Funeral Service For Alice May Twitchell Moore

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ij'UirE,rAL ;,iJir-r ICil;J

Ai,rCE ixITCi.l.l,lL t{rJOitE

Prayer, by DAVrn B. ti-I,SOi;

Cur iiternal !.atrrer, it is vrith grateflll hearts that
vie approacir. Thee at ihe bler of our frierr.c and. neie,hbor.
lrVe tiranir ?hee for her life and that our lives have been

enrichred by havin,q; kno'*'lt irer' r*e tnank Thee she $ias

spared. foi' :rearl;r fou.r score of years and that ccvrn
th:'ough ihese rialli i'ea-t.g itel' life l'''as slrc';i that slre en-
joyea tlle conpanlonship of Th;r tioly Spirii, and throunh
ttie of the Saints was a frienci to the father-
Less and" to Lhose iir ilstress'
We are gra.tefu-I, Father, for her contribution to
the early' pi-onee:' life of thls section ancl fron her you-th
lrp she has been a builcier, not alone a bullaer with the
material things of 1ife, but also vrith the souls of lrerl.
l?e thank Thee for Nhe ins.ciration of her life forne feel
that we ha-ve benefited therefrom'
r;/e pralr for l:er loved ones, espeeial)-y for her: aged-

cornpanion. illess hlri and tiren stand nearby to coufori

tiren 1n iheir c.Lark i-i.ours. Helr' then to realize lhat this
is tne course oi life and iheil' lnotirer has been cal-leC
hence to prepar€ a place that the;'' ni:..1-ht go. ireh then
to reallze iirat ihis pariing is L-,ut foi- a l-i-tlle sea.scn
anci iirai tirey r,'iiii eLgain be r-rniteci l';he:'e oeaih and' sci'ro1'v
enter it: no r,lore . iielp ihen to s&Xr ttlhe Lo::cl .givetil and
anc the Lord taketir a-l';ay. i:lessei. be ihe nare oi the
Lord.ri i{e}p us to so orc;.er onr lives that vr-hen the cell
shai":- co*e Lo us yfe i1a.v lleet
it withrou-t fllncni-n;;; ano we
ma;r be as vrel1 preparecr to:neei or:r Goo as !,jas ou-r sisier,
t?e ask through Chr-ist our necreener, Arnen.

Frelude, b)' LECII-i :;ALDOCi:

gp?j**g__song:, ttsister Thou'uvast l-ilci a-nd. Gentle.rr blr jri-lr,-A


i:ra;ier, by L. ITiLSOII
0-ar Father whicir arr in lieaven, vde irave asser:bred
here tire shaies of ti:is roof to pay our, last res_
pects to one of ihy noble handmai-dens, anc rre pray ?hee,
our lleavenly Father, that while v/e are here asseribled
that .Ihy 11o1)' spirlt maSr be poureo. out upon us in rlcir
abrrnciance that vr'e xiay receive a benefit frorn beinq as_
senbled here anci have related to us the manlr good ancl
noble ceeds of this good woman. she was one of ?hy chil-
dren who did not assume great tirrngs bu.t r,vho recei.ved_
her greatest joy. in studying Thy plan of rife and salva_
tion and of learning more of Thee and Thy vrorlis and ce-
votlng her r-rridivlded attention to her iruned"ia"te farnit;.,
her husbano, ehi-laren, anci ihe ehilci_ren of a gooci
wonan rvl]o passed before her. rt has been saic., it is a
natural lnstinct io be a mother, but it is a gift cjivine
tc mother the chil-dren cf another. This i.ras portrayec
to the ful-lest extent in tire iife of this gooc ytronan,
i{er teachings riere ilig;hr ano nobt e, j{er f aiih in Thee

lvas o| Lire f inest ane tris purest, ':ie srralt raiss her,
ou-r lieaverrl-,-r- iattrer. Jie siiall- tliss her ia-ith pro+oting
talke anc; con'iersatic::s we have had i,u;ith her. ';e feel
that we lia-ve beer: oenefiieci anO bl-esseci inrougir ou:'
associations ',vitir her, and vre pray at this tfune i'irat
OuI rrer:iorles i:ia1r ever be strOng that vie malr renem'!:er
those tnin,ls and ihose teachinss that sire ]las iau,ght u-s
who are ]Iounger tnari sh:.e.
'ri'ie invoke thy choicest blessings upon her fariily

who ra'i}l lgiss her. so nuch, Especialiy ao tJe ask for a

speeial blessin.rl upon her dear husbald., uncle Joe, t,hat
?hy tiplrit may be his cornfo:'t and his €l'uide and his cofs-
panlon in his hou.r of' berevenent, that he may acknolTleCge
Thy Iana in ti:ts and turn even l1ore r:Lto Thee for his
conqfort and" his consolation. Bless his family that they
ma;r ral1y e-roqnci hlin even eloser tiran they have in ine
past and the;: x1a)r asslst b.lm at all tiues. Bless
1rs at a1i times that we xra)' emulate the life and good'
works of these gooC people and of this sister that rvh.en
our tir-,e cor:les that vie nay $6 as rfforthy as she io enter
into Th;r.- Presence are the favo:'s $Ie ask through the na-ne
of ?iry Son, Jesus Christr Ameri.

song, ttlay i'i;' i1"ac1 tseneath A Rose.r' by Aii;ifi EiiiA]l.

ilernarks, by YTIL|I:i],, A. .aL_JG:i

. I join, injr brot:rers s:rd sisters, ihis after_

noon in expressin,q s-rrrinath;r to Brotirer lrioore and n-i s
fgi:il;r fcr i,ire rcss :f .ris ccrrrjanion anc. iheir nctirer..
Ite a-re f acinll tocial' the ine.ritable, i;e kno.,v rrj:at
has happeneci to sister ii.oore ',vi11 cone to each of us,
that it is part of tiie plan of life, anc as we caile in_
tc tne v,'or"ld, rve snall- go out of tbre vrorli,., that the booy
lve had vrhen we car.'i,e inio the wor'lci, being of this eai,Nh,
shall- return to the eartn, inat &s there vras a uni_ting
of tne bcdy anc the sptrib, so sharl ilrere be a separa-
tion of the borly anc ihe spirit. Ano vre know "i;nat "Lhis
w111 eome to the hr:nan race. l{owevery because of our
associations vritir. one ancijrer, our close connections
tvith one anotjrer, t,eese pa-rtlnqs are hard, even thougir
there rnay be no re.grets. I{ow fine it 1s that vrhen they
do cone that rve have the stabj-lity of frtendshin to he1_c
us to buoy us up to give us courege a.nd. st:"ength to ireaz"
that wirich comes.
I was very much inpressed last eveninq in visiii:rq
the home to note tne lriany '-vho -.,iere there anc to note ti:at
manlr had ealled anc1 bo feel bire spirit of tire fanil;r ano
apprecia.tion -for tiieir frlends. ?hen we lrieet together
in a capacity just like this, for a service rvhere we coiir-
nune one v,'lth anoiher ln a capacity just lil<e tiris, for
a service lvhere we corte cl-ose to;iether in to shcw
an appreciation i;o ti:ese, our iriends. r think that ts

