2.KM Life Cycle 2003

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V System Analyst

V data & Information from the user

V User highly dependant on the analyst for solution

V Knowledge developer
V Captures knowledge from people with known knowledge
in the firm
V Developer dependant on people for solution
V Interface of System Analyst
V User knows the problem & not the solution

V Interface of Knowledge Developer

V Knowledgeable person who knows the problem &
V Development is sequential

V Design is incremental and interactive

V iesting at the End of the System

V iesting (verification & Validation) from the beginning

of the Cycle
V jrocess Driven & documentation oriented

V jrocess Result oriented- Start slow & grow

V Does not support rapid prototyping
V Supports rapid prototyping Ȃ incorporate changes on
the spot refining the system

Structure the jroblem

Reform the jroblem Repeated Cycles

Structure a iask
Rapid jrototyping
Repeated Cycles
Make Modifications

Build a iask
Attributes User Expert

Ȉ Dependence on system Ȉ High Ȉ Low to nil

Ȉ Cooperation Ȉ Usually Ȉ Cooperation not
cooperative required
Ȉ iolerance to ambiguity Ȉ Low Ȉ High
Ȉ Knowledge of problem Ȉ High Ȉ Average /low
Ȉ Contribution to system Ȉ Information Ȉ Knowledge / Expertise
Ȉ System User Ȉ Yes Ȉ No
Ȉ Availability for system Ȉ Readily available Ȉ Not readily available
Evaluating Existing Infrastructure

orm the KM ieam

Knowledge Capture

Design KM Blueprint

Verify & Validate the KM System

Implement the KM System

Manage the Change & Reward Structure

jost System Evaluation

KM System Life Cycle

V System Justification

V Scope of Evaluation

V Determine easibility
V Knowledge lost due to knowledge worker retirement,
V Need at several locations
V Are experts available and willing to help
V Does it require years of experience & cognitive reasoning
V During knowledge capture does the expert know how to
solve the problem
V How critical is the knowledge captured
V Are the task non algorithmic
V Is there somebody who believes in the benefits of a KM
V Limiting the breadth and depth of the project within
the financial, HR and operational constraints
V Readiness of the companies current technology
V Identify the gap areas between the current technology
and the requirement of the KM system
V Understanding of benefits and limitations
V Is it doable - Can it be completed within a reasonable
V Is it affordable Ȃ Does the system benefits justify the
V Is it appropriate Ȃ What is expected to get out of it
V Is it practical - How often will it be constructed and at
what cost
V Are the users aware of the KM system in the designing

V What training is required for the user

V What operation support is needed

V Identify the key units, departments, divisions as the
stakeholders in the prospective KM System
V Balance the team size and competency organizationally,
strategically & technically
V Caliber of team members in terms of
V jersonality
V Communication skills
V Experience
V ieam size (4 to 20)
V Complexity of project
V Leadership & ieam Motivation
V jromising more than can be delivered
V Apply appropriate tools to capture Expertǯs Knowledge
V Explicit knowledge Ȃ documents, files other medias
V iactic Knowledge Ȃ company experts, Data mining

V Collecting, analyzing & interpreting knowledge used by

experts in solving problems by the team
V Interviews with knowledge experts
V Interview the users

V Knowledge developer
V identify the problem domain
V Capture the knowledge
V Writes & tests the heuristics
V Coordinates the entire project from beginning to the end
V Inter operability & scalability with the existing Ii
V inalize the scope of proposed KM system with net benefits
in mind
V Required system components Ȃ user interface, knowledge
directories, mining tools
V Develop key layers
V User factor
V Authentication / password
V Collaborative agents & filters
V Application layer
V iransport internet layer
V jhysical layer
V Storage devices holding the Information
V Verification
V jrograms do what they are designed to do
V Right knowledge is available when needed in the format
V Evaluate technical performance
V Validation
V Meets user expectation
V User friendly
V Usable and scalable on demand
V Reliability of the KM System
V Converting the KM System into actual operation
V Quality assurance
V Reasoning errors
V irm has never had a layoff so it will never have a layoff
V Ambiguity
V Sell the bad stocks
V alse representation
V User iraining
V Experts Ȃ anxiety about sharing of information
V User Ȃ Resent lack of recognition (helped in building KM)
V iroublemaker Ȃ obstruct installation, cause delay
V Narrow minded Superstars
V Change in the accuracy and timeliness of decision
V Constructive organizational change
V Attitude of the end user
V Change in the cost of operation
V Change in relationship between the end users
V Cost justification

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