Chemtrail Aerosol Spraying PT 2

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Aerosol Spraying during Blackout: It was a Test

Date: Thursday October 23, @06:34PM
Author: ewing2001
Topic: News
from the Michael-Kane dept.

It Was A Test

Part 2 (Part 1 at Rense)

Report from Michael Kane: October 23rd, 2003

*Evidence mounts that August 14th East Coast blackout was a test
*Massive Aerosol Spraying in New York and Toronto during blackout
*HAARP turned on at 4pm EST on August 14th, 2003
*Scheduled airborne attack simulation in Alaska didn’t happen. Why?
*Energy Crisis looming - when it’s not a test, will it be worse?
*Beyond U.S. - Unexplained blackouts across the globe

*Special thanks to Barbara Honegger for her invaluable input on these reports

I have gone back and interviewed all of the eyewitnesses to the aerosol spraying that happened in Nassau
County, NY detailed in the first report confirming conclusively that spraying occurred by planes – low enough for
the population to experience an incoming of what was sprayed to which I was an eyewitness, among many
eyewitnesses, on the evening of August 14th, 2003 during the East Coast blackout.

I spoke to Lt. Col Kacey Blaney from NORAD in Rome, NY who said she had no knowledge of such an operation.
I asked her about the DETERMINED PROMISE National Exercise scheduled for the week of August 18th, just
four days after witnesses in Nassau County, NY experienced the above mentioned aerosol operation. She said
that “didn’t sound like” any operation they were involved in. 4/6/2004
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Photo: Lt. Col. Kacey Blaney (pins medals on ex-navigator during World War II)

Lt. Col Blaney said there are no planes at NORAD in Rome, NY; she said their function in Rome is to “watch the
sky”. I asked if there was any report, briefing, or information given to them in Rome about the above witnessed
events. She said there was not, and directed me to Air Force Public Affairs if I had any more questions. I was
planning on sending a letter to the Air Force Public Affairs Resource Library in Washington D.C., but have
decided that is not the next step. Hopefully after you read this, there will be a massive writing campaign to
multiple public and military officials.

John Rappoport, editor of has received reports that the effects of aerosol spraying
were also experienced in Toronto the evening of the Aug. 14th blackout. Canada is also under the jurisdiction of
Northern Command, the new U.S. military command created in response to the September 11th mass murders in
2001. DETERMINED PROMISE was first publicly announced on August 15th, just one day after the above
aerosol spray operation was witnessed in Nassau County, NY.

The State of Alaska’s Homeland Security and Emergency Services website strangely left out the fact that their
state was involved in DETERMINED PROMISE when the drills were announced in their Situation Report 03-320
on August 18th, 2003. (link no longer works; Alaskan situation reports before October are no longer publicly
accessible or have been removed) (ed GFP: Cache-link added)

The report states part of the drills would begin in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which is true, but what it left out is
that the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) at Colorado Springs was conducting a one-day
air exercise in Alaska according to the Associated Press.

I asked Jerry Koening, Alaska’s Homeland Security Official who wrote the situation report why Alaska’s
involvement in Determined Promise ’03 was left out. He said there was “nothing to gain” by announcing that.
When asked whom the situation report announcement was for, he said “his people” in Alaska, which included 4/6/2004
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representatives and citizens. DETERMINED PROMISE was listed on the Alaskan Homeland Security calendar
with the “location” section listed as “national” since it was happening across the country, but it did not mention
Alaskan involvement.

I went on to ask Mr. Koening about the one-day air exercise scheduled in Alaska involving aerosol spraying. He
claimed to his knowledge that exercise did not occur. Maj. Brenda Campbell, public relations official for the
Alaskan NORAD division, confirmed this for me during a brief phone interview. She said that the one-day air
exercise “didn’t happen the way it was planned”, and was not included in the Determined Promise ’03 drills.

