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SUBMITTED TO Ma’am Aqsa Khan



SEMESTER 2nd Semester



Page No.1
Table of content


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................5

INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY.....................................................................8

VARIOUS OFFERINGS:.................................................................................10

HIERARCHY OF HONDA...............................................................................11

MANAGERIAL ROLES...................................................................................11

ORGANIZATIONAL HIRARCHE....................................................................12

ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE......................................................................13





MACRO ENVIRONMENT..............................................................................15

MICRO ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................16

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES & SOCIAL ETHICS:......................................18

MANAGAMENT BY OBJECTIVE (MBO).......................................................19



Page No.2
CHAIN OF COMMAND:..................................................................................23

JOB DESIGN:.................................................................................................25

JOB ROTATION:............................................................................................25

JOB ENRICHMENT:....................................................................................25

JOB ENLARGEMENT:...................................................................................25


TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT......................................................................26


TEAMWORK & GROUP WORK.....................................................................27

OPERATING TEAM WORK STRATEGY:.....................................................27

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT................................................................28

INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT................................................................28

ATLAS HONDA KEY DATA:..........................................................................31

COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS:............................................................................33

QUESTIONAIRE OF MANAGEMENT............................................................35



REFERENCES: ..............................................................................................38

Page No.3

• FIRST of all thanks to ALLMIGHTY ALLAH who has given me the

strength to complete this project and due the blessing of Almighty I am
able to deliver what is beyond my knowledge.

• It is befitted that some one who has helped me too much in so many
ways is our respected Teacher SIR TASSADAQ HUSSAIN who
privileged me with their experienced thoughts and professional tactics
of Management Without his guidance I was not able to achieve my
target. His precious time and courtesy for my project made me
confident and perfect on my work style.

Page No.4
Executive Summary


This project is mainly focusing the strategy & techniques that are adopted by
HONDA ATLAS cars Pakistan ltd. I am covering the department that what
type of techniques they are using or adopting to maintain their product in front
of their customer. And what are the threats & opportunities they have.


Basically I am covering the management department and their techniques

under the heading of organization management, that what there management
techniques, what are there goals, how they manage there product, how they
permute there product and last but not the least how they do management by


In my opinion the management techniques adopted by Honda Atlas cars

Pakistan are up to the mark that is reason this company is one of the leading
car selling companies in Pakistan and has strong share holders in the stock
market as well.

Page No.5
Page No.6
Page No.7
Introduction to company

Introduction and history:

Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd is a joint venture between Honda motor
company Japan and the atlas group of companies, Pakistan.
Construction of the factory started on April 17, 1993 and within a record time
of 11 months, construction and erection of machinery was completed. The
first car rolled off the assembly line on May 26, 1994. President of Pakistan,
sardar farooq Ahmad khan leghari, did official inauguration. Mr. N. Kawamoto,
President Honda motor company ltd. Japan
was also present.
On July 14, 1994, car bookings started at 6
Dealerships in Karachi, Lahore and
Islamabad. Now the dealership network
comprises eighteen 3-S dealerships in 10
major cites of Pakistan and almost 57500
cars have been sold till March 2004.
To date, more than 80,000 cars have been produced and sold by the
company. The company is also maintaining network of thirty 2-S Dealerships
to provide efficient sale service to the Honda customers.
All dealerships are constructed in accordance with the standards defined by
Honda world over. Local vendors are continuously patronized to develop local
industry. The quality of local parts is thoroughly checked to meet stringent
international standards.
Honda always strives to give outstanding service to its valued customers. In
addition, our after sales division also conducts service campaigns to facilitate
customer’s need for service. This has given our customers absolute
confidence in our product, clearly evident from the ever-increasing sales
It is the constant endeavor of Honda atlas cars (Pakistan) ltd to achieve No.1
customer satisfaction. They are committed to meet customer expectations
and to provide them good value for money.
In 1996 the full model change was introduced, after just one and half year of
commencement of production. Three models in Civic VTI, EXI and LXI with
1.6L and 1.5L engines were introduced in VTI and EXI models respectively. In
1997 Honda CITY 1.3L car in Et and EX models and Honda City EXI with
1.5L were launched. Currently they are offering 9 different models of Honda
CIVIC and CITY cars in wide range of colors with unique technological and
other features.

