information due to which he
perceives an apprehension of losing out at every step. An
attempt has been made in this third volume to make this
difficult stage pleasant and easy with moderation. Due to
details, the subject has been lengthened but the rules can be
learnt without memorizing, by merely reading them.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The size of this volume has increased, not due to the rules,
but due to the literary extracts. If you look at the rules, they
do not form even a quarter of the book. More than three
quarters of the book is full of the teaching of the language.

The student will obtain enough ability with this third

volume to be able to read and understand a major part of
the Qur’ān. He will be able to read the ahādīth and Arabic
literature easily. He will be able to write simple Arabic
letters and be able to converse extensively in Arabic.
However, this ability will only develop if the teacher
himself has a good ability or he has the capability of
creating the desire in the student.

The explanation of numbers, the delicate aspects of

particles, the essential rules of Morphology and Grammar
of a higher degree and the basics of Eloquence will form
part of the fourth volume.

Allāh  is the One that grants ability and assistance.

The servant of the best language
Àbdus Sattār Khān

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Guidelines for Teachers

1. Before beginning the lesson, write down all or some

of the examples or paradigms that appear at the
beginning of a lesson on the chalkboard. Then
explain these examples that are on the board by
means of the rules appearing in the lesson. In this
manner, hopefully most of the lesson will be
memorized before the lesson is complete. For this, it
is highly essential that the teacher must come fully
prepared for the lesson.

This method can be easily adopted in the third

volume. In Volume One and Two, the examples have
been mentioned at the beginning and end of the
lesson. The intelligent teacher can select the easy
examples, write them on the board and begin to teach
the lesson.

2. When teaching the lesson, make an attempt to

question the students about the previous lesson.
Their answers should form a support for the current

3. This can only occur if there is a class of students. One

class should only be taught one lesson even though

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

some students may have been absent for some of the


4. Those people who are engaged in self-study, should

thoroughly understand and learn each lesson and
then proceed to the next lesson. There are very few
examples where the i’rāb has been explained in a later


1) The comma () is used to indicate the plural of a noun.

2) The alphabets (), (t), (q), (9), (y) and (m) indicate the
category of the triliteral verbs. The categories of the verbs of
(61 ! R) are indicated by numbers. The numbers are

mentioned in Lesson 25. A verb that is (SS O) is

indicated by a (S) and a verb that is (0€ O) is indicated

by a ().
3) When any particle is mentioned after a verb, it refers to
the meaning of the verb when used with that particular

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Lesson 26

The Types of Verbs

(> D .Z)

1. Dear students, you have read all the paradigms of ( 04

T), (61 ! R 04) and (0 7) in Volume One and Two of
this book. Those verbs were such that they corresponded
exactly with their scales. For example, you learnt that the
scales of the perfect tense triliteral verbs are (
E C 1E), (E A 1E) and
E L 1E). The scale of the imperfect is (V C >[ C), (V A >[ C) and (V L >[ C).
The scale of the imperative is (
[ C 1[ A), ([ A 1[ A) and ([ L 1[ V).
Accordingly, the verbs (
C ), (
@ C), (
@ A H
@ A), (‚C 8A PC ),

L 8C
@ C), (‚@ 8C P@ A), (DC L E ), (DL L ƒ[ C), (D@ L [ V) correspond fully with their

Had all the verbs and derivatives of Arabic been in full

conformity with their scales, Arabic Morphology would
have been very brief and easy. However, this is not the case.
Many verbs and derivatives are different from their fixed
scales in speaking and writing. Some of these words were
mentioned in Volume Two for a specific need, e.g. the

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paradigms of (
E E), (V '@ ƒV C) and (@ V ). None of these verbs
correspond to their scales. We have to therefore accept the
fact that (
E E) originally was (E 'C E ) on the scale of (E C 1E),
V '@ ƒV C ) originally was (V 'L ƒ[ C) on the scale of (V L >[ C) and (@ V )
originally was (
[ 'L [ ZV) on the scale of ([ L 1[ V). These verbs are
not spoken or written in their original forms.

From this preamble, you may have understood that there is

a stage for you to cross where you will learn the changes
that occur in Arabic verbs and derived nouns.

2. Now read the following sentences and ponder over the


L @*C[ C
L C C *C` V >[ ]„ 
C A +C 6L CCOA 0… AC †C OC1E (1)
‡ COA !ˆ A C Š‰ C .E C „C 8L [ V @8A [ O‹ &E _EPC 3Œ C 8@ C !L E'C [ E E ZE (2)
C [ ƒE [ !L E'C [ !e +C V '@ h
@ 8C [ e 1E 6L 8C XCFE 0@ A e !e C (3)
3E C ƒV [ !L 8C @ ZE 0C7C (C &V '@ PL e  &E E. ‡8E.E !ˆ A C !C ^C SC (4)
)Œ PC eV !ˆ @pC C'<E 6L C '@ .E !ˆ 8e d
C L 0E.SC 6L PC 7@ C !ˆ @+A 7C 0CSC (5)

Note 1: It would be better if you could read Lesson 8.3 in

the first volume before you proceed with the following

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three


3. Observe the above examples carefully. With the first

glance you can notice that all the verbs are triliteral (with
three radicals), they are (T04). The word-form of each
verb is the singular masculine third person (#€F  !S)

of the perfect tense (0HI).

Now ponder over the verbs of the first line and you will
notice that all the alphabets of each verb are (†d$). There

is no () 9), that is (), (S) or (). The root letters also do
not contain any hamzah or two letters of the same kind.
Such verbs are called (†d$) or (ŽP).

They are called (†d$) because all three alphabets are

(†d$). They are (ŽP - intact) because these verbs and their
derivativess are free of any changes.

Note 2: Besides the verbs of the first line, the verbs of the
other examples are not (ŽP - intact).
If you look at the verbs of the second line, you will notice a
hamzah somewhere in the verb. Such verbs which contain a

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

hamzah as one of the root letters are called (p'8).

Note 3: You may remember that when an alif is mutaharrik

(ZV  GA  ZE) or it has a jazm (_[ 1E), such an alif is also called

The verbs of the third line are such that the second and
third radicals are of the same kind because the verb (!
e C )
was originally (C !
C C ). The two () have been merged. Such a
verb in which the ()8ƒ {) and ()8ƒ D) are the same
are called (2K).

The verbs of the fourth line contain a ()

9), either in
the beginning, middle or the end. Verbs containing a ( 9

)) are called (W OC@ L ).

There are three types of (

W OC@ L ). If the () 9) comes in
place of the ()8ƒ Š1), it is called (Š> 
 O) or (&E%A ), e.g.
C ^C SC )

1 See the terminology in Volume One.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

If the () 9) comes in place of the ()8ƒ {), it is called

 O) or (9C'^@ ZE), e.g. (&E E.)
If the () 9) comes in place of the ()8ƒ D), it is called

 O) or (A.CN), e.g. (0C7C ).

Note 4: Remember that the alif is not an original radical in

any Arabic verb or noun. It is either changed from a (S) or


Example: The word (&

E E.) was originally (&E 'C .E) because the
imperfect is (&
V '@ (V C) and the verbal noun is (&U '@ .E).
The word (0C7C ) was originally (0
C C 7C ) because the imperfect is
@ A @ C) and the verbal noun is (0ˆ @ 7C ).
The word (
ˆ C ) was originally (
ˆ '@ C) because the plural is
ˆ C' @ZE).

The verbs of the fifth line contain two () 9). Such

verbs are called (2

ˆ @>A E). The first and second verb are called
(xS> 2>) because a (†d$ 9) has created a

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separation between the two () 9). The third verb is

called (S( 2>) because both the () 9) are adjacent
to one another.

Note 5: You may have understood that besides the root

letters, if there is a hamzah or a () 9), the verb will not
be called (p'8) or (
W OC@ L ). The verb (DC C 
[ ZE) on the scale of
E C 1[ ZE) will not be called (p'8) because the hamzah does not
take the place of the (9), (J) or (&).

The verbs ( +) and (' +) have an alif and a (S) added on
as signs of the dual and plural respectively. Due to these
letters, these verbs will not be called (
W OC@ L ).

The verb (e ) on the scale of (

` 1) has one hamzah and an
extra (7). Due to this addition, it will not be called (p'8)

and (2K). All these verbs fall in the category of (ŽP).

The summary of the above discussion is:

The verb, with regard to the make-up of its original letters,
is of two types: (1) (ŽP) and (2) (ŽP =F).
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A (ŽP) verb is one in which there is no () 9), hamzah

or two letters of the same type among its root letters.

A (ŽP =F) verb is of six types:

1. (p'8): a verb having a hamzah as one of its root

letters, e.g. (C EZ).

2. (2K): a verb whose second and third radicals are

the same, e.g. (! e C ).

3. (&E%A ): a verb whose first radical is a () 9), e.g.

C C SC ).
4. (9C'^ @ ZE): one whose second radical is a () 9), e.g.
E E.).
5. (A.CN): one whose third radical is a () 9), e.g.

(0C7C ).

6. (2
ˆ @>A E): a verb having two () 9). If the first and
third radical have a () 9), it will be (xS> 2>),

e.g. (0E.SC ). If the second and third radical have a ( 9

)), it will be (S( 2>), e.g (C'<E ).

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There are thus seven categories in total:

2@>A E  A.CN  9C'^@ ZE  &E%A  2K  p'8  †d$
They are referred to as (DC .[ ZE ,[>‘ C ) in Persian.

Note 6: It is possible that some verbs have two types

contained in them, e.g. (e SC - he desired), is (
W OC@ L ) and

The verb (0CZE - he came), is (p'8) and (

W OC@ L ).

Note 7: Like a verb, the noun, especially the derived noun,

is also of seven types.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 27

What categories do the following verbs and nouns belong


Re C (7) # C ‘C SC (6) @'*L‘C oE (5) '@ L !@ C (4) V V _C (3) # L ‘C [ C (2) C C ZE (1)

 M (V C (13) 0`'C C (12) , @ E’APL (11) &E 'e (E C (10) _EH e 'C C (9) E *e(E C (8)
e L 8C
@ CE (19) V '@ ƒV C (18) CNC (17) E CE. (16) &E E. (15) _EEC (14)
(25) 7ˆ '@ LFE (24) Š“ '@ V8@ C (23) Rˆ @RA C (22) q ˆ Z[7C (21) ˆ C ZE (20)
ˆ @
A C (30) 0… ASC (29) 7ˆ '@ Y L X@C (28) '… L !@ C (27) ˆ '@ L '@ C (26) 0@ H A (E [E

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Lesson 27

The Types of Changes and Some Rules

1. Wherever the Arabs found some difficulty in

pronouncing (ŽP =F) words, they made some changes in
the word to reduce the difficulty.

2. There are three types of changes:

• ( 
 ): to change a hamzah into a () 9) or to
delete it, e.g. the word (
C C Š” ZE) was changed to (C C |), the
word (
[ •L Š” ZV) was changed to ([ •L ). Such changes occur
in (p'8).

• (
 ): to merge two letters of the same type or of the

same origin of pronunciation (lCB

@ C ), e.g. the word
(C !
C C ) was changed to (!e C ). The change of (DEF@ GA) occurs
most often in (2K).

• (  ): to change one () 9) into another or to

delete it, e.g. the word (&

E 'C .E) was changed to (&E E.), the
word (!
L A '@ C) was changed to (!L A C). Such changes occur

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

in all three categories of (&E%A ), (9C'^

@ ZE) and (A.CN).

3. Some of the rules of (2@>A B

@ C), (DEF@ GA) and (@A@ C) will now be
listed so that the future lessons can be easily understood.
Peruse them superficially now as they will be repeated at
certain points in future.

The Rules of ( 


Rule No.1: If two hamzahs come together in a word

whereby the first one is mutaharrik and the second one
sākin, the sākin hamzah is changed into a harful illāh that
corresponds to the preceding harakah, that is, if the
preceding harakah is a fathah, it will be changed to an alif,
if the preceding harakah is a dammah, it will be changed to
a wāw and if the preceding harakah is a kasrah, it will be
changed to a yā.
C C Š” E) changes to (C C |) because the fathah corresponds to an
C A Š” V) changes to (C A S@ V) because the dammah corresponds to
a wāw.

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(‡NCŠ” A) changes to (‡N8

C @A) because the kasrah corresponds to a

Rule 2: If there is a hamzah sākin preceded by any

mutaharrik letter besides hamzah, it is permissible to
change the hamzah sākin to a harful illāh that corresponds
with the preceding harakah.
(L L _[ C) can be read as (L L C), (
L A –@ L) can be read as (L A '@ L) and
()U NC
E ’[A ) can be read as ()U NCE @A ).

Note 1: These two rules are related to (p'8). The first rule
is compulsory while the second one is permissible.

Note 2: If a dammah is succeeded by a hamzah, a (3!€p SS)

is written below it and if it (hamzah) is preceded by a
kasrah, a () is written. Examples: (
L A –@ L), ()U NCE ’[A ).
This (S) and () are not pronounced at all.

If a fathah is succeeded by a hamzah sākin, it is written

above an alif or the alif can be rendered a jazm, e.g. (L L _[ C) or

(L L [ C).

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If you want to write an alif after ()'O> 3R—), a long fathah

is written above the alif, e.g. ( ). Sometimes (‰Š) or ( Š) is also

Note 3: Two more rules of (2@>A B

@ C) will be mentioned in
Lesson 28.

The Rules of (

Rule No. 1: If there are two letters of the same type, the first
is sākin and the second is mutaharrik, both the letters will
be merged and written as one, e.g. (ˆ !
@ C ) on the scale of (U @ 1E)
changes to (!
… C ).

Rule No. 2: If two letters of the same type are mutaharrik,

the first letter will be made sākin and merged into the
second letter, e.g. from (C !
C ˜C), we get (!e C ).

Note 4: There are some exceptions to this rule, e.g. (#

ˆ *CPC -
cause) otherwise it will resemble the word (#
… PC ) which
means to swear. There is also no idghām in the word (ˆ !
C C –
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to help) otherwise it will resemble the word (!

… C ) meaning to

Rule No. 3: If there are two letters of the same type and the
preceding letter is sākin, the harakah of the first letter will
be transferred to the preceding letter and then (DFG) will be

applied, e.g. (L !

L 8@ C) changes to (L !@ 8L C) and then to (!M 8L C).

Note 5: The quadriliteral verbs (0 7) are excepted from

this rule, e.g. (#

L *A[ h
CL #
C *C[ ^C ).

Note 6: The above rules apply to (2K).

Note 7: A few more rules of (DFG) will be mentioned in

Lesson 29.

The Rules of (  )

Rule No. 1: If a ()dO1) is followed by a (S) or () (ydO), the

(S) or () is changed into an (2). That is (SC E), (SA E), (SL E), (
C E),

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A E), (
L E) change to ().

original word changes to new form

&E 'C .E changes to &E E.
‚C C C changes to J
'C C C changes to CC
&E 'L <E changes to &E E<
C 'A •C changes to 9
C C•
E ANC changes to &E CN
0C C 7C changes to 0C7C
0L ™
@C changes to 0C™B

Note 8: This rule mostly applies to the perfect active tense

of (9C'^
@ ZE) and (A.CN). The form (
L E) is specific with ( J7K

Rule No. 2: The forms (SA ZV) and (

A ZV) change to (
@ A). Similarly,
L A) also changes to (
@ A).

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E 'A .V) changes to (E @.A).

C A L) changes to (‚C @ A).
L A @ C) changes to (0@ A @ C).

Note 9: This rule is used in the passive perfect tense ( 0HI

&'š) of (9C'^@ ZE). The form of (
L ) is specific with ( J7K

Rule No. 3: If a (m'O>SS) appears after a kasrah, the (S) is

changed into a (), that is, (SC A) is changed to (
C A), e.g. ('C H
A 7C )
changes to (cA 7C ) and ('C A L ) changes to (0
CH C A L ), the passive
tense (&'š) of (CC ).

Rule No. 4: A (P SS) is changed to a () after a kasrah,

that is, (S@ A) changes to (
@ A), e.g. ([ ^C S@ A) changes to ([ h
C @A) and
U Cp'@ A ) changes to (U CR@A ).

Rule No. 5: A (P ) is changed to a (S) after a dammah,

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that is, (
@ V) changes to (S@ V), e.g. (ˆ
A @L ) changes to (ˆ PA '@ L ) and

V (A @L) changes to (›
V .A'@ L).

Note 1: Rules four and five are used in (SS &%) and ( &%
0€ ).

Rule No. 6: (S@ SL E) and ('@ LE) change to (S@ E), e.g. (@S'L 
C C ) changes
C C ), (@'LC 7C ) changes to (@'C 7C ) and (E '@ LH
to (@' C @ C) changes to
E '@ H
C @ C).

Rule No. 7: (S@ SL V) and ('@ LA) change to (S@ V), e.g. (@SSL L P
C ) changes
to (@SL P
C ), (@'LH L 7C ), (E S@ 'L L !@ C) changes to
A 7C ) changes to (@'H
E '@ L !@ C) and (E '@ LA @ C) changes to (E '@ L @ C).

Rule No. 8: If a (D'8K SS) is preceded by a jazm, its

dammah is transferred to the preceding letter, e.g. (&

V 'L ([ C)
changes to (&
V '@ (V C), the imperfect of (&E E.).

Rule No. 9: If a (7' ƒ ) is preceded by a jazm, its kasrah

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is transferred to the preceding letter, e.g. (‚

L A*@C) changes to

L @*AC), the imperfect of (J
C C ).

Rule No. 10: If a (m'O> S) or (m'O> ) is preceded by a

jazm, the fathah is transferred to the preceding letter and
the (S) or () is changed into an alif, e.g. (9
L 'C B
@ C) changes to
L CBC), the imperfect of (9
C C•) and (V CX@C) changes to (&V CXC),
the imperfect of (&
E CN).


(1) Some verbs that are (SS 9'^Z) from (E A 1E  ) are
excepted from the rules of (), number 1 and 10,

e.g. (7L 'C @ C 7C 'A 

C - to be one-eyed).

(2) In (SS 9'^Z), if there is a () in place of the third

radical, it will be an exception from the above-
mentioned rules, e.g. (C'
C 'A PC - to be equal).

(3) The (S) and () are always maintained in (

` C 1[ A  ),

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e.g. (M 'C

@C e 'C P@ A), (œ
M C*@C œ
e C @A).

(4) In (&>OP  ), the (S) remains unchanged in some

verbs, e.g. (
L 'A Y
@ OC
@ C
C 'C Y
@ OCP@ A - to seek an opinion).

(5) The () P) and (K>O

P) are also exceptions
from any changes, e.g. (&
U 'C ([ A ), (‚ˆ C*@A ) and (&V 'C .[ ZE).

Rule No. 11: If (S) or () occur in the second radical of

U A E1), they are changed to a hamzah, e.g. (&U SA E.) changes to
U €AE.) and (‚ˆ AC ) changes to (‚ˆ €AC ).

Rule No. 12: If a (S) occurs in place of the (9) of (

E C OC1[ A), it is
changed to (j) and merged with the the (j), e.g. (
C CS@ A)
changes to (
EYC OC@A) and then to (E Y
C eA).

Rule No. 13: If an alif is succeeded by a (S) or () at the end

of a verbal noun or any other noun, it is changed to a
hamzah, e.g. (Sˆ CH7@ A) changes to (Š“ EH@7A), (
ˆ E([A) changes to

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(Š“ E([A), (Sˆ C8P

C ) changes to (Š“ C8PC ) and (
ˆ CX A) changes to (Š“ CX A).

Note 11: Two more rules of () will be mentioned in

Lesson 30 and two in Lesson 31.

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Lesson 28

Hamzated Verbs

The Brief Paradigm of (

 ) of (   )

Note 1: The words in which changes have occurred

compulsorily are denoted with a (&) meaning (‡p -
compulsory) and where the change is optional, it is denoted
with a (l) meaning (‡p'^ - permissible).

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 ! "#$ %$

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
&U '@ L _[ C [ L S@ ZV V L _[ C E C ZE
(to hope) U C ZE U A |
(l) (&) (l) ()
ˆ EZE 7ˆ '@ V_[ C @ %A@A L A_[ C C EZE
ˆ A|
(to transmit) (l) (&) (l) (t)
)U >E [ZV 9
ˆ '@ V_[ C 2
@ E@A 2
L E_[ C 2
ˆ A|
(to be
(l) (&) (l) (t)

ˆ C ZE
@ L S@ ZV
L L _[ C
X #
ˆ @A ZE
(to be
(&) (l) (y)

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'()!   & 

 ! "#$ %$

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
(to 9
ˆ 4
E @GA 2
ˆ E–@ L 2
ˆ A–@ L 2
@ A| 2
L A–@ L 2
C E|ž1
harmonize) (l) (l) (&) (l) (&)
(to 2
ˆ @A_[ C 2
ˆ `–C L 2
ˆ „–C L 2
@ „ZE 2
L „–C L 2
C `ZEž2
)U >E EC–L
(to love one 2
ˆ EC–L 2
ˆ AC–L 2
@ A| 2
L AC–L 2
C E|ž3

(to 2
ˆ _EC ž4
ˆ `_EOCL 2
ˆ „_EOCL 2
@ `_EC 2
consist of) 2
C `_EC
ˆ VŸC ž5
@ EŸC 2
(to be in
(&) 9
ˆ 4
E OA@A 2
ˆ EC–@ L 2
ˆ AC–@ L 2
@ AOC@A 2
L AC_[ C
(to be
(l) (l) (l) (l)
united) (&)

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(l) 9
ˆ 4
E ’[OAP@ A 2
ˆ E_[ OC
@ L 2
ˆ A_[ OC
@ L 2
@ A_[ OCP@ A 2
L A_[ OC
C E_[ OCP@ A
(to seek
(l) (l) (l) (l)
intimacy) (l)

1. Ponder over the words of all the above-mentioned

paradigms. Firstly, it should be noted why these paradigms
are classified as (Š> p'8). The reason is that where a
hamzah occurs in the first radical of these verbs and nouns,
they are referred to as (Š> p'8), where it occurs as the
second radical, they are referred to as ({ p'8) as in

E _EPC ) and where it occurs as the third radical, they are
referred to as (D4 p'8) as in (Š‰ C .E).

2. Now observe which words have changed from the

original and which have not. All the words of the above
paradigms are (Š> p'8). Therefore there should be a
hamzah in the first radical of each word. Wherever a
hamzah is not visible as the first radical and a () 9),
that is (), (S) or () occur, it means a change has occurred.

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In the paradigms of (š 04%), there is a change only in

the (H Z), e.g. in the words, ( [ L S@ ZV), (@ %A@A), (2
@ E@A) and
@ L S@ ZV), a (S) or () occurs in place of the hamzah. This

means that these words were originally (

[ L Š” ZV), (@ AŠ” A), (2
@ EŠ” A)
and (
@ L Š” ZV). Two hamzahs were adjacent to one another
where the first one was mutaharrik and the second sākin.
You can therefore immediately say that the first rule of
(2> ) was applied and the hamzah was changed to a (S) or


Note 1: If any word precedes these words, the ($' 3R—) of

the imperative falls away in pronunciation. See Lesson 21
Note 2. The original hamzah remains in place, e.g. (
[ L _[ 1E),
(@ AZ[SC ), (2
@ EZ[SC ) and (
@ L Z[ e V).

3. Now observe the paradigms of (61 ! R 04). In the very

first line, changes can be found in (2 C E|), (2
@ A|) and (9
ˆ 4
E @GA) in
the paradigm of ( E C 1[ ZE). This verb also falls in the category of
(Š> p'8). The word (2
C E|) was originally (2
C EŠ” E) on the

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scale of (
E C 1[ ZE), (2
@ A|) was originally (2
@ AŠ” E) on the scale of
[ A 1[ ZE) and (9
ˆ 4
E @GA) was originally (9
ˆ E‰ Š” GA) on the scale of (&U C1[ A).
By looking at the original words, you can say that here also
the first rule of (2> ) was applied whereby it is obligatory

to change the hamzah to () and ().

4. There is no change in the second, third, fourth and fifth

categories. The word (2
C E|) in the third category may create
some doubt because it was mentioned previously that a
change occurred in it. So is there no change here? This
doubt merely arises due to the written form of the word. If
it is written as (2
C E‰Š), you will realize that it corresponds
exactly to its scale of (
E C E1). There is no change in it. Here
the alif is extra while the alif in the first category was
changed from an original hamzah.

There is no sixth category. This means that (>N  ) is not

used for (Š> p'8).

In the seventh category, a () is visible in place of the

hamzah in (2
C EOC@A), (2
@ AOC@A) and (9
ˆ 4
E OA@A). These words were

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originally (2
C ECŠ” A), (2
@ ACŠ” A) and (9
ˆ 4
E AŠ” A). Due to the fact that
two hamzas were adjacent to one another, the hamzah was
changed to a () according to the first rule of (2> ).

Note 2: The hamzah at the beginning of the (0HI), ()

and (7!YI) of five categories of (61 ! R 04) is a ( 3R—

$'), e.g. (#
C XCOC^@  e V #
C XCOC^@ A). From this you can understand
that there will only be a change in (2 @ ACŠ” A) if it is not
preceded by a word. However, if a word precedes it, the
($' 3R—) will fall away, thus leaving behind only one
hamzah which will be joined to the preceding word and
pronounced, e.g. (2
C EOC€[CS). It can also be written as (2

5. You will see many words in the paradigms where the

second rule of (2> ) can be applied although they have
not been written with the changes in the paradigm. You
may pronounce them with the changes as follows: (
V L _[ C) as
V L C), (2
L A–@ L) as (2
L A'@ L) and(9
ˆ 4
E ’[OAP@ A) as (9
ˆ 4
E @OAP@ A).

A (l) has been written next to such words, indicating that

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changes are (R€^ – permissible) just as a (&) indicates (Dp -

an obligatory change). This indication is made here only. In
future, there will not be a need for this.

6. These two rules of (2> ), namely rule no.1 and rule no.2
are commonly in vogue. Besides them, there are two more
rules dealing with specific words. If you read the following
sentences carefully, you will understand these two rules as

!L @pC C [ L S@ ZV 6L C ChNC !ˆ A C V L _[ C !ˆ @+A 7C E C ZE (1)

C CCOA !L @pC C [ •L 6L CCOA !ˆ @+A 7C V •L _[ C !ˆ @+A 7C E •C ZE (2)
)Œ E^C @ >E PC !L @pC C [ V )Œ NCe7L !ˆ A C V V _[ C 3Œ C 8@ C !ˆ @+A 7C E E ZE (3)
\‹ d
C [A !L @pC C @ L \‹ dC [A !ˆ A C L L _[ C \‹ d C [A !ˆ @+A 7C C C ZE (4)
‚C C !L @pC C 2 @ AOC@A E '@ 8L A
@ 8L [ 2
L AC_[ C E '@ 8L A @ 8L [ 2 C EOC@A (5)
C @8A A
@ 8L [
!L A C C [ B A eA ‡!A C !ˆ @pC V BA OeC U @A•C E B
C eA (6)
‡ @NAZE ¡C CCOA Œ(@!A $
C Œ(@!A $
C ‡!8e d C L

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By pondering over the first four lines, you will notice that
the (0HI) and (J7KI) are on their original state. There is

only a change in the (Z).

In the first line, the hamzah was changed to a (S) in the verb

[ L S@ ZV) which originally was ([ L Š” ZV). However, in the second
line, the (Z) of (
E •C ZE) is ([ •L ) and not ([ •L S@ ZV). The word ([ •L ) is
in actual fact formed from (
[ •L Š” ZV), but since this word is so
frequently used in conversation, there was a need for
making it easier in pronunciation. Therefore, instead of
changing its hamzah to a (S), it was deleted from the
beginning. When the original hamzah was deleted, the next
letter was mutaharrik, thus dispensing with the need for a
($' 3R—). Therefore the latter was also deleted. See

Lesson 21 Note 1. The same applies to (

[ V ) and (@ L ).

The paradigm of (
[ •L ) will be as follows:
E [ •L E•L 
@ A •L @SV •L E•L [ •L
Conjugate (
[ V ) and (@ L ) in the same way.

Note 3: When joined to a preceding word, only the hamzah

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of (@ L ) reverts to its original position according to the

general rule, e.g. (@ L Z[SC ) and (@ L _[ 1E). The hamzah of (
[ V ) and
[ •L ) never revert.

Now ponder over the fifth and sixth lines. From the
previous paradigms, you know that (2
C EOC@A) is from the
category (
E C OC1[ A). Originally it was (2
C ECŠ” A). According to rule
no. 1, the hamzah is changed to a (). But you may be

wondering from which category (

C eA) is? It also seems to
be from (
E C OC1[ A). Undoubtedly, (E B
C eA) is also from the category
E C OC1[ A) just like (2
C EOC@A) and it is (Š>p'8). The verb (2 C EOC@A) is
constructed from (2
C AE) while (
C eA) is constructed from
E •C ZE). It was originally (E B
C CŠ” A). The normal rule has not been
applied here. The hamzah has been changed to a (j) and

merged into the (j) of (&O1  ). Therefore it changes to

C eA) and not (E B
C OC@A). The paradigm will be as follows:

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7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
A OeL [ B
A eA V B
C eA

From the above-mentioned explanation, two new rules

have emerged.

Rule No. 3 of (2> ): The imperative of (

E •C ZE), (E E ZE) and (C C ZE)
is (
[ •L ), ([ V ) and (@ L ) respectively.

Rule No. 4 of (2> ): When the verb (

E •C ZE) is conjugated on
the paradigm of (&O1  ), the hamzah is converted to a
(j) and merged into the (j) of (&O1  ). The result is

C eA) etc.

Note 4: This rule is specific with the root letters of (

E •C ZE). The
general rule of (2
C EOC@A) applies to other verbs.

Note 5: There is no change in ({ p'8) and (D4 p'8).

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Only in the imperfect (J7K) of (&

E _EPC ), the hamzah is
sometimes deleted, while in the imperative (Z), when it is
at the beginning of a sentence, it is most often deleted, e.g.
from (
V ’E
@ C) – (V
C C) and from ([ ’EP@ A) – ([ PC ).

Note 6: The verbs of (Š> p'8) in (T 04) only appear in

four categories, namely (YN), ( H), (‚-) and (D). In

(61 ! R 04), besides the categories of ( E C >E N@A), (` C 1[ A), and
` C1[ A), they appear in the remaining seven categories.

Vocabulary List No. 26

Note 7: The alphabets (), (t), (q), (9), (y) and (m)

indicate the category of the triliteral verbs (T 04). The

categories of the verbs of (61 ! R) are indicated by
numerals. For example, the word (C EZE) is listed as follows:

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Word Meaning
C EZE (t) to transmit
C E| (1) to give preference

C `ZE (2) to have an effect

C `_EC (4) to accept the effect

This means that when the verb (C EZE) is used from the

category of ( H), it means to transmit. When it is

transferred to the categories of (61 ! R 04), in the first

category (C E|), it means to give preference, in the second

category (C `ZE), it means to have an effect and in the fourth

category (C `_EC), it means to accept the effect.

Word Meaning
C EZE (t) to transmit
(1) to give preference
(2) to have an effect
(4) to accept the effect
C ^C ZE () to reward

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(10) to hire, to employ

E •C ZE () to take, to catch; with (‚C C )- to take

(3) to censure, to blame
E oA ZE (q) to permit
(10) to seek permission
0@ A_[ C 0CZE (t) to come
ZERC @ OCP@ A to mock

C C @ ZE to turn away

ˆ @^A ZE employee

ˆ VL maturity

)U $
C CY•C poverty, bankruptcy

C C P@ ZE to be extravagant, to exceed the limits

C 8C OC[A to search, to request

E C ZE () to hope
(4) to ponder

E %EOC@ A (7) to obey, to submit

_E*eNCSC _E*CN@ZE to inform

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(q) ¢E
A •C to be driven away, to be chased away

Š£ C™C Š‰ C+ (9 SZ q) to desire, to want

'@ >V @ C E>C () to forgive
_EXC‘C (9) to be pleasant
(2) to congratulate
C N@ZE to create

ˆ E€7A  )U €E7A lung

‡!FE 7C pleasant, comfortable

 3U 7C Ch@PA
ˆ C7Ch@PA
&U 4
E P@ ZE  )U `PC basket

U C*@$
A  0… *A$
C child

L <A C'C  )U >E <A C affection, sympathy

ˆ @ L prevalent custom

'ˆ >[ C forgiveness

‡'>[ C SZ 'C >[ C [E forgive me

ˆ 8C C–@ L conference

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3U Š‰ R@ ‘L object or person of ridicule, laughing

‡SRL ‘L mockery, derision

Œ’@A C Œ’@XA‘C enjoyably, may it do you much good

C so, because

Exercise No. 28

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

Note: The important words are in bold. Pay special
attention to them.
The examples of (p'8) are actually intended in this

¥ 3E 7C Ch@ *  ,+  [ ‘C ! L @
C L (1)
. ¦ @ +C V X@L COL[ C C @ ƒA E
-  . ,
. 3E 7C Ch@   ,+  0 @ ƒA E 3E 'C @ (E [ 
C e™ 
  ( ! ,
C X@
C @ ZE (2)
."L @C [CS )V €E‹  C A * 1, 2 3U e K
A L 3V 7C Ch@
‹ E" 7L '@ OL[ !M  0@ A &E E. @ C NC
5 -,+  0EC 7A '@ OL[ !M  &E '@ .E * 3 * ¡
C NebA1E U .AC U ^L 7C ¡

A CS (3)
. 3¦ 7C S@ L H
C 4 C e™ 
E A ‡K@ZE 3E 'C @ (E [CS    ,+ 6 E [ ZE 
@ !A X@A L
C @ _E[E 0@ •A ZE C

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Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

¥ 0@ A‘@ A @ A yC '@ LZE  ,+ ( 0COC (4)

£  Š‰ C+ [ A ‡!FE 6L L S@ !L .V -  3 (*
. 0ECC

E P@ bA[   3 * + 0A1 DA 4

¥@0A‘@ A 0@ 1A 0‹ A 4 E ƒE [ 0A ZE‰ CNE '@ C )E *C][ •L @ OL@ 8A PC [ ‘C (5)
L [ ‚L @8A ^C CX@A  1,  !@ .E ©!^A 87  93 * ,
. 7A eKd @ NCE CNeGA  C‘CX@ 8A PC @ C NC
¥ 7C e! zA‘C <
  : ,+ 2;  [ ‘C (6)
:,+ 2;  0A1 = >3 2* CNZE E
M 'A (E [ <
¥ L @A _E[    : ,+ 2;  A C C @•C ` bA1E C @A _E[ C @^A _E[ E‘C * : ,+ 2A
 B (7)
. ¦ @A ZE 
ª 'A .E ¦ @^A ZE 0EGA )¦ ^C C 0@ 1A L d L A C* * : ,+ 2; B @ C NC
@ XC1E 7¦ S@ L
e !C C C @ C F  G+ (/
. C COƒA [ D E* ,+ ( [ ZE yC !C ESC  * ! 0M AC C (8)
. oA COP@ _V[ DC CZE B+ H+ / ¡
C CCOA 0e XC L C [ •L
/* * C `PC SC 6A @EC

£  0`$
C 0M *AXe &E E. !@ (E 1E 3A 4
e  A ¡   * 0@ OA•@ ZVC (9)
. ‡*@PC @'«L E C EoGA 3A 4
EYe A @ V C E S@ ZE
. C `PC SC 6A @EC
C 0‹ *AXe   ,  Œ E%OA@ A 3A 4
£  0`$ EYe A J&?* * * K; 0@ •A ZEC @ C NC
¥ ‡!h
A C @*C[ E‘C L *D+ 
@ C ,  J [ ‘C (10)
. )Œ PC 7C !@ C SC ‡!h@ C C* D- 
A  J2M; @ C NC
¥ A €AC 8C [ œ
C @ C ¡ @ NC [ ZE CXE N- O ,+  [ ‘C ¬C @™
C E’E e  E‘C + ; (11)
. ‡*A ESC ‡SRL ‘L
A C| /D- 
A j  J2 E SC L 2*P+ Q C L E S@ ZE C  6 - ;

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

.A [ A [ 0A1 CX@EC R   .

‰  ` _EA R
MP+ : #
@ K
C «@ C E ¬L @+C C

‰  L >A «@ OC
@ NC (12)
. @ V 7A '@ L ZV ‚A @8A ^C 0@ 1A
 E |@(V [ /-D
 J/ @ OL8@ AC C8 A @'V8C @ CS - P ;
@ XC1E  T- ,+ M ¢U @+C yC !C X@A [ ‘C CNC ZEC (13)
¥ 3¦ !C @A C )¦ 1EC C @ A CX’[^A L d
‰  SLƒV +@ CS L 2*P+ Q C 6A A C'>E [ C A - T- / )E `
C [ A L E S@ ZE C /D- E*
e  ¡
. @ ƒV .EpC 7C
E SC Rˆ *@•L C@1A g
C @E ¬L @+C C @ ƒA E ¡
C >A A<C'C 0EC yC L ƒV ™

‰  !L 8C d
@ NC (14)
. ˆ d@ E
¥ @ ƒV XC@ C 87 F ) ?*  6 * *D+ 
 J A ‘C C @A €ACh A @ OLN@ZE C 7L C+@ ZE C P-A
C <E M CS C @O‹ - T- ,+ 6 L d
.# @ NC C‘ CX8e C C
6D+U E 3* E 'C >[ C [E (15)
7P M? CX@A E '@ *Md
A L C @'VƒV 1E
zA A ‘C CXC C D E* ,+ 6 [ ZE ¬L @+C C XCE †L 8C
@ C [ C 1E ¡
C @1A
£  R , JM? (16)
£  yC 7C C SC

¥ \A @A ]`  0E1  T- ,+ M )E `

 T+ , +  L 2*P+ : C8NeGA  V
A + A C - P A
 2 L 2*P+ : C L @<A C+C @ OLN@ZE

.  ) 2; W+/
@ C 0A1 CX[ C 1E C8A 'C >[ C [ ¡
C X@A #
L V][ NC ! L àC8L [ ¬L @™
e  CMZE (17)
@ FE DC '@ C[ 4
.E C*K  (6 NebA1E
A C‘„ A DC '@ C[ 4
 6*O ,+ 2A
 6/ DA COA@ bA[CS
A C _E[ 9
C 4
E •A
A + A @ 1E 0@ 1A )U ^C C @ ƒV E ,
@ NCE [ GA L 2*P+ Q c­OC @'L ^A 7@ A @ ƒV E

£  C >E FE

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. DL 4
E e CS

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. 3A EY
e A ¡ C E‘@ ZE @ L Z[SC (1)
. 3¦ 'e (V A
C COƒA [ A •L cCd @ C C (2)
.{C A‘A Ch[ A C t @ A @ ZESC 9 A @ L [A @ L Z[SC 'C >[ C [ A •L (3)
. '@ 1VA @ L E SC '@ LC +@ CS '@ VV (4)
. C8OL’[+A  V @C Œ!EF7C CX@A 4 E V SC (5)
. cY C L C A‘C @GA DA E(e A [SVB A eCS (6)
. Š‰ CAS@ ZE @ V Se !L C SC 
@ S‹ !L C SVB A OeC E 'LXC | C A ` CMZE C (7)
. E 'L8E@ C E @ OLXV AG A [ „  E ‘@ ZE ['V_EP@ E1 (8)
. A AXe A C ¦ ’AC '@ C e V_E @ OLE e V (9)
. )U $C CY•C @ A A E E '@ ESC @ A A >V NEZ cEC E SLA–@ LSC (10)
.{L A _E[  M 'A (E [ j C @ ^C _[ OCP@  A C C @•C ` GA (11)
. E SL–™ A XL8[ L d @ NC D@ ZE CCC h C +C @ L_[ ™C NEZ @ OLNEZZE (12)
A C A ` E oE _[ OCP@  C8E 'LNoA _[ OC @ C[ 1E C Vd
L [ L ƒV XA &V E><[ _E[ ®E E C EoGASC (13)
. @ A A*@.E

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. =L *AB
C [ L AC [ 0C NA_E*eNC &E E. E‘C yC _E*CNEZ @ C ,
@ EE. (14)
(C) Note the analysis of the following sentence:

7G(' X
 S'( '*  Y B D- 

The morphological analysis will be as follows:

Analysis Word
!S 6O«$  {'> ~G !OI 9SI J7KI >
p'8  &O1   61 ! RI 04%   #€F 
A C_[ C 6$Z  Š>
According to rule no. 4 of (2> ), the hamzah is

changed to a (j) and merged into the (j) of


K> P  \O™  9YX =F   !S   P

!L 8C @ ZE
T 04  !C 8A C 
T 04  !^  9YX   !S   P ‡!@pC
 )>Y P  \O™  9YX   !S  3ƒN P
Œ(@!A $
T 04  x
C !L $

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The grammatical analysis will be as follows:

Analysis Word
I !OI J7KI >
)8L^ J'1I
)1 J'1 1 !L 8C @ ZE
) ¯• 'YX &QSZ &'> ‡!@pC
'YX ¦  &'> Œ(@!A $

(D) Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) Hāmid! Are you in a I was in a habit but I left it

habit of having cigarettes? since the doctor prevented
(2) You have excelled! Yes sir, therefore I do not
Cigarettes are harmful for smoke cigarettes any more.
the lungs and the eyes.
(3) Did you hire this Yes, I hired this house.
(4) Did you employ this No, we did not employ him.