In following up on this, she went on to say that to her knowledge it was originally scheduled to be a simulation and
not an aerosol operation. When asked if they had ever planned to run drills involving aerosol spraying, Maj.
Campbell said they run every-&-anything you can imagine. She went on to say, “every time we do an exercise,
the scenario is a little different to make sure all of our procedures can be worked through with any type of
scenario”. Alaska is the location of HAARP – an acronym for High frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
This program has the capacity to focus electromagnetic energy weapons over long distances into localized areas.

What’s the 411?

There was definitely plenty of information acquired from the blackout, such as emergency response in a real world
situation, hospital capabilities, public reaction, death toll, and testing of complex communication systems. All of
this (with the exception of information of an actual likely death toll) was publicly included in the Determined
Promise drills.

The military has denied that the Aug. 14th blackout was part of any scheduled testing, but the official response as
quoted by the AP did not rule out the possibility of August 14th being a “surprise” or “secret” start date for
DETERMINED PROMISE, or perhaps, August 14th was a drill of some other name.

Maj. Brenda Campbell from the Alaskan NORAD region had indicated they constantly run drills. It is possible that
August 14th, 2003 was an entirely separate drill, but the fact that DETERMINED PROMISE ’03 was announced
the very next day strongly suggests August 14th was the kickoff. 4/6/2004
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It Was A Test

The government has performed blackout simulations with very real-world effects before. In 1997, hackers
rendered part of Washington’s Power Grid useless in government-sponsored simulations.

CNN, John Cristensen – April 6th 1999

Six months before the Aug. 14th blackout, 200 scientists were working on analyzing the impact of a terrorist
attack on the power grid. They came out with their report just 3 weeks after the Aug. 14th blackout.

UPI - John Waterman September 4th, 2003

On August 14th, 2003 in Nassau County, NY, a massive aerosol spray operation “just happened” to coincide with
the East Coast Blackout/Power Outage anywhere between 7:30 and 8:15pm.

Air traffic at JFK and LaGuardia airports (the two major airports that border Nassau County, NY) came to a halt.
JFK had planes grounded until 8:30pm on August 14th, 2003. (it’s highly likely LaGuardia was grounded until

8:30pm as well, right when the aerosol operation was completed)

The HAARP system in Alaska, which can produce EMP and other high-tech long distance weapons, was turned
on just after 4pm EST on August 14th, 2003. (I strongly recommend everyone read this article)

Why Test Blackouts?

The BBC confirms the reality of Peak Oil – America’s #1 energy source is about to drastically decline.

In response to the recent/upcoming natural gas crisis, Allen Greenspan called it “a long time in the coming” 4/6/2004
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CBS – Washington, July 10, 2003

Matthew Simmons, CEO of the world’s largest Energy Investment Bank, member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, and an advisor on Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force was recently interviewed by FTW. When asked
what the solution was for the current North American natural gas crisis he said:

“The solution is to pray. Pray for mild weather and a mild winter. Pray for no hurricanes and to stop the erosion of
natural gas supplies. Under the best of circumstances, if all prayers are answered there will be no crisis for maybe
two years. After that it's a certainty.”

The interview ended with the following exchange.

FTW: Is it time for Peak Oil and Gas to become part of the public policy debate?

Simmons: It is past time. As I have said, the experts and politicians have no Plan B to fall back on. If energy
peaks, particularly while 5 of the world's 6.5 billion people have little or no use of modern energy, it will be a
tremendous jolt to our economic well being and to our health -- greater than anyone could ever imagine.

In the context of the above mainstream sources, official acknowledgements, and eyewitness accounts, the Aug.
14th power outage was most likely part of planned U.S. Northern Command drills. If our current natural gas crisis
was “a long time in the coming”, as Allen Greenspan has stated, that means more rolling blackouts are in store for
the near future. Wouldn’t our government test a scenario it knows is highly likely, or even inevitable? It’s probable
that it would – and did, on August 14th, 2003.

