FBI Complaint Obama

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F ederal

B ureau

I nvestigation

FBI mission statement:

“Our mission is to help protect you, your com-
munities, and your businesses from the most
dangerous threats facing our nation—from inter-
national and domestic terrorists to spies on U.S.
soil…from cyber villains to corrupt government offi-
cials…from mobsters to violent gangs…from child preda-
tors to serial killers. Learn more here about our work with
law enforcement and intelligence partners across the country
and around the globe.”

The importance of public corruption on our society:

“Public corruption is a breach of trust by federal, state, or local officials—often with the help of private
sector accomplices. It’s also the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority. To explain why the Bureau
takes public corruption so seriously and how we investigate, we talked with Special Agent Patrick Boh-
rer, assistant section chief of our Public Corruption/Civil Rights program at FBI Headquarters.”
Public corruption; “high on the FBI’s list of investigative priorities.”
“Because of its impact. Corrupt public officials undermine our country’s national security, our overall
safety, the public trust, and confidence in the U.S. government, wasting billions of dollars along the
way. This corruption can tarnish virtually every aspect of society. For example, a border official might
take a bribe, knowingly or unknowingly letting in a truck containing weapons of mass destruction. Or
corrupt state legislators could cast deciding votes on a bill providing funding or other benefits to a
company for the wrong reasons. Or at the local level, a building inspector might be paid to overlook
some bad wiring, which could cause a deadly fire down the road.”

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 1
August 23, 2010
Mr. Robert S. Mueller III
Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
J. Edgar Hoover Building
WASHINGTON, DC 202324-3000

Subject: Your Protection of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Dear Director Mueller:

We undersigned citizens have grave concerns about the existence of a domestic enemy currently controlling our government.
The lawless subversion of our constitutionally based government was converted into a competing form of government through
other than constitutional means. This is a direct violation of the Constitution.

We believe that this bloodless coup was facilitated by members of Congress who chose to engage in a conspiracy, encouraged
by the extreme levels of corruption within the Obama Administration.

On the FBI website, government corruption is noted as the number one focus of your organization. Therefore, as Director, you
are personally charged with maintaining governmental compliance within the rules of law as first and foremost defined by the
provisions of the Constitution of the United States of America.

It is our belief that this situation is urgent, because the conduct of those involved leads us to conclude that the crimes of Trea-
son, Bribery, and/or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors probably have been committed against both the Constitution and the
People of the United States of America.

These matters can no longer be considered to be politics as usual. The Obama administration has deliberately blurred the lines
between politics and subversion so as to mask what seems to be the intent of this subversive agenda. We believe that the pur-
pose of this agenda was to undermine and destroy our constitutional form of government. We see evidence of the progress of
this strategy on a daily basis.

Confident that a proper investigation by the FBI will expose the true nature of those participating in this conspiracy, we are call-
ing upon you to exercise the full range of your authority and to launch an immediate investigation into these critical matters as
they relate to the rule of law. The specific issues will be enumerated on following pages.

Director Mueller: The fate of our great nation and the state of the public trust are in your hands. While we understand the
gravity of the conflicted position in which you find the FBI as well as yourself personally, it is with complete confidence that we
believe you to be a man of great integrity and ethics. Consequently, we are counting on you to perform the functions of your
job, consistent with your role as Director of the FBI, and not to permit obvious political considerations to cloud or to color your

We appreciate the manner in which you willingly swore an oath to protect the Constitution and the interests of the American
People. Therefore, we know that you can be depended upon to direct the necessary human capital and resources of the agency
for which you are responsible, to protect the Constitutional rights bestowed by our Creator upon all citizens, and to enforce the
rule of law – so as to ensure governmental adherence to our Constitution.

(Symbolic signatures of concerned US citizens to follow.)

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 2
Criminal Complaint Registry
As presented by Fred Dardick, of the Canadian Free Press. Tuesday, July 27, 2010

# Complaint Description Code

1 Tony Rezko’s purchase Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering
the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and
for all intents and purposes, worthless.

2 Obama campaign donor The provision of Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008,
lists more complete than the ones he provided to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to
raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out
their legally allowable contributions.

3 Voter fraud including Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified
voter intimidation documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters commit-
ted by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary
election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army
of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.

4 Not constitutionally eligi- Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show
ble to serve as President conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible
to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not been
released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.

5 Violation of bankruptcy Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during
laws bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in loss-
es in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally

6 Voter Discrimination Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships
by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program
and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of rural dealerships lo-
cated in areas that did not vote for Obama.

7 Violation of Whistle Blow- Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service
er Law co-authored by Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama
Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.

8 Bribery Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill
including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the
Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of
California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Cos-

9 Misrepresentation Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare
coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out
of their current plans.

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 3
Criminal Complaint Registry
As presented by Fred Dardick, of the Canadian Free Press. Tuesday, July 27, 2010

# Complaint Description Code

10 Attempted Bribery Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate
primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.

11 Circumventing Congres- Directing the EPA to unilaterally set carbon emission standards, thus bypassing Congress
sional Authority which opposes Obama’s energy reform bill. For more information see my CFP article Forget
Cap and Trade: EPA Regulation of CO2 Emissions Will Begin in 10 Months.

12 Misrepresentation The Obama administration’s statement that a panel of experts had agreed with their plan
for a 6 month Gulf Coast drilling moratorium, when in actuality none of them had support-
ed the measure.

13 abuse of power Bullying BP to set up a $20 billion slush fund to compensate Gulf Coast businesses and resi-
dents affected by the oil spill, to be administered by an Obama political appointee without
any judicial or congressional oversight.

14 Violation of court orders Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court,
creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judge’s rulings.

15 Using crisis for personal Establishment of a commission to investigate the Gulf Coast oil spill that contains not one
political gain oil industry expert and whose transparent purpose is to push a partisan political agenda
rather than investigate the cause of the disaster.

16 Violation of basic Consti- Obama’s policy of intentionally not securing our nation’s borders, in opposition to Article
tutional responsibility IV, Section 4 of the Constitution which calls for the President to protect states from foreign
invasion, in an attempt to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration
reform. In essence, Obama is holding border states and residents politically hostage during
a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.

17 Violation of 14th Amend- Department of Justice illegal race based policies regarding voter fraud as exposed by for-
ment mer Justice attorney J. Christian Adams. This includes the dropping of voter intimidation
charges against 2 Black Panthers brandishing weapons in front of a voting location in Phila-
delphia and the stated intention by political appointees to ignore voter crimes committed
by African Americans, Latinos and other minorities.

18 Violation of Voter Law Department of Justice purposefully allowing some states to continue their disenfranchise-
ment of military personnel serving overseas in direct opposition to the 2009 Military and
Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, which was established in response to the more
than 17,000 military votes that were not counted in the 2008 election because ballots had
arrived after the deadline.

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 4
Criminal Complaint Registry
As presented by Fred Dardick, of the Canadian Free Press. Tuesday, July 27, 2010

# Complaint Description Code

19 Abuse of Power Recess appointment of Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services without even a token attempt to put him through the Congressional nomination
process, signaling that Congress’s constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees
means nothing to Obama. The same can be said of the 30+ Obama administration czars.

20 Attempted Bribery Spending $23 million of taxpayer money through the U.S. Agency for International Devel-
opment (USAID) to support a constitutional referendum in Kenya in spite of the Siljander
Amendment, which makes it illegal for the U.S. to lobby for abortion in other countries.
The Kenyan referendum was partially written by Planned Parenthood and is designed to
legalize abortion in that nation.

21 Abuse of Power The Sherry Sherrod incident.. the original judgment of “Pigford v. Glickman” in 1999 only
applied to a total of 16,000 black farmers. But in 2008, a junior Senator got a law passed
to reopen the case and allow more black farmers to sue for funds. The Senator was Barack

22 Abuse of Power The White House sham investigation of BP’s involvement in the release of the mass mur-
dering Lockerbie bomber from prison. The Obama administration not only knew before-
hand of the Scottish government’s plan to set Abdel Baset al-Megrahi free on
“compassionate” grounds, they even sent a letter to Scottish authorities stating their pref-
erence for his remaining in Scotland over his transfer to a Libyan prison.

23 Abuse of Power The canceling of 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush
administration by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, preventing the extraction of up to 3 tril-
lion gallons of oil buried under Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, more than
enough to end our dependence on foreign oil and supply the U.S. with its energy needs for
hundreds of years at current consumption rates.

24 Abuse of Power Investigations by the Department of Homeland Security to determine the political affilia-
tion of people making Freedom of Information Act requests and the subsequent delay and
even altogether ignoring of requests made by Republican affiliated individuals.

25 Abuse of Power The hardest to prosecute in court, but worst crime of all that Obama has perpetrated
against the American people is the economic tyranny that his socialist policies have
wreaked upon our nation. While Obama has been living the life of a king, including fre-
quent 5 star vacations, dozens of concerts at the White House and endless rounds of golf,
all paid for by taxpayer money—the increased transportation and security costs alone are
in the millions of dollars—he has called for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice. The
annual trillion dollar deficits and borrowing of 41 cents of every dollar of government
spending by Obama is leading to unsustainable and potentially catastrophic debt.

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 5
Criminal Complaint Registry

# Complaint Description Code

26 Abuse of Power, Violat- Directing the DOJ to file suit against the state of Arizona. Placing the US Government and
ing the Constitution Mexico against the state of Arizona and the American Citizens. Mexico is filing a law suit
against Arizona

27 Violation of the Consti- The ruling against the state of Arizona by Judge Susan Bolton concerning its new
tution immigration law is illegal. "In all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Minis-
ters and Consuls, and those in which a State may be Party, the supreme
Court shall have original jurisdiction." The way this reads to me is a law suit
against any State must be heard by the Supreme Court.

28 Fraud and violation of Obama's fraudulent social security number 042-68-4425 from Connecticut
federal laws
29 Violation of banking The unfolding ShoreBank Incident. Congressional extortion This JOYCE FOUNDA-
laws, Conspiracy TION, which is rumored to have assets of 8 billion dollars, has now set up and
funded, with a few partners, something called the CHICAGO CLIMATE EX-
CHANGE, known as CCX. It will be the exchange (like the Chicago Grain Futures
Market for agriculture) where Environmental Carbon Credits are traded.
30 Abuse of Power, Violat- The appointment of Hillary Clinton to Secretary of State. She is ineligible under the
ing the Constitution Constitution to hold that office under Article 1, Section 6 "No Senator or Repre-
sentative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil
Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or
the Emoluments whereof shall have increased during such time;" She was
appointed while she was still a Senator and the pay for that position was increased
during her time in the Senate.

31 Abuse of Power, Violat- Some unprecedented news today, folks. Never in the history of the United Nations has a
ing the Constitution U.S. President taken the chairmanship of the powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is
because of what could arguably be a Constitutional prohibition against doing so. To wit:
Section 9 of the Constitution says:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any
Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of
any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or
foreign State.

August 23, 2010 “We the People” Demand justice be done! Page 6
Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1 Scott Abbinante 65001
2 Samuel Abbot 65002
3 Carolyn Abrams 65003
4 Paul Ackerman 65004
5 Paul Ackerman Jr 65005
6 peter ackling 65006
9 Aleta Adams 65009
10 Beverly Adams 65010
11 Jimi Adams 65011
12 Louise Adams 65012
13 Malcom Adams 65013
14 Seth Adams 65014
15 Teresa Adams 65015
16 Charles Adamson 65016
17 Julie Addington 65017
18 Larry Aden 65018
19 Michael Adkison 65019
20 Donna Adney 65020
21 Mary Adrian 65021
22 Henry Adrion III 65022
24 prescilla aguirre 65024
25 Kathleen Ahearn 65025
26 Annice Aiken 65026
27 Ron Albers 65027
28 servando alcocer 65028
29 Allen Alderton 65029
30 Rick Ales 65030
31 Kathleen Alexander 65031
32 KEN ALEXIS 65032
33 andre alexsen 65033
34 jerry alford 65034
35 Alfred Alix 65035
36 Melvin Alkire 65036
37 Raymond Allbee 65037
38 Bridget Allen 65038
39 Gary Allen 65039
40 Jo Ann Allen 65040
41 kacie allen 65041
42 Lisa Allen 65042
43 Roberta Allen 65043
44 Samuel Allen 65044
45 Sarah Allen 65045
46 Thomas Allen 65046

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 1 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
47 Chrissey Allenberg 65047
48 Cathey Allison 65048
49 Keith Allison 65049
50 Shirley Allison 65050
51 Albert Alonso 65051
52 alexandra alonzo 65052
53 Ted Altmire 65053
54 Frank Altomondo 65054
55 Mark Amacher 65055
56 Michael Amico 65056
57 Keira Amos 65057
58 cliff anderson 65058
59 Forest Anderson 65059
60 Howard Anderson 65060
61 Judy Anderson 65061
62 Peder Anderson 65062
63 Sean Anderson 65063
64 susye anderson 65064
65 Jim Andrews 65065
66 Lois Andrews 65066
67 Roger Anghis 65067
68 Sharon Anielski 65068
69 Jacqueline Anstrom 65069
70 Rollin Anstrom 65070
71 Renee Antaya 65071
72 Melissa Anthony 65072
73 Ralph Arana 65073
74 frank archambault 65074
75 Joseph Arcidiacono 65075
76 Robert Arciola 65076
77 Angel Arias 65077
78 Chris Arndt 65078
79 Tara Arnsteen 65079
80 Lynn Arter 65080
81 Doug Arters 65081
82 Ruth Artinger 65082
83 Marcia Asbury 65083
84 Robert Trig Ashby 65084
85 Jonathan Ashley 65085
86 Steve Asper 65086
87 Jeff Atkins 65087
88 William Atkins 65088
89 Ray Aubrey 65089
90 Patricia Aurigemma 65090
91 Fran Austin 65091

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 2 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
93 Jim Avera 65093
94 kenneth ayers 65094
96 Pamela Babb 65096
97 fred babcock 65097
98 Rudolph Badzik 65098
99 Kimberly Baehr 65099
100 D. Baggett 65100
101 Robert Bahret Sr. 65101
102 John D Bails 65102
103 Christina Baker 65103
104 David Baker 65104
105 Keith Baker 65105
106 Larry Baker 65106
107 Linwood Baker 65107
108 Sherry Baker 65108
109 Wayne Baker 65109
110 Grace Bala 65110
111 Harold Bala 65111
112 Donald Baldauf 65112
113 Penny Baldauf 65113
114 Laurie Balderson 65114
115 Jimmy Baldwin 65115
116 Jeff Bales 65116
117 James Ballinger 65117
118 John Ballor 65118
119 Robbie Bankens 65119
120 Richard Baptista 65120
121 Michelle Barbay 65121
122 Gregory Barbeauld 65122
123 Curtis Barber 65123
124 Linda Barbour 65124
125 Lisa Barette 65125
126 William Barham 65126
127 Earl Barnard 65127
128 Mathew Barnard 65128
129 Nicole Barnard 65129
130 Bill Barnes 65130
131 Donna Barnes 65131
132 Ken Barnes 65132
133 Mark Barnes 65133
134 Dennis Barnett 65134
135 Dennis Barnett 65135
136 CPT Pamela Barnett, Retired 65136
137 Jean Barngraff 65137
138 cindi barr 65138