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(5) O my sister, command Fātimah, take the book and

your daughter to read her read it in front of your
book in front of me. maternal uncle.
(6) O boys, take your Yes sir, we will take our
books and read them. books now.
(7) O noble woman, Yes brother, I will certainly
command your sons and command them to perform
daughters to perform salāh.
(8) Ask this boy, “What is My brothers, my name is
your name and where do Salīm and I live in Lahore.
you live?”
(9) O girl, take the basket O my (paternal) uncle, I
of fruit and eat whatever thank you.
you like from it.
(10) Did these people Yes, they made this house
make this house into a into a musjid.
(11) You make your house Good, we will make our
into a madrasah. house into a madrasah.

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Test No. 13

(1) How many types of verbs and nouns are there with
regard to their root letters?
(2) What is a (ŽP =F 1)?
(3) What are the seven types of verbs in relation to
their letters?
(4) What is (p'8) and how many types are there?

(5) What is the change that occurs in (p'8) in order to

remove the difficulty in pronunciation called?
(6) What are the changes of (2K) and (
W O) called?
(7) When does an obligatory change occur in (p'8)
and when is it optional?
(8) What is the (H Z) of (E •C ZE), (C C Z) and (E E ZE)?
(9) How will the (Z) of these three verbs be read when
joined to a preceding word?
(10) What are the word-forms and original forms of the
following words? With which rule have changes
occurred in them? Where are the changes
obligatory and where are they optional?
 E B
C eA  C A S@ ZV  (E C 1[ ZE  ) 2
@ A|  U C8@A •

 (E C E1  ) 2

@ A|  [ PC  C 8C OC@A  @ L
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)U NCE @A  q
ˆ Z[7C
(11) Select all the verbs and nouns from Exercise No.
28 which are (p'8) and write down their word-

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Lesson 29

The Doubled Verb

L C CK8L [ V @ >A [E)

[ \ /) ]@
^! %/! ]@
^! %/! Z
@ !L 8@ C @ E SZ !e£A 8L C @ E !M 8L C !e C
!e 8L C @ E A e!8L C e!C
S@ !M 8L C @ E E S@ !M 8L C @S!M C
@ !L 8@ C @ E SZ !eA£ 8L C @ E !M 8L C j
@ !e C
e!8L C @ E A e!8L C C!e C
E @ !L 8@ C @ E E @ !L 8@ C E @ !C C
!e L @ !L 8@ C @ E SZ !eA£ 8L C @ E !M 8L C j
C @ !C C
e!L !e 8L C @ E A e!8L C C8L@ !C C
S@ !M L S@ !M 8L C @ E E S@ !M 8L C @ L@ !C C

@ !‹ L 
@ !‹ 8L C @ E C @!‹ 8L C j
A @ !C C
e!L e!8L C @ E A e!8L C C8L@ !C C
E @ !L @ ZV E @ !L 8@ C @ E E @ !L 8@ C e L@ !C C
@ !L @ ZE @ E SZ !eA£ L ZE @ E !M L ZE j
L @ !C C
@ !L 8@ NC @ E SZ !eA£ 8L NC @ E !M 8L NC CN@ !C C

1. By observing the paradigms of the perfect and imperfect

tense of (2K), you will notice that rule no. 2 and no. 3 of

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(DF) apply where the third radical ()8ƒ D) is (yQdO).

And where the ()8ƒ D) is sākin, those words are

pronounced normally without any changes. Merging (DF)

is prohibited in such cases.

2. Merging (DF) and non-merging (DF ¡

M 1E) is permissible
in those words where, due to a (Dp/ 9), the ()8ƒ D)

of the imperfect (J7K) becomes sākin or the imperative

() becomes sākin. When applying (DF), there is a need to

render a harakah to the final sākin letter because if there is
no harakah at the end, the word cannot be pronounced.
Most often it is rendered a kasrah. Sometimes a fathah is
also rendered and if the preceding letter is (D'8K), a
dammah can also be rendered, e.g.

@ !L 8@ C @ E !M 8L C @ E !e 8L C @ E !‹ 8L C @ E
example of example of example of example of
(DF ¡
M 1E) dammah fathah kasrah

Note 1: In the word (@ !

L @ ZV), after applying (DF), there
remains no need for the hamzatul wasl because the first

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letter becomes (yQdO).

3. You have learnt three rules of (DF) in Lesson 27. From

the above-mentioned explanation, you can derive another
rule which is as follows:

Rule No. 4 of (DF): Those words of (J7K 1) which

become sākin (DSRT) due to a (Dp/9) and the words of

(Z) which become sākin can be read with (DF) and ( ¡
M 1E

4. The above-mentioned rules of (DF) apply where there

are two letters of the same type. A few rules will be
mentioned at this point concerning other verbs. This (DF)

applies to those words that have letters of the same (lCB

@ C )
or whose (lCB
@ C ) is near to one another. The term (lCB
@ C )
will be explained later.

Rule No. 5 of (DF): If the first radical ()8ƒ Š1) of ( 

&O1) is a (), (o) or (p), the (j) of (&O1  ) is changed to
these letters and merged into them.

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from (
EBC C@ A) – (E •C C @ A), and then (E •C e A),
from (
A C!@ C) – (V •A C !@ C), and then (V •A !e C),
from (C ƒ
E Co[ A) – (C E oE o[ A), and then (C E òA),
from (L ƒ
A C[ C) – (L A oE [ C), and then (L A ` C),
from (
E Cp@ A) – (E Cpp@ A), and then (E epA),
from (
V CR@ C) – (V CpR@ C), and then (V Re C).

Note 2: The word (C 

E òA) can be read as (C E e A) as well. It is
used in the Qur’ān as follows: (¦ 
A !e M @ A [ C 1E).

Rule No. 6 of (DF): If the first radical ()8ƒ Š1) of ( 

Q>) and (>  ) is any of the ten letters (  p  o    k
v  u  t  s  r  q), it is permissible to change the
(j) of these ( ' Z) into these letters and merge them. It is
not necessary to do so. There is a need to insert a hamzatul
wasl in the perfect (0HI) and imperative () tenses.
from (C 
` E C) – (C ` òA) (L ` ` C) (@ ` òA),

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from (
E .EE%C) – (E .E`A) (V .E%̀C) ([ .E`A)

Rule No. 7 of (DF): It is obligatory to merge the definite

article (&
[ E) into the () 8™ 9S"). See 5.2.

Note 3: The (lCB

@ C ) is the place in the mouth where the
letter originates. The letters are categorized as follows with
regards to their (lCB
@ C ):
 ()e'A @ ` 9S") whose (lCB
@ C ) is the rear part of the
tongue. They are (y  x).
 ()eA h

e  9S") whose (lCB
@ C ) is the centre of the
tongue. They are (  r).
 ()eA ]
[ X‹ 9S") whose (lCB
@ C ) is the centre of the
tongue when it touches the upper incisors. They are
(  j  u).
C _E[ 9S") whose (lCB
@ C ) is the tip of the tongue
when it touches the edge of the lower and upper
incisors. They are (q  p  s).
 ()e'A >E ™
e  9S") whose (lCB
@ C ) is the lips. They are (

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9  D  S ).
There are 16 or 17 (l7A B
C C ) which are mentioned in the
detailed books.

The verbs of (2K T 04) are used most often in ( 

C NC), (
C  ) and (‚C 8A PC  ). They are seldom used in
(DC L 
E  ). The verbs of (61 ! R 04) are used in all the
categories ( ' Z) except the eighth and ninth ones. Observe
the brief paradigms below.

š 04%
7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
S@ ZE !eA£ L
!… C ˆ S@ !L 8@ C … C !M 8L C () !e C
@ !L @ ZV
e 1E
7ˆ C1A S@ ZE … 1E 7ˆ S@ L >[ C 7… E1 7@ A 1[ A S@ ZE eA 1A M >A C
S@ ZE g
eA C g
e C
… C q
ˆ '@
L 8@ C q
… C g
M 8C C
@ C @ A (q)

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S@ ZE #
eA£ V #
e E
)U CC*E #
ˆ @*AE #
@ *L[V (y)

61 ! RI 04%

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
S@ ZE !eA A ZE
ˆ C!@ A !… 8C L !… 8A L !M 8A L !e C ZE ž1
@ !A @ ZE
!ˆ @!A 8@ C ˆ !e 8C L ˆ !‹ 8C L @ !‹ C L !‹ 8C L C !e C ž2
S@ ZE ‹ C
3U e C8L … C8L … C8L M C8L e Cž3
@ A C
ˆ !M 8C C ˆ !e 8C OCL ˆ !‹ 8C OCL @ !e 8C C L !e 8C OCC
C !e 8C C
… C8C … C8OCL … C8OCL M C8OCC e C8Cž5
@ C C8C
SZ \eA ™C N@A ž6
ˆ E(™
A N@A \… ™
C X@L \… ™
C X@L \M ™
\@ (A ™
C N@A \e ™

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SZ !eA OC@ A
ˆ C!OA@ A !… OC8@ L !… OC8@ L !M OC8@ C !e OC@ Až7
@ !A OC@ A
!eA 8A OCP@ A
ˆ C!8@ OAP@ A !… 8C OC
@ L !… 8A OC
@ L SZ !M 8A OC
!e 8C OCP@ A
@ !A 8@ OCP@ A

Note 4: The verb (!

e C ) is not used on the scale of (E C >E N@A).
Therefore another example was used in the above table.
Verbs of (2K) do not appear on the category of (
` C 1[ A)
and (&
` C1[ A).

Note 5: No change has occurred in category no. 2 and 4.

These verbs are conjugated like the verbs of (†d$).

Note 6: The (> P) and (&'>I P) of categories 3, 5, 6

and 7 appear alike because of (DF). The origin of each

word however is different. The penultimate letter is (7' ƒ)

in the (> P) while in the (&'>I P) it is (m'O>).

Accordingly, if (… C8L ) is the (> P), the original word

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would be (ˆ A C8L ) and if it is the (&'>I P), the original

word would be (ˆ C C8L ).

Vocabulary List No. 27

Word Meaning
0@ H
A @ L 0CH7@ ZE to please, to make happy

‚C *CeA to follow

e B
C OCP@ A to regard as light or to disgrace

C C OC@ A to admit

e OCF[ A to be deceived, to be arrogant

C XCOCF[ A to appreciate

( ) g
e C ZE to feel

C E@ ZE to reveal, to announce

†C OC>E N@A to be opened

C •e _EC to delay, to move back

yC e d
C C to move

6C *eXCC to awake

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(t) !e ^C to strive

(9) C C ^C to expose, to raise the voice

e C to argue, to debate

(t) \e C to be proven, to be true

(1) to prove
(2) to determine
(10) to be entitled
to ring (q/ -the bell), to knock
() x
e C ( * -on the door), to crush (ŠS! -
the medicine)
~ SZ 0 () &` C to show, to point

(t) &` oE to be disgraced

(1) to disgrace
() e 7C to return
(4) to doubt, to be hesitant
e PC to make subservient

() e PC to please, to conceal

(&'T) e PL to be happy, to be pleased

E .E`A to be heavy

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() °
E (E PC to fall
(1) & (3) to make s.o. fall
@ C c­PC to strive, to run

() \e +C to tear, to be burdensome

(6) to burst
() !e $
C to prevent

(q) ‚C 8A <E to covet, to desire

() e ±E to think, to ponder

() !e C to count
(1) to prepare
(10) to be ready
(t) Re C to be respected, to be powerful
(1) to grant honour
() œ
e FE to lower

() 
e .E to narrate a story

(t) ` .E to be less
(10) to regard as less, to be
(q) ‚C XA.E to be satisfied

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(q) g
C *AE to wear, to don

() e C to pass

(q) g
e C to touch

() e C to do a favour, to remind of the

(t) C >E NC to flee, to go out for war

() Re ‘C to shake

L •C | another

` GA except, but

… C one who does a favour

ˆ @ C cold

)U ’E@]A C slow

ˆ @8A E expensive

)U C7A C^ maid, slave girl

ˆ C ^C bell

ˆ R@ ^A trunk of a tree

0… XA^C freshly plucked fruit

ˆ C8e L  0e8L fever

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U C@ ZE  ˆ @A time

e‡X@A any time

&U '@ L•L  U @•C horse

\ˆ @.AC crushed item, flour

E S@ L besides

C²@ 7L dream

U C 7A to tie

7ˆ C+@ ZE  ˆ @A +C evil

ˆ '@ $
L wool

3A C
@ L [ )V C CP time of difficulty

)U 8C €AE. leg (of animal or table)

ˆ +A E revealer

Š“ E(A meeting

E '@ E had it not

C _[ CE no problem

¢U @h
A C to come

7ˆ C8
@ A nail

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0@ .A4
E L one who meets

Exercise No. 29

Note: The fact that this lesson deals with doubled verbs, has
been taken into consideration in this exercise, although
other words could have been more appropriate for the
occasion to embellish the text.

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ ,
L .[ SC C L .E !@ (E 1E !L A CC q C C h C [ x ‹ L (1)
@ oA COP@ ZVC @ ƒV ’A@hA C E *@.E q L C h C [ x e L !@ .E
¥q C C h C [ x e C @ C (2)
. @ !A ‹PC C CNZE 6L OL([ .EC
¥, A .[ 'C [ E *@.E ,C ([ .EC 2 C @E
. @ !A ‹PC C ()U ’E@]A C S@ ZE) 3U C •‹ _EOCL )V C e E
. C@1A ‡7C8 @ A x e !L C [ ZE 7A ehXeA [ .V . yL e d C OCC 0‹ PA @ ƒV [ )V 8C €AE.
. 7A C8 @ 8A [A \M ™C X@C CNeZE M aV C 'C ‘L
C C*[ x
M !L C @ C (5)

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. C C*[ x M !L C )E C7A Ch[ ` C E

. ‡!‹^C Š‰ CS!e  0„.L )V C7A C^ C (6)
. \A @.A!e E ‡!‹^C x ˆ '@ .V!@ C Š£ CS!e E  @ !A ‹PC C @ aV N@ZV
¥ L E S@ ZE C E S@ M >A C C @ZE 0EGA (7)
. )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0EGA M >A NC L d@ NC
@SL •e _EOCC E SC @SM >A 1E (8)
. CX L'@ V][ C 'C ‘L E‘C
¥ 0C ‘A @ E . A COƒA [ E‘C x C C7S@ ZE !‹ L V @A•C C (9)
. )Œ .E7C SC E '@ L 8@ •C 0C A 1E CL@ !C C !@ .E
A C ` A C!@C 0EGA D@ ZE )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0EGA L C‘„  yC M L C [ ‘C ! V @A•C C (10)
.# A C ` , C .[ SC # C C [ZESC qA 7@ !e  , C .[ SC C `C CZE [ ZE @0NAM
¥# L C ` DA ZE qL 7@ !e  yC C•ZE M L C [ ‘C (11)
.q L 7@ !e  zL M L C C @ A L %E[ ZE # L C ` zL M L C @ !A ‹PC C
. 0@ H A C8[ A CdOA@ A[ 0A1 †ˆ ^A CN ¡ C NeZE M ±V ZE (12)
. V *@.E @ A m A ChXeA j L @ !C @ ZE ,
L X@V !@ .ESC , L d @h C NC !@ .E 6A WA !L 8@ d
C [E
."!C ^C SC !e ^C @ C " &E E. @ C x C !C $C (13)
."0CPC C ` GA A C N@bA[ A g C @E" 0ECC &E E. SC

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¥ 3A C •A Ÿ[ A CdOA@ GA A *C[ _E[ A CdOA@ bA[ A jC @ !C @ ZE [ ‘C ¡ C V’EP@ ZE 0@ X‹ƒA E (14)

‡K@ZE A CdOA@ bA[ ¡C AoE 0A1 m C ChXeCS m C4 E >E [ 0@ ‹7C @ A '@ ^L 7@ ZESC 6L E !M A ZV 6A WA !L 8@ dC [E
. V @A•C C ¡ C L 4E E 0@ NAe PC !@ (E E 6A WCS (15)
.@ !A ‹PC C ¡ C €AE(A A jL 7@ A PL CNZESC
¥ 3A C •A Ÿ[CS @N!M  0A1 yC RM A L ¦ 8C C 0EC C¡L ZE [ ‘C L @APC C (16)
. 6A AA E>E A @B
C [ 0EC & e!E1 ‡7'@ ^L _[ C E '@ ƒV OCA ¡ C AK @ 1E @ A 6A @EC 0@ XA`L
@ ƒV C
A  \A [ •C 0EGA ‡‹ 'C OCL SC ¡ C @!C AC' A © CSC 6A A'@ PL 7C SC
A ‡@]A L @ V (17)
.q A eX !C X@A SC
A  !C X@A ‡R@RA C
. ŠA CRh
C [ C @•C
£  yC CRh C 1E . 6A „V A @B C [ ‚A A C^ ¦ 8C C 0EC 0@ XAOC[ EC 0@ 8‹ C C
¥ ŠA CO™ ‹ CS A @ *C[ DA eZE DA e_E[ zA A ‘C 0@ 1A 0E@EC A @ *C[A C @ ‹d A L E ZE (18)
¥ A @ *C[A g@ A @ ZV @ E 0@ N‹ZE  @ !A ‹PC C , C X@XC±E 2 C @E
.2 A @Y e  q A C*A 0@ 1A )Œ PC '@ *L[ C yA C7ZE 0@ N‹GA (19)
.9 A '@ Y M  q L C*A  @ !A ‹PC C 0e EC \M ™ L CE
0e8d L [ ¡A e 8C C 4 E @E ŠA CO™ ‹  0A1 9 A '@ Y M  q C C*A 0@ A *C[A 6A A q C _[ CE (20)
.¡ C >A <A C'C # A ‹]E A )U NC'@ XL8@ C SC 3U 7C S@ L
@ C CNZE  @ !A ‹PC C , C X@ C @ ZE

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.C‘7C C‘p@ ZE C @8‹ ™L CSC C‘7C Ch+@ ZE C @A aV X@CSC )¦ (E @!A C 0EC CX‡@A C @‹ 8L C [ ‘C (21)
j L p@ RC C 1E Š‰ CX @ C 3Œ C h C +C , L @ZEC 1E )A C 8L hL [ DC '@ C A CO @ *L[A j L 7@ C C , L X@V @ C NC
.C‘7C C‘p@ ZE , L 8@ 8A +C SC CNCCYF[ ZE
.¡ A A L ‚C 8C ]`  ` bA1E 7A C8[_E[ 0A1 0@ A 8C ][ C E SC E CYF[ _E[  @ R‹ L CE (22)
."‚C 8A <E @ C &` oE SC ‚C XA.E @ C Re C " 0@ ‹ ZV &V '@ (V C , @ NCE  @ oA COP@ ZV C , C .[ !C $C
C A1E ¦ CpC V X@L @'(E OCP@  !A .E C Y @ A E @‘ZE ` ZE 0@ NAC'•@ GA C @'8L E@ C @ EZE (23)
¥ !A X@A [ V ‘@ ZE  (A OC
@ CE
DC '@ C[E1 4
Œ @A.E @'L *eXCC DC '@ C[ A ƒA E @ L
C >V N@ZE E '@ (A OC
@ CSC E '@ > BA OC @ C @'NLE !A X@A [ V ‘@ ZE
.gA @ _E[A V C –@ L E E E C @ L X@A V C –@ L
, A (` d C OCP@  !A .E !C X@A [ ` ZE COC[ h C N@GA ŠA C8C pL @ A ˆ @%AE E Ÿ[ 9 C C OC@  !A .E (24)
. †A O@>E [ &A '@ YL L 0@ 1A )E XC@8A %̀ C‘A C!@ bAA &E 4 E ([ OAP@ bA[
0@ 1A †A O@>E [ L C COC[ h C N@bAA ‡! CZE †C OCE>N@ C8E C LC*P@ ZESC !A X@A [ &V C^7A E '@ E @ C NC
. e 7L S@ ZV 0@ 1A E SC !A X@A [ x A @ +C 0@ 1ASC )E CAE]@GASC )A e(A @A 1[ ZE
A C!@ GA 0EGA C‘!C C j @ !e L DA 4 E P@ bA[ ¡ A AC8C @ A )¦ ƒE E8@ C  V EƒE ‘C SC (25)
. †A O@>E [ &A '@ Y
L L 0@ 1A )A CNAE<A *A[
3A C
@ L [ )A C CP 0@ 1A C‘S@ !M C ZE C @A ` 0C H A @ L [ ZE )A CNAE<A *A[ 0EC # L AhC1E ! , C .[ !C $C
. ŠA C!@ _E[ 0EC †A O@>E [A e OC«@ CE ŠA E.!A $ @ _E[ C '@ V.V AC @ bA[A @ B ‹ C L @ E @ 8C 1E

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0@ 1A E S@ L e C OCCE SC †A O@>E [ EC A E S@ M OC«@ CE @ L NeZE )A CNAE<A *A[ ŠA 4

E (E L @ A '@ ^L @ NC (26)
. C(` C !A X@A [ ŠA E]@ GA
[ C #L ‘C '@ LE )E e‹ d L [ ` bA1E @ ‘A !A @ 'C A M OC«@ NC E ¡ C AoE ‚C C  @ !A ‹PC C M ±V ZE EƒE ‘C
. A C!@ OAP@ A[CS 3A 'e (V A V •C –@ L

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

.A Y C (E [ C C @ ZE ¡ C @EC M (V NC L d @ NC (1)

.¡ C A'C •@ GA cEC yC C²@ 7L  @ Y L ([ C E 0e XC L C (2)
. ¦ A !e M A [ C 1E A [ „ A E |@(V [ CN@ e C !@ (E ESC (3)
. 3Œ C SL!@ e ŒeZE ` GA 7L eX CX e 8C C E ['VE.SC (4)
¦ @B
C A ¡
C 8@ C AGSC 'C ‘L ` GA 6L E 2
C +A E 4 E 1E ª K
L A 6L W ¡C @ C 8@ C AGSC (5)
. ˆ !L .E Š¦ 0@ +C „ V cEC 'C L 1E
. @ ‘A 7A CY @ZE @ A 'MK«L C { C XAA –@ 8L [ „ V. (6)
. e ‘A 7A CY @ZE @ A C K @ K L «@ C j A CXA –@ 8L [ „ V.SC (7)
. 6L W L ƒV *@*Ad@ L 0AN'L*AeE1 6C W E 'M*d A L @ OLXV AG [ .V (8)
. 7A SL!Y
M  j A E A ˆ AC 6L NeGA 6A A SLC ^@  SA ZE @ ƒV E'@ .E SMPA ZESC (9)
. 6A W 0A1 0‹N'M^CdLZE &E E. 6L L '@ .E 6L ^e ŸCSC (10)

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A AC cEGA E SMC L e V @ ƒV A.EL 6L NebA1E 6L X@A E SM>A C A` j C '@ 8C [ ` GA [ .V (11)
. E 'V8C @ C @ OLXV C8 A Vƒ’V*‹XCL1E 3A C C™e CS # A @«C [
. ©XA^C ‡*<E 7L ¡ A @EC ° [ .AC L )A EB@ Xe JA [ h A A ¡
A @EGA ‹R‘L SC (12)
. Š£ C™C @ C & A LSC Š£ C™C @ C RM A LSC (13)
M 8L C 6L ` A C VƒC EP@ GA 0e EC 'MX8L C ` V. 'L8EP@ ZE [ ZE ¡ C @EC E 'MX8L C (14)
. A C³bA[ A @ V C!‘C [ ZE @ ƒV @EC
Se !L C 6A A E 'L*‘A @ L A @B C [ u A C 7‹ ASC 3¦ 'e .V ‹ LO@ ]E OCP@  e LE [SM!A ZESC (15)
.@ L 8L E@ C 6L W L L NC'L8E@ C E @ A NASL A C A •C |CS @ V Se !L C SC 6A W
@ OL[ .E` 6A W A A*PC 0A1 [SL>A N L ƒV E E A. EoGA @ ƒV E C ['LXC | C A ` CMZE C (16)
. 3A C •A  C A CN@!M  3A CdC [A LOAH7C ZE t A 7@ ‰  cEGA

(C) Translate the following conversation into Arabic.

(1) When was the bell of the madrasah rung?

It was rung half an hour ago.
(2) Who rang it?
Perhaps Hāmid rang it.
(3) Knock a nail into the leg of the table.
Sir, I think it will break with the nail.
(4) Look, who is knocking on the door?
Perhaps Hāmid is knocking on the door.

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(5) O boy, grind this properly.

Yes sir, I will grind it now.
(6) O girls, where are you fleeing to?
Sir, we are running towards the madrasah.
(7) The bell of the madrasah has not rung as yet?
Sir, the bell has rung.
(8) Then run, do not delay.
That is our aim.
(9) Did your father’s letter not please you?
By Allāh, I was very pleased with my father’s letter.
(10) Will you please inform me of a book which can
simplify the understanding of Arabic for me?
Yes, I will certainly inform you of a book that will help you
in understanding Arabic.
(11) Rashīd, are you not feeling cold?
Sir, I am feeling cold.
(12) Àbdul Hamīd, how did you tear your shirt?
Sir, I did not tear it, but this evil boy tore it.
(13) Does your teacher narrate historical incidents to you?
Yes, he narrates an historical incident to us every day.

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Test No. 14

(1) Define (2K 1).

(2) What is (DF)?

(3) In which cases are (DF) and (DF ¡

Q 1)
(4) Is the cause of (DF) found in the word (#
ˆ *CPC )? If
the cause is found, why has it not been applied?
(5) How many forms are permissible in the singular
masculine imperative of (2K)?
(6) In which word-forms of the perfect, imperfect
and imperative is (DF) prohibited?
(7) Recognize the following word-forms and
determine what the origin of each one was. By which
rule has a change occurred in them?
 &´ C  & !L C @ E  A `!L C  @'L  & L  &„ L  &` L  &` C
E •C e A  ˆ ‹ ]` L  C E e A  … C8L  & L ZE
(8) In which categories of (T 04) and ( 04

! R) is (2K) not used?

(9) Conjugate the (J7K) of (! e C ) with ( !_O D

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(10) Select the words of (2K) from Exercise No.
(11) Do the morphological and grammatical
analysis ('dXS Y dO) of the following
C .E 0@ ‹ ZV 0e EC 
M (V C
(12) Insert the ( ) in the following passage and
translate it:
S!O^S ,.'  S•_OS  SQ>1 )P7!I q^ x
Q  !. SZ 
!Q ^  R" O- Z ' ƒ S mhX SQ!OPS m4> Yµ 
."   &E oS

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Lesson 30

The Semi-Vowelled Verbs

 OC@ 8L [E)

1. The definition of (
 OC@ 8L [E) and its three categories were
mentioned in Lesson 26. Here the changes that occur in the
first category, namely (Š>  O) or (&E%A ) will be mentioned.

2. If the ()8ƒ Š1) is a (S), it is called ( … SA CS &U E%A ) and if it is a

(), it is called (0
… €AC &U E%A ).
3. Note the changes that occur in ( … SA CS &U E%A ) in the following
C 8C CC• [ pA 6L 8C CC• V RA C 'C ‘L 6L 8C CC• !ˆ @pC E pC SC (1)
C A V >[ ]„  E ^A SC (2)
A €[„  C A [ h
C @GA 3A e A [ C A V ^C '@ C 'C ‘L
3A e A [
C C 'C ‘L 6L CCOA !ˆ @pC ‚C H
C SC (3)
)V (E @!A d
C [ E Y
C eA (4)
C NAC'•@ bA A [ Y
A eA !A h
@ 8C [A ,
L @*C[ V Y
A @*C[A

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First examine each verb and determine what kind of verb it

is. By looking at the column of the perfect tense (0HI), you

will see that each verb is (

… SA CS &U E%A ). If the perfect is ( &U E%A

… SA CS), then the imperfect and imperative should also be
… SA CS &U E%A ) even though the (S) is not visible in some cases.

Look at the fourth line. You have already come across the
word (
C eA). In Lesson 27 rule no. 11 you learnt that the
word (
C CS@ A) on the scale of (E C OC1[ A) changes to (E Y
C eA).
Therefore this verb is also (
… SA CS &U E%A ).

Now observe what changes have occurred in the verbs.

There seems to be no change in the perfect tense. Yes, in the
first line, the (S) is missing from the imperfect (
V RA C) and the
imperative (
[ pA ). These words should have been (V pA '@ C) and
[ pA S@ A).
In the second line, (S) is present in the imperfect. What is
the difference between the two? The difference is that the
()8ƒ {) is (7' ƒ) in (V pA '@ C) and (m'O>) in (V ^C '@ C). From
this you can arrive at the conclusion that in the imperfect of

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&U E%A ), if the ()8ƒ {) is (7' ƒ), the (S) is deleted.
Therefore ( V pA '@ C) becomes (V RA C). Since the imperative is
constructed from the imperfect, the () can only be ( [ pA ).
See Lesson 21 Note 1.

In the second line, in the imperative (

[hC @GA), the (S) was
changed to a () according to rule no. 2 of ().

You may be surprised to see the (S) missing from the

imperfect in line 3 because (‚

LKC C) should have been (‚L H
C '@ C).
Since the (S) was not deleted from (
V ^C '@ C), why was it
deleted from (‚
C '@ C). The reason is that (V ^C '@ C) does not have
any (0( 9)2 while in (‚L HC '@ C), there is a (0( 9),
namely the (J). It has been said that if the letter preceding

(P SS) is (m'O>), the sound of the (0( 9) is not

correct. Therefore the (S) is deleted. However, if the letter

preceding (S) is (D'8K), it is not deleted. The (S) is not

2 The letters of the throat, namely (n w z J m Š).

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deleted from (‚
C '@ L) which is the passive form of (‚L K
C C).

In the fourth line, (

EYC eA) was originally (E Y
C CS@ A). Just like
[hC @GA), it should have also changed to (E Y
C OC@A) where the (S)
should have been converted into a (). However, it is a

speciality of (&O1) that the (S) is changed to a (j) and

assimilated into the (j) of (&O1). See rule no. 11 of ().

4. From the above explanations, two new rules of ()

emerge. (Thirteen rules of  were mentioned in Lesson


Rule No. 14 of (): If in (

… SA CS &U E%A ), the imperfect is

({ 7' ƒ), the (S) is deleted from the (J7K) and (Z),
e.g. from (
V pA '@ C) - (V RA C) and ([ pA ).

Rule No. 15 of (): If, in (

&U E%A ), the (J7K) is ( m'O>
{) and there is a (0( 9), its (S) is also deleted, e.g.
from (‚
C '@ C) - (‚L K
C C) and (‚@ H
C ).

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Note 1: In (7@ oE 7L E C 7C oE SC ), the (S) is deleted against the rule

because it neither has a (J7K) that is ({ 7' ƒ) nor does
it have a (0( 9).

Note 2: A deleted (S) returns in the (&'T J7K). The

passive of (
V RA C) is (V pC '@ L) and of (‚L K
C C) is (‚L H
C '@ L).

Note 3: It is permissible to delete the (S) from the (7!Y) of

those verbs of (J7K) in which the (S) was deleted.

However, a (3) has to be suffixed to the verbal noun, e.g.

from (
U p@ SC ) – ()U NCpA ); from (#
ˆ ‘@ SC ) – ()U *C‘A ).

5. Hereunder follows the brief paradigm of (

… SA CS &U E%A ). You
can do the detailed paradigm on your own.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

   & I/ _

! ($
7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
)U NCpA SZ U p@ SC U S@ pˆ '@ C U pA CS [ pA V RA C
‚C H
‚ˆ H
@ SC J
ˆ '@ H
L '@ C ‚ˆ H
A CS ‚@ H
C ‚L K
Œ“ ^@ SC &U '@ ^L '@ C U ^A CS [ h
C @GA V ^C '@ C
)U C CPSC ˆ @PA SC @ PL S@ ZV L PC '@ C
U 7@ SA k
U S@ 7L '@ C k
U 7A CS k
[ 7A k

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`5 '()!   & I/ _

! ($

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
&U CY@GA U $
C '@ L U $
A '@ L [ $
A S@ ZE V $
A '@ L E $
C S@ ZEž1
U @$
A '@ C U $
e 'C L U $
‹ 'C L [ $
‹ SC V $
‹ 'C L E $
e SC ž2
)U E$
C C'L U $
C C'L U $
A C'L [ $
A CS V $
A C'L E $
C CSž3
U $
M 'C C U $
e 'C OCL U $
‹ 'C OCL [ $
e 'C C V $
e 'C OCC E $
e 'C Cž4
U $
L C'C U $
A C'OCL [ $
C C'C V $
C C'Cž5
A OeL [ Y
A eA V Y
C eAž7
&U CY@OAP@ A U $
C '@ OC
@ L U $
A '@ OC
@ L [ $
A '@ OCP@ A V $
A '@ OC
E $
C '@ OCP@ A

Note 4: In categories no.1 and 8 of (61 ! R 04), the (S) is

changed to a () in the (7!Y) according to rule no. 3 of

(). In all the derivatives of (O1), the (S) was changed to

a (j). No changes have occurred anywhere else.

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Note 5: When ()( 'NS !_O D) are added to (V RA C), it will
become ( 
e NLRA CE „ CNRA CE e NCRA CE) etc. When the ()( 'NS !_O D)
are added to ( [ pA ), it becomes („ CXN@pA „ CNpA e NApA e NLpA „ CNpA e NCpA ).

