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TEST BOOKLET OBJECTIVE t{"(t&:fUT ~ffi1 Cfll CRi!~

Test Battery Number 1:Ji'Il\1Uf ~ ~ ~

I 5 I 2 II I

Booklet Series



Test Form No. tJfu:rar~~

I 1 I 1 11 I

I. Th~s Booklet consists of four objective type tests : Test I - Reasoning Ability, T-eSI n - Numerical Ability, Test Ul- General Koowledge and Awareness of'Currem AITmrs and Test IV -English Langu.age. The tolal duration oflhesetests 152 hours and there are no separate dme limlu for each -of them.

~ Sft<i'!ll.q-.m ~~-~ : -m-l:[5[ 1- ~~J w-r-~ II - ti(§QIt'R'h~'4ril, 'Im'-"lf:r [11- ~~ wi ~~-tt ~ CilUm~ IV - ~ qroj I ~~ ~ 2 ~ t ~ ~'$ fatt~-a;{WTwrq 'tfIlfI~i 1

2. AU questions carry equal marks.

IN'I m * aic!; lJIIT1 f I

~. tii!ranr-~i; aml'Uf ~ 'qi: M 3m ilTiff am q(f(ffllt <iii ~ ~ 'ijijj ~ , ~ ~ ~ -If'O if ~ Wi'llR ~I

3. On the top of the eever page of your Test Booklet lowards the left. Test Battery NlImber is printed. Write this number in your answer sheet aL the allpropriale p1a.ce.

4. Below the Tcsi Bauery Number in your Te 'I Booklet. Test Form o. is primed. write Ihis number in the box for Tesr Form No. in your answer- heel and darken the appreprlete clrcles in it oy your RB. Pencil.

~ q-ft'fiJI-~ if ~-~ij;~ tRi~ n;q~w-ftt, '3'«m ~ am:~~if trfi~ ~m~lSR'ij ~ ott, ~ -.ffit ~ 'fTI1 <i>l ~.oft. ifflm if ~ '<Fiftt!.1

5. Oolhe cover page of your Test Boo deuowards right. BooklcLSeriesl A I is primed. writt-this in the box Ior Booklet Series in your BMwcr-shJl.(!l. Mel darke.n the appropriruc cirole below it by the R.B. Pencil.

~1{fl@T-~ii; a;tt<j(tl[ '1i6'«m ~ itIiff am-~ ~-.a~t~iJIfltJ ~'WP.~-lf'Oit~ ~cm;liSAif~ aw ~ -;jR ~ <fij 'fill{<f .q"t. ~ II <tURf. I

6. Below the Bookie! Series in your Tesi Booklet's cover pace. Tcst-Booklc[ Serial No. Is printed in red ink. wrilC this number In the space meant for Test B{loklel Serial Nc. in YOLlr answer-sheet.

am<fi '1ft1SGT-~;n~1f'O IR ~ ~il>~, ~~Sfilf ti@u iliR ~ih;\'ltt va ~'3m-~:ij-Btjfr«l ftll'l ~~I

(Q)ntmued on back of the last page.) (~: ~ 'PO -ij; q<nj l)


I n IllUlmlllll1

Space for RougbWork '{9i ifiTlf ~m ~






I trn mn mJ 1111


TestReasoning Ability ~-~- I trt"lll~

Directions (Q. J o. 1-5): Find out the correct ansv 'er out of the four alternatives given below each question and then mark it in your answer sheet.

m ("j:(.~, 1-5): ~ ~ C!1I ~ ~ ~~ Wl ~:;;niT ~-q i% 1% ~~"irff CfiU mTI m ~.wH Jilt ~if ~ CiiI I

l . Iee : Coolness : : Earth : ?

(I) Forest

(2 Weight

(3) Gravitation

(4) Ocean

lWI':~::~:? (\)q:;f

(2) !qT{

(4) q61QIIl{

2. Coconut: Shell : : Letter : ?

(1) Mai! ~:~::<r;l":?

(2) Lerter-box

(3 Stamp

(4) Envelope

(1) Sfcf,

(2) ~-ifrffi'

(3) 'SfcIj- flcR

(4) 1ffi>m

3. Income is related to profit in the same way as expenditure is related to

(1) Loss

(2) Surplus

(3) Balance

(4) Sale

(2) GRffilt

(4) ~lt

4. Much is related to many in the same way as measure is related to

(l) Calculate

(2) Count

(3) Weigh

(4) Measurement

~ JICl1R ~ Uk! f.<td ~ aH<n it '3lft Yi=IiR PJtf a~ ~(( t

(1) ~iI (2) M'S (3) ~i%

5, Clue is related to Mystery in the same way as warning is related to

( I) Precaution

2) Disaste.r

(3) Risk

(4) Danger

Wv.Iq;r~ -H~ WfiR ~'mt WB ~q;y ~ 'fiT~ ~ (I) 8 Iq"lI·i"l ~ (2) q~liCtqe:nl (3) ~-e





IIUlllmllm ~III

6. Find the oddman out.

(1) MOndAy

(3) WEdNESdAy

(2) tUESdAy

(4) thUrSdAy

7. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?




8. Three of the following four have similar relationship and hence form a group, Which one does not belong 10 the group ?



