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Date Due: Tuesday 3rd May 2011

During the move to the new school you will miss 1 or 2 of your Art lessons and it
is therefore vital that you complete at least 1 of the tasks below at home.

 Complete both tasks if you miss 2 Art lessons

 Complete 1 task if you miss 1 Art lesson (you may choose which 1)
Each task should take a minimum of 1 hour

This work will be assessed in the same way as other homework activities (mark
out of 10). Refer to the Homework Mark Scheme in the front of your sketchbook
for details.

Task One: Expressive Drawing

Make a drawing of yourself in a REALLY FOUL MOOD. Look

in the mirror and frown! Grit your teeth, pull your face and
look as grumpy as possible. Now draw what you see.
Use BIRO or FINE LINER. Add TONE to the darker parts of
the face using different types of pen marks. You could try
the CROSS-HATCHING technique or build up areas of tone
using dots or squiggles.
Use a whole side of A4.

Task Two: Distorted Face Collage

Construct an A4 size image of a distorted human face which

reflects a mood or emotion of your choice.
Use coloured paper collected from magazines (good for skin
tones) or other suitable sources and COLLAGE onto your
image to add COLOUR and TONE.
Use a glue stick to secure the paper in place and vary the
size and shape of the paper pieces (e.g. torn, squares, thin
strips etc.) in order to achieve different TEXTURES. Be

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