Vocabulary List No. 28

Word Meaning
C e 1ES C C 1[ ZE to explain

E ` 'C C to entrust, to place trust in

(q) C
A •C to incur a loss
(1) to reduce
 K
A C ` H
C to be misguided
(1) to misguide
E SC C to help mutually

C %̀E to increase

E <E C to delay

\L %AC \C ASC to trust, to rely

!L h
A C !C ^C SC to find

L !C C J
C C SC to leave

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7L RA C 7C pC SC to carry a burden

A C2
C $
C SC to describe

A C E $
C SC (~) to reach
(6 ) to meet
L (A C 2
C .ESC to halt, to understand

!L AC !C ESC to beget, to give birth

L A C C ‘C SC to be weak

L ’E@C g
C ’AC to lose hope

E (E @OCP@ S ›
E (` CCS ›
E (A C to wake up

E (E @ZE to wake s.o. up

eC (2) to simplify

(4) to be easy

L •C ZV  C•@ V another

EoZE harm, distress

E '@ E@ ZE  0E@ ZE highest

e 7L S@ ZV Europe

Π@ PC SC 4
Œ ‘@ ZE welcome

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7ˆ eC dweller

ˆ S@ 7C mercy, help

3U7C 'A P@ ZE  7ˆ C'PA bangle, bracelet

!ˆ 8C $
C independent

7ˆ eh1V  ˆ ^A E1 transgressor

ˆ E]
@ .A scale

7ˆ `>E extremely ungrateful, great

!L €AC'C  3U !C €AC table

‡7CA  3Œ e C once

V @.AE%C  &U E(%[A weight, approx 4.68g

ˆ @(A OC
@ L straight

7ˆ CpS@ ZE  7ˆ p@ SA burden, sin

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Exercise No. 30

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

¥ !L 8C @ ZEC ¡ C 8C CC• , C N@pC SC [ ‘C (1)

DC '@ C[ 6L NLpA ZE [ C 
@ !A ‹PC C E
. A CR@8A [ ¡ C AE A E Ÿ[ 6L N@pA (2)
., A @*C[ 0A1 6L NLpA ZE 0@ XA@ C V pC '@ L 2 C @E L E@ ZEE
. C•@ ZV )¦ >` E 0@ 1A E p@ 'C [CS )¦ >` E 0@ 1A C CCB[ ‚A H C ( 3)
. EƒE ‘C V C 1[ _E1E # ˆ ‹<E
¥ A CCB[ V p@ SC 'C ‘L C (4)
. A E E(%[A 6L NLp@ SC C8NeGA
. A CR@8A [ 0A1 @SL
AB@ L 4 E 1E !¦ C _EA Œ’@+C @ OLN@pC SC EoGA !L 8C @ ZE C ‚@ 8C P@ A (5)
. A @(A OC
@ 8L [ q
A E] @ (A [A @'NLpA A |@(V [ 0A1 j L Z[C .E !@ .E  @ !A ‹PC C @ OLX@ C @ ZE
¥ ‡1ACN ‡ COA zL !L ^A ZE 0@ N‹bA1E 0@ 8‹ C C E‘C ¡ C CCOA 0@ A # L C C [ ‘C (6)
. 6L *CAE]C ¡
C 8C ‹ 1E_VA ‡@ +C CN!C X@A 2 @ (A C [ GA E‘C 0@ ACOA ¡ C E #L ‘C _EPC
. 0@ 8‹ C C @ V !C X@A 2 L .A_EPC @ C NC (7)
Z[C .[ CS
C COƒA [ E‘C  @ !A ESC C @SV B
L 1E

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A COƒA [ E‘C L @ 1E 0@ A L
e COCC [ ‘C (8)
. 6A @EC [ ` 'C CSC

A A \@ ASC !@ A OC^@ A

@ ESC ‡7CA yC !C X@A ,L ™ @ Oe1E ¥ 0@ (A @!A $ C C ¦ C pC V X@L ¡ C OL@ZE7C C 0C AC (9)
¥Cy!@ ^A ZE
. e 7L S@ ZVSC C Y
@ A A 4
E A 0EGA j L @ 1ECP , L X@V V@A•C C
¥ CXL ‘C , C ’[^A 0COC 0@ (A @!A $ C C 4 Œ @ PC SC 4 Œ ‘@ ZE (10)
.° [ (E 1E gA @ _E[A 0@ €AC*8@ C 0EGA , L [ $C SC
¥# A €AChC [ C A ,C @ZE7C C 0@ A 2 L Y A C [ ‘C (11)
¥ A `!M  0EGA # ˆ ‘A Eo , C N@ZESC ¡ C E 2 L $ A ZE 2C @E
¥Cy!C X@A C K
L @ _E1E
A A «@ 8C [ !C @ C A >E
e  &E C'@ ZE 0@ A 2C Y A C [ ZE 0@ NA!L A C [ ‘C (12)
. &U '@ «L ™
@ C DC '@ C[ 0@ N‹_EA DC '@ C[ yC !L A ZE E
¥ 0@ XAV<A C8L ¡ C NeZE M ±V ZE 4 E 1EZE (13)
£  Š‰ C+ [ A ‡!FE )E *C@h A C [ &E C'@ _E[ ¡
C [ A ¡C E e >E $ A _EE 0@ •A ZE C q @ _E@C E
¥ [ !C X@E @ A SC C Y @ A @ A ˆ '@ OLƒ[ C ¡ C @EA [ AYC @ EZE (14)
. [ !C X@E @ A E SC C Y @ A @ A E ¡ C X@A ˆ COA e0EGA E $ C SC C
¥ !L AC• C D¦ '@ C ` V ‡C*$ C › V (E @C [ ‘C (15)

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.m A C*Y e  0A1 › E (` CCZE [ ZE 0@ A L

¥ DC '@ C[ ¡ C aE (E @ZE @ 8C 1E (16)
., L a[ (E @OCP@ 1E 0@ ‹ ZV 0@ XAO@aE (E @ZE DC '@ C[E
. 3A 4
EYe  , C .[ SC ¡ C aV .AS@ ZV CNZE 0@ XA@ C (17)
. ‡N'@ XL8@ C e NC'@ V _EESC ‡7'@ ƒV ™ @ C e NC'@ ƒV OCE 0@ XAOCa[ (E @ZE @ ’AE ¡C AK @ 1E @ A E‘C
. A @B
C [ 0EC zL C•ZE E SA CL [ ZE ¦ A @ L „ V 0EC # L h A C [ C ¡ C @EC M L ZEE (18)
.x ˆ A C$ ˆ A @ L ¡ C NeZE DC '@ C[ ¡C OL1[ C C
A CS yC C @•C
£  C %̀E
. C @.AA eY C @8A A @ 8L [ C A yC eGASC 0@ XAEC ^C SC ¡ C Xe±E
£ x C !e $ C (19)
. C @8A EC[ e 7C C C @A | C @A |

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān into


. !@ E'L @ ESC !@ AC @ E . !L 8C Y

e  6L ` (1)
. fC•@ ZV 7C p@ SA 3U7C pA CS 7L RA C E SC (2)
. 6A ` cEC [ ` 'C CSC @ ‘L EoZE J @ C SC (3)
C 'V(@ C &A | @ A k V A CSC 0AXVA C . ©ASC ¡C NL!` A 0A # @ C 1E (4)
. ‡7eC C A 1AEƒ[ C A t
A 7@ _E[ cEC 7@ E C E
‹ 7e m ˆ 'LN &E E.SC (5)
. 6L XC<A C SC A [¶A  C ‘A E± [SL7oE SC (6)

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DL '@ (E [ ` GA 6A W m

A S@ 7e @ A q L _E@C E 6L NeGA 6A W m A S@ 7e @ A '@ PL _E@C E SC (7)
. E S@ L 1AEƒ[
.{ C XAA –@ M LOXV AG E '@ E@ ‰  L OLNEZSC 'LNRC d
@ C E SC 'LXA C E SC (8)
(C) Note the analysis of the following sentence.

L  G 2A
 * + c

a A
 G +
b 6*

The morphological analysis will be as follows:

Analysis Word
  H  ‚· 6O«$  !OI H"  1
@'NLpA S@ A 6$Z   H   S' &%I
According to rule no. 13 of (), the (S) has
been deleted from the imperfect ( V RA C). Therefore
it is also deleted from the imperative. After
deleting the (J7KI )4), the word (V pA )
remains. See Lesson 21 Note 1.
Q ^ 9 d

  !^   !S  D4 9eI  P c

 G +
> P  \O™   !S  D4 9eI  P L  G 2A
 * +

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  DC E(OCP@ A 
The grammatical analysis will be as follows:

Analysis Word
S'  !OI  1
)8L^  61 YO J'1 =8H
)1 ‡NS@ pL '@ C Œ’@+C 7e!(I 6'>
)€™NG The object (&'>) is

(7e!() implied because a

transitive verb needs an
Q ^ 9 d

9'$'  7ST c

 G +
7ST  )>$ L  G 2A
 * +

A sentence that has a question, command or prohibition is

called ()€™NG )8L^). The details will be mentioned later.

(D) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using the

list of words provided hereunder. The words are either

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(p'8), (2K) or (SS &%).

 0@ NApA  [ pA  [ B
A OeCE  \@ A  [ PC  C8OL’[+A  4 E V  L L ŸCP   @ A L  @ L
# M d A L  #M A ZV  M L C  @SRM L CE  & L ZE  &` L  @ !‹ L  # @ ‘C  @'L H C
E S@ M >A C  [ ` 'C C

. )ΠC CP , A CZE C 0@ A (1)

. 'C ‘L C @ZE @ A ¬C @™ e  E‘C (2)
.¡ C 8C CC• (3)
. )V >E @]A E C yC 7C C'PA (4)
. ©ASC yC Se !L C (5)
. 3A 4 EY e A ¡COX@ A (6)
. 3A 4 EY e A e ‘L (7)
. A @pA 'C [ ,A @ C 0EC yC [ ‘C (8)
.¡ C AK @ 1E @ A 6A @EC 0@ NA @ C NC (9)
. )A ESL `] 0EC @ ƒV *COLV (10)
¥ L E S@ ZE C C @ZE 0EGA (11)
. L E S@ ZE C 7A Ch+@ _E[ E CYF[ ZE (12)

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. L C@ C C A COƒA [ x C C7S@ ZE (13)

¥ L C Oe DA ZE # L A ` yC [ ‘C (14)
. C8‘L 4 E A L C OeCS # L A ` 0@ NA (15)
¥ C C Oe DA ZE #
C A ` [ ‘C (16)
. C8A @EA C C OeCS # C A ` (17)
. 6A @EC SC
A A (18)
. C DA C]`  C A SC 3A !C €AC8[ 0EC C8OLN@ZE C A^@ GA (19)

(E) Translate the following sentences into English.

(1) O father, will you give me a watch on the day of Eid?

Yes my beloved son, I will certainly give you a silver watch.
(2) Sir, how do you find this book?
We find it to be a beneficial book.
(3) Is it available in the book shops?
No, this book is not found in the book shops nowadays.
(4) O my sister, have you weighed your bangle?
Yes, I weighed my bangle and found it to be 20 mithqāls.
(5) Weigh it in front of me now.
Okay, I will weight it in front of you.
(6) Did you receive my letter?
No, I did not receive your letter.
(7) Will you stay by us in Bombay?

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Yes, we will stay for one month by you.

(8) I stayed by you in Delhi last year.
This is your favour.
(9) Sir, will you describe the conditions of your journey to
Yes, I will gladly describe the conditions of my journey to
(10) Where should I place my book?
Place your book on the table.
(11) Leave me to place my book in the box.
There is no problem. Place your book in the box.
(12) When do you wake up in the morning?
We wake up in the morning at the time of Fajr.
(13) Who woke you up today?
I did not wake up this morning so my father woke me up.

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Lesson 31

The Hollow Verb

L 'C ^@ _E[
V @ >A [E)
SS 9'^Z
%/! \ %/! ]@
^! %/! Z
&V '@ (V C &E E.
A E'@ (V C EE.
E '@ V'@ (V C @'VE.
&V '@ (V C ,
@ EE.
A E'@ (V ˜C COEE.
C [ (V C C [ .V
[ .V &V '@ (V C ,
C [ .V
E'@ .V A E'@ (V ˜C 8C OL[ .V
@'V'@ .V E '@ V'@ (V C @ OL[ .V
0@ A'@ .V C @A'@ (V ˜C ,
A [ .V
E'@ .V A E'@ (V ˜C C8OL[ .V
C [ .V C [ (V C e OL[ .V
&V '@ .VZE ,
L [ .V
&V '@ (V ˜CN CX[ .V

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0€ 9'^Z
%/! \ %/! ]@
^! %/! Z
‚L @*AC J
A C @*AC C C
E '@ L @*AC @'L C
‚L @*AC ,
@ C C
C @ *AC C @ A
‚@ A ‚L @*AC ,
C @ A
C @ A A C @*AC C8OL@ A
'@ L @ A E '@ L @*AC @ OL@ A
0@ A @ A C @A @*AC ,
A @ A
C @ A A C @*AC C8OL@ A
C @ A C @ *AC e OL@ A
‚L @ AZE ,
L @ A
‚L @*ANC CX@ A

1. Ponder over the paradigms of the perfect, imperfect and

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imperative of (SS 9'^Z) and (0€ 9'^Z) and note where

the changes have occurred. You will notice that from the
beginning till the end, no word has been spared of changes.
The first change is in the first five words of the perfect tense
(0HI) where the (S) or () has changed to an alif according

to rule no. 1 of ().

Rule numbers 4 and 5 of () have been applied to most of

the word-forms of the imperfect (J7KI). See Lesson 27.

Regarding the imperative (), you know that it is

constructed from the imperfect (J7KI).

2. In the paradigms of the perfect, imperfect and

imperative, the () 9) is deleted wherever the third

radical ()8ƒ D) is sākin. For example, in the perfect, from

C [ .V) and (C @ A) till the end, the alif has been deleted. In the
imperfect, only the plural feminine third and second person
forms, namely (
C [ (V C) and (C [ (V C), have the elision3 of a (S).

3 Elision is the omission of a vowel or syllable in a word.

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Similarly, the () has been deleted from (

C @ *AC) and (C @ *AC).
The same change can be observed in the first and last word-
forms of the imperative, namely (
[ .V) and (C [ .V).

From this, you can form a new rule of (). Thirteen rules

of () have been mentioned in Lesson 27 and two in

Lesson 30.

Rule No. 16 of (): Wherever the third radical ()8ƒ D)

becomes sākin in the perfect, imperfect or imperative of
(9'^Z) due to the paradigm or because of the jussive case

)), the middle () 9) is elided.
Examples: ([ (V C @ E  [ .V  C @ *AC  C @ A  C [ (V C  C [ .V).

3. You may be wondering how the words (

C [ .V) and (C @ A)
were formed from (&
E E.) and (J
C C ) when they should have
been (
C [ .E) and (C @ C).

It seems to go against the normal rule but the

morphologists have postulated a rule for it as well which is
as follows:

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Rule No. 17 of (): If the (0HI) of (SS 9'^Z) is ( m'O>

{) or ({ D'8K), the first radical ()8ƒ Š1) will be

rendered a dammah wherever the (S) has been elided and if

the (0HI) is ({ 7' ƒ), a kasrah will be rendered to it.

Examples: from (& E E. = &E 'C .E) the word (C [ .V) is formed,
from (&
E E< = &E 'L <E ) the word (C [ <V ) is formed,
from (9
C C• = 9 C 'A •C ) the word (C >[ •A ) is formed.

In (0€ 9'^Z), a kasrah will always be read, e.g (C @ A) from

C C = ‚C C C).

Note 1: These word-forms are pronounced in the passive

tense (&'T) in the same way as the active tense (9S):

C >[ •A  C @ A  C [ .V).

Note 2: These word-forms are the same in three paradigms,

namely the (9SI 0HI), (&'š 0HI) and (H" ).
However, they are different in their original forms.
In the (9SI 0HI), their original forms will be

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C 1[ 'A •C  C @ C C  C ['C .E).
In the (&'š 0HI), their original forms will be (  C @ A L  C ['A .V
C 1[ 'A •L ).
In the (H" ), their original forms will be (  
C @ A @A  C ['L .[ ZV
C 1[ 'C •@ A).
The meaning will be ascertained from the context in which
the word is used.

4. The paradigm of the (&'š 0HI) of (&

E E.), (9
C C•) and
C C ) will be as follows:

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_ Z
! _ Z
! _ Z
‚C @ A 2
C @•A E @.A
C @ A >E @•A E@.A
@'L @ A @'>V @•A @'V@.A
@ C @ A ,
@ >E @•A ,
@ E@.A
C @ A C >[” •A C [ .V
C @ A ,
C >[” •A ,
C [ .V
C8OL@ A C8OL>[” •A C8OL[ .V
@ OL@ A @ OL>[” •A @ OL[ .V
A @ A ,
A >[” •A ,
A [ .V
C8OL@ A C8OL>[” •A C8OL[ .V
e OL@ A e OL>[” •A e OL[ .V
L @ A ,
L >[” •A ,
L [ .V
CX@ A CX>[” •A CX[ .V

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5. The paradigm of the (&'š J7KI) of (&

E E.), (9
C C•) and
C C ) will be as follows:

_ ]@
^! _ ]@
^! _ ]@
L C*L 9
E '@ L C*L E '@ 1VCBL E '@ VE(L
L C*L 9
C @ *CL C >[ B
CL C [ (E L
L C*L 9
E '@ L C*L E '@ 1VCBL E '@ VE(L
C @A C*L C @1ACBL C @AE(˜L
C @ *CL C >[ B
C L C [ (E L
L C V 9
L C*NL 9

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6. The paradigm of the (

@ E ‚ 0>XI J7KI) of (&
E E.), (9
C C•)
and (J
C C ) will be as follows:

L  e M! ]@
^! L  e M! ]@
^! L  e M! ]@

‚@ *AC @ E 2
@ B
C C @ E [ (V C @ E
C@*AC @ E E1CBC @ E E '@ (V C @ E
'@ L @*AC @ E '@ 1VCBC @ E @'V'@ (V C @ E
‚@ *AC @ E 2
@ B
C C @ E [ (V C @ E
C @*AC @ E 1ECBC @ E E '@ (V ˜C @ E
C @ *AC @ E C >[ B
C C @ E C [ (V C @ E
‚@ *AC @ E 2
@ B
C C @ E [ (V C @ E
C @*AC @ E 1ECBC @ E E '@ (V ˜C @ E
'@ L @*AC @ E '@ 1VCBC @ E @'V'@ (V C @ E
0@ A @*AC @ E 0@ 1ACBC @ E 0@ A'@ (V ˜C @ E
C @*AC @ E 1ECBC @ E E '@ (V ˜C @ E
C @ *AC @ E C >[ B
C C @ E C [ (V C @ E
‚@ AZE @ E 2
@ •C ZE @ E [ .VZE @ E
‚@ *ANC @ E 2
@ B
C NC @ E [ (V ˜CN @ E

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6. The paradigm of the (> P) of (&E E.), (9

C C•) and (J
C C )
will be as follows:

 L; f
 L; f
‚ˆ €AC 2
ˆ €AC• U €AE.
A C €AC A >A€C• A E€AE.
E '@ L €AC E '@ >V €AC• E '@ V€AE.
)U C €AC )U >E €AC• )U E€AE.
ˆ C €AC j
ˆ E>€AC• j
ˆ E€AE.

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6. The paradigm of the (&'>I P) of (&E E.), (9

C C•) and (J
C C )
will be as follows:

_! L; _! L; _! L;

‚ˆ @*AC 9
ˆ '@ B
L C &U '@ (V C
A C @*AC A E1'@ B
L C A E'@ (V C
E '@ L @*AC E '@ 1V'@ B
L C E '@ V'@ (V C
)U C @*AC )U 1E'@ B
L C )U E'@ (V C
L C A COE'@ (V C
ˆ C @*AC j
ˆ E1'@ B
L C j
ˆ E'@ (V C

Note 3: You can do the remaining paradigms by looking at

the paradigms of a (†d$ 1). You have read all the
paradigms in Volume 2.

The brief paradigms of (9'^Z) from (61 ! R 04) are

enumerated hereunder. You can do the detailed paradigms
on your own.

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\ ]@
^! Z
7@ A Z L @!A L 7C CZE 1
7@ S‹ C 7L S‹ !C L 7C Se C 2
7@ SA C 7L SA C!L 7C SC C 3
7@ Se !C C 7L Se !C OCC 7C Se !C C 4
7@ SC C!C 7L SC C!OCC 7C SC C!C 5
!@ (E N@A L E(X@C C E(N@A 6
!@ OC.[ A L CO([ C C CO.[ A 7
@ A 'C P@ A SZ e 'C P@ A M 'C
@C e 'C P@ A 8
@ A C'P@ A SZ e C'P@ A M C'
@C e C'P@ A 9
7@ !A OCP@ A L @!A OC
@C 7C C!OCP@ A 10

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L; L; LH@

Meaning @'$!
_! f
3U 7C CGA 7ˆ C!L ˆ @!A L 1
ˆ @SA !@ C 7ˆ Se !C L 7ˆ S‹ !C L 2
around with 3U 7C SC C!L 7ˆ SC C!L 7ˆ SA C!L 3
to be round 7ˆ SM !C C 7ˆ Se !C OCL 7ˆ S‹ !C OCL 4
to circulate
with someone
7ˆ SL C!C 7ˆ SC C!OCL 7ˆ SA C!OCL 5
obeying ˆ C(A N@A ˆ E(X@L ˆ E(X@L 6
obeying ˆ COA.[ A ˆ CO([ L ˆ CO([ L 7
to be black ˆ C'A P@ A … 'C
@ L … 'C
@ L 8
to be black ˆ C!@'A P@ A … C'
@ L … C'
@ L 9
to circle 3U7C C!OAP@ A 7ˆ C!OC
@ L ˆ @!A OC
@ L 10

Note 4: The (> P) and the (&'>I P) of categories 6, 7,

8 and 9 apparently look the same. However, the origin of
each one is different. For instance, if (ˆ E(X@ L ) is the (> P),

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its original form will be (ˆ 'A (E X@ L ) and if it is the (&'>I P), its
original will be (ˆ 'C (E X@ L ).

Note 5: The verbal noun (7!Y) of (7C CZE) is (3U 7C CGA) and that of

@ A) is (3U7C C!OAP@ A). These were originally (7ˆ CS@ GA) and (7ˆ SC !@ OAP@ A)
respectively on the scale of (&
U C1[ GA) and (&U C>[ OAP@ A). The (7!Y)
of these categories when they are (9'^Z) are constructed in

this manner, e.g. (3U C E1GA) from (C E1ZE) and (3U C E>OAP
@ A) from (C E>OCP@ A).

Note 6: Outwardly the paradigms of (0€ 9'^Z) are like

(SS9'^Z). The original words will be different, e.g. (7C EFZE)

was originally (C CF
[ ZE) and (7C CBOCP@ A) was originally (C CB
@ OCP@ A).

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Vocabulary List No. 29

Note 7: Some verbs have (S) or () written next to them.

This is an indication towards (SS 9'^Z) and (0€ 9'^Z)


Word Meaning
(S) !L @A L C C7ZE (1)4 to intend

() ‚L @K
C CHZE (1) to waste

(S) ‚L @]A L J
C E<ZE (1) to obey

(S) ‚L @]A OC
@ CJ
C E]OCP@ A (10) to be able, to have the
(S) V @]A L &E E<ZE (1) to lengthen

(S) #
L @Y
C C$ZE (1) to be afflicted, to be

() !L @>A L C E1ZE (1) to grant benefit, to

() !L @>A OC
@ C C E>OCP@ A (1) to obtain benefit

(S) L @A L E CZE (1) to assist

4 This is an indication of the (  ), which in this case is (&1G  ).

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(S) E COCP@ A (10) to seek help

() ,
L @*AC j
C C to spend the night

(S) &V '@ h

L C &E C^ (1) to roam, wander about

0EGA () &E C (t) to incline towards

@ C () &E C to turn away from

(S) V '@ B
L C E C• () to betray

() Š£ C™C Š‰ C+ (9) to want

() ‚L @™
C C+ (t) to become public

() ‚L @™
C C+ZE (1) to publish

(S) 9
L '@ ™
L C9
C C+ () to look

() C C +C to feel, to know

(y) (9)() †C E$

C to be proper

†C E$
@ ZE (1) to put in order

(S) V '@ Y
L C E C$ () to save
(S) L '@ L C C C () to return
(S) !L @A L C CZE (1) to make s.t. return, to
(S) pL '@ >V C pC E1 () to be successful, to

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() !C
C 1E to be spoilt

(1) !C
C 1[ ZE to spoil, to cause corruption

(S) DL '@ (V C DC E. () to stand, to be ready

(S) L @(A L DC E.ZE (1) to stay

(S) L @(A OC
@ C DC E(OCP@ A (10) to be steadfast, to
become straight
(q) DC !A NC to be ashamed

() &V CXC &E CN to achieve

(S) &E SC CN (3) to give, to hand over

(S) DL CXC DC CN (q) to sleep

6A `A r
C C an oath

)U E| instrument

A @ _E['VSVZ the people of the

Š“ E( C life

3U7C CC SZ … C heat

C C good deed

ˆ Y
L L  U CYA horse, stallion

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3V C •A Ÿ[ 7L e!E the hereafter

&¦ C S@ oV one of importance

)U ]E [ PC power, authority

ˆ @ A honour

@ L difficulty

ˆ S@ –L V  q
ˆ _[ E glass, tumbler

ˆ A E lie

0‡XL  )U CX@L wish, desire

ˆ C([ A measuring instrument

@L ease

Exercise No. 31

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

¥ CXL ‘C ,C ’[^A 0COC (1)

. A @OCC CP V X@L ,L ’[^A (2)
. 6A OAC€[7L 0EGA x
ˆ CO™
@ L 0@ N‹bA1E ¡C @•A _E A ¢[ A^ (3)
. yC !@ h
A NC @ ESC 6A A g
A @ ZE yC CX’[^A (4)

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

¥ C COƒA [ E‘C , C >[ +L [ ‘C !L 8C @ ZE C (5)

. DC '@ C[ 6L 1V'@ +L _EPC 6L OL>[ +L C E (6)
. ‡!FE 0e EC zA ‹ 7L SC Z[C .[ CS 2 @ +L (7)
¥œ C C @_E[ ¡ C NCCYA , C @ A [ ‘C (8)
¥ 6L C @ AZE @ ESC 6L @ AZE @ E (9)
¥ \e dC [ ¡ C E &E '@ .VZE [ ZE !L @A L [ ‘C (10)
. yC A CL 0@ 1A †L A>[ OLPC ¡ C NeZE ¡ C E [ .VZE @ EEZ (11)
. &V '@ (V C C C C 1[ _EA ¡C EC–PL !@ A ZE (12)
. 3U C E>OAP@ A 3A C CbA[ 0A1 (13)
. )Π8C @aA C 3ΠC E1GA CXC!@ 1EZE (14)
. &E CN &E C^ @ C (15)
. 7C CBOCP@  A C DC !A NC C (16)
.3A 7C Cd
C [ q
L C([ A CE &V E(LSC 3A 7C CdC [ 5jL C^7C C C A q L E(L )U E| zA A ‘C (17)
.m A C*Ye  &E Se ZE › [ (` CCSC A @` &E Se ZE @ NC (18)
. A Y @ C [ !C @ C @ XCCE (19)
. )¦ XCPC 'C d @ NC E‘C @ V !A E C 0@ 1A C @.AZV [ ZE !L @7A ZV (20)

5 degrees

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

C [ 6L @!A L V ^L e  E‘C (21)

. 3A !C @A h
A eE1 A <E 'C [ 0A1 )U ]E [ PC @ ƒV E E '@ ƒV C [ ZE @ L@ 7C ZE [ GA 0@ NAC'•@ GA (22)
£  7L ƒV Xe>E AB@ OC
@ CE 7A '@ L _V[ ‚A @8A ^C 0@ 1A 6L E'@ PL 7C SC
‰  'L@<A ZESC
.t A 7@ _E[

(B) Translate the following advice.

C '    ' + &  h= i   $

0EC @ *A$@ CS &A C'@ _E[ ‚A @8A ^C 0@ 1A 6L @ <A ZESC @ (A OCP@ CS
A A @ A | L#@h A Xe !L E'C [ CMZE
Œ.A C$ @ V SC ‹ ™ e  C A 6A A [ A OCP@ CS A @B C [ 0EC 6L X@AOCP@ CS 6A A@*APC 0@ 1A ¡ C CC$ZE C
D@ L SC ¡C NCC• 6L OCX@•L [ GASC ¡ C NCC$ 6L OCX@$ L [ GA ¡ C NCC A › [ >E @ CS A 8C C [CS &A '@ (E [ 0A1
&E CXCSC 0CX8L [ pC '@ >V OCA A
C ƒE [CS A @ h C [ A A 4 Œ €AC @ V SC )A C 1AeX DA '@ VL [ 0EGA 4Œ €AC
. zA A C*A )A C !@ •A SC 6A OAC E]A ¡C €EE( C
£  &E E<ZE 0EL [
L ‘C '@ LSC J L C*L C 0ES@ ZE †L Y @ XMCS 0@ OAd
C @Y
A NC , C [ *A.E [ GA ¡C OLd @YC NC !@ (E ESC

6 editor
7 to appoint as successor

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(C) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. E 'VC >[ C E C E 'V'V(C C A 'LXC |‰ C A ` CMZE C (1)

. C A‘C @GA cEC ‡EPC SC ‡@ C 0AN'V 7L CN C CX[ .V (2)
. ‡™C C E˜C‘ C 6A WA r C C C [ .VSC (3)
. ‡*@$ C 0C A C ‚C A]OC @ C @ E ¡ C NeGA [ .VZE @ EZE &E E. (4)
. E 'LdAY
@ L L d @ NC C8NeGA ['VE. tA 7@ ‰  0A1 [SL! A >[ L E @ L E E A. EoGASC (5)
. L A‘C @GA 6L E &V E(L @ ‘L L V [ C c‡O1E CX@ 8A PC 'VE. (6)
` AƒESC Š“ C@ ZE [ C j
ˆ C'@ ZE 6A W A *CP 0A1 V OC([ L @ 8C A ['V'V(C E SC (7)
. E SLL ™ @ C
. C
@ L [ L ƒV A !L A L E SC C @ L[ L ƒV A 6L W !L A L
.{ C XA Ad @ 8L [ C ^@ ZE ‚L AKL E 6C W ` GA
. E 'M*d A L e8A ['V(>A XL ceOC e *A[ ['VCXC E
.{ C A A ™ @ 8L [ C A 'LN'VƒC ESC 3E EY e  'L8A.ZESC
. @ ƒV XA A @ ‰  0AS@ ZVSC &E 'LPe  ['LA<ZESC 6C W ['LA<ZE(12)
. 3A 4
EY e CS A *@Y e A ['LXAOCP@  ['LXC | C A ` CMZE C
.{ L A OC @ NC yC eGAS !L *L@ NC yC eGA
. cE@ _E[ ,
C NeGA 2 C C E (15)
@ B

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@ ‘L ESC @ A @EC 9
ˆ '@ •C E1E '@ L E(OCP@  e V 6L ` CX M7C '@ V.E C @A ` ` GA (16)

(D) Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) If you roam, you will be successful.

(2) He is selling his book.
(3) That girl is turning the ball.
(4) I want you to tell me the truth.
(5) Did we not tell you that he will never come today.
(6) He repeated his question so that I understand
whatever he says.
(7) We fear Allāh and do not fear anyone besides Him.
(8) A Muslim does not fear death.
(9) When he was told not to corrupt, he said, “I am
merely putting in order.
(10) We intend ease for them and they intend difficulty
for us.
(11) Did my brother come to you?
(12) No, your brother did not come to me.
(13) Save your honour even though your wealth is
(14) Do not sell this cow of yours because its milk is
beneficial for you.
(15) O my sisters, if you want that your children should
rule over the homeland, then obey Allāh and His

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messenger .
(16) O women of īmān, be patient at the time of a
calamity8 and seek assistance with salāh.
(17) O Muslim girl, why do you say that which you do
not do.
(18) Do not obey the ignorant ones.
(19) We sought the opinion9 of the scholars in this issue.

(E) Fill in the blanks using the words given below:

&V '@ .VZE E  j

@ 7C Se C  @ B
A OCP@ E1  CXO@ A  ,
L 8@ .V  ‚L @™
A C  0@ NAŠ‰ C^  j
L 7@ L  JC C

. C |C7!C @C 0A1 CX8‹ C !C X@A )E C 7A C*[ (1)

. \e d
C [ ` GA (2)
¥ 3V !C @A h
C [ zA A ‘C C @ZE @ A (3)
A A &¦ C Eo ‡@ ZE j
C @ 7C ZE EoGA (4)
. 6L CC'^C , L *@OCƒE 1E 0@ ‹ ZV @ A
ˆ '@ OLƒ[ C (5)
. 6L E ‡COA@ A 9
C oV COP@ _V[ 0AX€EC^ (6)

8 )U *C@Y
9 7C C™OCP@ A

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. &V '@ (V C C C C 1[ _EA CEC–PL (7)

. A '@ ` C 8C @ ZE ‡NCYA 0@ •A ZE (8)
. ‡@A PC j@ 7C C!1E 10)E C eS!M  0@ OA•@ ZV (9)
.j¦ eC ‚C *@PC )A *C@ ƒE [ &E '@ C (10)

(F) Study the analysis of the following sentence.

 b, + 4
$Y e g 0

Y dO
Analysis Word
 H  !S 6O«$  H" 0X 1
0€ 9'^Z e g 0
The () has been elided due to the jazm at
the end.
!^      !S  3ƒN P N
 H  !S  YO 7ST  =8H P
†O> 0 ½*  )1

10 top (toy)

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   !S  D4 9Q  )>Y P j

 b, +

'dX dO
Analysis Word
DR/ )  0X 1  61 OO I =8K  1
e g 0
‚1 )  61 
'YX  &'> N
7ST 6G 9K R
   !S  'YX  &'>I )>$ j
 b, +
)€™N )1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ >

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Lesson 32

The Defective Verb11

(.eX >)

1. You have learnt that a (.N 1) is one in which the third
radical ()8ƒ D) is a () 9). Hereunder follow the
paradigms of the following verbs:

(to call) YN   S' .X CC •

(to throw) H   0€ .X 0C7C •

(to be noble) D   S' .X SC L P C •

(to meet) ‚-   0€ .X 0C (A E •

(to like) &O1   S' .X 0CKC7@ A •

(to face) &O1   0€ .X 0E(OC[A •

11 This is only the literal meaning of the word (.N). It does not mean that
these verbs have a deficiency in them.

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(R) I// (m) V

( (N) I//
@SL PC @'C 7C @'C C
@ SC L PC ,
@ C 7C ,
@ C C
E S@ L PC C @C 7C E '@ C C
C S@ L PC ,
C @C 7C j
C '@ C C
C8LS@ L PC 8C OL@C 7C C8L'@ C C
@ LS@ L PC @ OL@C 7C @ L'@ C C
A S@ L PC ,
A @C 7C j
A '@ C C
C8LS@ L PC C8OL@C 7C C8L'@ C C
e LS@ L PC e OL@C 7C e L'@ C C
L S@ L PC ,
L @C 7C j
L '@ C C

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(7) V
( (7) I// (c) V
0E(OC[A 0CKC7@ A 0C (A E
C C7@ A C(A E
@'(E OC[A @'K
C C7@ A '@ (V E
@ (E OC[A ,
@ K
C C7@ A ,
@ C(A E
C @(E OC[A C @K
C C7@ A C @(A E
C @(E OC[A ,
C @K
C C7@ A ,
C @(A E
C C7@ A C8OL@(A E
@ OL@(E OC[A @ OL@K
C C7@ A @ OL@(A E
A @(E OC[A ,
A @K
C C7@ A ,
A @(A E
C C7@ A C8OL@(A E
e OL@(E OC[A e OL@K
C C7@ A e OL@(A E
L @(E OC[A ,
L @K
C C7@ A ,
L @(A E
C C7@ A CX@(A E

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Note 1: Of the above paradigms, three are of (S' .X)

and three of (0€ .X). Ponder over the changes that
have occurred in each one by recognizing the original
forms. The word (0CKC7@ A) was originally ('C K
C C7@ A). In ( ! R 04
61), the paradigms of (S' .X) and (0€ .X) become

The Changes in the Perfect (Z


2. By observing the above paradigms, you will realize that

changes in the perfect (0HI) of (.N) have only occurred
in four word-forms, namely the singular and plural
masculine and the singular and dual feminine.

However, in the paradigms of (SC L P

C ) and (0C (A E), a change has
occurred in the plural masculine third person form only.
The details are as follows:

• In the singular masculine third person, the (S) and

() have changed to alif according to rule no. 1 of

(). ('C 
C C ) becomes (CC ),(0C C 7C ) changes to (0C7C ) etc.

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Note 2: When the (S) is changed to alif in the perfect tense

(0HI) of (.N), it is written in the form of an alif in ( 04

T), e.g. (CC ), (>E C ) while in (61 ! R 04) it is written as a
(), e.g. (0CKC7@ A)

When a () is changed to alif, it is written in the form of a

() in all cases, e.g. (0C7C ) and (0E(OC[A). However when an

attached pronoun in the accusative ( 'YX) is suffixed to

the verb, it will only be written in the form of an alif, e.g.
(zL C7C - He threw it.) (y
C CKC7@ A - He liked you.)

• In the plural masculine third person form, the (S) and

() have been deleted, according to rules no. 6 and 7

of (). Examples:

C C ) changes to (@'C C ),
(@'LC 7C ) changes to (@'C 7C ),

C ) changes to (@SL PC ),
(@'L(A E) changes to (@'(V E),

C C7@ A) changes to (@'K
C C7@ A),

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(@'L(E OC[A) changes to (@'(E OC[A).

• The alif is deleted in the singular and dual feminine
forms, e.g. (,
@ C C ) and (OCC C ).
• A kasrah precedes the (S) in the perfect passive tense

(&'š 0HI). Therefore the (S) is changed to a ().

A L ) changes to (0C A L ),
A L ) changes to (CA L ),
A L ) changes to (@'L L ),
@ 'C A L ) changes to (,
@ CA L ),
A L ) changes to (COCA L ),
E '@ A L ) changes to (C @ A L ),
C '@ A L ) changes to (,
C @A L ). Similarly the (&'š 0HI)
of (0C7C ) is (,
@ CA 7L
@'L 7L CA 7L 0C A 7L ) etc.
In the (&'š 0HI), (S' .X) and (0€ .X)
become similar.

The paradigm of the imperfect (J7K) is as follows:

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.X  9SI J7KI

(R) I// (m) V

( (N) I//
S@ L
@C 0@ A @ C '@ L !@ C
@C A CA @ C A 'C L !@ C
* E S@ L
@C E '@ L @ C * E '@ L !@ C
S@ L
@ C 0@ A @ C '@ L !@ C
@ C A CA @ C A 'C L !@ C
* E S@ L
@C C @A @ C * E '@ L !@ C
S@ L
@ C 0@ A @ C '@ L !@ C
@ C A CA @ C * A 'C L !@ C
* E S@ L
@ C E '@ L @ C E '@ L !@ C
C @A
@ C * C @A @ C C @A !@ C
@ C A CA @ C A 'C L !@ C
* E S@ L
@ C * C @A @ C * E '@ L !@ C
S@ L P@ ZE 0@ A 7@ ZE '@ L @ ZE
S@ L
@ NC 0@ A @ NC '@ L !@ NC

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.X  9SI J7KI

(7) V
( (7) I// (c) V
0@ (A OC[ C 0@ K
A C@ C 0(E [ C
A C@ C A C(E [ C
E '@ (V OC[ C E '@ K
L C@ C E '@ (E [ C
0@ (A OC[ C 0@ K
A C@ C 0E([ C
A C@ C A C(E [ C
C @(A OC[ C C @K
A C@ C C @(E [ C
0@ (A OC[ C 0@ K
A C@ C 0E([ C
A C@ C A C(E [ C
E '@ (V OC[ C E '@ K
L C@ C E '@ (E [ C
* C @(A OC[ C * C @K
A C@ C * C @(E [ C
A C@ C A C(E [ C
* C @(A OC[ C * C @K
A C@ C * C @(E [ C
0@ (A OC[ZE 0@ K
A C7@ ZE 0E([ZE
0@ (A OC[ NC 0@ K
A C@ NC 0E([ NC

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Note 3: In the above paradigms, some words are similar to

one another. These have been marked with an asterisk.
Some words have changed while others are on their
original forms. Recognize the changes.

The Changes in the Imperfect (]@


3. Ponder over the changes in the paradigms of the

imperfect (J7KI). Besides the four dual forms and the two
feminine plural forms, there are changes in all the other

• Where the imperfect is ({ m'O>), the (S) and ()

have been changed to alif according to rule no. 1 of
(). Where it is ({ 7' ƒ) or ({ D'8K), they
have been rendered sākin. Examples:
(0E([ C) from (0
L (E [ C),
(0CH@ C) from ('L H
C @ C),
L !@ C) from ('L L !@ C),
@ A @ C) from (0L A @ C).

The same change has occurred in the three word-forms

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that do not have a (p7 =8H - a visible pronoun).

L !@ NC  '@ L @ ZE  '@ L !@ C),
@ A @ NC  0@ A 7@ ZE  0@ A @ C),
(0E([ NC  0E([ZE  0E([ C).

Note 4: The paradigm of (0CH@ C) is like (0E([ C).

• According to rules 6 and 7 of (), the () 9) is

deleted from the end of the plural masculine third
person and second person forms. Examples:
E '@ L !@ C) from (E S@ 'L L !@ C),
E '@ L !@ C) from (E S@ 'L L !@ C),
E '@ L @ C) from (E '@ LA @ C),
E '@ (E [ C) from (E '@ L(E [ C).

• In the singular feminine second person form, (

@ SA V)
and (0
@ AA) change to (
@ A) and (0@ AE) changes to (
@ E).
C @A !@ C) from (C @'A L !@ C),

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C @A @ C) from (C @AA @ C),
C @(E [ C) from (C @A(E [ C),
C @K
A C@ C) from (C @AK
A C@ C),
C @(A OC[ C) from (C @A(A OC[ C).

