Astonishing Miracles in The Qur'an 1

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Astonishing miracles
in the qur’an
The word number
of times
mentioned in
Arabic Qur'an:
Md. Saidur Rahman
“Zakat” (The
“Duniya” (one Muslims
name for life) is donate to the
mentioned in poor)
the Qur’an 115 mentioned in
times, the Qur’an 32
“Aakhirat “(one “Barakah”
name for the (Increasing or
life after this blessings of
world) is wealth)
mentioned in mentioned in the
the Qur’an 115 Qur’an 32 times
Some more
** Life mentioned in the Qur’an 145 times
** Death mentioned in the Qur’an 145 times

** Benefit mentioned in the Qur’an 50 times

** Corrupt mentioned in the Qur’an 50 times
** Prayer
mentioned in mentioned in the
the Qur’an 24 Qur’an 5 times
**“Woman” **Month Mentioned in
mentioned in the Qur’an 12 times
the Qur’an ** Day mentioned in
24 times the Qur’an 365
Allah the almighty, most
merciful, most kind
**Malaik (Angel) **Museebat
Mentioned 88 mentioned 75 times
** Thanks (Sukria)
**Shaytan mentioned
75 times
88 times
**Iblish (King of
devils) mentioned mentioned 73
11 times times
**Seek refuge ** Satisfaction
from Iblish 11 73 times
amazing enough !! have a
look how many times the
following words appear
** Word “Sea” Mentioned 32 times &
“Land” mentioned 13 tmies
** Total (Sea + Land) = 45 times
** If we calculate the ratio of Sea & Land,
it comes Sea ( 32/45*100) =
And Land comes (13/45*100) =
** Modern science has recently proven that the water covers
71.111% of the earth, while the land covers 28.889%.
Is this a coincidence?????

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