Teaching Grammar Creatively

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Ginter Gerngross Herbert Puchta Scott Thornbury Teaching Grammar gE VAAN, Ginter Gerngross Herbert Puchta Scott Thornbury Acknowledgements Thanks to + Jane Arnold for providing a shady tree, intellectual challenge and the right atmosphere for a key discussion in Seville without which this book probably would have never been written. Thank you, Jane! + Mario Rinvolucri for his comments at an early stage of the previous manuscript for this book, and for being a friend and mentor for many years whose ideas have frequently brought new perspectives and insights into our work, + Earl W. Stevick, whose books have had a lot of influence on our work. + Robert Dilts for what he taught us about creativity and the mental strategies of outstanding people. (See bibliography for details of published work.) + A number of colleagues for their support and comments: Tessa Woodward, Rick Cooper, Nathalie Hess, Adrian Underhill and Judy Baker. + Seth Lindstroemberg for his editorial work, and Caroline Petherick for proofreading. > Lucia Astuti and Markus Spielmann from Helbling Languages for their encouragement and support. Ginter Gerngross Herbert Puchta Scott Thornbury Teaching Grammar Creatively by Glinter Gerngross, Hetbert Puchta, Scott Thornbury © HELBLING LANGUAGES 2006 www.helblinglanguages.com All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers. Photocopying of materials from this book for classroom use is permitted. First published 2006 Reprinted 2007 ISBN 878-3-902504-29-6 Edited by Seth Lindstromberg Designed by Gabby Design Cover by Capolinea Hlustrated by Piet Lath Printed by Athesia Every effort has been made to trace the owners of any copyright material in this book. If notified, the publisher will be pleased to rectify any errors or missions.

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