_ li_
a v{cnaerftll tilat vrlren one of otr-r ilu;:tbe:'s
cu-gto;,: i"tc i:lal,,re,
has passed- al"ryarr, that Yre silall neet to;tet.rier artr'i nolcr
services ai;ci co:lu::ent ilpon t:ie llfe anc Ceecs of the one
,u-rr:ich is fone--itcl-- "F.nar ";;e lla;,' do her any particuiar

gocci, but il i,;ill cio us :riuch gooa and bring coiilort antl
consolslicn to tirose .a'ho are bereaveci-' Anc so cur
visits, our service, our expressions of love ana slmrpatny
help to built oi-r.c anoiirer up -"',iien',ve iiicst need it, and
sometime, if we nave not alread;r needeo lt, v'Je will need

You may do a deed in cne lyay; I nay do a aeeC in

another ryay. You nay express yourself in one via;i and I
in another to shor,; to those Tuho are in sorrow that $Ie
are appreciative cf their lives and that lve inay s-l'npa-
lirize vrith tber:r. lie heve banl<ed Lrpon this rostrun beau-
tifu] flovsers. lihy? Because the;r are carrying to this
farnily a message. These flowers may wither and die, not
lest very lon1i, but the message trnj-ch tney bring, rnich
they cavrjr wlth then, l",rill last forever. For they are
ilre bearers of s;yrnpathy, theli are the bearers cf frienu-
sirlp. Tne;- are the e:'.pressicn of tire lo'lely ihings of
l-ife--a beautl-i'ul ernblen--ancl r kncw of noihinq preitier,
riiore fitting to celrrl/ expressicn of love anrl sympathy
anC devotion, iiran a beautiful flower.
I carlre into this vrard, that ls the leventh ',rarci.,
in 1911, anci it vas not J-ong after that uniii I became
aequain*"ec '..vitn brotl:er ,r.core ano his famlIy. A few

I'reers af'ter iirat, i was ria-ue Bisi:.cp of ijre !,arc., anc_

that,qave ne an opl.;rortr:niti'tc, nole t::an I jiac befcre,

'risi-t in bhe hornes of iire ',-reopf e, anc- r have visited.
raenr tines j-n tire irorre ci,oot'e anci always
noteC a .spirit cf peace, har;;ion;i, anil contentnent abid__
lng tnere. I a greet regare for tnis fa:nily be-
cause of tne thintis whici:. r irave seen. Ijrotirer .r,;il-llsm
and brotirer Frank have been just a little nore clc*se to
ne than other inernbers of t}:e fanily because of our i,,,ork
here in tiro war.1. :r-rotirer ;,:i-l_1ia:.,r ,,.ior"lleC in cne cf the
orire.nj-zations anc la'be:' wa.s one of mll eclrJrselors a-nr1 it
would necesssril;r folloir that lye Fot ver..rr clcse .bocetl:er
and knerv eaeir other very ,"serl. r would- tike to say here
;ti:at r cro appreciate noyi, very nueh, my assoclation, or
ny past &ssociation, in ihe Bisiropric with brother liilllarn.
Brother trrank was 'vfaro cLerk, anci. for the years whl_ch he
had that posi.tlon, he was very Gevoted. to lt anc he vras
very efficlent ln it. r need not T,vorry over hi-s part of
the work because he saw to it that it was as it
should be done, and I appreciate ny association witlr. lrim.
r j.ust cite that to show tnat r have had sorne verv

close associations with sorle of the raenbers of this

fanily, besldes knowing aLr- of them.. .a.nd r irave notecl
this about the:n--iheir devoticn to one another, v,nj_ch is
a ver;r l-ine. characteristic.
Sister lr:oore see.r::.ed to rne ver:r o,uiet, peace_1ovinr,
fri a \zel'li file r,:ornan, I noticerl her as si:e woul-d-

conie ani. taire palt in ii-re affairs of tir.e r.';ar'f, a-ltend'

tne ueetius) an11 also il rrlr contacLs witn ner j-n trer
none. She v,'as a sol-enaii char"acber. Tirere is genere-l-iy
a i:ack?,rouni for si:l-en,, thin;is, for splenCid Lrrpes,
a.n s-nce st.r;,,. lvorLi-i consideratic,n, iileals i;:ii ch irave cor(ie
into i-.rein,1; fron sone sou-rce' Sister l:.oore haf. icieals
lviricn are choice . One ivrite:: has said., "Dig out ihe
gold.en truths of Tiour religlon a::d- foiloliv ihen. They
vrill Sive you a trqe appreeiation of the of 1il'e'
Reai vahies are founceC u"Jon tl:e rel-igious or spiri-tual
sia.e of our natu-res. fhet rrrrhich is liniied- vgiih tire di-
vl-ne caitnot bo evil. Actions are based on ld-eals.
tt0ur i-Ceal-s are tne potrers that lead. us onvrarC but are
alv;ays ahead. of 'r,iort5y actions follow r/orthy
ic..eaIs. iCeais v;Il!ch have been mou-1d.ed r-hrou-gh spiri- anC religiou.s convictions wj-1l form a basj-s for an
enric?red. l-ife. 'I'hcre fore, aetions fron forn-
ulated 01' cr"ysta.lizei. frci:: rel-igior'rs trutirs not only
wiil prcircte real vahr-es in-ll-i'e, bl:-t also forni an ap-
preciarion for tlrel,i. And I ar{ sure 'that those of you
wi;o are ini;inate ,r:itti slster ir,oore, realize that
site ha-c an apDreciation for the reel values of llfe.
llolyr v,ie ni,qtrt anal;rze sone of the trr:,ths in regard-
to the life of our sister---ir." a few. First,
she belj-evec in a l;ivine creator" that she was crea-ted-
j-n the imap:e of Goci i'or a Divine purpose. 'r-herefore,