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 3 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
139 Donna Barr 65139
140 Marina Barraza 65140
141 Thomas Barrett 65141
142 Charles Barstow 65142
143 Ronald Bartch 65143
144 Debra Bartkus 65144
145 Karen Bartlett 65145
146 Robert Bartoe 65146
147 Cora Bass 65147
148 Peni Basse 65148
149 Judy Bassett 65149
150 Joseph Bateham 65150
151 Donald Bates 65151
152 David Batman 65152
153 Glenn Bator 65153
154 Susan Battelle 65154
155 Nancy Battle 65155
156 Jo Ann Bauer 65156
157 Richard Bauer 65157
158 Jack and Nina Baugh 65158
159 Eva Baumann 65159
160 Eva Baumann 65160
161 Paul Bawden 65161
162 Kaye Beach 65162
163 Melissa Beach 65163
164 Ann Beal 65164
165 David Beall 65165
166 Neta Beaman 65166
167 Sam Beane 65167
168 Nancy Beard 65168
169 Randy Beard 65169
170 Debbie Beatty 65170
171 Kathryn Beaudry 65171
172 Donald Beaver 65172
173 Mark Beavers 65173
174 Kent Beavins 65174
175 V BECK 65175
176 BECK 65176
177 James Beckman 65177
178 Sandra Bees-Marr 65178
179 Karen Begnaud 65179
180 Walt Begnaud 65180
181 Richard Behn 65181
182 Sherry Belk 65182
183 Alice Bell 65183
184 Argyroula Bell 65184

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 4 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
185 Casey Bell 65185
186 Edward Bell 65186
187 Eldon Bell 65187
188 Jan Bell 65188
189 Priscilla Bell 65189
190 Ron Bell 65190
191 Tiffany Bell 65191
192 Tim Bell 65192
193 William Bell 65193
194 Kenneth Bellamy 65194
195 Emily Bellows-Shaffer 65195
196 Samantha Bellucci 65196
197 Alice Benavides 65197
198 Antoinette Bennett 65198
199 Bruce Bennett 65199
200 Floyd Bennett 65200
201 Nancy Bennett 65201
202 Philip Bennett 65202
203 Thomas Bennington 65203
204 Charles Benoist 65204
205 John Benson 65205
206 Lynn Bensy 65206
207 Linda Bentley 65207
208 loriann bernal 65208
209 Anne Bernat 65209
210 Thomas Berquist 65210
211 Anne Berres 65211
212 Ira Berrian 65212
213 David Berry 65213
214 David A. Berry 65214
215 Marie Anita Bertolini 65215
216 Russell Best 65216
217 prakashkumar bhakta 65217
218 Caroline Biederman 65218
219 Richard Biek 65219
220 Bill Biesek 65220
221 roy bilbruck 65221
222 Lennart Bilen 65222
223 Bill Bilhou 65223
224 Allen Bingham 65224
225 Vicki Bingham 65225
226 Carol Birdwell 65226
227 Linda Bireley 65227
228 william bishop 65228
229 Lowell Bitter 65229
230 Donald Blackmon 65230

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 5 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
231 Betsy Blair 65231
232 Howard Blair 65232
233 Evelyn BLAKE 65233
234 John Blake 65234
235 Mario Blanca 65235
236 Ross Blankert 65236
237 Donna Blansett 65237
238 Mary Blatt 65238
239 Jan Blevins 65239
240 cynthia bloemer 65240
241 John Blom 65241
242 Shirley Blome 65242
243 gerald bock 65243
244 David Boden 65244
245 elizabeth bohls 65245
246 jean boling 65246
247 Caroln Bollard 65247
248 Stephen Bolles 65248
249 Dale Bona 65249
250 RAMON BONGCO 65250
251 joseph bongiovi 65251
252 judith Book 65252
253 Larry Boord 65253
254 Alan Booth 65254
255 Fred Booth 65255
256 Miki Booth 65256
257 Tony Booth 65257
258 Devin Bosma 65258
259 Raymond Bostard 65259
260 Karen Boswell 65260
261 Steve Boswell 65261
262 Mona Bothell 65262
263 Eugene Boudreaux 65263
264 Debbie Boulanger 65264
265 Chad Bourgeois 65265
266 John Bowen 65266
267 Nathan Bowen 65267
268 Debra Bowers 65268
269 emily bowers 65269
270 James Bowers 65270
271 Earle Bowman 65271
272 Kathleen Bown 65272
273 Ronald Boyce 65273
274 David Boyd 65274
275 dora boyd 65275
276 Glenda Boyd 65276

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 6 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
277 Judy Boyko 65277
278 Judson Bracewell 65278
279 John Bradshaw 65279
280 Michael Brady 65280
281 Brian Braham 65281
282 Ronald Brahin 65282
283 Rose Brahin 65283
284 Cynthia Brand 65284
285 Jean Brand 65285
286 Michelle Brandt 65286
287 William Branner 65287
288 Alice Brannon 65288
289 Shari Branson 65289
290 Colleen Brantl 65290
292 William Brantner 65292
293 Mike Braun 65293
294 karen brec 65294
295 Danielle Brewer 65295
296 Dennis Brewster 65296
297 Lilliam Brice 65297
299 Dave Brimer 65299
300 Bob Brinkley 65300
301 Gwendolyn Brinkley 65301
302 Donnie Brison 65302
303 Patricia Brittell 65303
304 Bonnie Britton 65304
305 Mary Brockman 65305
306 harry bromilow 65306
307 ALLEN BROOKS 65307
308 Donna Brooks 65308
309 Daniel Brosh 65309
310 Lance Broshar 65310
311 Pauline M Broumley 65311
312 Nolan Broussard 65312
313 Pamela Broussard 65313
314 B Brown 65314
315 BUDDY BROWN 65315
316 Carolyn Brown 65316
317 Christopher A. Brown 65317
318 Craig Brown 65318
319 don brown 65319
320 faye brown 65320
321 James Brown 65321
322 jayson brown 65322

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
323 jean brown 65323
324 jean brown 65324
325 Raphael Brown 65325
326 Richard Brown 65326
327 Robert Brown 65327
328 Shenna Brown 65328
329 Stephen Brown 65329
330 Tammy Brown 65330
331 thomas brown 65331
332 William Tynan Brown 65332
333 shaun BROWN 65333
334 Robert Browning 65334
335 Margaret Bruce 65335
336 Denise Bruns 65336
337 Charles Bryan 65337
338 Dan and Melissa Bryan 65338
339 WES BRYAN 65339
340 Dennis Bryant 65340
341 Iola Bryant 65341
342 Ronald Bryant 65342
343 Doris Bryson 65343
344 Rebecca Buchanan 65344
345 Richard Buck 65345
346 Marci Bucklaew 65346
347 Michael Budnicki 65347
348 sandy buetow 65348
349 Connie Bumgardner-Frye 65349
350 lloyd bunker 65350
351 Virginia Burch 65351
352 Greg Burge 65352
353 Greg Burge 65353
354 John Burge, PhD 65354
355 Ray Burke 65355
356 Sara Burke 65356
357 Dennis Burkhart 65357
358 Margo Burkholder 65358
359 Lanny Burleson 65359
360 Linda Burnett 65360
361 Christopher Burns 65361
362 Elizabeth Burns 65362
363 Kyle Burns 65363
364 Susan Burton 65364
365 peggy sue bush 65365
366 Lonnie Bussey 65366
367 Sal Butera 65367
368 Carl Butler 65368

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 8 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
369 Cynthia Butler 65369
370 Frannie Butler 65370
371 Robert Butler 65371
372 Walt Butler 65372
373 Edward Butsch 65373
374 Helen Butsch 65374
375 Craig Buzzart 65375
376 Ken Byers 65376
377 Lee Byers 65377
378 Eddie Bynum 65378
379 Kimber Byrd 65379
380 Myrtle Byrne 65380
381 stephany byrne 65381
382 Heidi C. 65382
383 Christine Cahill 65383
384 Louis caiazzo 65384
385 Hugh CAIN 65385
386 Celia Cajka 65386
387 Connie Cala 65387
388 Charles Calahan 65388
389 Jay Calan 65389
390 Steve Caldwell 65390
391 Terry Caldwell 65391
392 Robin Calhoon-Goins 65392
393 ronald callaway 65393
394 Anne Caluwaert 65394
395 Courtney Cambern 65395
396 Elizabeth Camp 65396
397 Jeremy Camp 65397
398 Bob Campbell 65398
399 Dale Campbell 65399
400 Laurette Campbell 65400
401 John Campi 65401
402 Philip Cancelliere 65402
403 Lonnie Cannady 65403
404 Kelly Cannon 65404
405 Lloyd Cannon 65405
406 Lydia Cantu 65406
407 Rebecca Capriola 65407
408 Kelly Carder 65408
409 Adrian Carlo 65409
410 Barbara Carnahan 65410
411 Marsha Carnell 65411
412 Norman Caron 65412
413 Susan Carpenter 65413
414 William Carpenter 65414

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 9 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
415 Leslie Carr 65415
416 Armando Carranza 65416
417 Marco Carrillo 65417
418 Robin Carson 65418
419 Steven Carson 65419
420 candace carta 65420
421 Connie Carter 65421
422 Kenneth Carter 65422
424 Robin Cartwright 65424
425 Tom Carver 65425
426 Julie Casale 65426
427 Shirley Casale 65427
428 cyndi Casanova 65428
429 Tim Case 65429
430 Dale Casey 65430
431 Alicia Castillo 65431
433 Brandon Caswell 65433
434 Jesse Cates 65434
435 Sandra Cathcart 65435
436 Michael Catron 65436
437 Rosa Catron 65437
438 Pam Caudill 65438
439 Becky Cauthran 65439
440 Michael Cauthran 65440
441 Al Cavalli 65441
442 Thomas Cecil 65442
443 Douglas Chadwick 65443
444 Theresa Chadwick 65444
445 christine chambers 65445
446 Judy Chambers 65446
447 Ken Chambers 65447
448 Ricky Chamness 65448
449 Jon Chapman 65449
450 Levi Chapman 65450
451 Jean Chappel 65451
452 LARRY CHAPUT 65452
455 Faron Chatagnier 65455
456 Suzette Chauvin 65456
457 June Cherry 65457
458 Ashley Childs 65458
459 Lynn Childs 65459
460 toni choma 65460

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
461 Larry Chriss 65461
462 Nancy Chriss 65462
463 angela christian 65463
464 chris christopherson 65464
465 john cinque 65465
466 David Cirasuolo 65466
467 Linda Clapp 65467
468 Ashley Clark 65468
469 Beverly Clark 65469
470 Cathy Clark 65470
471 Charles Clark 65471
472 d. brian clark 65472
473 David Clark 65473
474 Gwen Clark 65474
475 judy clark 65475
476 lorraine clark 65476
477 mary clark 65477
478 Stven Clark 65478
479 Richard Clason 65479
480 Diana Clauser 65480
481 mary & clay 65481
482 mary & ferrell clay 65482
483 Kathleen Clayton 65483
484 Robert Clement 65484
485 faye clemons 65485
486 Karen Clemovich 65486
487 William Clemovich 65487
488 Robert Cline 65488
489 Uvin A Clough Jr., TSGT, USAF, 65489
490 Gina Cloutier 65490
491 JERRY COBLE 65491
492 Mark Coburn 65492
493 Greg Cochran 65493
494 jim cochran 65494
495 Kathy Cochran 65495
496 will cochrane 65496
497 Mary Anne Coffey 65497
498 Howard Coffman 65498
499 Marie Cogdill 65499
500 Tim Coggins 65500
501 Jeff Coker 65501
502 Dennis Colatorti 65502
503 David Colbert 65503
504 Magdeline Colburn 65504
505 Nancy Colburn 65505
506 William Colburn 65506

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
507 Julie Coldiron 65507
508 Dustin Cole 65508
509 Jerry Cole 65509
510 Katherine Cole 65510
511 THOMAS COLE 65511
512 Grace Coleman 65512
513 Mark Coleman 65513
514 Tyrone Colgrove 65514
515 Tyrone J. Colgrove 65515
516 Brenda-lee Collazo 65516
517 Christopher Collins 65517
518 Janice Collins 65518
519 Linda Collins 65519
520 Peter Collins 65520
522 robert g collins sr 65522
523 Rose Colombo 65523
524 Jolyn Colon 65524
525 Jose Colon 65525
527 Amber Compton 65527
528 Bruce Compton 65528
529 Bruce A Compton 65529
530 Kathleen Conant 65530
531 Tim Condon 65531
532 tom condon 65532
533 Allen Conine 65533
534 Gerry Conner 65534
535 Joanna Connolly 65535
536 Garey Conrad 65536
537 Martin Conyac 65537
538 Mark Cook 65538
540 Brenda Cooper 65540
541 Danny Cooper 65541
542 John Cooper 65542
543 Raymond Cooper 65543
544 Scott Cooper 65544
545 William Cooper 65545
546 Susan Cordell 65546
547 Chris Corley 65547
548 Melody Correa 65548
549 Daniel Corrieri 65549
550 Clair Corriveau 65550
551 jayne costa 65551
552 John Cothren 65552

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
553 Donald Cotton 65553
554 Jeff Coulter 65554
555 Gerald Courtney 65555
556 kimberly courtney 65556
557 Karen Covello 65557
558 Mitchell Cowan 65558
559 Danny Cox 65559
560 Del Cox 65560
561 frank cox 65561
562 Patricia Cox 65562
563 Michael Coy 65563
564 Kathryn Coyle 65564
565 Catherine Crabill 65565
566 Marilyn Craft 65566
567 Kristina Cragerud 65567
568 Jack Craig 65568
569 Jody Craig 65569
570 Kathleen Craigie 65570
571 jeff crane 65571
572 Linda Crane 65572
573 Danny Cranford 65573
574 John Crate 65574
575 George Crawford 65575
576 George N. Crawford 65576
577 Michael Crawford 65577
578 Peter Crawford 65578
579 Burt Crecelius 65579
580 Dan Creech 65580
581 Dana Creech 65581
582 Laura M Creedon 65582
583 Robert Cripe 65583
584 sharon critelli 65584
585 Gary Crocker 65585
586 John Croghan 65586
587 keith crosby 65587
588 julie croteau 65588
589 David Crothers 65589
590 Michelle Crowell 65590
591 Kim Crowther 65591
592 Carl Cruse 65592
593 Roberta Cucura 65593
594 H. Cuddy 65594
596 susan cullom 65596
597 Kenneth Cummings 65597
598 Joseph Cummins 65598