9- Three of the four groups of letters given below are alike in a certain way while one is different Choose the odd one.

~~~~~"fR~ihni'Ritm~-g~~~~~~~<HtfRl~m~ I~~ <fir?





lO. Three of me four groups of letters given below are alike in a certain way while one is differe_nt.

Choose the odd one.

~ero -t~ ~ ~ 'ifR ~ it -a -at.i ~ ~ -a ~~~~ ~ d{ft ~~ ~ cIt.TI'ij m ~ 1 ~lffif 'iifiil?

(1) IW

(2) MS

(3) Ff

(4) JU



ilnrnmumjUlIlU 521

Directions (Q. o. 11-15) : Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series: ~ (Jr.ll. 11-15): -:ffij 1ft §<fi ~-li&rf ~ -q- ~ ~ -mn ~ I

11. H4 W, 1 [8 V, K48T N lOOQ, ? • W 294 H
(1) P 1485 S (2) R 180 M (3) S 198 I (4) T 206 K
l2. JED. 2FD. 3 KH. ? 15 KG, 48 KF
(I) ]2 PX (2) 6 RI (3) 9 LV (4) 8 TQ
13. M4. T7. -p 7, Q 10, S 10, N 13, ? K 16
(1) V 4 (2) K 7 (3) T J3 (4) G 15 14. R5 P, T6M. V 9 J. XI5G, ?
(1) A 12L (2) 118 X
15. DGK 0, GKP3 ? PVC 15
(I) GK 5 (2) KPV 8 (3) Z25 D

(4) U 20 Q

(3) PVZ 9

(4) UTI 11

16. If the first 6 letters of the English ALphabet series are written in reversed order. then the next 6 letters are written in reversed erder and so on, and ar the eod Y is interchanged by Z. then which letter is fourth letter to the right of 13th letter from the left?

<If{ ~ ofit <,!oftollctl t 1mlf 6 3I8R ~ SiiII·"ij ~~~, m.wra 6 3T15{ fct"qfurSfR ij W~·~ ~ ~ lfC6R, ~ ~~ y Chi z if ~ C!R ~:J41 '"ill! iIif mlt iJ ~ 3l'eR -t't 00 am: -R ~. 31m <IfR -aT mm '{

(1) M (2) N (3) Q (4) P

17. If the English Alphabet series is written in the reverse order and every alternate leiter starting from Y is dropped, whicb letter will be exactly in the middle of the remaining letters of the Alphabet series ?

~ ~ <6) qofqm~ ~5f>l{~ fffigr ~m.rr y i! ~ ~ ~ ~ aT&« ~ -ffi:sRm ~ 1 m EjUI'lldl ~ ~~ 3100 ~ Rla~iif iffiii ~ ~ in ,]l~ mrn ?

(1) L (2) 0 (3) M (4) N

18. If me letters in each of the following five groups of letters are first rearranged in the alphabetical order and then the groups of letters so formed are rearranged as in a dictionary. which letter group would have its group of letters in the .MIDDLE among the five letter-groups?

~~.~~~3Im~t~~~WctIT~qor'"lI(l1I~~.q-~~~~tmrft!;t~~~W 3ll5{ ~ qit !tIO<<hIt( t ~~ ~ WIT ~. cfr~ if.lt2(R WW~31&R tiFil ~ ~ -ij <.ftiIT~M ? MEET DEAF, ROAD, CODE LACK

(1) LACK (2) MEET (3) ROAD (4) DEAF





lID! OOlmlliD


Directions Q. No. 11-15) : Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series: ~ (V:R. 11-15): ~ <3 ~ 3lm--msm ~ "Ii ~ qq mil enit I

11. H 4 W, t 8 V K 48 T N 100 Q.

(1) P 1485 S (2) R 180 M

? . W294H

(3) S 198 1

(4) T 206 K

t2. 1 Rb, 2FD. 3 KH, (I) 12 PX

? , 15 KG, 48 KF

(2)6RI (3)9LV

(4) 8 TQ

13. M4, T 7 P 7, Q 10, S 10, N 13,? K 16

(I) V 4

(2) K 7

(3) T 13

(4) G \5

14. R5P. T6M, V 9J, X 15 G, ?

(1) A 12 L (2) 1 18 X

(3) Z 25 D

(4) U20Q

15. DGK 0, GKP 3,? PVC 15

(l) GK.v 5 (_) KPV 8

(3) PVZ 9

(4) KPU 11

16. If the first 6 letters of the English Alphabet series are written in reversed order,then the next 6 letters an: written in reversed order and so on. and at the end Y is interchanged by Z, then which letter is fourth letter to ale right of l311• letter from the left ?

~ 3T!I;;f'nit ~uf"l'\'11 ~ ~ 6 ~ fcNtto ~ it fulgWt <iflii, m ~ 6 ,J:fP;R~ SfR if f~mr~ ~ ~ ~ 'SICfiR, (I2fi 3Mi'~ Y ~ Z -a 3'i'{toiGd q;;{Q~ ijif~"if ~ 31'iR~ e:izf'j annf ~m ~ ~m-m ?

(I) M

(2) N

(3) Q

(4) P

17. If the English Alphabet "Series is written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting from Y is dropped, which letter will be exactly in me middle of the remaining fetters of the Alphabet series?

1:[f{ ~:cfil~ <tit fiNfui 5PT~ ~ ~ om Y '8' 3lRPIr~ ~ ~ a:Jm-q')1 fi-rem~, or ~urRldl ~~ ~ 3iW~ ~ cft:q1m~ ID a:re«iFrr ?

(1) L (2) 0 (3) M (4) N

18. If the letters in each of the following five groups of letters are first rearranged in the alphabetical order and then the groups of fetters so formed arerearranged as in a dictionary, which letter group would have its group of letters in the MIDDLE among the five letter-groups ?

ern ~~ ~ ~ ~15\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3iaRt cfil ~ Eilufl1lcll ~ Sfill' Ii ~ <fi{ ~ ~ Q?ll f-g ~ Wf.R GH ~ a:rBj{~ <iTlllii$61t1 ~ ~~<n\W;n~, m~-a"3l~Tni~~:ai~#a{~nf~'ihiRrraftir~? _MEET, DEAF, ROAD, CODE, LACK

(1 LACK (2) MEET (3) ROAD (4) DEAF






Ilm~ 11m ~l~ ~n ~

30. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangements. each of Which is immediately preceded by a digit and lrnmediately followed by a consonant 7

(1) 1

(2) 2

(3) 3

(4) 4

Directions (Q. o. 31-34) : In the following coded arithmetic equations certain symbols are used with [he following meaning:

I. P /). Q means add P [0 Q;

u PDQ means subsrract Q from P;

IIL PO Q means multiply P with Q' and IV. p ,0 Q means divide P by Q.

Now study the given information lind answer the question following it.

Three persons A. Band C complete a work in 20 days. Band C together are 413 times as efficient as A and B together. On the other hand A and C together are 5/4 times as efficient as Band C together.

f.tbt ( 31-34): cir;s~ ~ f.tq ~ {olI'fiCij'l(1sn -q ~ ~ f.lR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :

I. P IJ. QCfiT~ P~Q'ij~~~i

II. PDQ Cfij~Qqij P-q-a-if2'Rlfl'i

ill. P 0 Q 'OftI ~ P q?t Q~ WI '!I0l1iIl{~ -at i li;<i IV. P 0 Q Cfil crnq<f p <fil Q -a 'Iil7T ~ ~ t I

;mr m !i ~ ifi'r ~ ~ 1.Wcfit ;fM ~ ~ ~ ~l dlR ~

'fft:r~ At B ~ c~~cfi'l 20~~W~~ IB ~ ClfM-tlW<i*f~*1 A~ B ~~-lffiJCfillf~~ 4/3 :rn~~'I~~A ~ ClWr-mm~~ B ~ CiiilITlf-lWtq;l<fq;f.t-fl5/41JIT~~ I

31. Which of the following equations represents the number of days in which A alone can finish the same work?

(I) 24 02{) 0(24 020) (3) 30 020 0 (30 0 20)

(2) 30 0 20 (30 A 20) (4) 400200(40020)






32. Which of the following equations represents the number of days in which B and C together can finish the same work?

(I) 24 0 (3 A 3) 0 4 (3) 200(1206) 0 5

(2) 20 0 (12 0 6) 0 3 (4) 40 0200 (40 020)

33. Which of the following equations represents the number of days in which A and B working together can finish the same work?

(l) 20 0 (3 6. 3) 0 4 (3) 20 0 (12 06) 0 5

(2) 40 020 0 (40 020) (4) 200 (12 06) 0 3

34. Which of the following equations represents the number of days in which A and C working together can finish the. same work?

(1) 40 0200 (400 20) (3) 20 0 (3 fJ. 3) 04

(2) 20 0 (12 06) 0 5 (4) 20 0 (12 0 6) 0 3