she val-Lied. h-er fariil.; heri'i,a-gie because sl:e felt that
she had a pu.rrrose in life, tnat she nr--.-si be an honor-
a-bl-e citizen tirab;iien she accepied. vrifehoorl- and

noi;herirooc-, tirat she vyouli. have a r.esnonsi'i;ility, of

d"evoiion 'bo her husbanc and irer chilCren, and )r'ou- knov{,
as well as f , hoti; fa.ithfu,l 1]r she carrieC tirat d-evotion
out. Another tru.t!:, she bel ievecl in the savin6:; prlnciole
of Ilfe, l:aseri on the atonernent of the Savior and she
accepted him as her Redeemer. ittow the valu-e--this
ta.ught her to have faith in man, to overlook and for-
Fjive e-nd you-rs--ou-r inoerfections, to r'.re-ni-
fest a spirlt of repeniance and. hu:;ri1ity, to have a
sense of fair deal-ing, to do u.nto othsrs as you 'would-
have ottrers d.o unto yoll. llnselflshness, eonsiCeration,
benevolence, and- courtesy--sr-lch traits alv.'ays wins
friend.s, and. frienCship is one of the greatest'things
in this wor'ld-. i']te vrilo Cenicnsirates b)' hls actions
the tnith he vroulC teach me is my fri.end.rt i.{ow, slster
iloore belleved in that, and she dld. denonstrate by her
own life what she woul-C' cresire to teaehr others. Yor-:.
malr you-rselves knovi many incldents in her 11fe whlch
wou-lo bear tli'l s otLt. She believed in the resurrection
and ln eterna.l ]ife, tnat ttie far:rily relationshtp wor.r-li.
contlnu-e after this prolration, and so preparations make
for thet end, and I know of nothinti tnore she cotr.ld. do
in preparingi for the great ceyoncl

liorv a f ine clialact er i s roile , bu-t rto sr:.e-l- j' reilernbe r
her'; lirese i'ine ciiar:acterisiics shal-1 I'enain r'rith tr-s.
i'jrere e-I'e rlo reg;rets i;hat I can see becau-se v"te ca,nnot
expect tirat she s]-rall ste.;r r,qith us alrra;rs, and sh.e is
frrlilr preparec io go and so tiris beautifi,'.l lj-f'o has
.qrovrn or-:t of a backrlround of her ancestry ano of her
ideals, ilrotiter ivi-l]-ian has wrltton an a.r'ticle whlcir
I shall read to you., rather than tr'-t' 1o tell it to you.
It is entitled "t',if iviother I s Ancestr;r' "
"t;1,' ,,ott1er ha-s cone ioY'in frorn a noble ancest"ry,

aroont: or"o*, l?ere the patriots of L'/'/6 ana otirers v'rho

clistingi-:ishec- -r,hemselves wltir b.onor and .gIory, for tbeir
a_cts of oravery anci d.eternj-nation to upholc the prln-
ciples of r1,3nt and- liberty and defencl i-t, if necessary,
at the cost of tneir lives. Ttre;i, l;v?ro revered- the narce
of God, wao r:rade application of the principles of Ilfe
and. salvation in their lives, according to ti:e f-igtrt
ancl knorni3-eCge of the sane, vrhi-ch v;as upon the eartht
durlng the period of tirne they lived''
rtF;er Father, i:ril-lian Barker Twitchell-, v;as born

october 1, 1829 at Portland., l.{aine. He was a school

tea-cher by profession and- a carpenter b;' ire-de' lie
calre ic tTian 1n l-851. Fe \ivas baptized into the chui"ch
by Bisnop ::d.r,;ard- riunter. I{e marriec x51 Grand:notner,
-1854 at sait Lake clil"
Augusta i-ia'lvklns, lriarch l?th,
Iltar. She r,;as tlle daugi:tor of lJenjaritin iiawkln's, r*"?ro

r-ias a nernber oi the .v,ormon ilatal-lion'

ttli;y Granclfatirer uicr sone
of tl:e rnost intricate ani.
tecirnical cabinet rcork in the eonstniction of the o'ld.
Salt Lake Thea.tre, iie vras oriLa.ined an -l1iler in ihe Church
in 185? by Sar:ruel Sprague. iie ro,,as in thrat rnenorable com-
pany of aboui seventy rnissi-onaries, bound. for varl-otr-s
pe.rts of the worlc, that lef't $alt Lake Cit;r, Uta-i:, with
nano carts, April 23, lB5'/ arrivin,3 at Florence, noly
Crnaha, lotn, nraking the trip to the liiissor.l.r-i rlver
ln 40 '| traveling Cays, they rested" ?$ aays. iiis mlssion
at this tine rr.,as to Canad.a. .lie vlas ihe onl-;r menber of
his Fatl:erts farLlly wno joined the church, wiio by reason
of this affiliation, ineurr.e<i" ihe wrath ani hatred. of his
parents, brothers and sisters towarcl llfun. 'ffhren he re-
tu.rned fron his Canadian ir.lssi-on, he entered. into a ousi-
ness partnership with'liJalker Brothers, the Bankers of
Salt Lake City. In L867, his Fatner Col-. gly Twitchrell,
wiro served v;ith great d-istinction in tho war of 1812,
took serlously 111 and on hi-s d.eath bed repented of his
unfatherly attltude tovrard his son, requested. that m;r
Grandfather be sent for, that he mlgirt make his peace
vrith hirn before be d-ied.. iiy Granofatherts fanily were
very vrealthy. One of his -crothers, (George) ovuneC one of
the 1a:'gest l{otels ln itew Yor}r City and rated a m1111on-
alre, they said if he vroulcl come, they vroulC pay his ex-
oenses. iviy Grantlfa.ther being a ver:,r indeoendeni man
refusecL tireir assistanee. ,'ie d.isposed of his businoss
interests, oeposited. one tirousanC dol-lars in a Erighar.-r