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
599 Donald Cundiff 65599
600 MELODY CUNI 65600
601 John Cunningham 65601
602 Jerry and Patricia Cupp 65602
603 Dave Curry 65603
604 susan curry 65604
605 Thomas Curry 65605
606 Gordon Curtis 65606
607 Jeff Custer 65607
608 Kevin Cuthbertson 65608
609 John Cutler 65609
610 James Cutter 65610
611 Steve Cyrier 65611
612 Ronald Czaja 65612
613 Ronald J Czaja 65613
614 JaRue D Andree 65614
615 David D. 65615
617 Tina DaBella-DuBois 65617
618 DeBra DaBiero 65618
619 Barbara DaDalt 65619
620 Teresa Dale 65620
621 Robert Daly 65621
622 Leslie Dancer 65622
623 Ellen Dannan 65623
624 Richard Darden 65624
625 Russell Darling 65625
626 Mary Dasch 65626
627 Gail Dasta 65627
628 Bart Daugherty 65628
630 Karen Davenport 65630
631 ALAN DAVES 65631
632 Keith Davies 65632
633 Betty Davis 65633
634 clara Davis 65634
635 Darryl Davis 65635
636 Donna Davis 65636
637 Doug Davis 65637
638 Gene Davis 65638
639 George Davis 65639
640 Jimmy Davis 65640
641 John Davis 65641
642 Patricia Davis 65642
643 Paul Davis 65643
644 Russell Davis 65644

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
645 sherrill davis 65645
646 Summer Davis 65646
647 Thomas Davis 65647
648 william davis 65648
649 William Dawins 65649
650 Robert De Luce 65650
651 MR. RAYMOND C. DE MEO 65651
652 John De Soto 65652
653 Ilona Deak 65653
654 Susan Deak 65654
655 Tom Deam 65655
657 Dagmar Deaver 65657
658 Robert DeBeaux 65658
659 Wilber DeBey 65659
660 Anthony DeChellis 65660
661 Anthony M DeChellis Jr 65661
662 Eileen Dees 65662
663 Alan deHaas 65663
664 Mary Deichman 65664
665 robert del valle 65665
666 Robert DeLaet 65666
667 Carolina Delaney 65667
668 Denisa Dellinger 65668
669 Dennis DeMartelaere 65669
670 Susan Demeter 65670
671 george denekas 65671
672 Richard Denewiler 65672
673 Lawrence Denning 65673
674 Peggy Denson 65674
675 Randy Deremiah 65675
676 Yolla DeRose 65676
677 John Derosier 65677
678 Ira Derrick 65678
679 Rick D'Errico 65679
681 david desoto 65681
682 David Desrosiers 65682
683 Henry Develle 65683
684 Thomas Devick 65684
685 James Devig 65685
686 Arlene DeVito 65686
687 Raymond Dewyer 65687
688 Don DeZurik 65688
689 Ben Di Gaudio 65689
690 Jan dial 65690

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
691 Dianna Diaz 65691
692 Georgianne Dickau 65692
693 Roy Dickerson 65693
694 Effie Dickson 65694
696 Charles Dilley 65696
697 Dave Dillon 65697
698 Helen Dillon 65698
699 Kathy Dillon 65699
700 Robin Dimaio 65700
701 Ioan dirina 65701
702 Frederick Dirla 65702
703 Jerrald Dishon 65703
704 Eugene DiSimone 65704
705 Gino DiSimone 65705
706 Laura DiSimone 65706
707 Rosemary Ditmer 65707
708 Jed Doggett 65708
709 David Dokter 65709
710 Edward Dolan 65710
711 Michael Doll 65711
712 martha donahue 65712
713 Brian Donovan 65713
714 Wayne Dopslauf 65714
715 Lance Dorff 65715
716 Frances Dornbusch 65716
717 Frances B. Dornbusch 65717
718 Christopher Doss 65718
719 Clayton Douglas 65719
720 David Douglass 65720
721 Duane Doutel 65721
722 Mel Dove 65722
723 Luella Dow 65723
724 Johnny Dowdy 65724
725 colleen dowgos 65725
726 Andria Dowie 65726
727 Dale Downer 65727
728 Barbara Downey 65728
729 cathy drake 65729
730 Wiley Drake 65730
731 Ann Draper 65731
732 Sonia Dregne 65732
733 Marcie Dreyer 65733
734 Jacqueline Driggers 65734
735 susan droge 65735
736 kevin Droughton 65736

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
737 Danna Drumm 65737
738 Anne Drummey 65738
739 Kathleen Drungle 65739
740 DANNA DRURY 65740
741 James Drysen 65741
742 M DSaum 65742
743 Charles Duckworth 65743
745 Robert Duerler 65745
746 Tim Duffy 65746
747 Sharon Dugan 65747
748 curtis duke 65748
749 Linda Dulmes 65749
750 Marque Dunham 65750
751 John Dunlap 65751
752 Marlene Dunlap 65752
753 James Dunmire 65753
754 Pam Dunn 65754
755 William Dunn 65755
756 Larry Dunnington 65756
757 Joseph Dunst 65757
758 Rachelle Duplantis 65758
759 Roberto Duron 65759
760 Roberto C Duron 65760
761 Florence Dutton 65761
762 Thomas Dye, II 65762
763 Lyn Dyer 65763
764 Linda Eade 65764
765 Thomas Eagles 65765
766 susan Eaton 65766
767 Mark Eberle 65767
768 Kathy Ebert 65768
769 Timothy Ebert 65769
770 andrew Eby 65770
771 Selena Eddy 65771
772 Craig Edelmann 65772
773 Marshall Edgens 65773
774 Carolyn Edmond 65774
775 DeWitt Edwards 65775
776 Rene Edwards 65776
777 Russ Edwards 65777
778 Kenneth Edwardsen 65778
779 Linda Efird 65779
780 Tammy Eggert 65780
781 James Ehling 65781
782 Laura Eide 65782

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
783 Robert Eimiller 65783
787 Sam Elbe 65787
788 Gilmore Ellen 65788
789 Frank Ellena 65789
790 Cynthia Eller 65790
791 james eller 65791
792 John Ellingboe 65792
793 Ronnie Elliott 65793
794 Richard Ellis 65794
795 steve ellis 65795
796 Gary Ellison 65796
797 Kevin Ellison 65797
798 C Elmore 65798
799 Michael Elmore 65799
800 Teri Elmore 65800
801 alice ely 65801
802 alice ely 65802
803 Debra Emery 65803
805 James England 65805
806 James England Jr 65806
807 John English 65807
808 Nancy English 65808
809 jerome ennis 65809
810 Mike Erhardt 65810
811 Jerry Erickson 65811
812 Linda Eskridge 65812
813 Raul Espinoza 65813
814 Patricia Esquivel 65814
815 Cotton Essex 65815
816 rick estes 65816
817 Loretta Estrella 65817
818 Bill Evans 65818
819 Cherry Evans 65819
820 Deon Evans 65820
821 Kathleen Evans 65821
822 Richard Evans 65822
823 Janice Evensen 65823
824 Lee Ewing 65824
825 John J Facino Sr 65825
826 Tim Fadeley 65826
827 Judy Fager 65827
828 Regis Fair 65828

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
829 Tracy Fair 65829
830 Richard Faith 65830
831 Donna Fallis 65831
832 Gary Fallis 65832
833 Joseph Fantini 65833
834 John Faramelli 65834
835 Rita Faramelli 65835
836 Ronald Faria 65836
837 Jacques Farnsworth 65837
838 Marty Farrell 65838
839 Dominick Farruggio 65839
840 Patricia Faunt 65840
841 James Faye 65841
842 Irina Fayerberg 65842
843 Lois fazzese 65843
844 Kenneth Fechtler 65844
845 Mike Fedor 65845
846 Randy Fedric 65846
847 Frederick Feeley Jr 65847
848 Carl and Cheryl Feidler 65848
849 Gary Feller 65849
850 Raney Felt 65850
851 Diane Fenton 65851
852 Thomas Ferch 65852
853 edward ferguson 65853
854 Michael Ferguson 65854
855 Manny Fernandez 65855
856 Charles Ferry 65856
857 eugene ferry 65857
858 Patrick Ferry 65858
859 Susan Ferry 65859
860 John Ferstl 65860
861 Thomasq Fiddler 65861
862 Nina Fierro 65862
863 Marion Figgins 65863
864 Gary Fiktus 65864
865 Michelle Filak 65865
866 Philip Finkle 65866
867 Edward Finley 65867
868 Carol Finnegan 65868
869 Hank Fiorini 65869
870 jerry fish 65870
871 Alex Fitch 65871
872 Debra Fitts 65872
873 Jeanette Fitz 65873
874 Ann FitzGerald 65874

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
875 Alicia Fitzpatrick 65875
877 Jean Fitzsimmons 65877
878 John Flagg 65878
879 lee flanders 65879
880 Mitchell Flanders 65880
881 James Flater 65881
882 Stephanie Flater 65882
883 charles flatt 65883
884 Kendra Fleeman 65884
885 Cheryl Fletcher 65885
886 Debra Florez 65886
887 janita florez 65887
888 lela Flumenbaum 65888
889 James Flynn 65889
890 Michele Flynn 65890
891 Elzie Folds 65891
892 Elzie R. Folds 65892
893 Rudy Folds 65893
894 John Foley 65894
895 June Foley 65895
896 Tim Folke 65896
897 james fondren 65897
898 Ken Forbes 65898
899 Stepen Ford 65899
900 Jeannie Forrest 65900
901 Gerald Forster 65901
902 David Forsythe 65902
903 Mia Forums 65903
904 Hubert Foss 65904
905 John Foster 65905
906 Judson Foster 65906
907 Paula Foster 65907
908 Bryan Foti 65908
909 Linda Fountaine 65909
910 Pat Foust 65910
911 Jack Fox 65911
912 Janet Fox 65912
913 Judith Fox 65913
914 Virginia Fralick 65914
915 cara frame 65915
916 Carol Frame 65916
917 mike frame 65917
918 Margaret Ann France 65918
919 Camille Francisco 65919
920 Thomas Franek 65920

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
921 Michael Frederick 65921
922 Nicholas Frederick 65922
923 Brenda Freeman 65923
924 Colleen Freeman 65924
925 Greg Freemont 65925
926 Wayne French 65926
927 Mary Frey 65927
928 Walter Friedlein 65928
929 Glenn Frields 65929
930 Mark Frimmel 65930
931 Cindy Frisby 65931
932 Merlene Fritts 65932
933 Erin Fritzsche 65933
934 Mike Fritzsche 65934
935 ferdinand fromholz 65935
936 Gordon Frost 65936
937 tina frost 65937
938 Pamela Frunzi 65938
939 Shirley Fry 65939
940 Vicky Fry 65940
941 Jackie Frye 65941
942 Lee Frye 65942
943 Bruce Fuller 65943
944 Donald Fuller 65944
945 kathleen fuller 65945
946 Michael Fuller 65946
948 Connie Funnell 65948
949 James Funnell 65949
950 kendra furman 65950
951 Dixie Gage 65951
952 Tena Gallagher 65952
953 Eddie Gallegos 65953
954 John Galt 65954
955 Blanca Gammons 65955
956 Daniel Gammons 65956
957 Carol Gandolfo 65957
958 Richard Gandolfo 65958
959 Charles Garbarino 65959
960 Joseph Garcia 65960
961 William Gardiner 65961
962 raymond garlock 65962
963 Robert Garneau 65963
964 Linda Garner 65964
965 Julie Garretson 65965
966 Eddie Garrett 65966

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
967 Mark Gasster 65967
968 Susan Gaunce 65968
969 Dianna Geipe 65969
970 Yvonne Geisler 65970
971 Tom Genese 65971
972 Laura George 65972
973 Susan George 65973
974 Beverly Gerard 65974
975 james germond 65975
976 Maureen Gerrish 65976
977 Deborah Gerth 65977
978 Bob Gessley 65978
979 Janine Giandomenico 65979
980 IAN GIATTI 65980
981 Ann Gibbs 65981
982 Charles Gibson 65982
983 Debbie Gibson 65983
984 Kim Gibson 65984
985 Steve Gifford 65985
986 Victoria Gilbert 65986
987 Carolyn Giles 65987
988 Charles Giles 65988
989 Phyllis Gillette 65989
990 John Gilliam 65990
991 john gilligan 65991
992 john gilligan 65992
993 Donald Gilmore 65993
994 David Gilpin 65994
995 Catherine Gilstrap 65995
996 michael ginapp 65996
997 Thomas Giordano 65997
998 Gustav Girnus 65998
999 Gustav Girnus III 65999
1000 Lorraine Giuliano 66000
1001 Carla Glade 66001
1002 connie glass 66002
1003 William Glassford 66003
1004 cheryl gleason 66004
1005 Glenda Glenn 66005
1006 sherry glenn 66006
1007 sherry glenn 66007
1008 Sue Glover 66008
1009 Alan Gluck 66009
1010 John Gober 66010
1011 susan godby 66011
1012 Nancy Goddard 66012

