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Dear Mr.


In your book, Carrie, I was surprised at the twist in the ending. I never read such a book like it.
All this telekinetic powers made it so interesting.

Carietta White is such an interesting character; never in my whole life have I read about
someone’s life like hers. It tears me apart how they treated her, especially her mother. Her mother,
Margaret, treated her horribly, locking her up in the closet. The children at her school, it's really nothing
new. You see bullying everyday but not like what happened in the story. It wasn't right to tease Carrie
and they knew she had problems.

What got me so intense that I couldn't let go of the book and I wasn't even paying attention in
the real world was when they poured all that pig blood on her. They laughed at her, even the teachers.
The way she ran for it and she got tripped was emotional. I love the way she stopped and went back to
kill all the people who tormented her. I didn't expect her to kill everyone; that was a frightening twist.
Another part that really freaked me out is when she murders her own mother. I wouldn’t dare to
murder my own mother.

I can't explain my feelings towards your book. I'm not at it but I'll tell you one thing Mr. King, I
was touched by your story. I got so into it. Thinking about how many kids get bullied everyday because
of the way they are. Just reading this book makes me wonder how the other kids that get bullied think.
They have feelings and other people don't care how they feel, it's devastating. I never looked at that way
and now that I do, I feel pretty stupid.

Your book is inspiring,; literally showed me how to look at things differently. Everyone is
different and no one is perfect. Just because of the way they dress or the way they look doesn't mean
that they are weird and retarded. Thank you for writing such an incredible story. It was one of the
greatest books I ever read, epic!


Veronica Keren Sanchez

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