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Date Period Description Action

Year 2011
Electrical & Lift Services Fire Services Water Services
1st transformer room pre-handover inspection by
9/Mar 1 WM / WSP / CKAL
2nd transformer room pre-handover inspection by
4/Apr 1 WM / WSP / CKAL

7/Apr 1 1st transformer room handover inspection by CLP WM / WSP / CKAL

Final transformer room handover inspection by CLP

21/Apr 1 (W.M. must by all means rectify all defects WM / WSP / CKAL
inspected by CLP before 21/Apr.)
Installation of Transformer and cables inside TX
* 21/Apr - 2/Jun 27 CLP
room by CLP

16/May 1 Main switch inspection by consultant WM / WSP

Main switch connection to transformer conducted by

* 3 - 6 /Jun 4 CLP / WM
CLP, and coordinated by WM
Form WW046 (IV) WM / Licenced
21-Jun 1
submission to WSD Plumber
U/G incoming cable installation by CLP,
* 9 - 27 /Jun 14 CLP / WM
coordinated with WM
All water works must be
27-Jun 1 WM
Water works inspection
28-Jun 1 WM / WSP
by consultant

30/Jun 1 Permenant power supply connection by CLP CLP / WM

30/Jun 1 EMSD submission for lift installation by OTIS OTIS / WM

5/Jul 1 1st WSD inspection WM / WSP

30/Jun - 8 /Jul 6 T&C for lift installation by OTIS OTIS

8/Jul 1 Lift T&C inspection by consultant OTIS / WM / WSP

Form 501 submission to

11/Jul 1 WM
FSD by WM.
2nd WSD inspection
12/Jul 1 (WM must rectify all WM / WSP
defects by 12/Jul)

11 - 15 /Jul 5 F.S. T&C by WM WM

1st F.S. pre-inspection by

18/Jul 1 WM / WSP

21/Jul 1 EMSD inspection for lift installation OTIS / WM / WSP

WSD issue certificate of

22/Jul WSD
water works completion.
2nd F.S. pre-inspection
25/Jul 1 WM / WSP
by consultant

30/Jul 1 EMSD issue certificate of lift installation EMSD

FSD inspection (WM

1 - 2 /Aug 2 must rectify all defects WM / WSP / CKAL
within 2 days)
FSD issue Fire
9/Aug 1 (E&M ready for O.P. by this day) FSD

16/Aug 1 O.P. inspecton WM / WSP / CKAL

Notes: * Period for CLP's instalaltion subject to CLP's progress, WM shall keep close coordination with CLP, and report the status to client and consultants.
For all statutory inspections, WM shall keep close liaison with FSD, WSD and BD to keep up with this programme.

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