• In the passive tense (&'š), (S' .X) and ( .X

0€) become similar. Examples:
C @C !@ L  A CC !@ L  0C!@ L  E '@ C !@ L  A CC !@ L  0C!@ L) etc.
C @C @ L  A CC @ L  0C@ L  E '@ C @ L  A CC @ L  0C@ L) etc.

Vocabulary List No. 30

Word Meaning
(t) 0CZE to come

(1) 0C| to give

C C^ZE to answer, to accept

C C$ZE to reach, to touch, to afflict

(7) COC+@ A to buy

(1) 0E]@ ZE to give, grant

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(q) 0C (A C to remain

(1) 0E( @ZE to maintain

(t) 0Eƒ C to cry

(1) 0Eƒ @ZE to make s.o. cry

() 4
E C to test, to afflict

(t) 0CX C to build, to construct

(q) 0C ™
A •C to fear

C >` •C to lighten

() 4
E •C to be empty, to pass

6L C C  6A A  6A @EGA 4
E •C to meet in private

(t) C7C to know

(1) C7@ ZE to show

() CC to call

6L E CC to supplicate for someone

6A @EC CC to supplicate against

(q) 0C H
A 7C to be pleased

(1) 0CH7@ ZE to please s.o.

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(t) 0E(PC to give to drink

(2) 0e8PC to name

() E>C to be erased

6L X@C E>C to forgive

(t) 0E>E to be sufficient, to save

)U .E!L X@ L bullet

ˆ @ 7L awe

ˆ @ PC spear, share

0eO+C different

7ˆ '@ L <E very pure, clean

ˆ '@ Y
L 1V  
… 1E stone of ring

V ACX.E  )U E*LX@.V bomb, grenade

L 7A CRC  )U C 7C R@ C farm

ˆ C8[ZE diamond

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Exercise No. 32

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

6A Y‹ 1E 0@ 1A ‡8CC• zL CŸE1 6A @EC C `PC SC zL C_E1E A K @ >E [ C ZE !L @+A e  CC (1)
.q ˆ C8[ZE
. C C^ZE C81E DA C]`  0EGA oE COP@ _V[ j L '@ C C , L X@V (2)
. 6L E EC!1E 6A OAC !@ B A A zL C ZE !ˆ A C 0CH7@ ZE (3)
. 6A @EC ,@ C !C 1E 6L X@C )ΠCH A C7 C >E @ ^C DM ZV @,NCE C (4)
. Œ C j C CSC 6L CC$_E1E !A PC _E[ 0EGA C @ e  ˆ +A C‘ 0C7C (5)
¥ yA Eƒ @ZE C , L X@ AC C @ƒA *@C EoC8A (6)
3U C h
C C , @ CC$ZE EoGASC 0eO+C 3¦ C^A 0A1 3E 7C Chd A [ 0A@ C !L E'C [ E E (7)
. 0@ ƒA *@C !C C (E 1E C @«A Y e  zL C•ZE
. 7ˆ [ L 6L E 0C (A C C (8)
¥¡ C A >[ XCA ,
C @(E @ZE C (9)
. &A C8[ C A
£  0C NAE]@ ZE C 0@ NAE>E (10)
. CAC 0EC 7L '@ L _V[ , A C(A C (11)
. )A e7A eX A ACX(E [A e 7L S@ ZV 0@ 1A 7L C!‹  , A >E C (12)

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. 6L X@C CN'@ >E C (13)

.¡ C X@C
£  E>C (14)
. 6L X@C 0C >A L (15)
. 3ΠC *Cd
@ A SC ‡ COA zL CX@CŸE1 yC '@ •L E NCCZE (16)
. A @ Xe ŠA C @ A 0E( @ L L @AC *C[ ¡ C [ A (17)
. A @ ™e  E‘C DA eZE @ A 0CKC ‡'@ C @ E  @ A7!@ C [ ‘C (18)
. L +A C[ ¬L @7A _[ Oe V '@ ƒV C DC '@ C[ ` ZE M ±V ZE 0@ X‹ƒA E  @ !A ‹PC C  @ 7A @ ZE E (19)
. A @A E[ 0EGA DC '@ C[ ,L @A L (20)
.# C XC@pC 6L OLX@ A ,@ C8‹ PL (21)
zC+ A E][ M  A @ _E A 0C XA L @ A ` ‚L A Ch[ !A X@A [ 0A1 !A ^A C 8C [ L C @ ZE (22)
leOA 3V e8 C 8L [ 3V 7C C8A [ CN@!M  j A C*€AChC @ A SC 0@ A‘@ A 0@ 1A E C^C

£  6L 8C A 7C ) 9 L '@ $ L '@ 8C [ V E][ M  C‘CX C 0@ OA` z@ C E | 0@ 1A CdC

&U C &A ehL [ ASC ˆ [ A CXE CX@1A 7A e*h
C [ )E 8C
@ .A CX@H A 7C (23)
&V CRCE 0E(*@C C [ A [ ` GASC #
¦ @A .E @ C 0CX>[ C &E C8[ ` bA1E

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(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān into


.‡7'L<E ‡ C+C @ L M7C @ ‘L E(PC SC (1)

. 6L e7C 0C ™A •C @ 8C A ¡ C AoE 6L X@C 'LH7C SC @ L X@C 6L ` 0C H A 7C (2)
. ŠC8EL [ zA A C*A @ A 6C ` cC™B @ C C8NeGA (3)
.# C @ M  [SL>E E C A ` A 'V.V 0A1 0A([ XLPC (4)
eNGA ['V.E @ A XAA<C+C cEGA '@ E•C EoGASC eXC | ['VE. ['LXC | C A ` ['V(E EoGASC (5)
. E SL²RA @ OC @ L L d @ NC C8NeGA @ ƒV C C
.j L 'L8C t ¦ 7@ ZE  ‹ _E A g ˆ >[ NC A7!@ C CSC (6)
. cCH@ OC1E ¡ C M7C ¡ C A]@ L 9 C '@ C ESC (7)
. L AC [ ‚L A8 e  'C ‘L SC 6L W L L ƒE A>ƒ[ C C 1E (8)
. zL eGA ` GA [SL!*L@ C ` ZE ¡
C M7C cCK.ESC (9)
. ‡=%AE ‡@•C 0C ASVZ !@ (E 1E )E 8C ƒ[ d A [ j
C –@ L CSC (10)
L L X@C 2 L >` B CL4 E 1E 3A C •A ‰ A CN@!M  3E CdC [ LSC OC+@  C A ` ¡ C ’A˜ESVZ (11)
. L EC [
. )E Xe/
E  L L E ` _E A LEC'@ ZESC @ L
C >V NEZ { C XAA –@ 8L [ C A fCOC+@  6C W ` GA (12)

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(C) Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) I called Rashīd so he came to me and greeted me and

I gave him a book.
(2) We called our friends for meals so they accepted our
(3) The sheikh supplicated for me.
(4) His father was not pleased with him so he
supplicated against him.
(5) Hāmid aimed a bullet at the wolf so it struck it (the
wolf) and it died.
(6) O boy, why are you crying? Who made you cry?
(7) Now no wealth will remain for this woman.
(8) What will you allow to remain for your brother?
(9) Whatever wealth Allāh has given us will be sufficient
for us.
(10) His son has been named Mahmūd.
(11) This madrasah was built with the order of the
(12) Our farms are watered with rain water.

(D) Observe the analysis of the following sentence.

` 2 b    ^
bB '*  Q J

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

n$ i2
Analysis Word
 #€F  !S 6O«$  9SI 0HI 1
T 04  'C C C 6$Z  S' .X

The (S) has been changed to alif according

to rule no. 1 of ().

!C +C 7C  \O™ )>Y P !+7  2  9 &[ E

'*  Q J
  †d$    !S  X‘  P 6Xƒ
6$Z  S' .X    !S  !^ P

  'ˆ Z
  !S  D4 9Q X‘  PS 7!YI
½*  Q ^ 9  
 =8K ~ 6O1H¶ )1   !S  P
  0€ 9'^Z
½*  #€F  !S  7ST =8H C

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IiM i2
Analysis Word
½*  0HI 1
J'1  1 '*  Q J
q7!) 2 6*YN  'YX  &'>  9K

7ST 6 9K  ^
 Q ^ 9  
7ST o
7/  Q / )  6 9K  7ST =8H
> \O 7SšS
) ¯• )1 )· = \OIS &'>IS > ‚ >

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Lesson 33

The Jussive Mood of the Imperfect

(DL S@ RL h
@ 8C [ J
L 7A CK8L [E)

The paradigms of the (DL S@ RL h

@ 8C [ J
L 7A CK8L [E) of (.N 1) are
mentioned below.

Note 1: In (DR/ ) – the jussive mood), the third radical

()8ƒ D) of the imperfect (J7KI) and the imperative (Z)
are elided from five word-forms. In seven word-forms the
()  'N) is deleted while the plural feminine forms

remain unchanged because they are indeclinable (½*I).

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JM &  * / )* q
  + ]
* @
^* +
\C [ C @ E DA @ C @ E J
L !@ C @ E
C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
'@ (E [ C @ E '@ L @ C @ E '@ L !@ C @ E
\C [ C @ E DA @ C @ E J
L !@ C @ E
C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
C @(E [ C @ E C @A @ C @ E E '@ L !@ C @ E
\C [ C @ E DA @ C @ E J
L !@ C @ E
C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
'@ (E [ C @ E '@ L @ C @ E '@ L !@ C @ E
0@ (E [ C @ E 0@ A @ C @ E 0@ A !@ C @ E
C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
C @(E [ C @ E C @A @ C @ E E '@ L !@ C @ E
\C [ZE @ E DA 7@ ZE @ E J
L @ ZE @ E
\C [ NC @ E DA @ NC @ E J
L !@ NC @ E

JM &  Z
[ \
E '@ L @ ZV‰ 'C L @ ZV‰ 0@ A @ ZV‰ '@ L @ ZV‰ 'C L @ ZV‰ J
L @ ZV‰
C @A 7@ GA CA 7@ GA 0@ A 7@ GA '@ L 7@ GA CA 7@ GA DA 7@ GA
C @(E [A C(E [A 0@ (E [A @'(E [A C(E [A \C [A

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& 'T3! ]@
JM &  d
*  $
* M  + ]
* @
^* +
e C(E [ CE ` 'C L !@ CE 0E([ C @ E 0C A @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
„ C(E [ CE „ 'C L !@ CE C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
` 'L (E [ CE e L !@ CE '@ (E [ C @ E '@ C @ C @ E '@ L !@ C @ E
e C(E [ OCE ` 'C L !@ OCE 0E([ C @ E 0C A @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
„ C(E [ OCE „ 'C L !@ OCE C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
„ CX@(E [ CE „ NC'@ L !@ CE C @(E [ C @ E C @A @ C @ E E '@ L !@ C @ E
e C(E [ OCE ` 'C L !@ OCE 0E([ C @ E 0C A @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
„ C(E [ OCE „ 'C L !@ OCE C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
` 'L (E [ OCE e L !@ OCE '@ (E [ C @ E '@ L @ C @ E '@ L !@ C @ E
e A(E [ OCE e A !@ OCE 0@ (E [ C @ E 0@ A @ C @ E 0@ A !@ C @ E
„ C(E [ OCE „ 'C L !@ OCE C(E [ C @ E CA @ C @ E 'C L !@ C @ E
„ CX@(E [ OCE „ CN'@ L !@ OCE C @(E [ C @ E C @A @ C @ E E '@ L !@ C @ E
e C(E [_EE ` 'C L @ _EE 0E([ZE @ E 0C A 7@ ZE @ E 'C L @ ZE @ E
e C(E [ XCE ` 'C L !@ XCE 0E([ NC @ E 0C A @ NC @ E 'C L !@ NC @ E

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Note 2: The (!–I J7KI) of (0@ A @ C) will be :

z•| ~  „ CX@A @ CE  ` CA @ OCE  e CA @OCE  e L @ CE  „ CA @ CE  e CA @ CE

The active participle (> P) of (CC ) will be as follows:

Feminine Masculine
¦ C

The word (J
¦ C) was originally ('ˆ A C).
The (> P) of (0C7C ) will be (D¦ C7) while that of (0C (A E) will
be (x¦ E ). However, when the definite article (&[ E) is prefixed
to it, it becomes (0@ A e!E) etc. See 10.9.

The passive participle (&'>I P) of (CC ) is:

Feminine Masculine
ˆ 'e L !@ C A C'e L !@ C 3U 'e L !@ C E S@ 'M L !@ C A 'e L !@ C '… L !@ C

From (0C7C ), the (&'>I P) is (¿ A eA @ C 0… A @ C ) etc. and from
C (A E), it will be (0… (A [ C ).

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The paradigm of the (9a P) is:

¦ C!C A CC !@ C ('ˆ C !@ C ) 0‡!@ C
('L A C!C ) A CC !@ C (3U 'C C !@ C ) 3U C!@ C

The (9a P) of (0C7C ) is (0‡@ C ) etc. and of (0C (A E) is (0Œ([ C ).

The paradigm of the () P) is:

('L A C!C ) J
¦ C!C A CC !@ A ('ˆ C !@ A ) 0‡!@ A
A CC !@ A (3U 'C C !@ A ) 3U C!@ A
('L @A C!C ) 0M A C!C A CSC !@ A (Sˆ C!@ A ) Š“ C!@ A

The () P) of (0C7C ) is (0‡@ A ) etc. and of (0C (A E) is (0Œ([ A ).

The paradigm of the (K>O P) is:

¦ CZE SZ E '@ C @ ZE A CC @ ZE ('L C @ ZE) 0C@ ZE
0‡L SZ j
ˆ C'C @ L A C'C @ L C@ L SZ C'@ L

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The brief paradigms of (61 ! R 04) are as follows:

! RI 04% .X  =«Y 9Y

@'$! _! L; \ ]@
^! Z
! LH@

Š“ E([GA 0Œ([ L \¦ [ L \A [ZE 0@ (A [ L 0E([ZE 1

to throw
)U C(A [ C 0(EL \ª EL \‹ E 0@ („ EL 0`(E 2
to give
Š“ E(A SZ 3U E.4
E L 0Œ.4
E L x
¦4E L x
A E 0@ .A4
EL 0E.E 3
to meet
\ª EC
to meet, to 0(EOCL \ª EOCL \e EC 0`(EOCC 0`(EC 4
to face one 0.Œ4
¦4E OCL x
E C 0E.4
E OCC 0E.4
E C 5
Š“ CK(A N@A 0‡K(E X@L œ
¦ (E X@L œ
A (E N@A 0@ K
A (E X@C 0CK(E N@A 6
to terminate
Š“ E(OA[A 0Œ(OC[ L \¦ OC[ L \A OC[A 0@ (A OC[ C 0E(OC[A 7
to confront

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Š“ C'A 7@ A ‡'C @ L '¦ C @ L 'A C 7@ A 

@ 'A C @ C C'C 7@ A 8
to refrain
Š“ E([ OAP@ A
to lie on 0Œ([ OC
@ L \¦ [ OC
@ L \A [ OCP@ A 0@ (A [ OC
@ C 0E([ OCP@ A 10
one’s back

By pondering over the above-mentioned paradigms, you

can derive the following rules:

Rule No. 18 of (): The suffixes (Sˆ A), (

ˆ A), (Sˆ V) and (
ˆ V)
change to (¦), e.g ('ˆ 
A C) changes to (J
¦ C); (0ˆ .V4
E C) on the scale of
U L E>C) changes to (x
¦4E C).
However, if there is no tanwīn at the end, it will become
@ A), e.g. (0@ A e!E); (0@ .A4
E OeE).
Similarly, ('L 
A C!C ) changes to (J
¦ C!C or 0@ A C!8C [E). This is the

plural of (9a P) from (CC ). (0

L A CC ) changes to (D¦ CC or
0@ A C8C [E).

Note 3: This rule applies to every (> P)12 of (.N) and

12 It also applies to the (9a P) and () P).

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to the (7!Y) of categories 4 and 5.

Rule No. 19 of (): The suffixes (Sˆ E) and (

ˆ E) change to
(Œ), e.g ('ˆ 
C !@ C ) changes to (0‡!@ C ). This is the singular ( P
9a) from (CC ). (0ˆ (E [ L ) changes to (0Œ([ L ). This is the ( P
&'>I) of (0E([ZE).

Note 4: This rule applies to every (&'>I P) of (.N) from

the categories of (61 ! R 04).

Rule No. 20 of (): The suffix (

ˆ S@ V) changes to (
… A), e.g
ˆ '@ L @ C ) changes to (0… A @ C ). This is the singular (&'>IP) of
(0C7C ). (
ˆ '@ H
L @ C ) changes to (0… H
A @ C ). This is the (&'>I P) of
A 7C ).

Rule no. 13 of () has been applied to the verbal nouns of

the above-mentioned paradigms. For example, (

ˆ E([A)
changes to (Š“ E([A) etc.

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Note 6: In the category (

E e 1E), the (7!Y) is used on the scale
of ()U EA >[ C) instead of (
E“ @A >[ C), e.g. ()U C(A [ C) from (0`(E) and ()U C8A
@ C)
from (0e8P
C ).

Note 7: The (SS .N) of (T 04) is used on the scales of

(C Y
C NC), (‚C 8A PC ) and (DC L E ).
Examples: ('@  L !@ C CC ), (0CH@ C 0C H
A 7C ) and (S@ L
@ C SC L PC ).
The (0€ .N) is used on the scales of ( C C H C ), (†C OC1E) and
(‚C 8A PC ).
Examples: (0 @ A @ C 0C7C ), (0C
@ C 0CPC ) and (0E([ C 0C (A E).

Vocabulary List No. 31

Word Meaning
(t) 0C« C to want

(q) 0C «A C to rebel

() 0C«OC @A to want

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() 130C«*CN@A to be suitable

C ChOCP@ A to accept

(S) () 0EC to care

®E ` C to convey

e CdC to love mutually

() 0eX8C C to wish

() 0CPC to strive, to run

†C *e$
C to say ‘good morning’

() 0`$
C to perform salāh

6A @EC 0`$
C to recite salāt álan Nabī
(durūd), to send mercy
() 0CK.E‰ to decree, decide

() 0E.E to meet, to come in front

() 0e C to say ‘good evening’

() 0C™C to walk

() 0eKC to pass

() CCN to call, to announce

13 The imperfect (@0«A *CX@ C) of this verb is frequently used.

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() 0CNC to prevent, to prohibit

() 0COCN@A to stop

() C!‘C to guide, to show the road

() C!OC‘@ A to accept guidance

() C!‘@ ZE to give a gift

() CCC to mutually give gifts

\C E @ZE to be piebald

)U CX@L desire, wish

C C 7!Y) ‚ˆ @ C trade

)U ƒE V@ C destruction

)U C *@^C forehead

ˆ @•A 7C cheap

0C C perhaps

&¦ EF expensive

)U CEF end

(C'FE 7!Y) 0… FE to be misguided

‡C C exuberant, arrogantly

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ˆ 4
E @A birth, birthday

` ‘C why not?

Š“ CX‘C good health, well being

Exercise No. 33

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. A @B C [A
£  L V e C @ ƒV @EC DL 4 E e E (1)
. A @B
C [A ¡ C @ ‹ 8C L
A  )V 8C @ 7C SC DL 4
E e  ¡ C @EC SC
. !L A C C )A C1AC[CS ŠA CXC [A )A E][ L [ DC eZE ,
C @K e C E '@ ƒV C [ ZE 0C C (2)
C @ ZE 0A1 6E8@ +A A *C^C 0EC )A E][ L [ DC eZE , L @Ke C  @ oA COP@ V C 6A `A !L 8@ d C [E
. &A C'@ _E[
¥ C Y@ C [ ,C @`$ C [ ‘C (3)
. C Y
@ C [ ,L @`$ C 6A `A !L 8@ d
C [E
¥ )A C C8hC [ ‚C C E '@ Y
C L [ ‘C (4)
. CN'@ LZE CX A 0@ „Y
C L @ C NC
. yC C•ZE J L @ ZV (5)

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.¡ C >E [ •C 0@ A| CNZE &E E(1E 6L L'@ C C

¥ C COƒA [ E‘C yC E]@ ZE @ C (6)
. !ˆ AC• 0@ (A @!A $C 6A @NAE]@ ZE
¥t A 'C A [ 0A1 6L OC@]E @ ZE C81E (7)
.t C 'C A [ V *C([ C E 'C ‘L . Œ’@+C 6A ]A @ ZV @ E
£  0`$ C
A  &E '@ PL 7C &E E. zA A4 E @A DC '@ C 6L C!A @ L [ ZE ¡C E 0@ «A *CX@C1E (8)
. @' MCdC @SL CC
. 6A A 0CH@ CSC 6L *Md A L Œ’@+C 6L C!A ‘@ ZV [ ZE !L @7A ZV @ C NC
. 0‹ 8A +A C[ !¦ @A PC !A ‹
e  oA COP@ _V[ , A @ C 0EGA CXC C 0@ ™ A 8@ C [ ‘C (9)
. 0‹ 8A +A C[ 3A C K@ C Š‰ E(A ª 8C OCL 0@ N‹_EA 7A S@ L
M CS CHe A ¡ C C C 0@ ™ A @ ZE @ C NC
. 3A 4EY e  !C @ C 0C A C Á
A @ CS ‚A A Ch[ !A h A @ 8C [ 0A1 C A «@ 8C [ „ Y
C 1E (10)
. yC CX‘L 0@ „$ C _VPC q A Z[e CS A @C [ 0EC
¥ L C–1V C \C E @_E[ E CYd A [ E‘C , C @C OC+@  @ ƒE A (11)
. )Œ e A7L C @A ™
@ A SC )¦ ’E8A A 6L OL@C OC+@ 
. E CYd A [ E‘C E %[A ¡ C AK @ 1E @ A 0@ A A OC+@ A . &¦ C« A 'C ‘L C .  ˆ @•A 7C (12)
. 0ECC
£  Š‰ C+ [ GA ‡!FE ¡ C E e CA OC+@ _EE . # ˆ ‹<E
6A Ae FV 0@ 1A  @ A ` C 'C P@ _E[ #
M A ZV 0@ N‹GA . \C E @ZE ‡NCYA 0@ A A OC™ @ CE @ ƒA E (13)

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.t ˆ C C
. @ !A ‹Pe C 0CH@ CSC # M d A L C8E ¡ C E  @ A OC+@ _EPC . , C X@ C @ ZE
¥ !L 8C @ ZE C 6L X@A 0C«*@C Á C @ZESC  e RA @AƒA N@bA[ L `C OCC @ E (14)
. 0CH@ 8C [ DC !A •@ _EA ‡‘A C ‡7'@ OL[ L E '@ V EZ [ ZE 0eX8C CZE
¥"6L V 7A !@ L Š£ @ 8C [ 0eX8C OCC C  V C" , C @ 8A PC [ ‘C (15)
C yC 7A @ ZV 0eOC 0CP@ ZE [ ZE !L @7A ZV . 6A A 0@ AC ZVE SC ° ¦ NAE( A , L @ E @ ƒA E , L @ 8A CP @ C NC
. C @XA
Ad @ 8L [ C ^@ ZE ‚L @KA LE
‰  ` bA1E zL Xe8C CZE
¡C «C ` CSC ‡7'@ ƒV ™
@ C ¡
£  E C ^C . )U E 7C C*L ¡ C OLCX@L !L 8C @ ZE C , C X@ C @ ZE (16)
. zL eX8C OCC C )E CEF
C @d
A AeY 3E 'C @ C ` bA1E )A $
C '@ YLB @ 8C [ ¡ C AE.S@ ZE 0@ 1A ‡8€AC ¬L @+C C 0@ A J L @ ZV C @A |
. )U CChOC @ L

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. C A(OC
@ IV  u
E CY ‹  CN!A ‘@ A (1)
. )A XC
C [ )A aE A '@ 8C [CS )A 8C ƒ[ dA [A ¡
C ‹7C A A*PC cAGA J L @ V (2)
. )Œ C>[ •L SC ‡M K
C C @ ƒV e7C ['L@ V (3)
. 0AN'@ ™C •@ CS @ ‘L '@ ™
CB @ C 4
E 1E (4)

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. 'LOCNE1 6L X@C @ V CNC CSC zL SVB L 1E &V 'LPe  L V C| CSC (5)
. )A ƒE V@ Oe cEGA @ ƒV !A @_E A ['V([ L E SC (6)
.4 Œ A.E ŒXC8E 0ACŸA [SLOC™ @ C E SC (7)
. ‡C C t A 7@ ‰  0A1 Á A 8@ C E SC (8)
. cC @ C )U eC 0C ‘A EobA1E C‘E([_E1E . cCP'L C C(A [ZE &E E. (9)
cEGA @'C P@ E1 )A C 8L h
L [ DA '@ C A 3A EY e A A'LN EoGA 'LXC | C A ` CMZE C (10)
. ‚C @*C[ SL7oE SC 6A ` A [ oA
. CN@!M  3E Cd
C [ zA A ‘C 0AK([ C C8NeGA t ¦ E. , C NEZ C œ A .[ E1 (11)
. L AC [ ‚L A8
e  'C ‘L SC 6L W L L ƒE A>ƒ[ C C 1E (12)
. zL !C *@C 9¦ Eƒ A 6L ` g C @EZE (13)
. 6@ A C A x ¦ EL 0‹NZE , L XCX±E 0‹NGA (14)
. )ΠeH
A @ e )ΠCH
A C7 ¡ A ‹7C cEGA 0A^A 7@  . )V Xe’A8C ][ 8L [ g L >[ Xe COLeZE C (15)

(C) Translate the following poetry into English.

L @A@ Oe Eo E E ¡ C

A >[ XCA 4
` ‘C zL C @FE L „C 8L [ V ^L e  CMZE C
L @ƒA C , C N@_E1E 6L X@C ,
@ C OCN@ EobA1E C‹FE @ C CC N@E1 ¡ C A >[ XC A Z[!C @A
L @A@ Oe ‚L >E X@CSC ¡
C X@A &A '@ (E [A C!OC@ LSC &V '@ (V C C ‚L 8C
@ L yC CXL 1E

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(˜‘69 'OI ~²! 'P ' Z)

(D) Write down the word-form ()«$), category (D .Z) and

original form ($Z) of each verb mentioned in the following


6A ` A [ oA cEGA @'C P@ E1 )A C 8L h

L [ DA '@ C A 3A EY
. E 'L8E@ C @ OLXV AG @ ƒV ` ˆ @•C @ ƒV AoE ‚C @*C[ SL7oE SC
Lesson 34

The Doubly Weak Verb and the Verb (I @ )

(E7C V @ 1ASC 2
L @>A ` V @ >A [E)

1. A verb or noun having two () 9) in place of its

original letters is called (2>). It is of two types:

• (S( 2>) where the two () 9) are adjacent to

one another, e.g (CS7C ). This is like a combination of

(9'^Z) and (.N).

• (xS> 2>) where the two () 9) are separated

by a (†d$ 9), e.g. (0E.SC ). This is like a

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combination of (&%) and (.N).

2. Only the changes of (.N) occur in (S( 2>) while in

(xS> 2>), the changes of (&%) and (.N) occur.

Therefore, you can conjugate (CS7C ) like (0C7C ) on your own.

Hereunder we will mention the brief paradigm of (0E.SC ).

You can conjugate the detailed paradigm on your own.
7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
)U CE.SA 0… .A'@ C x
¦ CS x
A 0@ (A C 0E.SC

Note 1: The imperative (x

A ) was originally (0@ .AS@ A). The (S) was
elided according to rule no. 14 of (). Due to (DR/ )),
the () was elided.

The whole paradigm of the imperative will be as follows:

C @.A C.A 0@ .A @'.V C.A x

The paradigm of (0E.SC ) on the category of (

E C OC1[ A) will be:

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(Š“ E(‹A 0Œ(OeL \¦ OeL \A eA 0@ (A OeC 0E(eA) – to fear, to abstain.

Note 2: The verb (0E(eA) was originally (0E(CS@ A). The (S) was

changed to a (j) according to rule no. 12 and the () was

changed to an alif according to rule no. 1.

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3. Analysis of the verb (IB @ )

(1) The verb (ZE7C ) is ({ p'8)

{ because the (

)8ƒ) is a hamzah. Due to the fact that the ( D

)8ƒ) is a (), the verb is also (.N).
(2) The paradigm of the perfect is like (0C7C ) but the

hamzah is elided from the (J7K) and (Z).

Consequently, the paradigm of the (J7K) will be

as follows:
C @C C  E S@ C C  A CC C  CC  C @C C  A CC C  CC  E S@ C C  A CC C  CC)
@ C NC   @ 7C ZE  C @C C  A CC C 
Note 3: The passive tense of (EZ7C ) which is (CL) is
sometimes used in the meaning of thinking and most often
is used on the occasion of surprise, e.g. (CL [ ‘C - Do you
think?). For this purpose, (CL C) is also used.

(3) The paradigm of the (H Z) is as follows:

C @7C  C7C  
@ 7C  S@ 7C  C7C  7C )

Note 4: The perfect and the imperfect of (EZ7C ) are used very

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often. The (H Z) is hardly used. For this meaning, the
verb (@ a
V N@ZV) is used and in modern spoken Arabic, the verb
@ +L ) is used.

(4) The (> P) is (Š¦ C7) which is similar to (D¦ C7) and
the (&'>I P) is (0
… €A@ C ) which is similar to (0… A @ C ).
(5) Among the categories of (61 ! R 04), the

hamzah is deleted only from (&1  ):

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
3UŠ‰ C7GA Š“ CL ¢U @A L 7A ZE 
@ A L C7ZE

Note 5: In the final three word-forms, the hamzah has been

moved against the rule from the position of the ()8ƒ {)
and brought in place of the ()8ƒ D). The () has been

made into the ()8ƒ {) thus resembling the verbs of

(9'^) like (!
ˆ @>A L  !ˆ @A L ) etc.

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Note 6: The (H Z) is used in the categories of ( ! R 04


(6) The hamzah is not deleted from the remaining

categories of (61 ! R 04). The paradigms
resemble those of (.N). The paradigms of ()>)

and (&O1) are as follows:

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
to show off - Š“ C7A Â
‡ CL Š¦ CL ŠA C7 
@ ŠA CL ‰ŠC7
to ponder, to Š“ CA7@ A
¢Œ C@ L ¢¦ C@ L _AC7@ A 
@ _AC@ C E_C7@ A

4. The verbs (CS@ C 

C SA 7C - to be satisfied), (C'([ C 
C 'A .E - to be
strong) and (C' @ C
C 'A PC - to be equal) are (S( 2>). Their
paradigms will be like the paradigms of (0€ .N), e.g. ( 0 C (A E
0E([ C). Since all these verbs are intransitive, instead of the
(> P), the ()E>Y‹  P) is used on the scale of (U @A 1E), e.g

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… SA 7C - satisfied), (
… 'A .E - strong) and (
… 'A PC - equal).

5. The verb (0
C AC ) was originally ('C AC ) – to be alive. The
imperfect is (0Cd
@ C) and the ()E>Y
‹  P) is (0… C ). The
paradigms of the categories (&1G), (>) and (&>OP) of
this verb are as follows:

7!YI  J7KI 0HI
&'>I >
Š“ C@ GA 0‡ d
@ L 0¦ d
@ L 0A @ ZE 0@ Ad
@L 0C@ ZE
to endow with life
)U ed
A C 0© d
C L 0ª d
C L 0‹ C c@ ‹d
C L ceC
to keep alive, to greet
Š“ Cd
@ OAP@ A
to be ashamed, to 0‡ d
@ OC
@ L 0¦ d
@ OC
@ L 0A d
@ OCP@ A c@ Ad
@ OC
@C cCd
@ OCP@ A
allow one to live

In the verb (cCd

@ OCP@ A), the first () can also be elided and
pronounced as (†
A OCP@ A 0@ d
@C cd
C OCP@ A).

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Vocabulary List No. 32

Word Meaning
() C! @ZE to expose

C e h
C C to drink in sips

(S) &E C to be an obstacle

(S) m
C C7@ A to find rest, to relax

(t) CS7C to narrate

C SA 7C to be satisfied

() &E Cp to be removed

() CPC to forget, to be negligent

(9) m
C C <E to throw

(t) #
C OCC to reproach

() 0`(E (2) to give

() 0`(EC (4) to obtain

() j
C C to die

() j
C CZE (1) to grant death

() 0C ASC to be near, adjacent

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() 0`SC (2) to appoint as governor,

to turn away

() 0`'C C to become a governor, to be

a friend, to turn away
Š“ E(A7@ A progress

ˆ '@ *LP@ ZV week

3U C P@ ZV family, tribe, household

Š“ CN|  0CN_E[E part of the day, the whole

)U C ^A side, direction, cause

ˆ @RA C sad

V @C when

U '@ XLC kind, compassionate

ˆ C+7C straight

ˆ @PC journey, speed

ˆ Y
C FV  )U Y
e FV stuck morsel

0‡XFA wealth

ˆ O@+C #
… PC x
ˆ '@
L 1V abuse, swearing

)U PC C1A intuition

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)U C>A .[ ZE  >Π.E back, nape

 .E never

ˆ '@ OLƒ[ C )U ECP7A
ˆ COA letter

C8ePA E especially

C Ne_EE as if you

Dˆ CXC sleep

3U C K
@ NC freshness

ˆ '@ .VSC fuel

U @SC calamity, punishment

U '@ L C household item, good deed

Exercise No. 34

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. yC E>.E
C C K @ LE 0@ E yC E1 x A (1)
A  C A †A OCP@ A (2)
¥ L E S@ ZE C E '@ Ld
@ OC
@ C 4
` ‘C (3)
A '@
L >V [CS
A [ ƒA [ C A ¡C NCC A 0@ (A CE C A (4)

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. )E CYA @ 8C [ \A eCS

‰  \A eA (5)
. C Y @ A 0EC ©™ A *CC ‡!*@C !L @+A e  V S@ 7L C‘ 0`SC E E (6)
.°  .E )A XC @bA[ zA A ‘C E %[A 7C ZE @ E (7)
. ‡X@RA C yC C7ZE 0C AC (8)
¥ @ ƒV @EGA j
¦ | 0@ N‹ZE 0@ NA'@ 8L OL@ZE7C [ ‘C (9)
. V H
A E>[ CMZE )A E_E @ 8C [ zA A ‘C 0@ 1A CC C (10)
. †ˆ @d A$ C @ ƒV CZ[7C ` ZE C7ZE (11)
.¡ C CCOA 0@ NA7A ZE (12)
( !") . yC CC 6L NebA1E zL CC @ ƒV C @ E [ bA1E zL C ¡ C Ne_EE
‰  !A *L@ ZV (13)
( !") .
A  7A '@ XL A CC 6L NebA1E A A –@ 8L [ )E PC C1A @'(V eA (14)
( !") ¥ 7A eX 0A1 C‘!C ESC )U C 7A E< (3V ZE@ 8C [) zA A ‘C E S@ C LZE (15)
. @ A ACX C 0@ Ad
@ OC
@ CSC E @€ACP@ GA 0@ XA C Š‰ CX @ZE V OL([ C V '@ C @ 1A E E (16)
. 8X
 0H7 q ¦ e*C A @ A C  E @!A d C [ E‘C CX@SC 7C (17)
. 0‹ A 8C $@ _E[ A C )U eSA @ C )V CEƒd A [ zA A ‘C (18)
. C Y
@ A J C 7A CRC  @ SA @ L A @X‹ L @ NC (19)

(B) Translate the following poetry.

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A ([ >E [ C A ©+C A >[ ƒV [ !C @ C 7C ZE @ ESC 0CX«A [ C A ‡@•C A @!‹  !C @ C 7C ZE @ ESC (1

E S@ L ±A eX zL CCE C CC U '@ LL CE ŠA C>A $

@ _E[
L '@ V.V (2

(C) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

qL eX C‘L 'V.SC ‡7CN @ ƒV A‘@ ZESC @ ƒV C >V NEZ 'V. 'LXC | C A ` CMZE C (1)
. 3V 7C Chd A [CS
. ‡7SLPL SC 3Œ C K
@ NC @ ‘L `(ESC DA '@ C[ ¡C AoE e +C 6L ` L ‘L E.'C 1E (2)
. A A>[ A Cd$ @ _E A ¡ C M7C E C 1E 2 C @E C C @ EZE (3)
. fCC EoC @ aV NE1 ¡C d L Co[ ZE 0‹NZE DA CX8C [ 0A1 fC7ZE 0‹NGA 0e XC L C &E E. (4)
. 0ANCC E &E E. ¡ C @EGA @ aV NEZ 0AN7A ZE
‹ 7C &E E. (5)
@ ‘L C A ` .E 'L‘CP @ A AE$ C C @ ‘L C A ` . { C „YC 8L [ „ U @'C 1E (6)
. E 'LC8[ E 'LXC8@ CSC . E SL²CL
0˜A@ ZV CNZE &E E. , L A8LSC 0˜Ad @ L A` 0C ‹7C L A‘C @GA &E E. o[ GA (7)
. C‘SM7L S@ ZE CX@A C C @ _E A ['Md C 1E )¦ edA OC A LO@‹L EoGASC (8)

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(D) Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) Protect your face so that your back is not beaten.

(2) Why are you not protecting your tongue from
(3) O my sister, fear Allāh and refrain from sin.
(4) We have not seen a flower like this.
(5) Were you looking at us coming towards you?
(6) O scholars, what is you opinion in this issue?
(7) Our opinion is that it is not correct.
(8) Worship Allāh as if you are seeing Him because if
you cannot see Him, He is undoubtedly seeing
(9) The people of īmān see with the light of Allāh.
Therefore fear their intuition.
(10) Show me your books.
(11) The khalīfah of the Muslims appointed me as
governor of Baghdād.
(12) The people of īmān should save themselves and
their children from the fire.
(13) O girls, have shame for Allāh and fear Him alone.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(E) Translate the following letter into English.

