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Dear friends as we know we need to project the best of us during the client visit scheduled for

tomorrow i.e. April 8, 2011. Please go through following points which will not only add value to your
efforts in presenting the Reubro but also be useful for you in future presentations.

General Guidelines

1. Start the presentation with greeting clients and seniors in the company along with present
2. Try to make eye contact primarily with clients and also with others present
a. If you are bad in looking into eyes, look at their foreheads
3. Stay confident and be sure that none knows it better than you otherwise you would not
have been there

Presentation (Power Point guidelines)

1. Uniform template in all the presentations and make it as much professional as possible
2. Presentation will be divided in 2 parts

i. Technical introduction (4 Minute at max)

 It will contain 4-5 slides

 Introduce yourself and tell the no. of people in your team and educational background
as well as technical knowledge in brief about them
 Talk about core fields in which your team works
 Brief process and technology introduction

ii. Product Demo (4 Minute at max)

 Be ready with one of your best projects’ demo.

o The criteria while selecting this kind of project shall be :
 Latest technology should have been used
 Scope of such projects for the target client and replicability in the
scenarios of interest to client
 Client is not coming here to know how the business model of various sites work. He
wants to know
o How the technology part is critical in such project and how you countered such
iii. Q & A Session or Discussion (2 Minute)

 Keep sufficient time for the same

 Try to involve the client in your presentation and make him speak more rather you
o The reason is that when people (who like to talk) get opportunity to speak more
they feel happier

Corporate Presentation (Power Point guidelines)

 Introduction about company

 Human Recourse
 Technology
 Culture
o Put emphasis on this culture aspect as there is scope of differentiating Reubro from
other competitors

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