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1013 Mario Godman 66013
1014 Larry Goebel 66014
1015 Kirk Goings 66015
1016 Daniel Goins 66016
1017 Marc Goldberg 66017
1018 Melanie Golden 66018
1019 Dan Goldfeder 66019
1020 Ilene Goldman 66020
1021 Martin GoldStein 66021
1022 Dennis Gollsneider 66022
1023 Camille Golock 66023
1024 Thomas Gomperts 66024
1025 Cheryl Gonzalez 66025
1026 Nixa Gonzalez 66026
1027 Connie Good 66027
1028 Katrina Goodman 66028
1029 Lloyd Goodwin 66029
1030 James Gordon 66030
1031 JANICE GORDON 66031
1032 Misty Gosnell 66032
1033 Cynthia Goss 66033
1034 Greg Goss 66034
1035 Michael Gottung 66035
1036 Lisa Gould 66036
1037 Lisa Graehl 66037
1038 James Graf 66038
1039 Jered Graham 66039
1040 Karol Graham 66040
1041 Rosalind Graham 66041
1042 William Graham 66042
1043 Everett Gramer 66043
1044 Vivian Gramer 66044
1045 Rhonda Granger 66045
1046 Craig Granquist 66046
1047 Elizabeth Grant 66047
1048 Gayland Grant 66048
1049 RON GRANT 66049
1050 WILLIAM GRANT 66050
1051 Emily Grapel 66051
1052 David Graves 66052
1053 Dorothy Graves 66053
1054 Becky Gray 66054
1055 Clifton Gray 66055
1056 Karen Gray 66056
1057 Mark Gray 66057
1058 Carol Green 66058

email: arnie@arnierosner.com Arnie Rosner 714/964-4056 Page 23 of 69 Pages

Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1059 Cindy Green 66059
1060 Donna Green 66060
1061 Evelyn Green 66061
1062 Kellie Green 66062
1063 Robert Green 66063
1064 Joseph Greenberg 66064
1065 steven greenfelder 66065
1066 Dale Greenly 66066
1067 Denise Greer 66067
1068 Michelle Gregory 66068
1069 Mark Greskowiak 66069
1070 Kerry Gridleyy 66070
1071 Donna Griego 66071
1072 Thomas Griffin 66072
1073 Donald Griffitts 66073
1074 and Griswold 66074
1075 Dr. and Wanda Griswold 66075
1076 Angeline Grotkier 66076
1077 Richard Grotkier 66077
1078 marianne grucza 66078
1079 Daniel Gruse 66079
1080 dominick guarneri 66080
1081 JOHN GUARNERI 66081
1082 Billie Guess 66082
1083 Howard Guggenheimer 66083
1084 Roger Guiles 66084
1085 eric gullickson 66085
1086 Sandra Gumble 66086
1087 William Gumble 66087
1088 Deborah Guth 66088
1089 Mary Guthrie 66089
1090 Terri Guthrie 66090
1091 Diana Gwyn 66091
1092 Bill Haas 66092
1093 Mary Ann Haas 66093
1094 Jerome Haberer 66094
1095 Robert Haberkorn Sr. 66095
1096 Claude Haby 66096
1097 Laurel Hackley 66097
1098 Laurel G. Hackley 66098
1099 Jane Haddox 66099
1100 Kellee Hadley 66100
1101 Phyllis Haig 66101
1102 Gordon and Caroline Halder 66102
1103 Linda Haley 66103
1104 Delores Hall 66104

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1105 George Hall 66105
1106 George Hall 66106
1107 Jeff Hall 66107
1108 Lynn Hall 66108
1109 Peggy Hall 66109
1110 James Hallgren 66110
1111 Pamela Hallman 66111
1112 Doris Hallmark 66112
1113 Terry Hamel 66113
1114 Scott Hamilton 66114
1115 Matthew Hamm 66115
1116 Rhonda Hamman 66116
1117 Richard Hammer 66117
1118 Donald Hammond 66118
1119 Shannon Hammond 66119
1120 Kenneth Hanft 66120
1121 Pat Hankamp 66121
1122 Cheryl Hankosky 66122
1123 Denice Hanley 66123
1124 Steve Hann 66124
1125 Jay Hannah 66125
1126 Tula Hanneman 66126
1127 Jack Hansen 66127
1128 Monty Hansen 66128
1129 ROBIN HANSON 66129
1130 Pamela Hanzaker 66130
1131 Pamela F Hanzaker 66131
1132 Priscilla Harbin 66132
1133 rhoda hardage 66133
1134 Lanny Harder 66134
1135 George Hardin 66135
1136 Cleo Hardy 66136
1137 Lee Hargroder 66137
1138 Bill Harmon 66138
1139 George Harper 66139
1140 Karen Harper 66140
1141 Terry Harper 66141
1142 Butch Harrell 66142
1143 Jeffrey Harrington 66143
1144 Tim Harrinton 66144
1145 Carol Harris 66145
1146 Clarence Harris 66146
1147 Danielle Harris 66147
1148 Todd Harris 66148
1149 Cris Harrison 66149
1150 Harold Harrison 66150

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1151 Jeffrey Harrison 66151
1152 jOE HARRISON 66152
1153 Margaret Harrison 66153
1154 William Harrison 66154
1155 Gloria Harrod 66155
1156 Rob Hart 66156
1157 Thomas Hart 66157
1158 Mary Ann Hartzler 66158
1159 Cindy Harvey 66159
1160 Andrew Hash 66160
1161 Brian Haskins 66161
1162 Dean Haskins 66162
1163 P Haskins 66163
1164 Larry A. Haslbauer 66164
1165 bonnie Hatcher 66165
1166 Bruce Hatfield 66166
1167 Mary Hatfield 66167
1168 Carol Hathaway 66168
1169 carol hawk 66169
1170 ray hawkin 66170
1171 Kathy Hawkins 66171
1172 Philip Hawkins 66172
1173 Philip "T Hawkins 66173
1174 William Hawkins 66174
1175 Patricia Hay 66175
1176 Mari Hayden 66176
1177 mike hayden 66177
1178 Caryn Hayes 66178
1179 Ronald Hayes 66179
1180 William Hayes 66180
1181 Donna Hays 66181
1182 Kathleen Hazelton 66182
1183 Anne Healy 66183
1184 Heather 66184
1185 Laura Hedlund 66185
1186 Paul Heffler 66186
1187 Samuel Heffner 66187
1188 Bud Hefley 66188
1189 Robert Hefner 66189
1190 Raymond Heid 66190
1191 Marina Heilman 66191
1192 Celeste Heinemann 66192
1193 Julie Hejducek 66193
1194 Rhonda Helbing 66194
1195 Suzanne Helfman 66195
1196 Lisa Hemmer 66196

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1197 Betsy Henderson 66197
1198 Mrs. Mabel Henderson 66198
1199 Travis Henderson 66199
1200 Barbara Hendley 66200
1201 Debra Hendricks 66201
1202 Sir Benjamin Hendrickson, Ph.D. 66202
1203 Jacqueline Hennick 66203
1204 Carl Henriksen 66204
1205 Buddy Henry 66205
1206 Darrell Henry 66206
1207 DAVID HENRY 66207
1208 Sandi Hensley 66208
1209 Sharon Hensley 66209
1210 Patricia Henson 66210
1211 James Herman 66211
1212 William Herndon 66212
1213 Donald Herrin 66213
1214 Rhonda Herrington 66214
1215 Sally Herron 66215
1216 Marion Hersey 66216
1217 john hershey 66217
1218 Dorothy Hesse 66218
1219 Rick Hester 66219
1220 Lynda Hetrick 66220
1221 Joyce Heyman 66221
1222 Helga Hickman 66222
1223 Jim Hiegel 66223
1224 Jimmy Hight 66224
1225 Cynthia Hill 66225
1226 Robert Hill 66226
1227 Lance M Hillier Sr 66227
1228 John Hillis 66228
1229 Steven Hilscher 66229
1230 Thomas Ann Hines 66230
1231 Constance Hingert 66231
1232 George Hingert 66232
1233 Joan Hintzke 66233
1234 Alab Hirschhorn 66234
1235 Ingrid hitt 66235
1236 Joan Hixon 66236
1237 Denise Hoagland 66237
1238 Millie Hobbs 66238
1239 belinda hobson 66239
1240 Clyde Hodge 66240
1241 Lewis Hodge 66241
1242 Linda Hodges 66242

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1243 Mike Hodges 66243
1244 James Hoffman 66244
1245 Joan Hoffman 66245
1246 KEITH HOFFMAN 66246
1247 Susan Hoffman 66247
1248 Ruth Hofmeister 66248
1249 david hogan 66249
1250 Jeff Hogan 66250
1251 Marcia Hogan 66251
1252 Dick Holborow 66252
1253 Richare Holborow 66253
1254 James Holder 66254
1255 Mr/Mrs Randal Holland 66255
1256 Darlene Holmes 66256
1257 Wanda Holmes 66257
1258 Todd Homman 66258
1259 Cynthia Hood 66259
1260 Linda Hood 66260
1261 Patricia Hooper 66261
1262 Don Hoover 66262
1263 James Hoover 66263
1264 Christy Hopkins 66264
1265 eric hoppe 66265
1266 Jason Hoppe 66266
1267 Jim Horn 66267
1268 PAUL HORN 66268
1269 Elbert Horton 66269
1270 Martha Hossenlopp 66270
1271 Patricia Hovey 66271
1272 Patricia Hovey 66272
1273 Pete Hovey 66273
1274 Betty Howe 66274
1275 Kim Howe 66275
1276 Joyce Howland 66276
1277 Regina Hubbard 66277
1278 Thomas Hubbard 66278
1279 Elinor Hubert 66279
1280 Lonnie Huckabone 66280
1281 Carol Huddleston 66281
1282 michael huddleston 66282
1283 Larry Hudson 66283
1284 darwin huebner 66284
1285 michael huff 66285
1286 Steve Hufford 66286
1287 Randy Huggins 66287
1288 LLOYD HUGHES 66288

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1289 Tom Hughes 66289
1290 SHAWN HUGUET 66290
1291 judy hulsey 66291
1292 Anita Hulshof 66292
1293 Shirley Humes 66293
1294 Dan Hungerford 66294
1295 Daniel Hunt 66295
1296 Lisa Hunt 66296
1297 mary husak 66297
1298 Lou Ann Huskisson 66298
1299 Tish Huss 66299
1300 Tahni Hutchins 66300
1301 Lynn Hutto 66301
1302 Sylvia Huyck 66302
1303 walter hyer 66303
1304 Jacqueline Hyman 66304
1305 Penny Iannone 66305
1306 Mary Ikeler 66306
1308 Denise Ingellis 66308
1309 Richard Ingham 66309
1310 David Inselman 66310
1311 AnneMarie Iorio 66311
1312 Susan Irwin 66312
1313 William Irwin 66313
1314 Terri Iverson 66314
1315 tony ivey 66315
1316 Carol Iwanski 66316
1317 David Jackson 66317
1318 Mark Jackson 66318
1319 Patsy Jackson 66319
1320 Paula Jackson 66320
1321 Phillip Jackson 66321
1322 Robert Jackson 66322
1323 Sheryl Jackson 66323
1324 BRENDA JACOBS 66324
1325 Garrett Jacobs 66325
1326 Scott Jacobs 66326
1327 Rebecca Jaensch 66327
1328 Christine Jahn 66328
1329 ivars jakovics 66329
1330 Zena James 66330
1331 Bill Jandreau 66331
1332 Weeks Janet 66332
1333 Donald Jannereth 66333
1334 Steve Janus 66334

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1335 Todd Jarvis 66335
1336 Stephanie Jasky 66336
1337 M.F. Jaume 66337
1338 Robert Jay 66338
1339 Karen Jeansone 66339
1340 chris jeffreys 66340
1341 Jan Jenkins 66341
1342 John Van Jenkins 66342
1343 Gary Jennings 66343
1344 Cheryl Jensen 66344
1345 Katherine Jenson 66345
1346 Lloyd Jessee 66346
1347 charles jetter 66347
1348 Sydney Jinivisian 66348
1349 Serenity JMichael 66349
1350 William Johannes 66350
1351 george johns 66351
1352 Dennis Johnsey 66352
1353 anthony johnson 66353
1354 Carolyn Johnson 66354
1355 Claudia Johnson 66355
1356 Darlene Johnson 66356
1357 Darlene Johnson 66357
1358 David Johnson 66358
1359 Donald Johnson 66359
1360 Drew Johnson 66360
1361 Ian Johnson 66361
1362 James Johnson 66362
1363 Jeremy Johnson 66363
1364 NancyKay Johnson 66364
1365 Peyton Johnson 66365
1366 Rita Johnson 66366
1367 Robert Johnson 66367
1368 Ronnie Johnson 66368
1369 roxanne johnson 66369
1370 Russell Johnson 66370
1371 betty johnston 66371
1372 don johnston 66372
1373 Katherine Johnston 66373
1374 Michael Johnston 66374
1375 Susan Johnston 66375
1376 Janine Joi 66376
1377 pekka joki 66377
1378 Bill & Jones 66378
1379 Bill & Carol Jones 66379
1380 Dene Jones 66380

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1381 Gregory Jones 66381
1382 Jacqui Jones 66382
1383 Robert Jones 66383
1384 Rose Jones 66384
1385 Ruth Jones 66385
1386 Steven Jones 66386
1387 Victor Jones 66387
1388 William Jones 66388
1389 jolene Jordan 66389
1390 Maria Jordan 66390
1391 TG Jordan 66391
1392 Christian Jorgensen 66392
1393 Bernardo Jose 66393
1394 Dolores Josker 66394
1395 THELMA JOYCE 66395
1396 Kurt Judeich 66396
1397 Margaret Jury 66397
1398 ED Kackos 66398
1399 Mike Kaess 66399
1400 Larry Kagemann 66400
1401 Doug Kahler 66401
1402 Rob Kahn 66402
1403 marlaine kaiser 66403
1404 Gerald Kalb 66404
1405 Dale Kallenbach 66405
1406 David Kane 66406
1407 janice kaplan 66407
1408 Lindsey Karpuz 66408
1409 Pam Karras 66409
1410 Mike Kasson 66410
1411 Natalie Katz 66411
1413 ED kAUHFIELD 66413
1414 Kimberly Kearley 66414
1415 Darlene Keefer 66415
1416 Robert Keen 66416
1417 Jan Kehoe 66417
1418 Cindy Keister 66418
1419 Kenneth Keith 66419
1420 Donna Kellagher 66420
1421 Myrna Kelley 66421
1422 Robert Kellington 66422
1423 Donna Kelly 66423
1424 Kerry Kelly Gridleyy 66424
1425 Jerry Kemp 66425
1426 Brian Kenat 66426

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1427 David Kenat 66427
1428 Creston Kendrick 66428
1429 Douglas Kendrick 66429
1430 Kevin Kennedy 66430
1431 Charlotte Kennedy/Thorngren 66431
1432 JJ Kennington 66432
1433 Jim Kent 66433
1434 Sara Kenyon 66434
1435 Maria Keown 66435
1436 Robert Kepka 66436
1437 Donald Kepus 66437
1438 Jeremy Kerr 66438
1439 Betty Kersten 66439
1440 Francis Kettenring 66440
1441 Jacqueline Kettenring 66441
1442 fred Kidd 66442
1443 amber kihlberg 66443
1444 Glenn Kilburn 66444
1445 Edward Kilgour 66445
1446 Joseph and Kilkeary 66446
1447 Joseph and Nancy Kilkeary 66447
1448 Gloria Kimball 66448
1449 Shelley Kimbrough 66449
1450 Connie King 66450
1451 Gene King 66451
1452 George King 66452
1453 Mike King 66453
1454 Miles King 66454
1455 Russ Kingery 66455
1456 Jerad Kinnaird 66456
1457 Ardda Kinsey 66457
1458 Deborah Kinsey 66458
1459 Donald Kinsey 66459
1460 Paula Kinziger 66460
1461 BARRY KIRK 66461
1462 Melissa Kittay 66462
1463 Regina Klapp 66463
1464 Carol Klasing 66464
1465 David Klaus 66465
1466 Klaus Klix 66466
1467 Clifton Knickmeyer 66467
1468 Bobbye K Knight 66468
1469 Ralph Knight 66469
1470 ruby knight 66470
1471 A. W. Knotts 66471
1472 Mark Knox 66472

