Iron Deficiency Anemia Power Point

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Iron Deficiency Anemia

Josephine G. Bandala

Submitted to: Mr. Manny Jun Padua

Iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia for infants in their
earlier stages of development may have
significantly greater consequences than it
does for adults. An animal made severely
iron deficient during its earlier life cannot
recover to normal iron levels even with iron
therapy. In contrast, iron deficiency during
later stages of development can be
compensated with sufficient 
iron supplements.
Iron deficiency anemia affects neurological
development by decreasing learning ability, altering
motor functions, and permanently reducing the
number of dopaminereceptors and serotonin levels.
Iron deficiency during development can lead to
reduced myelination of the spinal cord, as well as a
change in myelin composition. Additionally, iron
deficiency anemia has a negative effect on physical
growth. Growth hormone secretion is related to
serum transferrin levels, suggesting a positive
correlation between iron-transferrin levels and an
increase in height and weight.
Compensatory tachycardia- earliest sign
Irritability; weakness; decreased exercise tolerance
and anorexia
Pallor; waxy swallow appearance
Dyspnea; increased RR; SOB
Edema; hepatomegaly
Assessment findings:
Reduced energy, cold
Increased HR even at rest
Decreased CBC, Hgb, Hct, serum Fe
Blood smear reveals microcytic and
hypochromic RBCs
Medical Management:
Treat and eliminate the cause
Correction of faulty diet, oral
supplement or parenteral
administration of iron is prescribed
Blood Transfusion in severe cases
Increased oral intake of iron
Instruct the child and parents in food choices that are
high in iron (breads and cereals: dark leafy vegetables;
egg yolks; kidney beans; liver; meats; raisins)
Administer iron supplements as prescribed.
Teach parents how to administer the iron supplements.
Provide dietary teaching regarding foods high in iron.
Encourage ingestion of roughage and increased fluid
intake to prevent constipation if oral preparations are
being taken
Thank you !!

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