35. A travel towards East B travels towards North. C and D travel in opposite directions. D travels towards right of A. Which of the following is definitely true ?

(1) B and C travel In opposite directions

(2) C travels towards West

(3) D travels towards North

(4) Band C travel in the same direction

A ~ <fit 3fu tren 'ijjffiT t I B ~ om 3iR <mn CfiU1T tiC t{Cf D ~ ~ if <mn ~ i I 0, A cfi'J zyff a.itt ~tRffi ~ I f.n:=r ~ ~~~ -a l{('q ~ ?

(2) C ~ t€t 3fu emu Cfi\ffi t (4) B t;<i C~ mrr if <mnq;{iji






110111111111 Inrll

36. A co runs 20 metres towards East and turns to right. runs [0 metres and turns to right. runs

9 metres and again turns to left. runs 5 metres and then turns [0 left, runs 12 metres and finally turns

LO left and runs 6 metres. TOW which direction is the cow facing ?

(I) North

(2) East

(3) South

(4) Wesl

ll,ifi'Wi 20 1f0: 'W£ <fi) aiR ~ ~ am ~~ ~ ~ 10 lfRl ~ ~ .l1Tc W; >iffift~. ~ 9 'ifra: ~ ~ alR¥-VfKf1 t 5 lftc:C~ t ififI (til ~ \lTRft ~, 12 iftt\ ~t am: 3FO ~ i.i:Mt altl ~ 6 W ~~ I arcITTWtfi1~~furr~t f

(I) ~

(2) ~


(4) 1ifFrq

37. A boy started walking positioning his back towards the sun. After sometimes. be turned left, then turned right and then towards the left again. In which direction is he going now ?

( I) East or West

(2) North or West (3) South or West

(4) North or South

~ ~i'wtef;) am aw.ft tfto ~ ~ ~ fctcrr I ~ ~~ crs ~ aitt-~ cWO afu:·~nm fq;{ ~ ~ ~TI q{: 3lif ~ ~ ~ "iI11:5T ~ ?

(2) 3"ffi: lff ~

(3) ~-zrr~

38. U Thursday was the day after the day before yesterday five days ago, what is the least number of day ago when Sunday was three days before the day after tomorrow ?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-t ~ '1$f1lf{jql{ <liT ~ ~, ~qffiCRf 't wmf ~ K.flr <fR: ft-l ~ ~ Cfit{ ~ ~ f.6cR K-:r ~ ~ ?

(1) I

(2) 2

(3) 3

(4) 4

39. In a [OW of boys facing North. a boy is thirteen from the left. When shifted to hfs right by three places, he becomes seventeenth from right end of the row. How marry boys are there in the row '1

\ffi Rm ~ ~ Cfif.n ~ &it ijis<til cQ 1% t'fffii if·, Wfi ~ aWft 3iK -a ~ t I a:rq;ft- ~ 3iR $r ~ ~ 'R <f61ffin ~cffli 1iR it ~m ~ t 11ffifi ii ~ ~ i ?

(1) 32

(2) 31

(3) 33

(4) 30




I ID!llIJJlllnllllUD


40. 136 vehicles: are parked in a parking lot in a single row. After the firs! car there is one scooter. After the second car, there are two scooters. After the third car, there are three scooters and 0 on. Work out the number of scooters in the second half of the rOW.

136~~~~~~ih~r%~~~II~CfiRitiiffi!~~~ I~qij\~~~~~ 1 ~OfiR"t~"'tfR ~ t ~ I ~ ~ 'tWt aml ~ :q ~ ifil ~ 1ffi! ~ I

(1) 61

(2) 62

(3) 63

(4) 64

41. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following dees nor belong [D thaI group?

(I) 7

(2) 9

(3) 17

(4) 33

42. Choose the odd numeral pair in the following.

(1) 140-45

(2) 120-35

(3) 110-35

(4) 80-25

43. Choose that set of numbers from the four alternative sets, mal is similar to the given et.

trriT a<tlk4<ti eM:q -u 'q6 tg ~ <iiit <if ~ ~ ~ ~~ I Given set: (246., 257, 358)


(l) (145. 235, 325) (2) (143 253, 246 (3) (273, 365, 367)

(4) (233, 343, 345) .

44. Choose the one which is different from the rest

(1) 248

(2) 326

(3) 392

(4) 414

4S. Three of the followrng four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one mat does not belong to that group ?

(1) l56

(2) 152

(3) 72

(4) 42






I [llllmlill

Direetlons (Q. 46~50) : In each question below. is given a statement followed by lWO assumptions numbered rand Il. An assumption is something supposed or taken [or granted. You have £0 consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of tbe assumptions i implicit in the statement.

Give answer: (I) if only assumption 1 is implicit; (2) if only as urnption n is implicit; (3) if neither 1 nor is implicit; and (4) if both I and II are implicit.

f.tW (Ji.lif. 46-50) : ~ ~ ~~ mit ll.<ii~ WrrTJlIT~ ~~ <?r ~~~ Ill,Ci II fl@llifihd ~ lf1IT t 4'llllfr ~ , ~ ~ tfR1J1l. Ci1't 'lfGf-~ ilq tOfimi1 ~ ~ fu1.lf ijffiff.~ 1 m ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ft g{ ~ 061 tlfR"it U3cfi:t ~ "fFn ~ f.t ~ lIT 'lcf~ I{OII ~:if 3Frl f.lrnd·~ I

3ftf.fl ~ ~ : (I) ~ ~ tNl(oll I 3i=dHffid ~ ; (2) ~ ~ rfftlRUlllI ::!i~f.':fffid ~ j (3)~";fm '[';~I{u11"<{ 1ft ~~n 3i;::nHffll1~; ~ ( )~~ ~I{ullij 31~f.H$a t I

46. Statement: To achieve economic development, people should work hard.

Assumptions :

1) Achieving economic development is desirable.

II) Working hard is not impo sible.


47. Statement : He is too industrious to be poor.


l) Very industrious people also can be poor. m Very lazy people also can be rich.






t )

'" 50



lOr. fIE Ill!


48. Staternenr : Visitors may use lift at their own risk.


I) Using Hft is Dot always safe. m Visitors do not want to use lift.

I)~C6I~~~~':f!ft~ I m~~ifil~onvrr~~ I

49. Statement : This book is so designed that even a layman can easily learn sc ience in the absence of a teacher.

Assumptions ;

I) Learning science by everybody is desirable,

I~ A layman generally finds it difficult to Learn science on IUs own.


I)fiffiR~~if;~~~ I

• 50. Statement: Although the rates of this hotel are comparable with other hotels, the amenities provided here are far superior.

Assumptions :

1) Rates are independent of amenities provided. il) Rates are dependent on amenities provided.

l) .~~ $I4clld) ~1R anmItf ;;tft ~ I TI) it '5IN{ ~ 3l1tTIfta. t I





Dfreeticn (Q. Sl-55) : The President of a club is appointing nine officials A. B. C, D, E, F, G. H and I to serve on three committees (0 study three different aspects of activities of the club. There will be a Garnes Committee, a Food Service Committee and an Entertainrneut Committee. The appointments must respect the fullowing :

Each committee must have exactly three members.

No person can serve on more than one committee.

H must erve on the Entertainment Committee.

C and D must serve on the same committee.

A and B cannot serve on the arne comm ittee.

E cannot serve on the same committee as I.

F must serve on the same committee as B or H or both Band H.

1mr ('51'. R 51-55): l% iffiiifonT 3lt2l&l <fR ~iIlRlzn ~ CIiRf Cf.B~ m~ q<nitl<tilllAl A, B, C, D, E. P, G H ~ I ~ ~ iffitiJ~· IIRl!il;~4'i"t {I't;:j ~ ~3l1 ij1J ~~ ~m tg WI ~ I ~ W ~ l%-~OO v_<i1% ~ ~ m I R~f.ffi~l q;) f.P4 m lJP <fi\rft 1i'ttff 1

- ~ llfEffii II ~ ~iI cfr;rlf<Wf~.~ I