City Ea-n!:, io be lsed foy the support of iris lairril-v, cu-r-
inE iris absence. Tire fanillJr :nove'-i to 3ririra;;:. City, l:;ilere
m;r Gra-nclreotirerts lrathet' rr;as resid-i-ng. liy lriother r;as
ai:or,r-t 2] ;res.r's or' age at tnis ti::re' Shortly afler my
GranC.i'atlre:: arriveC ai tire horre of hls Faiirer, ho took
su.Ccrenl;i ill- and- was gsnfineo j-n tite iiospital fol' se'reral
weeiis. ilj-s nosplbal oxpenses consumed al-l of his lnone-1.',
wiri cir he haci brougltt wj-th hire to ta]<e iriiii home anc sti11
left nim i:"eavil1r in d-ect. i{is Fatherts fa;ril;. wanted hin
to,live up ine Chu-rch and seld for nis ia.rrily and said if
ire wor:-l.t cio so, they wouic. be provieeC for Ar:-ring5 the re- of iheir lirres. i1y Gra"ndfaiher thanicea the::rr and.
sa,id he couldntt d"o such a thtng for hi-s salvatlon and.
tirai of his faraily meant more to him than tire material
things of life. The;r replied., if that vras tire way
ire fe-l-t abor-r.t lt, they would c1o nothlng for }i"j-1n anfr he
cou-1c1 got home the best wa-v he cou.ld- and turneC hirn out

of d.oors. ;ie wenb to Erool<Iyn i'l-. Y' anC iaughi sci:ool

until the flpish of tne school Jrear. Being still- in ciellt
ancl" ha.'rln; no nionelr t'o reNr;i'n hone he sought other enploy-

rnent. cor-:-l-d. :{'ind notl,r-ing to Co excepting to ivork ln

tire hai'r'est f ieici, not being useC to irea"';t '-';ot"k, ire con-
trecteci a col-cL and tcoi'; sudaenl;,'ill and died of pneur'lonia
''in less tiran a iveek. lii s people buried him anc. l-nforrned.
rny Granclrrctiter of his O-eeih. i,rf i':otirer was ajlout 4 ]rears
ol.c at bjris tin:e, lonen n;- l,iother was 14 years of age her
i,ioti-rer diecr, leaving irer ancl ner f'our brothers alone to
- 11-
figiri i:ire baitle of lif'e.
iier Great Granclfather, caotaj.n peter Twitcirell- was
i;or-r: June 13, 1761 e,t Si:orborn, .,iB-ss. ite .ro,,as the young_
est son of a fa:ii1-;,- ol l_4 chil-,:|i'en. j:.t the a$e of 1.5 he
enteled tne arirj,' r,vit:: his seven brotners ancl se:.ved. in
the .i.evorution&ry !;ar. The early in vrhich ire enlisted.
and the fact thal atl iris brothers were also in tne ser-
vice, afforiis an il-lustretion of the spirit with v.rliicir
that lyar lvas carried on. After ti:.e close of the war ire
ryas c?:.osen as captain of' tire j*ilitia of vrhich he evei,
after bore the tltl-e in the,i;iliti-a of hib native torvn.
iie r'ras one of tne assessers at the tirire that th.e old
English crtrrency was changed. fron porrnds, shi11in5,;s, and
pence to d-ollars ancl cents, and was the necessit;r
of explainlnq to most of those who were taxed, tire nature
of the novr system and its reraiion to the old,. iie had
corsranc of tire iriilitia at ihe funeral of presii.ent George
,'fashington. rn 1816, he unj-tecr with the congregational
church at Beihef , L{aine, witir which he rvalked througtr
life. ilj-s intorests in the sanctuarJr were verir marked..
!bi' upvra-rd.s cf tweni,]f ]rears he was a-ccustcrsed. to vralk
frora fou-r to five nil-es to attend chureir., ancl th.l_s he
ciid. frorn ctioice, inai others of the farrily night rice,
ancr thus as rnany as possi-ble enjoy the blessinl3s of pubr-
lic lvorshj-p. Freqr-rentr-v ne l',rou-ld saJr, tti rfonrt knov,, v,
r stiould- co if r coulurtt Fral;.rr ttTt is tirere thet r find.
all- m-r' con{' Arrong ine last vrcrcs r';iiich ire vr}risperei
1 ()
. LL-
lorti: as insl.rrr cti-o:: lo hi s fa:r:l i;. ',,,'ere, "-F:a;i, ilJ-1;a-,-s
pra;/.'f 5o i.lust:t';i'.'e, !rot'e i:is last -'a.,-s, of' bhe scng:
",'r3.;-tr' -r s Lhe Cnrittie.n t s i,'iLl.' brenth
_liro ij:ri:tie-nts naij-ve air;
r:is waicir-';.'orCs ai tiie {iates of rle al,li;
:ie 'enters -:eaver-l t;,litit prairsy. t;
,i;' i;""t ;=r-r";,;u.sta iiavliins Twitchelf ivz-.s ba.?-
t,izea iirfc lne unurclr in i845 by -xlaer .-ionry Je-cobs . She
ca-rle b,o Uiaii v;ith her parenis in f848, :ln Arnasa :il. i.:mon I o, .

ltini- and- gentlc. It a1-wa;is seemeC to

,;.;' i:-oti:er lyas
r',:e iliat s?lc irai no .faiilts or f'aiiints, It seened to rce
ner life ri.BS illr:-strati-ve of the worii.s of' the song:
tt5ister, ti:ou- rn,as milo ancr 1ove11,.,
Gentle as ihe sultnjner 'breeze,
L*:l=i?' ri:.l:"*ffi I""fn:";*:g . "
pleasant, and rnas like
Sire v;as a.l-wa1,'s cheerfi'll and
a iiiag;net, al-wa.ys clrav;ing those to her, vrho cetle within
ner inilu-ence. i,ever Gi-;en to anger, baci;biting or nial:ing
L:'ou-bl-e. .r\1ril'alrs tried. lo return good. for evll. Sire
couli never be indu.ced io speak of anobher that woi-r.ld.
calrse offense. If a tale was car"riedL to irer, it v;oul-d.
go no flr.riher. Siie cLislikeo" contention ana strj.fe. She
r,ia-s a neace r:^aker and. alwa;,'s strived- for l:arrlony in irer

