Seven Steps For Better Clarity in Business and Life

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Seven steps for better clarity in business and life

Obtaining clarity and not confusion in your business and life has many benefits:

 More energy
 More passion and joy
 Less anxiety
 Better connection with family and friends
 Balance
 Inner Peace

   Seven Steps For Clarity

1. Meditate / Pray
2. Simplify and declutter
3. Take care of yourself, food, exercise
4. Build a support system of positive people and resources around you
5. Be totally aligned with the inside you and your values
6. Take time to relax
7. Visualize the steps, write them down, to the reality you wish to achieve


To be correct in communication

Use correct level of language

Include only accurate facts, words and figures .

Maintain acceptable writing machines.


It makes the message more understandable and comprehensible . To achieve it

Avoid unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions.

Include only relevant facts with courtesy .

Organize the message logically and efficiently.


It demands that the message should be correct, concise, complete, concrete and with
consideration . To accomplish these :

Choose precise, short and familiar words.

Proper punctuations make the writing clear.

Make the message readable and understandable.

Make correct sentences, and derived the message in properly sized paragraphs


The message should be complete, we should be able to know the reader’s

background, viewpoints, needs, attitudes and emotions.

The guidelines for completeness,

The message should answer all the questions in the order ,they were asked .

Give some additional information if important.


The business writing should be specific , definite and vivid . The guidelines use to

Use specific facts and figures .

Avoid words like few, quick, soon etc.

Use action verbs.

The message should have building words.


Consideration refers to attitude, the human touch, and understanding of human

nature . It can be achieved through

Emphasize you instead of “I” or “we”

Your message should convey truth .

Stress the positive, pleasant aspects of facts.

Offer a services of value to the reader .


Courtesy is more important and advantageous in business writing then in face to face
communication . It is achieved;

Be truly tactful, thoughtful and appreciative .

Omit expression that annoy .

Answer all your mail

Grant and apologize candidly.

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