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EVEREADY-“DigiLED Lanterns”-NU Lite


• Are you aware of the company called “EVEREADY”?

• Yes b) No

2. What are the various products you are aware of, manufactured by EVEREADY

a) Batteries b) flashlights c) digiLED Lanterns

d)Packaged Tea e)mosquito Repellants

3. Do you sell the new “digiLED Lanterns”?

a) Yes b) No

4. Which type of digiLED Lantern do you have?

a) HL 01 b) HL 02 c) HL 08 d) HL 04

e)HL 05 f)HL 06 g)HL 07

5. On which medium have you come across “digiLED Lantern” advertisement

a)TV b)Radio c)Magazine d)Newspaper

e)Internet f)Sales Representatives g)Friend/relative/associate

6. Which price range of the following is affordable?

a) 450 b) 375 c) 350 d) 275 e) 175 f) 150

7. How long does a D type batteries last

a)15 days b)20 days c)1month d)>1month

8. Are the D type Batteries Convenient and easy to use

a) Yes b) No

9. Given a choice of DigiLED Lanterns and Rechargeable Lanterns, which one would you prefer?

a)Digi LED Lanterns b)Rechargeable Lanterns

10. Do you feel digiLED Lanterns require any post-purchase service

a) Yes b) No

11. Do you think digiLed is a substitute for the traditional kerosene lanterns?
a) Yes b) No

12. Do you think D-type batteries are available at an affordable price?

a) Low price b) reasonable price c) high price

13. Which Strata of the society buy these lanterns?

a) Lower b) lower middle c) upper middle d) upper

14. Are you making profits through the new Lanterns?

a) Increaed b) Decreased c)No Change

15. Which season do you witness more sales

a) Summer b) winter c) Rainy d)all the seasons

16. Have you received any complainants on DigiLED Lanterns?

a) Yes b) No

17. Pertaining to which of the following does you encounter more complaints.

a) Switching problems b) battery damages c) damages inside package

d) Lighting Problems

18.Overall, how do you rate the quality of DigiLED Lanterns

a)Poor b)Fair c)Good d) Very Good e)Excellent

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