ci-rcle of associatlon. Sne never ccmplai-nei-i of her' lct

in life, Lire word.s of' the scng exalplified her' loving
nabur* a.rttj- siie 'bnrll,' j:el-ieved anC exe:ii1:1i-fied in ner life
'L:te rJol-.-1s of tire sonr: tt?hel"e i s Dear:-t-v a1l s.roun'j- wiren

tl:rer:e I s !sve :1'r ifoile, tt anC iove <J-i-u irr-:11:i abicie i,-li her

horne. she Lrad a i.;no'rr-e:1i,.q airc testi-:aony cf ihe Gospel
cf iesus christ and nrized tnat tesiinon;r r,1ore inan life
iisel-f . She haC an abii.ins faith in tne polyer of the
liol;,' Priesthood. of i,loc, Siie i:el-ievetl j-n tne resurrection
amd. tire 'iinnortal-it;, of the soul ancl iroped anA pt"a3rs6 th.e_t

]rer children would 1i-ve aird. obe,v the Gospel, tirat tney
coul-tL corrreto leer after ihis 1ife. she nas a il-evotec and
faitirful v;ife, anc a }<in,c. anq. rovir:g ii{other, givin3 to
her step cir.ilaren the saine ireatnent anc attention she
gave to ner ortrn. She s;a.s iruL3. a rjo.J-give:: liother ancl
to sr:"ci: as she has i?re poei saia:
"God tir.ou-gi:t-to ,iirra the sweetest thing
In all llis ni.;hiy povrer to eartir..
And deepl;r pondering rvhat iL should. be,
' One irour. in fondest..]oy ancl love of heart,
Outweighing €vor.-;r oiher
l-Ie moverL the piatss of ;reaven apart
Iie gave to earth our lilother. rr
'if:tr, B, irloore

Rernarks , by Pai'-lLlRCIi ivit-LU$ iii. J0i{ES:
Sinco learnlng of t!:,e oassing o-f ;rl-li-e: m-v rnind. has
run back lnan;r times over my ealrllr ci:i1r-1iroodr. It is my
,l,.oo,l i-rl-easur-e to irave been acquainteC rvi'tir iier, oraciical-
1]' fro:ir cir-ilchood. i:ihe was 1ef I fatirer-!-ess. Cvrerr
Sarker, $.ras lefi iiioi;het"lesg. rv;y -uncJ-e furro$ .Stone and his
vr-lfe Sarah, rnade these glrls welcorne in the holqe, and. it
is alwa.-i,s a joy and a pleasure for them Lo neet there,
arro it is a iiieast.l-re f or rne, in connection viilh other mern-
' ber.s cf the fanilll, io visit there luiie frecuentiy and
asscc.!a.Le, as boys and. g;lrls r:sualllir associa.te. I hatre
r,yauchea her aclvancernenb frorn girlhood Lc womanhoorl, to

nlotherhcod., and now tc qranC;:otherl:.ood., and- I halre ad.nired.

irer in every siep of life. She ass,.:med. the resronsibility
of r,v'ifehood and of motherhooC, sho rnothered, lne raotherless,
. anC those chilclren, toc-ay and all ihrough their life, l:.ave
thought just as much of her as the;;' possibly could. have
thou;iht of their ovsn riiother if she had,been pe::rni'bted. to
rernai-n hr:re in rnortallty, and she thougiht ihe sai{e of them.
This 1s certainl.r a wonderi'ul traii; in the I ife of a man
Of Woliian.
1i has been the cleasure of my wife and ne to visit
ihe hcr:e o{' iJrotner liioore culie f rgcu_entilt. lre alvrays
enjoyed going uo and s.lending'an hour or ivith thern
a.nd corlv':ii'sinq over tiines lJasi aird also of the lcssibili-
ties oi' i:re i)resent anc future. She always ,lanlfe.sted.
a f:reat faitir i6 liie and- in eter':-rlty, eini not lcng be-
fore she frassi)d. ?.iritr,r, sire r:ad.e ine sLate:iient ihat she
was not af:'aicr tc 60. Sire \iras not af -':aid io neeb ihe
onC. L-'his is a vrcn,:e.ri'u} thi:rg if vie can so live anci
orcier our li..res 1,hat we can look forrvarC to the fu,tu-I'e
wlth ihe hoce anci lhre cerlainty Lhat 4111e looke'l for-
!'rard. to it, then life can l:e made :.rl+asant each aay as
r,re go al-ong. I never relrenber of' her sasringi a single
word. ae;alnst any neighbor or against an]' inCividual.
She a1.,,,a"-1s spoke well of all of those wibh whonr sire as-
sociale<r., ana she irarj- a ver\F o,otirnistic or-rtlook on life,
Fer farrrj-i;i relations 'vvere the riiost ccrdial. Love and

harrnonr' abod,e in their home. l,ltren one can:'each the end

of life, &s she has, under these cireur'iisiances and con-
d.j-tions, vre can eerta'inly rest assureC that all is wellr.
and they are ln a oosition lo receive the revrard that is
prouised to Nhe faithful. f would like to take the
orivLlege of readlng Just a few of the verses as recorrJ.ed.
bir Paul in his -doistle to tho Cortnt?r.ians, speaking on
condit j ons slniLar to that lvhici: conf ront toaay. rrlf
j-n thi-s life onl;g we have irope in Chrlstr rrre B_t"e of alt
rnen,"rrost iniserable. But nov,r is Christ risen frolnthe
Cead, and become tho firstfruibs of tirem thai s1ept. For
since b;r man came oeath, by rnan came also the resurreciion
of bhe Cead. For as in Ada::r. al1 die, even so in Christ
sirali ar1 be nace alive. But everlr man in his olrn orcer;
Christ the firstf::uits; aftervrard the-/ tha_N are Christrs
aL his corrri,nij. -

