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Promotional Strategies for Failed Products1

Pakola Lychee and Orange

 Increae awareness of the brand and its variants through promotion(TVC’s, Print Ads (Focusing
mainly on the older audience, Events and Other Promotional Activities.

 Increasing availability by improving distribution channels in Karachi and Lahore

Prepared By Nida Musheer

Promotional Strategies for Failed Products2


 Reduce price as it is even higher than the international brands of energy drinks.

 If maintaining the same price company should emphasize on how it will position its
product in comparison to competitors. (psychologically better position)

 Uniqueness in the taste of the drink will uplift it sales.

Prepared By Nida Musheer

Promotional Strategies for Failed Products3


 People are dissatisfied with the texture of the soup and found nothing new in the product.

 For better sales, company should either come up with a new brand name for the product and
advertise it on the basis of a better taste or rework its ingredients and advertise it with emphasize on a
new taste.

Prepared By Nida Musheer

Promotional Strategies for Failed Products4

Pizza Hut- Seekh kabab Crust

 Pizza hut’s seekh kabab crust flopped as people did not like the flavor of it.

 The idea is creative to promote desi flavor. However, bringing variants such as chicken
seekh kabab, beef seekh kabab or spicy seekh kabab will uplift the sale.

 Heavy advertisement focusing on the new and unique flavor of the product will help
create a better image in the minds of people.

Prepared By Nida Musheer

Promotional Strategies for Failed Products5


 Target Market should be broad as it is currently

targeting only youngster who are health conscious.

 The TVC of Olwell is too western and not relevant to a normal Pakistani. For a better
market capture, Olwell should emphasize on Pakistan’s core culture value.

Prepared By Nida Musheer

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