Short Story On International Border Part-II

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World Cup Football Fever In International Border


When the people of the world are shivering with the fever of joy that the world cup tournament is going to
offer, the inhabitants of the India Bangladesh International Border (IBIB), specially, No man’s Land area, cannot
keep them aloof from the wave of it. They too are feeling the impact of it and hence getting plunged themselves in
the said fever of joy. It is because, the football game is very popular than cricket in entire Northeastern Indian
region and this is why, people of this region are very much inclined to it.
International Border Town (IBT) – Kailashahar (which is also the district headquarter town of North
Tripura district of the Eastern Indian State, Tripura) is one of them, where like others children and young boys of
the country are very fond of football game. They simply go to the ‘field’, armed with football to play as usual and
enjoys, when they win the match.
But, the interesting fact is that, during the football-match, when one of the boys kick the ball, the ball goes
to either the net of the goalpost of Bangladesh or in the territory of Bangladesh, definitely! Yes, believe it or not.
Goalpost is situated just on the ‘Zero-Line’ of the above IBIB.
“It is a fact that the ‘Football Math’ (that is, field) belongs to Radha Kishore Institute, but, it is just (within
08-metres to 10-metres) near the International Border Pillar Number (IBPN) – 1863 and its few portions lie on
No-Man’s Land (that is, within the 138-metres or 150-yards area). Bangladeshi International Border Village
(IBV)s – Telibeel and Sharifpur of Moulavi Bazar District of Bangladesh are situated just opposite to the above
playground, while the playground is located exactly IBV Bolapasha and above IBT – Kailashahar of India.
Except an International Immigration Check Post (IICP) of Bangladesh, which are (just 30-feet away from
the said field) placed western side of the aforesaid football ground, while on the other hand, International Border
Out Post (IBOP) – Sharifpur of border security guards of Bangladesh (Bangladesh Defence Rifles, known as –
BDR) is just around 01.50-kilometres away from the said ground.
Similarly, the Indian IICP, Kailashahar is existed there, but, International Frontier Border Guard (IFBG)
– Border Security Of India (BSFI) is positioned at Mike IBOP area, which is just about 700-metres to 750-metres
away from the above playground.
Not only that there is no International Barbed Wire Border Fence (IBWBF) is existed, due to vehement
opposition from Bangladesh side and the peoples of Bolapasha village and Kailashahar as well”, claimed S.
Sherawat, an official of 24-Battalion of BSFI.
The most unfortunate thing is that in the heart of this IBT – Kailasahar, IBIB line has bifurcated the
aforesaid playground, where the children of India now play their games with affection and amity. However, this
bifurcation has hanged high on the relation and as a result of this; they have to stop playing said games there
“Earlier, (that is, before the ‘Liberation War in 1971’) the children and the youths of aforesaid both the
countries were playing football game in this particular playground (which has approximately 120-metres to 150-
metres/80-metres to 100-metres of land). But, it had suddenly stopped due to the war between India and
erstwhile East Pakistan of present Pakistan State (that is, at that time it was popularly known as– Purbo Bango or
Purbo Bangla, presently, calls – Bangladesh) in the year 1971.
But, in the year, 2007, a friendly match was (between BSFI and BDR) organized to maintain peace and
amity between the two country, India and Bangladesh, but ultimately cancelled due to unknown reason. However,
we think if both sides will further arrange to play the footfall game (whether friendly or normally) as a goodwill
gesture in this filed, then the cordial relation will keep maintain between the above two nations and their
international boundary areas and the anti-social crimes like – smuggling, anti-Indian activities, insurgency, et
cetera will be reduce”, believed the observers of the local civil society.
“Look, the Indo-Bangla international borderline in Eastern Indian Tripura State sector often gets blurred
not only due to this region’s unique geographical location but also for close cultural and linguistic proximities of
the people residing in both sides of the frontier. The said border here is not only thickly populated but also often
offers no virtual divider for the national identities of the villagers.
The above football playground in the heart of Kailasahar is a unique case. It is located bang on the above
international border and at a point of time used to be a popular destination for small children of both India and
Bangladesh. Bangladeshi children-mostly village boys- simply unmindful of the existence of any ‘border’- would
just walk down to the field in the afternoon to share the same football, the same mud and the same drinking water
stored in a bucket during the halftime in their daily ‘soccer game’. The teams would be -most of the time mixed
teams. The game would also often trigger dog fights between these mixed teams-a group of Indian and
Bangladeshi children fighting against another group of Indian and Bangladeshis to settle a score. But, at the end
the Bangladeshi boys, happy and satisfied and tired, would return to their home the way they had come. Neither
BSFI nor the BDR would also find any serious breach of international protocol in such childish intrusions. They
would prefer to look the other way. But, that was before 1975.
However, the situation had gone sea change during the last few decades -especially after Sheikh Mujibur
Rahaman’s assassination. The military came to power in Dhaka with obvious pro-Pakistani inclination and the
Indo-Bangla relations slowly took a turn. Strained relations resulted in suspicion and that also snowballed into the