- ~.~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ~ eRlfa41 it1tfil' lfCImT I

- R ~ lrltIftrit if.rr ~ J

.c ~D~mrrfflif~~·l -A~B~~-q:@mml


- E :m :efimf .q 1i.ffe7r WPQT ~ I -&rrr I


51. If B and G serve on the Games Committee. wbich of the following must serve on the Food Servi e Committee ?

(1) A

(2) D

(3) E




! .I!llm~mmllll


52. Which of the following groups could constitute the Games Committee ?

0) ~B.E

(2) A. D. G

(3) C. H E

(4) P,l, B

53. If A is assigned to the Food Service Committee and C is appointed to Enrertainment Committee, then which of the foUowing must be true ?

I. G is appointed [Q the Food Service Committee.

TI. E isappointed to the Games Committee.

ill. 1 i appointed to the Entertainment Committee.

(1) I only

(2) ill only

(3) 1 and m only

(4) IT and ill only

~ A <€I ·~~itcrr c em ~ ~.1l m. m HR it t1 cmw~ i'RT~ ?

L G <;fi'I ~ lSID WiHrI~mdt iM<6t Tflft t I II. E cfi't HWffi ti~nliImr c); ~ c@ TFft t I

ID. I~~~~t~<fit~~ I

(I) ~ I


(3) ~Clcl 1 ~ ill

(4) ~ n~m

54. If F erves on the Food Service Committee And C serves on the same committee as ~ then which of the folio .. ing must serve on the Games Committee?

I i

LA Tt G ITr. I

(Ir Loaty

(2) III only

(3) I and II only

(4) n and ill only

~F"@m-Rcn lrttmn1 ~ om C ~ mtmt q~ ~ H t, (iif -ijit ~ ~ ~ if ~~ ? 1. A


ill. 1

(L) ~ I


(3) ~ I~II

(4) ~ n~m







55. If I is on the Entertainment Cernminee and B is on the FQod Service Committee, then which of the following must be true ?

(I) F is on the Entertainment Commluee

(2) C is on the Games Committee

(3) G is on the Food Service Committee

(4) F is on the Games Committee

(I) F ~ l.:rf~"Rritt I . (3) Gl9m1:Tcn mr&rif~ I

(2) C~ ~.:q ~ I

Directions (Q. No. 56-60) : Letters of certain words have been rearranged and the jumbled spellings have been given below. Out of the choices given below each question, choose the last letter of the correct word.

~ (11:. tf. 56-60) : ~ ~ q, 3i~ coT q)qro ~ cg WIT 1UIT ~ tim~· ~ qcRJ ~ ~ Tf'ft i I .w.i~~~~~·~itmT~Cfi1.31~~ 1


(1) A

(2) D

(3) T

(4) Y


(J) C

(2) E

(3) L

(4) a


(I) A

(2) C


(4) T

59. VlSERL

(1) E

(2) L

(3) R

(4) S



(2) 1

(3) R

(4) S



1I11lmllll IlllllllUm


Test - II

N umerleal Ability ~-~ -II tiL~!(li<fi ~

61. Which of the following numbers is exactly divisible by 99 ?

(1) 114345

(2) 135792

(3) 3572404,

(4) 913464

62. In a division sum, the divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the remainder is 46 the dividend is :

(1) 4356

(2) 4816

(3) 5096

(4) 5336

63. On 1st January every year, a person buys N.S.C. (National Savings Certificates) of value exceeding that of his last year's purchase by Rs. 100. After 10 years he finds that the total value of the certificates held by him is Rs, 54,500. Find the value (in Rupees) of the certificates purchased by him in the first year ?

I )

1% ~ 'mfi ~q;) ~ qtf 3¥f.ft fuR;) wf-.t) ~ 11100 ~ ~~ u$r ~ If;{ ~t I ~ qti ~¥f~ 54,500 ~~ J~~<flf~~ ~ it) ~ ~lf;f~?

(1) 4,000

(2) 4.800

(3) 5,000

(4) 6,000

64. A [ennis ball rebounds each time to a height equal to one-half of the height of the previous bounce, if it is first dropped from a height of 8 meters. find the total vertical distance (in meters) il has travelled when it hilS the ground for the 10th lime. .

~ cli'rl:!!-fi~ ~<ifR ;wRt~~<€J~lf~~"t~~ ~~. ~~~crn slftl\ N~-a~~, cfI~~ lOcffqJ{~iI ~ij<i{3if.rwa~~~(~1f)(flfc:f»l7

(1) 21.969

(2) 22.969

(3) 23.969

(4) 24.969






I 5 2 4 65. The L.C.M. of 3' 6"' 9' 27 is

I 5 2 4

3'6' 9' 27 "qlf~ Wilqqtf4~

1 0) 54

10 (2)


20 (3) 3

27 (4) 4

60. 4.8438+0.069= ? (1) 60.2

(2) 69.2

(3) 70.2

(4) 71.2

67. 0.3467 +0.1333 == ?

(1) 0.48

(2) 0.4801

(3) 0.48

(4) 4.8

68. In a certain city there are 5 colleges and 20 school . Each school has 3 peons, I clerk and I head clerk, whereas a colJege has 5 peons. 3 clerks. I head clerk and an additional staff as caretaker. The monthly salary of each of them is as follows;

Peon = Rs, 1.100 ; Head clerk = Rs. 3.000 Clerk == Rs, 1,700 Caretaker = Rs. 2,500. The total monthly salary bill (in Rupees) of Schools and Colleges of the city is :

~tIl[{-iI 5 ~ ~ 20~% ,~~-q 3 TfGUtfi 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ t ~ ~~.., Cfiict~ if 5 ~ 3~, 1 ~ ~ ~ lzyfi 3ifdlt~ "RNl Ctlll(l<h{ ~ I ~ H ~ iiiT ~<lo-r~~ :

~=l. 1,lOO,~~=~. 3,000 ~=1i. 1,700.Cfi«<~=~. 2,500 1;j!K~~1lfi~1fJl ~~~~ (wi'rlf)f.lin;n~ 1

(1) 2,10,800

(2) 2,20,600

(3) 2,30,400

(4) 2,40,500

1 1 1

69. What fraction must be subtracted from the sum of 4 and "6 to have an average of '12 of all the

three fractions ?

1 (1) - 2

1 (2) - 3

I (3) - 4

1 (4) 6




IUIlIl rnli 111ft 1111 1m


70. The value of .JOA. is:

JOA. qjf~t: (1) 0.2

(2 0.02

(3 0.63

(4) 0.51

? I. A team of 8 persons join in a shooting competition. The best marksman scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average score for the team would have been 84. The number of poirus, the team scored was :

:s ~ ~ ~ tm' ~ It''fi ~Slfa4"'IMal .q- 'IiPT ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ 85 tJfR1lIG1 m I ~ ~ 92 ~ 'W<f ~ ma, m trl <fil 3frffir ~ 84 ~ I trq <t?t ~ ~ mtif ~ 1

(1) 645

(2) 665

(3) 588

(4) 672

72. The sum of three numbers is l36. II the ratio between first and second be 2 : 3 and that between second and third is 5 : 3 then the second number is :

tft;n:tl§1JI3l't <!iT ~ 136 ~ 1"lfR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'<iiT ~ 2 : 3 ~ OWl ~ ~ f!Rm ~ flCfij ~ 5 : 3 ~, m~-a&rr~:

(I) 40

(2) 48

(3) 52

(4) 60

73. A is as much younger to B as he is elder to C. If the sum of the ages of B and C is 48 years what is the age of A in years '7

A B~""J(HT~~t~~Cl6 C-Rargr~ '~B~C<6t ~<nT~ 48~%, m A ~~fcim2tqr;ft?

(1) 20 (2) 24 (3) 30 (4) 32

(1) -3

(2) -6

(3) 3

(4) 6

75. P is six times as large as q. The percent that q is less than p is

(1) 83.!. '3

(2) 163. 3

(3) 90

(4) 60






llllllli m"~lIm

76. The income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission i increased from 4% to 5%. The percentage of slump in business is :

(1) 10%

(2) 15%

(3) 20%

(4) 30%

17. A man purchased 15 kg of rice at the rate of Rs. 9.50 per kg and 30 kg at the rate of Rs. 10.50 per kg. He mixed the two. Approximately, at what price (in Rupees) per kg should he sell the mixture to make 35% profit in the transaction ?

