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The man is a dirty rat! I will kill that stinking thief.

He doesn’t
deserve to live. And that little brat! How could she do this to our family?
She brings shame on our good name! And how could she do this to herself at
that. She demeans herself by being seen with him. All the great things I had
planned for her. So was to be rich. She was to be respected! Now the entire
city laughs and mocks her behind her back. She forsakes her roots of power,
culture, and money! And for what? For this lowly being worth nothing but a
long and hard life of cheap labour. She leaves this palace of a home for this
mans single story hut. A dirty shack well fit for that thief. She condemns
herself to a life of hardships meant for cheap slaves! And all because that
joke of a man will never be able to support a family. She will be poor;
people will look upon her and laugh! What did I do wrong? Where did I fail?
I raised her, fed her, and taught her. And yet it is to much to ask. To much to
ask that she marry a good man. To much to ask that she live a good life, too
much to ask that she might respect her own FATHER and do as I wish! I
should not let her leave this home, but I cannot trap her, I cannot harm my
own daughter lord I am not a monster! I am not evil. I only wish for my
daughter to have a good life. I wanted only what is best for her, not for
myself. I have always planned ahead for her, and only for her. I prayed and I
hoped, and I watched her grow and I could not have been more blessed with
a perfect daughter. And yet I am cursed with her. In spite of all I have done
her she has left me caring grasp for a wretched man of the poor streets. I will
find him. I cannot hurt her but I can kill him. I will find him, and justice will
be done.

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