C '  /   'r / &  d
@ !A ESC


A  )V 8C @ 7C SC @ ƒV @EC DL 4
E e E

0EC 2C (A NC 0eOC . A @C ][ PC CXE # @ OLƒ[ C @ ESC A @C @ +C , C @K e C 0e XC L C ¡ C E C

D@ ZE ¥
A '@ OLƒ[ 8C [ &A CP7@ GA C @ CSC ¡
C XC@ C &E C t
ˆ C C ZE . A [ A [ 0A1 yC A @PC SC ¡
¥ A '@ OL@ 8C [ j
A '@ ƒV
M  E‘C 0EGA yC CC A CdOC@ bA[ 0A1 ¡ C A ChNC DL !C C

,C @E C )A NC'@ XLd

C [ ¡
C ‹ ZV &E C C8ePA E CX A'@ V.V &E C q A E<@ (A [ 0EC  @ !A *@NL 2
C @E
A @` Š‰ CN| 7A Eƒ1[ _E[CS DA '@ 8L L [ 
C FV ¡ C M ZV J L e h
C OCC 2C @E  @ 7A !@ C ,C X@V
. 7A CXe 9C C<[ ZESC

@ A AC P@ ZV 0EGA ‡ '@ OLƒ[ C J

¦ '@ *LP@ ZV ` V E '@ *LOLƒ[ C 2
C @E ŠA C!C M  ¡ C A€E(1E7L 0EGA C C @ EZE
DA '@ 8L L [ 0A1 E '@ EOC*@L ¡ C OAC ^A @ A C d @ NCCS . @ L L'@ V.V M C LSC @ ‘L 7L S@ !L $L m L C@ OC1E .
. ˆ E.7L E SC Dˆ C<E CXE _VXC@ CE A CR@ _E[CS

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. 7L Eƒ1[ _E[ eXC &E S@ RL CSC CX L'@ V.V e ’A8C ][ OCA 6A @EC ,
C N@ZE e8C CN!@ 1AZESC 0e XC L C CX8@ C 7@ A
C @!A @ C ‡8[ A ¡C .EpL @ CSC ŠA CXC [CS )A C1AC[ ‚C C
£¡C aE >E d @ C [ ZE ‡8€AC ¡ C E '@ L !@ NC
. ŠA E(A7@ bA[CS A C+e  A @*APC 0EGA
DL 4
E e CS

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Lesson 35

The Remaining Triliteral Categories

(61 ! RI 04% ' Z )Q( )

1. Ten categories of (61 ! R 04) were mentioned in

Volume One. Those are the categories which are most
frequently used. They are also the ones used in the Qur’ān.

The remaining two categories, that is, category 11 and 12 of

of (61 ! R 04) are mentioned hereunder.

(to be hard) C +C '@ ™ C •@ A : E C '@ C 1[ A (11)

(to run fast) oE 'e E^
@ A : &E 'e C 1[ A (12)

7!YI > P  J7KI 0HI

U C™@™
A •@ A ˆ +A '@ ™
@ L @ +A '@ ™
C •@ A L +A '@ ™
@ C C +C '@ ™
C •@ A
oU e'A^@ A oU '‹ Eh
@ L o[ '‹ E^@ A oV '‹ Eh
@C oE 'e E^@ A

Note 1: Both these categories are intransitive. Therefore the

(&'>I P) was not mentioned. An intensive meaning is
found in both these categories.

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2. The books of Arabic Morphology mention other

categories as well. Most of them are on the scale of (
E E@ 1E)
which is the scale of (T 0 7). There are a few which fall
on the scales of (
E `C 1[ A E EX@C 1[ A E E@ >E C) which are the scales of
(61 ! R 0 7). The only difference is that they have three
root letters. All these categories are seldom used. It was
therefore not necessary to mention them in this beginner’s

Vocabulary List No. 33

Word Meaning

C C S@ !C @ A to be hunch-backed

\C E'@ E•@ A to be old (clothing)

0E'@ E^@ A to move from village to

E Se C •@ A to sharpen a stick

E 'e E@ A to hold the camel’s neck and
mount it
†C E'@ E@ A to be salty (water)

(t) \C *CPC to advance

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L EƒC C E to be near

L €A7C ZE  )U ƒE @7A ZE embellished chair

ˆ C^A  ˆ C'^C swift horse, generous

… pA attire, fashion

7ˆ C±[ ZE  ˆ @ ±E back

ˆ CFA  )U 1E@ FV sip of water

ˆ C FV  )U 1E@ FV room

3U C •A E1 outstanding, excellent

Exercise No. 35

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. zL L @ ±E C +C '@ ™C •@  SC V ^L e  C C S@ !C @ A (1)
. !A *@C [
L CA , @ (E E'@ E•@ A (2)
.q C C1[ _E[ \L *A
@ C j @ C ESC CNo[ 'e E^@ 1E )E .EXe CX<[ 'e E@ A (3)
. 3Œ C •A E1 )Œ ƒE @7A ZE 6L X@A ‚@ XC$
@ CS # C ™ CB C [ yC Eo 7L ehXC CMZE u [ S‹ C •@ A (4)
.3Œ !C A CS )Œ 1E@ FV 6L X@A C C ™ @ C [ ZE !ˆ C ZE 7C !A ([ CE 0eOC A @ Xe Š£ C †C E'@ E@ A (5)
. C Ch A [ \C *A
@ C 0eOC )V .EeX oV '‹ Eh @ C !@ .E (6)

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0@ 1A C @ YA AB @ 8L [

A  C C*A 0C (A OC[ XCA 3Œ C @%AE ‡.VSC ‡4 E A CX@E'@ E^@ A (7)

0@ 1A 'C ‘L SC ¦ ^L 7C C @FE CN!@ ^C SC C @ ƒA E C @8A A @ 8L [CS DA 4 E P@ bA[ )A C !@ •A
)A 8C a[ C ŠA C@ GA 0EC ‡Y@A C Š¦ CL C @FE ‡YAB @ L zL CX@>E [E1E ŠA CXAF[ _E[ 
‹ pA
. C @8A A @ 8L [

(B) Translate the following letter into English.

`  bB   Dr   +  &  d


DA e ƒE 8L [ !A AC'[ 3A C K
@ C 0EGA


A  )V 8C @ 7C SC @ ƒV @EC DL 4
E e E

9A 4 E «A [ A C'X@L @ A , L 8@ AC 1E g A @ _E[A RL @RA C [ ¡

C LCOA 9 C '@ ]V C [ 0@ AZE C 0@ XAE$ C SC
3A 7e e  @ V 7A C*•@ ZE 0EGA Œ.CO™ @ L 6L OLK@ K C 1E e V ‡C[ GA 6L OL[ *e(E 1E . 2C @A ™ e  zL 7C !C Y
@ C
E SC @ ƒV (E d A E C A E_E[CS \A E(E [ 0EC 0@ XAL *‹XCLSC A COA [ DA C A A 0@ XA@A @ C 'C ‘L EoGASC
DA !C Xe JC '@ L L C CX@C j @ C ]E @ ZE 0eOC 6L CŠ‰ C.A , L 8@ 8e C C81E . )A NC'@ XLd C [ 0@ ‹ _VA C8ePA
DA CA !C X@A 7L [ L [CS ‡7[ L 0@ A ` bA1E , A CZE C 'C >[ C [ 'C >[ C [E1 0@ A >[ NC DL '@ VZE j

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. &U '@ *L([ C q

A eX

@ V M L C E C 0EC @ ƒV A 4 E <[ bA A @ V C <A C• 7C !‹ E V [ E , L *@*C@ EZ C 0@ N‹ZE 'C ‘L SC

,L @ ^C 7C 0@ N‹ZE 6L *L*CPC SC 0@ HA C8[ A @ ™e  A CdOA@ bA[ 0A1 ‡d^A CN @ V ZE @ E 0@ N‹ZE ¡ C AoE CS
0@ NA'@ (V *CPC 0@ €AE(1EL 1E ‡K@A C 0@ NA'@ ƒE A E CKC 7C )A E][ L !C @ C ‡•‹ _EOCL )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0EGA
L F[ e >E OC1E . j C E1 !@ .E C ‚L @ !e  M L CE @ ƒA E j ¦ C@ C AD!C Xe C A 9 L 7A o[ ZE 0@ NA'@ >V `•C SC
0@ AŸ‰ [ A CdOA@ bA[ 0A1 E '@ V ZE [ ZE ,L @ RC CSC . 0@ XACE1 C 0@ 1A4 E OCA 7A '@ L _V[ ‚A @8A ^C @ C
@ V M L C C8 A # A @A (E [ 0A1 @ V C ™‹ CZV [ ZE

A  C A '@ ^L 7@ ZE . C @ASe _E[ C @d A ^A Xe C A

C8ƒV XA @AA C8V Š‰ E( C

£  &E E<ZE . @ ƒV €AC!L A 0@ NA4 E 8C ™

@ C [ E )E C e ƒE 8L [ 0@ ‹ ZVSC ¡ C V_EP@ ZESC
. ‚A @]A 8L [
‚17 !8}

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Test No. 15

(1) What is another name for (.N)?

(2) What happens to the ()8ƒ D) of a (.N 1) in ( )

(3) Which word-forms resemble one another in the
paradigms of the imperfect active and passive of

(4) On what scale does the (7!Y) of (

E e 1E  ) come

when it is (.N)?

(5) What change occurs in the (7!Y) of (

E e >E C  ) and

 ) when they are (.N)?
(6) How is the (7!Y) of (
E C 1[ ZE  ) and (E C >[ OCP@ A  ) when
they are (9'^Z)?

(7) Define (2>).

(8) In which type of (2>) do more changes occur?

(9) What are the word-forms and original forms of the
following words:
 0@ A 7@ A  DA 7@ A  C @(E [ L  C @H
C @ C  E '@ L !@ C  E '@ L !@ C  @'H
L 7C  E '@ C C

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 @'.V  x A  0E([ZE  0C@ ZE  0M A C8L [E  D¦ CC  Š“ C!@ A  0‡ !@ C  @'(V E

 0@ d
A OCP@ ZE  @'MC  E S@ C C  
@ 7A ZE  7A ZE  E '@ L C  0E'@ 8C [E  @'(V eA  C @.A
. )U ed
A C  0Cd @ C  0@ d A OCP@ A
(10) How many categories of (61 ! R 04) have you
learnt in total? Which ones are used frequently and
which ones are seldom used?

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Lesson 36

The Special Meanings of Each Verb Category

( '  j$•)

1. When a (T 1) is transferred to the categories of ( ! R

61), certain specific meanings are created. These meanings
are termed ( '  j$•).

2. The categories of (T) also have specific meanings but

little attention is paid to them. However, it must be
remembered that (‚-  ) has the meaning of temporary

effects and factors affecting the self, e.g. (m

C A 1E) – to become
happy, (
E RA C ) – to grieve, (E ^A SC ) – to fear. Secondly, this (  )
is mostly intransitive as is apparent from the above

The verbs of (D  ) contain the meaning of permanent

characteristics and they are always intransitive., e.g. (

C L C )
– to be handsome, (‚
L +C ) – to be brave and (C *L^C ) – to be a

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The verbs of (†O1  ) contain a (0( 9)14 in the ( {

)8ƒ) or ()8ƒ D). There are only a few exceptions.

Only two verbs of (†d$) are used in the category of

(# ). They are (#

A C ) and (C A NC - to be fresh).
Some verbs of (SS &%) have been used in this category,
e.g. (DC 7A SC - to swell), (k
E 7A SC - to inherit).

3. The specific meanings of the categories of (61 ! R 04)

are mentioned hereunder.

Note 1: The word (C•_[ C ) is used frequently in this section. It

refers to a word that is not the (7!Y - verbal noun) and a

verb is derived from it, e.g. (x

C C @ ZE - He reached Iraq) is made
from the word (xC
A - Iraq). Therefore the word (xCA ) is the
(C•_[ C ) of (x
C C @ ZE).

14 See Lesson 29 Note 3.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The Special Meanings of (_

5 d
(1) (h= ('
  ) – to make an intransitive verb transitive, e.g.
C ‘C oE - He went) – (#
C ‘C o[ ZE - He took).

(2) (t
=  - b*) – the doer enters the (•_) or reaches it, e.g. ( †C *C$
@ ZE
!ˆ @pC ) – Zaid came in the morning. The (•_) is (†*$).
ˆ AC• x
C C @ ZE) – Khalid reached Iraq. The (•_) is (x).

(3) (N
= ' : / ) – to find something to be described with the
(•_), e.g. (6L OL8
@ aE @ ZE) – I found him to be a person of honour.
The (•_) is ()8a).

(4) (8= @ /
 *  X
 ) – to become the possessor of the (•_), e.g.
(L h

e  C 8C [ZE) – The tree bore fruit. The (•_) is (Ä).

(5) (h= gA

 6) - making a relationship of something to the

(•_), e.g. (6L L@ >E 

[ ZE) – I made a relationship of disbelief to

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(6) (u '2b ) – the verb is used for another meaning other than

the one used in its root form (T), e.g.

ˆ @pC \C >E +@ ZE) – Zaid feared.
The root form (\
C >E +C ) means to be compassionate.

The Special Meanings of ( d

(1) (h(') – Example: (m
C A 1E) – to be happy; (m
C e 1E) – to make
someone happy.

(2) (tb) – Example: (Š£ 8

C [ \C 8e C ) – The water reached the

(3) (8@/"X) – Example: (L h

e  7C 'e NC) – The tree blossomed.

The (•_) is (7ˆ '@ NC - blossom).

(4) (hgA6) – Example: (6L OL([

e 1E) – I made a relationship of
transgression to him.

(5) ('2b) – Example: (6L OL8

@ `E ) – I spoke to him.
The (T) of the verb which is (
C AE ), means to injure.

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(6) (
= ( i
 ) – to make something into the (•_) or similar to
the (•_), e.g. (©A '@ L C
!ˆ @pC C Y
e NC) – Zaid converted a Jew to

Christianity. The (•_) is (0 … NACY

@ NC - Christian).

(7) (s  v
+ ) – to indicate a large amount, e.g.

C ]` .E) – He cut it into (many) pieces.

(8) (s $
 H ) – to abbreviate a sentence e.g.
(C *e
E ) - to say ‘Allāhu Akbar’.

C *ePC ) - to say ‘Subhānallāh’.

The Special Meanings of (hf

(1) (h= T
w* ) – the participation of two people in an act, e.g.
@ C !ˆ @pC E CE.) – Zaid and Àmr fought.

(2) ( x h- G 5 * ) – to have the same meaning as the (T) form

of the verb, e.g. (!
ˆ A C C 1ECP) – Hāmid travelled.
It has the same meaning as (C >E P
C ).
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(3) (_
5 d
b h- G 5 * ) – to have the same meaning as ( 
&1G), e.g. (6L M!@ C @ZESC 6L M!@ C C ) – I distanced him.

(4) ( d
b h- G 5 * ) – to have the same meaning as ( 
>), e.g. (2
C e H
C S2
C C CH) – to double something.

The Special Meanings of (*f


(1) (h= T
w* )15 – e.g. (!ˆ AC SC !ˆ AC•
C 7C K
C C) – Khālid and Àbid
fought each other.

(2) (
 ) – to simulate a state or status or representing
oneself to have it, e.g. (2
L PL '@ L t
C 7C C8C) – Yūsuf pretended to
be sick.

15 The meaning of (=hT @

w* ) is found in ()>  ) and (>  ). However, the
difference between the two is that in ()>  ), one is mentioned as the doer
(1) while the other is mentioned as the object (&'>) while in (>  ), both
are mentioned as doers (1).

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(3) (
5 h- f /
a* ) – to mention a verb after the verb ( f
5) to
indicate the acceptance of the effect of the first verb, e.g.
E SC XCOC1E 6L OL[SC CN) – I gave it to him and he took it.

(4) (u '2b ) – Example: (y

C 7C C*C) – Allāh  is most blessed.
The root is (y
C C C) which means ‘the camel sat’.

The Special Meanings of (y d


(1) (
s z v ) – to simulate having a certain quality or status,
e.g. (‚
C C) – Mahmūd feigned bravery.

(2) ({
s yMq
 ) – to refrain from the (•_), e.g. (0… AC C `_EC) – Àlī
refrained from sin.

(3) (O=
>) – to make something into the (•_), e.g.

C 8C @ ZE ,
L @Xe*CC) – I made Ahmad my son. The (•_) is (
ˆ @A -

(4) (_
= yi
 ) – to become the (•_) or similar to the

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(•_), e.g. (
… A '@ L C C Y
e XCC) – A Jew became a Christian.

(5) (8= @ /
 *  X
 ) – Example: (&E 'e 8C C) – He became wealthy. The
(•_) is (&
U C).

(6) (u '2b ) – Example: (

C `ƒE C) – He spoke. (C AE ) – to injure.

The Special Meanings of (_

6 d

(1) ( s /
 )* -) – to be intransitive, e.g. (C
C E ) – to break
something. (C
C ƒE N@A) – It broke.

(2) (
J5 h- f /
a* ) – Example: (C
C ƒE N@E1 6L L@
e E ) – I broke it, so it

(3) ( x h- f /
a* ) – Example: (‚C ]E (E N@E1 6L OL@ ]E .E) – I cut it, so it was

(4) (u '2b ) – Example: (\

C E]E N@A) – He went away. (\C E<E ) – to be
divorced, or to be cheerful.

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The Special Meanings of (_

25 d

(1) (O=
>) – Example: (7L _[ >E [ C d
C OC^@ A) – The mouse made a hole.

(2) (
J5 h- f /
a* ) – Example: (E 8C OC@ E1 6L OL[ 8e C ) – I loaded on it so
it became loaded.

The Special Meanings of (_5 d

b) and (_5 d

(1) ( s /
 )* -) Both these categories are always intransitive.

(2) (N
=   ) – They provide the meaning of colours, e.g.
(e 8
C @ GA) – It became very red.

(3) ({
s  f ) – They provide the meaning of defects, e.g.
` 'C @ GA) – He became one-eyed.

The Special Meanings of (_

2; d

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(1) (O=
>) – Example: (!
C X@ÅA  ,
L X@<E '@ OCP@ A) – I made India my

(2) ({
s  | ) – To seek the (•_), e.g. (
‰ L >A «@ OCP@ ZE) – I seek
forgiveness from Allāh.

(3) (s $
 H ) – to abbreviate a phrase, e.g.

C ^C @ OCP@ A) – to say (E '@ L ^A C7 6A @EGA NeGASC 6A WA eNGA).

(4) (N
 Y ) – to think of something as being described by
the (•_), e.g. (6L OLX@
@ OCP@ GA) – I thought him to be good.

The Special Meanings of (_

5 d

(1) ( s /
 )* -) - Example: (C +C '@ ™
C •@ A) – It became very hard.
(2) (h= # 
g* ) – Example: (
C +C '@ ™
C •@ A) – It became very hard.

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The Special Meanings of (_}5 d


(1) ( s /
 )* -)
(2) (h= # 
g* )

(3) ('2b) – An example of all three: (oE 'e E^

@ GA) – He ran very

The Categories of (`5 '()/ x f


(1) (s $
 H ) – Example: (&E !C 8@ C ) - He recited ‘Alhamdulillāh’.
E 8C
@ C) – He recited ‘Bismillāh…’.

(2) (c
g+) – To make someone wear the (•_), e.g. (6L OL@ .E@ C) – I
made him don a burqa’.

(3) (O=
>) – Example: (C ]
E X@.E) – to make a bridge. The (•_) is
(3U C ]
E X@.E - bridge).

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The Special Meanings of (

= -    d

(1) (_
= yi
 ) – Example: (x
C !C N@RC C) – to become an atheist. The
(•_) is (\
ˆ @!A N@pA - atheist).

(2) (
  5 h- f /
a* ) – Example: (l
C C @ !C OC1E 3E C ƒV [ ,
L ^@ C @ C ) – I rolled
the ball so it began rolling.

(3) (~
s yg ) – to wear the (•_), e.g. (#
L XC@pC ,
@ C .E@ *CC) – Zaynab
donned the burqa’.

The Special Meanings of (_

5 d

(1) ('2b) – Example: (

e ZEC +@ A) – He became very alert.
(2) (h= # 
g* ) – Example: (0
A *@àE
@ C )ΠC7A C^ ,
L @ZE7C ) – I saw a girl
becoming very alert like a deer.

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The Special Meanings of (_M5 d


(1) (h= # 
g* ) – Example: (
C N@C @ A) – to gather a lot.

(2) ('2b) – Example: (

V ^L e  °
E >E N@C @ A) – The man became

Vocabulary List No. 34

Word Meaning
[ GA if, not

0M A '@
L C[
L _E[E priest

ˆ PC ZE regret

(S) E CO•@ A (7) to betray

(S) k
E C«OCP@ A (10) to cry out for help

U [ ZE food

C ™
C OCN@A to spread

3U7C ChA business

C e!C C to adopt a religion

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E '@ V4
E ESC k
U 4
E E 33

Š“ '@ PL evil

ˆ @ +L drink

0… .A@ +C easterner

)U C CX$
CA skill, craft

Dˆ CX$
@ ZE  ˆ XC$
C idol

3U!C *CC  !ˆ AC worshipper

C @EC it is necessary for you

3U C ][ 1A nature, natural religion,

C h
e C to make s.o. a Magian

ˆ A ™
@ OC
@ L Orientalist

Dˆ CXC sleep

ˆ '@
L X@C rejected, abrogated

ˆ '@ V'@ C child

L €AC'NC  )U *C€ACN calamity

ˆ CYN@ZE  #
ˆ Y
L NC statue, idol

C 'e ‘C (2) to make s.o. a Jew

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ˆ '@ XL‘L  
… !A X@‘A Indian, Hindu

Exercise No. 36

Translate the following sentences into English.

‡™ C C E˜C‘ C 6A WA r C C C [ .VSC e L C!A @ZE C @ ]` .ESC 6L NC@ *C[ ZE 6L XC@ZE7C e8E1E (1)
. ƈ A E ¡ ˆ EC ` GA E˜C‘ [ GA
@'L E. # L €AC'Xe L A @EC , @ C @ ZESC # L €ACY8C [ L A @EC , @ d C *C$ @ ZE 8e E (2)
@ ZE @ C @'H L C @ ZESC Lz!C @ SC
‰  E '@ %V@«A OC
S@ ZE 6A NACY ‹ XCL S@ ZE 6A NAC'‹ C L zL C' C_E1E 3A C ][ >A [ 0EC !L E'@ L ¦ '@ V'@ C  V (3)
. 6A NAC h‹ 8C L
A '@ XLL [ C A ‡@%AE @SL Y e NCSC A 4 E *A[ 0A1 @SL ™ C OCN@ E '@ MA '@ L C[ Š£ C Ÿ‰ [E (4)
@SL Y e XCC C @A ` C @8A A @ 8L [ œ A @ C 0EC 2 L PC _E[CS DA CX$ @ _E[ 3A !C *CC SC
E n ˆ '@ L X@C ˆ @A )E eNACY @ Xe ` E E '@ 8L E@ C @ ‘L SC j A C'C ™ e  J A C*‹A
. C A @'XLe!C OCC [ ZE @ A A >V N@_E A E '@ MA '@
L C[ 7L !A ([ C
C @A4 E ESC Œ4 E E @S!L 8‹ C SC 3Œ e C C @A4E ESC Œ4 E E 3¦ 4E$ C „ V !C @ C @'d L *‹PC (5)
. DA CX8C [ !C X@A EƒE ‘C SC C @A4 E ESC ‡ C7@ ZE @SL *‹E SC
. ŠA '@ ‹ >E LE SC @SL >„ ƒE LE (6)
M  ‹ àA !‡ C ZE @'(V

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. )A C CXY
‹ CS 3A 7C ChO‹A A C C[CS e 7L VCS Eƒ@A @ ZE V ‘@ ZE &E 'e 8C C (7)
. @'L ^A @ OCP@ E1 )¦ *C@Y
A L @ A @ ƒV CC$ZE S@ ZE !¦ C ZE j C '@ C @ OL@ 8A PC EoGA (8)
. ‡$'@ Y L •L C @8A A @ 8L [CS C @.AA ™
@ OC
@ 8L [ C A ‡@%AE CN!@ ^C SC (9)
. C8‘L !C @ C )A E!C 8@ dC [CS
A @ ™ M CS A [ _E[ E*@.E )A E8C
@ *C[A ¡
C @EC (10)

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Lesson 37

()V Y
C .AeXCS )V e eO &V C1[ _E[E)

1. The ()V e eO &V C1[ _E[E) are verbs that constitute a complete

statement by merely having a (1) if they are intransitive16

(Dp) and if they are transitive (Q!OI), they have a (1)

and a (&'>), e.g. (!

ˆ @pC Š‰ C^ - Zaid came). (‡PC 1E !ˆ @pC
C - Zaid
hit a horse).
Verbs generally fall into this category.

2. The ()Y.N &1Z) are intransitive but are incomplete with a

(1) only. They require some description for the (1) in

order to become a complete statement, e.g. if you say ( 7C C$

!ˆ @pC - Zaid became), it is an incomplete statement. You have

to say what he became. When it is said, (©XAF E !ˆ @pC 7C C$ - Zaid
became wealthy), the sentence becomes complete.

Note 1: The (.N 1) mentioned in the previous lessons,

16 See Lesson 17.1.

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are deficient (.N) as far as the word is concerned, that is,

there is a () 9) at the end of the word (D4 W O). The
()Y.N &1Z) mentioned here are deficient with regard to the

3. The (1) of a (.N 1) is called its (P) and the

adjective is called its (¯•).

4. The (P) of a (.N 1) is in the nominative case ( )

‚1) while the (¯•) is in the accusative case (#YX )),
e.g. (‡Ch+
L !ˆ AC• E E) – Khālid was brave.

5. It can also be said that the ()Y.N

&1Z) enter a ()- )·).
The subject (!O*) remains as normally in (‚1 )) while

the (¯•) changes to (#YX )).

6. The ()Y.N &1Z) are also referred to as ()· ¬P'N - factors

that cause a change) because they cause a change in the
( ) of the sentence.

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7. At this point, remember that the particle (

` GA)17 and its
sisters (j'•Z), namely (,
C @E e ƒA E ` _EE ` ZE) are also ()· ¬P'N).
However, their effect on the words is exactly the opposite of
the ()Y.N&1Z), that is, (` GA) renders (‚17) to the (!O*) and
(#YN) to the (¯•). Observe the undermentioned examples
and understand the difference between each one

When 1N is When N

T is h€ h
prefixed prefixed
ˆ H
A C E ^L e  ` GA ‡H
A C V ^L e  E E ˆ H
A C V ^L e E
A C A @E^L e  ` GA A @C H
A C A E^L e E E E A CH
A C A E^L e E
E S@ L H
A C &E C^‹  ` GA C @A H
A C &V C^‹  E E E S@ L H
A C &V C^‹ E
ˆ CH
A C j
A Ce _V[E ` GA j
¦ CH
A C j
L Ce _V[E ,
ˆ CH
A C j
L Ce _V[E

17 This particle was discussed briefly in Volume 2 Lesson 25. It will be

discussed in detail in Volume 4.

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8. The ()Y.N &1Z) are as follows:

6 _
5B Meaning

E E was, were, is

7C C$ became

†C *C$
@ E happened in the morning, became

C @ ZE happened in the evening, happened

@ ZE happened at mid morning, happened

` ±E happened in the day, happened

C C happened at night, happened

DC C continuously, remained

&E Cp C continuously, remained

C A C C continuously

(_EOC1E C) ¢E OA1E C continuously

e >E N@ C continuously

DC C C as long as

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C @E no, not

Note 2: All the above-mentioned word-forms are of the

perfect tense (0HI). It was therefore more appropriate to
write down the meaning of the past tense instead of the
noun. The word (g
C @E) is also a verb of the past tense but it is
mostly used for the present tense, e.g. (‡ oA E !L E'C [ g
C @E) – The
boy is not a liar.

9. Besides (DC C

C) and (g
C @E), the imperfect (J7K) of all the
remaining verbs is also used. The (Z) and (0NC) of the first
eight verbs are also used.

10. The paradigm of (g

C @E) is as follows:
 @ OL
@ E  C8OL
@ E  ,
@ E  C
@ E  CO
C @E  ,
C @E  @'
L @E  C @E  g
C @E
@ E  ,
@ E  e OL
@ E  C8OL
@ E  ,
@ E

11. All the verbs of (DC C) are used. However only the perfect

tense of (DC C C) is used. The (J7K) is used very seldom.

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12. The paradigms of (

V '@ ƒV C E E) are like those of (&V '@ (V C &E E.)
which you have studied in Volume Two. The paradigms of
(L @ Y
AC 7C C$) and (, L @*AC j
C C ) are like those of (‚L @*AC J C C ); those of

@ L †C *C$ @ ZE) are like (DC C [ ZE). The paradigms of (0@ A 8@ L c C @ E)
and (0 @d AK @ L cd CH@ ZE) are like those of (0@ (A [ L 0E([ZE); those of ( ` ±E
 aA C) are like (M >A C e 1E). (DC C) is like (&V '@ (V C &E E.), (&V CRC &E Cp) is like
L CBC 9 C C•). (m L C *@C m
C A C) and (–L OC>[ C ¢E OA1E) are like (‚C 8A PC ) while
(¡M >E X@C ¡e >E N@A) is like (\e ™ C N@A).

13. Some important points regarding the above-mentioned

()Y.N &1Z) are mentioned hereunder:

a) The verb (
E E) indicates that a noun is described by a
quality in the past tense, e.g. (8
‡ AC !ˆ @pC E E) – Zaid was
learned, that is, Zaid was described with the quality of
knowledge in the past tense.

Note 3: However there is no stipulation of the past tense or

any tense with the word Allāh, e.g. (‡8@ A

£  E E) – Allāh has
tremendous knowledge. In such an instance, the word ( E E)
is used merely to beautify the speech or for emphasis.

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b) The verb (7C C$) indicates change from one condition to

another, e.g. (Œ1RC •

C L @]„  7C C$) – The mud became
pottery, that is, the mud was changed into pottery.
(‡8AC !ˆ @+A 7C 7C C$) – Rashīd became learned, that is, the
quality of ignorance of Rashīd was changed to one of
c) From verb no. 3 to no. 7, sometimes the times the verbs
indicate are taken into consideration, namely morning,
evening, after sunrise, day or night, e.g. (©XAF
E !ˆ A C †C *C$
@ ZE)
Hāmid became wealthy in the morning. ( ! ˆ AC• c C @ E
‡X@RA C ) Khālid became sad in the evening. Sometimes

they impart the meaning of ‘becoming’ like (7C C$), e.g.

E !ˆ @pC †C *C$
@ ZE) – Zaid became wealthy. In the same way,
the verbs ( ` ±E  cd CH@ ZE) and (j
C C ) impart the same
d) The verb (DC C) is most often used on the occasion of a

supplication (Š), e.g. (

@ C yC SM !L C DC C) - May your
enemy always be disgraced.
e) Verbs no. 9 to 12 are used to indicate the continuity of
their predicates, e.g. (©
A oE !ˆ ‘A Cp &E Cp C) – Zāhid always
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remained sharp-witted. The particle () in these four

verbs is ()1N ) – the particle for negation, because

there is a negation of not remaining. Hence the ()1N )

creates negation upon a negation, thereby imparting
the meaning of continually remaining. The verb (&
E Cp)
means to terminate, that is, not to remain. Thus, the
meaning of (&
E Cp C) will be, ‘not to terminate’, that is,
‘to remain’. The same applies to (m C A C C) etc.
f) The particle () in (DC C C) is ()1±) meaning ‘as long as’.
Therefore, there is always a necessity for a sentence
before or after (DC C C), e.g. ( 8‡ €AE. oV COP@ _V[ DC C C 3V E A 4
E Oe DC E.)
– The students stood as long as the teacher stood.

Note 4: This meaning (as long as) can be created by merely

prefixing the particle () before a verb, e.g.

@ _V[ DC E. C 3V E A 4
E Oe DC E.) or (3V E A 4
E Oe DC E. oV COP@ _V[ DC E. C)
As long as the teacher stood, the students stood.

g) The verb (g
C @E) is used for negation, e.g. (‡8AC !L E'C [ g
C @E)
– The boy is not learned.

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Note 5: The particle (

A ) is normally prefixed before the
(¯•) of (g
C @E). The (¯•) will now be in the genitive case
(7ShC). However there is no change in the meaning, e.g.

¦ AC A !L E'C [ g
C @E) – The boy is not learned.

Note 6: The ()Y.N &1Z) will be further discussed in the next


Vocabulary List No. 35

Word Meaning
ˆ A C sour

Dˆ CpA crowd

L C @ ZE N–) Š£ C^@ C crippled

ˆ @RA FE torrential

Dˆ C8FE cloud

7ˆ CY.A  ˆ @Y
A .E short

U CY8@ .V  
ˆ @8A .E shirt, kurtah

ˆ @%AE thick

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ˆ „_EOCL painful

!ˆ (A OeL lit, bright

†L @ ACYC  m
ˆ C*Y
@ A lamp

7ˆ ]E @ ZE  ˆ ]E C rain

ˆ ` C L cultured, disciplined

U @™
A NC pleased, active

ˆ A C‘ peaceful

'… ^C atmosphere

Exercise No. 37

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

Note 7: The right-hand column contains ()- )·). The

same sentences are repeated on the left-hand side with a
(.N 1) showing the (¯•) in (#YX )).

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h5 h h€ h

Œ>@aA NC ,
L @*C[ E E 2
ˆ @aA NC ,
L @*C[E (1)
A .E 
L @8A (E [ 7C C$ ˆ @Y
A .E 
L @8A (E [E (2)
Π!A OC@ L 'M h
C [ †C *C$
@ ZE &U !A OC@ L 'M h
C [E (3)
Œ>@%AE DL C8«C [ 0C @ ZE 2
ˆ @%AE DL C8«C [E (4)
‡!@!A +C DL CR‹  0CdH
@ ZE !ˆ @!A +C DL CR‹ E (5)
‡@RA FE L ]E 8C [ ` ±E ˆ @RA FE L ]E 8C [E (6)
‡!(A OeL m
@ 8A [ j
C C !ˆ (A OeL m
@ 8A [E (7)
‡7A C^ L @ Xe DC C @ C NC ¥ 7¦ C^ L @ Xe A ‘C (8)
‡'@ OL>[ C
L C*[ g
C @E ¥m
ˆ '@ OL>[ C
L C*[ A ‘C (9)
Š£ C^@ C 3V e™ ,
C @E ¥ Š£ C^@ C 3V e™ A ‘C (10)
‡dAC$ !L E'C [ &E CpC †ˆ AC$ !L E'C [E (11)
A @d
C AC$ A !C E'C [ &E CpC A CdAC$ A C!E'C [E (12)
C @d
A AC$ L E S@ _E[ &E CpC E '@ d
L AC$ L E S@ _E[E (13)
)ΠC` C L ,
L X@*A[ ,
A ECpC )U C` C L ,
L X@*A[E (14)
¦ C ` C L j
ˆ C ` C L j
L CX*C[E (15)

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Note 8: Insert the particle (

` GA) on the above-mentioned
sentences and pronounce them with the correct ( ).

A C V @8A [ O‹ ¢E OA1E C ¥ ˆ H
A C V @8A [ O‹ A ‘C (16)
‡ AC^ 0@ AZE DC CC g
L A^@ ZE CNZE ¥ A @ a  0EGA g
ˆ AC^ ,
C N@ZEZE (17)
yC C•ZE E‘C g
C @E ¥ 0@ •A ZE E‘C ZE (18)
¦ A Cd A V eM  g
C @E ¥œ
ˆ A C V eM  A ‘C (19)

Exercise No. 38

With the aid of the above-mentioned words and sentences,

fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

!L E'C [ E E (1)

'M hC [ 7C C$ (2)
A 4E ^L e  E E (3)
&V C^‹  †C *C$ @ ZE (4)
L X@*A[ , A NCE (5)
A CZE@ 8C [ j A 7C C$ (6)

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L CX*C[ , A d C *C$@ ZE (7)
L ]E 8C [ 0C @ ZE (8)
L @A 8C [ j C C (9)
3V E A 4
E Oe V '@ ƒV CPC (10)
L @8A (E [ g C @E (11)
DC C C DL '@ .VZE CNZE (12)
¥Œ.A C$ g
C @E ZE (13)
DL C8«C [ &E CpC (14)
¥j ¦ C ` C L ,
A C @E ZE (15)
‡ AC^ oV COP@ _V[ DC C C (16)

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Exercise No. 39

Examine the grammatical analysis of the following


75) E &*  9a @
 .N 1 ¯•  .N 1 P  0HI  .N 1
'YX J'1 †O> 0 ½*I
) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >
f N  - ?
q+ *  $
 ( ' H
œ* 9
> particle

A .X A > ¯L • 
A .X A > L P indicates
)4  'YX )4  J'1  the
 J7KI meaning of
(C @A ˜) 617 (E S@ £ ˜) 617 ‘sometimes’
J'1 when used
with the

) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >

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Exercise No. 40

Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) The house was spacious.

(2) The servant was agile.
(3) The kurtah became long.
(4) The crowd became large in the evening.
(5) The patient spent the night in comfort.
(6) The girls remained disciplined always.
(7) Our sons always remain pious.
(8) The rain was torrential during the day.
(9) The atmosphere was heavy at night.
(10) The street lamps were not bright.
(11) The girls will be present now.
(12) I will stand as long as you remain sitting.

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Lesson 38
The ()Y.N &1Z)
Continued from the previous lesson

1. You have studied 14 verbs in the previous lesson. These

are the actual ()Y.N &1Z).
There are certain verbs that are ()Q &1Z)18 but sometimes
they render the meaning of (7C C$). In this case, they become

()Y.N &1Z). These verbs are:

(L '@ L C C C - to return, to be), (& V 'e d
C OCC &E 'e d
C C - to turn around, to
become), (! M C@ C !e C7@ A - to turn away, to become) and ( &E CdOCP@ A
V @dA OC @ C - to be impossible, to be made).
Besides these, there are other verbs that can be used as ( &1Z

Two meanings have been written for each verb. With
reference to the first meaning, the verbs are ()Q
&1Z) and
with reference to the second meaning they are ()Y.N &1Z).
()E ƒ
` C @ A V @AB
C [ C C) – Khalīl returned from Makkah.

18 See Lesson 37.1.

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(©^C V @AB
C [ C C) – Khalīl became a pilgrim.
A A «@ 8C [ 0EA x A A ™@ 8C [ C A !ˆ @pC &E 'e d
C C) – Zaid turned from the east
to the west.
(‡X*@ ^
L L *C` &E 'e d
C C) – The milk changed into cheese.
(6A XA@ A @ C !ˆ @pC !e C7@ A) – Zaid turned away from his religion.
(‡@ Y A C 0C8@ _E[ !e C7@ A) – The blind man regained his sight.
(L @ E[ &E CdOCP@ A) – The work became difficult.
(4 •C L 8@ B C [ &E CdOCP@ A) – The wine changed into vinegar.

2. Sometimes the verb (

E E) is ()Q). In such a case, it means
‘to be present’ or ‘to be found’.
Example: (zL L @ F
E @ ƒV C @ ESC

£  E E) – Allāh was present and

there was no one present besides Him. In this example, only
the (1) of (
E E) and (@ ƒV C
@ E) has been mentioned. Without
the predicate, the sentence is complete. Therefore it is ()Q).

3. The verbs (†
C *C$
@ ZE) and (0C @ ZE) can also be ()Q) when they
mean ‘to spend the morning’ or ‘to come in the morning’
and ‘to spend the evening’ or ‘to come in the evening’

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Examples: (A @ B
C [A CX@
C @ ZE S@ ZE CXd
@ *C$
@ ZE) – We spent the morning or
evening well.
V E1'@ ]  L A @EC 0C @ ZE S@ ZE †C *C$
@ ZE) – The storm came upon them in
the morning or evening.

