Good Answers: Questions That Make You Think

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Good Answers - A

Sam Schultz
Week 12
Word length; 374
Objective test
1) The Feudal System p161
2) Fiefs p161
3) Lord p162
4) Vassals p163
5) Homage p163
6) Serfs p164
7) Miller p165
8) Home-brewed bear p165
9) Village p164
10) Army p163

Questions that make you think

2) A feudal noble was the ruler of a huge amount of land which he gave to vassals in return
for money or favors. Then the feudal noble ruled over the vassals with rules and duties. P 162

3) A man can be a vassal and a lord by taking some land from a feudal noble and lending
some of it to another vassal. The ceremony of this was called homage. P 163

4) Two of the duties of a vassal were these. To serve in the army of the feudal land lord for
about forty days a year. And, if the land lord was taken prisoner, the vassal would agree to
ransom him. P 163

8) The vassal had rights and duties to his feudal land lord. This was because the lord had
given the vassal the land for free. In return, the vassal has obligations and duties to the lord.
However when the vassal died, the land went to his sons, not the lord. P 163

11) A serfs home compared to mine is very different. I have numerous rooms in my house
and serfs had one. They had no furniture, I have some in every room. P 164

Questions that test your character

1) A bad noble would be cruel to his serfs, not fulfill his duties, or give an unfair amount
of land to a vassal.
4) Serfs were human beings, this was important for the lord to acknowledge because God
made all men equal and should not be treated like animals. Also, if the serf doesn’t like
were he is, he might be able to leave and the noble would lose his service.
5) I think the vassal’s obligations were fair because; first, forty days in the army wasn’t that
long, second, some money to a couple marriages is probably needed. And third, if your feudal
lord is taken prisoner, you better want to get him back because he is your ruler.

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