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1473 Janet Knuutila 66473
1474 Dave koch 66474
1475 Robert Koch 66475
1476 Barb Koelig 66476
1478 dave koontz 66478
1479 j korf 66479
1480 Bryan Korman 66480
1481 Brenda Koski 66481
1482 Jerry Kossack 66482
1483 Bonnie Kozmer 66483
1484 Bradley Kramer 66484
1485 Conneye Kraus 66485
1486 David Krebs 66486
1487 Richard J. Kress Jr. 66487
1488 Michelle Kreyling 66488
1489 David Krieg 66489
1490 Robert Krischel 66490
1491 Jessica Kroening 66491
1492 Nancy Krumrine 66492
1493 Andrew Kryns 66493
1494 Robert Kubiak 66494
1495 Cheryl Kuhn 66495
1496 Jim Kuhn 66496
1497 Nick LaBanca 66497
1498 Margie LaFitte 66498
1499 James LaForest 66499
1500 Laura Laing 66500
1501 Robert Laity 66501
1502 Patricia Lakoff 66502
1503 Roger Lalley 66503
1504 Jonathan Lamb 66504
1505 Veronica lamb 66505
1506 Michael Lambe 66506
1507 bill lambert 66507
1508 Mary Lambert 66508
1509 William Lambert 66509
1510 Roger Lamoureux 66510
1511 Jackie Lampkins 66511
1513 Jan Lance 66513
1514 Kenneth Landis 66514
1515 Jean Landry 66515
1516 ELBERT LANE 66516
1517 Michael Lane 66517
1518 Linda Langbecker 66518

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1519 Stephen A. Langford 66519
1520 lester langlais 66520
1521 Jerry Langley 66521
1522 Robert Lanier 66522
1523 Debbie Lanigan 66523
1524 Julia Lankerd 66524
1525 Kevin Lankford 66525
1526 Frances Lannom 66526
1527 John Lannon 66527
1528 Victor LaPorte 66528
1529 ruth larkin 66529
1530 David LaRocque 66530
1531 Al Larrabee 66531
1532 Tamara Larrabee 66532
1534 Ron Larrison 66534
1535 Sydney Larsen 66535
1536 Joseph Larson 66536
1537 Kathy Lasee 66537
1538 Jerry Lasher 66538
1539 First Name Last Name 66539
1540 Steve Latham 66540
1541 Cindy Lathrop 66541
1542 Stan Latta 66542
1543 misty laturnus 66543
1544 Dale Laudenslager 66544
1545 Dale A Laudenslager 66545
1546 Deborah Laudenslager 66546
1547 Jane Lauhon 66547
1548 Stephen Laverty 66548
1549 Mari Lawler 66549
1550 Eric Lawson 66550
1551 Lesley Lawson 66551
1552 Christopher Lawton 66552
1553 Janice Leach 66553
1554 Janice Leach 66554
1555 Michael Leach 66555
1556 Sandra Leathers 66556
1557 Brent Leckner 66557
1559 Phylis Ledesma 66559
1560 J. Ledford 66560
1561 J.D. Ledford 66561
1562 JOHN LEDFORD 66562
1563 ambee lee 66563
1564 Bob Lee 66564

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1565 Doug Lee 66565
1566 Marc Lee 66566
1567 Roderick Lee 66567
1568 Tom Lee 66568
1569 Melanie Legare 66569
1570 Erik Leich 66570
1571 Faith Leighton 66571
1572 Robert Leitgeb 66572
1573 Cynthia Leleux 66573
1574 Daniel LeMay 66574
1575 Patricia Lengyel 66575
1576 Charles Lennon 66576
1577 Robby Lennon 66577
1578 Harry Leonard 66578
1579 Kelly Lerche 66579
1580 David Lester 66580
1581 Peggy Lester 66581
1582 Teresa Lester 66582
1583 nancy letts 66583
1584 Queenie Leudemann 66584
1585 Elsie Leverett 66585
1586 Derrick Lewis 66586
1587 FL LEWIS 66587
1588 kathleen Lewis 66588
1589 Mel Lewis 66589
1590 Pamela Lewis 66590
1591 Paul Lewis 66591
1592 Richard Lewis 66592
1593 Robert Lewis 66593
1594 Sheliah Lewis 66594
1595 Jeff Lichter 66595
1596 Bobette Liebman 66596
1597 David Lightsey 66597
1598 Jonathan Linkenhoker 66598
1599 Dale LINN 66599
1600 Karen Linville 66600
1601 Leonard Liotta 66601
1602 Robert Lippincott 66602
1603 Santo Lippo 66603
1604 SanJuanita Lira 66604
1605 Saul Lisauskas 66605
1606 John Litterell 66606
1607 Curtis Little 66607
1608 DONALD LITTLE 66608
1609 Allyson Litvin 66609
1610 Gary Livingston 66610

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1611 Hubert Lloyd 66611
1612 Laura Lloyd 66612
1613 John Lo Re 66613
1614 Gemma Locatelli 66614
1615 Pamela Lofland 66615
1616 Diane Lohmeyer 66616
1617 Leonard Lohmeyer 66617
1618 shelia lomax 66618
1619 Richard Lombardi 66619
1620 Bob Long 66620
1621 Joyce Long 66621
1622 Kathleen Long 66622
1623 Roger Long 66623
1624 Angie Longacre 66624
1625 Vera Longan 66625
1626 Daniel Longstreet 66626
1627 Jim Lonsdale 66627
1628 ajl@prontomail.com Lonzisero 66628
1629 Donna Loper 66629
1630 moreno lorraine 66630
1631 Mary Lott 66631
1632 Ron Lott 66632
1633 Scott Loughry 66633
1634 MaryHolloway Love 66634
1635 Roy Loveday 66635
1636 Thomas Lowther 66636
1637 Michael Lowthorp 66637
1638 Stephen Loyd 66638
1639 Michelle Lozner 66639
1640 michael lucenti 66640
1641 Debra Lucero 66641
1642 April Lucy 66642
1643 Glenn Lucy 66643
1644 Alex Luera 66644
1645 Lisa Luerssen 66645
1646 Lisa Luerssen 66646
1647 Albert M Luevano 66647
1648 Charles Lukens 66648
1649 Bennie Luman 66649
1650 Stephen Lumpkin 66650
1651 Denise Lunday 66651
1652 Glenn Lupton 66652
1653 Peggy Lusk 66653
1654 Shari Lusk 66654
1655 Noela Lutton 66655
1656 Ronald Lutton 66656

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1657 Kelli Lutz 66657
1658 Robin Lutz 66658
1659 Barbara Lynch 66659
1660 Tina Lynch 66660
1661 Darrel Lyons 66661
1662 Deborah Lytle 66662
1663 Jay Mac Gregor 66663
1664 Tyler Mace 66664
1665 stacy Mack 66665
1666 Mike Mackenzie 66666
1667 James Mackey 66667
1668 chris mackiewicz 66668
1670 Frederick Maden 66670
1671 James Madison 66671
1672 Kris Madson 66672
1673 Miss Kris Madson 66673
1674 Daniel Maggard 66674
1675 Karen Mahan 66675
1676 John Mahler 66676
1677 Brian Mahoney 66677
1678 Cheri Majors 66678
1679 Jacob Majors 66679
1680 Beth Malinowskie 66680
1681 Teresa Malone 66681
1682 gail mandrell 66682
1683 WILLIAM MANEE 66683
1684 Michael Mann 66684
1685 Paul Mann 66685
1686 Renee Mann 66686
1687 William Mann 66687
1688 Anita Manninen 66688
1689 Mary H Marble 66689
1690 vincent marcotrigiano 66690
1691 Benjamin Marcoux 66691
1692 Benjamin Paul Marcoux 66692
1693 David Marcy 66693
1694 dorothy Marcy 66694
1695 Genaro Marez 66695
1696 susan mariano 66696
1697 James Marie 66697
1698 Thomas J Marino 66698
1699 Kathleen A. Marion 66699
1700 Maura Marks 66700
1701 Bonnie Markus 66701
1702 Thomas Marone 66702

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1703 Mike Marotta 66703
1704 Rob Marques 66704
1705 Suzanne Marr 66705
1706 Richard Marshall 66706
1707 Thomas Marshall 66707
1708 John Martel 66708
1709 Ken Martell 66709
1710 linda martens 66710
1711 barbara martin 66711
1712 Carol Martin 66712
1713 Deborah Martin 66713
1714 Gregory Martin 66714
1715 Laura Martin 66715
1716 Mildred Martin 66716
1717 msgt richard martin 66717
1718 Patrick Martin 66718
1719 richard martin 66719
1720 Wilson Martin 66720
1721 Faith Martinc 66721
1722 andrew martin-smith 66722
1723 KERRY MARVIN 66723
1724 Michael Mason 66724
1725 Kenneth Massey 66725
1726 Denise Masters 66726
1727 Denise Masters 66727
1728 James Masters 66728
1729 Juli Masters 66729
1730 Juliana Masters 66730
1731 Peter Matczuk 66731
1732 Elizabeth Mathews 66732
1733 Travis Mathews 66733
1734 James Matlock 66734
1735 Cheryl Matthew 66735
1736 Andrew Matz 66736
1737 Robert & Betty Maupin 66737
1738 Josephine Mauro 66738
1740 David Maxey 66740
1741 tom maxwell 66741
1742 Joanne May 66742
1743 randy may 66743
1744 Joseph Mayer 66744
1745 Carol Mayfield 66745
1746 James Mayhak 66746
1747 Jacqueline Mayo 66747
1748 Brenda Mays 66748

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1749 Kenneth Mazze 66749
1750 Jack Mc Coy 66750
1751 Donald K. Mc Intosh 66751
1752 Mary McAbee 66752
1753 Sam McAbee 66753
1754 Raymond McCabe 66754
1755 Kevin McCall 66755
1756 Cristy McCallister 66756
1757 Ruth McCann 66757
1758 Tamara McCarter 66758
1759 Carl McCarty 66759
1760 elizabeth mcchesney 66760
1761 Jay McClure 66761
1762 ROSS McCLUSKEY 66762
1763 Wayne McCormick 66763
1764 curtis mccray 66764
1765 Debra McCreery 66765
1766 Randy McCune 66766
1767 Sharon McCurdy 66767
1768 Joan McDaniel 66768
1769 Kenneth McDaniel 66769
1770 Kathi McDermott 66770
1771 Pamela McDermott 66771
1772 Martin McDonald 66772
1773 Valerie McDougal 66773
1774 Norman McEachern 66774
1775 F.L McElroy 66775
1776 Joan McFadden 66776
1777 John McFarlane 66777
1778 Steven Mcgarr 66778
1779 Elissa McGarry 66779
1780 Warren McGarvey 66780
1781 Randy McGee 66781
1782 Jackie McGlinchey 66782
1783 Don McGonegal 66783
1784 Helen McGonegal 66784
1785 Barbara McGovern 66785
1787 Mark McGrew 66787
1788 Mark S. McGrew 66788
1789 Rebecca McGrew 66789
1790 Gerard McGuiggan 66790
1791 Christine McInerney 66791
1792 shelley mcintyre 66792
1794 Scott McKenzie 66794

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1795 Mary McKiernan 66795
1796 chuck mckinney 66796
1797 James and McKinney 66797
1798 James and Kay McKinney 66798
1799 rob mckinney 66799
1800 Beverley McLamb 66800
1801 Anne McLaughlin 66801
1802 Laura McLaughlin 66802
1803 Marvin Mclaughlin 66803
1804 Michael McLaughlin 66804
1805 Zita McLaughlin 66805
1806 Eugene McLendon 66806
1807 Geraldine McLendon 66807
1808 Brenna McLeran 66808
1809 Michael McMahon 66809
1810 Jennifer McManus 66810
1811 Tina McMichael 66811
1812 Jeff McMnus 66812
1813 Patricia McPhee 66813
1814 jon mcque 66814
1815 Michael McReynolds 66815
1816 Theresa McVay-Wilson 66816
1817 Ronald Mead 66817
1818 kevin meade 66818
1819 David Medlock 66819
1820 Timothy Mehallick 66820
1821 carl mehr 66821
1822 ronald meisenzahl 66822
1823 Elmer Melancon 66823
1824 Carson Mellblom 66824
1825 Ruth Mellblom 66825
1826 David A. Mellen 66826
1827 Duliece Melton 66827
1828 JACK MELTON 66828
1829 MARY MELTON 66829
1830 EDNA MELTZER 66830
1831 Michael Meltzer 66831
1832 David Melvin 66832
1833 Jean Melvin 66833
1834 Patricia Memrick 66834
1835 Luz Mendes 66835
1836 Michael Menne 66836
1837 Cindy Mentele 66837
1838 Destiny Menzies 66838
1839 Linda Menzies 66839
1840 JT Mercer 66840

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1841 Glen Merit 66841
1842 Donna Merritt 66842
1843 Robert Mertes 66843
1844 Jack Mertz 66844
1845 Lillian Messick 66845
1846 William Messick 66846
1847 darrell meyer 66847
1848 Harold Meyer 66848
1849 James meyer 66849
1850 Larry Meyer 66850
1851 Pam Meyer 66851
1852 Peggy Meyers 66852
1853 April Michael 66853
1854 judy michael 66854
1855 Mary Michael 66855
1856 Shannon Michaels 66856
1857 Florence Miles 66857
1858 Cindy Milina 66858
1859 Arlene Miller 66859
1860 Bobbi Miller 66860
1861 Bobby Miller 66861
1862 Carolyn J Miller 66862
1863 Courtney Miller 66863
1864 Dale Miller 66864
1865 Debra Miller 66865
1866 Judy Miller 66866
1867 Lura Miller 66867
1868 Marilynne Miller 66868
1869 Norman Miller 66869
1870 Ralph Miller 66870
1871 Stephanie Miller 66871
1872 Norman Miller 66872
1873 SGT MAJOR NORMAN MILLER (ret) 66873
1875 Diane Milligan 66875
1876 Barb Mills 66876
1877 James Mills 66877
1878 Kathy & Bill Mills 66878
1879 ruth Mills 66879
1880 Cynthia Miltenberger 66880
1881 Louise Minahan 66881
1882 Bruce Minthorne 66882
1883 Tami Minton 66883
1884 Tomer Minuskin 66884
1885 Jonathan Mirabile 66885
1886 Jim Mirowski 66886

