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"Four Idiots"
"Hari Sadoo"
can india make it?
Silence Has A Voice
T20 vs Test Cricket
Women Empowerment Through Reservation
Love is not God
Issues involved in B-school ratings
How could the sub-prime crisis been avoided ?
How real are the reality shows?
Integrity- A Dying Act
Faint Heart Never Won Fair Damsel
Is it necessary to wear tie.
B-schools fit square nuts into round holes.
How professional are the professional companies today
Reason and Intuition
Don’t get a second chance to make a first impression
What would have happened if man had not invented the wheel"
Should B School ratings be taken seriously??
A good budget is loved by all
Advertising is something which makes a man buy something which he doesn’t know
about, something which he doesn’t need and with the money that he doesn’t have
Significance of international women's day
Should Business Tycoons be made the PM
Manager not MBA
Is stock market major indicator of economy
Reservation in private sector
Consumerism is destroying Indian culture;
Something on the role of Indian media;
Equity Vs Efficiency;
Something about learning beginning after education is finished;
Is war against terrorism justified?
Its better to have loved and lost than not loved at all;
Multiparty n Biparty;
Are schools really meant for learning?
Is pizza base more imp than the topping?
India and china: who is better for trade
Bureuacracy: The steel frame of India perspective of India Vs China;
Should there be a dress code in colleges;
The future is of innovation and not invention;
Managed time is an indication of managed mind;
Are Indian youths a rotten lot
Ethics in business – a misnomer
Do IAS officers need a MBA degree?
Purani jeans and guitar
'Television has destroyed the cultural fabric in India'
Money - is it the only motivating factor
IPL is a curse for Indian sports
GD's in MBA entrance procedure are a farce
Nowadays MBA entrance exams are becoming lenient towards engineering students
Rush for MBA is actually a rush for money
Emotion has no place in business
Is Education=Literacy?
MBA-mind ,body, attitude
There is no place for integrity in our society.
Do we need cheap cars in India?
It’s better to be blissfully ignorant than be an educated ignoramus
Is stock market major indicator of economy

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