ris ijlshoo -?uclgehas stabed ilere tiris aftr:rnoon,

rillle has oi:se::veC fhe laws of tire Gosi:,el. She iias lul
i:,er,seif in a i:osibj-on where she can be one oi'ihose who
will r:e Chrj-strs at iris eoaring, who wiil recall- thal
Paul, j-n one cf h1s e-listles, rnacte nenticn that there are
rlan_-{ Ceqraes of glorv. lie sa:rls thai; ihere is one ctegree
tha[ is lil.lenecl unbo t]re sun, t]rere is another one vr,krich
is likened. untc the rnoon, anf. there is another wbieh is
lil<ened unto -"i':.e stars, the Telestiall and, as one star
Cifferebh froin anotbrer star ln glor;r, so also ls the glory
of rnan. rvhat nas been read. here, wLricn vras vritten by
Brother l,y'i}l.iam, has given us an idea ancl a llttle back-
grouna of the aetivlties of $ister Allle and olher Ioeri-
bers of the fa:nily. They !roved faithful. 'Ihey erebraeed
the Gos,:ei and were in a position to ad'tranee in wisdom and
unrlersianding and in strength anC ;oower wirile here i-n mor-
tat llfe. And So those who keeil and observe that law were
ihe ones he:'e to which Paul refers to that teaching of
bhe Savi-orr so r,",'hen we eome to the close of a life like
chis ';e ai:e honoring lo.iay, it is in a s,llrit cf saclness,
of sorlort, aud of mourni-ng as lhere tsulcl be no other
cir"cunsLance.s and cono.i-tions. Realizing and knowing as
we oo the-t y,rhere one has fulfilLed. tha measure of thelr
ci'::a.tion here in morLal life, all is v;ell urith hirn. Fie
has goire ao iris reward.
l'Vhen I vistted the ho-rne ;,r-esuerCav and. ihe nip;hb
before, I did not f'eel the s,nirit of 'leath ancl of l:roulrll-
i-ng as 'we lright do npon sone occasions. '';ie realize and
under:s;ancl bhe life that she has leaC. Sh"e has iivect
bh.e Cel-est,ial Law. You know, Jesus said uoon one occas-

l-o.n, ttHe ihat d.oelh the r;rill of the tratner shall }tnow
tire docrrine, v.rhether it be of God or whether f sceak of'
i:nyself ,rr and He laid. d.own the doctrine, baughi the
oe ople ,shat bhey should. do in oraer that the;r night be
saved ln the Celesiial King.dom and. in the llfe lo eome.
-lhat plan has been restored, to the earth toda.g. Slster
Allie and members of her farrj-Iy' have coniptied to chat law;
anC, consequently, stre 1s entitled to, and. she wl1l re-
eel-ve, Lhe Celestial Degree of Glory; anC her husbano ls
foilowing along in the sarTre path. ft will not be long
until he will join, and how happy that reunion will be
in the tife to come. It is as Jesus sald., ttln liy Fatherts
house there are nany manslons. j go to preparo a place
for vou that where I anr ye will be llllie u'ill be
preparing the horne f or him so thal, when he cornes, thelr
reuniting vuil'l be one of joy and hapniness and of content-
menb i,hroughout the counNless ages of eternity.
'lije are hero upon the earth for just a short Lirne-- score and. Een years. rt has beerr stated. that some
do not last bhat perioo. of time. Bui let bhat be as lt
nfl)', we ar"e here for the purpose of gaining an extrFrience
in :nortal life, and lhat ex-oerlenee ',i-siil alwatrs relrain
rn,l'i bn us, r:re can looii back ovet:, out soj oLrrn here in
rlo.rtal- lif e j.n tiie lif e to eo.fie, anC it will be nade
;1ain No us just ,shat vicissituctes we ira-ve 'pa'rsed tnrouqh
herr:, ene soinetiities we nay conlolain oecause we have
'cr"ials cf' varioris kinds bo pass through--soruow, sickness,
oai,:r, the loss of friencs, and:rany others that ma.y corile
along our walr, ancl sometlnes we hea:' inclivicluals colrdain
because they have these condltions tc meet. I often think
of a verlr splencrid- serrnon I heard. Presicrent C, W, penrose
give upon one cccasion sirni.lar to the one whLch we are
ironoring i;o'ia.y, anC. he nade this sLatement, that lf vre
all passed through ihis llfe without any obstaeles to
overcorne, no sufferlng, no sorrow, 40 adverslty, he says
'bhat wiren we oassed. frorn thls llfe, the change would not
seenl so vivid as it lvirl d.o lf vye have solre ihings to
contend. vriuh, which we can rlse up ano overcoine. 'iihen
we enler inio tho Ilfe to come and. Iook back over the
past and. when we have encor:ntored. and. overcoine and. lived.
faithful, serving the Lord. to the best of our abl1ity,
how great will be our joy and rejoicing urrder those elr-
cuns';ances anct corC. itions. $o r &s I rerriew Lhe llf e of

,SisLer ;ill-ie here, sLre has been so tvon.Jerful in her home,

so srrl-end.iri to these chiloren, a- lorling wife, a lo.ring
and kind consicterale neighbor, and having observed lhe
lalvs Erngl con:rnandinents of the Almight;r, her reward. is sut'o.
Death had no stlng f or her nor grave hath no vlctory over
her. She has :iainecl her vletory and her rer,vard, so my
.:la.,,re,i' is b,h:rt Brother. iloset:h antl menber:s of the fami-tv
'will ever cher.ish her nerao3.g and loolc fori,yard lo the
of ne etint hrer agai.n, that iii-ey ma;r sc li're and. ord.ei'
tirej-r lj.ves that uhen thei-r tirre corces to 1ay dovrn this
raortal life, thef itrair be nreoared a-s sne iras been pre-
pared for -r,he sreat futurer These blessings -[ ;,:s]: j-n the
llame of Jesus Christ, Amen.
liernarks , by FiSHOP kf CF-r:ill-.iS:
rrso live that I'ri:en thy sumrons comes to join that