4. On the occasion of a supplication (), the verb (DC C) also

becomes ()Q), e.g. (

@ V !L h
@ C DC C) – May your glory remain for

5. In a supplication for or against anyone, the perfect tense

(0HI) is used most often but the meaning of the present or

future tense is taken into consideration. Instead of ()1N ),

the particle (
E ) is used.
Examples: (¡
C NA'@ C 0@ 1A

£  E E) – May Allāh remain in your

@ OL[pA E ) – Remain safe.
(zL L 8
@ L
&E E<) – May he live long.

C @1A
£  yC 7C C E ) – May Allāh not bless you. This is a
supplication against someone.
Sometimes the (J7K) is also used, e.g. (
@ ƒV E

£  L >A «@ C) - May
Allāh forgive you.

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6. The (¯•) of a (.N 1) can precede its (P), e.g. ( E E
!ˆ @pC ‡8€AE.) – Zaid was standing. This can be expressed as ( E E
!ˆ @pC C €AE([) also. Sometimes the (¯•) precedes the (.N 1)
itself, e.g. (‡@ *A
E S@ ZE E E ‡@«A $
C ) – whether it is small or big.

When the (!O*) is (3ƒN - indefinite) and the (¯•) is ( 7^

7ST) or (9±), the (¯•) generally precedes the (P), e.g.
(Dˆ 4
E FV 0@ A E E) – I had a slave.
(Dˆ 4
E FV @ !A X@A E E) – There was a slave by me. This rule will be
explained in detail in Volume Four.

When a (Dp^ 9) is prefixed to (

V '@ ƒV C) – the (J7K) of
E E), its ('N) is sometimes deleted, that is, (@ ƒV C @ E) becomes

L C @ E), (@ ƒV C @ E) becomes (¡
L C @ E), (@ V ZE @ E) becomes (yL ZE @ E),
(©(A +
C 7‡ e*^C yL ZE @ E) – I was not oppressive and wretched.

But when it has to be joined to the succeeding word, the

('N) will not be deleted, e.g. (‡ oA E !L E'C [ A ƒV C @ E) – The boy

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was not a liar. One cannot say (!

L E'C [ ¡
L C @ E) in this instance.

8. You have learnt in Volume One and Two and you will
learn in more detail in Volume Four that the (¯•) of ( )·
)-) is sometimes (>) and sometimes (#). See 6.7.

A complete sentence, whether ()- )·) or ()1 )·), or a

()8/ 6*+)19, that is (7ST 7^) or (9±) can take the place of

the (¯•). Similarly, all this can appear in the (¯•) of ( 1

.N) or the (¯•) of (` G) and its sisters. Observe the

following examples:

With (1N) With (N

T) h€ h

E |@(V [ VC ([ C ‡!AC• ` GA E |@(V [ VC ([ C !ˆ AC• E E E |@(V [ VC ([ C !ˆ AC•
Khālid was reading
Indeed Khālid Khālid reads
the Qur’ān.
reads the Qur’ān. the Qur’ān.

!ˆ @!A +C zL L @ C Š‰ CO™
‹  ` GA !ˆ @!A +C zL L @ C Š£ CO™
‹  E E !ˆ @!A +C zL L @ C Š£ OC™
‹ E
A @*C[ 0A1 3E e A [ ` GA ,
A @*C[ 0A1 3V e A [ ,
A @*C[ 0A1 3V e A [E

19 a phrase or part of a sentence.

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A C*[ !C X@A q
C 7A Cd[ ` GA
A C*[ !C X@A q
L 7A Cd[ E E
A C*[ !C X@A q
L 7A Cd[E

Ponder over the four lines above. You will realize that a
verb forms part of the (¯•) in the three examples of the first

line. The pronoun ('C ‘

L ) is hidden in the verb. It refers to the
(!O*). This pronoun is the (1). The word (
E |@(V [E) is the
(&'>). The verb together with the (1) and (&'>) form a

()1 )·). This ()1 )·) is the (¯•) of the (!O*) which is
ˆ AC•). The (!O*) and (¯•) constitute a ()- )·).

In the first and third examples, this ()·) will be regarded to

be in (‚1 )) but in the second example, because it is the

(¯•) of (
E E), it will be considered to be in (#YX )).

In the second line, a ()-)·) constitutes the (¯•). It also

contains a pronoun referring to the (!O*).

In the third line, a (7ST 7^) forms the (¯•) while the
fourth line has a (9±). The ( G) of these predicates is

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the same as the one indicated in the first line.

Note 1: Whether it is the (!O*), (¯•), (1) or (&'>), there

will always be a case (  )) for each word, whether it

is (0W} ) or ( !( ). If all the nouns are ( ),

the ( ) can be shown. If the nouns are (½*I) or (#),

the ( ) will be implied according to the position of the

word in the sentence. Such implied ( ) is called ( 

0W}), e.g. in the sentence, (E‘C Š‰ C^), the word (E‘C ) is the
(1) and the (1) is (J'1). But since it is indeclinable

(½*I), no ( ) can be shown on it. Therefore the word

C ) in this sentence will be regarded as (J'1 4  }) or
W È J'1).

In the sentence (E‘

C ,
L @ZE7C ), the word (E‘C ) is the (&'>).

Therefore it is ( 'YX 4
 }) or (W È 'YX).

In the sentence (EC A ,

L [ .V), the word (E‘C ) comes after a ( 9
Q /). Therefore it is (7ST 4
 }) or (W È 7ST).

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

You have learnt in Lesson 10 of Volume One that no ( )

can be read at the end of (7'Y( P) while the ( ) of

(s'(X P) cannot be read in (‚1 )) and (Q / )). The

( ) that is implied at the end of such words is termed

( !().

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Exercise No. 41

Observe the analysis of the following sentences.


X ‚* ;
+ *  $
 ( ' H
The transgressor sometimes becomes pious.
A .X A > ¯• 
A .X A > L P  .X > 9
 'YX   J'1  J'1  J7K (
) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >


&   9, 2* + Z  + <

The patients spent the night in pain.
L P œ@A C ‚·

A .X A > ¯L •  .X >
P   A .X A >
)4  'YX ½*I  0HI
 }  7'Y(
(C @A ˜) 617 †O> 0
) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >

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's (' Q C* *  b ƒ
2>w @
The cold of the winter became severe.
 É% !O*I
!O*I ¯• zL  J'1 A > L P  .X >
J'1  É% 7ST =8H J'1  A .X ½*I  0HI
 9K  ½*I &S !O*I  †O> 0
7ST 4  }  6
)- )· = ¯Ç ‚ É% !O*I
} A .X A > ¯• )8/ 
) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >

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 ‚ + E {
qf I6

We continued looking at the wonders of Allāh’s creation.
‚ .X
J7K 1  6-
}  0HI
6 9KI 6 9KI  J'1 ‚8/
 É%  &S =8K @ A ƒOI
‡K Z '‘
7ST 7ST 61 OO I CN  &E CpC
}  =8H
J'1 '‘ ½*I
 }  61
¯• = )1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ J7KI >
'YX 4  }  .X >
) ¯• )1 )· : ¯ÇS P ‚ .X >

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Vocabulary List No. 36

Word Meaning
C C OC•@ A to invent

0C$S@ ZE to entrust, to advise

yC 7C!C to make amends, to improve

\C 1̀C'C to be aided, to prosper

C CE to persevere, to persist

() C C^ to be generous

() C *CC to cross

(6) 2
C ƒE C to adhere, to be busily
\C (` C to prove, to effect

C !e ‘C to warn, to threaten

V C8[_E[E Germany

E '@
L @A GA Edison (an American
&U C|  U C ZE hope

0eNZE how

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&U E(OAN@A to change position

)U ]E
A @ZE °
U L L  u
U C A carpet, rug

0… «A C prostitute, whore

0@ A Cd[E ž y¦ C narrator, phonograph

3U C ‘@ pC splendour, flower

)U C C8PC generosity, kindness

Š“ C'PC equal

)U >E €AE< group

ˆ €AE< bird

3U7C e<E S 3U C €AE< aeroplane

(7C E< 7!Y) U CC<E to fly

7ˆ e<E pilot

ˆ @<A mud

Dˆ R@ C determination

)U CO@1A U CO@1A  0O‡1E youth, young boy

ˆ COC1E  3U CO1E young girl

&U '@ K
L 1V extra, left over

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C!E by, (¡
C @!C E - by you)
®U E*@C amount, extent

V @d
A 8L [E ocean

0M ]A X@E<[ bA[ °
V @d
A 8L [E Atlantic Ocean

ˆ NA[ L sinner

)U C@ A doubt

U @d
@ L difficult, impossible

†ˆ @A OC
@ L relaxed, calm

ˆ Y
A OCX@L victorious

3U e 'C C love, friendship

ˆ ChNC success

ˆ C'>E ‘C  3U 'C >[ ‘C lapse, error

Exercise No. 42

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. ‡*NA[ L 0C
A @ ZV [ ZE 9
L C•ZE 0@ X‹ƒA E ‡@(A 1E †C *A$
@ ZV [ ZE 9
L C•ZEE (1)
. ‡!‹PC !L *@C [ 0AdK @ L !@ .E (2)
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. )Œ Xe’A8C ][ L 0@ NA'@ V 3V CO1E C (3)

. @ A A CX$@ ZE 0EC 7L `>ƒV [ ` ±E (4)
. ‡d@A OC @ L œ L @A 8C [ j C C (5)
. C @8A ACP @ OL@ L (6)
¥ A @A _E[ C @ , C @ EZE (7)
ŠÊ C'PC @' L @E qL eXE (8)
. A 7@ 'C [ 3A C ‘@ pC 0EA C @A ±A CN CX[pA C (9)
. zL !C @ SC
‰  !L *L@ NC &V CRNC E (10)
. ‡Y A OCX@L \M d C [ m L C *@CE (11)
. ‡S@ RL @ C V <A C*[ ¡ e >E N@ C(12)
. \‹ d C [ 0EC )Œ 8C €AE. )U >E €AE< , @ ’EOA1EC(13)
. ‡1ACN j L '@ ƒV M  DC CC , @ ƒV P@ ZV(14)
. Œ’@A C ,L @ L C !A @!A @ OeA 0@ AC ZVE 0@ ‹NGA(15)
0@ A Cd[ J
A COA•@  0EA \C 1̀C'C 0eOC L ‹ h C L 0M A A @ _E[ E '@ L @A GA m C A CC(16)
. zL !L @A LSC j
C '@ Y
e  › V >E d
@ C @ A ` (9 A CFA '@ NL'@ >V [)
ŠÊ C Š£ C'C [ V @dA OC @ C !@ .E (17)
. ‡7`>V @SL '@ L CE SC C @8A A @ L '@ NL'@ V (18)

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. yC '@ LZE g
@ Ah
@ C @ E C g @ Ah @ C E (19)
. 6A @•A ZE A '@ C 0@ 1A !L *@C [ E EC zA !A *@C A'@ C 0@ 1A
£ E(20)
.j A CX
Cd C [A j A C'>E C [ yA 7L C!OC A 3Πe 'C C V @d A OC @ C 3E SC C!C [ ` GA(21)
. U @A.E ¡
C @!C EC C '@ h
L C 0eOC )Œ C C8PC &A '@ K L >V [ C A Š£ E]C [ g C @E(22)

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. ©«A C yL ZE @ ESC ˆ ™
@ C 8@ C @ ESC Dˆ EFV 0@ A V '@ ƒV C ceNZE , @ EE. (1)
.¡ C ‹7e @ A \M d C [ 6L NeGA 6L X@‹ )¦ C@ A 0@ 1A ¡ L C 4 E 1E (2)
A C @E fC7CYXe , A EE.SC Š¦ 0@ +C cC EC fC7CYXe , A C @E L 'LC[ , A EE.SC (3)
. Š¦ 0@ +C cEC L 'LC[
. cCP'@ L CX@EGA ‚C ^A @ C ceOC C @>A A C 6A @EC m C C *@Ne @ E '@ VE. (4)
. Œ>A C 6A @EC ,
C [ ±E  @ A ` ¡ C A EGA cEGA @ aV N@CS (5)
. ©C ,L @ L C 3A ERe CS 3A EY e A 0@ NAC$S@ ZESC (6)
. @ L E '@ 8L @(A OCP@ E1 @ ƒV E '@ L E(OCP@ C81E (7)
cEC ) 6A A ^@ SC cEC (2 C PL '@ L  C @8A .E 0(E [ZE) zL E([ZE L @™ A *C[ Š‰ C^ [ ZE e8E1E (8)
. ‡@YA C !e C7@ E1 ( C '@ (V @ C 6A ^@ SC
. E '@ d
@ L C @A SC E '@
L 8@ L C @A 6A ` E Cd*@
L 1E (9)

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L 7@ ‰ CS j
e  ,
A C C C CA1 C @!A AC•(10)

Exercise No. 43

Point out the ()Y.N &1Z), their (¯•) and (P) as well as

those of (
` GA) and its sisters in the following extract. Most of
the predicates are presented in the form of a ()·) or ( 6*+

@ A E S@ L B C @ C @S7L C$SC U @d A OC @ L 6L L ChCN A CC]`  e 1E ` ZE E '@ XMaV C q L eX E E

@ E 6L NeZESC  ˆ S@ !L d
@ C 6L L R@ C E C N@bA[ `ZE E S@ C C @ L Ne_EA 6A (A @(A d
@ OCA V 8C @ C M aV C @ C „ V
e ƒA ESC  A €A`]E \@ EB @ L @ E DC CC C@EC \C A•L 0@ OA` 6A OAEC 0EC &E CRC
,A d C *C$ @ ZESC  A CC]`  m L ChNC e C 0eOC @SL CE%1E  3U!C @A C @ L VC| C @A A OCB @ 8L [
C A @SL *L@ C [ ZE q L eX J C E]OCP@ CS  &A E(OAN@bA[ A €ACPSC A C @ ZE @ A j L C7e]` 
A C A x C '@ 1E @ L Ne_EE 9 ¦ '@ •C 4 E A e 7L S@ ZV 0EGA Eƒ@A @ ZE @ A 0e ]A X@E<[ bA[ ° E @dA 8L [E
. E C8@EPL
C A >[ XC A L @]A C 3¦ C €AE< J
A COA•@ A A EC[ Š£ C8ƒE L @'(V *CPC A C8[_E[ Š£ C8ƒE L †C *C$ @ ZESC
CN@ $
A SC 0‹ NAC N@bA[ ®A E*@C # A €AChC @ A CNebA1E‰  , @ EPA 7@ ZV 
V @C # L ‘C [ CSC 7¦ e<E A @«C A

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. ¦ @AC ¦ [ A 
@ oA „ V x
C '@ 1E ` ZE 9

Exercise No. 44

Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) Sometimes a miser becomes generous.

(2) Remain truthful; do not lie.
(3) We were present and they were absent.
(4) The disbelievers became Muslims.
(5) How did you spend the morning?
(6) We spent the morning well.
(7) Are you (women) not Muslims?
(8) Did you spend the night in pain?
(9) No, we spent the night at ease ({X’8]).
(10) The diligent person is always beloved.
(11) We continued searching for him until we found
(12) Do not leave salāh as long as you are alive.
(13) May you remain well (du’ā).

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Lesson 39

The (h b@

G* + _-
5+ B )

1. The verbs (C 

E – about to), (
C C E - about to), (¡
C +C S@ ZE - about
to) and (cC 
C - perhaps, hopefully) are called ()A C7C E(8L [ &V C1[ ZE).

Note 1: The verbs (

C C E ) and (¡
C +C S@ ZE) have not been used in the

2. These verbs are not used on their own. It is essential for a

(J7K 1) to succeed them, e.g. (DL '@ (V C V >[ ]„  C E ) – The child
is about to stand.

From this example you will realize that the () 7(I &1)
enter a ()- )·) like the ()Y.N &1Z). The difference is that
in the case of () 7(I &1), it is necessary to have a ( 1

J7K) as part of the (¯•). This (J7K 1) together with its
(1) which is most often a hidden pronoun, forms a ( )·

)1) and then constitutes the (¯•). The (P) of the ( &1Z
) 7(I) is in (‚1 )) while the (¯•) is in (#YX )).

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3. Sometimes the particle (

[ ZE) is used with the (J7K 1)
and sometimes without it. It is better to use ( [ ZE) after (cC C )
and (¡
C +C S@ ZE), e.g. (DC '@ (V C [ ZE !ˆ @pC 0
C C ) – Zaid is about to stand.

After (C 
E ) and (
C C E ) it is better not to use ([ ZE).

After (cC 
C ) and (¡
C +C S@ ZE), the (P) can precede the ( 1
J7K), e.g. (!ˆ @pC DC '@ (V C [ ZE 0C C ) – Zaid is about to stand. This is
not permissible in the case of (C  E ) etc.

5. The (J7K) of (C 

E ) is (L EƒC) like (9
L CBC 9C•) while that of

C +C S@ ZE) is (¡
L +A '@ L). The (0HI) and (J7KI) of both these verbs
are used.
Only the (0HI) of (cC 
C ) is used. Its paradigm is like (0C 7C ). The
(J7KI) of (
C C E ) is not used.

6. The verbs (
E •C ZE  DC E.  E C ^C  \C >A <E  J
C C +C ) are also used like
the () 7(I &1Z). However the particle ( [ ZE) is not used after
them. All these verbs mean, ‘to begin’, e.g. (0 @™A 8@ C V >[ ]„  E •C ZE) -
The child began walking.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 45

Analyse the following sentences. The first one has been

done for you. Remember that in the third sentence, the (¯•)

of the () 7( 1) precedes the (P).

C C>A ™
@ C [ ZE

£  0C C (1)
(Perhaps Allāh may grant you a cure).
. E @ ]` >E OCC j
e  L EƒC (2)
(The sky is about to burst).
. )A PC 7C !@ 8C [
L C †C OC>[ L [ ZE ¡
C +C S@ ZE (3)
(Very soon the door of the madrasah will be opened).

R   w
 ( N+  „
ƒ Af
'YX 9S J7K 1
9 P
 YO [ _E A 'YX 1
#$N 1
!S 61 OO I ('‘) =8K ) 7(
J7K8 ) 7(
N– "
" )8 ~ ‚^7

Page 236
Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

 6 &'>
)· = 6'>S 61 ‚ J7K 1
'YX 4  }  0C C ¯• = )1
)1 )· = z¯•S 6- ‚ 0C C

Vocabulary List No. 37

Word Meaning
0C _[ C 0C ZE to refuse

C C @ ZE to burn

C EoZE to melt s.t.

E C OC+@ A to catch fire, to flare up

C >E P@ ZE to brighten up

E *C.[ ZE to turn towards, to face

\C >E N@ZE to spend

7C C C to hasten

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

E C C to send, to awaken

C d
e >E C to search

C ]` >E C to burst

(t) C^C to flow, to run

(t) 2
C •C to mend, to repair

(t) 7C E< to fly

() x
C E1 to surpass

(q) 6C (A 1E to understand

(q) 2
C ]A .E to pluck

() DC E to reproach

(9) ‚C .ESC to fall, to occur

(0M NACZE) )U eXA@ ZV wish, desire

ˆ E]@ ZE) #
ˆ ]E C firewood

U @•C horse

E S@ L without, besides

ˆ '@ V 7L mount

)U (E CC L SZ x
ˆ C*PA to compete, horserace

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(U e*+L )
… C+ youth

… A C ordinary

()U ER@ FA ) &U CRFE gazelle, buck, deer

ˆ C 1E ease, comfort

)U C @ 1E S@ Z m
ˆ C 1E joy

ˆ '@ 8L d
@ C Dˆ E(C the place from which Nabī
 will intercede
U '@ ‘C gentle

ˆ C7S@ ZE) x
ˆ 7C SC leaf, page

3U_E<[ SC force, compulsion

Exercise No. 46

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

.mA C >E [ C A L @]A NC CN!@ A (1)

. E 8C C [ A C C_[ C 6A @!C C ` _EA 6L VOL([ C A4
E @ ƒE [ 0M NACZE , @ ƒE +C S@ ZE (2)
. 0@ A >[ NC DL '@ VZE j
L [ •C ZE (3)
&V '@ PL 7C 6A @EC e 8C 1E 7A eXA 6L NC'@ .VA d @ L )E ƒ` C 7L `>V E E 7L e8C C EP@ ZE e8E (4)

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

. 6L E '@ L !@ CSC 6L PC Z[7C †L C 8@ C E C ^C SC C `PC CS 6A @EC

£  0`$ C
. ‹ d C [ 3V _E<[ SC ,@ 8C aV C e8E V A OC™ @ C# L ]E d C [ C C E (5)
. DC C ^@ _E[ # L @A L M d C [ ¡ L +A '@ L (6)
. e ‘A A E S@ ZE &A C'@ ZE  A d M >E OCA )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0A1 E @ K Ld @ C [ ZE C @ C C (8)
. A [ A [ 0A1 C^C S@ pC x L '@ >V C 3V ZE@ 8C [ L EƒC (9)
. 7C C8[_E[CS 7C C‘p@ _E[ 2 L ]A ([ C 0M NACO @ *L[ J C C +C †L *@Y M  C >E P@ ZE EoGA (10)
. A E_E[ 3A !e +A @ A C O@8L C E !@ A (11)
L @A .E l ˆ C 1E zL Š‰ C7SC V '@ ƒV C 6A @1A , L @ C @ ZE  @ A ` M C [ 0C C (12)
!@ ƒE C @ E ¢A @™
e  A C 0@ A >[ NC ,
@ 1EC Y C N@ EoAG (13)
V *A˜[(L A ˜@‘!e  C ˜A•| 6¦ ^@ 'C ˜A 6A @˜EGA

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. E '@ VC >[ C S@ L E CSC C‘'@ d L CE 1E (1)

. ‡'@ 8L d @ e ‡E(C ¡ C M7C ¡ C %EC *@C [ ZE c C C (2)
. )A Xeh
C [ x
A 7C SC @ A C8A @EC A E>Y
AB @ C (ŠQ'S D|) E(>A <E SC (3)
. @ ƒV ` … +C 'C ‘L SC Œ’@+C ['M*d
A L [ ZE cC C SC (4)

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

. 6L X@A E @ ]` >E OCC j

L CSC8 e  L EƒC (5)
. ‡@8A ^C @ A A 0@ XACA_[ C [ ZE 6L W cC C (6)
. '@ VAE(L ` ZE &V CO(A [ L ƒV @EC #C OAV [ GA @ OL@ C C [ ‘C &E E. (7)
@ ` CSC C‘CC !@ ƒE C @ E zL !C C lC C •@ ZE EoGA œ ¦ @ C x C '@ 1E CKL @ C j ˆ C8V±V (8)
. 7¦ '@ NM @ A 6L E C81E ‡7'@ NL 6L E 6L ` A C h

Exercise No. 47

(A) Insert the ( ) in the following passage and translate

it into English.

Ë =  ‚ P  6N &R« zX- aXI ·  Y ~ 

=%ƒ p1S  x*   Ç \* &R  S j7  \* Z 
 6** XF j$ Ë jN 
~G j7 S I_O ;. a1 j'³ Z ¡+SZS K  †*$Z !. 6O Z7 '
! Ž ƒ  \   6 ~G ' ) 7 2Z 6 ,(>NZS 6^4
\* 1 )>H 6^7  3!S ,Wƒ>N S  SZ  8 dd$
' 68OPZ &pZ 1     ^ Ì m  6Xƒ )(  8 4‘Z
.  '.  + D

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

4ƒ N'‘ 6 0™³S !'   Y S m>1 6* =«Y !S S
. t7 0 ‚( S !' 9Í
¡o W _ƒ1  6 &(  > S  N¶ 37+¶S &'( > S
X>P_O1 jS t )HI )X  S    =« X*Ì  '"
.  ÎG 6% N!^S  Y" ¡o ! S =%

(B) Translate the following poetry.

 N¶  !. XNY &R« W GA

  S #ÌS X'. >  '‘
> Q 1 6* =«$ !S
X’8<¶ Ì )1 Y S 0™³

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Lesson 40

The Verbs of Praise and Dispraise

` CS m
A !@ 8C [ &V C1[ E)

1. The verb (
C @ NA - originally C A NC) is used for praise while (g
C ’[ A-
originally g
C ’A C) is used for dispraise. The (1) is most often
(D4 9Q - have the definite article attached to it) or a

noun that is (9K) towards (D4 9Q).

After the (1), another noun appears. It is called ( 'Y(

m!I ) or (D 'Y().
Examples: (! ˆ AC• V ^L e  C @ NA) – Khālid is a good man.
A C A ^L e  DL 4
E FV gC ’[ A) – Āsim is an evil servant of the man.
In these examples, the words ‘Khālid’ and ‘Āsim’ are ( 'Y(

m!I ) and (D 'Y() respectively. When analyzing, these

words are regarded as (Q•– !O*) while the verb together

with its (1) is regarded as (DQ!( ¯•).

2. Sometimes the word (C) takes the place of the (1). This

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

is in the meaning of (¢
U @+C ), e.g. (0C ‘A e8A NA). This was originally
C ‘A C C @ NA)– That is a good thing.

Sometimes an indefinite noun in the accusative ( 3ƒN P

'YX) takes the place of the (1), e.g. (!ˆ AC• 4 Œ ^L 7C C @ NA) –
Khālid is a good man. In this case, a pronoun ('C ‘ L ) is hidden
in the verb ( C @ NA) and this pronoun is the (1). The word
Π^L 7C ) is the (R@8A C) and is therefore ( 'YX). The explanation
of (R@8 A C) will be rendered in Volume 4. The verb, together
with its (1) and (R@8 A C) form a ()1 )·) and also form the
(DQ!( ¯•). The word (! ˆ AC•), which is the (m!I 'Y(), forms
the (Q•– !O*). The (!O*) and (¯•) together constitute a

()- )·).

3. Sometimes the (m!I 'Y() or (D 'Y() are elided,

e.g. (!
L *@C [ C @ NA), that is (
L '@ MZE !L *@C [ C @ NA) – Ayyūb  is a good

£ E] L @Y
A Xe C @ NASC cE'@ 8C [ C @ NA) – Allāh  is a good Master and

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The feminine form of (

C @ NA) is (,
@ 8C @ NA) while that of (g
C ’[ A) is
C ’[ A), e.g. (3V 7C A EF 3V Š‰ @ 8C [ ,
C ’[ A SC )V 8C <A E1 )V XC @bA[ ,
A 8C @ NA) – Fātimah is
a good girl and Ghādirah is an evil woman.

4. The remaining word-forms of these two verbs are not

used. The number of the (1), whether singular, dual or
plural does not have any effect on these verbs.

5. The verb (E*e

C ) is used in the meaning of (C @ NA) while ( E
E*eC ) and (Š‰ CP) are used in the meaning of (g C ’[ A), e.g.
(9L 4 E OA•@ bA[ E*eC E SC x
L E>‹bA[ E*eC ) – Unity is good and
differences are bad.

Note 1: The word (#

e C ) is a verb of the past tense ( >
0HI), while (Eo) is an indicative pronoun (37+ P) and it
is the (1). The succeeding word is the (m!I 'Y().

Note 2: The word (Š‰ CP - to be bad, evil, to spoil) is also used

like normal verbs and its paradigm is similar to (&

V '@ (V C &E E.).

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Words Indicating Surprise

A h
M C Oe CO«C @$

1. The two phrases (6L EC 1[ ZEC) and (6A A [ A 1[ ZE) are used to indicate
surprise and they are called (# A h
M C Oe CO«C @$ A ), e.g.
(6L XC
C @ ZEC) or (6A A @
A @ ZE) - How beautiful it is!
Similarly, in place of the pronouns (6L ˜) and (6A ˜), all the

other pronouns and every type of noun (‘± P) can be

used, whether the noun is masculine or feminine, whether
it is singular, dual or plural. No change occurs in these
word-forms due to the succeeding words, e.g.
(‡!@ +
A 7C C
C @ ZEC) and (!¦ @+A C A @
A @ ZE) – How handsome is Rashīd!
(A @E^L e  &E 'C <[ ZEC) – How tall the two men are!
(ŠA C X‹A @ Y A .[ ZE) – How short the women are!

2. The literal meaning of (‡!@ +

A 7C C
C @ ZEC) is, “What thing has
made Rashīd handsome?” as if, out of surprise, we are
asking ourselves the question. The resultant meaning is
“How handsome is Rashīd!”

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

The literal meaning of (!

¦ @+A C A @
A @ ZE) is, “Regard Rashīd as
handsome.” That is, Rashīd is so handsome that everyone is
being commanded to admit this fact. The particle ( ) is
extra in this expression. It is perhaps inserted to indicate
this meaning.

Note: The grammarians have differed greatly with regard

to the meanings and analyses of the two above-mentioned
phrases. The author felt this opinion (expressed above) to
be easy and correct. The analysis will be provided in
Exercise No. 48.

3. The verb (
E E) is inserted for the past tense while (V '@ ƒV C) is
used for the future tense, e.g.
A C‹  C aE X@C E 8C ^@ ZE E E C) – How beautiful the scenery of the
gardens were!
(A d
@ *C[ C aE X@C #
C C<[ ZE V '@ ƒV C C) – How excellent the scenery of the
sea will be!

4. These word-forms cannot be used for (! R 04) or

(0 7), nor can they be used for (T 04) if the latter has
the meaning of colours and defects.
The meaning of surprise can be created for these categories

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by inserted the word (!

e +C ZE), (@ !A +@ ZE), (C aE @ ZE) or (@ aA @ ZE) before the
verbal noun (7!Y), e.g. (ŠA C8EL [ A q
A eX pC CR@ A !e +C ZE C) – How the
people honour the Úlamā!
(A ([ >E [ 0EA 7A „ *C8L [ )A (E CC 8L A @ aA @ ZE) – How rapidly the extravagant
person moves towards poverty!
()A XC @ bA[
)A XC^@ SC 3E C 8@ L C aE @ ZE C) – How red is the girl’s cheek!
A ‘A Ch[ cC8C !e +C ZE C) – How blind is the ignorant one!

Exercise No. 48

Observe the analysis of the following sentences.

S' Q @ & A
 Y B

½*I  0HI >
=8K  †O> c
 ½*I  #hO P
'YX  &'> Î ‚^7 AO˜O I 'C ‘L
Z!O* 6N J'1 4}
4}  1  "C"
J'1 4}  ¯• = )1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ >

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

)- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

'r  Q @ d
 & A
 Y B
 #hO  1
 'ƒ  c ½*I
 &'> χ   7ST
!€p  Q / 9 AO˜O I ,C N@ZE =8K
1  "C" Î ‚^7
J'1 4} 
)1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ #hO 1

Vocabulary List No. 38

Word Meaning

ˆ eSZE repentant

cE>•@ ZE (1) to conceal

e C @A 7!Y) t
ˆ CKA @A whiteness

7ˆ C•A cucumber

3E C ™
@ C )E C AC7 fourteenth

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

yˆ @ +A polytheism

\ˆ >E +C twilight

7ˆ oA C one who accepts an excuse

&U oA C one who reproaches

)U *C.AC consequence

ˆ @™
A C relative

E OA.V May he be destroyed

Š£ C'Y
@ .V name of camel of Nabi 

('¦ [ L @ A ) cE@ ZE C how sweet

(¢¦ @A 7C @ A ) ZEC 7@ ZE C how bad

(!¦ ‹^C @ A ) C 'C ^@ ZE C how excellent

\ˆ >E C@ L resting place

yˆ A ™
@ L polytheist

ˆ ([ C anger

cE'@ C master

fC'‘C love, passion, desire

C8EE< for a long time

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

(q) C >A ±E to succeed

0‡XL wish

&U '@ C power

fC^@ ZE to launch, to effect

0@ XA@ C cCXC to intend, to mean

)U ^C 7C C position

e ]E $
@ A to form lines

'C d
@ NC towards

(9) 
C +C to stare, to gaze

() \C C 7C to glance

ˆ S@ L ^L S m
ˆ C^A  m
ˆ @ ^L wound

U '@ (V PL to fail, to fall

E C !C N@A to heal

C 'e C to accustom

Re C to be powerful

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 49

(A) Translate the following sentences into English.

. @ L XC C @ ZE C L E S@ _E[ ŠA E –L ‘C C @ NA (1)

. zL ZEC 7@ ZEC 7L CB
A [ E‘C g C ’[ A (2)
. 6L OL*C.AC ,@ C ’[ A SC L [ ƒA [ g C ’[ A SC 6L OL*C.AC , @ 8C @ NA SC x L !@ Y
‹  C @ NA (3)
. C8L NLCY @ A E*eC E SC A @!C AC'[ )V C E<A E*eC (4)
. Cd C *C.[ ZEC cC8[ PC 3V Š‰ @ 8C [ j A Š‰ CP (5)
A , A ([ C cEA \C PA E>[ \C *CP@ ZEC (6)
. yA A ™ @ 8L [ cEC
A , C ([ C C *C[ ZEC (7)
. )E XC @A[ ¡
C [ A †C *C.[ ZECSC 3E Š‰ @ 8C [ zA A C‘ C C @ ZEC (8)
.C*CC $ @ ZECSC )U *C@ $
C # L OLƒV [ ¡ C [ ASC 6L EC P@ ZE CSC U @ PC L COƒA [ E‘C (9)
. C‘C 'C ^@ ZE C Š£ C'Y @ .V )V .EeX , A 8C @ NA (10)
. ŠA 4
E C h
L [ E @A[ C C aE @ ZECSC ŠA C8EL [ C @A ƒ[ C !e +C ZEC (11)
.¡ C XC C @ ZECSC , C N@ZE !L E'C [ C @ NA (12)
.¡ C A@ h C A @ !A +@ ZESC 6A 8A [ A A @ aA @ ZE (13)
. )U EB @ NC 3V C h
C™ e  , A 8C @ NA (14)

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. )E C 7A *C[ \A >E ™
e  3E C 8@ L !e +C ZEC (15)
. 3E C ™
@ C )E C Ae  )A E@` 0A1 A 8C (E [ 7A '@ LN t
C CKA @A C aE @ ZE V '@ ƒV CC (16)
. zL L C'PC !e +C ZE C L 'C P@ ZE 3A CS!e  zA A ‘C 0A1 L C!8A [E (17)
., L @ZE7C C 0@ NAŠ‰ CPSC , L @ 8A PC C 0@ NAe PC (18)
V ‘A Ch[ &V oA C[ E*eC E SC fC'C [ 0A1  @ A +oK E*eC E ZE (19)

(B) Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. zL C >E [ ZE C V C NAb[ E OA.V (1)

. ‚@ 8A P@ ZESC 6A A @ YA @ZE (2)
. Œ(>E C@ L j@ Š‰ CPSC L C™ e  g C ’[ A (3)
. ˆ eSZE 6L NeGA !L *@C [ C @ NA (4)
. =L ™ A C [ g C ’[*AESC cE'@ 8C [ g C ’[*AE (5)
. @ L C >V NEZ 6A A @SC OC+@  C8 C ’[ A (6)
Š‰ C˜E(>V [ C‘'@ L–@ LSC C‘'@ >V B
@ L [ GASC 0C ‘A e8A XA1E j A E.!C Y e  SL!*@L [ GA (7)
. @ ƒV  ˆ @•C 'C L 1E
. S@ L >E E C @A ` zL '@ ^L SL , @ ’E@PA (8)

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Exercise No. 50

Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) How good is this book!

(2) That horse is beautiful and how beautiful it is!
(3) Mahmūd is learned and how learned he is!
(4) Polytheism (shirk) is bad and how bad it is!
(5) This melon is useless and how bad it is!
(6) How excellent is my camel!
(7) Salāh is good and how beloved it is to Allāh!
(8) The cow is a good animal and how beneficial is its
(9) Generosity is good and how good is its result and
miserliness is bad and how bad is its consequence.
(10) Extravagance is bad and how evil is its
(11) How pious and understanding is your son!

Exercise No. 51

Translate the following letter and note the application of the

rules that you have learnt thus far.

