Auschwitz Research Paper Outline

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Raymond 1

Rachael Raymond

Mr. Neuburger

English Comp-129

30 March 2011



I. Introduction

II. Ghetto and transportation

A. Alfred Caro’s Testimony

B. Joseph Morton’s Testimony

III. Three Auschwitz Death Camps

A. Auschwitz I

a. Three Purposes: house enemies of the Nazi regime, have available a supply

of forced laborers for deployment in SS-owned,

construction-related enterprises and 3) to physically

eliminate small, targeted groups of the population whose

death was determined by the SS. Auschwitz I had a gas

chamber and crematorium

b. medical experiments were conducted on infants, twins and dwarfs.

Sterilizations, castrations and hypothermia experiments on adults

as well.

B. Auschwitz II (Auschwitz-Birkenau)
a. This camp had dozens of gas chambers that were separated by electrified

barbed-wire fences.

b. Zyklon B was introduced

C. Auschwitz III (Auschwitz-Monowitz)

a. house prisoners assigned to work at the Buna synthetic rubber works and fuel

IV. What happened at a Death Camp?

A. Testimony on the gassing at Auschwitz.

B. Auschwitz-Birkenau

C. From the Testimony of Max Dreimer about Arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau

D. From the Testimony of Jeanne Levy About Working in Auschwitz-Birkenau

V. Joseph Mengele's Experiments

A. About Joseph Mengele

B. From the Flames

C. Mengele and the Family of Dwarfs

VI. Liberation

VII. Conclusion

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