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License issued for 8 new slaughter houses in UP, India - 10,000 to 20,000 animals

slaughtering per day

Jai Jinendra to all,

Below is an article about opening up of more slaughterhouses in India. Please read the
article and kindly publicize this to the maximum and do everything possible to protest this
action of Gov. of U.P. India. Please note that Jain Munishri Maitriprabh Sagarji is on his Fast
unto death from April 26, 2011 at Baraut, Baagpat (U.P) in protest of licenses to new
slaughter houses.

I would like add the following information for your consideration to make our
appeal more effective and powerful:

In ancient time the root cause of the existence of all animal slaughter houses was the
consumption of meat by human beings. Milk producing cows were raised by individual
families and were treated part of the family. Also agricultural farming was not developed to
support the food requirements of human population and hence milk and its products were
essential for our survival.

In modern time, the root causes of the existence of all animal slaughter houses are the
consumption of meat and dairy products by human beings. Since Jains are vegetarians but
most of them consume dairy products. Hence we are also the part of the problems in the
creation and expansion of modern slaughterhouses.

Also the capacity of the modern agricultural farming is such that it can feed the world three
times over and still will have surplus grains and vegetables. The milk and other dairy
products are not essential for our existence. Cow's milk is meant for baby calves not for

Also the cruelty associated with modern dairy products is beyond our imagination.
Following information highlights the cruelty to the dairy animals (cows and buffalos etc..).
This applies to more than 95% of milk producing animals throughout the world including

Following is the summary of practices of modern dairy farms:

· Every milk-producing cow is slaughtered around 5 - 6 years of age.

· Every year during 2 to 5 years of their age, they are forced (mostly artificial
insemination) to produce more calves to replace the cows that are slaughtered and to meet
increase demand.

· 80% of the male baby calves are slaughtered by age of 6 months by veal industry or in 3
years by beef industry.

· To maximize milk production, cows are fed hormones. Modern dairy cows produce 3
times more milk than their natural ability to produce milk and hence their body breaks
down within 5 years and then the milk is yield reduced significantly. This time they are sent
to slaughter slaughterhouse.

· Western dairy farms and also several places in India add about 20% feed which contains
slaughterhouse waste. Cows are not vegetarians any more under modern dairy farm

Hence let us decide collectively to stop consuming dairy products and use of dairy
products in Jain rituals, and then our appeal will be more effective and powerful because
it will have power of true Jain non-violence with it.


Pravin K Shah
JAINA Education Committee
Raleigh NC USA

Jay Jinendra,

With the U. P. Government is giving licenses to new abattoirs in the state, there’s simply no way that we can
ignore the cries of the Lakhs of innocent animals who fall victim to this barbaric cruelty and mass butchering.
All the proposed ultra modern slaughter houses will have capacity to butcher 10,000-20,000 animals per day
and the meat will be exported out of India.

You all aware that U.P. Govt has issued licenses to 8 new Slaughter Houses. These slaughter houses are against
the humanity and means of destroying animal wealth of the state. In protest, Jain Monk Munishri
Maitriprabh Sagarji has started his fast unto death from 26th April 2011 at Baraut, Distt. Baagpat, Uttar
Pradesh. Locals from the surrounding area and various organisations have given their support to the
Honorable saint but nothing fruitful has been achieved till date. Local administration there has imposed
section 144 in the city and disrupting the non violence agitation for no good reason and adopting tactics to
discourage the public.

We all know that the slaughter house licenses have been given for the benefit of few companies. Neither the
Uttar Pradesh nor the country will benefit in any way by opening of such cruel and barbaric slaughter houses.
See our article on ‘benefits from animal wealth:

Enough is enough. We’re standing up against the mandate of Government of U. P. State by any means
necessary in support of Jain Monk Munishri Maitriprabh Sagarji, and we need your help to stop these horrible
projects of animal slaughter for good.

Here are 5 ways that you can take action and spread the word to all your friends and family:
1. Start Group Prayers ( 1-2 hours Paath of Namokar Mantra/ Gayatri Mantra/ Hanuman Chalisa/
Ramayan/Bhaktamar Stotra/ Gurwani Kirtan etc) in your nearest Temple/Gurudwara or Community Hall for
the success of campaign against slaughter houses and better health of Muni Shri Maitri Prabh Sagarji..

