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! Special meeting to discuss proposals by Br. Kamran to make changes to the constitution

Br. Tariq, Br. Naushad, Br. Amin, Br. Souheil, Sr. Nargis, Sr. Najma, Br Kamran, Br. Jawed, Br.

"! M¶hamed, Sh. Hannan, Br. Nasser


 —. In case of a tie, president should have a final voting right to make decision
"! 2. Minimum of two GBMs in a calendar year
3. One youth representative seat in ISGL board
4. Permanent Board members (convert permanent members into regular members and create
seats for few trustees who might lead ISGL:
a. Financially - may donate certain minimum $$$/yr (—-2 members)
b. Religiously ± Known Alim in USA
c. Legally known lawyer in the area/ community
d. Any other area

$ "%""  ! ë Initial discussion is about the purpose of changing the constitution

ë Are the proposed changes constitutional changes

  ! ^

! Br. Bouziane
$ "%""  ! Limited to the meeting, if a tie occurs president (Br. Kamran) to break the tie. Motion seconded by
Br. Jawed
" (

Br. Kamran to break a potential tie in the meeting 6 4

$ "%""   ! Are proposed changes constitutional changes

" (
Breaking a tie — 9
Minimum number of GBMs 9 —
Youth representative 9 —
Permanent members —
! Breaking a tie
# %"  ! This was voted as a policy NOT a constitutional change. Policy to be discussed and drafted at next
regular BOD meeting.
" ^
" " )

A Add to regular BOD meeting agenda Br. Kamran TBD
! uhange minimum GBMs to 2/yr
$ "%""  ! Proposal is to give more opportunity for bridging board and community

# %"  "! ë uurrent constitution requires a minimum of one meeting. No limit of maximum number of

" (
A Increase the minimum to two meetings every year — 9

! Adding one youth representative seat
$ "%""  ! Retracted by Br. Kamran

! Eliminate permanent seats and replace with fewer trustee seats as described in the proposal
" ( )"  
A uonvert permanent members into regular — 8 —

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