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What’s your choice?

The topic must be sounding unusual . isn’t it ? This is because we have forgotten the real
sense of hijab.

it is mentioned in surah -ahzab (33 vr 59) “O.prophet ! tell your wives and your daughters and
the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies. That will be better, that
they should be known so as not to be annoyed

Mentioned in surah Nur (24 vr 31)

And tell the believing women to lower their graze and protect their private parts , not to show
of their adornment except only that which is apparent and to draw their veils all over
juyubihinna (that is their bodies , necks ,bosom etc )

Why do we wear headscarf? Is it that we don’t have healthy hair or are suffering from some
kind of baldness ,or the best part haven’t bathed for long

Jokes apart , simply we cover our head because it’s the command of Allah (swt) .nothing
supercedes this command of Allah (swt) not even one ‘s personal likes or dislikes .

What does hijab really mean ?

Hijab has following categories

1) complete body cover .

2) clothes should not be tight and transparent or resemble opposite gender or unbelievers(e.g
Sari, pants etc)

3)hijab of eyes , ears ,heart, thoughts ,tongue etc .

Yes, many Muslim ladies do cover their heads (may Allah bless them) but what about rest of the

Do we ever notice the kind of clothes we wear, how often do we lower our gaze on seeing a
non-mahram be it on streets or tv .how often do we close our ears, when music is turned on.
Do we control our thoughts, or tongue .Do we forget and forgive mistakes of our brothers and
sisters -in –islam. Dear sisters lets follow all the conditions of hijab and let’s not reduce the
noble status of hijab to the level of mere HEADSCARF……

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