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If you do not believe in God, then this pamphlet is for you. If you do believe in God, then this pamphlet is
for you. I make no distinction, for we are all part of the human race and as such, we need to come to
some basic realizations. One realization is that most of us wake each day hoping to be content, to be
happy, hoping to have a good day. Is this not the basic desire of each individual? Another realization is
that with all the hardships, pains, hurts, obstacles, doubts, fears and regrets that each of us face in life,
there must be something proven, something reliable, something sufficient that has been shown to work
that the average person can rely on that allows us to seek and find happiness or contentment, even
if/when our heart is hurting!

Now I ask you, can you be content or find happiness when you have pain, hurt, sadness, anger,
frustration or many other hindering emotions? Sure, it can be done, but it would be hard to do so my
friend and that is the basis of this pamphlet. To reach out to you, right where you are at, right here, right
now, to somehow show you that there is hope when we are hurting in our hearts, the kind of hope that is
as real as the hope we have when we go to the doctor to heal an ailment, the kind of hope that realizes
that if we had a headache or body ache and went to a doctor for medicine, that the medicine he would
prescribe would indeed address the pain so that we could continue our normal daily functions.

The key here is that what you need, what I need, what we all need is some kind of medicine or
prescription that addresses our pain in our heart, our fears, our anger, our sadness and many other hurts.
If indeed, you are among the lucky people that are doing well right now, without any heart ache, sadness,
hurts, angers, fears, etc., then my friend, I am so happy for you, for you are truly blessed beyond

But for the rest of us, please allow me to journey with you as a friend, to talk with you, to think about what
it is we need, that whatever that is, it just might add some insight into life, an insight that just might help to
address the pain in our hearts - the pain that we all face at one time or another. For taking the time to
read this and think about this, I thank you, for I know your time is important and I hope and pray that what
you read and think about will indeed be like medicine or a prescription to you. That is my honest desire, to
perhaps offer you something that you truly need.

If you are curious and would like to know more, please feel free to go to the web site below or email me
any thoughts or concerns, but I ask you to please think about what you truly need in your heart before you
do. Think about that which makes you - you. What is it that you, that all people need? What does it mean
to have a happy life? Really, honestly, openly, truly, Just What Is Life All About? Go ahead and answer
that. I would love to know what you believe, but even more so, you just might be surprised what you
believe! That my friend, can be the beginning of something special! :-)

When you are ready to know more, please visit:

Or email:

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