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1887 beth mitchell 66887
1888 Jane and John Mitchell 66888
1889 Jason Mitchell 66889
1890 John Mitchell 66890
1891 Judy Mitchell 66891
1892 Rebecca Mitchell 66892
1893 Terry Mitchell 66893
1894 Carol Modrell 66894
1895 CINDRA MOE 66895
1896 Mitchell Mogg 66896
1897 Donna Mohler 66897
1898 Mary Moise 66898
1899 Michael Mollenkopf 66899
1900 Rowena Molluso 66900
1901 BOBBYE MONK 66901
1902 DAVID MONK 66902
1903 David Monk Jr 66903
1904 Vito Monopoli 66904
1905 Wilfred Montero 66905
1906 Marilyn Montgomery 66906
1907 Michele Montgomery 66907
1908 Patricia Montgomery 66908
1909 Virginia Montoya 66909
1910 John Mood 66910
1911 Al Moore 66911
1912 James Moore 66912
1913 Melisa Moore 66913
1914 Paul Moore 66914
1915 Steven Moore 66915
1916 Susie Moore 66916
1917 Teri Moore 66917
1918 Priscilla Moran 66918
1919 James Moravcik 66919
1920 Tamatha Moreci 66920
1921 Anthony Moreci IV 66921
1922 Brandon Morgan 66922
1923 chris morgan 66923
1924 JA Morgan 66924
1925 Julia Morgan 66925
1926 Norma H. Morgan 66926
1927 Shirley R. Morgan 66927
1928 Fred Morgillo 66928
1929 Jackie Morin 66929
1930 Ben Morris 66930
1931 Carol Ann Morris 66931
1932 Jeanette Morris 66932

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1933 Robert Morris 66933
1934 Donnia morrison 66934
1935 Jackie Morrison 66935
1936 Kathleen Morrison 66936
1937 michael morrison 66937
1938 wayne morrison 66938
1939 Rick Morrow 66939
1940 Beverly Morse 66940
1941 Ira Morse 66941
1942 Mayedene Morton 66942
1943 Chris Moses 66943
1944 Robert Mosher 66944
1945 Beverly Moss 66945
1946 Lynn Moss 66946
1947 Patricia Perkins Moss 66947
1948 DANA MOSSMAN 66948
1950 Larry Mowers 66950
1951 miles moxley 66951
1952 Richard Moyers 66952
1953 Roy Moyers 66953
1954 Harry Muehlman 66954
1955 John Mueller, Sr. 66955
1956 Lisa Muha 66956
1957 Ervin Mulkey 66957
1958 Denise Mullen 66958
1959 Laura Mullins 66959
1960 Rhettman Mullis 66960
1961 Rhettman Mullis Jr 66961
1962 Darrel Mulloy 66962
1963 Marilyn Mulloy 66963
1964 Liz Muniz 66964
1965 Donna Munsen 66965
1966 June Murphy 66966
1967 Lisa Murphy 66967
1968 Paul Murphy 66968
1969 Norman Murray 66969
1970 Robert Murray 66970
1971 Anthony Murrey 66971
1972 Patrick Murtaugh 66972
1973 Patrick Murtaugh 66973
1974 Susie Murzynski 66974
1975 Susan Musgrove 66975
1976 Gustavo Mustelier 66976
1977 Barbara Myers 66977
1978 Brian Myers 66978

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
1979 Chuck Myers 66979
1980 Joel Myers 66980
1981 Kristina Myers 66981
1982 jer mynor 66982
1983 Joe Myrick 66983
1984 Gerra Nadimi 66984
1985 DENNIS NAGLE 66985
1986 Chet Napier 66986
1987 Alice Naranjo 66987
1988 Bill Nash 66988
1989 Robert & Janine Nash 66989
1990 Leonard Neill 66990
1991 C. Nelson 66991
1992 Claudia Nelson 66992
1993 Gayle Nelson 66993
1994 Henry Nelson 66994
1995 Joy Nelson 66995
1996 Katherine Nelson 66996
1997 Kerry Nelson 66997
1998 Steven Neuenschwander 66998
1999 Sean Neumann 66999
2000 Katerina Nevasky 67000
2001 Katerina Nevasky 67001
2002 Kathleen Newberry 67002
2003 Linda Newcomb 67003
2005 Cynthia Newman 67005
2006 KIM NEWMAN 67006
2007 Carla Newmon-Smith 67007
2008 Douglas Newton 67008
2009 JIM NEWTON 67009
2010 Joe Newton 67010
2011 Laura Newton 67011
2012 Rosa Newton 67012
2013 Vinh Nguyen 67013
2014 seija nicholas 67014
2015 Chuck Nichols 67015
2016 Devon Nichols 67016
2017 Don Nichols 67017
2018 Don L. Nichols 67018
2019 Edith Nichols 67019
2020 Lisa Nicholson 67020
2021 nick nicholson 67021
2022 Thomas Nickelsen 67022
2023 John Nicolay 67023
2024 Harold Nielsen 67024

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2025 William Nixon 67025
2026 Freddie Noah 67026
2027 Stephanie Noble 67027
2028 Theresa Nochera 67028
2029 Edward C. Noonan 67029
2030 michael nuss 67030
2031 amanda ocker 67031
2032 David O'Connor 67032
2033 Janet O'Connor 67033
2034 Jon Oder 67034
2035 Alfred Odierno 67035
2036 Beverly Odierno 67036
2037 Mark Odom 67037
2038 william odom 67038
2039 Mary Oele 67039
2040 Bruce Ogden 67040
2041 Darrin Oglesbee 67041
2042 Cecil Ogren 67042
2043 Judith O'Hare 67043
2044 Carl Ohman 67044
2045 john oldfield 67045
2046 Ramona Olivan 67046
2047 Dorothy Olive 67047
2048 Carol Olivieri 67048
2049 guy olsen 67049
2050 Ann Olson 67050
2051 Ann Marie Olson 67051
2052 Carolyn Olson 67052
2053 Diane Olson 67053
2054 Jeanne olson 67054
2055 Karolynn Olson 67055
2056 Kimberly Olson 67056
2057 Randall Olson 67057
2058 Robert W. Olson 67058
2059 Rose M O'Malley 67059
2060 Laura Onufrock 67060
2062 Lisa Orwick 67062
2063 Ken Osborn 67063
2064 Douglas Ossentjuk 67064
2065 Norma Osthoff 67065
2066 Geraldine Ostrowski 67066
2067 sharon ostwinch 67067
2068 Dawn Oswald 67068
2069 Gary Otwell 67069
2070 Larry Overby 67070

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Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2071 Jim Overton 67071
2072 Ann Owens 67072
2073 Connie Owen's 67073
2074 Nadean Owsley 67074
2075 Nadean Owsley 67075
2076 Sandra Owsley 67076
2077 Jason Ozee 67077
2078 Thaddeus Oziminski 67078
2079 John Padgett 67079
2080 DAVID PAGE 67080
2081 DEBRA PAGE 67081
2082 tomas pain 67082
2083 Bart Palamaro 67083
2084 Thomas Palazzolo 67084
2085 Frank palermo 67085
2086 Paul Palumbo Jr. 67086
2087 Debra Papapietro 67087
2088 Louisa Papke 67088
2089 Steven Paradie 67089
2090 Daniela Paravano 67090
2091 Dino Paravano 67091
2092 Maria Paravano 67092
2093 Carolyn Paravia 67093
2094 Sharon Parent 67094
2095 Austin Parish 67095
2096 Harry Parker 67096
2097 Jeffrey Parker 67097
2098 Lisa Parker 67098
2099 Lisa Parker 67099
2100 Roxanna Parker 67100
2101 Steve Parker 67101
2102 Susan Parker 67102
2103 David T Parkhill 67103
2104 rosemary parkinson 67104
2105 Boyd Parks 67105
2106 Joseph Parriott 67106
2107 Leah Parry 67107
2108 Angela Parsley 67108
2109 Michael Pasch 67109
2110 david paschal 67110
2111 david paschal 67111
2112 Thomas Paschal 67112
2113 maggie passaro 67113
2114 Tony Passaro 67114
2115 Larry Pate 67115
2116 John Patrick 67116

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2117 Allen Patrou 67117
2118 Lucinda Patten 67118
2119 don patterson 67119
2120 Geraldine Patterson 67120
2121 Jo Pattillo 67121
2122 William Pattillo 67122
2123 jane patton 67123
2124 Ronald Patton 67124
2125 David Paul 67125
2126 Jacquelyn Paul 67126
2127 Kenneth Pavy 67127
2128 Dru Payne 67128
2129 Jimmy Payne 67129
2130 LAURIE PAYNE 67130
2131 Ben Payton 67131
2132 George Peabody 67132
2133 Derek Peaster 67133
2134 Michele Pecora 67134
2135 Susan Peden 67135
2136 Melissa Pehle-Hill 67136
2137 Robert Pelter 67137
2139 Robert Penner Sr 67139
2140 Phillip Pennington 67140
2141 armando perez 67141
2142 Mary Perez 67142
2143 & Perkins 67143
2144 Lisa Perkins 67144
2145 Louise Perkins 67145
2146 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Perkins 67146
2147 Steve Perkins 67147
2148 David Perrego 67148
2149 Catania Perry 67149
2150 David Perry 67150
2151 Randy Perry 67151
2152 Rick Perry 67152
2153 Rolla Perry 67153
2154 Virginia Perry-Busick 67154
2155 Rodney M. Person 67155
2156 Michael Peterlin 67156
2157 Valerie Peters 67157
2158 Alyssa Petersen 67158
2159 Garland Petersen 67159
2160 Norman Petersen 67160
2161 Burdette Peterson 67161
2162 Candace Peterson 67162

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2163 Carole Peterson 67163
2164 Chad Peterson 67164
2165 Deej Peterson 67165
2166 Joyce Peterson 67166
2167 James Petrovich 67167
2168 Joanne Pettersen 67168
2170 Dana Pflaum 67170
2171 Debbie Pfleiger 67171
2172 Douglas Pfleiger 67172
2173 Philip Philip Chris 67173
2174 BJ Philipp 67174
2175 Norman Phillips 67175
2176 Russell Phillips 67176
2177 Mrs Judy Pickett 67177
2178 Steve Picotte 67178
2179 Natalia Piendel 67179
2180 Kenneth Pierce 67180
2181 william pierce 67181
2182 Ralph Pierleoni 67182
2183 Patricia Pierre 67183
2184 David Pietrzak 67184
2185 gerald pilley 67185
2186 angela pink 67186
2187 Victor Pirie 67187
2188 Julie Piskula 67188
2189 sandra pittman 67189
2190 Linda Pitts 67190
2191 Alice Pizappi 67191
2192 Christopher Plante 67192
2193 Valerie Ploch 67193
2194 Arthur J Plourde 67194
2195 Sheila Plourde 67195
2197 mike poast 67197
2198 Nancy Pohler 67198
2199 Sandra Pohlman 67199
2200 L.C. Poindexter 67200
2201 Jacqueline Poisson 67201
2202 Debra Pokojny 67202
2203 Owen Pollard Jr. 67203
2204 Stan Pollmann 67204
2205 Robert Poltz 67205
2206 Shirley Pomales 67206
2207 Patricia Pond 67207
2208 Sharon Poole 67208

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2209 Jonathan Poore 67209
2210 Robert Porrazzo 67210
2211 Cindy Porter 67211
2212 Madison Porter 67212
2213 Randi Portnoy 67213
2214 Seth Potter 67214
2215 Jan Pottorff 67215
2216 Janis Potts 67216
2217 maria pounds 67217
2218 carol powell 67218
2219 EMILY POWELL 67219
2220 KATHY POWELL 67220
2221 Kevin Powell 67221
2223 sherry powell 67223
2224 bubba powers 67224
2225 Tim Powers 67225
2226 Steven G Poyzer 67226
2227 robert pratt 67227
2228 Michael Presnell 67228
2229 Ted Pressley 67229
2230 Benjamin Preston 67230
2231 Robert Preston 67231
2232 Sharon Prigmore 67232
2233 theodore prihoda 67233
2234 Carole Pritchett 67234
2235 Robert Pritchett 67235
2236 Alfred Procopio 67236
2237 Ann Prueter 67237
2238 Frederick Puccetti 67238
2239 Dominic Pucci 67239
2240 Frank Puff 67240
2241 Beverly Pupa 67241
2242 Susan Puryear 67242
2243 Wayne Putman 67243
2244 Robert Quance 67244
2245 Bill Quarnstrom 67245
2246 Jean Queen 67246
2247 george luis QUILES 67247
2248 Curt Radabaugh 67248
2249 Hannah Radcliffe 67249
2250 J. Radcliffe 67250
2251 NANCY RADDOHL 67251
2252 Annette Ragsdale 67252
2253 Tim Raines 67253
2254 John Rainger 67254

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Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2255 susan rajchel 67255
2256 susan rakay 67256
2257 Della Randall 67257
2258 Jon Randall 67258
2259 Patricia Randall 67259
2260 Dana Randolph 67260
2261 Jonathan Randolph 67261
2262 Lorene B Randolph 67262
2263 Nicholas Randolph 67263
2264 Quenten Raney 67264
2265 Quenten Raney Jr 67265
2266 Herbert Rash 67266
2267 George Rasmussen 67267
2268 Robert Rassat 67268
2269 Carolyn Rastrelli 67269
2270 Michael Rathbun 67270
2271 Lee Rawlings 67271
2272 dan ray 67272
2273 David Ray 67273
2274 Debby Ray 67274
2275 Wee R. Raycests 67275
2276 Nanette Rayman-Rivera 67276
2277 Voncile Rayner 67277
2278 Denise Rearden 67278
2279 Gene Reber 67279
2280 Eunice Rebrey 67280
2281 Tom Redfern 67281
2282 Jacqueline Reece 67282
2283 cheryl reed 67283
2284 Rebecca Reed 67284
2285 Shawn Reed 67285
2286 Sue Reed 67286
2287 Jay Reeder 67287
2288 Robert Regal 67288
2289 DON & BETTY REGIER 67289
2290 Sandra Regnier 67290
2291 Chris Reich 67291
2292 Barbara Reilly 67292
2293 Susan Reimer 67293
2294 Harry REISS 67294
2295 Lorena Remmell 67295
2296 Ralph Remmell 67296
2297 Albert Rench 67297
2298 James D Renn 67298
2299 Martha Renshaw 67299
2300 Charles Resseguie 67300

