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Reasons why Cold War break out

•It was due to the competing ideologies between

communism and democracy/ capitalism.
•There were different ideas on how the money in society
was created and shared, who should control the society
China joined the cold war
• They became increasingly involved in the
ideological conflict
• It was due to the rise of communist after the
kuomingtang government was defeated that it
fell in the hands of communists.
• As USA felt threatened by the Japan and
Soviet Union that it was determined to stop it
from spreading its influence.
Japan became USA anti-communism ally

• By strengthening Japan’s economy and introducing

democratic reforms, they hope that Japan would
become their ally

• USA also lifted trade restrictions and provided them

with new technologies and industrial equipment

• They also signed the US-Japan mutual Security treaty

in 1952 to strengthen the relation between them
Increased US support for anti-communism in
• US formed alliances with South Korea, Kuomintang
government in Taiwan and South Vietnam
• Together, they formed an organisation called
Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation (SEATO) to oppose
• The USA and USSR competed for alliances in the
Middle East and Africa.
• They both maintained cruel and corrupt governments
through aids such as financial aids in return for their

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