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Why’s it so good?

Simply, every section in the book is there because “you asked

for it”. Well, not “you” really. But from real live questions.
Questions from people who love opening your restaurant
business. In fact, I promise it’ll cover so much you save literally
thousands in wasted revenue trying and testing and hoping you get
things right!.

A simple webpage was set up, and people like you visited it
and left me their most pressing questions on starting your
restaurant business.

Then I answered them!

Which means no fluff. Just the real answers you want to


You’ll discover all types of exciting restaurant business tips.

Here’s a sneak peak at what you’ll discover in “How To Start
A Restaurant Business Following A Profitable System”.

"I've been in the restaurant business for over 10

years and I've seen many restaurants come and
go with little or no results.

I'm happy to say that this ebook has finally

brought new life to an industry that has pretty
much seen it all.

Betty Allen
California, USA

This e-book focuses on the whole big picture

and end to end of a restaurant business from
starting up to management. It is organized
into 4 parts and it includes:

You’ll Learn:

What you need to know BEFORE you begin. Make sure your dream is a viable plan

Review the different types of restaurant and know which one is right for you from day one
 The little-known reason to Owning or Running A Restaurant

 4 common reasons why restaurants typically fail and how you can avoid this costly


 Time evolvement of the restaurant industry and how you can learn from the restaurants

 that ran for more than 50 years

 Discover the secrets of industry guru’s take, on what a successful business proposition and

 model should roughly look like

 Why having a crystal clear description of the restaurant concept is essential from the


You’ll Learn:

How to simply…”start a restaurant business from zilch” based on a   carefully composed

   11 simple sections of a business plan

How to keep your focus in the restaurant business through market analysis by knowing

    who your customers will be

Learn about the Pros and Cons on starting from scratch, renovation or revamp of existing

    restaurant properties

3 proven ways to structure and operate your restaurant business to capitalize on what

    the market does have to offer

29 simple factors to decide where the best location for a restaurant. This one choice has

    to be nailed and in the bag, just right and in your ultimate favor to be successful

11 tips for restaurant owners when considering leases and/or mortgages

5 important questions that bankers ask when considering an application for funding

Discover 12 key criteria’s as a guide to pick the bank that is right for you on funding

Overview of startup costs that can’t be overlooked and prevent leaving out important


Discover how to find investors, should you borrow money for startup costs

The 3 reasons to secure a loan for your restaurant business

6 sources of financial help

4 factors to consider for the design and layout of a successful restaurant

16 considerations for selecting the food service equipment to use in your restaurant and

    learn how to shop for the right combinations

Walk-Through, Flow and other Traffic Solutions for both the kitchen and dining room

Learn the secrets to menu writing that will contribute to the overall success of any


Ways to hiring the best staff for your restaurant. Hiring a good staff is one of the most

    crucial steps when starting your restaurant.

Different types of insurance coverage that you should be seeking for your restaurant

Strategy to advertise your restaurant effectively and put your promotion dollar to good

    work and use

How ‘branding’ can make your restaurant recognizable and stand out in a crowd

You’ll Learn:

How to develop effective systems for running your restaurant business on a daily basis

Learn the key roles and responsibilities for kitchen personnel as this will form the  

       heartbeat and delivery system of the restaurant

How to assign roles and tasks and break-down who gets to do what

Tips on the compensation costs for staff

Recruitment, Hiring and Staff Selection as to what to look out for and hiring the best

The Details and Dynamics of effective employee training

20 ingredients of successful restaurant owner should have to lead and make your staff

7 areas to control and pay attention to, in order to control the food costs from


4 additional factors to consider to stop the operation cost from skyrocketing to the


Tools to help you make the right, quick decisions and execute your orders with

       precision, avoiding errors and delays for purchases

Guidelines pertaining to the safe storage of foodstuffs for your restaurant

Proven system to receiving and storing food from start to finish

Financial accounting practices, record-keeping and taxes which includes debits and

       credits, profit and lost statements, balance sheets, depreciation, journal and ledgers,


You’ll Learn:

Areas to analyze business changes and progress from the profit and lost standpoint
Benefits of a planned expense program in context to restaurant business

Future Trends and Markets

Restaurant trends and upcoming challenges that restaurant owners might face

What will it take to be a successful restaurant business in years to come

Key important questions that must be answered by the continuous forecasts to

keep you restaurant business up to date with market changes

3 main marketing strategies that will help in ensuring the long term success of a

restaurant business

And that’s just a fraction of what you’ll find out in “How to Start A
Restaurant Business Following A Profitable System” ebook.
That’s why you should own this book today (in fact, you can be
reading in as little as 5 minutes from now!).

All you need is a credit card, no special internet accounts or

anything like that. And it’s totally secure. Your credit card data is
passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank has access to

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