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2301 Janice Retherford 67301
2302 Ron Retherford 67302
2303 Nadine Retzlaff 67303
2304 Glenda Reynolds 67304
2305 Mary Reynolds 67305
2306 Tony Reynolds 67306
2307 Grady Rhodes 67307
2308 DeWayne Rhudy 67308
2309 Eric Rice 67309
2310 Louise Rich 67310
2311 Elbert Richards 67311
2312 John Richards 67312
2313 Kathy Richards 67313
2314 Gina Richardson 67314
2315 Terri Richardson 67315
2316 James Richmond 67316
2317 Larry Richmond 67317
2318 Bruce Rick 67318
2319 don rickard 67319
2320 Robert Ridley 67320
2321 Virginia Ridley 67321
2322 william riler 67322
2323 Harry Riley 67323
2324 kevin riley 67324
2325 Patricia Riley 67325
2326 Tammy Rinehart 67326
2327 Michael Rinne 67327
2328 Sally Risner 67328
2329 PATRICIA RIST 67329
2330 William Ritch 67330
2331 Cristi Ritchey 67331
2332 Debra Ritland 67332
2333 Frank Ritter 67333
2335 Linda Rivera 67335
2336 Betty Rizan 67336
2337 Janet Rizan 67337
2338 Martha Rizek 67338
2339 patti roan 67339
2340 John Robacynski, Esq. 67340
2341 Eileen Robbins 67341
2342 Joanna Robbins 67342
2343 Paul Robbins 67343
2344 William Roberson 67344
2345 Barbara Roberts 67345
2346 Eva Roberts 67346

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2347 Hallie Roberts 67347
2348 Lynne Roberts 67348
2349 Matthew Roberts 67349
2350 Nancy Roberts 67350
2351 Wanda Roberts 67351
2352 Wanda Roberts 67352
2353 Melissa Robertson 67353
2354 B. Robinson 67354
2355 Linda Robinson 67355
2356 Roy/Marlene Robinson 67356
2357 Roy/Marlene Robinson 67357
2358 Willie Robinson 67358
2359 sandra robles 67359
2360 Kelly Roby 67360
2361 barbara rock 67361
2362 Mary Rock 67362
2363 Darwin Rockantansky 67363
2364 Rick Rodabaugh 67364
2365 Bernard Rodefer 67365
2366 Francisco & Abigail Rodriguez 67366
2367 Timothy Roesch 67367
2368 Henry Roesemann 67368
2369 Nancy Roesner 67369
2370 Alex Rogers 67370
2371 Janet Rogers 67371
2372 Kaletyo Rogers 67372
2373 Rich Rogers 67373
2374 Richard Rogers 67374
2375 Doran Roggio 67375
2376 Rose Roland 67376
2377 Edward Romanowski 67377
2378 Gerard Rondeau 67378
2379 Sharon Rondeau 67379
2380 Michael Ronsiek 67380
2381 betty rood 67381
2382 John Rooney 67382
2383 Hohn Rosania 67383
2384 James Rose 67384
2385 Wayne Rose 67385
2386 Eric Rosen 67386
2387 Kristy Rosen 67387
2388 Arnie Rosner 67388
2389 mark rosner 67389
2390 linda Rosprim 67390
2391 Elly Ross 67391
2392 Patricia Ross 67392

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2393 Doug Rossi 67393
2394 Vivian Rostomily 67394
2395 Patricia Roth 67395
2396 Rickie Rothman Sr 67396
2397 Thomas Roussel 67397
2398 Debrena Rowley 67398
2399 Kathy Royer 67399
2400 Gerard Rubino 67400
2401 PATRICIA RUCH 67401
2402 Vena Runyan 67402
2403 John Rush 67403
2404 Glenda Rushing 67404
2405 Anne Ruspantini 67405
2406 Anne Marie Ruspantini 67406
2407 Elizabeth Russell 67407
2408 Karin Russell 67408
2409 Nancy Russell 67409
2410 fran rutherford 67410
2411 Patricia Rutland 67411
2412 Joelle Rutledge 67412
2413 Mary Rutledge 67413
2414 Joan Rutschow 67414
2415 thomas rutter 67415
2416 Tony RUZZO 67416
2417 Liz Ryan 67417
2418 scott Rygg 67418
2419 Fawzi Saad 67419
2420 nancy saetta 67420
2421 Barry Safley 67421
2422 Lisa Sage 67422
2423 Barbara Saker 67423
2424 Gloria Sakowicz 67424
2425 James Salisbury 67425
2426 Rick Salyer 67426
2427 Jacques Sammons 67427
2428 Roy Sampley 67428
2429 Rosanna Sampson 67429
2430 Nona Samson 67430
2431 Dara Samuel 67431
2432 Michael Samuels DO 67432
2433 Cindy Sanches 67433
2434 Augustine Sanchez 67434
2435 Loretta Sanchez 67435
2436 Michelle Sanchez 67436
2437 Billy Sanders 67437
2438 Charles and Carol Sanders 67438

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2439 David Sanders 67439
2440 donald Sanders 67440
2441 Gary Sanders 67441
2442 Mary E Sanders 67442
2443 Monica Sanders 67443
2444 Patrick Sanders 67444
2445 Lizabeth Sanders-Matz 67445
2446 AnnaMarie Sanderson 67446
2447 Cindy Sandow 67447
2448 Florence Sanfilippo 67448
2449 Neil SANKEY 67449
2450 William Sankey 67450
2451 Linda Santell 67451
2452 Skip Santillo 67452
2453 Richard Santomauro 67453
2454 Frank Santoro 67454
2455 Nancy Sarantapoulos 67455
2456 Donna Sarrell 67456
2457 Jeffrey Saunders 67457
2458 Jeffrey Saunders 67458
2459 Lynda Sawyer 67459
2460 Franklin Saxton 67460
2461 Debbi Schaefer 67461
2462 Gayla Schaefer 67462
2463 Larry Schalk 67463
2464 Matthew Schambers 67464
2465 Kristin Scharf 67465
2466 NANCY SCHARF 67466
2467 Kathy Schechla 67467
2468 Joby Schechter 67468
2469 DOUG Schexnayder, PhD (ret) 67469
2470 Rob Schick 67470
2471 Paul Schiele 67471
2472 Judy Schlueter 67472
2473 Barbara Schmidt 67473
2474 Dale Schmidt 67474
2475 Mary Schmidt 67475
2476 R Schmidt 67476
2477 Tommy Schmidt 67477
2478 Joan Schmitt 67478
2479 gary schnitzler 67479
2480 Fran Schoenberger 67480
2481 Linda Schofield 67481
2482 Stephen Schon 67482
2483 judith schoner 67483
2484 Marlo Schouten 67484

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2485 James Schovanec 67485
2486 Marc Schraeder 67486
2487 Janice Schreiner 67487
2488 Donnie Schroeder 67488
2489 Richard Schubert 67489
2490 Robert Schule 67490
2491 Lisa Schulte 67491
2492 Catherine Schultz 67492
2493 Ivan Schultz 67493
2494 Jackie Schulz 67494
2495 Jennifer Schumacher 67495
2496 Lance Schumacher 67496
2497 Jerry Schumann 67497
2498 Marcia Schussler 67498
2499 Freddie Scoggan 67499
2500 Jody Scotece 67500
2501 Agnes Scott 67501
2502 Andrew Scott 67502
2503 E. Scott 67503
2504 James Scott 67504
2505 Michael Scott 67505
2506 Anthony Scott 67506
2507 Laurie Scovel 67507
2508 Bud Scrivner 67508
2509 sandy seager 67509
2510 Mary Seales 67510
2511 Don Sears 67511
2512 Norma Sears 67512
2513 Norma J Sears 67513
2514 carrie seat 67514
2515 Harry Seda 67515
2516 Harry Seda 67516
2517 Steven See 67517
2518 Sheryl Seevers 67518
2519 ELAN SEGURA 67519
2520 Anthony Seider 67520
2521 James Seigfreid 67521
2522 James Seigfreig 67522
2523 Ingrid Serina 67523
2524 Robert Serrao 67524
2525 Roberta Sewell 67525
2526 Trevor Sexton 67526
2527 Anne-Marie Shaffer 67527
2528 Claudia Shaffer 67528
2529 Donna Shaffer 67529
2530 Kevin Shaffer 67530

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2531 Ron Shaffer 67531
2532 Jack Shamburger 67532
2533 Bradford Shank 67533
2534 Emily Shank 67534
2535 Clifton Shannon 67535
2536 Clyde Shaw 67536
2537 Eric Shaw 67537
2538 Jeff Sheaffer 67538
2539 Harold Shearer 67539
2540 JAMES SHELTON 67540
2541 Timothy Shelton 67541
2542 Dan Shepherd 67542
2543 George Shepherd 67543
2544 Ruth Shepherd 67544
2545 Trish Shepherd 67545
2546 Joyce Sheppard 67546
2547 Joanne Sherman 67547
2548 RoniHazel Sherman 67548
2549 Frances Shinn 67549
2550 Donald Shoemaker 67550
2551 woodard shoemaker 67551
2552 Richard Shorr 67552
2553 Bob Short 67553
2554 Carleen Short 67554
2555 George Short 67555
2556 REBECCA SHORT 67556
2557 Robert Short 67557
2558 Suzanne Short 67558
2559 James Shreffler 67559
2560 Tracy Shropshire 67560
2561 Allen Shultz 67561
2562 Rosemary Sibley 67562
2563 Diane Siereveld 67563
2564 Rita Silknitter 67564
2565 Linda Sills 67565
2566 Erik Silva 67566
2567 james simmons 67567
2568 Robert Simmons 67568
2569 Theryn Simmons 67569
2570 Brett Sims 67570
2571 Marshall Sirota 67571
2572 Gayle Sitarek 67572
2573 Joie Sites 67573
2574 Vanessa Sizemore 67574
2575 william sizemore 67575
2576 Sharon Skidgel 67576

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2577 Joseph Skivington 67577
2578 Barbara Skrable 67578
2579 Bruce Slack 67579
2580 robert slaney 67580
2581 leonard slatin 67581
2582 Robin Slinkard 67582
2583 Liza Sliwka 67583
2584 bec small 67584
2585 Ronda Smerdon 67585
2586 SARAH SMETH 67586
2587 dave smiddy 67587
2588 alvin smith 67588
2589 Caroline Smith 67589
2590 Chuck Smith 67590
2591 Connie Smith 67591
2592 Craig Smith 67592
2593 Daniel Smith 67593
2594 deborah smith 67594
2595 Devera Smith 67595
2596 earnest smith 67596
2597 elkman7@comcast.net smith 67597
2598 Fredereick Smith 67598
2599 Gail Smith 67599
2600 GUY SMITH 67600
2601 J. D. Smith 67601
2602 Jacob Smith 67602
2603 Jacqlyn Smith 67603
2604 james smith 67604
2605 james i smith 67605
2606 Jerry Smith 67606
2607 John Smith 67607
2608 kathy Smith 67608
2609 Linda Smith 67609
2610 mark smith 67610
2611 Paul Smith 67611
2612 Paula Smith 67612
2613 Richard Smith 67613
2614 robert smith 67614
2615 Roger Smith 67615
2616 Sarah Smith 67616
2617 Sharon Smith 67617
2618 Wayne Smith 67618
2619 sam smolkin 67619
2620 george smudin 67620
2621 Donna Sneller 67621
2622 Duke Snelson 67622

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2623 Christopher snider 67623
2624 william snipes 67624
2625 Justin Snoke 67625
2626 Chris Snow 67626
2627 Sarah Snow 67627
2628 Robert Snyder 67628
2629 Royal Snyder 67629
2630 Susan Snyder 67630
2631 Patricia Sobotka-Wright 67631
2632 Phillip Solarz 67632
2633 Frederic Soliman 67633
2634 Helene Solinga 67634
2635 Aida Solis 67635
2636 Ana Solis 67636
2637 Thomas Solomon 67637
2638 christhoper soltow 67638
2639 Michael Sommerfeld 67639
2640 Robin Sommerfeld 67640
2641 Charles Sommers 67641
2642 Jama Sommers 67642
2643 Chrisitna Sowder 67643
2644 Gary Spalding 67644
2645 Nina Speairs 67645
2646 Dale Spencer 67646
2647 Diane Spencer 67647
2648 Fred Spencer 67648
2649 Lance Sperl 67649
2650 Joseph Spicer 67650
2651 Wilma Spicer 67651
2652 James Spiess 67652
2653 John Spooner 67653
2654 Christopher Springfield 67654
2655 Ralph Sprovier 67655
2656 Drew Squires 67656
2657 Barbara Staats 67657
2658 Sandy Staats 67658
2659 Bobby Stanaland 67659
2660 Robert Stancliff Sr. 67660
2661 patricia stangasser 67661
2662 Homer Stanley 67662
2663 Sherry Stansberry 67663
2664 melanie stapp 67664
2665 Jeffrey stark 67665
2666 Jennifer Starke 67666
2667 Joane Starkey 67667
2668 Tim Starkey 67668

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2669 karen starr 67669
2670 Samantha R. Starr 67670
2671 Jeff Stasney 67671
2672 Sharon Stathopoulos 67672
2673 Jack Stearns 67673
2674 Cynthia Stebbins 67674
2675 brenda steed 67675
2676 Carl Stegmaier 67676
2677 Annette Steingraber 67677
2678 Dawn stenberg 67678
2679 michael stennick 67679
2680 Deena Stephens 67680
2681 Douglas Stephens 67681
2682 Lissa Stern 67682
2683 Elaine Stevens 67683
2684 Royce Stevens 67684
2685 Rusty Stevens 67685
2686 cindy stewart 67686
2687 Jack Stewart 67687
2688 Shari Stiborek 67688
2689 Lawrence Stice 67689
2690 Ellis Stickel 67690
2691 Kim Stickel 67691
2692 David Stickle 67692
2693 Dorn Stickle 67693
2694 Evelyn Stickle 67694
2695 Samyul Stickle 67695
2696 Sharron Stillings 67696
2697 carl stillwell 67697
2699 Renee Stokes 67699
2700 Mark Stoleson 67700
2701 Steven Stoltz 67701
2702 Gail Stoltzfoos 67702
2703 Andrew W Stone 67703
2704 billy stone 67704
2705 Capt Tom Stone 67705
2706 Kanith Stone 67706
2707 Rosemarie A Stone 67707
2708 Linda Stoops 67708
2709 Terri Storm 67709
2710 Tim Story 67710
2711 Carl Stout 67711
2712 Pamela Stout 67712
2713 Jesse F Stovall Jr 67713
2714 BETTY STOWERS 67714