Page No.8
Location of Office/Factory

Registered Office
1-Mcleod Road, Lahore.
Ph: (042)-7225015-17
Fax: (042)-7233518

43-Km, Multan Road,
Manga Mandi, Lahore.
Ph: (042)-5871100, (04951)-384263-70
Fax: (042)-5877711-12
Email:, Website:

Number of Employees:

The total number employees in the company are 1041.

And there are 11 employees in the marketing department all over Pakistan
Head of marketing department is Mr. Ayaz Hafeez.

Goals and objectives

The main objective of HONDA is “To be on the top”.

One of their aims is “to be No.1 in customer satisfaction in all three S,
Sales, Service, and Spare parts”.

Page No.9
Various Offerings:


Page No.10
Hierarchy of Honda

In Honda hierarchy depends upon the current scenario and situations. They
follow both horizontal and vertical line of hierarchy according to the need and
demand of the situation.
As Honda is Japanese based organization and it follow the structure with few
hierarchal levels and narrow span of control i.e. having flat structure.

Managerial Roles
The managers at Honda practiced in all directions either they continuing in
doing all perspectives of managerial jobs i.e. organizing, planning, leading
and controlling. Honda arrange training session for their managers for their
penetration in the system become polished

In planning, the managers at Honda set the specific goals to achieve their
task and decide all alternatives how to best achieve them. E.g. whenever
they plan to import Accord, they set the goals that how it can be suited to
our environment.

In organizing managers at Honda allocate and arrange human and non-
human resources so that their plan can be carried out successfully. Like it
allocate the machinery and advanced technology in production unit that
must be a relating to

Managers at Honda influence others work behavior. Labours and
subordinates to get optimum task achievement even by satisfying them

Honda’s manager regulates organizational activities so that actual
performance conforms to expect organizational standards and goals e.g.
Honda’s goal is to achieve customer satisfaction ratio so that can evaluate
overall performance of their after sales service centre regularly.

Page No.11
Organizational hirarche

Code of Board of Director

Conduct CEO
Audit Committee

Executive Committee
Director Level

Corporate Governance Secretary


Risk Corporate Ethics

Compliance Management VP Internal Audit



After Sales
Divisional /
Functional Level



Individual Level
Code of Conduct
Front Division for Corporate Governance
HR Improvement & Suggestions
Page No.12

Individual Associates
Organizational Culture

Honda’s organizational culture is a beauty in itself. All members, all

employees are in production department having the same shirts and caps
with Honda’s logo.
Organizational culture is also called as corporate culture. It represents the
internal culture of the organization.


Symbols refer to the Honda’s logo and its high technology and quality.

Ceremonial In its dealership level they select the sales person of the year
and annually arranged an award ceremony for its sales representatives.

Rites are at Honda represents by plan to conducting the environmental


Story Honda is famous for best of its quality and technology. And its
customer assurance for its best after sales service
It is the constant endeavor of Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Ltd to achieve
“No.1 customer satisfaction”. They are committed to meet customer
expectations and to provide them good value for money

Page No.13
Page No.14
The internal and external environment of Honda Atlas is given below.

i) Internal Environment:
The general conditions that exist within Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited

Organization Members:
At Honda atlas, the members of the organization are united. They have a
peaceful working environment in the organization, where they interact and
work together. This is applicable in departments and in all the
administration offices.

Nature of Interaction:
At Honda Atlas the members of the organization interact with each other in
a conflict free environment. The employees are motivated by their
managers and the managers by their chief managers. Thus we conclude
that they operate in a tension free atmosphere and concentrate on their

ii) External Environment

In external environment two major factors involve, they are

A: Macro- Environment
B: Micro- Environment

Macro Environment

Page No.15
In macro environment, there are different factors to acting, they are as
i) Technological element
ii) Economic element
Iii) Legal-political element
IV) Social cultural element
v) International element
Honda‘s environment and these factors are reciprocal to each other.

i)Technological element
Honda is very advance in its technology as it introduces first automatic
shifting gear system. Its ABS,G_CON and VTECH is a broad example of
it that used for safety purposes.
Honda is excelling due to its high technology in market.

ii)Economic element
Honda’s economic element involves wealth production, distribution and
consumption. In Honda capitalist economy is functioning and handles all
its market growth and consumption. It also maintain and supervision of
its market shares and production with reference of consumption.