innuinerable caravan inat goes to thai mysterious reakl

where each m;st iatrce his ciramber in the silent hal-ls of
death, thou go in lihe tne burly slave' scourgecl bo irl"s
dunEeon but sustainod and sootkrec b)' r.n unfaltering tri-rst,
approach thy grave like one who urraps the cirapery of his
eoats about him and }les down to pleasant It
is those wordsr mY brothers and sisters, I thlnk oescribe
very v,rel-I the attltude that the good sister had tovuarcls
this passi-ng, and I think it describes very v;ell tire
attltude that iren husb&rr.d1 Brothor l,ioore, nas to'wards
passing. I ihj-nk lt is a vronclerful thlng if we can go
dovrn to death vrithout fear, without cringlng, and- vrithout
coubt. I think that Sister ivloore could sa.y along with
Job of old that ttT knovr that my 'rr.eieerner liveth and tirat
f shall stand- at the latier day upon t'he earti:. and though
afier my shln worns destroy this flesh t! bod"yr yet ln
my flesh shall- I see ft $ras ny privilege to asso-
cj.ate vuith 'bnese good- folks, Brother and Sister ;i{sevs and
il:.eir family, ialk lvitn therc, feel ti:.eir splrit, and I
kno'rv that theS' haa an absol-ute abiding faith that Jesus
rS i.i re ;.:i.i si, 'Uii,t ai;--r,lOf Oj' i,ii'e anii sal-v.l-"j-On a:r':r- i;rrli;
af i;::r' ,l_eai.r Cotii3s ljr,-: i.eSU,i'r'cct i oir. L'h3I'o riYas rlo ,1oUbt

in iiie i,il:r,_L oi s j-:r iilJ' ,,.1)or.!3 'i;O iryilg.t sir.e s?:o..i-liL see her
:::,;c.rr,:: a.n,l. her: la1;,.rer anrl i:ef l-O-le* OnCs -lrlien Slre paSsed-
Ot, sni- tr:t.Ji.-e i s itO ,-'O",ti;t -iil llrre rnini- Oi .':rctirer Jo Seph

;,-oor.e bu.i ti:.*-i i'ie i,ri-1-l ttee i; iler ii: tire pe:'1o11 o f' a f er,'i
qtrn-.i *1'r,,'::,-r
5'rUl--UjJ.-1.: J, -r.'U:-_.--' '-';
i-.- 'l-url
+-' (JU'
^+'1.)jl :le::befS Oi' :]i: la-:ti-l ;rt I'f::O

ha'/e itassed. on l,'efcre

Tne otner speai< irave nentioned ine fine lineage
througlt wnj-ci: fine sister ilas colne ani1 wirai a splen-
,1iC cnar.acj;er sire is, alld f bear testir,'ron:,r tO ti:ose tirin:rs
too. I cgu-ict llci he ip i:ui thinll r.vrten b::olirer 'ii|ll- rcas
lelling ne of tne lncid"ent of his grandfaliler going back
easi, o"f iire i;irne lvhen Lire Savior rvas ta-lien on io a i:igh
nountain. Setan '!./as witir hiin and. i3a-tan showed liln in
pictuse al-1 the -1.;inl;d-ogs of the earth, ancr he sald.irall
tnese ty:i-lI I 3:j-Ve you if Tnou wili bovr d.ovrr] anC r,-;orship
".o,ii Airr] rr.r'u lrnovl the woros of th.e Savior as he sa-idt
-:rv a

"Get thee ire;:ine iiie Satan, for it j-s rvritten thai; th.ou
silalt r.,iorsirit ille ;'orC, th;r Go(1.. " IL see:lls io ne thet
litls .lrana-faille:' ..vas in tiie saine position. i{e vias in-'
ou-ce,i lo 1.lo lac:'- east to soe iiis folks rvho were rich,
well-to-C-c, an.-i ii,ie saule tni;lg caine io ilit'tr ttlf thoii uil;
forsallt+ trry reii,3_i-on, if tirou tJ'ili violate ttrlr corlscience,
if iiiol'",ril-t bacl< down an.a worsaip lhe tni1.,;s oi the
:;o::lt-, r ,,iv;: .r,'cu- il i-ivin;; o-i plent;1, and- liou ui11
tr COirtrast
ilever ].iev,) trJ rjorl-;' ai';Otli a liVe-1-i:iOor: a5ain.

tlra'c .esJ'L.jie-;i.t,:r i:'l:l life jre 3x),3ci;c,l- lo ct)ine'rraclr to
arnon:l the rioneers l';h-ert ihe;' 1"..'ere i:u.i-"I-rl-iirrr; np lhis coulr.-
tr1,'. :ie ilas lc;,.a.'- Lc hi-s convicti-cns. rre -"/as Christ-
l-i;.:e ir tr":"rnin,:,1 il-owrr tiris te:,trrtaLioir, sc;r tns.t si_s.Lel
-,,ool:e oli:;li lo be .rcoo r';ith ine 1i-neaie lhrou;;h '.';jric1 s-1re
:ralle anci her c':iilurcrr ou-r;itt to De ;1co,r l:ecause of lne
lorou;1h rviliclr tney car:1e.
i,e aro ca.-leri io pass tiroul:Lr a great lila-n-lr i;r'ir:ul-a-
tions anc trials in this life, anci r th.i.nk patriarcir
Jcrres rlentioner'L iiie ivoi:cLs of one or tire churcir lsaders
tltat tiris life wculj, r:iore or less be wasted- if vre did_ not
harre thesr; trials anil Lriixrlatl-ons to lf,ass tiu'ou-,qir. '''fe
are here for growth and. for clevelopment, anci i mainlai n
tiiat irials ancl iribu"l:3.1i-ons su-ch as il:is refine our
sorr-is, {ive i-rs soul deval-opXreni thai we need. jf we are
going to Arolr towarcrs Godhood. i do not thinir we can get
tt:.e Cevelopnent in any other ',rayr this c_evelopnent t;rat
we get iirough le.ying avJay our loved ones and. nourning
for theu, fee-l inr; the i:el-plessness of matr and the irower
anci the .31or-v of God.
Josepir Sinif,i: i':e.s called- to pass tirrougir manlr
an,i- iribulaiions ana cn cne occasion vr]:en tre y,tas almost
of ti-r.en, he !ra.yrg.1 ia Gorl concer"ning
then. Gorr accepi;od. tirat prayer in worCs su-ch as these,
Tliese are e" few of the worCs. ttiriy son, psace be unto
lirlf sou.l- . Thina ariversi t j' anC th;r af f1i ct i ons shal'! be
of br-it a srna-f.l- :lone:rt and- then i-f thou d.o i-t vreJ-l, Ciod.