~~~ 35f.fl.:n. ~ 9.50~. Wrfcij.1JL<6lGl(lm 30~.:n. 10.50~.1L ~.1lT. ~4(-a~ ImtRl q,1~WnIW~.q 35%BNvrta~-&i~cm~<fiTma-f<f;.1Ii. ~~~(~-if) 1R~?

(l) 12

(2) 12.50

(3) 13

(4) 13.50

78. A book is listed at Rs, 150, with a discount of 20%. What additional discount must be offered to bring the net price to Rs, 180 ?

"tzy6 ~ tR fu:I tR 20% cfij wt L50~. lj,fll fffisT ~ I ~ ~ q;r ~ ~ ] 80~. iR1 ~~ ~ ~ ~"iLl crr\ifW ?

(1) 8%

(2) 10%

L (3) 12-% 2

(4) 15%

I 1 I

79. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 2": '3 >4" and its perimeter is, 104 em. The length of the longest

side (in em.) IS :


(1) 26

(2) 32

(3) 48

(4) 52

80. X. Y and Z were sharing profits in the ratio 4 : 3 : 2. Y retired from the firm and X and Z decide to share profits- in the ratio 3 : 2. Calculate the gaining ratio.

X, y ~ Z 4: 3: 2 it; ~.q 'ffi"1il1l-m~ IY ~-e St:lIR'fti it~ti?:fT xv,ci Z~ 3: 2 ~ ~~BN~ CI1f.f.:toflf fai:rr I mt(i mcrrff"ffi'l ifil ~ f.rcnrffi- I

(1) 7 : 8

(2) 5: 9

(3) 4: 7

(4) 5: 8





81. t5 men take 21 days of8 hours each to do a piece of work. How many days of 6 hours each would 21 women take. if 3 women eto as much work. as 2 men ?

J5 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ f.t;ffi q;J"lf <iT 21 w.r ~ ~ cn:rn~1 ~ 3 ~ 3(AT 'tt ifi11f ifiUfr i ~ fcfi 2 !!W~~; it 6 t:R ~ q;pf ~ 21 ~"3B ~~ ~ft.:r if 1JP ~ ?

(1) 18

(2) 20

(3) 25

(4) 30

&2. A man goes uphill with an average speed of 24 kmph. and comes down with an average speed of 36 kmph. The distance travelled in botn the cues being the same. The average speed (in km/hr) for the entire journey is :

~~M~~~24"SI.<t ~ ~"1l'fct-e"iRff~wrr~36 Ni.'tft./)i.tT. tfft ~1lffi ~amrrt I ~~wwn;r~ I~"lfm~ ~rrta (f.I;.1=ft./~.'Oi.) ~:

(1) 30

(2) 28.8

(3) 32.6

(4) 30.8

83. A [rain overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going. ar (he rate of 2 kmlhr and 4 km/hr, and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. The length of the train (in meters) is :

1:% ~ en Dll f<ffi4f em Qj) zm b.q 2 ~:I{f .ts». I{<i 4 ~.1ft ./1l. if .• fiprfa -a "iffi W i ~ ~.q ~ ~ 1$ ~,~~~~q>lffi: 1O~-ija;m ~1R6~"fftfi~ I~~~ (iftzdf) t:

(I) 72

(2 54

(3) 50

(4) 45

84. The speed of a boat in still water is 15krnlhr and the rate of current is 3 kmlhr. The distance travelled downstream (in krn.) in 12 minutes is :