`  bB …  Dr   +  &  d


Page 254
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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

!A h
C @ _E[ !A AC'[ 
@ !A ‹PC

A  )V 8C @ 7C SC @ ƒV @EC DL 4E e E

#C OL[ ZE [ ZE , L @Xe8C C C8EE< 0@ N‹ZE ¡ C AC K @ CdA t L A @ ZE DA COA@ bA[ # A ^A CS ŠA C!‘@ GA !C @ C
jL @ >A ±E 0@ N‹GA  V @C SC  , A @*C[ A ‘@ ZE ‚C @8A ^C SC )E C C OCd @ 8L [ 0@ ‹ ZVCS yC M L C )Œ ECP7A ¡C @EGA
. C @A 8C ^@ ZE @ ƒV Ae C 8C A 6A A j L 7@ C  C 
C CX8L A DC '@ C[
‚L @]A OCP@ ZE CNZE E Ÿ[E1 CA C .[ ZESC &A C1[ _E[ )E 1EA @ C 6A A'e .VSC
A  &A '@ d C A ,L 8@ 8e C 0@ N‹ZE Œ Se ZE
3V 'e .V 0@ A j@ C Cp@  !A .E EC ASC 6L 8C @ .ASC 6L OC«C @$ A SC 6L NCCpC ¦ @ 1A „ V @ C 9 C A @ ZE [ ZE
. )A e AC C [ 0A1 A ƒE OeCS A @ >E [

A  A K @ >E A ,
L [ NA 0@ N‹ZE A7S@ L M  )A CC« A ‡@8A ^C @ V L ™ ‹ CZV ‡NAE
.0@ AY @ 1E 0@ 1A &E Se _E[ j
L @ $
A 0@ N‹ZE !L @RA 8C [CS A CdOA@ bA[ 0A1 m
A ChXe 3E C C+C @ ƒV €ACL

6L NeZE ¡C AoE SC  A CdOA@ bA[ )A Ye .A A C C @ C , C ƒV P@ ZE [ ZE 7L !A .[ ZEE 0@ N‹GA DC C OCd

@ 8L [ 0@ AZE C
0@ OA` ‹ C'8C [ 0A1 A 4 ` ]  cEC j ¦ CNCdOA@ GA C @™
A O‹>E 8L [ jL CK C C fC^@ ZE !@ .E
0@ XA@ ZE D¦ eZE )E E4
E E V CdOA@ bA[ e 8C OCP@ CS  )A CH
A C8[ A L +@ _E[ )A E4
E E 3A !e L 0@ 1A C‘'@ (` EC
‚C 8C OC^@ A A Y@ C [ 3A 4
E$C !C @ C e V  A Y @ C [ ÎAG DC '@ C[CS g A @ ZE SC  g A @ ZE E *@.E

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` V C E@ ZESC ¦ Y
@ 1E !C @ C 4
ŒY@ 1E 3E E A 4
E Oe L @!A 8L [ C!C 1E  3V E ACP_E[CS E '@ ™ L O‹>E 8L [
. 6A NACdOA@ GA )A h

0@ 1A &E Se _E[ , L X@V 0@ N‹ZE L @!A 8L [ C E@ ZE 3V E A 4

E Oe 2
e ]E $ @ CS 0@ AY@ E1 )V C'@ NC j @ Š‰ C^ e8ESC
L @!A 8L [ 0@ XA(E C 7C SC 7L CY @_E[ 0e EGA , @ Y CB C +C SC zL '@ ^L 'L [ 
@ 'A d@ NC , @ C ^e 'C OC1E  0@ AY @ 1E
@ A t C C «C [ 9 C C C !@ .E !¦ A OCh @ L ¦ @8A [ OA A D@ A [ ZE" &E E.SC 7A S@ L
M CS CHe  A @C A
,C N@ZE V @8A [ OAÐ C @ NA  A @C [ #
C Y @ NL 6A A*C([ OC
@ L C @ L E C ^C SC )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0A1 zA A '@ ^L SL
".&A C8@ _E[ A @B
C A ¡C (E 1̀CSSC 0e XC LC ¡ C @1A £
 yC 7C C  ¡ C E(E @ ZE CSC

L .V@ C 0@ *A[ .E J
C C +C SC C@1A CSC CN@!M  , L ƒ[ EC 0@ N‹EE ,
L @(A *C1E 
0@ XA CC$ZE 
@ A ` m L @ hL [CS  ‡C 1E 0@ A C C &E 'e dC CSC  7A S@ L M A L @<A ZE jL !@ A SC
.4 ΠA !C X@L 7C C$ 0@ HA C8[ A CdOA@ bA[ 0A1 u A '@ (V

L 7@ C C )¦ 8C @ NA „ V !C X@A ` ^C SC Re C

A  A ƒ[ +L ŠA CZE cEC 0@ XAC@ 'e C ¡ C NeZE C8 A ,A CZEC

C cEC ‡@%AE
‰j L !@ 8A C SC A ƒ[ ™M  0A OCC [ 7C ,L @`$ C SC !A h A @ 8C [ cEA ¡ C AoE !C @ C
. )A XC<A C*[CS 3A C ‘A à 6A 8A C NA @ A 0e EC ®E *CP@ ZE

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cEC l A M >E OeA 3A E ACP_E[ ‚C C ‚L V][ NC !A «C [ !C @ CSC ‡!EF )Œ E][ L )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0A1 ` ZE C8ASC
L Y @ Y C .E C8NeGA  )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ cEGA L '@ L NC e V  A @C '@ C CyCX‘L  V *C[ NCSC )A *C@A (E [ &A C*h
A [
. @ ƒV L'@ V.V e ’A8C ][ CSC ‡@8A ^C @ ƒV <V C *AN@A !C @RA CA C '@ OLƒ[ 8C [ , L ['e <E SC )E Y e (A [ zA A‘C
Œ1'@ >V d
@ C ‡4 E PC 0@ AC'•C ZESC 0@ A'C •@ GASC 3A C!AC'[ 3A !C ‹ e  0EGA  @ !A ‘@ ZVSC – E‘C
. C @A 8C ^@ ZE @ ƒV A!C ‘C C™L x A C'+@ _E A

. DL 4
E e CS  ,
A @*C[ A ‘@ ZE ‚A @8A ^C cEC SC 0e EC ¡
C OA>E <A CSC yC R‹ A ` ±A
£  &E E<ZE
‚L @]A 8L [ ¡
‚17 !8}

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Test No. 16

(1) Define the ()V Y

C .AeXCS )V e eO &V C1[ _E[E). What kind of ( &V C1[ _E[E
)V Y
C .AeX) are there in Lesson 32.
(2) What is another name for the ()V Y
C .AeX &V C1[ _E[E) and why?
(3) What are the sisters of (
` GA)?
(4) What effect do the ()V Y
C .AeX &V C1[ _E[E) have and what effect
do (
` GA) and its sisters have? That is, what changes
occur in the ( ) of ()- )·)?
(5) What is the difference between the effect of (
` GA) and
E E)?
(6) Construct five such sentences in which (
E E) or its
sisters are used.
(7) Construct five such sentences in which (
` GA) or its
sisters are used.
(8) What is the difference between the ()V Y
C .AeX &V C1[ _E[E) and
the ()V C7C E(8
L [ &V C1[ _E[E)?
(9) After which verbs of the ()V C7C E(8
L [ &V C1[ _E[E) does the

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particle (
[ ZE) appear?
(10) Construct ten sentences using the ()V C7C E(8
L [ &V C1[ _E[E),
five of them with (
[ ZE) and five without ([ ZE).
(11) Name the verbs of the (D‹ 
` CS m
A !@ 8C [ &V C1[ _E[E).
(12) Construct ten sentences using the ( m A !@ 8C [ &V C1[ _E[E
D‹ ` CS).
(13) Analyse the following sentences.
. Œ(@!A $ C SM !L C [ 0A 8@ L !@ .E (1)
. )¦ e ZV C @•C @ OLX@V (2)
. @ ‘L 7C C @ ZE E '@ 'C L Š£ C!@ _E[ C E (3)
. )V (E @!‹ $A , L X@*A[ ,A 8C @ NA (4)
. A A e  cEC l L ehd L [ &E RA X@C [ ZE cC C (5)
.{ C 8A ACP @ OL@ L (6)
. E |@(V [ L `C OCNC CX@ A CC (7)
. 6A @OCXC^@ SC E 8C ^@ ZE C (8)
. A E S@ _E[ Š‰ C8P@ ZE # L OLƒ[ C Á L O‹>E 8L [ E •C ZE (9)
. !L *@C [ C @ NA (10)
. 6L X@C
£  0C H A 7C 0ª AC A [ A A @ aA @ ZE (11)

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(14) Insert the ( ) in the following passage.

Note: The meanings of the words not encountered before
have been listed in the footnotes.

 6·Z S 4·  S  {XP gÒ 6QXP ®* Ž ; Q $ )XF 3P 
cQ8"S DR K  †*$_1  9" =« ŠO™ ~  ) j*1
Šh1  #*] 'S {'8« !' W a1  j'³ Z ¡+SZS
6Q  ÔG  Î
 Š+ G q_  &.S 6 ' Z ÎG ,>O Ó  B+S
œ I +ZS ŠS c]Z Ó  !« ÎG Î
 &'Õ Â¯P  ¯
7$S 6X †O1 !. )P ! ;
Q Y cdH_1 #‘oS z! 3!S ) +
S Ë 3P ‘Z ‚· m1S >1  *O ^S 6 ' Z ÎG aX
Ë #*] ‘!‘ 8 ŠS! z']Z Ó 7SP 'Y. S 1 S=]
 dd$ ;Y c Z
 K> 6NZ
 *P  3=% 'Z '.!YS =% !
. cHI

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Lesson 41


1. A pronoun (=8H) is a word that replaces a noun referring

to a name or place. It can either be for the first person, e.g.
(CNZE - I), (
Ld@ NC -we), or the second person, (,
C N@ZE - you), (@ OLN@ZE -
you plural) or the third person, e.g. ('C ‘
L - he), (C8‘L - they 2),
@ ‘L - they plural).

Note 1: The first person („ƒ

E OCL ) is the one who is speaking,
e.g. (CNZE - I). The second person (#<5) is the one who is

being addressed, e.g. (,

C N@ZE - you). The third person (#€F) is
the person or thing that is being spoken about, e.g. ('C ‘
L - he).

Note 2: Whatever is going to be mentioned hereunder has

already been mentioned in several lessons before. Regard it
as a revision.

2. With regard to the form of the word, every (=8H) is of

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two types: (AYOeL ) and (AY>E X@ L ).

(1) The (AY>E X@ L ) pronouns are independent words

pronounced separately, e.g. (CNZE - I), (,

C N@ZE - you), ('C ‘L -
he). Similarly, the pronouns (
C eGA), (yC eGA) and (zL eGA) etc
are also detached pronouns. See 15 and 16.
(2) The (AYOeL ) pronouns are not independent words but
are attached either to a noun, verb or particle and
pronounced, e.g. the () in (0
@ ACOA - my book), the (CN)
in (CX LCO
A - our book), the (j
L ) and (CN) in (,
L *@OCE ) and
(CX*@ OC
E ) and () and (CN) in (0@ A) and (CXE).

3. The (€8H) are indeclinable (½*I). No ( ) appears on

them. However, with regards to (  W }), they fall into

three categories,
• (J'1) – when they occur as the (Z!O*) or (1),

• ( 'YX) - when they occur as the (&'>) or

they occur in (#YX )) due to some reason,

• (7ST) – when they occur after a (Q / 9) or

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they occur as the (6G 9K). The examples

have passed in the above examples.

The (J'1) and ( 'YX) pronouns occur as (AYOeL ) and

(AY>E X@ L ) but the (7ST) pronouns are only (AYOeL ).

4. In this way, there are five categories of pronouns:

1. (YO J'1 =8H) – those pronouns which constitute
the different word-forms of verbs, e.g. ( @'*LOC E C*OCE # C OCE
z•| &). See Lesson 14.4. (E '@ d
L OC>[ C A CdOC>[ C †L OC>[ C). See
Lesson 15.2
2. (Y>X J'1 =8H) – (z•| Î 0C ‘A @ ‘L C8‘L 'C ‘L ). See
Lesson 6.
3. (YO 'YX =8H) – (z•| Î @ L 8C `C C8L 8C `C 6L 8C `C ). See
Lesson 15.6.
4. (Y>X 'YX =8H) – (z•| Î @ ‘L eGA C8‘L eGA zL eGA). See
Lesson 15.6.
5. (YO 7ST =8H) – (@ L LCOA C8L LCOA 6L LCOA – @ L E 8C L E 6L E).
See Lesson 11.4.

Whereever possible, only the attached pronouns ( €8H

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)YQO) should be used. Where it is difficult to use them or

one cannot achieve one’s specific purpose without them,
then one should use the detached pronouns ()Y>X €8H).
For example, the ()Y>X )'1 €8H) are used most often at
the beginning of sentences where a (YO =8H) cannot be

used, e.g. (
U ^L 7C 'C ‘L ), or it is used for emphasis, e.g. (,
C N@ZE ,
C *@‘C oE
- You went).

The ()Y>X ) 'YX €8H) are used most often for emphasis
or specifying, e.g. (y
C eGA ¡
C OL@]E @ ZE - I gave it to you.) (!L *L@ NC yC eGA -
We worship You alone.)

The (7ST =8H) cannot be used in a detached form.

The Visible and Concealed Pronoun

@ 8L [S pL 7A C* =8K)

The ()YQO )'1 €8H) which constitute the different verb

forms, are of two types:
• (p7 ) – visible – which have a visible word-form, e.g.

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the (j
L ) in (,
L *@OCE ) and the (CN) in (CX*@OCE ), the () in (A C*OLƒ[ C)
and the () in (
C @*AOLƒ[ C) are (p7 =8H).

Note 3: The () 'N) appears in seven word-forms of the

imperfect (J7K). It is neither a (=8H) nor part of it because

this nūn is elided in (#YX )) and (DR/ )). See Lesson

@ L - concealed) – they are pronouns which do not
have any visible external forms. Only their meanings
are taken into consideration. For example, the
meaning of (#
C OCE ) is ‘he wrote’. However there is no
word for ‘he’. The verb (#
L OLƒ[ C) means ‘he is writing or
will write’. Here also, there is no word for ‘he’. It is
therefore accepted that ('C ‘
L ) is concealed in it. It is ( 4
J'1) because it is the (1).

5. The pronoun is concealed in two word-forms of the

(0HI), namely (#
C OCE ) and (,
@ *COCE ), and in five word-forms of
the (J7KI), namely, (#
L OLƒ[ C), (#€F N– !S – #
L OLƒ[ C),

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(H  !S – #

L OLƒ[ C), (#
L OL[ ZE) and (#
L OLƒ[ NC).

The pronoun (,
C N@ZE) is concealed in the first word-form of
the (Z) and (0X), namely (#
@ OL[ ZV) and (#
@ OLƒ[ CE ). The
pronouns of all the remaining paradigms are (p7 ) – visible.

Note 4: Remember that the (j

@ ) in (,
@ *COCE ) is merely a sign of
being feminine. It is not a pronoun. The signs of the
remaining word-forms are for gender as well as for the

The (h (
H +  N
-  6*)

6. In certain instances before the first person pronoun (), a

nūn is inserted. This nūn is called ()A CE.'A [ V '@ NL) – the nūn of
protection because it protects the end of the word from any

Before attaching the pronoun () at the end of (0HI),

(J7KI) or (Z), a nūn is first inserted, e.g.

0@ XA@8A „C  0@ XA8@ „C  0@ XANC'@ 8L „C L  0@ XANAC8„C L  0@ XA8L „C L  0@ NA'@ 8L `C  0@ XA8C `C
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This protects each word-form from any change at the end.

The ()A CE.'A [ V '@ NL) is also used with some (9S) like (@ A ) and
@ C ) and with (` GA) and its sisters, e.g. (0@ X‹A = 0@ NA @ A ), (0@ XANeGA),
@ XANe_EE ), (0@ XAOC@E), (0@ XAXeƒA E) and sometimes (0@ X‹ƒA E). However, it is
seldom used with ( ` C E). It is most often used as (0@ „C E). The
word (0 @ XANeGA) is also more often used as (0@ N‹GA).

The Pronoun of State

A _[ ™
e  =8H)

Sometimes a pronoun is mentioned at the beginning of a

sentence but it does not have a preceding source, that is,
there is no word mentioned before it to which it can refer. It
is only a pronoun of the singular masculine or feminine
form. Such a pronoun is called (
A _[ ™
e  L @8A H
C ). If it is feminine,
it is called ()A Y
e (A [ L @8A H
C ). When translating, there is no need to
provide a meaning for it. If one wants to translate it, one
can say, ‘the matter is’, e.g. (!
ˆ C ZE

£ 'C ‘L ) – Allāh is one.

(7A SL!Y
M  0A1 0AO`
L 'V(V [ cC8@ C AƒESC 7L CY @_E[ cC8@ C E CNebA1E)
– Because the matter is that the eyes do not become blind

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but the hearts do.

Note 5: In Arabic, the source (‚

ˆ ^C @ C ) is mentioned first after
which the pronoun referring to it is mentioned. The
pronoun (37+¶ P) is not included in this rule.

The Distinguishing Pronoun

A E1 ˆ @8A H

9. When the predicate (¯•) is definite ()1), and there is a

possibility of the predicate being confused with an adjective
()>$), a (Y>X J'1 =8H) is inserted between the subject
(Z!O*) and (¯•). The word-form of the pronoun will

correspond with the (Z!O*).

Examples: (xL epe  'C ‘L

‰  ` GA) – Undoubtedly only Allāh

provides sustenance.
E '@ d
L A>[ 8L [ L ‘L ¡
C ’AESVZ) – Those are the people who succeed.

If the (=8H) is removed from the middle, it will become a

(0>$' #) – an adjectival clause and the meaning will

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change. Therefore it is called (

A E1
ˆ @8A H
C ) – a pronoun that
distinguishes between the (¯•) and the ()>$).

Similarly, in place of the (¯•), if there is the elative - ( P

K>O), there too, a (=8H) is inserted, e.g.
¦ AC• @ A V K
C 1[ ZE 'C ‘L !ˆ A C E E) – Hāmid was better than Khālid.

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Exercise No. 52

Observe the analysis of the following sentences.

0@ XAL A ƒ[ L ,

 6 *  v+ * o
=8H   ) .' 'N 9S J7K 1 Y>X J'1 =8H
 YO 'YX =8H 61  J'1  #<5  !S 
&'>  ƒO !S (,C N@ZE) OO  Z!O* 
¯• = )1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ >
‚1 }  )8/ z‘
)- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

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C‘'@ 8L ƒV L RA [ NLZE

?  * T- * ) + 6* B
J7K 1
'YX =8H
'YX =8H ‚·  9S
!S  YO
‚·  YO 61  ƒO
 #€F N– D>OP 9
&'>  #<5 OO  =8H
 ¦  &'>
'YX 4}   1  (L d
@ NC)
'YX 4}
J'1 4}
¯• = )>OP )1 )· = &'>IS > ‚ >
‚1 }  )8/ z‘

Exercise No. 53

Change the (J7KI) to (0HI) in the following sentences

and recognize the pronouns.

.2 C @K e  DL A [ ZV CNZE (1)

. 3A C ƒV [A # @ NC (2)
L C [ NC L d

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. 3E C h@d L [ C @>A a„ XCL ,

A N@ZE (3)
. DC '@ Va[ 8C [ A CY
L X@C C8OLN@ZE (4)
. )E PC 7C !@ 8C [ C *@*Ad@ L e ‘L (5)
. cCCOC[ E '@ 8L C @ C @ ‘L (6)

(B) Change the (0HI) to (J7KI) in the following sentences

and write down the (1) and the pronouns.

. ‡ COA ¡ C OL@]E @ ZE (1)

. )Œ C CP 0@ XAOA*@‘C SC (2)
. )Π8C E([ A 0@ XAOCd
@ XCC (3)
. &A RA X@8C [ cEGA CX@ ^C 7C (4)
. 3A C ƒV [A ,
@ *CA E 0C ‘A (5)
. 0@ A‘@ A cEGA E @ 1ECP (6)

(C) What types of (=8H) has the particle (CN) assumed in the
following sentence.
. 6A A eXC ŸE1 @ ƒV ‹C A @'XLA | [ ZE A C8@bA[ A 

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(D) Change the following sentence by using the pronouns

of (N– !S), ( )X%), (N– )X%), ( ‚·) and ( ‚·
C @ K
C @ ZE [ ‘C

Vocabulary List No. 39

Word Meaning
‚C 8C OCP@ A to listen attentively

ˆ4E @ GA poverty

0CS@ ZE to reveal, to inspire in the

C !e h
C C to be new

ˆ CL sand

)U C™
@ •C fear

!ˆ +@ 7L proper, integrity

(q) #
C ‘A 7C to fear

U ]E +C excessive, exceeding the
(t) 9
C C $
C to turn, to move away

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(q) E ™
A 1E to lose courage, to become
ˆ >E NC group

Exercise No. 54

What type of pronouns have been used in the following


. @ OL[ ™
A >E ` ‡=%AE @ L E C7ZE '@ ESC 4
Œ A.E ¡
C A CXC 0A1 6L W L L ƒE A L o[ GA (1)
. zL 'L8V CX@(E P@ _E1E ŠC ŠC8
e  C A CX[RC NE_1E (2)
. cE@ _E[ , C NEZ ¡C NeGA 2 @ B C C E CX[ .V (3)
.{ C 8A EC[ ‹ 7e ‹ &U 'LP7C 0‹XƒA ESC )U E4 EH C 0A g C @E DA '@ .E C &E E. (4)
.‡C C t A 7@ ‰  0A1 Á A 8@ C E SC (5)
. 6L >E EB
@ L @ ` ‡!A '@ C ¡ C E ` GASC (6)
‡N|@.V CX@ 8A PC eNGA 'VE(1E ‹ h
A [ C ‹ ˆ >E NC ‚C 8C OCP@  6L NeZE 0e EGA 0C A SVZ [ .V (7)
. 6A A eXC ŸE1 !A +@ M  cEGA A!@ C . ‡*h C C
.Œ]]E +C 6A ` cEC CXL A>PC &V 'V(C E E 6L NeZESC (8)
. ‹ h
A [ C ‹ &¦ C^A A E SVo'LC g A NAb[ C ‹ &U C^7A E E 6L NeZESC (9)
. C XeC ^C 6L E ` bA1E ‡A h
@ L 6L e7C j
A _[ C C 6L NeGA (10)

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.x ¦4 E @ G @ ‹ VC E S@ ZE ['VOL([ C E SC (11)

. A 'L*‘C 7@ E1 C ebE1 (12)
. ‡ CL , L XV 0AXOC@E C L 1AEƒ[ &V 'V(CSC (13)
0@ XAV8C ™
@ C¡ C X@A 2 ˆ ][ V &E CpC ‹ 7C C (14)
6L 8L E@ C ,
C N@ZE C 0@ A C !e hC C !@ .ESC
‡C E 0@ XAC@ 'e C C8E 0@ X‹C 6L 1[ A $ @ 1E
6L 8L C @ C !A *@C [ EC A yC C'PA @ 8C 1E

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Lesson 42

Relative Pronouns
L E '@ $
L '@ 8C [E)

1. The (&'$'I P) is such a noun after which a sentence

specifies the intended aim. Therefore it is counted among
the definite nouns ()1 Š-Z). The sentence that specifies

the meaning is referred to as the ()U E$

A ).

The ()'$' Š-Z) are as follows:

‡63 TD
0@ OA`E 
@ A `E !S
A @OC`E  A CO`E A @E `E  A E`E )X%
0@ €A4
` E  0@ AC'`E  0@ A4
`  C @A `E ‚·

Note 1: All the ()'$' Š-Z) are (½*I). Changes only occur in
the dual forms according to the normal rule.
Note 2: One lām (&) is written in the (N–S  !S) and
( ‚·) forms. Two lāms are written in the remaining

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forms. However, (0
@ €A4
` E) can be written as (0@ ’A`E) as well.

2. Besides the above-mentioned words, the following four

words are also used to express the meaning of the ( Š-Z
@ C ) – who – this word is specifically used for intelligent
beings, whether male or female.
(C) – whatever - this word is specifically used for
unintelligent beings, whether male or female.
… ZE) – who or what – for intelligent and unintelligent
beings, masculine.
()U eZE) – who or what – for intelligent and unintelligent beings,

Note 3: These four words are also from among the ( Š-Z
D>OP). See Lesson 12.

Note 4: The meaning of the ()'$' Š-Z) should be

according to the context, e.g. who, which, whose, etc.
Examples: (\
C E•C 
@ A `E ¡
C M7C ) – Your Lord is the one who
created you.

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@C @ C #
M A ZV) – I love the one who strives.

3. The words (
@ C ), (C), (
… ZE) and ()U eZE) always occur as the
(Z!O*), (1) or (&'>) in the sentence. The word (
@ A `E) and
its derivatives most often constitute an adjective although
they also form the (Z!O*), (1) or (&'>), e.g.

C E1 cCKC C - Whatever has passed has been lost.) – The
word (C) in this example is the (Z!O*).

C C OC^@ A @ C pC E1 – The one who strove succeeded.) - In this
example the word ( @ C ) is the (1).
(Œ(€AC+  E E @ C , L 8@ `C – I taught the one who was enthusiastic.)
- The word ( @ C ) in this example is the (&'>).
L A OCh@ C @ ƒV MZE RM A C – The one who strives from amongst you is
honoured.) - In this example the word ( … ZE) is the (1).
L A OCh@ C E @ ƒV MZE V CL – The one who does not strive from
amongst you will be disgraced.) - The word ( … ZE) in this
example is the (61  Ž  &'>).

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

4. Due to the vagueness in the (&'$'I P), a phrase has to

be mentioned after it to remove the vagueness. This phrase
is called the ()U E$
A ). The (&'$') together with the ()U E$
A ) form
part of a sentence. Without the ()U E$
A ), the (&'$') can
neither be the (Z!O*), the (1), the (¯•) nor the (&'>). The

()U E$
A ) should contain a (=8H) that corresponds to the
(&'$'). This (=8H) is called the (!
ˆ €AC - the one who

Examples: ( A @OC`SC yC C8`C A @E `CS ¡ C O@8C `C 0@ OA`CS ¡C 8C `C  @ A ` DA A [ ZE
C › [ >E @ CS ¡
C O@8C `C S@ ZE ¡ C 8C `C @ C SC ¡
C XC8@ `C 0@ A4` CS yC '@ 8L `C C @A `CS yC CO8C `C
6L OC8@ `C C).

Note 5: The (!
ˆ €AC) in the first, seventh and eighth examples
is concealed (OO ) while in the remaining examples, it is

visible (p7 ).

Note 6: The (!
ˆ €AC) can be deleted after (@ C ) and (C), if it is a
(&'>), e.g. (6L OL@ ZE7C C E‘C ) – He is the one I saw. This can be

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expressed as (,
L @ZE7C C E‘C ) also.

Note 7: If you want to mention the (0>XI 0HI) after (@ C )

and (C), use (
@ E A
0>XI). See Lesson 20.2.
Examples: (

‰  A ƒV ™
@ C @ E q
C eX A ƒV ™
@ C @ E @ C ) – Whoever did not
thank the people, did not thank Allāh.
@ ƒV C @ E _[ ™

£  Š‰ C+C) – Whatever Allāh wanted

occurred and what He did not want did not occur.

5. The (9'$') of the (&'$'I P) must always be definite

because the (&'$'I P) is ()1), e.g.

()E CCOƒ
A [ C `C C 
@ A ` !C E'C [ ,
L @(A E) – I met the boy who learnt to
When the (9'$') is indefinite, the (&'$'I P) is elided,
e.g. ()E CCOƒ
A [
C `C C ‡!ESC ,
L @(A E) – I met a boy who learnt to write.
In this example, after the word (‡!ESC ), the (&'$'I P) which

is (
@ A `E) was elided.

Similarly, in the following example, after the word ()U XC@ !

A C ),

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

the (&'$'I P) which is (0@ OA`E) was elided.

(3U C @ %A
E #
L €AChC C@1A )U XC@!A C 3V C ‘A E([E) – Cairo is a city having many

The analysis of such sentences is mentioned in Exercise No.


6. The definite article (&

[ E) is most often used in the meaning
of the (&'$'I P).
(‡!@pC C C H C  @ A `E) cCX@ 8C A (‡!@pC L 7A eKE)
(6L L 4
E FV C A H L  @ A `E) cCX@ 8C A ( 6L L 4 E FV L S@ L K @ 8C [E)
(,@ CC HC 0@ OA`E) cCX@ 8C A ()V C7A eKE)
(C8A @EGA C @+A ZV A E`E) cCX@ 8C A (C8A @EGA 7L C™8L [E)
(@ A @EGA C @+A ZV C @A `E) cCX@ 8C A (@ A @EGA 7L C™8L [E)

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Exercise No. 55

Observe the analysis of the following sentences.

* J'G 2( L* 1 2( I

 D 1
9S J7K 1
9S J7K 1 OO  =8H 61 
!S  &'$'I P
'‘S 61 =8K  ÎG ‚^7 ('C ‘L )
J'1 4} '‘  1  &'$'I
= > ‚ >
= > ‚ >
 ¯• = )1 )·
)$ = )1 )·
J'1 4}
J'1 4}  Z!O* = )Y ‚ &'$'I
)- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

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5 …^

61  0HI >  0HI >
('C ‘L ) OO  =8H OO  =8H 61
&'$'I P
&'$'I ÎG ‚^7 ÎG ‚^7 ('C ‘L )
1  1  &'$'I
> ‚ >
= > ‚ >
= )1 )· =
¯• = )1 )·
Z!O* = )Y ‚ &'$'I
)- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

h T
 + L 1  S' / o
*  G 
 0HI >
61  #€F  &'>
&'>  7!Y  0HI >
OO  =8H  9'$'
'YX  61 =8K
Î ‚^7 ('C ‘L ) 'YX
)· = &'>IS > ‚ >
!S )>$ = )1
)1 )· = 6O>$ ‚ &'>IS > ‚ >

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

s  - J3 * +
 &'$'I P (
@ A `E) cCX@ 8C A (&[ E)
=8H 61  )$ V e –C L cCX@ 8C A V e –C L
 &'$'I ÎG ‚^7 ('C ‘L ) OO 
J'1  ¯• Z!O* = )Y ‚ &'$'I
)- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

Analyze the following sentences:

.x C C PC  @ A ` E‘C (1)

A O@8C `C @ C 0@ A A OC@ A (2)
. zL !L C ‚L ]E ([ L x
L 7A e E (3)

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Vocabulary List No. 40

Word Meaning
C (E @ZE to do properly

C (E d
@ OCP@ A  C (E OC@ A to despise

C CO@ A to need

C C7@ A to doubt

C ƒE P@ ZE to intoxicate

fC'OCP@ A to be equal, to control

C OCN@A to be related, connected

C *COC[A to be doubtful

C OCN@A to assist, to overpower

\C >E N@ZE to spend

(t) cCX C to build

(t) cC« C to want, to search

cCXOC^@ A  (t) cCX^C to pluck fruit or flowers

() !C Y
C C to harvest

(t) E 8C C to carry, to prompt

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ce 7C to nurture

(y) #
C L 7C to be broad

C epC to beautify

(t) x
C CH to be narrow

E C C to deal with

() 4
E C to be high, to climb (prices)

() 4
E FE to be expensive

(q) C XAFE to capture, to gain

C XCOCF[ A to gain booty

(t) 2
C ]E .E to pluck fruit or flowers

U @E (t) &E E to measure

(q) !C >A NC to be finished

ˆ C ZV  )U e ZV nation, group

U CNGA  cE%N@ZV female

)U EC C courage

ˆ C ^@ ZE  !ˆ
C ^C body

7ˆ '@ V oV  ˆ E oE male

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ˆ E.7A  )U C .[ 7L note, patch

ˆ eX$
L  ‚ˆ NAC$ artisan

Š£ E>C H
L 2
ˆ @A H
C weak, poor, despised

)U *CEE]L – )U *CA<E to seek rights, to demand

period of waiting after
3U !e A which a woman can
!ˆ h
@ C glory, honour

ˆ @d
A C menstruation

yL 7A CC  )U E C @ C battle, battlefield

ˆ S@ L @ C virtue, famous

ˆ ƒE X@L evil, strange

!ˆ +A C7 rightly-guided

Exercise No. 56

Note 6: In future, the ( ) will not be written in the easy

places. You should be able to read the words correctly
according to their position in the sentence.

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

What is the (&'$'I P), ()$) and (!€) in the following


. @ ƒV E &V EƒL 6A A E '@ V@ƒA C  A @ƒE [A ` GA (1)

` ZE A C8E@ CE C @8A A
@ 8L [ 9 C E.S@ ZE A C`'C OCC A  {^Q ` GA (2)
. \>X  0S \>XL 2 C8A @!A @ZE 0@ 1A 0@ OAW &E C'@ _E[
 8C L C@ C ±[ ZE {
A O )A  *S )A h™  ¡ C X 6L OC@ZE7C C ` GA (3)
. ¡8@ƒ c 0@ XAE8C C 3A C @•A ‰  )A I
e ‹RC L E SC )E CNAE>[ e ‘L C C ^@ ZE e ‹RC L 0@ OAW AŠC X‹ C A # L h C @ ZE (4)
. )E C.AC*[ e L PC '@ >V NL
 0H7) \L !Y ƒ ' Z '‘ A e*™ M   PZ  &V SQ ZE (5)
. C !+ Š>Ç &SZ '‘S
c &‹RNL  |( 8 W Z oOP zo  )$4• (6)
. A 7! m4> X>ƒ PS 6
 c$ !¦ 8}
. )!X !Y e ™ e  J7p  (7)
. L 8@ B
C [ zL C ƒE P@ ZE @ 8C E , L X@V
. RM A CE L oƒS & A CE x L A eYE
ˆ '@ OLƒ[ C )U C .[ 7L 0@ XA@C 7C SC (10)
L. !. 6L @*AXe V 8O CMZE : 0@ A_[ C C C@1A

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!O^ @ 8e A ƒ1  A 4 ƒ  !C OhVI RL ‹8C L  V dO¶

. DL 4 S A dO¶ DC ' p1S
6A OAe ZV 7C !@ .E ‚L 1E@ C C8@1A zL !C @ ^L &V V *  '‘ 6L XC<E SC # M dA L  ` GA (11)
'!Í Å8Z 'X(O   J L eXY
M E1  AG # L A OCX@C Ö
E _[ +C C @ 1E@ C )K>[ c e ‘L Š‰ CX @ZE C @‹ C L ×4 Š XS  X<S
!C h @ C E '@ XL*@C PS7  E S@ !Q h A C   4OS  Q X<S
. @ A OAe ZV
C@1A , C N@ZE 0@ OA` )V C e  ¡ C ESC # ˆ @ FE V e –C 8L [CS j
C E1 cCKC C (12)
0@ 1AC'[ Š‰ CX%̀CS 0@ AC'E @ XCF[ E1 6L ^L COd
@ CC l @ A `E CNZE (13)

Exercise No. 57

Translate the following verses of the Qur’ān.

. E 'VC >[ C E C E 'V'V(C C A 'LXC |‰ C A ` CMZE C (1)

. E 'L8E@ C E C A `CS E 'L8E@ C C A ` A'OC @ C [ ‘C (2)
)V EEE e L L!e A 1E @ OL*@C7@  A GA @ ƒV €AC N‹ A œ A Ad8C [ C A C @ ’AC 0A€`CS (3)
. ¦ L +@ ZE
. cC8@ ZE 3A C •A  0A1 'C L 1E cC8@ ZE zA A ˜C‘ 0A1 E E CSC (4)

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. 'LOCNE1 6L X@C @ V CNC CSC zL SVB L 1E &V 'LPe  L V C| CSC (5)
.x¦ C 6A W !C XA CSC !L >E XC @ V !C XA C (6)
)Œ *C‹<E 3Œ CC 6L XeCAd
@ XLE1E ˆ A –@ L 'C ‘L SC cE%NVZ S@ ZE ¦ E oE ‹ ‡dAC$ E 8A C @ C (7)
. E 'V8C @ C ['NLE C A C @ _E A L‘C ^@ ZE @ L XeCRA h@ XCESC
A C E '@ C X@CSC 9 A SL@ 8C [A E SLL _[ C q A eXA , @ ^C A •@ ZV )¦ e ZV C @•C @ OLXV (8)
. A ƒE XL8[

Exercise No. 58

Translate the following sentences into English.

¥ A C*[ !C X@A ˆ €AE.  @ A ` yC Eo @ C SC L @‘A C @GA C yC !A C 0@ 1A  @ A ` E‘C C (1)
. 6L 1VA @ C @ C yC Eo SC 6L 8L E@ C C E‘C 2 L PL '@ L 0@ •A ZE C
. &V '@ (V C C , L 8@ A 1E C . # ˆ @h A C ¡ C LC'^C
A CS (2)
'C ‘L A C*[A L €AE([ ¡
C AoE SC gA @ _E[A 0@ XAOC@]E @ ZE  @ A` L COƒA [ 'C ‘L  @ !A C 0@ 1A C E‘C
¥ 6L 1VA @ C ,
C @ EZE  g A @ _E[ E *@.E CX@EGA , C [ PC 7@ ZE 
@ A ` DL A CB[
L *C[ C E C g C *AE C 6L Ne_EA DC '@ C[ 0e EC g C *COC[A 6L XeƒA E 6L 1VA @ ZE 0@ •A ZE C cEC (3)
. CN!C X@A
6A @EC

£  0`$ C
A  &V '@ PL 7C CNC C ZE EƒE ‘C CS g L *C[ NC C E %[A ‡PC*A zL CX@]E @ ZE @ C NC

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. C `PC SC
E *@.E yC !C X@A C8L OL@ZE7C A E` A 4 E ^L e  ¡ C NAEo C @ZESC L @‘A C @GA C , C X@ C @ ZE (4)
. 7A C8[_E[ 2 A ][ (E A 0@ OA(E @!A C cEGA C8L OC@ZE7C A @E ` A @E^L e  ¡ C XA@oE , L [ PC 7@ ZE
0@ 1A 7C Ch+@ _E[ E '@ (V @ C @'NLE C @A ` &V C^‹  ¡ C ’AESV # C ‘C oE C @ZESC (5)
¥@ ƒV OA(E @!A C
J¦ '@ *LP@ _VA C@EGA @ L OL[ PC 7@ _E1E 6A OA(E @!A C m A4 E$ @ bAA &E C^‹  ¡ C ’AESV 0@ X‹A # C E<E yC '@ LZE
. !¦ A CS
0A1 C [ 8C @ C e V 0@ OAW 3V 'C @ X‹ ¡ C ’AESV ‚L XCY @ C EoCSC . ¡ C AK @ 1E @ A E‘C (6)
¥ A 8C @ 8C [
2L PL '@ L C &V _E @ C C ASC C ][ (V [ C @XAOCh @ CA A ][ (V [ J
A 7A CRC cEGA 3E 'C @ X‹ ¡ C [ A , L [PC 7@ ZE
. @ A @1A )U ^C C ¡ C E [ ‘C . 3A 'C @ X‹ SC &A C^‹  ŠA E –L ‘C @ C
gC @E !L L >[ C L EƒC C`V 7C '@ L _V[ ` bA1E &A e8L [ 0A1 3U !C @!A +C )U ^C C 0@ A @ C NC (7)
!L A C L ˆ @^A ZE g C @E SC A 8C @ 8C [ 0A1 V 8C @ C S@ ZE J C 7@ Re  !L Y Ld @ C @ C  @ !A X@A !ˆ C ZE
. 0@ OA@ C ŠA CX A 0@ 1A C @€AeX*C[CS C @7A ehXe
C" EoC81E ŠA C^C _V[CS &A e8L [ C A ˆ @*AE ˆ!C C @ V !C X@A E ESC 0@ •A ZE C ¡ C AoE 2 C @E
¥ @ A A C C$ZE "fCL

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@' LC H@ _E1E  @ L OC*CA<E CX[ *A.E 8C 1E  3Œ !C €ACp 3Œ C ^@ ZV E '@ *LV][ C @'NLE @ L‘ 0@ •A ZE C (8)
. A 8C C [ A C
fCC E ZE AAC*EE]L E *C([ C [ ZE ¡ C E 0@ «A *CX@C E E 
£¡ C d C E$ @ ZE 2 L PL '@ L 0@ •A ZE C
.x L C'P@ _E[ , A EC SC Š£ 4 E «A [ # C EFE 2 C @E
‚A NACY8C [ 0A1 E '@ V8C @ C C @A ` C @A C C8[ ŠA E –L ‘C ` ZE , L 8@ A 1E DC '@ C[
A CS (9)
ŠA CXC [ &A '@ Y
L L SC ŠA E(A7@ bA[ 0A1 ˆ @aA C U •C !@ C @ L E CXC'@ L L E '@ XL*@CSC J A 7A CR8C [CS
. ŠA C!@ _E[ cEC 7A CYOAN@bA[CS
@ .ECKE @ ‘L L (A OCd @ NCSC Š‰ E>C H L @ L *L Ad @ NC C @A ` ŠA E –L ‘C E '@ E  0@ •A ZEC , C .[ !C $ C
L aE @ _E[ †L AY@ 8L [ &E E. EC ASC , @ *CL 7C C8 A t L 7@ _E[ CX@EC , @ .ECH SC 3V Cd C [ CX@EC
E S@ L Y C X@L C8NebA1E @ ƒV €AE>C HL 0@ 1A 0@ NA'@ «L @A C `PC SC 6A @EC
£  c`$ C DL C [ _E[ &V '@ PL C 
SC ŠA E>C K M A )E >E @A ™ e  6L C >[ NC \C d C [E 2 C @E @ aV N@ZV  @ ƒV €AE>C K L A E '@ .VpC @ LSC
. @ ‘L C („ d
C NLE SC @ L C ‹ ƒE NL 0@ E C @AA C[ A @A C 8C [
C ƒE @ ZE C  (C C @8A EC[ A )Œ 8C @ 7C E E  @ A ` 0‹ ‹ _V[ 0‹ *AXe EC A @ aA @ ZE (10)
CXOC@E C  !¦ A CS 2 ª $ C 0@ 1A Š‰ E>C K M CS Š‰ CC _V[ DC E.ZE 2 C @E  x C !C $@ ZE CSC 6L C 4 E E
. C @*AAEF CX[pA C zL CX@ *Ce 'A E
)E EC CL @ L VA CNLSC XC A >V N@_EA #M d A NL C @ A A ‚C XCY @ NC [ ZE CXE 0@ «A *CX@C1E
A CS , C .[ !C $ C
. A CH @ bA[ L C !M C X@CSC 7L '@ L _V[ †L VY
@ CCS )V ™ C @A 8C [ _VXC@ C ŒoGA A C'•@ bA[

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 59

Translate the following sentences into Arabic.