2. Spread the word about “Scrap the Slaughter House Policy” and help expose Government’s shameful
secret through emails, sms, blogs, websites etc.

3. Do you have 10 minutes to save animals? Share this film on animal killings: economic loss to India, which
reveals the true facts about the massacre and the loss of taxpayer money each year.

4. No religion in this world supports killing of animals. Watch ABKHVS’s vegetarian quotes video and then
share it on Facebook and anywhere else!

5. Have you seen what happens to cows in India? Watch this shocking video that will open your eyes to
India’s cruel cow slaughter.


Please help us keep the pressure on Government of Uttar Pradesh and the Central Government – write
emails/fax/post cards to UP Govt. officials / start Signature Campaign in your locality/area to and tell them to
stop the Scrap the Slaughter House Policy for good.
Following are the target email ids:
1. Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh:
2. PR Department: CM office, Uttar Pradesh:
3. Directorate of Environment, Uttar Pradesh:

"Go veggie, quit leather articles, this is the only way you can help in saving the environment from climate
change, rising water crisis.
16 lakhs litres of water are needed daily to keep ONE moderate sized slaughterhouse clean. That is drinking
water for 30 lakhs people. India has got 40,000+ slaughterhouses. Can water and energy starved country like
India really afford to kill cattle anymore?”

Ms. Mayawati,
Chief Minister, U.P.

RE – Serious concern about establishment of new slaughter houses in the state of Uttar Pradesh

Respected Madam,

Your Government has issued licenses for establishment of new slaughter houses in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
I believe that the complete facts have not been given to you on the issue else you would have not given your
approval. Therefore, I would like to put some concern before you:

No economic benefits can be derived by killing of innocent animals by the people or the Govt except the
Company, which is involved. I would rather say that your Government can earn 5-10 times more benefits by
the conservation of these creatures of the God in comparison to export of their meat (kindly analyze the data
release by Central Statistical Organisation, GOI, 2009) . Cattle are the life line of villagers, they give milk, dung
for fuel, manure for farming, and transportation for villagers, conservation of environment etc. They are useful
in many other ways.

Moreover, slaughterhouses are big threat to the environment. The whole world has accepted this fact and
moving towards greener path and adopting vegetarian die to control Global warming. Many nations have
started closing of slaughter houses; India is the land of Mahavira, Gautam Buddha, Ram-Krishna, who taught
us the lesson of Ahimsa. Jain Munishri Maitriprabh Sagarji is on his Fast unto death at Baraut, Baagpat since
last 8 days in protest of licenses to new slaughter houses, you should be aware. I am aware that you have
great respect towards sadhus and Indian culture of Ahimsa/jeevdaya.

We request you to look into the matter and ask the concerned department to reconsider their decision and
withdraw it. Please cancel the new licenses of slaughter houses with immediate effect. I am sure that your
stand to promote Ahimsa/Jeevdaya will bring you greater support and honour from the Aam Aadmi.


Your Name
Addresses/Contact Information of other officers

You can also start sending Post cards/ fax/emails to:

1. Ku. Mayawati,
Chief Minister, U. P.
Office of the Chief Minister,
Lucknow, U. P.
Office: 0522-2236181, 2239296, 2215501
Residence: 2236838, 2236985
Permanent address:
C- 57, INDRAPURI, NEW DELHI – 110 012
Phone no. 011-23356363, 233565652.

2. Director, Department of Information & Public Relations,

Government of Uttar Pradesh,
Suchna Bhawan, Park Road
Lucknow – 226001

3. Shri Pradeep Kumar Jain "Aditya”

Union Minister of State, Rural DevelopmentPermanent Address:
52, Gusain Pura, Jhansi,
Uttar Pradesh
Tels. (0510) 2440030
Cell no. 09871103294
Present Address:
78, Lodhi Estates,
New Delhi -110 003
Tels. (011) 23388879 (O), 24644994 (R)
Fax. (011) 24644996 (R) 23388827 (O)._,___

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