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PHP - Advanced Tutorial Gulev December 6, 2002. Veracruz, Mexico Rasmus Lerdorf http:/ Slide 1/64 Agenda December 6, 2002 © PHP-MySQL © Cookie Handling © Dynamic Images o PDF © Flash © Sessions © Security © Tips & Tricks © Optimization © Latest Developments © Future Slide 2/64 <2 phpinfo() 2> Elo Eat view Tab Sotngs go Setup Check your PHP Setup for MySQL support Eookmarke Tools Help December 6, 2002 mysql tech > © & Gh @ ove fool & Preermocamasnne mp — Fl ‘Active Persistent Links lo [Active Links lo ent API version fsa59 [MYSOL_MODULE_TYPE external [MYSQL_SOCKET [waulnvmpsalimyealsock [MYSOL_INCLUDE | Yusrinchuderny sal [MySOL_UIBS [-Lasiibviny sol -mpsaleent mysqLallow_porsistont On On Imysqaefoult host Te vatie paves ‘mysel-dofault_password ro value navalie Inysqaefoult port evalu paves ovale navalie Inysqlsefoul user evalu paves rnysal.ma_ inks United United ImysqLimax persistent Unirites Unites If not enabled Very rare since a MySQL client library is distributed with PHP and built into PHP by default. However, it is possible to build PHP without MySQL support. Some possible fixes: apt-get install php-mysql. zpm -Uvh php-mysql-4.2.2-1.1386.rpm «/configure --with-mysql=shared, /usr ép modules/ /usr/local/lib/php extension_dir=/usr/local/1ib/php

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