The power outage occurred just weeks before Bush announced his energy plan, which is designed to steal more
money from the citizens and give it to Bush’s energy cronies. I wonder what information we would find if all of Dick 4/6/2004
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Cheney’s Energy Task Force documents were finally declassified. Now add into the mix blackouts in London and
Italy, both unexplained.

Who Benefits?

Allowing for speculation, the scenario would begin with either ‘hackers’ or HAARP (most likely HAARP was the
cause in light of the timing and scientific evidence) being used to bring down the power grid. Once the skies were
cleared in New York, the spraying operation would go into effect to “simulate” an airborne terrorist attack (what
was sprayed?) giving a multi-dimensional “test” chock-full of valuable information, as well as a pretext for a
terrible energy bill to pass through Congress. In the larger context, it’s almost too perfect.

Remember, immediately after the blackout occurred George W. Bush announced it was not a terrorist attack. How
was he so sure, so quick, when 2 months later there is still no official acknowledgement as to what caused the
blackout? If it was a test, as it appears it was, it’s no wonder why Mr. Bush would make such a statement.

The above scenario is partially speculative but more than feasible given the set of facts we now have. Many
researchers feel that EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) weapons are the most feasible means of explaining the
power grid failures. The HAARP system in Alaska can produce EMP and other high-tech long distance weaponry
the mainstream media never talks about, and as was already mentioned, HAARP was turned on just after 4pm
EST on August 14th, and the blackout occurred minutes later at 4:11.

In addition, strong evidence brought forth by Jim Rarey indicates the shuttle Columbia was brought down by such
weapons (heat sensors on the shuttle Columbia unnaturally jumped hundreds of degrees instantly *before* the
explosion). The possibility August 14th was a test is so high in probability it demands an enormous outcry from
the public!

A full investigation is required by the NY Public Service Commission, the Northeast Power Coordinating Council,
the joint US-Canada task force, and a full congressional inquiry must be conducted to expose what really
happened on August 14th, 2003. The question that lingers in my mind, since I witnessed and experienced it, is
what was actually in the aerosols sprayed on us without our knowledge or consent in Nassau County, NY?

“National Security” is not an acceptable excuse to stop a full investigation. Perhaps at the time there were national
security implications but not now, not two months later. The reality is if this does not get exposed we may not
have a nation to secure!

And to just state the obvious, WHY WOULDN’T New York be included in anti-terrorism drills such as
DETERMINED PROMISE ‘03? The drills must have begun on the East Coast; I saw the massive aerosol trails
over my own head! As to whether the blackout was a part of the test itself or just a “coincidence” that happened at
the same time as a massive aerosol spraying operation in Nassau County, NY, I will let the evidence speak for
itself and you decide. 4/6/2004
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And for all New York residents reading this, especially in Nassau County, NY, I suggest you send a letter, along
with a copy of this report, to your local representatives, town officials, Senator Clinton and Senator Schumer as
well – and be creative! It’s going to take a massive grassroots campaign to get this into the public consciousness
and body politic. Although this report provides overwhelming evidence that the August 14th blackout was a test,
we still do not know exactly what was tested and why. I demand full disclosure.

Part 3 of this report is coming. Keep your eyes on the sky and your ear to the ground.

Peace Eternal


GFP's Recommended Links about Weather Control:

Earthpulse/Dr. Nic Begich

Owning the weather -2025

Manipulating the Clouds? :

Accuweather/Satellite Check

Ridge: Blackout Was 'Initial Test' for Homeland Security System

FOX -Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday last week's blackout was an "initial test" of new systems
and partnerships with states designed to enhance the nation's response to crises

The systems that were put in place, the means by which we communicate and share information that we have set
up in our respective organizations to help one another if we need one another, were clearly tested that night,"
Ridge said during a meeting of the National Governors Association

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printed from Aerosol Spraying during Blackout: It was a Test on 2004-04-06 23:45:58 4/6/2004

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