iii)Legal-political element
Honda have to follow all legal and government system.e.g.they are
imposed by government of Pakistan to purchase auto parts from local
vendors to some extent.
Government implies tax legislation system on Honda as well.
iv)Social cultural elements
Honda face the problem of socio cultural differences, managers in
Pakistan monitor trends changes in design, technology and interiors
according to the environmental acceptance.
v) International element
Honda is internationally recognized organization. It is most demanding
automobile in international market due to its high technology and
advancement. Honda is effectively penetrating in most of the parts of

Micro environment

Customer and Clients:

Page No.16
The customers and clients of Honda Atlas are the public of Pakistan, the
organizations who are working in the country and the multinational
organizations that operate in Pakistan. The customers are loyal customers
are they are satisfied by the quality and manufacturing standards of the

Other organizations that offer or have high potential for offering rival
products against Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited are:
• Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited
• Toyota Indus Motors Limited
• Dewan Farooque Motors Limited
• Ghandara Nissan Limited

The organizations and individuals the supply the resources that are
requires by an organization to produce its products are called as
Suppliers. Honda Atlas is an autonomous manufacturing company. it
produces its own parts of vehicles.

Labor Supply:
At Honda Atlas there are more then 2000 employees who are working at
the lowest level of the hierarchy. They are employed in the departments of
welding, assembly, final assembly, after finishing and cleaning.

Government Agencies:

Page No.17
At Honda Atlas, the government agencies are providing help in the areas
of social responsibility. They have also reduced the amount of tax that is
applicable to the imported cars.

Social Responsibilities & Social Ethics:

Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan ltd being responsible member of the society
considers preservation of the global environment as a crucial concern. Our
environmental philosophy is firmly based on the following guide lines.
1) Recognize the impact of significant aspect on the environment
resulting from activities , product and services
2) Formulate objectives and targets to control the effects of activates on
local environment as for as technically feasible.
3) Operate in compliance with relevant environmental laws , regulation
and other requirements that apply to our activities.
4) Create environment friendly attitude among associates.

Problem Solving
Crisis Problems:
Honda faced serious problem when they failed to provide dynamic
manufacturing and assembling facilities due to delay in supplies of spear
parts, interiors, etc from other countries as well as from local venders.

Non-Crisis Problem
In Honda issue when requiring resolution but without the simultaneous
importance and immediacy characteristics of a crisis e.g. The company
contributed Rs.10 millions ,to the President Relief Fund for Earthquake
Victims to support relief activities after the unfortunate disaster hit in 2005.

Page No.18
Opportunity Problems
Honda try to get significant organizational goal in appropriate actions like they
sensed that they can get maximum profit and sales by opening their
dealerships at canal near Doctors Hospitals and Allama Iqbal International air
port to maximize their customers.

Managament by Objective (MBO)


Official Goals:


Maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying
products of the highest quality yet as a reasonable price for
worldwide customer satisfaction.
• Proceed always with ambition & youthfulness.
• Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas, & make
the most effective use of time.
• Enjoy your work & encourage open communications
• Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work
• Be ever mindful of the value of research & endeavor.

Focusing on “satisfaction (customers, associates and

shareholders) with challenging spirit and flexibility, we are
dedicated to supplying latest generation cars with advanced
technology, greater fuel efficiency and competitive prices, along
with efficient and friendly after sales back up, maintaining
“quality” as core of all activities.

Page No.19
Page No.20
Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited has a hybrid structure. Here some jobs
are grouped into departments by functions and others grouped by products or
market. At Honda Atlas, we have Office and Production. They are further
divided into different departments.

Office: Production:
Administration & HR Production Control
Logistics Welding
EDP Paint
Finance Engine Assembly
Marketing Fuel Assembly
Service Quality Control
Vendor Development

In the office section the Administration Department performs the duty of the
administering the organizations daily activities and planning for its further
improvement. Here at Honda Atlas, the CEO / President is the overall head of
the company. He makes such long term plans that can be carried to
administer the company’s performance and activities more minutely and
Logistic Department looks after the transportation and motor vehicle
maintenance by updating the mileage, fuel consumption and maintenance of
all vehicles on daily basis. The Head of the department is a Senior Manager
to whom the Deputy Manager has to report after completing the log books of
every vehicle being used for administrative uses in the company. The logistic
department has its own importance in any organization. The keeping up of
records is the basic duty and task of this department.