- /a f.-
siral-l e--<irs,it tivee on irl-:h *itii- t;ioi; sl,:i"1t 1;r-'L',.1.::11 overl rl-l-
f,:r;i .;inC i'u,, col:tc:t"ni-i' t j::se i,rie,l-s ard- af-
flecti onsr rie sajrs, "i'iroiv ti:.ou- . r'.1:i son. tiiat' all iirese
tliin;..Js shal-l give tnee experience auil l:e for ti:y ,qcoij-.rr
It soorrs to rrre tirat is pro-5a'bly liie be st allsver tirat ceil
?:e Siven for ihe reason vih;'we ba"'e to pass iirro'.;,ig.i.-r
-t,rial s ani trib,:l atlons of l-ife. I tiri.r:i: thc Lorr.:. r''.'ar:Ls
to pui us j-nto e condition so tha.'i, 1n;!ie11 t*rs arlse in tle
resurrection, tirere is no inol:e ,Jeati:., no inore scrroiv, no
jnore siclcness, and vlorrj-es ta:len avra-ir, tha.t we i:rlgirt be
ln a poslti-on to appreciate tiiat conditicn. I do not
be-l-ieve lve l'rou'ici be i-f vre di-cl no.i; nave to pass through
these lriels and tribr:lations here upon the eartir. i
pray tirai the blessings of bire lor'-i night i:e lvrth 3roiher
r;foore, tirat thg renaining years of his life tuay be peaee-
ful-, that he na;,r have contentilent anci he r:d5ii-r.i joy
in tire nenory o-f tne nleasant lrr€a::s i-r.e nas spertt, sotiie
52 yea:.s, i uncl-ers-r,e*nd,, wiLi:. thi s --;corr \:/', a:rd tira-i lee
rnlght lool< .iorr,rard- wiih joyfu.l anticipaLio;r cf rieeting
her a,qaln in the uesurroction. i'ia;i 'Lire ic::d" 'cless irer
f.'areillr tnat t;iey tira;r also have joy in ihinlrln{ o.f-' thelr
rnother anci relatiorrships ti-rey have nao ";itir her, anC that
they night so order their llves tnat thel' ;nay nerit a
place in tire Celestiai iiingdorn tith tiroi r rnol;le::, i'or -[
fee-]- stl-re trtat she vrii-1 be one oi ti.rose vliLo vrj 11 meril
a place in tite Celestial iiingdoii of ou.r !'all:Ler j-n jiea-/eit.
i,lay the lorC bless us al-l that r'."e;la:i I'r.ave a "l'leen sense

of or-r-r. ni'e seir1, Fos-'i-l i-on :rei'e ,-ii:on 'blre e:rrti-t, tirei i.'? ;'li,-l:i
so oLt,ler our -'l-ives th.a; wrten or-ir iiriro colees to pass oil,
lna-r, vto nii;irt fe,:1 'L:rl.i l,'e li,re"ve forr,,iht a ;oor-i- fi3ht, the.t
,'';o rra),r i:ave no fear o,i lhe:neebing of our r'aiher i-n rreaven
s-ti<iof the ju-dirrreni .ja;- tru'1str ii:,e l:ooks sire-.i-1 )Je opened-
aaC we si:all be -iudged. a.ccor.ding to 'biio 'l:ooksr I praJ* for
tirese blessings in the riaile of Jesr:-s Cnri st, Arnen.
Preraarks, by t::e Coird-uc-r,r:.r:
Tho prelucle ',vas clayeC b;r Sisfe;' Leot:a iiiaddocil.
Shs has also been an aeconpanl.est to those vlho have sung.
The sofoisis ]rave bee;: sister gnnie tsriair anil sisier Arta
.,llakele;;. ?he pra;rer -:,"ias offerea by broiher John L.
','ji1son, anci or:.r slrea.kers have beetr PresiCent iuclge and
?atriarch Jones. The services w111 be as fol-lo''i"s: A
so1o, trGoi ng .{onetr, o),' si si,er rlnnie Rrlan, anC tire clos-
ing ,orayer by lfisnop albepi jl' F.eacl. On beila-l-f of the
fairily, I wish io express tiranks and. appreciatjon to al-l
wiro have rerrctered. an;l se:'vice whatsoever d.uring tire siclr-
ness and the passing oi- this glooa sister. They are most
appreciative of 'uhese thin;;s.
Solo, ItGoing iioinerr, o)' A]{iiI.rt SilIA}i o

Closing ?rayer, by Ai,-1jil'iT E. READ.

llighteous and .ilernal F'ather, lve truly grateful
unto thee for tne opportrr-nity we hati of asseinbllng
here together toda;,r antl for the si:irit o.f peace that has
been in our nidst, for Thi-' Slri:'ii tjrat has been here v'ritil
'.ls to learJ, gui-d-e, anC ilirect those r,lho have baken part
on tne progra.rn. i.'atner in lieaven, v,'€ r1o ii:anlc Thee tirat
we nave had essociat'ion anc1 acqlr"ai,-ntance l.lith Sisier

ca'1-l- ironc :N
-"ris i;-ir:;'
i'ioor3 v,rc::r 'iiior':' irasf seen -fit lc
:a-U:rer, tirab ve ni3tit !1"'u into olr-r f irres
';1ie iJlal-i, i:3e";e.111'
-''h'e vaiues r:i' 'tr'er l--l-fe' trrai v/e
solle of ihe ossence of'
'beb'ceI e'nd" to
-.i rht. he'l ') lls No lle sr'icll$e1' ani' tc ce
!rr! a

iieaven, we co 'Dray for Th;r spirit
to be ';;ibir :rer nusbanct E. i;ioore , ang her farrily'
ii-;at tnelr niSht r:e con-
wife antl nolher' and
solerl in ihe noble recorC oi their
vrhen in their ovrn d:ue time, they
*rglt have an opportunlty
peacefi-r'I lia-ritation'
of again coniaci'in.15 her in a
now C.ismj'ss us ' af, tnis tfuae'
''',ie pra.y taat Tnou'wilt
of these services at
and- ;o l';ith us in th-e continuation
and. ihat tirese services rni'3irt
be co'nplete'L in peace and-
every i1a;r ancl ttraN
for th;' Spirit to be Tsitil us each ancl'
these lrlesslngs anC all
better b;r our s'ssoeiat{on' }'Je asir
otirers inai lhou secst vre are in
aeei of' v{e asil it in
ie sus 119-j:1e , Anen '

- 25-
1 .-.:'


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