practical international border management within both sides taking a tougher approach – much to the dismay of
the children, particularly the Bangladeshi village boys, as they would not find it easy to come to the aforesaid field
to play soccer now. And gradually they stopped coming to said field altogether.
Now the above playing field belongs only to the Indian children. Yet, when there is an all Indian big game
still the children from Bangladesh would come and stand on their frontier to see the Indian children playing. They
would shout encouragement to their favorites and in case the ball with long shot drops in their land they would
gleefully pick it up and throw back to the players. Perhaps, it is a classic case as to how man made border and man
made diplomatic relations deprive children of their simple pleasures and sports friendship that develops in
After Awami League led Bangladesh Government came to power in Dhaka the Indo-Bangla relation is now
evidently poised for new era of mutual understanding and improved bilateral geo-strategic, diplomatic and trade
cooperation’s, but still none could be very optimist that the lost childhood of sports spirit and friendship that a
soccer field in Kailasahar had once offered for the kids of both sides of the border could be brought back”, pointed
out renowned writer-cum-journalist of Northeast Indian region, Manas Paul.
“Look, today, the relation between the above two nations is very cordial, specially after the Sheikh Hasina
Wazed led Awami League (one of the well-known leading political party of Bangladesh) comes to the power in
Bangladesh. There is no offer comes from the Bangladesh side to play football game here after the cancellation of
the match in 2007. If BDR or Bangladesh Government further offers us, we will definitely rearrange the game in
this particular playground for the sake of the good ‘relation’ of the peoples of the both side”, hoped the peoples
and the BSFI of India.
“Apart from above Kailasahar and Bolapasha, similarly, cross-country game or kick is played at IBV
Lyngkhat hamlet under East Khasi Hills district of another Northeast India State, Meghalaya, which has also
located on the zero-line, between the above two countries (near the IBPN between 1265/6-s to 1265/9-s), but the
said football-field is just near IBPN-1265/6-s, while the land area of the said playground is about 300-acres to
Bishnukandi and Sonarhat IBOPs under Sylhet district of Bangladesh are situated just 200-metres to 250-
metres away from the said field; while on the other hand, IBOP of BSFI is placed at Lyngkhat, which is just few
metres away from the said ground. Not only that Bangladeshi IBVs – Islampur and Naogaon under Sylhet District
are located just opposite of the said football playground”, told one of the BSFI official of 98-Battalion.
“Actually, football match is generally played in the ‘national and international football-field’. But,
interestingly, this particular football-filed is existed on the international borderline at IBV – Lyngkhat from the
time of erstwhile East Pakistan of present Pakistan State, presently, Bangladesh. But, when the Indian children or
youths kick the football, it bounces from Lyngkhat (that is, India) and rolls towards Bangladesh. However, the
players change their positions, some time in India and very often in Bangladesh”, disclosed former legislator of
Indian Meghalaya State Legislative Assembly (IMSLA) and the Transport Minister of Meghalaya State – Manirul
Islam Sarkar.
On 30th March, 2006, in this context, Khan Khong Dkhar, the former local Member of Legislative
Assembly (MLA) of IMSLA and the former Border Area Development including Border Trade & Education (Mass
& Elementary) minister of Meghalaya State further stated, “We (especially, our Indian peoples), who are living,
whether on No-man’s Land or beyond the IBWBF want to ‘improve’ our relation with the people of Bangladesh
especially, who live beyond the IBWBF through this football match, and it will arrange in this particular football
playground, but with the proper consent of both the governments as well as the international frontier border
forces (BSFI and BDR) of the aforesaid both the countries”.
In support of the matter again on 16th April, 2008, K. K. Dkhar – former legislator of the Indian national
political party, Congress (Indira) of Nongshken Assembly Constituency of East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya
State disclosed, “Look, it is an open field but without IBWBF and the present situation of the adverse possession
of the land is not at all tenable. Hence, to overcome the tensions that exist in the area under adverse possession of
the land, it is very necessary and I can not but feel that Indian Central Government should come forward to take
initiative in this matter”.
“Earlier (that is, before 1971), there were a number of competitive football games, various functions, et
cetera organised in this football playground with a view to offering entertainment to all children and youths of
both India and Bangladesh (specially of the international border areas) to make and to continue the ‘relation’
between the two nations normally and at that stage, the time and tide were permitted. But, suddenly after 1971, it
had been stopped.
In a word, after partition between the above two nations, in the year 1971, the people of Bangladesh are
unable to use this particular football field as the land is under the jurisdiction of India and so Bangladesh has
nothing to say here. Practically and theoretically, this particular field exists in the ‘adverse possession’ category of
land”, claimed octogenarian IBV headman of the IBV – Lyngkhat.
Throwing light upon fact, on 29th March, 2006, S. C. Srivastava, the former Inspector General (IG) of
BSFI (who is the charge of Indian Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur and Nagaland States Frontier sectors) opined, “We