Page No.21
Finance Department provides the financial support and resources to the
company. in this department, the Head is a Senior Manager who is a qualified
person in the studies of Corporate Finance.

Marketing department is of special significance to the company. the

products hat the company make are to be marketed by this department. They
use different marketing strategies to promote a new product e.g. a new model
of Honda Civic. They are in continuous touch with the market in order to get
daily updates for their products and new marketing strategies.

Service Department deals with the public dealings. They provide information
about the organization, cars and working conditions of the company. They
have special employees who are tasked to operate calls and give the correct
information on request.

Page No.22
Chain of Command:
There is an effective Chain of Command at Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan)
Limited. The line extends form the upper organizational level to the lower
level and they clarify the continuous updates/reports with the upper levels.
The first-line manager who is working in a department reports to the Deputy
Manager. The Deputy Manager is answerable to the Manager. Manager to
the Senior Manager, and ultimately the Technical Advisor is answerable to
the Senior General Manager. Finally, the Senior Manager is respo0nsible to
report the updates and news of daily activities to the Vice President and the
Chief Executive Officer.




First- line

Page No.23
Span of Control and Trend toward the Downsizing:
Span of Control at Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited is efficient and
effective. There are many employees working in the departments of the
organization and almost all of them are being utilized to their maximum
In the department of Welding, there are 560 employees working eight ours a
day. They all work efficiently and the manager has his control over them.
When the work finishes the employees report to the manager at the end and
get further ideas and jobs from him. The contemporary view of span of control
recognizes that many factors influence the appropriate number of employees
that a manager can efficiently and effectively manage.
DOWN SIZING is not practiced at Honda as it is Japan based company.


Present /Vice Present

HR/ IT/Finance/Marketing

Tall Structure

Page No.24
Job Design:
Job design at Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) is well organized. Every
person knows his job well and performs it to his/her utmost capacity.
An employee working in the welding department knows his job well. He
has been provided with modern technology machines and instruments.
Due to job design he has a complete understanding of the work that is
to be done by him and what is required out of him. Similarly, every
working department knows work agendas and work requirements.
Therefore there is no confusion related to job design here at Honda

Job Rotation:
In Honda Atlas, workers are periodically shifted in different
departments through different set of jobs in a planned sequence. An
employee who works in the department of welding is rotated in the
other departments like department of Final Assembly. This enables the
employees to learn jobs other than in which they are employed.
Job Enrichment:
In Honda Atlas, the process of upgrading the job-task mix in order to
increase the potential for growth, achievement, responsibility and
recognition exists. Every employee gets an equal chance of new tasks
but they are somewhat related to the original task that he is
performing. This enables them to give a potential increase in the
growth and achievement.
Job Enlargement:
The allocation of a wider of similar tasks to a job in order to make it
more challenging exists at Honda Atlas. This enables the employees of
the company to work in an environment that offer sufficient challenges
and stimulation. Although it is an improvement over the narrow span
job specialization, but it has limited success in motivating employees.

Page No.25
1. They advertise the vacancies using the mass media.
2. They collect the c.v via mail, email, through online apply on there web
3. They prefer people who are energetic not the people who come with
4. They select the person after panel interview.
5. In some vacancies the candidate had to pass written test.

Training & Development

The company has spent more than Rs 13.7 million on the training and
development of its associates as against 1.4 million last year.


The company provides health facilities to its manpower and annual bonus as
well. Honda conducts award ceremony for best sales executive

Product Life Cycle

According to our research Honda is laying in the boom stage. it has kept its
position in that place due to its innovations. as soon as they feel they are
going in decline stage the release the new model with new feature or
enhanced features. Thus they prevent themselves from going into the decline

Page No.26
Teamwork & Group work

• Proceed always with ambition & youthfulness.

• Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas, & make
the most effective use of time.
• Enjoy your work & encourage open communications
• Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work
• Be ever mindful of the value of research & endeavor.