M -;nq<€J ~ \iffi ~7ffit 15 Rr.ift/Y.t:l. %v;ci tmJ '5ICffi; cfitG.{ 3 f<f;.1f}/ % ! 121lRl-q ~ cfil ~ ~~ cfi'r 1F1I W (iItt. l=jT. 1l) t :

(I) 3.6

(2) 2.4

(3) 1.2

(4) 1.8

85. A sum of Rs. 36.90 is made of 180 coins wbich are either 10 paise coins or 25 paise co iDS. The number of 10 paise coins is :

(1) 54

(2) 60

(3) 80

(4) 120




----------------- ---



73 '(J1_' I'

&6. A money lender finds that due to fall in the raft! of interest from 8% to 4" 70, his year y mcome

diminishes by Rs, 61.50. His capital (in Rupees) is :

~·~impR(RctJTR~<nl"tffiT'ij"ffifftf.t~cfitm:ll 8%:R l! % ~m;rwJa.m~3UlIil6L50~. cfit~jr~~ ,~~(mi{)~:

(1) 26000

(2) 24600

(3) 23800

(4) 22400


87. The compound interest (in Rupees) on Rs. 5,600 for Rs, 1....:.. years at 10% per annum. compounded


annually. is

(1) 882.70

(2) 873.50

(3) 868

(4) 840

8g. If one side and one diagonal of a rhombus are 5 em and 8 cm respectively then its area (in em") is :

(1) 20

(2) 24

(3) 40

(4) 26

89. Half meter cubic gold sheet is extended by hammering so as to cove-r an area of one hectare. The thickness of the sheet (in: em.) is :

3lllTIW lHfcJiK ~ cfI Wen) v_q; ~ ~ q;) W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1fil <fi\ ~1'Jlfl I mz-<6t ~ (~.Jft. -q) i :

(1) 0.005

(2) 0.05

(3) 0.5

(4) 0.0005

90. A hemispherical bowl of internal radius 9 cm contains a liquid. This liquid is to be filled into cylindrical shaped small bottles of a diameter 3 em and height 4 em. How many bottles will be needed La empty the bowl ?

1% ~ iftf.r.q eRa ~ 'ffi"Sant I ~ ififrcil ~ ~ 9 «:tft. t I \'RR qzy.f ~ iiI~H I<fiR 1M g)it ~ il iro \ifRT t I <inffiTq;r 'Ol1'R1 3 -a.1ft. 0iTI ~ 4 -e.1ft. ~ I CJtR q,1 wOO <fiB it; fM ~~ ~ ~lq::tljihd(~ ?

(1) 27

(2) 35

(3) 45

(4) 54





IIIlIR I~IJ IllJ1Jl1111D



General Knowledge and Awareness of Current Affairs VH-~ - m

lWlI;::q ~ ~ fdi4f4q; ~ <tl <ilt4CfiH~

91. TIle system of Judicial review originated in

(1) India

(2) Germany

(3) Russia

(4) U.S.A.

(2) m~

(3) wit

(4) "S. ~.1!.. if

92. Le Corbusler, the architect of Chandhigarh was a national of

(I) France

(2) Switzerland

(3) Portugal

(4) Netherlands'

"j1ilI'[¢ "EfiJ Cl1tti4il( ~ <ii1{~Rw:I{ ~ iti : (I) 9iHf CfiT (2) \4"I¥lw1-S <:fiT

(3) ~CfiT

(4) ~<'@

93. The West to East extension of the Himalayas is from

(1) Nanga Parbat to Namcha Barwa (2) Rokapo hi to Lobit river

(3) ~ to Chomoithari

~ <6I ~ ff ~ <fi'r amfcffim: ~ : (I) ~ -a ~.GIl{EU~

" .4 ""' (I

(3) Cfi21:1 'q 141$tq(jq1

(4) Indus gorge to Dihang gorge

(2) {fCfiN",-lIihl 'Rrt~:(ntt (fCfi (4) ~ Wf'tt ~ Tfnj tfcfi

94. The philosophy of Laissez f<ilre is identified with

(I) Welfare state (2) Socialist state (3) Gandhian state

~CfIT~~~~~ ;

(I) ~~"B (2) 4:WllRl<huar~

(4) Industrial state

95. Who among the following non-members can take part in the proceedings of the Indian Parliament whhoul the fight to vote .,

(1) Comptroller and Auditor General of India (2) The Chief Justice of India (3) Attorney General of India (4) Ex-Speaker of Lok Sabha

Hi=r1{-a ~~, lig ~~ ~ mulWm~ Cfi[qql~"r.q 'i:fIJf€t~~ ?

( 1) \IT{ffCfll"ffigr HlffiT~ ~ ~ (2) "Iffiij 'i:1iT~~

(3) 1ffiO <iil ~ TlIllIq I en (4) m lNT q)J ~ ~






96. Who is theauthor of the book 'Speaking- for Myself' ?

(I) Cherie Blair (2) Salman Rusadie (3) Mohammad Bauif (4) Hillary Clinton

,~v 0it' ..."' ~ ~ ?

'.-411""'llfiR 1fI~ ~ ~ qi ~ ~H t> •

(1) ~WR3R (2) ~~ _

97 _ Who among the following won the "India open Grand Prix Badminton Championship" held in April, 2008 ?

(1) Thailand (2) India (3) Eng1and (4) China

Mit -« ~ ~, 2008 ~ ~ t<~ aTrtR ~ N<m asfi:l'"l{ =cj"M'4~~,qH ~ 7

(I) ~ (2) ~ (3) ~ (4) 'ifR


98. Silvio Berlusconi, whose name was in news recently. is the

(1) President of Italy

(3) Prime Minister of Italy

(2) President of Germany (4) Prime Minister of France

~ ciHt1,t<hl;fi, ~';f!If~~ B41iilG it ¥fl. 1

(I) ~ ib ~ (2) ~ iti ~ (3) ~~ 5IaHJi ... ':f\

99. When is Inrernational Women's Day, and United Nations Day for women's Right and International Peace celebrated ?

(1) March, 4 (2) March, 8 (3) March, 12 ·(4) March, 15

3'li={I{(lt{jt; ~ Rem ~ ¥O!@dl3!l ~ ~ ~ 3ir11«1Il{l~ mf.:a ~ i8lr ~ ~~ ~ JRltU ~ ?

(I) :q;c;:f,4 (2) ~, 8 (3) lfTif,12 (4) l:ffif,15

100. Into how many parts is the Indian constitution divided?

. \

(1) 18

(2) 21

(3) 22

(4) 24

lOt. BNID which recently came into news stands for

(1) Business Management Development (3) Ballistic Management Defence

(2) Ballistic Missile Development (4) Ballistic Missile Defence

(1) ~ ~4~~;:e: ;Sqt'\Gqrt (3) ii(~I~CP G4'?1~"T! ~

(2) =lciIMi:fi ~ ;sqaq~;;z (4) GfdlfRc:n~~





96. Who is the author of the book 'Speaking for Myself ?

(1) Cherie Blair (2) Salman Rushdie (3) Mohammad Hanif (4) Hillary Clinton

f~ ,,- .-. 1 ~._:'l,...,.~?

