ELA 3D Writing Process

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ELA 3D: Writing Process

On the left, list three (3) skills you observed Mr. Sinnett teaching. For each skill, on the
right, find a TEK in your grade level that relates to that skill.

Skill Observed TEK

1. Picture Planning for journal writings 1. §110.12. English Language Arts and
Reading, Grade 1, Beginning with School
Year 2009-2010. (b) Knowledge and
skills. (17) Writing/Writing Process.
Students use elements of the writing
process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Students are expected to: (A) plan a first
draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g.,
drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas);

2. Sounding out words to determine 2. §110.12. English Language Arts and

spelling of a word already introduced Reading, Grade 1, Beginning with School
Year 2009-2010. (b) Knowledge and
skills. (22) Oral and Written
Conventions/Spelling. Students spell
correctly. Students are expected to:
(A) use phonological knowledge to match
sounds to letters to construct known

3. Students taking turns reading their 3. §110.12. English Language Arts and
journal writings to one another Reading, Grade 1, Beginning with School
Year 2009-2010. (b) Knowledge and
skills. (17) Writing/Writing Process.
Students use elements of the writing
process (planning, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Students are expected to: (E) publish and
share writing with others.

Amanda Williams ELA 3D: Writing Process 4/11/11

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