Operating Team work Strategy:

I. Always keep the deadline

II. Never make excuses
III. Team work

Page No.27
Total Quality Management

To achieve the No.1 customer satisfaction, they are dedicated to supplying

the prestigious products of Honda’s highest quality through our smart team
work defined by the regulatory parameters and continually improving
strategies and goals for better performance.

International Management
Hondas Trade policy in global business Market is excelling due to its highly
effective team work world wide. Honda’s Board of Directors and CEOs
frequently interact with each

Page No.28
Page No.29
Stock Data: Recent Stock Performance:
Current Price (10/26/2007): 162.55
4 Weeks 15.3% 52 Weeks n/a

Page No.30
Atlas Honda Key Data:




Major Industry

Sub Industry:
Diversified Automotive Mfrs.

2006 Sales
(Year Ending Jan 2007).

Pakistan Rupees

Page No.31
Market Cap:

Fiscal Yr Ends:

Shares Outstanding:

Share Type:

Closely Held Shares:


Page No.32
Competitive Analysis:

The competitive analysis for Honda Atlas is as follows:

Porter’s Competitive Forces Model:

Porter’s Competitive Forces model analyzes the nature and
intensity of competition in a given industry in terms of five major

• Rivalry:
Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited has rivalry with the
other automobile manufacturing companies in the
Automobile Industry of Pakistan. The companies that
offer rivalry to Honda Atlas are:

i. Pak Suzuki Motor Company Limited

ii Toyota Indus Motors Limited
iii Dewan Farooque Motors Limited
iv Ghandara Nissan Limited

Various competitive tactics among rivals lower prices that

can be raise costs of doing business.

• Bargaining Power of Customers:

At Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited there is no
customer power of bargaining, because the company is
already giving good quality at a reasonable rate.

Page No.33
• Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
In the automobile industry of Pakistan there is
comparison between the rivals in prices. But as Honda
Atlas is an autonomous body in manufacturing their
products, so they do not encounter the bargaining
power of suppliers.

• Threat of substitute products:

Honda Atlas has a threat from their rivals in the industry,
but they maintain their quality standards and
manufacturing status at a relatively affordable rate.

Page No.34

Q.1;What are basic managerial roles are follow in your organization?

Q.2; What is your organizational culture and its manifestations?
Q.3;What are your environmental elements?
Q.4;What are the roles performed by external and internal environmental elements?
Q.5;How you are identify your social responsibility and social ethics?
Q.6;What method your organization adopt for solving a problem?
Q.7;What type of forecasting technique is used in your organization?
Q.8;Is management by objective technique used in your organization or not?
Q.9;What about your departmentalization process?
Q.10;What is the job design in your organization?
Q.11;What is your decision making method?
Q.12;How your organization adopt downsizing strategy?
Q.13;How your organization better in technology?
Q.14;How do you innovate the technology?
Q.15;What strategy your organization adopt for recruitment and selection?
Q.16;How do you provide training to your employees for better development?
Q.17;How do your organization compensate its employees?
Q.18;What is your organizational life cycle?
Q.19;What polices are adopted to motivate the employees?
Q.20;How your leadership polices work?
Q.21;What do you prefer teamwork or group work?
Q.22;What about your total quality management?
Q.23;How your organization’s International Management work?
Q.24;What are the contents of your performance appraisal forms?

Page No.35

Masood sadiq:

1. Slides editing and customizing

2. Company information.
3. Typing of documentation.
4. Surfing for information.

Sofia Afzal rana:

1. Prepared Questioner
2. Introduction of company.
3. Typing of project.
4. Environment study of company.

Ambreen Khan:

1. Found feature analysis of Honda cars.

2. Study technology of cars.
3. Found MBO of the company.
4. Preparing slides
5. H.R study of company.

Syed fahad hussian shah:


2. Editing and final touching of project.


Page No.36

After reviewing and studying the company, we conclude that Honda Atlas
Cars (Pakistan) Limited has a well structured Organizational Design and
Structure. It stands in the top 300 hundred companies of Pakistan.

The financial position of Honda Atlas is stable and therefore it is better for an
investor to invest in this company.


• Honda Atlas should increase their product line

besides Honda Civic and Honda City.
• They should improve upon their social
• Build cars with strong body structures.

Page No.37

• Management by Kathryn M. Bartol & David C. Martin

Financial Report:
• Honda Atlas Cars (Pakistan) Limited- Annual Report


Page No.38

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