(1) The Qur’ān is the book which was revealed to

Muhammad .
(2) Are you looking at the two men who are coming
towards us?
(3) Whoever said, “There is no god but Allāh”, has
entered heaven.
(4) Those two girls who are going to the madrasah
are my sisters.
(5) Those women who are going to the madrasah are
(6) Show me what is in your hand.
(7) This is the thing which I like.
(8) He became like the person who is intoxicated by
(9) When we saw your knowledge, we had to admit
your greatness.
(10) Very soon you will receive a letter which will have
the following written in it:
“Son, you know that the one who strove, is successful. I
hope you have prepared for the final examination. Your
father who nurtured you and similarly your teachers
who taught you are awaiting your success.”

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Test No. 17

(1) How many types of pronouns are there?

(2) What is (p7 =8H) and (OO  =8H)?
(3) In which word-forms of (0HI) and (J7KI) does

the (OO  =8H) appear?

(4) How many types of (OO  =8H) are there with

regard to the state of the ( G)? What are they?

(5) Which words constitute the ()'$' Š-Z)?

(6) Which words from the ()'$' Š-Z) are ( )?

(7) Which words from the ()'$' Š-Z) are also ( Š-Z

(8) What is ()$) and (!€)?
(9) In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with
suitable ()'$' Š-):
U e•C C]V @B A CSC C C%„ V Y
‹ >E L A ^L e A &V E(L (1)
. )U H
C ‹ 8C L CE &V E(L œC @A 8C [ DL !A B
@ C 3V Š‰ @ 8C [E (2)
. C C%„ E '@ ]V @B
AC L ‘L E '@ <V eB C [E (3)
. E @ Xe E '@ L XCY
@ C L ‘L )V >E A CP_E[CS (4)

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. DA ™e  A 4 E A @ A C8‘L A @OC*C[ ƒE [ A @CC‘ , L @C OC+@ A (5)

.2C PL '@ L C'•C ZE C8‘L yC ‰ŠC^ A 4
E ^L e  (6)
.jˆ C8„C L e L E &V E(L j
A e*AY
e CS E C*@Y
‹  C 8@ „C L Š£ C X‹E (7)
(10) Write an appropriate sentence for the ()$) of the

(&'$' P) in the following sentences.

W Oƒ j L Z. (1)

W !' Š^ (2)
A W  Oƒ ‘ (3)
 W {C Oƒ • (4)
 ` S  ` 'O ‘ (5)
0AO` )  z‘ (6)
{OW {O>O , L Z (7)
¥ 0A4 W  j8I , Z7Z (8)
@ C D@ A OC@ A (9)
C [ V (10)

(11) By changing the words in the following sentence,

construct ten new sentences:

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

C 8C `C 
@ A ` 'C ‘L

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Lesson 43

The Declension of Nouns

(P )

1. You have learnt in Lesson 10 that a noun is (J'1) or in

(‚1 )) when it occurs as the (1), (!O*), (¯•)20 or ( #€N

>)21. When it is a (&'>), or it indicates the condition
(&) of the (1) or (&'>)22, or it is the (P) of ( ` GA) or the
(¯•) of ( E E)23, it is ( 'YX) or in (#YX )). When a noun
comes after a (^ 9) or it is (6 9K)24, it is (7ST) or in

(Q / )).

2. There are other instances where a noun is ( 'YX). These

will be mentioned in detail in Volume Four. But since there
is a need to know them in the next few lessons, they will be
mentioned briefly as an introduction here.

20 See Lesson 10.2.

21 See Lesson 14.6.
22 See Lesson 10.2.

23 See Lesson 37.

24 See Lesson 10.2.

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The Object
(6 &'>I)

The (6 &'>I) is a noun that indicates the object on which

the action was effected, e.g. (‡'@ Va
[ C ˆ '@ 8L d
@ C C Y
C NC) – Mahmūd
helped an oppressed person.

Here the effect of Mahmūd’s help has occurred on the

oppressed victim. Therefore the word (‡'@ Va
[ C ) is the ( &'>
6 ).

Note 1: In the previous lessons, you have read much about

the (&'>). It refers to this very (6 &'>).
(‚a! _!)

4. The (\]I &'>I) is a verbal noun (7!Y) mentioned after

its verb, either for emphasis (!_), to indicate the manner

in which an action is done (J'N) or to indicate the number of

times the action is done.
Example: (4
Œ @8A ^C ‡*@$
C @ *A$
@ A) – Be extremely patient.

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Here the word (‡*@ $

C ) is a (7!Y) and is the (\]I &'>I).
A @OC.̀C )V C e  ,
A .̀C) – The clock struck twice. Here the word
()U .̀C) is a (7!Y).

(`  :
 ,  _! /B `*  _!)

The verbal noun (7!Y) that indicates the reason for the

action without the use of a (^ 9), is called ( SZ 6L E &'>I

6A A^@ _EA &'>I). It is also ( 'YX), e.g. (ˆ*@A [ C 6L OL @C H
C ) – I hit him to
discipline him. The word (ˆ*@ A [ C) is the (7!Y) of (
C e ZE) in this
sentence. It is mentioned to indicate the reason for the

If one has to say, (#

A @A [ Oe‰A 6L OL @C H
C ), the meaning will be the
same but when analysing, it will no more be called the
(6L E &'>I) but will be called (7ST).

If the sentence is changed to (ˆ*@ A [ C 6L OL @e ZE), the meaning will be,
“I disciplined him once”. The word (ˆ*@ A [ C) will now be a

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(\]I &'>I) because the root letters of the verb and the
verbal noun are the same.

*  1‰ / `  5 _!)

The (6A @ 1A &'>) is a noun which denotes the time or place in

which the action took place, e.g.
A „C 8L [ DC CZE ‡C*$
C q
C 7@ !e  ,
L a[ >A C ) – I learnt the lesson in the
morning in front of the teacher.
The word, (‡C*$
C ) denotes the time while (DC CZE) indicates the
place. The (6A @ 1A &'>) is also called (9
L @ àE).

Note 2: The words (ŠÊ C C ), (4

Œ @E), (‡'@ C) etc. are words of ( 9±
R) – denoting time. The words (x
C '@ 1E), (,
C d
@ C), (DC CZE) , (2
C [ •C )
etc. are words of (ƒI 9±) – denoting place.

(`*   _!)

7. The (6 &'>) is a noun that appears after ()A eA 8C [ SL SC ) – a
(S) that denotes togetherness and attachment. The noun

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appearing after such a (S) is ( 'YX), e.g.

C @!A h
C [
C 7A e™CS ,
L *@‘C oE ) – I went along the new road. In this
example, the word (J C 7A e™) is the (6 &'>). Here the (S)
can only have the meaning of ()A eA 8 C [ SL SC ). If the (S) is taken in
the meaning of (2] SS), which means “and”, the
sentence will mean, “I went and the new road went,” which
is obviously nonsensical.

Note 3: Only where the meaning of (2] SS) cannot be

applied, will (6 &'>) be specified. If both meanings, that

is (2] SS) and (6 &'>) can be applied, then it will be

permissible to read (#YN) after the (S) and to read the

( ) of whatever case is applicable, e.g.

L X@h
L [ SA Z !C X@h
L [CS L @A _E[ Š‰ C^) – The leader came with the army or
the leader and the army both came.
However, in sentences like (Sˆ8
@ C SC
!ˆ @pC
C 7C CKC - Zaid and
Àmr both fought one another), only (2] SS) can be

applied because in such instances, both the nouns are (1)

and the action cannot occur without two participants.

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Note 4: The (6 &'>) has been seldom used in Arabic.

(10Wb …M+ 2A

 * + )

8. It refers to the noun mentioned after (

` GA) in order to
exclude it from the previous utterance, e.g.
(‡!@ pC ` GA DL '@ (E [ Š‰ C^) – The people came except Zaid. Here Zaid
has been excluded from the people. The word (DL '@ (E [E) is the

(6L X@ A cCX%[ OC
@ L - the word from which an exception has been
made), while the excepted one, in this case ‘Zaid’, is the
(cCX%[ OC
@ L ).

If the (6L X@ A cCX%[OC

@ L ) is mentioned and the sentence is positive,
the (cCX%[ OC
@ L ) will always be ( 'YX) after (` GA). The example
was mentioned above.

If the sentence is negative, then (#YN) is also permissible as

well as reading it according to the ( ) of its position in

the sentence. The sentence (‡!@ pC ` GA DL '@ (E [ Š‰ C^ C) can also be

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read as (!
ˆ @pC ` GA DL '@ (E [ Š‰ C^ C) because the word (!ˆ @pC ) is the doer
of the action.

If the (6L X@ A cCX%[OC

@ L ) is not mentioned, the ( ) will be

according to the case. In this case, the particle (

` GA) will have
no effect on the sentence.
Examples: (!
ˆ @pC ` GA Š‰ C^ C) and (©YA ` GA ,
L @C H
C C).

Note 5: The words (L @ F

E ) and (fC'PA ) are also used for
exclusion. The (cCX%[ OC
@ L ) is (7ST) after them. The words (4
E •C )
and (C!
C ) are also used and the (cCX%[OC
@ L ) is most often (7ST)
after them. The details are mentioned in Volume Four.

i+ )

9. The (&) is a noun that describes the condition of the

(1) or (&'>) at the time of the action, e.g. (‡+

A C L @A _E[ Š‰ C^)
– The leader came walking.

10. The (&) can be recognized by answering the question,

“how” or “in what condition”. In the above example, if the

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question is asked, “In what condition did the leader

arrive?”, the response will be that he arrived walking.

11. The entity being described by the condition is called the

(&" So) or (&" #$). It is essential to have a connector
(° 7) that connects the (&) to the (&" So). This connector

is most often a (S) which is called ()eAC SS), e.g.

(7… C DL C]

` CS [ V _[ CE ) – Do not eat when the food is hot.

The connector can also be a (=8H), e.g. (¡

L d
@ C V @AB
C [ Š‰ C^) –
Khalīl came laughing. The pronoun ('C ‘
L ) which is concealed
in the verb, is the (1) and the (° 7). The verb together

with its (1) constitutes a ()1 )·).

Sometimes a (S) and a (=8H) serve the function of a (° 7),

e.g. (¡
L d
@ C 'C ‘L SC !ˆ @+A 7C Š‰ C^) – Rashīd came laughing. The
pronoun ('C ‘
L ) is the (Z!O*) while (¡ L d
CK@ C), being a ()1 )·),
constitutes the (¯•). The (Z!O*) and (¯•) first constitute a

()- )·) and then form the (&) of the (1) which is

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ˆ @+A 7C ). The (&) is ( 'YX 4}).

()*   J2 )

12. The (RL @ A8

@ OeE) is a noun that removes the ambiguity or
vagueness from a preceding noun, (ˆO@ pC U <[ 7A ) – a weight of
oil. The word (
U <[ 7A ) is vague here which can refer to many
commodities. By saying (ˆO@ pC ), oil has been specified.

13. The (R@ A8

@ C) is also called (Rˆ ‹8C L ) and the word from which
the ambiguity is removed is called (Rˆ e8
C L ).

14. The (Rˆ e8

C L ) is generally a word referring to numbers,
weight or measure, e.g.
(© L ‡C$SC ‡X8@ PC ©XC SC ‡ COA C @A ™
@ A ,
L @C OC+@ A)25 – I bought twenty
books, 6kg of ghee and 3kg of wheat.

15. Some sentences also have ambiguity. If someone has to

say, “¡
C X@A L %E[ ZE CNZE”, “I have more than you”, it is not known

25 One ratl is approximately 3kg and one mann is approximately 6kg.

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in which aspect he is more. However when one says, “

Œ C”
or “‡8[ 
A ”, the meaning will be specified that he has more
wealth or knowledge.

16. The (R@ A8

@ C) comes in reply to the question, “What thing?”
or “From which thing?”. This is the way of recognizing it.

17. All types of (R@A8

@ C) are ( 'YX). However, some of the
(!Š£ C-Z - numbers) are (7ST). Numbers from three to ten
are (7ST) and plural. From eleven to ninety nine, the (R@ A8
@ C)
is ( 'YX) and singular. The (R@ A8 @ C) of hundred and
thousand is (7ST) and singular.

Note 6: The (! Š£ C-Z) are discussed in detail in Volume

Four as well as more details of the (j'1), (j 'YX) and


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M* +  )

18. The (fCCXL ) is a noun that occurs after any (ŠC!X‹ 9 -
the vocative). The vocative was discussed briefly in Lesson
11 of Volume One.

19. The (fCCXL ) is also ( 'YX), but only

• when it is (9K), e.g. (

A !C *@C C) – O Àbdullāh or O

the servant of Allāh.
• or when it is (9CK8
L [A
6ˆ AC™L ), e.g. (4
Œ *C^C ‡AE< C) – O the
one ascending the mountain. The phrase ( A *Ch
C [ ‚C AE< C)
means the same thing.
• or when it is (3¦ C '@ Y
L ([ C
L @FE 3UC ƒA NC)26, for example, if a blind
man, without specifying, calls out, ( @ !A C A [ •L 4
Œ ^L 7C C) –
O man, hold my hand.

20. If the (fCCXL ) is singular, that is, it is not (9K), it is

regarded as (0
@ XA*I) in (‚1 )), whether it is a proper noun

26 A noun that is indefinite and not intended.

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L P) or (3U C '@ Y
L ([ C 3U C ƒA NC)27 and whether it is singular, dual
or plural, e.g. (! L A C C), (V ^L 7C C), (A 4
E ^L 7C C) and (E '@ 8L A
@ L C).

21. Sometimes the (ŠC!X‹ 9) is elided, e.g.

C @ C t
@ A @ ZE 2 L PL '@ L) – O Yūsuf, turn away from this.
@ C 7@ CS CXE @ >A F[  CX e7C ) – O our Lord, forgive us and have mercy
on us.

The phrase (0
@ ‹7C C – O my Lord) is sometimes abbreviated to
‹ 7C C), e.g. (Œƒ[ L 0
@ A #
@ ‘C
‹ 7C ) - O my Lord, grant me

Note 7: You have learnt in Lesson One that when a ( 9

ŠC!X‹) precedes an indefinite noun, the latter becomes
definite, on condition it is indefinite and intended.

Note 8: The (fCCXL ) is succeeded by a sentence called the

L C'^C ). The (fCCXL ) together with the (ŠC!X‹
L C'^C ) form

27 A noun that is indefinite but intended.

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a ()U e€AC™N@ GA
)U e€AC!NA )U E8@ ^L ). Sometimes the (ŠC!X‹
L C'^C ) precedes the
(fCCXL ), e.g. (
£ E C 0@ A @ >A F[ ) – Forgive me, O Allāh.
The phrase ( e L `E) is also used in place of (
£ E C).

 M q
 +  + M 
b d
*  $
* M  + )

22. When the negating particle (

E ) is used to negate a
complete (gX@ ^
A ) – type, class or category, an indefinite noun
is indeclinable (0
@ XA*I) on ()dO1), e.g. (,
A @*C[ c1A E ^L 7C E ) – From
the category of men, there is no one in the house, that is,
there is no man in the house.

A A ` GA 3E 'e .V E SC &E '@ C E ) – There is no power or might except

with Allāh’s help.
However, if the noun is (9K) or resembles it (9KI 6L *+),
the noun will be declinable ( ) and a (#YN) will be read

on it, e.g. (Dˆ S@ L d

@ C ¦ [ A #
C AE< E ) – No student will be deprived.
(Dˆ '@ L 
[ C A @B
C [ 0A1 ‡A CP E ) – No person striving for good is
After such a (
E ), the dual and plural forms will also be

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( 'YX), e.g. (
A C '@ V«@ C A @ !C d
A OeL E ) – No two united persons can
be overcome.
E S@ 7L '@ Y
@ L E ) – No people with differences can be

Note 9: The (P) of (

` GA) and its sisters and the (¯•) of (E E)
and its sisters are also included in the (j 'YX). These have
been mentioned in Lesson 37.

Note 10: The (j'1) and (j 'YX) will be discussed in

detail in Volume Four.

Vocabulary List No. 41

Word Meaning
6 C ™
C @ZE to rejoice, to be happy

C *Cƒ[ OCP@ A to be proud

E *C.[ ZE to come forward

(q) g
C NAZE to be genial, to be sociable

ce C C to be nurtured

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&E CpZE to remove, to efface

‡! CZE always

ˆ PA | one who regrets

C d
@ C below

)U (E A to repose trust in

ˆ *@^L cowardice

Š“ C illness

ˆ ‘@ C time

ˆ 7L o[ ZE  J
ˆ C7oA cubit (0.68m)

ˆ S@ ²L 7C merciful, compassionate

U '@ $
C to save

C ƒ` 8C C to have control over, to be

ˆ C A S )U *CPC CdL ) #
C PC C to call to account

C C C$ to find, to meet

(t) r
C C to live

C e SC to bid farewell

(L €AC™C ) 3U C @™

A C tribe

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)U >` A chastity

ˆ @C life

†ˆ 8@ .E wheat

)U CC7A S 3U CCL to care, to heed

!L ‘A CC  !ˆ C @ C place

L 7A C'C  ˆ 7A '@ C watering place, well

ˆ ChNC success

7ˆ C8NASC 7ˆ '@ 8L NL  ˆ 8A NC cheetah

V Ÿ[C full

V Ÿ@8±E thirsty

Exercise No. 60

Carefully observe the examples of all the types of (j 'YX)

in the following examples:

The examples of (\] &'>)

. ‡*A E !ˆ AC• #C A E (1)
. ‡8@Aƒ[ C cCP'@ L
£  C `E (2)
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. DA '@ C[ 0A1 3Π7C S@ C t

L 7@ _E[ 7L S@ !L C (3)
. !A PC _E[ C '@ VSL L 8A Xe #
L %AC (4)
C C A #
C @C V @B
A *C[ ÁL @A C (5)

The examples of (` _)

3Œ CCL 6L OL@ C OC@ CS 6A OA>` A cEC ‡C8OA@ CS 6A OANCC_E A )Œ (E A E @AB C [ jL @ OC•@ A (1)
. 6A AK
@ >E A
. !A h @ 8C [CS A [ A [ A ‡*E<E SC x
A p@ ‹ A ŠÊ C«OA @ C 4
E *A[ q
L eX
L '@ h L C (2)

The examples of (`5 _)

@SL *Cƒ[ OCP@ CS zL '@ LC^ZE C81E ‡7CNCSC 4 Œ @E 6L C '@ .E CC SC ‡‘@ C m ˆ '@ NL r
C C (1)
. ‡7C*ƒ[ OAP@ 
. COCd@ C Š‰ Ed
A [CS )A ESL `] x C '@ 1E C COƒA [ ,L @ HC SC (2)
. 3A 7C e]` A ¦ @A 2
C [ZESC 3A 7C e
e A ¦ @A )E ’EA SC ‡+A C 4
Π@A jL @ PA (3)

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The examples of (` _)

In the following examples, the (S) can only have the

meaning of ()I SS).

. A h @ >E [ J
C '@ V<V SC j L @ PA (1)
A 8@ ™
e  C S@ L FV SC !ˆ AC• C K C C (2)
. C COƒA [CS V @8A [ O‹ 7C CP (3)
. !C @!A hC [ J C 7A e™CS # @ ‘C o[ A (4)

In these examples, the (S) cannot have the meaning of ( SS

2]) because if it has the meaning of (2] SS) in the

sentence (A h
@ >E [ J
C '@ V<V SC j
L @ PA ), it would mean, “The rising of
dawn and I travelled.” This is a meaningless statement.

In the following examples, the (S) can have the meaning of

()I SS) and (2] SS).

. (zL '@ •L ZE S@ ZE) zL C•ZESC !ˆ AC• C 1ECP (1)

. (!L X@h
L [ SZ) !C X@h
L [CS !L €AE([ C K
C C (2)
. (COL•@ ZV SZ) COC•@ ZVSC L CPL , @ d ChC NC (3)

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. (6L L A C• SZ) 6L C A C•SC !L ‹

e  Š‰ C^ (4)

The following examples contain a verb which cannot occur

without two participants. Therefore, the (S) can only have

the meaning of (2] SS). Accordingly, the succeeding

word cannot be a (6 &'>).

. zL '@ •L ZESC !ˆ AC• \C NCCC (1)

. ˆ
C C SC !L 8C @ ZE C $C CBC (2)
. !ˆ 8e d
C L SC #
ˆ @h
A NC 3A 7C ChO‹ 0A1 yC C OC+@ A (3)

The examples of (_

. ‡1AE± Á L @h C [ C C (1)

. ‡7!A E Š‰ C8[ A C ™ @ CE (2)
. ‡@*AE C CP ‡@«A $
C #
L A`] !C C OC^@  EoAG ‡A C DL '@ Va[ 8C [ E *C.[ ZE (3)
@ FE 6A A '@ .E cEGA cCP'@ L ‚C ^C 7C (4)
. A @*CA C7 0C H
A E([ , L [ CE. (5)
. V C*K @ FE , C N@ZESC @ ƒV d @ CE (6)

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The examples of (10Wb …M+ 2A

 !- )
The (6L X@ A cCX%[OC
@ L ) is mentioned in the following sentences

which are positive. Such sentences are referred to as ( Dˆ 4

ˆ *C%[L D… C). The (cCX%[OC
@ L ) will be ( 'YX).

.j C '@ 8C [ ` GA Š“ CSC Š¦ C „ ƒV A (1)

.4 Œ @A.E ` GA 6L X@A @' LA ™
C 1E (2)
. 3ΠC h
C +C ` GA 7L Ch+@ _E[ j A C 8C [ZE (3)
. ‡!A CS ` GA s L '@ Y L  e 1E (4)

The following are examples of negative statements ( D… C Dˆ 4

0… >A X@C ). It is permissible to read the word ( 'YX) or the
( ) according to its case.

. (!L A OCh
@ 8L [ SZ) !C A OCh
@ 8L [ ` GA !ˆ C ZE †@ C@ C @ E (1)
. (@ L K
L @ C SZ) @ L K
C @ C ` GA †C Y@ XM @'L 8C
@ C @ E (2)
. (3U C h
C +C SZ) 3Œ C h C +C ` GA 7L Ch+@ _E[ ‚A ]E ([ L @ E (3)

The following examples are (0

… >A X@C Dˆ 4
E E ) while the (6L X@A cCX%[OC
@ L )

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is not mentioned. The ( ) of the (cCX%[ OC

@ L ) will be
according to its position in the sentence (case). The particle
` GA) has no effect on the ( ).

. U @8A [ A ` GA )A PC 7C !@ 8C [ 0A1 C K C C C (1)

. !L A OCh @ 8L [ ` GA †@ C@ C @ E (2)
. 7C C•@ _E[ ` GA #@ A CYL E (3)
. 6L VA E1 ` GA ŠA '@ M  0A1 ‚L (E CE (4)
. 3U C h C +C ` GA ‚@ ]E ([ L @ E (5)

The examples of ()‹)

The following is an example of weight, measure and

. ‡@A C J
ˆ C7oA SC ‡d8@ .E J
ˆ C$SC 4
Œ C C A @E[<7A SC ‡X8@ PC … C 
@ !A X@A (1)

The following is an example of the (Ri) of number.

. ‡7CX@A E '@ V4

E ESC )Œ ^C C^C C ™
C C )E
C 8@ •C CS 3Œ C+ C ™
C C !C C ZE 
@ !A X@A (1)
The following are examples of the (Ri) of sentences.

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. ŠÊ C'‘C V Eƒ8C [ C E< (1)

. ‡4 E E DL 4 E «L [ C
L C (2)
. )Œ 8C @.ASC ‡Np@ SC )A K
e >A [ C A L %E[ ZE #L ‘C ` E (3)
. ‡4 E E qA eX x L !C $ @ ZE Š£ C*AN@_E[E (4)

The examples of (Š

The following are examples of (9K fX).

A  C @FE !@ *L@ CE

A  !C *@C C (1)
.¡ C A '@ (E A ‡A C• @ V DA '@ (E [ !C ‹PC C (2)
. 7A eX
C C 3A C •A  0A1SC )Œ XC C C CN@!M  0A1 CXA| CX e7C (3)
. 0@ XA8@ C 7@ CS 0@ A @ >A F[  ‹ 7C (4)

The following are examples of (9KI 6 ™ fX).

. DA '@ Va[ 8C [ Š‰ CL ‡A CP C (1)

. A @BC [ 0A1 ‡A CP C (2)
. A C*A [A Œ1S@ ²L 7C C (3)

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The following are examples of (3'Y( =F 3ƒN fX).

. 7C S@ L «L [ J
A C ©OC«@ L C (1)
.m A ChXeA @ ™ A @ZE ‡!A OCh
@ L C (2)
A  A @FE cEC !@ 8A OC@ C E ‡XA –@ L C (3)

The following are examples of (3'Y( 3ƒN fX) which are


. !L ESC C @ .V (1)
. 0@ XA8@ „C oV COP@ V C (2)
. @'
L A^@  V C*@$ A C (3)
. E '@ XLA –@ 8L [ CMZEC

A  C @FE @'1VCBC E (4)

The following are examples of (> EC fX)

. 0@ A @ >A F[  e L `E (4)

£ E C (3) !L 8C @ ZE C (2) !L 8e d
C L C (1)

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The examples of (~
 M q
 +  + M 0 )

. A C8@bA[ C A L aE @ ZE )E 8C @ NA E (1)
C N@ZE ‚C @>A +C E (2)
. )A C'@ Oe C A †L h
. A |@(V [ C A ‚L >E N@ZE
A COƒA [ C A L C @ ZE g C @NAZE E (3)
. &U S@ V B@ C \ª C C $ A CN E (4)
. ˆ '@ 8L d
@ C 6L V@ 1A ‡d@*A.E E (5)

Note 11: You have read many examples of (6 &'>), ( L P

` GA) and ( ¯L •) in the previous lessons. Therefore these
have not been mentioned here.

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Exercise No. 61

Observe the analysis of the following sentences.


‡*@A _[ C 
@ !A ESC ,
L @e ZE
\] &'> 6G 9KS 9K
> ‚ >
6 &'> =
) ¯• )1 )·


‡*@A _[ C 
@ !A ESC ,
L @C H
6G 9KS 9K
6 &'> > ‚ >
6 &'> =
) ¯• )1 )·

Note 12: The word (‡*@ A _[ C) is a (\] &'>) in the first

sentence and a (6 &'>) in the second sentence. The reason

for this is mentioned in paragraph 4 and 5 of this lesson.

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‡@ +C )E ƒ` C 0@ 1A ,
L %[ƒE C
=F  7ST ‚ Dp4 >
61 &'> Q ^ 9
9YX > '‘ =8K
> \O 7SšS 7/
) ¯• )1 )·


!C @!A h
C [ J
C 7A e™ SC @ PA
‚  1
OO I =8K
)>$ 9'$' )QI 9
> '‘ (,
J'1 4} 
6 &'>
)€™N )1 )·


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‡1AE± Á
L @h
C [ C C
> & &" So  > 0HI >
) ¯• )1 )·


‡7!A E Š‰ C8[
@ C ™
@ C E
&'>I & &" So  6 &'> > ‚ >
)1 )·


@ FE ,
C N@ZE SC @ ƒV d
@ C E
‚ 0eX 1
J'1I =8K OO I =8K
 J'1  ¯• SS
4}  Z!O*  Y>XI  > '‘ (,C NZ)
9YX =F )
J'1  J'1 4}
&" So >
 > & = )- )· = ¯ÇS Z!O*I

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'YX 4} )8/
) ¯• )1 )·


‡ COA C @A ™
@ A CX@C OC+@ A
6 &'>  ! P ‚ !OI >
ReØ  >
) ¯• )1 )·

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three



2v +  D? B+ H+  L ( v + ' g f
P ½*I  1
 37+¶ 'ƒ  c
9K fX
6 7™  Ù ¦  =8K ‚ 9
 6  9K
'YX  4} (,
 'YX  > '‘
6 &'> J'1 4}
)€™N )· = &'>IS > ‚ >
Š!X '^ =
)€™N )€!N )· = '/ ‚ Š!X

Page 326
Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

Exercise No. 62

Find the different types of (j 'YX) in the following


6€- ,µS 6A H A 7Z x'1 =«$ Ú W 6A XA<S  . !X RM Z ¢E + 

2[_ @ E  6L C=™CS 6L E‘ZS ‡ NA| 61 rS  6A NAC'CC SC 6A AC*XC A ‡Xp ‚>ONS 
*. 6L *ML 9Y1 6ƒ+ ¢¦ + `  E *. aN  zL C 7A ' @ A @ E S  zC!‘ ` GA
)Œ Q  3Œ P ! S  ‡!F7 ™  N Á S  6X C ƒ` 8C OC1 •
X  c ZS  A*^SS .'(" {17 z4 ‘Z †*$Z oG ` GA
©*L ¡CX<S # @ *AZ 9C™ # C < 1   '] ‘QRZS  )Œ 8. Š+ ‚C 17Z
. 8   &YÇ !  <' # e  W b1  6W(" )Œ 7 ‡N'@ $ C 6L X@$
. 8@¶  <' # e 

Exercise No. 63

What type of (j 'YX) are there in the following verses.

. ‡XA*M ‡dO@1E ¡
@ OC1E eNGA (1)

Page 327
Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

.4Œ @OA*@C 6A @EGA [ Oe*CCSC ¡

C ‹7C C P@  A V o[ CS (2)
.4 Œ A@ C E |@(V [ A ‹7C SC (3)
.4Œ A.E ` GA E @` A .V  V ‹ Re 8L [ CMZE C (4)
.4 Œ A$ZESC 3Œ C ƒ[ L ¡ C ‹7C C P@  A V o[ CS (5)
.4 Π@'A <E 4 Π@E 6L d
@ *‹PC SC 6L E !@ h L P@ E1 A @` C A SC (6)
. D¦ '@ C œ C @ C S@ ZE ‡'@ C CX%[*AE 'VE. (7)
. E 'Vƒ*@C ŠÊ C™A @ ‘L C ZE S@ ²L C^SC (8)
. @ ƒV ` ‡COC 6L L C<E SC A d @ *C[ !L @$
C @ ƒV E ` A ZV (9)
@ A
A >V N@ZE @ ‹ ‡O@*A%[CSC 6A W j
A CH@ C ŠC«OA @ L L EC'@ ZE E '@ (V >A X@L C A ` V %EC SC (10)
. )¦ Xe^C A %E8C E
. ‡«@ C zL L '@ XL^L SC V '@ C @ 1A @ L C *C@_E1E (11)
.{C 8A EC[ „ )Œ 8C @ 7C ` GA yC CX[ PC 7@ ZE CSC (12)
. ‡ A NCSC ‡=™ A C \‹ d C [A yC CX[ PC 7@ ZE eNGA (13)
 !A AYd C [ # e C SC j ¦ eX^C 6A A CXO@*CNE_1E Œ7C C*M ŠÊ C ŠC8 e  C A CX[Re NCSC (14)
. A C*A [ „ Œ.p@ 7A  !ˆ AKNe ‚ˆ [ <E C` j ¦ E(PA C E B @ XeCS
E ¡
A €AC7_E[ cEC CA1 { C ’AƒA OeL ‡ A C SC )Œ Xe^C SL*C$ C C8 A L‘CR^C SC (15)
. ‡ A C @ pC ESC ‡ 8@ +C CA1 E S@ C C

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

®E V*@C ESC t
C 7@ ‰  xC A B @ C E ¡ C NeGA ‡C C t A 7@ ‰  0A1 Á A 8@ C E SC (16)
. Π'V< &E C*h A [
. ‡*E '@ E C ™ C C !C C ZE , L @ZE7C 0‹NGA (17)
. ŒX@C 3E C ™ @ C COXC[ 6L X@A j @ C h C >E N@E1 (18)
. )Œ E@E {C A4 E E cCP'L CN!@ C CSSC (19)
.{ C 8A A e L C 7@ ZE 'C ‘L SC Œa1AC ˆ @•C 6L WE1 (20)
. E '@ VC >[ C E C '@ V'@ (V C [ ZE 6A ` !C XA ‡O([ C C *LE (21)
.{ A 8A C[
C Cd$ @ ZE ` GA  )U XCA‘7C , @ *C C E C8 A g ¦ >[ NC  V (22)
.4 Œ A.E ` GA A [ A [ ‹ LOASVZ CSC (23)
. U A.E ` GA @ L 8L E@ C C (24)
. V C @ bA[ ` GA A C @ bA[ Š£ CR^C [ ‘C (25)
. @ V ²L C |CS @ OLNEZ C‘'@ 8L OL@8e PC Š“ C8P@ ZE ` GA 0C ‘A [ GA (26)
£  ` GA 6C EGA E (27)
. @ ‘L C'h @ Ne @ ‹ ¦ @%AE 0@ 1A C @•C E (28)
. ۋ d C [ 0A1 &E C!^A E SC x C '@ L 1V E SC  E 1E7C 4 E 1E (29)
. A @!‹  0A1 zC C[ GA E (30)
. @ A €AŸC8P@ _E A @ L ’[*ANEZ DL C | C (31)

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

. @ ƒV @EC , L 8@ C N@ZE 0AO` 0C OA8C @ NA @SL V o[  E A€CP@ GA 0@ XA C C (32)

. )Œ 1̀E A [
‹  0A1 @'V•L @  @'XLC | C A ` CMZEC (33)
@ 8e A ¡
C [ 8L [ J
L RA X@CSC Š£ C™C C ¡ C [ 8L [ 0A–@ L ¡ A [ 8L [ ¡
C AC e L ` A .V (34)
. Š£ C™C
. @ C 7@ CS @ >A F[  ‹ 7C (35)
. CN_[ ]E •@ ZE S@ ZE CXA Ne AG CN[ •A C–L E CX e7C (36)
.{ C XA Ad @ 8L [ C ‹ # ˆ A .E 6A W ,C 8C @ 7C ` GA (37)

.4 Œ @'A <E ‡d*@PC 7A CXe 0A1 ¡ C E ` GA (38)

A <A C™
e  E C'•@ GA ['LNE C 7A „ *C8L [ ` GA (39)

Exercise No. 64

Translate the following letter.

6‹8 ÎG 8  'Oƒ

A  )V 8C @ 7C SC @ ƒV @EC DL 4
E e E  DC C OCd
@ 8L [ 0‹8C

¡*. 6 ’8]  ¡K" 

@ !A @ZV D¶ ‚ DA 4
E e  )A ed
A C ŠA C!‘@ GA !C @ C

Page 330
Madrassah Inaamiyyah Camperdown -
Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

0‘S ( 7S 
 ƒZ) {8aI  Q !S Q S yQ 37™ y™ ZS
      O  % ŠR/ ,8iZ 6S
 &'Õ ÉZ
 0e EC e   c 4· ƒ+ zƒ+ZS =% !
‰  ! _1  
. > S

*< )E P7!I , L • { ,.' ¡o c NZ S , L  N  0QNG ‹ C 

     (] 4‘^ , L XS )  D' 0A1 )Œ *F7S 
e81  ‡8S ‡8   # L $Z  e  ` Z 4] œ ½Q! S
‡™‹ 'C OCL ‡‹d
L 8@ .VS )Œ ™‘ , L ™ @ ‘A L 6L C Z 0@ XAOC>[ .ESZS A !I !X 0@ A , C Z
\C !$   Œ1'•S ‡X*@^L )P7!I  9YX ;. S A  ŠA !@ C 0A1
#A (  E ! 0@ AC ™ C C  x C '@ >V ™
e  0@ 8‹ C  , C 11  g C NZ S 0@ A
‡1S 0@ *A(A )Œ CA @ C 2
A ][  0@ XAOC[!e µS )A (>™S )A  6C ^M ' ~ `G, C @ ^e 'S
¡o ! S  0@ OA™SS  @ A Md
C C ‚C 1E!C N@CS 0@ +A _[ C^ ¡ C A 4 E ƒE A ‚C h
e™C OC1  0@ 1A'BC A
0@ A R@ C ,L 8@ 8C Y
C1J C S@ e  ;.  &E CpZES !A AC'[ )E >E <E 4 E L L !I 0@ A 2 C <E E
 &S ŠR/ jZ! S  6 4 Œ  'S
A A )Œ (E A 0‹ A A YdC c
,L 8  .'+S 1 7!$ Š‰ 4O . !*1  6G 7™I Oƒ
›> c , L *.ZS  4] œ Q a 8 *$ g  C  ` Z

Page 331
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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

 Yµ 0A1 !^ `  , L  S ŠI c A Ÿ8Wa &E *.AG qS7!
COL@(` EC 0AOW )E X8% ¡d€YN !P  ‡8€ WZ 0‹N  ŠÊ  S ‡*$
!C£ Oš W G !C š &X " ¡ C V'. XS  )P7!I  0@ XAOC@ e S { ¡X
+Z )4% &S ŠR/ jZ.
 K>*1  "4 ƒ 1« W G #ÍS
2ˆ KL 6N +Z ) Ò  6Z(1  E % ŠR/ Z  É% ŠR/ ƒ‘S
3!  ŠR^ )4% , L 8i_1  É%S &S  (8h SZ) A h @"E
0A*. !P  S  )¦ C'@ L $ L S )¦ >E [ ƒV A @ L +@ Z ŽS  + ™ !Z
S 6N C %Z 1Z |( Z.Z 8e E 0ANA ƒ+S 7SPS 1 V Ü
1Z 'Z 0‹NZ Î
  '^7ZS  4. W G 6*] L 1 0Q  #Y
. ‡•|S Œ SZ !8" 6A W1  ‡8C ‚  ŠR/ jZ. oG 6`

!‘ZS !^G 6O ‘Z €P ‚ )1S =•  M  !P m S ‘

ÎG 0.'+_ ±'>} 4P 0A'•ZS 0A'•G ‚· ÎGS {QƒI  e !C S ÎG
. {·Z ƒA!‘™

¡•Z   IP ,

Page 332
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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

˜‘ 1363 D" )h" o +  S™S " )8/ D'

 &'Õ        O  ! !/ % ŠR/ Ý̀

{*I |( 1 Q S 6 QPS {*] 6 ‚>NS 0‹X
 *(  6(1'S
. {I 7
!8" Z N' •|S 

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

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Arabic Tutor – Volume Three

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