~1I"t1'Il@l 4t~at4i ~q; ~1S"f1 "h11 l.' •

(1) -itU ~* (2) lffi1lf.l~ ,

97, who among the following won [he "India open Orand Prix Badminton Championship" held in April, 20087

(I) Thailand (2) India (3) England (4) China

f.n4if iI ~ ~ 2008 if s{ .. ~~( ~ ~~ ~sl4,,« :ijfi:q4"1~IGII ~?

(I) ~ (2) ~R-~I (3) ~ (4) TfR


98, Silvio Berlusconi, whose name was in news recently. is the

(1) President of Italy

(3) Prime Minister of Italy

(2) President of Germany (4) Prime Minister of France

mdlaafl ii({fi#y;ft ~:uq~if H41iliO if en,6

(1) ~~~ (2) ~~~ (3) lZffiil;~

99, When is Intemarional Women's Day, and United Nations Day for women's Right and International Peace celebrated ?

(l) March. 4 (2) March, 8 (3) March, 12 '(4) March. 15

3'Hj(U~lj ~ it<:ffi ~ ~~ ~ ~ 3l""d((l~lj mRt * fa'a ~ ~~ CRlf.ff'I1 ~t ?

(I) ~, 4 (2) Jff1f 8 (3) ~,12 (4) liR.15

10Q, Into how many parts is the Indian constitution divided?

• 1

(1) 18

(2) 21

(3) 22

(4) 24

101. BMD which recently came into news stands for

(1) Business Management Development (3) Ballistic Management Defence

(2) Ballistic Missile Development (4) Ballistic Missjle Defence


Gil. V!f, ~:~~~ifEPil""4loil~. ~~wITrTmmt?

(1) ~ 4~':1~Pi! :sc:I€lqq'i! (3) 4d1Q<f! 4~?1~"'t~

(2) ii{li1IlWn ~ .sct~q~'i! (4) *~111R,:,,~~





101. The rate at which banks lend to RBI is known as

(I) Repo mte (2) Reverse rapo rate (3) Interest rate

(4) Bank rate

f.imlllR~~~~·<it"3m{~i ~~t

(I) ftq) tG (2) ~ ftc:Tt'tl (3) ~ 'tl

(4) ~~

103. 'Vijay Hazare Trophy' is associated with the game of

(l) Badminton

(2) Football

(3) Hockey

(4) Cricket


(3) ~


104. Pen name 'Beerbal' belongs to

(I) Pramatha Chaudhry (2) Ashpurva De v (3) Samaresh Majumdar (4) Samares h B asu

~:N-Wi '~' ~~ ?

(1) wrM~ (2) ~~


. (4)'wim~

105. 'Talchar' is famous for thermal power plant It is located in which of the foUowing states?

(I) Assam

(2) Bihar

(3) Orissa

(4) West Bengal

f~ ~lf[ql GffR ~d~i~' ~ ~ I lUI ~ ~-q t 7

0) ~ (2) ~ (.3) ~

106. Which states of India have derived maximum benefits from green revolution?

(1) Punjab, Haryana and U.P

(3) Rajasthan, Gujrar and Maharashtra

(2) Bihar, West Bengal and Assam

(4) Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala

(1) ~J ~1«i3'ii{m (3)~,~,~~

(2) ~. ~~"Q,<i amrrq (4) d,*,.H~: ~1"\UI4!i1 ~ ~






107. Which one of the following is not correctly matched 1

(l) Warsaw - Poland (3) Kharieum ~ Sudan

(2) Rotterdam - Australia (4) Dublin - Ireland

-Rt=r-ql!~~W~~ ?

(1) cmm - ~ (2) ~ - 3i1t4W1iJ I (3) @[{ij~lllq_ - ¥H

108. The term "Green Revolution" was given by (I) Dr. Norman Borlaug

(3) Dr. William Gande

(1) "'Gr.;fruq ~ ~ (3) m.~~~

(4) ~. _. 3'l14tif1~

(2) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan (4) Sada Shiv Rao

(2) 6"1. W{.. ~. 't4141'iitf'i-:r (4) ST. mrm,:nfCi ~

109. After independence. recognizing the importance ef estimate of National Income and its various cemponents, the Government of India appointed the National Income committee in 1949. Who was the chairman of this committee?

(1) Dadabhai Nareji (3) P. C. Mahalancbis

(2) Prof. V. K. R. V. Rao (4) C. D. Desbmukh

'IT«nWfilt::r \4dpjfi'fl ~~~.1l$ 31fq ~ ~ ~ ~-ij; ~ rfil ~ q;t~W~ ~ ~'lS'~ if ~ 3Wr~ ~c6! I ~ tWrfij. cor 31"1~ m ?

(1) ~ ~. ~ -4'% 4- ...

"LG1'i1~ (2) )11. '11. <fl. a:m:. en. 7Jq

(3) tfi. tIT. !iQIt1I.iH~&.. (4) lit. m. ~

IlO. Who invented 'computer laptop' ? (]) Sinclair - Britain

(3) Q. Daimler - Germany

~~q;r~lfElbI;lil(~f.n1n ? (l) fB'i'fdlj{ _ ~ (3)~.~-m


(2) Arthur Wynn.a - U.S.A.

(4) Lacques Nicolas Conte - France

(2) 3n('?fr~ - ~. l{8. 'I{.

4) dCjl~R f.i<:6ldl~ <t?R - ~






1Il1ll1llU 11m ~mlll


Test-IV English Language

Directions (Q. 111 - 115) : In each of the following sentences four words OT phrases have been

underlined. Only one underlined part in each sentence is not accepted in standard English. Identify that part and mark its number J. 2. 3 or 4 in your answer sheet.

n 1. Gaze for a tllin£! that are not available easily in th€ country is a universal phenomenon.




112. It is foolish [0 be expecting one person to be like another person, for each individual is born with his





characteri tics traits.

113. The tendency to believe that man is inherently dishonest is something that wilJ decried.





114. I have not come across verv few people who think of thing beyond their daily work.




115. He managed to board !be running train but a his luggat!es was left on the station.




Directions (Q. 116 - 120) : Select the pair of words which are related in the same way as the capitalised words are related 0 each other.