have arranged volleyball competition match and such other games and sports with players of Bangladesh and
India, specially IBV people live on the No-man’s land in others places of this particular Indo-Bangla international
border sectors of Indian Assam, West Bengal, Tripura and also Meghalaya States with a view to improving relation
and establishing amity between the people of India and Bangladesh. This is done in order to avoid any untoward
incidents that are often held abovementioned international boundary between the above two nations for nothing.”
Upon enquiry, the children and the youths of the aforesaid IBV Lyngkhat have revealed, “Though, we are
playing football match in this playground, but, very rare we have seen the Bangladeshi children to come here and
join with us, when the soldiers of the BSFI are absent.”
“But, most irritating thing is that we never play football in this ground peacefully due to BSFI, though, the
soldiers of the BSFI strictly vigil or come into this areas mostly from 06:00 pm to 06:00am”, said the youths of
the aforesaid IBT, Kailashahar and IBV Bolapasha.
“In point of fact, BSFI soldiers are patrolling near the above two football playgrounds round the clock;
because, the IBWBF is absent and it is happened due to vehement opposition from Bangladesh side and the
peoples of Indian IBVs as well. The populaces of above IBVs thought that if IBWBF erects here they will not only
loose the many playgrounds, abodes, cowsheds, shops, schools, banks, government and private offices, fruit-
gardens, et cetera but also the relation, games and sports, marriage, people to people contact and business, et
cetera between two nations will be discontinued or ended”, stated local publics of the Kailashahar.
In deed, India is constructing International Barbed Wire Border Fencing (IBWBF) across its boundary
with Bangladesh to prevent illegal incessant flow of Bangladeshi infiltrators, rampant smuggling and nonstop
noxious anti-Indian activities (by the dreaded insurgents and religious fundamental groups and their leaders).
Because of this, numbers of children and villagers have desisted from enjoying their daily (friendly) football match
in these particular international border areas.
“We’re very much aware that we are playing in both India and Bangladesh. However, we never play with
the Bangladeshi players, though we have heard also that football match in Bangladesh is very popular. The
Bangladeshi players (that is, children) think that if they come here to play with us and if the soldiers of the frontier
guard of IBIB, Border Security Force of India (BSFI) see it, it will create problem for them and for this reason, we
can never stand face-to-face. But, in spite of this, when the BSFI jawans remain absent there, Bangladeshi
children come and play in our ground, but its’ a rare case, you can say”, revealed one of the local football player of
the Kailashahar.
But, whether little Khongsdier or little Lamin and his friends doesn’t try to realize the situation that
existed between the two nations. They know only that they belong to a very good football team constituted in the
aforesaid IBV named Lyngkhat village. Their team often arranges competitive football matches that are played
between the children and the youths of the both sides, specially, those who dwell upon the land that are existed
beyond the Zero-line. The international field, where the games held is existed in no where but in the above
Lyngkhat hamlet. Players of the team often exchange their position, while playing any match with the youths of
Bangladesh. Some time in India and very often in Bangladesh. This happens because of the facts that half of the
said playground falls in India and the rest in Bangladesh or it may say one half of the games are played in India
and the other half in Bangladesh. International Cross Border Game (ICBG), football field is existed in nowhere but
in the Lyngkhat hamlet.
Indeed, the residents of IBV, who are actually living in the No-Man’s Land areas or beyond the IBWBF
areas have neither peace nor prosperity. They IBV peoples have neither good agency nor institution for offering
entertainment to their beloved children and youths. As a result of this, in most of the times, the children and the
youths of these aforesaid IBVs pass a monotonous life. Not only that this monotony hangs high upon them
because of the fact that they have no scope to enjoy cinemas, theatres, and so on, except radio and television
except in few areas. So they are compelled to live a very boring life.
Therefore, to do away this unbearable state of life, they are sometime, compelled to arrange games and
sports, especially football match, volleyball competition, and so on with the children and youths those, who are
also resided beyond either the No-man’s Land or IBWBF. This is how, the ‘International Cross Border Football
Match’ or so has come into existence.
According to the social scientists, ‘These children and the youths are human beings. They cannot live in
monotony or while away their time either and thither aimlessly for want of good field, where they pass their
leisure time in games and sports.’

(Author is former BBC, The Statesman, The Times of India & Hindustan Times & The Telegraph, AP,
AFP & PTI Contributor-cum-Photographer of Northeast India/The writer specialises in Northeast Affairs)
References :
1. India, Bangladesh Kick Cross-border by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, Asia Times, (Newswire Organisation of
Asia Times Online (Holdings) Limited, Hong Kong, China, Dated 03rd July, 2010.
2. A Kick In India – Goal In Bangladesh – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, ESPN STAR SPORTS (,
Dated 06th July, 2010.
3. A Kick In India – Goals In Bangladesh – by Shib Shankar Chatterjee, News Blaze, (Newswire Organisation of
United States of America [USA]), Dated 04th July, 2010.

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