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The first step is to collect data. Data is divided into two:

Primary Data: Primary data are those data that are collected for the first time and they are
original in character. Since the study undertaken involves an exhaustive study of the brand
comparison of ITC’s PCP range with current market leaders and suggesting promotional
strategies for brand positioning, we need to collect primary data in this context.

The methods for the collection of primary data in this study include direct interviews with the
retailers and the customers and filling up of questionnaire with the retailers and the customers.

Secondary Data: Secondary data are those data which are already collected by someone else
for a purpose and are available for the present study.

The various sources of the secondary data used for this study are:
1. The company website ,
2. The internet ,
3. Previous reports ,
4. Marketing Journals and articles.

Once the data has been collected the next step is to analyze the collected data with the help of
quantitative statistical methods. Likert scale will also be used in the course of the project. The
analysis is done by using graphical representation.

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