(l) weights: measures

(2) laws: courts

(3) torch : liberty

(4) launch: peace


(I) gallop : run

(2) stammer: speak (3) stumble: fall

(4) sniff: smell






(1) watered : lawn (3)tba\ en : ice

119. YOLK: EGG::

(1) rind : melon

120. :BAMBOO: SHOOT: :

(1) bean : sprout

(2) nucleus: cell

(2) pepper : corn

(2) renovated : building (4) worn: nerves

(3) stalk: com

(3) oak : tree

(4) web: spider

(4) holly: sprig

Directions (Q.12l - 125) : For each Gf the following capitalized words, four words or phrases are given of which only one is synonymous with the given word. Select the synonym.

121. DEFER

(I) respect

122. DUB10US (l) clear


(1) impolite


(1) nearness

125. ABSTAIN (J) Slay

.. 111

(2) dislike

(2) undoubtedly

(2) rough

(2) aloofness

(2) tempt

(3) postpone

(3) hesitant

(3) polished

(3) completely

(3) refrain

. -2&-

(4) disrespect

(4) doubtful

(4) improper

(4) nearly

(4) pardon



Directions (Q. U6-130) :

Fill in the blanks by selecting appropriate alternative.

j 26. I mel him only a week _

(I) back

(2) past

(3) ago

(4) previous

L27. Lovey asked me _

( 1) wby are you angry ? (2) why 1 am angry ?

(3) why 1 was angry ? (4) why was 1 angry ?

128. Even after repeated warnings, he to office on time.

(I) never come (2) never comes

(3) is never coming (4) have never come

129. He told his wife that from Gennany.

(1) he will like to visit France (2) he was liking to visit FIance

(3) he would like to visit France (4) he is liking to visit France

130. Some people can . even with murder.

1) get on

(2) gel out

(3) gel off

(4) get away

Directions (Q. 131·135) : Choose the correct antonym from the chaises for each of the following capitalised words:


(1) curious

(2) varied

{3) alike

(4) uniform


(1) wise

(2) diplomatic

(3) prudent

(4) careless





133. OBSOLETE (1) free


(2) ancient

(3) current

(4) cultured

134. RA TlONAL (1) sound

(2) insane

(3) judicious

(4) sensible

135. SCEPTICAL (l) doubtful

(2) convinced

(3) questioning

(4) cinic

Directions (Q. 136-140) : Each sentence has one or two blanks. Choose the word or set of words lhal best completes the sentence mean ingfully,

(1) seldom

(2) never

(3) only

(4) solely

136. He went to the library to fmd that it was closed.

(I) tentative

(2) tenuous

(3) consistent

(4) restrictive

137. The lies thai bind us together in common acti ity are so that they can disappear

at any moment.

138. Her reaction to his proposal was . She rejected it _

(1) inevitable -vebemently (2) subtle - violently

(3) clever - abruptly (4) sympathetic - angrily

139. ills directions misled us we did nor know which of the two roads to lake.

(I) complicated

(2) ambiguous

(3) narrow

(4) fantastic

140. It would be difficult for one so to believe that all men are equal irrespective of

caste, race and religion.

(I) emotional

(2) democratic

(3) intolerant

(4) liberal




IlIUnlllll ~lUlll


Please do not Leave your eat because the Examination is not yet over. ~ .J1lR1 tfR: ">{ 1rli <Piffrf; WPlf at'l'l w:rrco -;nfI ii ~ I





7. Foreach question in thh; Tes~ Booklet. four alremarive ooswersnumbered as( I). 0). (3) and (4) are given. Qui of these fOUI answers, only we iI:llswer is the COj1'eCt answer re each qaesiien, Your lask in ihese lestS is (0 fmd out this correct nnswer and to show itin your answer-sheet by blackening witb IInKR. Pendl the circle having tire alternative number of your choice be.low tile corresponding serial number of the quesl ion. For changing an answer, erase rhe earlieT blackened mark and make Ii f~ts.h mark in the alremative of the new choice. Par all)' question. if more Ihan one drdes are found. blackened the machine will allot azero mark for your answer to Ihar. qu"Cstion.

ltim-~~~VR~~-:qJ{Jm~(I). (2), (3)am(4)~~~ l~iI q,qdWilitt~ '!ftYfP.,r\l'm-am't I~~ if 0Wfii:iT~ 'qTij~ ~:q ~mft ant ~'*'tpq ibl ~ <l*!it~ ~"3nt, :w:R :reJ:-'f"<3;q~m-~ifi;ftit~ 1Jtt~ ~ ~ c6t ~.ifi. ~ ~ <iiTffi Ob{q, t-rrij , -;ffi\~"t ~ ~ iUU~ ~"IN. ~ ihr-m{~<nra mIFr<tit ~ OW ~ atR1if;{~~~ ~ <iiT~~ I ~ ~~~ ~ ~it~~ \It"iVnfl"~ m<iil~ aFi;irft I

8. Before beginning to answer the questions please makesure that alilhe entries in your answer-sheet have been duly cc;mplered. Any carelessness in this regard may jeopardize your chances fiJI setecrlon.

w.n q;r~ ~ Q ~ ~ 'R ~ ~ ;wR ~-~ if tNt ~ f.r;:~II::tal( (fiq; Wf;T{ -If{ ~11 ~ ~ \ft ~ <I,i ~ if ~"i!<r-! it <M1ll?~ I

9. Before attemptiogtoanswel' lhequestions. do not spend time 10 reacl the wholetest. Try thequoslicmsoneby one and wh~reveT)'()1.I arc not sure of answer. pass 00 to thenext question. TIme penni II ing, you may again try Ute left 01.11 questions.

~ ~~:B ~ ~w-r-~"ifil:sfll"Rt'l~ I tilTiftm<iiT7fRC;; ~'q\3Pfiffi j1~'f <€1M\{ l~rm-'tJ:I:~~~~ l:{\ itZ ~ m~: q;(~ t I

LO. FOT rough work blank space has been provided on pages 2 and 3 J of your Test-Bookle; Don't mark anywhere else in it. ~~~~ ~~1!JVr-~~2 v:<i llli{m-~~lfSt I ~3R'~f.tur;.t~1~ I

LI. You have [0 auernpt tbeDescriptlve Test after the Objective Tests are over. Therefore, do not leave ¥our seal after the Objective Tests mover.

~ w~;i; ~ -m tIt.3I'IR·"fIl!Fr~ .... ~ I m ~ fR«< ~ fijq(uL1{1'4"" 1IR ~~ t I

Note; In case of variation of any kind 111 the English' anti Hindi version of any question (s), English va-sion \l-iU be consMeredas final.

-:ITe: %lft ~ m (wn) ~aWaft v;i fF;ft liIrim:vI. if ~ \ft .~ <iii 3RR m '1\, a.TftQ(j wfirrvT iii1 ~"Z!<ii 1fRT iI1iI ITT I

Do not open the Test·Booklet, till asked to do so. 'iJif 1J15' iAT ";J iITll.. ~f9t'I-~ ~ ~ I





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