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2715 Paul Stramer 67715
2716 Boni Strasser 67716
2717 Leslie Stratton 67717
2718 Linda Strawn 67718
2719 Lee Stricklin 67719
2720 Annette Stringer 67720
2721 Linda Strode 67721
2722 krys stromsted 67722
2723 Dustin Strothoff 67723
2724 Janice Strunk 67724
2725 Kenneth Stump 67725
2726 Rick Stutts 67726
2727 Myra Sullivan 67727
2728 Paul Sullivan 67728
2729 Rochelle Sullivan 67729
2730 Rosiland Sullivan 67730
2731 Rockwood Summerfield 67731
2732 Herman Summers 67732
2733 Bill Surgeon 67733
2734 soraya sussman 67734
2735 Warren Sutherland 67735
2736 Charles Sutton 67736
2737 David Sutton 67737
2738 Robert Sutton 67738
2739 Sharon Sutton 67739
2740 walter Swahla 67740
2741 gene swank 67741
2742 Nancy Swedelius 67742
2743 James Sweeney 67743
2744 Carl Swensson 67744
2745 cathy swider 67745
2746 Scott Swigart 67746
2747 Carl Swim 67747
2748 James Taber 67748
2749 Sadie Tabor 67749
2750 Kai Takayama 67750
2751 Al Tallant 67751
2752 Allan Tallant 67752
2753 Ann Tallant 67753
2754 Linda Talley 67754
2755 Cherry Talsma 67755
2756 Tony Tamaccio 67756
2757 Ethel Tanner 67757
2758 Ricky Tanner 67758
2760 David Tapscott 67760

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2761 Sally Tarsitano 67761
2762 Peter Tauch 67762
2763 Bobby Taylor 67763
2764 Debbie Taylor 67764
2765 Denise Taylor 67765
2766 Donna Taylor 67766
2767 Harold Taylor 67767
2768 Heather Taylor 67768
2769 James Taylor 67769
2770 JIM TAYLOR 67770
2771 Karen Taylor 67771
2772 Kip Taylor 67772
2773 Laura Taylor 67773
2774 Nancy Taylor 67774
2775 Patrick Taylor 67775
2776 Patsy Taylor 67776
2777 Rob Taylor 67777
2778 Sharon Taylor 67778
2779 James (Jim) H. Taylor Jr. 67779
2780 Jeffrey Teague 67780
2781 Sammy Teague 67781
2782 Iris Tedder 67782
2783 Joe Teller 67783
2784 EJ Temple 67784
2785 Jack Angelo Territo 67785
2786 Nancy Terry 67786
2787 Robert Terry 67787
2788 Brian Thomas 67788
2789 Debbie Thomas 67789
2790 dennis thomas 67790
2791 elaine thomas 67791
2792 lawson thomas 67792
2793 Sam Thomas 67793
2794 Tom Thomas 67794
2795 Dawn Thomason 67795
2796 BILL THOMPSON 67796
2797 Brian Thompson 67797
2798 connie thompson 67798
2799 Karen Thompson 67799
2800 Margaret Thompson 67800
2801 Rachelle Thompson 67801
2802 ronald thompson 67802
2803 Trish Thompson 67803
2804 Jeff Thomson 67804
2805 David Thoresen 67805
2806 timothy thornburg 67806

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2807 Donald Thornton 67807
2808 Shawn Thornton 67808
2809 Bill R. Threadgill 67809
2810 Diane Thurlow 67810
2811 Linda Thurlow 67811
2812 Connie Thurman 67812
2813 Ralph Thurman 67813
2814 Sylvan Tieger 67814
2816 Helen Timmreck 67816
2817 Carol Tindall 67817
2818 Stanford Titlow 67818
2819 carole tobey 67819
2820 Julie Tobin 67820
2821 Neil Tobin 67821
2822 Rich Tobin 67822
2823 Kami Toland 67823
2824 Brian Tolbert 67824
2825 DALE TOMLIN 67825
2826 Catherine Tomlinson 67826
2827 Ronald Tomson 67827
2828 Edward Tonsing 67828
2829 JoAnne Toohill 67829
2830 Joel Torczon 67830
2831 paul tornetta 67831
2832 ROGER TOTTEN 67832
2834 Jean F. Tousignant 67834
2835 Sharon Toussaint 67835
2836 Johnnie Townsend 67836
2837 Cheryl Tracy 67837
2838 Charles Trautman 67838
2839 Theresa Trease 67839
2840 James Troiano 67840
2841 Roy Trueman 67841
2842 Dave Truesdell 67842
2843 Jolena Trujillo 67843
2844 Maureen Trullinger 67844
2845 Daniel Trumper 67845
2846 Uvin A TSGT 67846
2847 Maureen Tubello 67847
2848 preston tuberville 67848
2849 Bryon Tucker 67849
2850 Sally Tudor 67850
2851 Nathalie Tuinenburg 67851
2852 cathy turley 67852

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2853 Jackie Turner 67853
2854 NEIL TURNER 67854
2855 Randall Turner 67855
2856 Donna Turney 67856
2857 Marty Turrill 67857
2858 Wade Tuten 67858
2859 alan tyler 67859
2860 Ronald Tyler 67860
2861 james tyrcz 67861
2862 Anthony Tytler 67862
2863 Bob Uda 67863
2864 Denise Uda 67864
2865 Lynne Uher 67865
2866 Shannon Ulery 67866
2868 crista underwood 67868
2869 Jim Ungerbuehler 67869
2870 Jim Ungerbuehler 67870
2871 Margie Urban 67871
2872 Crystal Utecht 67872
2873 Kerrin Uttke 67873
2874 Mildred Vadney 67874
2875 DEBBIE VAGI 67875
2877 Lyndal Valentine 67877
2878 Vickie Valentine 67878
2879 Lynda Valentine Betker 67879
2880 Mitch van Biljon 67880
2881 marcella van deren 67881
2882 Keith van Heyningen 67882
2883 Priscilla Van Horne 67883
2884 John Vanderwater 67884
2885 Barbara VanHaagen 67885
2886 Barbara VanHaagen 67886
2887 Claudia VanLydegraf 67887
2888 Barett VanSchaick 67888
2889 jerry vanwagoner 67889
2890 JACK VANZILE 67890
2891 Beth Varela 67891
2892 James Varner 67892
2893 Steve Varner 67893
2894 Lee Vaubel 67894
2895 toni vaudry 67895
2896 Rick Vaughn 67896
2898 Donald Velzy 67898

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2899 Alan Vera 67899
2900 Vicki Verego 67900
2901 Jay Vernon 67901
2902 Janeen VEstal 67902
2903 Carl Vetzel 67903
2904 Priscilla Vickery 67904
2906 Karl Vincent 67906
2908 graci vise 67908
2910 Bettina Viviano 67910
2911 John Vogeley 67911
2912 JoAnne Volak 67912
2913 Cheryl Volesky 67913
2914 Kaehl Volesky 67914
2915 Leonard Volodarsky 67915
2916 Marie Volpetti 67916
2917 Donald Vondran 67917
2918 Mark Voss 67918
2919 Vanessa Waddell 67919
2920 Richard Wagener 67920
2921 Nancy & Wagoner 67921
2922 Nancy & Clarence Wagoner 67922
2923 Bob Walden 67923
2924 doug walk 67924
2925 James Walker 67925
2926 Scott Walker 67926
2927 Ralph E Wall,Sr 67927
2928 Andrea Wallace 67928
2929 George Walley Jr 67929
2930 Sharon Walls 67930
2931 Doreen Walsh 67931
2932 mark walsh 67932
2933 John Walter 67933
2934 John Walters 67934
2935 Charles Walts 67935
2936 Jeanne Waltz 67936
2937 Rick Wansitler 67937
2938 Guy Ward 67938
2939 Juanita Ward 67939
2940 Michael Ward 67940
2941 Pamela Ward 67941
2942 W. Kent Ward 67942
2943 donald warden 67943
2944 Rick Warden 67944

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2945 John Ware 67945
2946 Penny Waren 67946
2947 jennifer warner 67947
2948 abbe warren 67948
2949 Lorraine Warren 67949
2950 Pam Warren 67950
2951 Steven Warren 67951
2952 William Warrick jr. 67952
2953 Martha Washington 67953
2954 James Watkins 67954
2955 Margaret Watkins 67955
2956 lisa watson 67956
2957 Sharron Watson 67957
2958 Wanda Watson 67958
2959 Andy Watts 67959
2960 Carrie Watts 67960
2961 Gary Waymire 67961
2962 David Weakland 67962
2963 Jerry Weakland 67963
2964 corby weaver 67964
2965 Krista Weaver 67965
2966 Michael Weaver 67966
2967 Phil Weaver 67967
2968 Alan Webb 67968
2969 Amber Webb 67969
2970 Barry Webb 67970
2971 Quinn Webb 67971
2972 Kenneth Wedemeyer 67972
2973 Cathleen Wedlake 67973
2974 james weekly 67974
2975 Lisa Weidle 67975
2976 Dorothy Weidner 67976
2977 Doug Weight 67977
2978 ELDON WEIR 67978
2979 Amanda Welch 67979
2980 Rachel Welch 67980
2981 David Welden 67981
2982 Gary Wellborn 67982
2983 Tina Wellborn 67983
2984 Nina Welsh 67984
2985 Karen Wenger 67985
2986 Melody Wenneshiemer 67986
2987 Edwin Werntz 67987
2988 Jo Wespieser 67988
2989 Richard West 67989
2990 Tom West 67990

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
2991 James Westphal 67991
2992 Robert Wetzel 67992
2993 Sammy Weygand 67993
2994 Barbara Wharton 67994
2995 Rose Whatley 67995
2996 Myrtice Wheeler 67996
2997 Judy Whisler 67997
2998 Angela Whitaker 67998
2999 Cynthia Whitaker 67999
3000 Jeffrey Whitaker 68000
3001 Jerry Whitaker 68001
3002 Linda Whitaker 68002
3003 Ben White 68003
3004 Bob White 68004
3005 Connie White 68005
3006 howard white 68006
3007 Jim White 68007
3008 John G White 68008
3009 Laurie White 68009
3010 Roger White 68010
3011 Sherri White 68011
3012 Steven White 68012
3013 Billy Ray Whitfield 68013
3014 Preston Whitfill 68014
3015 Alexis Whitson 68015
3016 Joshua Whitworth 68016
3017 Sandra Wiatrowski 68017
3018 Terese Wical 68018
3019 Donald Wielenga 68019
3020 philip wiener 68020
3021 Daniel Wigal 68021
3022 loretta wiggins 68022
3023 goldie wilbur 68023
3024 goldie j wilbur 68024
3025 Wanda Wilchar 68025
3026 Luba Wilck 68026
3027 Terry Wilde 68027
3028 john wilkerson 68028
3029 Pat Wilkerson 68029
3030 John F Wilkins jr 68030
3031 Jan Wilkinson 68031
3032 Sheila Wilkinson 68032
3033 Billie Willard 68033
3034 Charles N. Willess 68034
3035 Jeanne Willhite 68035
3036 Sunee Willhouse 68036

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
3037 Sunee Lee Willhouse 68037
3038 Cote William 68038
3039 Al Williams 68039
3040 BILL WILLIAMS 68040
3041 Bonny Williams 68041
3042 Christopher Williams 68042
3043 Clayton Williams 68043
3044 Daniel Williams 68044
3045 David Williams 68045
3046 Faye Williams 68046
3047 Helen Williams 68047
3048 James Williams 68048
3049 Jennifer Williams 68049
3050 John Williams 68050
3051 LINDA Williams 68051
3052 Michael Williams 68052
3053 Richard Williams 68053
3055 stanley L (stan) williams 68055
3056 Toni Williams 68056
3057 Troy Williams 68057
3058 Greg Williamson 68058
3059 nita willis 68059
3060 Rebecca Wilmot 68060
3061 Andrea Wilson 68061
3062 Cathy Wilson 68062
3063 Chip Wilson 68063
3064 Ellen WIlson 68064
3065 Gregory Wilson 68065
3066 Juanita Wilson 68066
3067 Lisa Wilson 68067
3068 Lisa A Wilson 68068
3069 Shirley Wilson 68069
3070 Wendy Wilson 68070
3071 william wilson 68071
3072 Victoria Windsor 68072
3073 Tony Winget 68073
3074 Robert Winkler 68074
3075 ronald winslow 68075
3076 Mitt Winstead 68076
3077 Guy Wise 68077
3078 Charles Wishman 68078
3079 Dennis Wishon 68079
3080 anne wisneski 68080
3081 Thomas Witt 68081
3082 Christian Woehrle 68082

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
3083 john WOHLFEIL 68083
3084 Art Wolf 68084
3085 Julie Wolf 68085
3086 kim wolfert 68086
3087 ANDREW WOLFF 68087
3088 HELEN WOLFF 68088
3089 Mare Wolkstein 68089
3090 Roland Womack 68090
3091 Jon Wong 68091
3092 Edward Wood 68092
3093 judi Wood 68093
3094 judi Wood 68094
3095 Linda Wood 68095
3096 Patricia Wood 68096
3097 Suzanne Wood 68097
3098 Tamera Wood 68098
3099 Timothy Wood 68099
3100 John Woods 68100
3101 Karly Woods 68101
3102 Mary Workman 68102
3103 Scot Workman 68103
3104 Frank and Barbara Worley 68104
3105 Teresa worner 68105
3106 Robert Wozniak 68106
3107 Frederick Wrede, Jr. 68107
3108 Karen Wright 68108
3109 Larry Wright 68109
3110 marty wright 68110
3111 steven wright 68111
3112 marty wright 68112
3113 Jane Wyner 68113
3114 Rhett Wynn 68114
3115 William Wynne 68115
3116 Joan Yanez 68116
3117 Doris Yarbro 68117
3118 Barbara Yeager 68118
3119 ray yeager 68119
3120 Heather Yebba 68120
3121 Anna Yeisley 68121
3122 Patricia Yonkoski 68122
3123 new yorkled 68123
3124 George Youket 68124
3125 Jpan Young 68125
3126 Kathleen Young 68126
3127 Mike Young 68127
3128 Michael Young, Sr. 68128

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Robert S.Mueller III, Director Criminal Complaints Submitted 23 August 2010

Symbolic Signatures of Concerned US Citizens

Record Firstname Surname Index
3129 Lana Younger 68129
3130 William Younger 68130
3131 pamela yourno 68131
3132 Wayne Zachry 68132
3133 paul zambito 68133
3134 Darrell Zandofsky 68134
3135 Deborah Zapasnik 68135
3136 William Zarkos 68136
3137 Marilyn Zaruba 68137
3138 David Zaslow 68138
3139 Marilyn Zayac 68139
3140 barbara zerhusen 68140
3141 Nancy Ziegler 68141
3142 Albert Ziesmer 68142
3143 Sher Zieve 68143
3144 mark ziglar 68144
3145 paul zimmerman 68145
3146 Mary Zinkiewicz 68146
3147 John Ziola 68147
3148 Chad Zollo 68148
3149 David Zulian 68149
3150 Laurel Zyvoloski 68150

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